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How to set the time on Windows 7. How to change the time on the computer

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to change the time on the computer or even the date, but as practice shows, novice computer users even this simple task can be confusing.
After reading this article, you will learn how to set the date and time on your computer by going to bIOS settingsas well as in operating rooms windows systems 7 and Windows 10.

In what situations might you need to change the time settings on your computer? For example, you flew with your laptop to a different time zone and in order for your computer to work according to local time, it will need to be changed.

Or, for example, after turning off your computer, your time is constantly getting lost and you need to adjust it every time. In this case, you first need to figure out why this is happening, and having eliminated the malfunction, set the date and time.

Time may get lost due to the fact that it is discharged, then you just need to replace it. By the way, as soon as you remove the battery from the motherboard, all system settings are lost and return to the default settings, including the time and after replacing the battery, it will need to be re-configured.

Some programs that have a license tied to a date will not work if it is not installed correctly on the computer, so you need to monitor the normal operation of the system clock.

If your computer clock is out of order due to a low battery, when you turn on the computer, you will see a message about this, where you will be prompted to enter the BIOS and configure them or press F1 and continue booting the computer.
If you are not afraid to configure, then you can adjust the number and hours immediately without loading the operating system.
Now modern motherboards are released with different types of BIOS, some with the old version, others with the new one, which is called UEFI.

If you have an old bIOS version, then after entering it, you need to go to its very first section or tab. It can be named in different ways, for example, “Standard Smos Features”, “Main”, “SysInfo”, but it will always be the first.

Here you will see the time and calendar indicators that you will need to change. To do this, take a close look at the prompts with right side or at the bottom of the screen. The computer will always tell you which button you need to press to change the BIOS settings.
First, select the desired indicator using one of the keys, in this case it is TAB or ENTER, and then change it using other keys, for example F5 or F6.
For your changes to take effect, you need to exit the BIOS and save the changes by pressing F10.

If you have UEFI BIOS then go to additional settingsby pressing the F7 key or by the "Additional" menu button, at the top or bottom of the screen.

Then go to the "General" tab and change the clock and calendar values \u200b\u200busing the prompts that you will see on the right side of the screen.
For example, by pressing the arrow keys () and (↓) you can select the desired items, and with the keys (+) and (-) change their values.
Then click on the "Exit" button and exit system settings saving changes.

How to set the date and time on a Windows 7 computer.

If you do not want to change the time settings in BIOS, then they can be easily changed in the operating system, for example Windows 7.
The snap-in with which the calendar is configured in Windows is called timedate.cpl, which is located in the Windows / System32 directory and can be opened in several ways.

For example, typing the line windows search or in the window the command timedate.cpl. But the disadvantage of this method is that you need to remember the name of this equipment, and since over time you simply forget about it, you can open the time editing window without knowing what it is called.

Hover over the image of the clock in the lower right corner of the screen and click on it with the left mouse button, and after a new window appears, click on the inscription “Change the date and time settings” in it.

If you click on the clock with the right mouse button, then another window will appear, where you will need to select the item "Date and time settings".

In addition, you can open a window with calendar and clock settings from the control panel. Open Control Panel and select “Clock, Language, Region”.

Then another window will open where you can open the main window with the date settings or just the one you want to edit.

If you use a snap-in for work, then open it and the fourth in the list you will have a section with the menu items you need.

I would also like to draw your attention to a program with which you can open many system settings. On the second page you will see the "Date and Time" button, by clicking on it you will immediately open a window with which you can change the clock and calendar indicators.

The main clock setting window has several tabs and buttons, let's see what they are for.
Go to the very first tab and the first thing to do before setting the clock is to change the time zone, if not yours is set, to do this, click on the "Change time zone" button.
After that, you can change the clock, for this click on the "Change date and time" button.

When choosing a time zone, click on the button with the name of the zones and select the one in which you are. If your area has two times, then activate the automatic changeover between winter and summer time. If in your area at the same time, then this function can be disabled.
After that, you can go to the calendar and clock settings.

Changing the calendar and clock settings is very easy.
To change the calendar, specify the day and month in the special window on the left side.
In order to change the clock readings, select the indicator you need with the mouse and enter another number using the keyboard or using the buttons with triangle icons, change this indicator in any direction. Then click on the “OK” button.
If you want to change appearance calendar, then click on the inscription "Change calendar settings."

After that, in the "Format Settings" window, you can change the appearance of your calendar, which is displayed in the right corner of the screen.

In the next tab of the main window “Additional time”, you can activate two more dials with clocks. To do this, activate the clock, then select a time zone so that they show the time of this time zone and give a name to this clock.

