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"1C: School Library": a good solution to informatization. "1C: School Library": a good solution to informatization 1 s school library learning

2010 r.

"Increasing the availability of information resources and optimizing the processes of serving readers when using the program" 1C: School Library "(Alekhina E.V., GOU SOSH" School of Health "No. 855, Moscow)

The automation of library processes has taken

A distinctive feature of modern society is its active informatization. Information technologies penetrate into all spheres of human activity.

Recently, considerable attention from the state has been directed to the informatization of school education.

The status of the school is changing - the status of the school library is also changing, which plays an important role in ensuring the educational and upbringing process of the growing generation. The school library is gradually turning into an information center that cannot exist without the computerization of the library itself and the automation of library processes.

Today, almost all Moscow school libraries have at least one computer. It is quite obvious that school libraries must have at least three computers, and the school itself must have a local area network. And for the computerization of all working processes of the library, i.e. for accounting, use and preservation of electronic resources, a modern, convenient and understandable automated information library system (AIBS) is needed.

One of these programs, designed specifically for use in educational institutions, is the 1C: School Library program. This program was included in the software package "1C: School Management", which was received by schools as part of the standard (basic) licensed software package "First Help 1.0" within the framework of the priority national project "Education".

It seems that many are interested in the practical experience of working in "1C: School Library". I started my work in the 1C: School Library program with the formation and maintenance of an electronic catalog (EC) for new acquisitions of literature. The library catalog at the time of the start of work in the program was presented only in hard copy.

There were many questions during the implementation of the 1C: School Library program: how to write down, where to write down, how to search for lost records, how to make corrections, how to create lists, etc. And this despite the fact that I got acquainted with the program earlier, while working in the library of the medical school. From my own experience, I consider it necessary to attend a course on the study and application of the "1C: School Library" program. And it is better to start working with the program during training. With a serious and attentive approach to training, the program is mastered quickly.

Our electronic catalog has already accumulated a database of records from new acquisitions of books, except for newspapers, magazines, brochures and books for temporary storage. From next year these editions will also be introduced. In the future, the entry into the electronic catalog of the entire library fund.

I would also like to note that the 1C: School Library program is integrated with other programs, which greatly facilitates routine work. So, for example, from the program "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.5 PROF", even in the absence of a local network, data on the school contingent can be loaded into "1C: School Library". When entering a bibliographic description into the Electronic Catalog, you can use the data taken from the integrated electronic catalogs.

The 1C: School Library program has many opportunities for both the librarian and the reader. For the librarian: the rejection of many notebooks for recording various kinds of literature and manual inventory book - everything is concentrated in one database. If you wish, you can replenish the card catalog of books and textbooks. Convenient to print book forms. Lists of new arrivals can be printed in various versions. For readers there is an opportunity to independently search for a book in the electronic catalog by topic, keyword, etc. If you have a list of the school contingent, you can register and make an order yourself, etc.

The introduction of AIBS in the work of school libraries is not going as fast as we would like, for various reasons, but the automation of library processes is already irreversible.


The computerization of school libraries is in full swing. The library's work as an information center requires new technologies, the use of software systems to build a single information space for an educational institution. Today there are several automated information systems for school libraries, and one of them is "1C: School Library".

Using "1C: School Library" will allow librarians and readers to work with both the book fund and the fund of textbooks; keep statistics on each of the categories of issued and received literature separately; track the movement of library collections; perform an extended search for the requested book in the general library fund or receive information about the operation performed with the book on a set of user-specified fields; generate all the standard reporting necessary for the librarian; work with an interactive spreadsheet of book availability.

Such an interesting and functional program could not pass by the educational laboratory Tom "s Hardware Guide Russia. Our expert was the teacher of the history of art of the Kirov Regional College of Culture, the methodologist of the information and library center of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators in Kirov Vera Lvovna Buldakova.

Computer Requirements

Program "1C: School Library" works on the platform "1C: Enterprise 7.7", that is, it is the configuration of the program system "1C: Enterprise" and is designed to work in the Windows operating system. The computer must have:

  • operating system Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP;
  • Intel Pentium 166 processor or higher;
  • RAM 64 MB and higher;
  • hard disk (during installation, about 50 MB is used);
  • printing device;
  • VGA compatible display (SVGA display recommended);
  • the recommended setting of the color palette in the display settings is at least High Color (16 bit).

