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Data composition system - the practice of developing SKD Console - studying the OnLine Data Composition System. Data composition system 1c data composition system lessons for professionals

The end result of accounting in any 1C program is reports - a tool for analyzing data, presenting the result of an activity and its results. The platform version 8 introduces a powerful report design tool - Data composition system... ACS allows you to quickly and easily prepare the desired type of output form (printed document, graphs, pivot tables), providing the user with flexible settings, effectively using system resources.

You can learn how to develop reports only in the process of solving practical problems. That is why the specialists of the V8 Center created the program Practice of using SKD 1C Enterprise 8, allowing consultants and developers not only to become familiar with the technology of creating reports, but also to get hands-on experience of setting them up from scratch.

At the heart of the tutorial Practice of using ACS lies Interactive technology:

Creation of reports (practical tasks) directly in the 1C program;

Automated solution checking system;

High-quality teaching materials;

Technical support for students.

The ACS study program contains several dozen tasks - from creating a simple report to creating a multipurpose data analysis tool. The training provides the user with basic knowledge of the program of using the query language.

Detailed description of the studied topics

Practical tasks are presented in the following sections:

- Creation of simple reports:

Simple report without program code
- Formation of lists of data
- Basic settings of the report presentation

- The main features of the ACS and the data composition schema designer:

Configuring report fields
- Calculation of resource totals
- Controlling the output of grand totals
- Data output to cross-tab
- Linking multiple data sources
- Combining multiple data sources
- Calculated and custom fields
- Using parameters in a report
- Standard periods in report parameters
- Setting predefined parameter values
- Using a selection group
- Description of the group of reports and diagrams

- Reporting management:

Customizing the presentation and grouping of fields
- Arrangement of fields and groupings
- Conditional formatting in the report
- Layout customization for report areas

- Advanced ACS capabilities:

Cumulative conclusion
- Period supplement
- Using periodicity Auto
- Output of characteristics of objects to the report
- Complex calculated fields with expressions
- Computed value of sorting data
- Output of extended field values
- Presentation of totals by week
- Setting up a group of reports Nested schemes

- Independent work(several tasks).

In the tasks, the features of the ACS of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform are considered.

The SKD study program is certified by 1C and is recommended not only for independent training of technical specialists, but also for organizing the educational process within the framework of the CSO, ATC, training centers, etc.

Rights to use the platform are optional.

Get started

Select the option to work with the program:

Instructions for installing the program on your computer

1. Install and configure the educational version of 1C on your computer

Run the downloaded file setup.exe
(in case of a warning about a danger, allow the file to run);

Follow the instructions of the installer.

Important! The program requires an Internet connection.

3. Run the tutorial and select the information base

Launch the training program via the "Training Site" shortcut on your desktop;
- select the one created earlier in the list of infobases;
- start "1C: Enterprise".

You can also expand the methodological support of the free program,


Features of the program:

Creation of reports directly in the 1C program (setting up layouts);
- checking the ACS settings and issuing information about errors;
- availability of personal statistics on solving tasks;
- the ability to view the overall rating of participants;
- technical support for students;
- methodological materials and documentation on SKD and platform 1C Enterprise 8;
- recommendations for solving applied problems of creating reports;
- access to illustrated instructions containing a description of the specifics of customizing reports.

For beginners and advanced technicians who want to master the features of the technology for creating reports on the ACS. For specialists of 1C Enterprise 7.7, the product will help them quickly adapt to the technologies of the 1C Enterprise 8 platform.

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Data composition system 1C 8.3 for beginners: the first report on the ACS

If you haven't read the introduction to this module, please read it:.

To complete the lessons, you will need 1C 8.3 (not lower ) .

If you already have 1C version 8.3 installed, use it. If not, download and install the educational version that 1C releases specifically for educational purposes:.

The following shortcut should appear on your desktop:

For all lessons from this cycle, we will use the Gastronom database I have prepared. It completely coincides with the base that we used in the school modules when studying queries. Therefore, I expect that you are familiar with her reference books and documents.

If you deleted it, download it again on the next one, unpack it and into the list of databases.

Finally, the workplace is set up and now we will create our first report together using the data composition system. It will be very simple to demonstrate the general capabilities of the data composition system (abbreviated SKD).

We set a goal

The purpose of this tutorial- create a report that, in user mode, displays a list of clients with the following fields:

  • Name
  • Floor
  • The client's favorite color.

The report must be external. This means that it will be created and configured in the configurator, and then saved as a separate (external) file on your computer.

To generate such a report in 1C, the user will need to launch the database in user mode, open this file and click the "Generate" button.


Create a report

Launch the configurator for the Gastronom database:

From the main menu, select the item "File" -> "New ...":

We select "External report":

Create a data composition schema inside a report

The window for creating an external report has opened. Enter as the name: " Lesson 1"and then press the button" Open data composition schema":

The schema builder has started. Agree with the default name " BasicData Layout"and press the button" Ready":

The main working window has opened, with many tabs and fields, in which we will customize our data composition scheme.

