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Forgot Login from Gmail Mail What to do. How to restore password from email

Although people use Gmail every day on a computer and mobile device, often forget the name of the Gmail user. Many people, for example, added a Gmail account to a smartphone and used the automatic backup feature. It does not need to enter anytime. They will then detect that they lost the name of the user when they need to enter the Gmail account on another device. In this lesson, we told about the general process of recovering the forgotten name of the Gmail user. When you encounter such a problem, you will find our guides useful. In addition, we also provided some tips to help you manage Gmail account. If you have enough budget, you can try a paid service to save your Gmail account safe. And there are many free ways to help you remember your account, for example, your browser. In any case, we hope that our guides and suggestions can help you. And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave the messages below.

If you cannot log in in your mailbox on, due to the fact that the account is blocked, forgotten the password, the login or your profile someone seized, do not hurry to upset and create a new account. In Mail, Gmail provides special software mechanisms that allow you to restore password, confirm the rights to the account by an additional email, mobile phone and through control questions. About how to use them to quickly restore access to the account, strengthen it protection against hacking, change the password to enter the mail, read in this article.

Access recovery

1. On the page Clazzize the "Login" button.

Attention! Some users mistakenly enter their password and login from Google Mail on Do not confuse! This is a completely different service.

3. Before you begin to restore access, specify the problem with which you encountered during the authorization process.

For each problem, the service provides a separate solution.

I do not remember the password

1. After you click the radio button located opposite this item in the list, an additional field will appear. Specify the mailbox address in it, which cannot open.

2. If you just forgot a separate password fragment (for example, do not remember the beginning of the combination - "QR367" or "QT357"), then enter it even in such an inactive form in the line "... which I remember." Thus, you quickly convince the Gmail system in what is the owner of the account and want to change the key.

3. On the new page, in the "Your Account" block, in the first group of fields, specify the date (at least approximately), when the last time you went to Email.

And in the next line, set the month and the year of registration of the account. After entering data, click "Continue".

4. If possible, specify in the form:

  • five Email that you most often used in the profile (correspondence, mailing, etc.);
  • the unique shortcuts created by you (standard default, type "Basket", "sent" for identification will not fit);
  • backup email address (if it was specified in the profile settings).

And then click on the "Continue" button. If you do not own the data listed, select "Skip these questions".

5. Notify what Google services you still use (not more than 4 products of the company) and when they started using them (specify the number / year).

Accordingly, again select "Continue" or "Skip Questions".

6. On the Contact Data page, enter the address of your other existing Email (be sure to check if there is access to it!). Click "Send."

7. In the field under the Line "Tell ..." enter additional information that will help you confirm the rights to the profile (for example, the IP addresses from which you came to the service).

Enter the services of which online provider you use. In the question "Does email work on another device?" Select an answer corresponding to your situation ("Yes", "No", "I don't know"). Click "Send".

After sending data to support the Gmail service will send you at the specified address a special link to the page where you can reset the lost password and change it to the new one.

I do not remember the name of the user

1. To find out your username, specify the name of the problem in the "Issues with the input" list.

2. To activate the procedure, the "Continue" clause.

3. Select the recovery method and pass verification:

  • email (Specify the address of the backup mailbox);
  • telephone (Select your country in the field, dial the Mobile number attached to the profile, select the method of obtaining code: SMS or call).

4. Enter the name and surname (specified when registering on Gmail).

5. Make a task in the "Captcha" block:

  • click the "I'm not a robot" window;
  • candle pictures that have a sign specified in the question above the panel;
  • after new images in the tiled gallery stop appear, click "Confirm".

6. At the bottom of the form clatter "Send".

7. If you correctly indicated data, upon completion of the procedure, a page with your mail address (login) opens.

At the entrance, other problems arise

1. After selecting the "... Other Problems" item, an additional field will open. Dial the mailbox address in it. Click the "Continue" button.