This function will be useful, for example, if you have relatives living in a different time zone and to be aware of how much time they have in this moment, you can activate additional hours.

They can be viewed by simply hovering over the clock notification area.

And if you click on the clock with the left mouse button, you will see three dials at once, which will show different times.

The third tab of the main window is called “Internet Time”. It shows the servers with which the computer synchronizes its clock with the time on the Internet.
By and large, you don't need to change anything, the computer works fine with the default settings.
Only if your computer was disconnected from the Internet for a long time, then you can synchronize its clock to be sure that it shows the exact time by clicking on the "Change settings" button.

After that, a new window will open, where you will need to click on the "Update now" button and your watch will start showing the exact time.
In the "Server" window you can see all available servers to which you can connect your computer.

As a result of these actions, a large window “Time and language” will open, where all the basic settings for the clock and calendar will be available.

Let's go over them briefly:

  1. To change the clock go to the “Date and time” tab.
  2. Then disable automatic installation time.
  3. After that click on the "Change" button to change the clock and calendar readings.
  4. To change the time zone, go to the section of the same name and select the one you need.
  5. If your area is valid at the same time, disable the option to switch from winter time to summer time and vice versa.
  6. By clicking on the item "Change the date and time format", you can change the appearance of the clock.
  7. As you can see, setting the date and time on a computer is very simple and any user can handle this task.
    Good luck!

The computer includes an "electronic clock" that allows you to measure time. They go even when the computer is turned off. In this case, power comes from a battery located on the motherboard.

The system clock is taken into account when recording file creation dates and other time-based data. Therefore, it is very important that the time indicated by the computer clock is correct. Due to the fact that the system clock operates according to a very old standard, dating back to the 80s of the 20th century, its accuracy leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the clock must be periodically adjusted. Date and time adjustments are usually done manually.

Setting the system date and time

  1. Call the command Start - Control Panel - Date and Time. The Properties: Date and Time dialog box opens.
  2. Open the Date and Time tab,
  3. In the Date panel, select the year, month, and day.
  4. On the Time panel, use a three-section counter to set the current time to the nearest second. Each field of the counter (of the three) is set separately.

If a computer is connected to the Internet, it can communicate with other computers scattered around the globe. In order for the information about the dates and times of the information exchange to be correct, you must correctly specify the time zone in which the computer is located. This can be done using the drop-down list on the Time Zone tab. The world map on this tab is illustrative. Setting date and time parameters.

You can also change the date and time through the BIOS in the main menu, this menu can be found next to the boot menu.

On the same tab, you can enable special treatment automatic transition. Twice a year he will independently adjust the clock to summer and winter time. This is useful if Windows XP is the only operating system on your computer. Otherwise, it is better not to rely on automation and to set the clock manually.

During the installation of Windows, the installation wizard gives you the opportunity to change the date and time before the installation is complete. If you want the date to be correct from the very beginning of using your computer, we recommend using this function.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, adjusting the system clock can be automated. To transmit exact time values, a protocol is used that takes into account the inevitable delays in data transmission. To update it regularly, select the check box on the Internet Time tab. Synchronize with an Internet time server. The server used for synchronization is selected from the Server drop-down list. You can also manually specify the address of a different time server.

Typically, the readings are updated weekly. If there is no Internet connection at the right time, the clock adjustment is postponed until the next connection. If, for any reason, the system clock is out of order, synchronization can be performed immediately by clicking the Update Now button.

A computer is such a thing that many of us today simply cannot do without. Someone uses the device for work, someone for entertainment, but everyone wants it to function normally. One of the functions of a PC or laptop is to show the correct time. It should be noted that electronic watches work very accurately in modern technology. Even if you unplug your device from the outlet, time will not be lost, which is possible thanks to the use of a small battery inside the case.

Nonetheless, . I already talked about this in a separate article. Let me just remind you that the reasons can be different. However, remember that the correct time is very important, because it is indicated, for example, when creating files or, say, when encrypting data. Besides, would it be convenient for you if the computer showed 11 o'clock in the afternoon, while it was already evening outside the window? Or today is April 15, and the computer shows that it is already April 20? In general, the date and time need to be changed. Today I will talk about how to do this. Running a little ahead, I can notice that this process takes no more than one or two minutes of your time. I will show an example based on operating system Windows 7 (in Vista everything is the same), although in fact this procedure is practically the same on other Windows operating systems, including XP or 8. So, let's go.

Changing the time in the easiest way

If you look at the bottom right of your screen, you will see the clock and date there. It is possible that in your case only the clock will be visible, this does not matter. You need to move the mouse cursor over the time and click on it once with the left mouse button.

