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Windows Account: Creating and Setting. User Accounts and Parental Account Control Installation

In Windows 7, each person who uses your computer can have its account. This allows everyone to have its own settings and establish parental control to limit access to games or programs to which your child has access.

Creating multiple accounts

In this lesson, you will learn how to create a new account and change the account settings, and set up parental control for your children's accounts.

Why do you need to create multiple accounts?

If you want, you can have one account on your computer, which can be used. However, the presence of several accounts has a number of advantages. If each user has its own account, then each will have their own desktop on which you can organize files and folders in your own way. They will also be able to choose their desktop background and other personalization settings. Moreover, parents will be able to set up parental control for accounting records of their children.

Normal account or administrator?

Before starting to create new accounts, you need to understand the difference between the two types of account:

Standard: Standard accounts are suitable for normal daily work. A user with such access can execute ordinary tasks, such as running programs or change the settings of the desktop personalization. Also, parental control can be configured to standard accounts.

Administrator: Administrator rights accounts are used to make changes to the system settings and managing user accounts. They have full access to all computer settings. Each computer has at least one administrator account.

Thus, it is clear that the administrator account has more features. But, at the same time, standard accounts are safer, so it is better to use them for everyday tasks.

In addition, you can use the option "Run on the name of the administrator" in the standard account. You will need only enter the administrator password to make any changes.

To proceed to accounts:

To create a new account:

Changing account settings

After you have created an account, you can add a password or make other changes in the account settings.

To create a password:

Passwords are also dependent on the case of letters, that is, capital and lowercase letters are considered different characters. For example, aBC1. not the same thing as aBC1..

To change the account drawing:

You can change the drawing of any account. This drawing is displayed next to the name and makes it easy to find an account.

Parental control

Windows 7 offers parental control features to help you manage the types of content to which children have access. You can assign parental control to any standard account, and each of the accounts may have their own settings. If you have several children, each of them you can enable to use different types of content. Also, you can change the settings as children are growing.

Before installing parental control

You need to create an account for your child if you have not done this before. It must be an account with ordinary access. You will not be able to establish parental control to the administrator's account.

When you install parental control, it does not matter at what account you entered. However, if you have visited the account with normal access, you will need to enter the administrator password to make any changes.

Make sure that your children are unknown by the administrator password, otherwise they will be able to circumvent parental control restrictions.

To establish parental control:

Changing parental control settings

Restrictions on time

Time restriction settings allow you to control when your child will use the computer. Click on any block to enable or block access at this time. If you want, you can set different time limits on different days. For example, you can enable more to use the computer on the weekend.


Setting the "Games", allows you to choose which categories of games or specific games to allow or prohibit. First, you should click yes to allow children to play games, then you can change the game access settings.

Here we have chosen "for all" as the highest category of permitted games. This means that the child can play the game categories "for all" or "for children."

Allow and block certain non-game programs that your child uses. By default, your child can use all non-chairs. But there may be programs that are better to limit access, for example, email or financial programs.

To block certain programs:

  1. Click ".... Can only work with authorized programs."
  2. Click Mark everything.
  3. Then remove the choice from blockable programs.

Windows Phone 7 appeared on sale at all for a long time and in order to help those who ordered him to Russia, deal with it in the first days after the acquisition, we will cover various topics by setting it. Today we will dwell on e-mail - this is one of the first things that you set up when purchasing a WP7 smartphone.

Configuring Windows Live ID account

When you start Windows Phone, for the first time you will be prompted to configure Windows Live ID account. At this stage you can decide to use your Windows Live ID on your phone or refuse to use it and related services. If you do not have Windows Live ID, but you need you, you can create it on the phone.

To the direction of Windows Live ID, come responsibly, since you will then not be able to delete it after the phone is completed. Among other things, Live ID will give you the opportunity to use Xbox Live and Zune on your phone. If you do not use Xbox Live and Zune, you can log in with your Windows Live ID and use email only.

If you do not know whether you need a Windows Live ID or which one of your use for your phone, you can skip this setting step when you first start the phone. You always have the ability to add Windows Live ID on the phone later. You can also add multiple Windows Live IDs, but only on the first of them will be displayed on Xbox Live and Zune accounts.

If you have not configured Windows Live ID at the first start, you can configure it later by passing these steps:

  1. Click "Add Account" and select "Windows Live"
  2. Enter your Windows Live ID in the appropriate field
  3. Enter the password from the account
  4. Click "Login"

If you entered the data correctly, the mail, contacts, photos, the calendar will be synchronized with the phone. Also synchronized your data in Xbox Live and Zune if you use these services.