2. On the page that opens, see the reason why you cannot get into the account.

3. Answer 5-10 service issues (their number varies depending on the situation).

4. Carefully follow the instructions received to restore access.

How to change password and recovery settings?

1. In the upper right corner of the Email profile, click on the "Six" icon.

2. In the drop-down option, select "Settings".

3. Open the Accounts and Imports tab.

4. In the "Change Settings ..." block, click the "Change Password" subsection.

5. Enter the old password for the input, and then on the page that opens twice the new one.

6. In order for the setting to enter into force, click the Blue Password button.

7. After changing the key, return to the "Accounts ..." tab and in the same block, click "... Recovery Parameters ...".

8. In the "Parameters ..." section, add the backup email and the phone number. Additional verification sources will help you quickly restore access to mail in case of password loss or login.

Account check with third-party accounts

At the end of the Password Reset Procedure, troubleshooting during the authorization process, make sure that access to the profile is open only to the applications specified by you. For hacked accounts, intruders can connect viral, dangerous applications and, accordingly, to access confidential data accordingly.

2. If you find a suspicious application in the list, click on it and in the section that opens, click "Delete".

Safe and user-friendly Gmail service! .

If you can not log in to the account, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Account Recovery page.
  2. Try to perform as many recommendations as possible. Please note that you may not ask all the questions about which we tell.

If you have already tried to restore access to the account, but received a message "We could not make sure that this account belongs to you", try again.

Answer the maximum number of questions

Try not to miss questions. If you are not sure about the answer, try to guess.

Use the location and device where you usually enter the account

If possible:

  • use the computer, the phone or tablet from which you often enter the account;
  • use the browser (for example, Chrome or Safari) through which you usually enter the account;
  • restore the password in the place where you usually enter the account (for example, at home or at work).

Be careful answering questions

The little things are meaning. Do not allow typos, specifying a password and response to a secret question. Pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters.


If the system is asked to specify the last password, enter the newest option that you remember.

  • If you do not remember the last password, specify the previous one. The newer the option, the better.
  • If you can't remember any previous password, try guessing it.

Answers to Secret Questions

If you were asked a secret question, proceed as follows:

  • If you do not remember the answer, try guessing it.
  • If you know the answer, but the system does not accept it, try writing it differently. For example, "Peter", not "St. Petersburg".

Specify the email address associated with your account.

If you are asked to specify the email address to which you have access, enter the address added to the account. Here are some examples:

  • Backup email address that helps restore access to your account. We are sending a security alerts.
  • An additional email address that can be used to enter.
  • Contact email address to which you get information about most Google services.

Specify useful information

If you are asked why you do not have access to the account, add information that can help us.

For example:

  • You travelling.
  • You get a specific error message.
  • You think that the account is hacked using a malicious or other way.
  • You changed the password last week and can not remember it.

If the specified information coincides with the data that we have, it will help restore access to the account.

How many accounts we have! Messengers, forums, social networks, a few mail - everything is impossible to remember. And only passwords would be forgotten, which are easy to restore, but together with them from the head, and logins are departed. How to return access to the mail Gmail, if you do not remember anything about it?

The main thing is without panic! "Good" Corporation (Google) will help in your misfortune if you worried about it in advance. But something will have to do with your handles. Today it will be discussed to restore the Gmail account in case of loss of access and removal.

What to do with the post of access to the mailbox

I remember the login, I do not remember the password: Standard way

If the main thing is preserved in the memory - the address of the box, your affairs are not so bad. Open this Google Site Page in any browser.

Enter email there or the phone number associated with the account.

In case of incorrect entry, the service will ask to confirm that the ACC is really yours. He will send a request to the mobile device where you also used this mail (Google remembers user devices).

Click the button " Yes».

Come up with a new password, enter a confirmation and click " Change».

That's all, access is restored.

Alternative methods

Unfortunately, at the most inopportune moment. What if you thoroughly forgot previous passwords or have never been? But what:

  • Press in the form of recovery " Another way».
  • Confirm the account through the mobile device, touching the button " Yes", As described above.
  • If this feature is also not, press again. Another way" Google will send a confirmation to the phone tied to the mail.