There is no need to be afraid - there are really many opportunities here, but we do not need all of them. Especially in the first lesson.

We are now on the bookmark " Datasets". We will stay on it.

We write a request through the constructor

The data composition system (abbreviated ACS) requires us to data, which it will display to the user.

The easiest way - write a request to the base. In schools, we learned how to write and understand queries - so I expect you to have the appropriate skills.

Click on green plus sign and in the drop-down list select the item " Add dataset - query":

Our task is to write the request text in this field. Have you forgotten how to do this yet?

I will give you a hint:

In this query, we have selected three fields (" Name", "Floor" and " Favorite color") from the table" Directory.Clients".

But do not rush to write this text in the "Request" field manually.

Now we will create the same query visually, only with the help of the mouse. This method is called " Query constructor".

To call this constructor, press the " Query constructor ..."in the upper right part of the" Request "field:

In the window that opens, drag the table " Clients"from the first column to the second, to indicate what exactly from this table we will request data:

It turned out like this:

Next, let's open the table " Clients"in the second column by sign" A plus"to see all its fields and drag the field" Name"from the second column to the third, to indicate that from this table we need to query the" Name "field:

It turned out like this:

Let's do the same with the fields " Floor" and " Favorite color". The result will be like this:

Press the "OK" button to exit the query constructor and see that the query text has been automatically added to the "Query" field.

Moreover, based on the request text, 1C itself pulled out the field names (the area above the request) that will be used by the data composition scheme:

Now that we have compiled the request, the ACS knows how to get the data for the report.

Setting up data presentation

Remained somehow visualize this data for the user in the form of a printed form. And this is where the ACS can work wonders!

To create such a miracle, go to the " Settings"and click the settings designer button ( Magic wand):

In the window that opens, specify the type of report " List" and press " Further":

In the next window, select (by dragging) the fields that will need to be displayed in the list (by dragging and dropping everything available to us: " Favorite color", "Name" and " Floor"):

Let's get the following result and press the button " OK":

The settings constructor has closed and the item " Detailed records":

The report is ready, let's check it. To do this, first save the report as an external file.

Save the report as a file

Let's open the main menu item " File"->"Save":

I will save it to my desktop under the name " Lesson 1":

Checking the report in user mode

Finally, let's close the configurator and go to our database in user mode:

Username "Administrator", no password:

Select the item " File"->"Open...":

And we will indicate the report file (I saved it to the desktop under the name "Lesson1.erf":

The report form has opened, press the button " To shape":

Ready! Here is our printable with a list of clients, their favorite color and gender:

The printed form can be easily printed. To do this, just select the item " File"->"Seal...":

It's so simple, without programming, we managed to create a full-fledged report that users can open in their databases, generate and print.

students - I answer by mail, but first take a look at.

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Log in as a student to access school materials

You can download a video course on the Data Composition System for 8.2 on the web
A very useful thing. If earlier there were only books, then without further ado, all the subtleties and pitfalls of the new SKD under 8.2 are described.

Below is a summary of what you can benefit from this course. But I advise you to personally familiarize yourself with the video materials. Duration is only 5.5 hours.
Near each utility is written a video lesson number of the form L18

1. L6. When developing a report, it is convenient and quick to create it using the ACS reporting console

2. L5. A dataset join is used to join with objects such as "ValuesTable", "TableField", and so on.

3. L6. In the ACS reporting console, you can check how optimally the report is being executed by first running the report, then looking at the xml schema of the data composition template on the second tab at the bottom "Layout for a document table field"

4. L7. When we make a report on the ACS, there is no need to indicate the selection conditions in the request itself. It is necessary to indicate them on the "Settings - Selection" tab. Then:

There will be no errors if the parameter was not filled

It will be possible to use different types of comparison (Equal, In group, Filled ...)

The user will be able to remove the selection if he does not need it

5. L8. However, if the selection must be rigidly set (for example, filter by a predefined value or "Do not include marked for deletion"), then you can filter in the query as well.

6. L9. The final sorting should also be done on the Settings - Sorting tab, and not in the query.

7. L9. If the user needs to prohibit sorting by any field, on the 1st tab of the ACS "Datasets" check the box "Limit the field - Ordering". Similar restrictions can be used to prohibit disabling this field, prohibiting the use of selection by this field, prohibiting groupings by this field.

8. L10. If we have specified the selection (on the Settings - Selection tab) for any field contained in the virtual tables, the ACS will automatically apply the necessary parameters to the virtual tables. Thus, ACS is a very smart system.

9. L12. If the query has a virtual table of the type "Remains", "SliceFirst", "SliceBut", then the ACS will automatically add the "Period" parameter. If the query has a virtual table "Turnovers" or "Balances and turnovers", ACS will automatically add the parameters "Period Start" and "Period End".