Creating Additional Email Accounts

Email can be automatically configured to the following services: Windows Live, Outlook / Exchange, Yahoo and Gmail. For them, you just enter the email address and password, the phone will automatically select the corresponding settings for the server.

If you have an email account on a personal domain or a provider, you can configure standard IMAP and POP server for email records. Advanced settings are also available for those who have unique server settings or problems in the automatic configuration process. Recommendations for configuring various types of email accounts read below.

Configure email accounts for services having presets

Most people use such systems as the main account for email as the main account as: Gmail, Yahoo or Exchange. Windows Phone is designed to meet this and offers a set of pre-configured email services. All you need is your username and password, the phone will do everything else itself. Perform the following steps to configure such accounts:

  1. Being on the home screen, swipe left to the left, to go to the list of applications. Go to "Settings" and then select "Email and Accounts"
  2. Click "Add Account" and select the appropriate service (Google, Exchange, Yahoo, Windows Live, etc.)
  3. Enter the password from the account
  4. Click "Login"

Your PHONE will contact the selected service, will receive the server settings and synchronizes the contents. What exactly will synchronize depends on the selected service, so Google will synchronize email, contacts and calendar (only the main calendar, and not secondary), Yahoo will synchronize only email. You can have multiple accounts for each service.

In some cases, the phone will not be able to automatically configure your email, in this case you will have to configure your account manually using the method described below in the "What to do if nothing happened."

Setting up POP and IMAP for email accounts

Many are used for mail not only Google and Yahoo services, have mail on a personal domain or a provider. For these accounts, you must manually configure server settings by following the following steps:

  1. Being on the home screen, swipe left to the left, to go to the list of applications. Go to "Settings" and then select "Email and Accounts"
  2. Click "Add Account" and select Other
  3. Enter the username of your account in the post box address window
  4. Enter the password from the account
  5. Click "Login"

The phone will automatically try to determine the POP and IMAP server for these servers, if it does not work, then you need to do this manually.

What to do if nothing happened

Sometimes the phone will not be able to determine the necessary parameters yourself, then you will have to manually specify the servers for receiving and sending messages:

  • Account Type (POP or IMAP)
  • Incoming email server address
  • Outgoing server (SMTP) email
  • Server authentication settings
  • SSL requirements for incoming mail and outgoing email
  • Domain (for Exchange Accounts)

Typically, this information can be found on the service website you use, and the Exchange work record settings you need to contact your network administrator. Make these settings can be followed by these steps:

  1. Being on the home screen, swipe left to the left, to go to the list of applications. Go to "Settings" and then select "Email and Accounts"
  2. Click "Add Account" and select " Extended setting»
  3. Enter the username of your account in the post box address window
  4. Enter the password from the account
  5. Click "Next"
  6. Select "Exchange ActiveSync" if you configure an Exchange account or select an email address on the Internet if you configure your personal or provider email provided by the provider
  7. Fill in text fields with information obtained earlier. For Exchange Accounts, you can choose elements for synchronization, including email, contacts and calendar
  8. Click "Log in" to save the settings

Parameters for email accounts

After setting up the technical parameters of the account, you can go to the optional setting by following the following steps:

  1. Being on the home screen, swipe left to the left, to go to the list of applications. Go to "Settings" and then select "Email and Accounts"
  2. Select the configured email account
  3. In this section you can change:
    • account name
    • download frequency (as arrived, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.)
    • period for downloading old messages (last 3 days, for 7 days, etc.)
    • select elements for synchronization, for example - email, contacts or calendar
    • username, Password or Email Server Settings
  4. When the settings are completed, click the Edit button.

Notifications, another important aspect of email, configure in the "Melodies and Sound Settings" section. Unfortunately, Windows Phone 7 is not so flexible in the settings of the tunes for accounts as BlackBerry. You can only assign one notification for all email accounts.

Despite the fact that the home computer is named personally, that is, designed for one user and its needs, in practice it is often used in several people at once. In organizations on the same computer, a number of employees can work on the same computer, and at home he becomes a toy for all family members.

At the same time, users of one computer can be of different sexes and age, which means that surely the requirements for the design of the work environment (for example, the desktop background), system settings and the list of installed programs will be different. It is clear that if you "kill" a couple of hours to personalize the system and next time you turn on the computer to detect that someone changed the labels set up, customized gadgets and a favorite desktop background, you will probably upset. So how to be in this situation?

Fortunately, the system developers took care of this by making Windows not only multi-tasking, but also multiplayer. This means that the most common OS in the world allows you to add new users with your own configurations.