After that, a small panel will appear in front of you, where you will see the current date and time in the form of a clock. There is also a line with the inscription "Changing the date and time settings ..." on which you need to click.

Now you will see a small window in front of you with various settings, including changing time zones. You only need to click on the button labeled "Change date and time ...".

And again a new window opens. With it, you can change both the date and time. In the case of time, I think there will be no problems, since you just need to put the necessary numbers in an empty window.

Changing the date is also not a problem. You can select the month by simply clicking on the right and left arrows, you can select the current date right in the calendar that you see in front of you.

In order to be able to select a year, click on the month.

This will open the possibility of choosing the month in the window, as well as the year (you can select it by clicking on the left or right buttons).

By clicking on the year, the year selection will appear.

After you complete all the manipulations that I told you about, that is, simply set the date you need, be sure to click OK so that the changed data is saved. Otherwise, the changes will not be saved. The process itself, as you can see, is extremely simple and convenient. Practice a couple of times and change the date and time literally with your eyes closed.

By the way, these parameters can also be configured using the control panel.

In order for the time to be automatically synchronized with the Internet, in the window select the "Internet time" tab and click on the "Change parameters" button.

Check the box next to "Synchronize with an Internet time server" and click OK.

Now the time will be automatically synchronized with the Internet. Alas, I would not recommend doing this, because there is a problem with the transition to winter and summer time, as well as back, so as a result, your watch may be in a hurry or one hour late.

Changing the time using the command line

If you constantly read my blog, then you probably remember how I talked about. This is not difficult at all, so I will not repeat myself. I will only say one thing - in this case, the command line must be run as administrator, otherwise nothing will work. This can be done, for example, like this in a simple way: Click on the "Start" button, then "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Command Prompt". Right-click the icon and select "Run as administrator" from the menu.

IN command line you must enter the following command: date 12/31/2014 without quotes, where the first digit is the day, the second is the month, and the third is the year, respectively. Then press Enter.

It is also possible to change the date through the BIOS menu. But before that, I want to believe, you will not get it.

I hope my little tutorial helped you. Traditionally, you can ask your questions using comments.

I faced the question of how to set the time on the computer when switching to the winter time mode. For me, then a perfect "teapot" on the Internet, this was a problem. As it turned out, this issue can be solved easily and simply in a few minutes.
Let's take a look at 2 ways to set time on Windows 7 computer.
In other Windows operating systems, adjustments follow the same pattern.

We set the date and time on the computer from the notification panel using the time indicator.

In the lower right corner of the computer monitor, by clicking the left mouse button on the date and time, a window appears in which information about the current date and time is indicated. Click on the triangles on the sides of the calendar and see the date of interest for any month.
To change the time settings, click on the "Change date and time settings" tab and the following settings window opens. Here, by clicking on the "Date and Time" tab, make the necessary changes.
If the time of the region of residence differs from the time of Moscow, then by clicking on the "Change time zone" tab, select your time zone.
For those who have a transition to summer and winter time, I recommend putting a tick in the checkbox "Automatic transition to summer time and back."
In the "Internet time" tab, by clicking the "Change parameters" function, you can set the time on the Internet. To do this, set a checkmark in the "Synchronize with the Internet time server" checkbox and click "Update now".
Then the correct time is automatically set, which will be adjusted later without your participation. This simplifies your work and there is no need to be distracted by manual time conversion. Do not forget to press the "OK" button after each parameter change.

Set the time on the computer from the control panel

By clicking the "Start" button in the lower left side of the monitor, select the "Control Panel" tab.
In the window that opens in the upper right corner, select the "Large icons" view and open, by clicking the mouse button, "Date and time".
Next, we make the settings by analogy with the above.
It's so easy and simple to set up the date and time on your computer.
Good job to you!

The date and time indicator is located in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar (if you do, of course). Earlier on the site, we reviewed an article on the Internet. But not all computers have the ability to connect to it. Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to change the date and time on your computer.

First, you need to left-click on the time and date panel. Then select the command " Changing the time and date settings».

The dialog box " date and time". By the way, this window can also be opened via " Control Panel».

In the "Date and time" window you need to find the "Change date and time" button and click on it.

This will open another window " Time and date setting", Which is exactly what we need. Now in the area " the date "Set the current month and day, and in the" Time "- accordingly exactly the time. Then click the "OK" button. The Time and Date Settings window will automatically close.

And do not forget to click the "Apply" button, after all the settings, in the "Date and Time" window.

Also, the correct display of the date and time is affected by:

Operating system updates - if they happen, then there is a chance that the time and date will be changed;
presence of viruses - some viruses can change the date and time and exclude the possibility to correct the harm caused by them;
the correctness of the BIOS, which we have already discussed.