10. L12. If you do not need to be able to separately define 3 parameters in the query: period, start of period and end of period, then it is more correct to write the expression & EndPeriod in the Period field, and in the query designer on the Data composition tab, impose the so-called optional parameters, namely, set the period to parameters virtual table = & EndPeriod. Then from the ACS parameters, the "Period" parameter that could not be deleted will simply disappear. The query itself will contain a parameter enclosed in curly braces Goods Remains. Remains (((& EndPeriod)),) - which will be an extension of the data composition query language. The curly braces represent optional parameter. Thus, if we did not specify the End of Period in the ACS, the balances will be received as of the current date.

11. L12. After we have created many of these optional parameters, it may be necessary to stop using any parameter. Instead of running around the entire request and deleting the created parameters, you can simply check the "Restricted availability" checkbox on the "Parameters" tab in the ACS. Then the parameters will simply not be used, since they are optional because of the curly braces ().

12. L13. ACS with the "Autocomplete" checkbox enabled always includes all accumulation register dimensions in the composition fields (even if they were not selected in the request). You cannot display these fields in the report, but you can set filtering on them. This can be seen from the checkboxes "Field limitation" - only there is no checkmark in the "Condition" field. Therefore, you can only use these dimensions in a report selection.

Extending the data composition query language

13. L14. On the Data Composition tab in the query designer, you can define the fields that will appear in the data composition fields.

14. L14. On the "Fields" tab, the "AND" (Use child) checkbox makes it possible to refer to the child values ​​of the field by reference. For example, from the Nomenclature, find out Nomenclature Type, Code, Name, etc. For primitive types (number, string, boolean, date), this flag is not checked.

15. L14. On the "Data composition" tab in the query designer, if you need to set a virtual table parameter, you do not need to write Nomenclature = & Nomenclature, you will get a bunch of errors and you will not figure out what's the matter. Just write Nomenclature (without specifying the comparison operation), then the user himself will be able to specify the type of comparison in the report settings, and at least - the report will work fine.

16. L14. To enable the ability to set filtering by any field in the ACS - it must be added to the "Conditions" tab (Query constructor - Data composition).

17. L16. A detailed description of additional ACS functions can be found in the F1 help - Built-in language - Common objects - Data composition system - Expression language of the data composition system - Functions of the expression language of the data composition system. Examples of using certain functions are described there.

18. L16. Additional ACS functions can be used:

In calculated fields

In the "Expression" field of the ACS Settings tab

In the Settings tab - Custom fields

In the Datasets tab - View Expression

On the Datasets tab - Ordering Expression

19. L17. ACS can optimize the request in such a way that the originally intended meaning will completely change. If you notice that the query displays incorrect data, execute the data composition schema in the ACS reporting console and look at the xml of the layout. In it, you will see what the ACS has turned your query into with its optimization. Those. it can remove any required fields from the batch request. To prevent this from happening, you can select the "Required" checkbox in the "Roles" of this field.

20. L18. If an alias is given to any field in the request for the ACS, for example: "SELECT Nomenclature AS A PRODUCT", then when the data composition fields are auto-filled, the fields will contain both Nomenclature and Item separately. If the user wants to set the selection by product, he will see both Nomenclature and Product among the fields available for selection, which can confuse him. The solution is to set a name in the "Path" field of the data composition. Then, on all tabs, we (developers, in the 1C configurator) will be able to access the "Nomenclature" field through "Product". The user will be shown what is specified in the "Title" field of the data composition. This header will be used both as the name of the table header field, and as the field header by which you can select, sort, group, conditional design. Thus, the "Path" is what the developer sees in the configurator. And the user sees the "Title" when they click "Change Variant" in the report.

21. L19. What is written in the Path field will be used to map multiple datasets in the union. Therefore, set the same paths to the same field if you use several datasets and plan to combine them.

22. L19. You can create a virtual nested attribute for the Product, for example, by setting Path = Product.Quality for the attribute "Quality". Then, on the ACS Settings tab, we can refer to it by expanding (plus +) the Commodity attribute and selecting the "Quality" nested field.

23. L20. "Field restriction" - imposes restrictions on the field itself. "Restriction of attributes" - imposes restrictions on the nested attributes of the field. Moreover, if you need to hide the field itself (among the selections, for example) - these two checkboxes must be checked.

24. L21. The "View Expression" is what will be output to the report. For example, you can write "Product.Articul +" - "+ Product.Name". As an expression, you can use all the features of the data composition language (for example, CHOICE ...), you can refer to the export functions of common modules (with the "Server" compilation flag). But it is not recommended to use the functions of common modules, because this leads to a call to the database at the output of each line (Request in a loop). Better to retrieve data by query and use either built-in data composition language functions or describe calculated fields.