For Windows, User - This is a specific account that uses the current system to perform certain functions. A few people can work under one user, at the same time, each of them can create a separate user.

As we have already mentioned above, a computer who is home can often be used by several people. Each of them can work under one user, that is, in this case, the resources of the system will be common. But you can create several users, which will be much more profitable. What advantages can be obtained from this?

The fact is that each account is capable of storing not only the individual system interface settings, but also have its own set of installed applications that only a specific user can use. Nevertheless, the rest of the presence of these programs on the computer can not know.

Another important point is the fact that various users of one computer may have different rights. So, by creating an additional account with trimmed rights, it is possible to limit the functionality of the person who will use it. For example, it will not be able to change the basic system settings and open certain folders, which can be useful if children enjoy the computer. In addition, you can ban new programs to children and beginners, and all the possibilities for installing applications and setting up the system only have experienced users.

During the installation of Windows, the main account is necessarily created in it, the owner of which becomes the first user and has the right to administrator system. Also right after registering a new account, the hard disk is automatically created by the "personal" user folders, which include: "Documents", "Music", "Video", "Images", "Desktop" and others. Many of the most common programs, by default, offer to save the files created in them in these standard folders, of course, if you do not change their location for any other.

All data contained in these folders will not be available for users who log in with another account. Thus, you can not worry that someone will accidentally delete, for example, the document created to you or get access to confidential data.

Creating new users

Now imagine that one account for you has become little and you need to create an additional one or even several users with your own configurations.

To do this, you need to click on the button. Start and in the master menu that opens Control Panel (located on the right side of the menu). Among the sets of sections (icons, pictograms), we are interested in exactly the one called user accounts.

In general, the account is a special data that the operating system stores each of the users. If a new user is added, the operating system creates an account. If the user is deleted, respectively, the credentials from memory are erased. It is a little bit like the personnel department at work: when entering work, a personal matter will start, and when they dismissal it is destroyed.

Now let's try to add a new user. To do this, click the link to the link, after which the window of the same name will open.

In the field, where there is an inscription "New account name", you need to enter a name (alias) of the new user. In the event that when you click on the keys, the letters are not printed, you need to click on this mouse field. You can enter any name as a pseudonym, you can use the real name of the person for which the user will be created.

Next, select the account type, selecting one of two options: Administrator or Normal access. The administrator is allowed to manage all the existing operating system settings, add any programs and applications, create and delete users and so on. In the case of ordinary access, you can also use almost all the programs and customize the system for your own needs, but you cannot change the system security settings or other users. Same Administrator Maybe at any time limit the rights of a standard account without allowing the user to produce certain operations.

Most correctly - if only one administrator user is on the computer, which will be managed by all the rights of other users. It is the administrator who allows someone anything and prohibits. In addition, administrators can change not only their own account, but also records of other users. So the presence of several users at once in one computer with such rights increases the risk of unwanted interference in the important settings of the operating system.

When the choice is made, click the button. A window opens with a list of created users and their icons.

Setting and deleting accounts

If you click on any of the accounts (for example, by the one that has just been created), a window appears in which you can see links to change the user account settings. Points Changing the account nameand Change pattern Special comments do not need.

For each account, it is advisable to install your own password, thanks to which other users cannot attend others' profiles. This is done using the item Creating a password. Immediately after the password is created, additional items will appear. Change / delete password.

If you decide to limit any of the users, you need to click on the link Install parental control. Then you should select a user for which the restriction will be set, after which a window with control settings will appear. By the way, if one or several accounts do not have a password, the system will make you a warning on this.

First need to put the switch Parental control in mode Enableusing current settings. Links to section Windows settings Allows you to configure certain user operation parameters, including: limit the running time on the computer by day of week, manage access to game applications, as well as set permissions or blocking to use certain programs.

Finally, you always have the right to delete any account you have created by clicking in the Change window to the account on the link with the speaking name. Just keep in mind that changing the settings or delete users should be thoughtfully, since with similar operations you can erase important user files if they are in personal folders that specially creates Windows for them.

True, the developers have undergone from rampant actions and during the deletion of an account, Windows will first offer to save personal user files, and if you still click on the button Delete files, I will give another window with a warning.

After the system becomes two or more active accounts, each time before entering the system in Welcome window You will be offered to choose the desired user.

While working in Windows, you can exit one account at any time and enter another or even without leaving, simply change the user. To do this, click on the button Startand then hover the mouse over the arrow next to the button Completion of work.