Installation is performed using a special installation program for the 1C: Enterprise system and is performed from a CD-ROM.

When you insert the CD-ROM into the drive, the program installation menu appears on the screen:

Installation consists of two steps:

  1. installation of the 1C: Enterprise system;
  2. setting the "School Library" configuration.

When installing, just follow the instructions of the program. We did not find any problems in its course.

When starting the program for the first time, select the infobase:

In addition, the program allows you to launch different infobases from the "Launch 1C: Enterprise" window, therefore, you can work one by one in one of the created independent databases. This can be, for example, a base of video films, sheet music, or at some special office in an educational institution, although all this can be placed, as sections, in one main base. The network version of the software product will allow you to work with all databases at the same time. A link to an infobase can be removed from the list by selecting its name in the list and pressing the "Delete" button.

After selecting the base, you must specify the username and, if necessary, the password.

The program implements the interfaces of four workstations.

  • Administrator... Has access to all functions of the program, including editing user interfaces.
  • Librarian... Replenishes and updates the database, issues and accepts books, searches for books (including in the hands of the reader), generates analytical reports, standard forms of journals, registers, etc.
  • Teacher(individually for each teacher). Carries out a search and order of books, viewing its own form, selection of textbooks, selection of books by subject and, if necessary, for a lesson.
  • Reader(personally for each reader). Carries out search and order of books, viewing its own form.

The very good interface of the program should be noted right away. For example, in "МАРК-SQL" to perform different operations, you need to move from one database to another. And here access to any operation is possible from the main menu.

The next necessary action is to fill in constants and references. This can be done from the "Main Menu"

Work with constants is carried out in a special window "List of constants". Constants contain conditionally constant information necessary for the system to work. For example, the name of the headmaster, the name of the educational institution, etc. The toolbar is at the top left of the window, below the title bar. The convenience lies in the fact that the information entered once can then be reused in the formation of documents or reporting forms.

To change the value of a constant (field "Value"), you must place the cursor in a cell of the table, press Enter or Shift + Enter. The cell will switch to edit mode.

It is convenient to enter constants through a dialog box:

The window is opened from the menu "Settings" / "Filling References and Constants".

All the necessary data, such as general information and details, are entered quite simply.

Reference books in the system store information about a set of objects of the same type. These are lists of subjects, groups of readers, LBC and UDC indices, etc.

This is a fundamental difference of this program from other library programs, in particular, from the program for school libraries "МАРК-SQL". Those who have already worked with the MARK-SQL program see this as one of the main difficulties in mastering the 1C: School Library program. There "Books" and "Textbooks" are separate databases (DB), and here they are presented in the form of reference books. In order to work with articles in "MARK-SQL", that is, with an analytical description, you need to create a new database using the administrator's capabilities, here everything is done in one directory:

This is convenient because the search is possible in all fields of the entered information. In the right part of the window there is a list of all editions included in the catalog. The required edition is called up by double-clicking. The toolbar is at the top under the window title. Pressing the "New" icon brings up the "New editions catalog" window. Entering information in the directory "Catalog of publications" is carried out using fields and bookmarks.

Here, an analytical description of articles and sections of books is made, for this it is necessary to tick the "Edition contains articles" box at the bottom right and click the "Save" button. Thus, at the same time, the document is entered as a source and the articles or chapters from it are immediately analytically signed.

You can add a new group to the "Directory". In the main menu, open the "Actions" menu and select the "New group" item in it. A new group is added to the directory by pressing the "Enter" key. You can edit a dictionary element both in a line and in a dialog.

As part of the reference books there is a "Table of coefficients of revaluation of library funds". Just like other reference books, it can be supplemented as new documents on the revaluation of funds are released.

The "Subjects" reference book contains items grouped by areas of knowledge (the librarian can edit, add, delete items). The button "Textbooks by subject" opens a directory containing a typical set of textbooks on the selected subject, it can also be edited by deleting or selecting from the directory "Catalog of publications".

Pressing the "Selection" button brings up the "Catalog of editions" window, double-clicking the desired edition is added to the list of textbooks on the subject. It is much easier than similar actions in the "MARK-SQL" program.

The reference book "Thematic lessons" is useful in the work, with its help any literature necessary for conducting thematic lessons is selected. Information is entered into it in the same way.