25. L22. An "ordering expression" is a non-standard collation.

26. L23. The "Value Type" is used when you want to restrict the possible types of a Composite Field. For example, a Warehouse can be a warehouse or a department. If you set the type = DirectoryLink.Warehouses, then the user in 1C, when setting the selection for the Warehouse field, will not pop up the data type selection window (Warehouse, Department).

27. L23. "Available values" - you can specify possible predefined values ​​for selection

28. L24. In the editing options, you can set Quick Select = True. Then, when selecting for this field, the selection form will not open, and all values ​​will appear in a drop-down list.

29. L25. In calculated fields, unfortunately, you cannot refer to other calculated fields.

30. L26. Resources in ACS are the same as Totals in queries.

31. L27. In the Resource expression, you can specify an arbitrary expression, not only the Sum (Sum) or Quantity (Nomenclature). For example, you can describe the following expression: Amount (Quantity) / Amount (Amount). Thus, you can use all the features of the built-in data composition language.

32. L28. The same field can be used several times in resources, only if Totals are calculated for one resource for one grouping, and for another - for other groupings. For example: Amount (Quantity) - by item. Minimum (Quantity) - by counterparty.

33. L28. To display the percentage of goods sold in relation to other counterparties by a counterparty, use the "Calculate" function by adding the following resource: Field: Quantity. Expression: “Sum (Quantity) / Calculate (“ Sum (Quantity) ”,“ Total Total ”) * 100”. Calculate by: Counterparty.

34. L29. To check a value for a null reference in a query, you should use the following construction: SELECT WHEN Nomenclature = Value (Reference.Nomenclature.EmptyRef) THEN ...

35. L29. When accessing the virtual tables of the Balances, the Role must be filled in the field (for example, NachOst). If the Autocomplete checkbox is checked, the role will be installed automatically.

36. L30. When retrieving balances from virtual tables, in order for them to be displayed correctly, you must also select the PeriodSecond field in the query. In this case, in the field "Role" of the data composition, there should be the following numbering of periods: Registrar 1. PeriodSecond 2. PeriodMonth 3 (or another period).

37. L32. Fill in the "Parent" in "Roles" for the "Nomenclature Kind" field when it is a child of the Nomenclature field (for example). Otherwise, the system produces incorrect balances.

38. L33. "Account" in "Roles" - specify the path to the field that stores the account type, for example Account.View. If the account type is not explicitly indicated, then the account will be considered active-passive, and the balances will be determined as: Positive - Дт, Negative - Кт. And should be on the side of Dt for an active account, on the side of CT for a passive one.

39. L34. The role of "Leftovers". The "Name" field is the name of the residual group. For example, the groups "Quantity", "Amount" or "Currency amount". The same names should be given to the residual groups for both the initial residual and the final, i.e. in pairs.

40. L37. When receiving balances in the request, both the initial and the final balance must be present in order for the balances to be calculated correctly. Whether or not to display one of the residuals in the very setting of the report variant does not affect the correctness of the residuals.

41. L38. Week + Month (and higher periods) will give incorrect balances. This is a feature of the system.

42. L39. Another feature: If you need to receive data from subordinate registrar details from a virtual table, you need to either:

Add the registrar to the groupings in the option settings

Receive details subordinate to the registrar in the request, and then in the expression of the Registrar field representation, indicate, for example, "Registrar +", "+ RegistrarContractor"

Receive subordinate details in the request, and then in the data composition field for each of them write the subordination to the Registrar field. For example, Registrar.ContractorSKD (we add ACS to distinguish this field from the simple Counterparty field, which we received in the request).

43. L41. Because balances are formed at the beginning of a date,

1. You need to set the virtual table parameters Period = AddKDate (EndPeriod (& Period, DAY), Second, 1) on the "Data composition" tab in the query designer for the virtual table

2. Then close the query designer and remove the alias (such as "Field 2") in the virtual table parameters in the query text.

3. Then, in the ACS Parameters, set the date composition for the "Period" parameter: Date.

Then, on the ACS Settings tab, set the "Include in user settings" checkbox for the Period parameter

44. L42. The standard period itself brings the end date to 23:59:59

45. L43. If you need to get multiple characteristics for each record in the report, you should not link to the ObjectPropertyValues ​​(for example) information register. There will be a huge number of connections. The best way to connect the characteristics engine is in the Characteristics tab of the query designer. Then all characteristics will be added to the ACS as attributes subordinate to the main attribute, for example, Nomenclature. Which is very fast and convenient.

46. ​​L44. The "ValueType" attribute of the chart of characteristic types has a specific "TypeDescription" type that no other object or configuration attribute has.

47. L45. To set the default variant of the report, you need to add "Main" to the variant name and sort them with arrows. Such is the strange sorting of options.

48. L51. The report does not have to contain detailed records. For example, in the report itself, select the "Quantity" resource and add one grouping by item. Then we will see the grouped nomenclature, next to which (and not under which) the quantity will be indicated. Thus, it is not necessary to group the records in the query itself.