After selecting in the item opened menu Change userYou can not shut down applications and closing the active windows to the greeting screen where you can choose a new profile to log in. Just keep in mind that work immediately with several configurations at the same time, seriously reduces the available amount of RAM and can lead to the "braking" of the computer.

By the way, you can quickly change the user by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination and selecting the appropriate menu item or using the combination of hot keys Win + L.

If you need to completely exit your account and provide an opportunity for another user to work in Windows, select item Exit the system. In this case, all the programs and the files you work with will be closed.

For a clear indication of yourself as a computer manager, you need to log in, for which, click on the list located on the left side of the screen, on the appropriate account. After the operating system boot is complete, you will see the Start and Desktop menu on the screen in the state that they had in the previous computer work session. Making sure you entered under your credentials can start working on a computer. (Guide :)

After working in plenty, you sooner or later decide to relax and move away from the computer. To prevent access to computers of foreign users throughout your absence, you need to get out of the system.

How to put a password on windows 10

If you missed the password in the system when installing the system, then some simple steps, put a password on Windows 10. Most likely an account on your computer has, it remains to create a password to log in in Windows 10.

Open Settings \u003e\u003e Accounts \u003e\u003e Input Options \u003e\u003e Add Password. In the Create Password window, fill in all fields. Click Next and Finish.

With the subsequent login under the previous username and password, you will find all the working data in the locations of their creation and last editing. None of the other users of the computer will not know what your work environment looks like, - it is exclusively engaged in its setting and ordering. After logging into the system, all working documents and other files will be located in the folders in which you were placed earlier.

Another user is unlikely to be able to remove them if you enter the system under your account (read the article: how to create a Windows 10 user). Each users have not only their own folders for saving work documents, but also their own lists of favorites, system settings and much more. Of course, your mailbox remains inaccessible to everyone, besides you, as well as you cannot unauthorizedly view other people's letters.

How to create an account avatar

Until you specify using your own photo or other graphic image as an avatar, the account in the lower left corner of the login window will be denoted by "empty" silhouette. To add your own photo to the account, click on its name at the top of the Start menu and select Change Account Settings.

In the Account Settings window, go to the Your Account section and click on the right pane on the camera icon, located under the inscription Create Avatar. To create a photo, the camera is applied, currently connected to the computer (built into a laptop or tablet).

Your portrait crawls you? Give yourself in order not to look like in a passport! Now click on the Overview button and specify the newly created shot, which is saved by default in the image folder of your account.

Today, children begin to master the electronic technique with almost a diaper, without learning to even walk. With age, this attraction is only strengthened, and they are more and more spending from screens of computers and other gadgets - replacing physical communication with social networks, and games in the courtyard with friends on computer games. All this adversely begins to influence the child's health and psyche, as small physical activity, closure and full immersion in the virtual world appears, which leads to big problems.

Parents are trying to prevent this: allow the child to use the computer only a certain time, set the password and allowed their child only when all lessons are made or all set tasks are made; There are parents who generally prohibit children to use computers and smartphones with tablets, they are a bit, but they are. But all these methods will not be able to fully protect your child.

In this article we will tell you how to create and configure your account with the function of parental control in operating systems:

The main requirement when creating a child's account, several factors are: to configure, you must have a separate account with administrator rights; Parental control applies only to standard accounts that do not have administrator rights.

Creating a child account in the Windows 7 operating system

Step 1 Open the program Control Panel. To do this, click Start → Control Panel

Step 2 Select Parental Control Installation for All Usersif you have a viewed view Category or Parental control, if a Large or Small badges

Step 3 In the window that opens, you see a list of computer users. If you have already created an account for a child, you just select it and go to step 5, if not, then click Create a new account

Step 4 Enter the name of the new user and click the Create Account button.

Step 5 In the total window you will have a created user, select it. By default, the Parental Control function is turned off to enable it, select Enable using current parameters

When this function is activated, the setting step does not end, but only begins. Now you are available Windows settings available: time limits, game, resolution and blocking specific programs.

Restrictions on time

This parameter allows you to limit the time of finding a child at a computer. You can ask days and time lapse when the child can use the computer. Using the schema, select and drag the allowed or prohibited clock at the end of which the computer will turn off.


Here you have the opportunity to completely prohibit the launch of games or limit the launch of the age category and the contents of the game, as well as allow or prohibit the launch of the installed games.

Resolution and blocking specific programs

In addition to games, you still have the ability to establish a ban on launching programs installed on your computer. To do this, select item The username (in our case it is a child) can only work with authorized programs.

After the steps done, you can safely start your child to a computer. Also install the password to your account so that the child cannot use it.