  • Enter the named code and change the password.

  • The number is also lost? Click " I do not have access to the phone" The confirmation code will be sent to the backup email.

  • Again in no way? Nothing, we cope. Click again Another way"And enter a predetermined answer to the secret question.

  • What? You did not save it? It is good that Google has a solution to this case. I hope you remember the month and year in which the account registered.

  • Also ordered? Daaa ... Now all hope for support service. Press the saving button " Another way"Introduce the contact imal and reserve patience.

  • Do not want to wait? Alas, but that's all. Click on " Another way"In this window only states the fact that the account was not able to enter, since you did not prove that he is yours. Start first.

Moral: Gmail mail access recovery does not take you much time if you have provided it in advance - tied to it the phone number, have access to the backup email and remember the answer to the secret question.

I do not remember not login nor password

The order to restore access to mail when the user does not remember either a password nor the box of the box, a few steps longer. The first stage is the "recall" login, quite simple, but also requires confirmation of the account of the account.

  • Open this service page again and click " Forgot your email address?»

  • Enter the tied phone number or backup email.

  • Enter the name and surname that are listed in your account passport. In case of incorrect entry, the service will kindly notify you that there is no such user (despite the correctly specified phone or email).

  • Send a request to the SMS expulsion with confirmation code and when you get, enter it into the form.

If the code is correct, the address of your Gmail mail appears on the next page. Next go to the password recovery.

Is it possible to find out the address of your mail Gmail anyway otherwise? If you actively enjoyed it lately, you can, and quite easily. Just remember who of the people you sent letters from this box, and ask the address from them.

Other options are not always effective, but they sometimes cut out:

  • "Start" the postal program or service in the browser through which you received or sent correspondence from the address @ Didn't find it on a computer? Look at mobile devices.
  • Check how your accounts are on various sites. I know for sure that most of them you come automatically on the login and password that the browser stores. It is possible that one or more accounts are registered with the desired mail. Didn't find in one browser? Look at others.

How to restore remote mail gmail

Some time ago, to restore the @ mailbox was possible for five days from the moment of removal. Now this period is specifically not specified. In the Huggog Reference partition there is information that accounts are amenable to recovery that recently removed.

The "Resurrection" procedure passes in the same way as described above - through the form of authorization. If the box is preserved, after entering the address and password you will get access to it. If not - you will see a message that the account is not found. In the latter case, alas, it is impossible to do anything: register anew.

And take care of your mail!

If you accidentally, by mistake, deleted your account on the Gmail service or lost access to it, do not be discouraged. Re-registering will not have to. Google Web System provides the ability to recover Gmail account.

Consider the most common recovery options.

If only gmail was removed ...

And you have access to the account, do the following:

1. Open the Email entry page - (the old service address is

3. On the page that opens, the Google system will offer you to return email. (The previously deleted box address will be specified at the top of the panel.). Specify the phone number with international code and click "Send".

4. In the new panel, dial the phone again. Select the verification method by: SMS or voice call.

5. Click "Continue."

6. Print the received code and again COLLODE "Continue".

7. Upon completion of verification, remote email will automatically open.

And the early connected side of the third-party web service will be used as a backup email. If desired, it can be changed in the account options:

Settings → Security and input ... → Recovery parameters ... → Backup address ...

If there is no access to e-mail ...

1. In the input form, under the login input line, click the link "Need help?"

2. Select the reason in the list, because of which you cannot log in in the mail service (forgotten password, login, etc.)

Tip! To restore a fully remote account (except Gmail and YouTube profiles, Google Play, disk, etc.), select "I don't remember the password" in the list.

3. After selecting the reasons, carefully follow the instructions of the service. You will need to confirm the rights to the account: complete verification by e-mail or telephone, respond to test questions. Upon completion of the procedure, the mailbox will be available again.

Successful profile recovery! .