49. L52. The nomenclature hierarchy includes the display of the groups that the item belongs to. Moreover, groups can be collapsed in the same way as other levels of groupings.

50. L54. If you need to get balances by day, then you need to use the virtual table Balances and Turnovers, because the virtual table Balances shows balances only for the selected date.

51. L54. In order for the balances from the virtual table Balances and Turnovers to be calculated correctly, you must select both the Initial Balance and the Final Balance in the query. And only then, in the report itself, display only the field with the Ending Balance or only with the Initial Balance.

52. L54. To display a period with additions by days, months and other periods, you need to add a grouping by the Period field in the ACS settings and specify the Addition Type = Day (or other). And in the start and end dates of the period, specify the data composition field "Period Beginning" and "Period End", respectively.

53. L54. If we indicate in the start and end dates of the period the data type "DataCompositionPeriodAddition", then indicate, for example, "Month", then, when generating the report, set the period from May 15 to July 20, then the system will display the addition only for those periods where there were records with balances. Those. if "Kitchen Table" began to appear in the balance only in June, 31 records for May (31 days in a month) will not be included in the report at all, because during that period there was not a single record of the balance.

54. L56. Users can create their own fields through the Change Variant - Custom Fields tab. And it should be remembered that custom fields are displayed only at the level of Detailed records and do not fall into the groupings.

- "Expression field" can be written using all the capabilities of the data composition language

- "Field-select" displays certain data under a certain condition. For example, if the element is predefined, then display the line "Exclusive", otherwise - "Standard".

55. L58. Selection in ACS can be set for each grouping separately. Thus, it is possible to generate a report with one set of data, but with many different groupings with different selections.

56. L60. Filtering by resource at the grouping level is used when you want to display the entire item, where the total by quantity (for example) is greater than 100. Thus, filtering at the report level is a filtering for detailed records, and a filtering at the level of a specific grouping is a filtering for a total by this group.

57. L61. If the selected fields include "Autofield" and in addition the "Nomenclature" field, and the "Autofield" already contains the Nomenclature, then the ACS will not add the second "Nomenclature" field. "Autofield" - eliminates duplication.

58. L61. If you add AutoField to the diagram, it will take ONLY the first resource, since a diagram should and can only contain one resource. Therefore, it is better to add the necessary resources to the diagram manually.

59. L62. Conditioning can also be applied to Resource Totals. You just need to set the conditional appearance either at the report level, or at the grouping above the detailed records.

60. L63. In the conditional design of the chart, only 2 parameters are used: Color in the chart and Format.

61. L63. Only series are shown in a pie chart. Points are not indicated.

62. L64. The “Auto” value on the Settings - Other Settings tab for Header and Cull means “display culling (header), if specified. If not specified, do not display. " Therefore, it is recommended to leave the value "Auto".

63. L65. For groupings, you can set the vertical "Layout Type" on the Settings - Other settings tab. Thus, the groupings will be transposed.

64. L65. "Arrangement of totals" - affects the arrangement of totals in the group. Grand totals are configured in the corresponding "Location of Grand Totals" option.

65. L65. If you put "Grouping location" = End, then the report will show the item first, and under it the Counterparty. When collapsing a grouping, the entire parent item will collapse into the lower grouping. Therefore, you should almost never use this value for this parameter.

66. L65. "Arrangement of grouping fields = Separately and only in totals" should be used when you want the Nomenclature to go not under the Counterparty grouping, but in a separate field. This is required, for example, in task 1.3 of exam 1C: Platform specialist 8.2

67. L65. Resource Location should be used when there is more than one resource in the report. They can be displayed horizontally or vertically.

68. L66. "Location of attributes" configures the display of subordinate attributes. For example, "Quality" for "Nomenclature", etc.

69. L66. "In special position" means the rightmost position, but in front of all resources.

70. L68. Reports can be opened with additional filtering. Add a command subordinate to a reference book or document and see the commented out code for opening a report with a selection.

71. L69. To open a certain variant of the report programmatically, you need to add the "Variant key" to the Form Parameters variable:

Form Parameters = New Structure (“GenerateOnOpening, Selection, VariantKey”, True, Selection, “Variant1”);

72. L70. To make fixed columns on top or on the left, you need to write in the "OnCompositionResult" event in the report object module:

DocumentResult.FixAbove = 1;

Help for the rest of the methods can be found in the syntax of the SpreadsheetDocument helper.

73. For a report in an object module, you can access variables directly:

Settings Linker - everything that is on the Settings tab in the ACS.

DataComposition Scheme - everything that is on the other ACS tabs.

74. L71. Programmatic creation of a report on the ACS.

75. L71. You can write a function that returns a spreadsheet document. And then call it like this: GetTableDocument (). Show ();

Thus, we can specify a call to any method that is available for the return value (in this case, for a spreadsheet document) through a dot.