In the menu "Structure of the educational institution", the directories "Events", "Types of events" are opened, they are filled in and edited, automatically generated in reports and, if necessary, printed out. There are options for generating reports both for the library diary and for the education management body. The program "МАРК-SQL" does not provide for such a possibility.

After filling out the reference books and constants, you can start entering quantitative data on the book fund into the program. Documents are the most important concept in the program, operations with them are carried out in the viewing and editing mode and in the data entry mode. The most important characteristics of documents are date and time.

Once again, we note a very good principle of the program: data is entered once, after which it can be reused.

In the menu "Working with the fund" / "Documents" / "Book receipt act" the summary book is filled in, then the "Inventory" window is called up by the tab. The program provides for both automatic and manual entry of inventory numbers. Naturally, the program controls the uniqueness of the inventory numbers. Non-inventory accounting is also provided.

The program works if not the entire fund is entered. New receipts can be started as follows: enter the first document with the checkbox "Manual entry of inventory numbers". Subsequent numbers in the following documents will be assigned automatically. The inventory book can be printed for any period of time, or for any date.

There is a document "Receipt from parents", it is intended to register the composition, quantity and price of educational publications received from parents.

It is filled by selection from the directories "Catalog of publications" and "Classes and parallels".

In this case, all information is automatically entered into the "Full document journal": from the "Working with the fund" / "Documents" / "General journal" menu.

Writing off and ordering is carried out using the documents "Act for the exclusion of books from the fund" and "Order for books" from the menu "Working with the fund" / "Documents".

In addition, an order can be generated through the book supply table by clicking the "Print order" button:

If there is no need to order books on the selected subject for a given parallel, the program will warn about this:

Again, all documents are displayed in a complete document journal.

The program makes it possible to generate a report "Books in the educational process": from the menu "Working with the fund" / "Reports" / "Books in the educational process". This allows you to control the availability in the fund of teaching aids recommended for conducting lessons or organizing thematic classes.

The librarian receives data on the availability of books in the collection, on issued and available copies.

Working with the reader

The procedure for issuing, selecting and returning a book is carried out from the "Work with readers" menu. The "Readers" directory provides an opportunity to check who is holding a book under a known inventory number:

Issuance per group is also provided, for this you need to set the switch in the "Issue of books - New" window to the position "Issue per group". Books are given out by selection.

On the basis of the document "Issuance of books" (through the "Journal of issue of books", for example), you can generate a document "Return of books" by clicking the "Checkout" button.

To do this, just click the "Fill" button (if the list is empty):

If necessary, the librarian starts the journal "Replacement of books". From the menu "Work with readers" / "Replace". When filling it out, you need to take preliminary steps to fill out and post the documents "Receipt of books" and "Disposal of books".

The program maintains journals:

  • "Receipt of books";
  • "Lending books";
  • "Return of books";
  • "Write-off";
  • "Book Orders";
  • "Replacement";
  • "Full".

This is convenient because the librarian can always view all generated documents, edit them and delete them if necessary. The magazine "Full" (although it is called "General" on the menu) reflects documents on all operations performed in the library, which should be attributed to the advantages of the program, because it creates additional convenience for the librarian.

With a double click of the mouse, you can call up any desired document for viewing and work with it.


The librarian can generate standard reports, analytical reporting forms, journals and forms after entering data on the book fund and starting to perform any operations:

  • "KSU of the library fund";
  • "KSU library fund of school textbooks";
  • "Additions and Disposals";
  • "Issuance and return of books";
  • "Register card log";
  • "Journal of the replacement of the fund's editions";
  • "Checklist of the fund";
  • "Issuance by class";
  • "Composition and Attendance";
  • "Issuance accounting";
  • "Activity";
  • "Statistical accounting".

Here are examples of reports from "KSU of the library fund" and "KSU of the library fund of school textbooks":

Moreover, three parts of the KSU are formed at once: for the receipt, disposal and movement of the fund. In the program "МАРК-SQL" reports are generated for each part of the control system separately, which is not very convenient.

The report "Fund check list" is called from the menu item "Work with fund" / "Reports" / "Fund check list":

The report form itself contains all the data about the edition, as well as the check marks. In "МАРК-SQL" such a document is not generated at all.

The report "Composition and Attendance" forms the printed form of the first part of the "School Library Diary":

The field "Number of working days is filled in" manually. There is no such form in "MARK-SQL".