Creating a child account in the Windows 8 / 8.1 operating system

Step 1 Open the Program Settings. To do this, hover over the right upper or bottom corner, in the menu that appears, select Press Options, and then Change computer parameters

Step 2 Go to Accounts

Step 3 Select Other Accounts and in the right panel of the window, click on the button Adding an account

Step 4 In the pop-up window that appears, click

Step 5 If your child already has Microsoft e-mail (,, or you want to create it for the future, then fill in the appropriate field or select Register a new email addressIf you want to create a simple account, select Add a child account without email address

Step 6 Give the name to a new user and if you want to set the password, then click Next

Step 7 The page with the message about the successful addition of a new user appears before you, click Finish

After the steps done on your computer, another account will appear - the account of your child, which in cases of the need can be translated from the type "child" in the "Standard User" or "Administrator"

Step 8 When the account is created, proceed directly to its configuration. To do this, go to the Main page of the Programs Parameters (use the button (Back) in the left back of the corner) and click on Control Panel, it is from below

Step 9 The "Control Panel" window opens, select Installation of family security for all usersif you have a viewed view Category or Family security, if a Large or Small badges

Step 10 Among the computer users, select a child account

When creating an account with the type "child" in the system, the family security feature is activated, but it only collects information about the actions that your young user performs on a computer: visiting sites, PC use time, started games and programs. Click View activity reports And you can see all this information.

If you are not enough only to collect information and you want more hard control, use the setting of separate Windows settings: a web filter, time limits, game restrictions and applications from the Windows store and restrictions on classic applications.

Web filter

The web filter gives you the opportunity to customize the filtering of websites that the child can visit. You can install filters based on ready-made limit options or self-configure the lock or resolution of certain sites that are listed. You can also disable downloading any files from the Internet.

Restrictions on time

This parameter allows you to monitor the time that the child will be carried out at the computer. You can set a certain time limit on the day or customize the time interval by day of the week, when the child is allowed to use the computer. After the set time expired, the computer will turn off.

Restrictions on games and applications from the Windows store

Here you have the opportunity to allow or disable the launch of games and applications installed from the Windows store or limit the installation / launch by age category and the contents of the game.

Restrictions on classic applications

Classic applications are programs and games that are installed in the usual way: from the disk or downloaded from the Internet, and not from a special application store (Windows Store), which appeared in the system starting with Windows 8. You can establish a ban on the launch of such programs. To do this, select The username (in our case it is a child) can only use those programs that I will enable And put the ticks opposite the allowed programs. If the program you need is not in the list, click the Browse button to find it.

Creating a child account in the Windows 10 operating system

One of the main innovations when creating a child's account in Windows 10 is the mandatory use of Microsoft accounts, both for the user installing control (parent) and for a child, as well as a permanent connection to the Internet. In previous versions of the operating system, parental control could be configured on a local account.

Step 1 Open the Program Settings. To do this, click Start → Parameters

Step 2 Open the Accounts section

Step 3 Select Family and other people and in the section Your family Press the button Add family member

Step 4 New window will open where you need to choose Add baby account, Enter your Microsoft email address (,, and click Next, and in the following windows confirm and complete. After that, an email will be sent to the specified address to join your family.

Step 5 If the user generated does not have e-mail, select The user who I want to add is no email address. Enter the name, surname, preferred email address, password (no less than 8 characters) and date of birth, click Next. If your child's age is up to 8 years old, then Windows for its account will automatically turn on increased security measures, but in any case, it is better to configure the required parameters.

Step 6 Specify the phone number or backup email to be able to restore the forgotten password in the future, and in the next step, turn off the permissions for Microsoft Advertising services and advertise (remove all ticks) and click Next to complete the registration

Step 7 Now in the section Your family A new account will appear. To see the report and set up parental control for this entry, select Management of family settings via the Internet

Step 8 Before you opens the page with the tab. A family Your Microsoft Account, select the user you need. After that you can view information about the actions that your child makes on the computer - what sites visit, how much time spends for PC, what games and programs install and runs

Here you can install and need your own prohibitions and permissions to use a computer or laptop: filtering online pages, device work, restrictions on installing / launching games and applications, the ability to track the location of the child if it is a mobile device or laptop. Setting the parameter data is made by the same scheme as in the Windows 8 / 8.1 operating system, only with the advantage that you can always change the blocking parameters from an absolutely any computer that has access to the Internet.

Now you can not be afraid that the child spends too much time at the computer, what he plays and what sites visit. You have everything under control.

We hope the article for you was very informative and useful! Do not skip your friends about her, and also read even more tips on our pages on social networks.