76. L72. You can programmatically pass a parameter to the data composition as follows:

Scheme = Reports.PriceList.GetMayout ("MainDataCompositionSchema");

Settings = Scheme.Default Settings;

Parameter = Settings.DataParameters.FindParameterValue (NewDataCompositionParameter ("Period"));

If Parameter<>Undefined Then

Parameter.Value = CurrentDate ();

Parameter.Usage = True;


77. L73. The ACS report can be built on the basis of external objects. At the same time, automatic filling does not work on the data composition, so it must be filled in manually. You can, for example, take information from another database programmatically, fill the table of values ​​with it, and then build a report on the basis of this table of values. Thus, it is possible to combine several information systems, even if it is not 1C. The external data set is passed in the report object module in the "OnCompositionResult" event (be sure to write StandardProcessing = False);

78. L74. Creation of a report on the ACS on the log of user actions

79. L75-L77. Programmatic creation of ACS report settings.

80. L78. Software creation of selection, conditional design of the ACS report.

81. L79-L80. Create a data composition schema programmatically from scratch.

82. L81-L82. Programmatic fixation of the report header. Errors with software fixing from above, if the user has set filtering on the report.

83. L83. As always, open a specific (non-master) data composition schema.

84. L84. Working with the Union dataset

85. L85. You can connect datasets to each other on the Dataset Links tab. It uses a left outer join.

86. L85. The advantage of connecting at the ACS level is the connection of requests and objects. But you need to remember that the request is executed on the side of the DBMS server, and the ACS is executed on the side of the application server.

87. L86. Elimination of duplicate lines when receiving a report on purchases and sales. If you need to get totals for purchases and sales by establishing the left connection by item, you must group the total for sales and totals for purchases by the sum. Imagine that in the Purchase table there was one line "Bread 50 pcs.", And in the Sales table there were two or more rows for 10 pcs, 5 pcs, etc. With the left connection, purchases are duplicated exactly as many times as there were sales. Therefore, it is necessary to do an aggregate grouping.

88. L87. If the user needs a report in which he needs to display the sales and purchases amounts, and below them are nested detailed records of documents, he needs to do the grouping by the item NOT in the request, but on the "Links" tab of the data composition. Then it will be possible to get both the total amounts and detailed records up to sales documents, without jambs with amounts by quantity.

89. L88. If we are not interested in grouping by quantitative indicators, but we need, for example, to get only the item and date from the tabular section of the document, then it is better to check the "No duplicates" checkbox on the "Advanced" tab.

90. L88. Even the received parameter itself can be displayed in the request. To do this, create a new field and write & Period (or another parameter field).

91. L88. If you need to connect the tabular section of the document and the accumulation register, you can use the "Parameter" fields on the "Dataset Links" tab in the ACS. The nomenclature will get into the & Nomenclature parameter, then it will be transferred to the virtual table of the accumulation register balances, and then the data will be displayed according to this relationship.

92. L89. Full join in the request. How dataset relationships work

93. L90. You cannot use fields from different unrelated datasets in the same grouping in a report. In different groupings - you can.

94. L91-L94. Organization of an arbitrary hierarchy of documents, for example. To do this, you need a hierarchical directory "Document Levels" (with the "Parent" field) and all documents need to add a "Level" field with a link to this directory. After that, a report is created on the ACS with two links of data sets: 1. We get the hierarchy. 2. We receive the documents themselves. Then we will be able to see multilevel nesting in the report.

95. L95. On the Datasets tab, the Hierarchy Validation field is used to organize the filter by hierarchy level.

96. L95. In the user mode of the ACS report, if the selection type is set to "In group", then you cannot select elements through the selection window. But you can enter the name of the element and select it from the drop-down list.

97. L96. The "Required link" checkbox on the "Dataset Links" tab means that the link will be used if at least one receiver field is selected on the "Settings" tab. If the checkbox is unchecked, the link will be used if the source expression field is selected in the "Settings".

98. L96-L97. To register an additional link condition on the "Dataset Links" tab, you can use the "Link Condition" field.

99. L96-L97. The Initial Link Value field on the Dataset Links tab specifies the element from which to start recursively expanding the dataset.

100. L97. It is more efficient to get all the required fields in the request, and in the ACS it is easy to use them. Than to receive several fields in the request, and then refer to the links to their subordinate fields through the ACS.

101. L98-L100. Nested schemas. Communication of data composition schemas. New Subreport button when clicking on a grouping. With the help of these nested diagrams, in typical configurations, you can very quickly develop new reports based on existing ones. Setting the selection by period on the nested diagram

102. L99. On the "Parameters" tab, the "Include in the list of available fields" checkbox means the ability to programmatically filter by this field.

103. L101. You can create your own date format, for example, like "April 2010"

104. L102. Creation of report layouts (arbitrary arrangement of elements). Creation of design layouts (font, colors).

105. L103. Creation of the layout of the data composition appearance. A layout layout is created in the "General layouts" in the metadata tree.