"Statistical accounting" generates a printed form of the statistical report of the school library, and also allows you to generate an Excel file in the specified directory for transfer to the Department of Education.

"The journal of accounting cards" is called from the menu item "Working with the fund" / "Reports" / "Journal of accounting cards".

By clicking the "Generate" button, we get the following form:

Using the "1C: School Library" program in professional training of a librarian

The program can be used to train future librarians. For example, in the discipline "Library catalog" when studying the topic "Bibliographic description". The introduction of information into the catalog of publications will help students understand the areas of bibliographic description:

By checking the box "Edition contains articles", students will be able to get acquainted with the analytical description of the document. The description of multivolume books and articles is provided in the "Catalog of publications" window by the corresponding tabs.

In addition, filling in the "Catalog of publications: New" window, and then working with the search will help to understand the most important principle of working with information: a single entry of information and its repeated use.

Let me remind you that this version of the program does not include a new bibliographic description in accordance with GOST 7.1 - 2003.

The program can be used to study the library registration forms: "Summary book", "Inventory book", "Library diary", "Fund checklist". Filling out various forms of reporting will be a great practical job for students.

The work of students in the "Search" mode will teach them to correctly formulate a request and associate the introduction of information with its search, which, in turn, forms a conscious attitude towards library processes. For example, in the "Books" window, click the "Search" button at the bottom right:

By double-clicking on the desired book and pressing the "Install in the directory" button, you will receive information about the book in the directory:

We have given just a few examples of using the program in training specialists.

The program covers almost all aspects of the activities of the library of an educational institution, and it can be used in refresher courses for school librarians, since many of them do not have a professional library education. To date, not a single educational institution has a specialty "school librarian". The training of such specialists is carried out either within the framework of the specializations of the corresponding educational institutions, or in various refresher courses.

In general, the program can fulfill, to a certain extent, the role of a teaching aid in the professional training of a specialist librarian.

Expert opinion

On the whole, the program makes a very good impression. Interface complimentary to the user, clear logic; it is felt that professional librarians participated in the development of the program, or, at least, seriously advised the developers. The program covers almost all aspects of library work. It is good that you can exit to any operation from the main menu, although the downside of this convenience is a longer exit path. But there is no need, as in competing products, to constantly move from one database to another, going through the registration procedure.

Today it is necessary to make changes in the bibliographic description in connection with the introduction of the new GOST 7.1 - 2003. However, a much larger problem is the lack of Internet access in most schools, especially in rural areas. In this regard, the possibility of accessing the global network provided by the program is simply impossible. I'm not even talking about the fact that still not all school principals understand the need to automate library processes. Library computers are misused.

The reality is that school libraries that received computers received the "MARK-SQL" software free of charge. If I were offered to choose, I would choose the "1C: School Library" program, and not only for the above reasons. The 1C company works systematically. There is a program "1C: College Library", a line of electronic publications for teaching at school and at home, a comprehensive network solution for school informatization "1C: ChronoGraph School 2.0" has been released. In addition, the company has developed a system of assistance in the development of the program and a free update.

p.s. According to the developers of the program, now the "box" version of "1C: School Library" 3.05 is being replicated and sold. It was released in May 2004. GOST 7.1-2003 had not yet entered into force, but since it was published a long time ago, the version was made taking into account the changes.

Now a new version is being prepared for release. The main improvements are related to the expansion of exchange possibilities in the RUSMARC format. Also, the wishes and comments of school librarians and methodologists who teach them were taken into account. There are additional opportunities for the collection of the fund.

The price of the program for the end user is 80 USD. Discounts are possible for bulk purchases.

The editors would like to thank the company "1C" for the provided program.

The editors would like to thank the Kirov Regional College of Culture, as well as the Department of Education of the Kirov Region for their help in testing.

The product allows you to automate the work processes of the library, depending on its purpose, type, composition of funds, can be integrated with other standard solutions of the company "1C".

With the help of the "1C: Library" system, the activity of libraries of different purposes and types can be automated:

  • universal - municipal, regional, regional;
  • educational institutions - schools, kindergartens, colleges, universities;
  • branch - libraries of enterprises, companies, factories, hospitals, research institutes, military units;
  • special - music, theater, libraries of museums and academies of arts, etc .;
  • private (home).


  • Search, formation and registration of orders to publishers / book-selling organizations.
  • Control over the execution of orders.
  • Automatic double check.
  • Registration of receipts of publications and assignment of a unique number to each document entering the library using bar-coding technology.


  • Description of any types of publications, including documents in electronic format, audio, video, music, cartographic, art, etc.
  • Full support for the national communication format RUSMARC.
  • Ensuring control of the entered data for their compliance with the requirements of standards.
  • Automatic indexing, on the basis of which a quick search is realized in any elements of the bibliographic description and their combinations.
  • The ability to use any graphic materials (images of title pages, artifacts, pages of text, etc.).
  • Export / import of data in MARC formats.
  • Storage of an unlimited number of bibliographic records.

Accounting, updating and storage of the fund:

  • Support for the processes of orderly storage and accounting of documents in a library of any format in accordance with its type and purpose.
  • Ensuring the processes of fund movement.
  • Keeping individual and total records of documents (editions) both for the aggregate fund of the library and for individual funds (specialized), taking into account the specifics of the editions stored in them.
  • The ability to enter into accounting documents not only mandatory, but also optional indicators, taking into account the specifics of a particular library.

Reader service:

  • Regulation and differentiated access to the documents of the fund for different groups of readers.
  • Rapid identification of readers using library card bar-coding technology.
  • Library work diary.

Reader's virtual office:

  • Remote reader access to the electronic catalog and search for publications by any elements of the bibliographic description.
  • Formation of an electronic application based on search results.
  • Remote access to data on the availability of free physical copies of publications in the library funds.
  • Remote access of the reader to his form.
  • Reader control over the execution process of the generated orders.
  • Notifying the reader about completed orders and his debts.

Formation and support of the electronic library fund

  • Attachment to bibliographic records of the electronic catalog of an arbitrary number of electronic materials (publications in electronic format)
  • Search in the content of electronic publications
  • Possibility of attaching covers
  • Storage and issuance of publications in electronic format to the reader

Statistics and reporting

Formation of reporting and accounting documents

  • Inventory book
  • Fund checklist
  • Lots of physical copies of publications
  • Lending
  • Book supply
  • Statistical report

Support for printable forms:

  • Formation of a standard set of documents and related documents for the card library catalog.
  • Support of all necessary printing forms in accordance with the standard instructions and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Integration with accounting:

The program provides for uploading data to the configuration "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8". Unloading is carried out into an xml file at the level of documents of receipt and write-off of the library fund.

Certificate of the National Development Service of the RUSMARC format system

New in version 2.0 of the "1C: Library" configuration

1. The ability to transfer data from configurations on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform has been implemented: the new edition includes files for transferring all data (including the catalog of bibliographic descriptions, data on fund movement and readership) from configurations on the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform:

1C: University Library, revision 3.02 (7.70.302);

1C: College Library, revision 2.03 (7.70.203);

1C: School Library, edition 5.04 (7.70.504);

1C: School Library PROF, edition 5.06 (7.70.506);

2. The functionality of searching in the electronic catalog has been expanded:

· Added option "Simple search", which implements a search in all fields of a bibliographic record. The search is full-text, taking into account the morphology of words, and allows you to enter any parameter without indicating which field of the bibliographic record it belongs to.

· The architecture of data storage has been changed: at the time of saving a bibliographic record to the database, the bibliographic description is split into separate words, for which the information register "Words of bibliographic records" is intended to be stored.

· Added option to select the type of comparison in the form of advanced search for each search element. The default comparison type and the availability of changing the comparison type are configured in the "Advanced search settings options" reference book.

3. Implemented the ability to import copies of publications from a file in the ISO 2709 format (International Standard for Bibliographic Description) when accounting for receipts (document "Receipt to the Fund").

4. The possibilities of the RUSMARC format for creating a bibliographic record have been expanded: for the field (subfield) 610a, the ability to indicate reference books of subfields has been added. The directory of the "Keywords" subfield has been added.

5. A mechanism for checking bibliographic records has been developed.

The list of checks has been expanded and the ability to save bibliographic records has been added, despite errors. This option allows you to import non-reference bibliographic records from other automated library systems, corporate electronic catalogs, websites of domestic and foreign libraries.

6. Added options for setting the use of the electronic library fund, taking into account the differentiation of access of different groups of readers to various publications in electronic format - added the option "Use reader access groups" and the reference book "Reader access groups". Access can be provided both to all files (documents in electronic format), or it can be limited to the issuance of only certain electronic documents, taking into account access groups for readers.