106. L103. Changed layout elements are highlighted in bold.

107. L103. A design layout can be created based on a predefined layout (Main, Sea, Arctic ...). To do this, in the created layout, you need to click the "Standard layout ..." button at the bottom left.

108. L104. Standard ACS tools DO NOT allow resources to be displayed in front of simple fields, even if we set the order on the Selected Fields tab.

109. L104. Create a custom data composition layout.

110. L104. It is not necessary to draw the layout of the entire report. You can only add a grouping field to the layout. Then only grouping layouts will be drawn up. The rest of the fields will be styled in accordance with the selected design layout.

111. L105. Remember what "Grouping Header", "Hierarchy Header", etc. are. a bit hard for an arbitrary layout. To make it easier - you can create an arbitrary design layout in the "General layouts" and, having opened it, it will become visually clear which groupings have which names.

112. L106. If you move the mouse over a field and an icon with a cross and a magnifying glass appears, it means that decryption is possible for this field.

113. L106. For decryption to work, you need to specify the "Decryption parameter" property for a cell with a parameter in an arbitrary layout. And then set the expression for this parameter in the parameters of the layout (the plate on the left, on the same tab "Layouts"). Moreover, if we choose just a field for decryption (for example, "Nomenclature"), then it is imperative to write an expression (the same "Nomenclature").

114. L106. The Decryption Usage property affects how the decryption will open - when you click on a cell, anywhere in a row, or without processing.

115. L107-L110. You can make arbitrary handling of the double-click event on a cell. To do this, you need to create your own ACS report form and set the “Decryption Processing” event for the “Result” table field.

- Select a course - Course Microsoft Office Excel - 16h Course Microsoft Office PowerPoint - 18h Intensive seminar Technology for creating financial models in EXCEL - 8h Express seminar Applied budgeting for beginners - 8h Course Operator 1C broad profile - 26h Course Operator 1C - 16h Course 1C Accounting 8 rev.3.0. Practical mastering of accounting from the very beginning - 80 hours Course 1C Accounting 8 rev. 3.0. Using the configuration - 32h Course 1C Accounting of a public institution 8 - 24h Course Step-by-step transition to new standards of budgetary accounting in 1C: Accounting of a public institution 8 - 16 hours Seminar 1C Features of VAT accounting in the program 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 (revision 3.0) - 8 hours Seminar Calculations with accountable persons: from theory to practice in 1C: Accounting 8 - 6 hours Seminar Accounting for foreign employees in 1C: ZUP 8 - 8 hours Seminar Children in 1C: ZUP 8 - 8 hours Seminar VAT and income tax 2019 - 7 hours Seminar Salary 2019 - 7 hours. Seminar Financial analysis for an accountant - 7 hours. Seminar Accounting for foreign economic activity - 7 hours. Course 1C Accounting errors - find and neutralize! - 9h Course 1C Simple transition to VAT 20% - 5h Course 1C VAT Accounting (Value Added Tax) - 24h Course 1C Accounting 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Salary and personnel management 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Trade Management 8 First steps - 10h Course 1C: Enterprise 8 Automation of tax accounting - 24h Course Theory of accounting for beginners - 24h Course 1C Trade Management edition 11.3 - 40h Course 1C Trade Management 8, rev.11. In-depth study of the possibilities of the program - 32h Course 1C Personnel Management 8 - 16h Course 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8 ed. 3.1 - 32h Course 1C Theory and practice of payroll in 1C Enterprise 8 - 80h Course 1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution - 32h Course Personnel accounting in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.0 - 24h Express course Management accounting in 1C: Salary and management staff CORP - 6 hours Course 1C Retail 8. Use of configuration - 20 hours Course 1C: Integrated automation 8 - 40 hours Course 1C: Integrated automation 8. Trading operations - 24 hours Course 1C: Integrated automation 8. Regulated accounting - 32 hours Course Operational management in small business with using the 1C program Management of our company 8, rev. 1.4 - 24h Course 1C: Document flow 8 - 16h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Concept and trading functionality - 24h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Planning and Budgeting - 16h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Regulated accounting, HR, Salary - 24h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Production accounting - 16h Course Concept of the applied solution 1C: ERP Enterprise management 2 - 24h Course Management of production and repairs in the applied solution 1C: ERP Enterprise management 2 - 32h Course Management cost accounting, financial results in an applied solution 1C: ERP Enterprise management 2 - 24h Course Concept of an applied solution 1C: ERP Enterprise management 2 - 24h Course Content manager 1C-Bitrix: Site management. Basic course - 16h Course Administrator 1C-Bitrix: Site Management "and" 1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal "- 16h Course Developer 1C-Bitrix: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal" - 16h Course Developer 1C-Bitrix: Site Management and 1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal. Level 2 "- 16h Course 1C Enterprise. Introduction to configuration - 24h Course Fundamentals of programming in the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 - 24h Course Tools for integration and data exchange in the 1C Enterprise 8 - 24h Course Using the query language in the 1C Enterprise 8.3 - 24h Course 1C Data composition system - reporting in the system "1C: Enterprise 8" - 24h Course Administration of the system 1C: Enterprise 8 - 32h Course 1C Accounting when applying the simplified taxation system in 1C: Accounting 8 - 24h Course 1C: Enterprise 8. tasks - 16h Course 1C Configuring in 1C: Enterprise 8.3 Solving accounting problems - 24h Course 1C Configuring in 1C: Enterprise 8. Solving computational problems - 20h Course Basics of graphic design in Adobe Photoshop for beginners - 16h Course Practical application of BIT.FINANCE in parts of subsystems Treasury and Budgeting - 32h Course Practical settings of the translation mechanism IN BIT.FINANCE - 16h Course CA About "Practice of application of the program" 1C: Accounting 8 "at industrial enterprises - 16 academicians. hours CSO course Practice of application of the program "1C: Accounting 8" in trade - 16 hours Course CSO Practice of application of the program "1C: Accounting 8" in the service sector - 16 hours Course Practical application of BIT.FINANCE in terms of subsystems IFRS and Consolidation - 24 hours Course Practical application BIT.FINANCE in terms of the subsystem Management of contracts - 16h Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION module Contractor - 16h Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION.Wage - 4h Course BIT.CONSTRUCTION module "Supply and Warehouse" - 16h Course Quick start in the program "BIT.ZHKH 8" - 8h Course Benefits and recalculations in the program "BIT. Housing and communal services 8 "- 8h Course Integration of BIT.ZHKH and" 1C: Accounting Prof "- 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 revision 11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C Tax accounting and reflection of PBU 18/02 in the 1C: Accounting program 8 - 5h Seminar Features of VAT accounting in the 1C program Enterprise Accounting 8 ( revision 3.0) - 10 hours Seminar Advanced accounting of fixed assets in the program 1C Accounting 8 revision 3.0 - 6 hours Seminar UPP for an accountant - 6 hours Course 1C: Salary and personnel management. Transition from 2.5 to version 3.1 Programming school for children Educational literature on 1C Participation in the action I find it difficult to answer / another course
  • Various methods of generating reports (output to a spreadsheet document, report builder, universal report, ACS)
  • Setting up reports in 1C: Enterprise mode
  • Tools for debugging reports on ACS. What query is actually getting data from the database?
  • Why do you need a lot of checkboxes in setting up layout fields
  • How to override the presentation of a field in a report
  • How to get correct totals in reports on ACS regardless of which fields are displayed in the report?
  • How to display correct balances according to registrar documents?
  • How can I get erroneous results in the report without setting just a few checkboxes?
  • How to use custom functions from common modules in the ACS report?
  • How to exclude incorrect additions USD + EUR; PCS. + kg
  • How to create multiple views (report variants) based on the same data
  • What are the possibilities for displaying data in graphical form (diagrams, graphs, histograms) in the ACS, and when will the resulting diagram have to be "modified" with the program code
  • How to organize the output of data in a hierarchy without programming? And how is the acquisition of such data organized at a low level?
  • How to display all dates for a period without program code, and not only those for which there is data in the report?
  • How to set up a report where the user can independently select the required frequency (year, month, day)?
  • How to place “quick” settings on the report form, which the user needs to generate a report, without programming?
  • Combination of selections - And, Or, Not.
  • How to display the field header vertically and the values ​​themselves horizontally.
  • Conclusion in the results of only some resources
  • Differences in calculating totals in queries and ACS
  • A cut of the latter for each date using the ACS
  • Working with arbitrary characteristics of objects that the user creates in the "1C: Enterprise" mode in the report on the ACS
  • Using nested diagrams - developing a new report based on existing ones
  • Practical examples of using difficult to pronounce functions
    EvaluateExpression WithGroupArray,
    EvaluateExpressionWithGroupValuesTable, etc.
    For what tasks can they be used?
  • Features of working with layouts in reports on ACS
  • By manually outputting data to a spreadsheet document, you can implement complex and complex reports. And how to get the same report, but with all the flexible ACS settings (arbitrary selections, etc.)?
  • How to generate a report programmatically? How to generate a report with a selection for a specific product from the list of items?
  • Outputting the generated data not to the report, but to the table of values
  • Programmatic work with custom settings
  • How to build a report on a table that is obtained programmatically or loaded from an external system?
  • Implementation of custom filtering not in reports - processing, reference books, etc. Storing random selections entered by users in the "1C: Enterprise" mode
  • Programmatic processing of decryption
  • Creating your own menu for decrypting the report
  • How to implement a transition from a report to a site by double-clicking in a report cell?
  • How to display pictures in a report? How to create a price list with product images?
  • How to display the company logo in the report on the SKD?
  • What capabilities of the ACS can be used when displaying lists? Dynamic lists
  • How does the system provide fast display of lists that can store tens of thousands of items?