7. The range of user settings (readers and librarians) for working with the electronic catalog has been expanded:

· For readers added the ability to set the selection of found publications by the date of receipt of copies in the fund.

· When viewing and editing the bibliographic description of a document, the ability to set "linked" bibliographic records has been implemented: added the option "Use subfield 6" if you want to link fields inside the bibliographic record, and the option "Use subfield 7" if you want to add fields with alternative graphics.

· Added option "Use full bibliographic record editor", which allows you to adjust the editor for the default bibliography ("full" or "simplified"). The setting "Use default template:" allows you to set one template for creating and editing bibliographic records.

8. The possibilities of creating options for the catalog card for analytical records have been expanded, which can be configured both for the user when viewing the bibliographic description in the desired form of the catalog card, and for the cataloguer when creating and editing bibliographic descriptions.

Configuration " School library"Is designed to automate the work of libraries, taking into account the norms and procedures of the school library:

1. Order of 08.24.2000. N 2488 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the registration of the library fund of libraries of educational institutions."

2. Instructions on the accounting of the library fund, approved by order N 590 of 02.12.1998. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The program provides for an effective administration mechanism, which includes:

1.installation and configuration;

2. registration of users;

3. control of access to information resources;

4. ensuring information security;

5. accounting and statistics of users.

When working with the collection of educational literature, the program allows you to:

1. keep a book of records of the fund of school textbooks;

2. register the registration cards of the fund of educational literature;

3. to form registration cards of educational literature;

4. to generate reports on checking the fund of educational literature.

When working with the main fund, it is possible:

1. keep books of summary records of the library fund;

2. keep an inventory book;

3. to form a catalog card and a book form;

4. organize the maintenance of inventory and non-inventory records;

5. take into account and return textbooks in batches.

When working with a fund of periodicals, the program allows you to:

1. keep a register of registration cards of the fund of periodicals;

2. to form the registration card of the periodical.

When working with a catalog of educational literature, it is possible:

1. upload the federal catalog and the federal list of educational literature in the ROSMARK format;

2. to update the catalog of educational literature.

When working with reporting forms, the program allows you to:

1. form the reader's form;

2. to form acts of checking the library fund;

3. to form accounting documents (including periodic) of the school library;

4. keep records of editions accepted from readers instead of lost ones;

5. to maintain registration of accounting documents and order forms.

The program organizes the ability to access external information resources via the Internet. Using the FTP protocol, it is possible to promptly update the catalog from the websites of publishing houses and trading organizations, as well as carry out operational exchange of information, compare and replenish the catalog of books with remote databases in the ROSMARK format.

Configuration " School library" works on the platform 1C: Enterprise 7.7 using only basic metadata objects and allows you to automate the work with the book fund, readers and teachers, as financially responsible persons, receiving books for a group of students. An interface and a reader's workplace are provided, which are used to search and automatically generate an application for the issuance of books.

Provided: data exchange with external databases of educational literature in the ROSMARK format, as well as work as an FTP client with remote FTP servers to download data on published literature.

For the convenience of the selection of literature, the selection of textbooks by subject and the selection of books by thematic lessons are provided.

Inventory and non-inventory accounting of publications is provided. Thanks to this, a high degree of automation of actions is achieved when posting publications, issuing, returning and writing off books. For inventory-free accounting, batch accounting is used.

The help system for books available or ever available in the library collection allows using the search system to quickly find a publication by name, author, keyword, inventory number or heading and get comprehensive information on it, including movement throughout the history of its existence in foundation.

The configuration provides for differentiated work with arbitrary groups of students (a group in a class, a class, a group of classes, a school, a group of schools (district), etc.). When working with the reader, control over the books on hand is carried out. A replacement mechanism is provided for when the reader loses the book.

Provides for the formation and printing of various library forms: forms, catalog cards (alphabetical and systematic), an inventory book, a total accounting book, a fund checklist, a register card journal, KSU for school textbooks, statistics on books read, etc. All reporting forms can be generated for any period.

Considerable attention is paid to work with book supply. Provided for work with a dynamic table of book availability, which allows, in the process of filling it out, not only to control the value of the book availability ratio, but also to automatically generate an order for the missing number of textbooks.