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How to change the background on Twitter and something else about the useful service options. How to change the color of the topic on Twitter

Free background for your twitter, you need to install it. To do this, we will make several simple manipulations in the service settings. We will change the Bacground himself, and also learn how to customize colors in the sidbar. Then we will talk about the benefits of custom sheets and where you can store your favorite tweets from your twitter tape.

1. How to change the background for Twitter
For a start, go to your account on Twitter. In the top menu, select "Settings" (Settings). Next on the "Settings" page, select the menu item "Design" (design). The menu items are underlined in red.

On the page "Design" we are moving down the page and select the "Change Background Image" item (change the picture of the background).

We will open a dialog box with a proposal to upload a background. Click on the "Overview" button and on your Comnter, select the path to the picture with the background.

After we chose a file on your computer, do not forget to click the "Save Changes" button. After the changes are saved, the background will change and the service will give the appropriate message.

The next step we will configure the colors of the background under the picture (background), text (text), links (Links), Sidebar (Sidebar) and Sidebar strokes (Sidebar Border). Click on the "Change Design Colors" button (change the color of the design) later click on the appropriate square. In the dialog box that opens, tighten the color, or pointing the mouse color, or manually set the color value symbols in the window (where FFFFFF is written). Save the color changes with the "Done" button. Then press the "Save Changes" button.

2. Configure the "Lists" option (sheets)
Being on the "Home" page (in the top menu), we can see on the right in the Sidebar one very useful option. It is called "Lists" (sheets). The essence of the sheets in the following: You can solve all the participants of your twitter for groups. And, accordingly, choosing a specific sheet, you will read only those participants who are in this group. Groups can be visible to everyone and invisible, only for your use. For example, I have 3 visible groups and one invisible (with a gray lock). In order to create a new group, click "New List".

The following dialog box opens. In it, we specify the name of the group (List Name), description (description) optionally and choose a public group (Public) or private (Private).

After the group was created, you can already define your users in this group. To do this, click on the icon with the image of the list opposite the user and put a tick in the desired square.

3. Configure the "Favorites" option (your favorite)
Even on Twitter there is a very useful function "Favorites". To do this, it is necessary, being on Twitter Ribe, marks the yellow asterisk that tweet that you liked or which you want to re-read later. By clicking on the asterisk, it will change the color to yellow. All tweets marked with an asterisk are collected in the same group "Favorites".

Now if you choose the "Favorites" menu in the sizadbar, the sheet in which all your favorite tweets are collected from your twitter tape. In order to delete tweets from the group "Favorites", it is enough to click on the asterisk again and it will change the color with yellow on gray.

And let's hang, changing topics on Twitter! We will make our social networks bright and beautiful, and, most importantly, recognizable. Agree, it's nice to immediately see that they went to your page, which is decorated at your own accord and discretion, as if a personal site, the benefit of the social network Twitter allows you to make it easily. In this blog post, we learn how to change the colors of the themes, and also learn to do it very quickly and just!

Decorate twitter to taste: let's give "on the header"!

It's how to make some kind of exotic dish. First scary, but as the process you start drawn and treat the question creatively. We all have to go through several stages.

We go to your web page. First we will change the header so that it looks attractive.

After clicking on the "Change Profile" button, you will be taken directly to the header loading environment. It looks like this:

By the way, here you can also easily change your main photo. How to download the header? Very simple. Take the mouse again, and the clique will be able to download a suitable file straight from your personal computer or any other device. Focus on the fact that the width should be decent at a relatively low height, if in the end you wish to get a one-piece composition. However, you can always move the picture to "sat down" perfect! Plus, you can increase the picture, that is, scaling:

Topics on Twitter: Bright palette!

It is time to change the main colors of the theme, as the taste and ... quite right, and the felt-tumbras are different, and about the tastes, again, do not argue. We are not necessary to go anywhere. So stay in the "Change Profile" section. Directly under the avatar, you will see the fields free to fill, if you have not done this yet. You can also decide on the color:

Install the one that causes a thrill in the soul or simply suits you to implement a particular idea, and maybe it will be harmonized with brand's brand colors? By clicking on the version, the color will automatically change. Secure this Union by confirming the button already familiar to us:

You are a designer Twitter!

If you think that the experiments ended on this, then we hurry to delight - everything just begins, since the colors of the themes we changed, but there was still a background that the hands are still squeezed.

In the top control panel, you can contemplate the reduced version of the profile photos. When clicking on it, an additional "menu" will open. She needs it. Clarify - subparagraph "Settings":

Going to the "Holy Saints" you will see a lot of opportunities to adjust the profile, but at the moment we are interested in "design":

We developers helpfully suggest to customize their own theme, for which we are grateful and be sure to use invite. Choose a suitable image for the background (it can be both seamless and just big wallpaper), or, as an option, determine the color:

Save the settings and enjoy your new account, bright, beautiful, modern, and most important - original! From Follovover, we guarantee, there will be no penny! We recommend reading the publication about our blog to implement Napoleonic plans!

Setting all the parameters of the profile and twitter account, security and confidentiality, password configuration, phone and account notifications.

Twitter, as the global social network, during its existence, has achieved astounding success and now takes the second line in the rating of popularity and the number of users. The time spent on Twitter gives you the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the most wonderful people on our planet, but also to promote your business using its playground. Even if you do not have an official company, you can easily work out at the expense of your fans on the network pages, attracting them with your communication on their topics. Time on Twitter is not spent in empty. Every minute brings you real income.

Before you configure Twitter, let's try to figure it out for which it is necessary to configure it. After receiving your account, first of all you need to arrange it so that your future readers receive only positive emotions from visiting your miniBog. Step by step will examine an example, how to set up twitter according to the place of your stay, communication language and other important items. In the twitter settings, you can easily figure out and find particularly important items for you.

Basic Twitter Settings

Consider in detail each of the settings sections.


Section "Account"

Security and confidentiality

Free background for your twitter, you need to install it. To do this, we will make several simple manipulations in the service settings. We will change the Bacground himself, and also learn how to customize colors in the sidbar. Then we will talk about the benefits of custom sheets and where you can store your favorite tweets from your twitter tape.

1. How to change the background for Twitter
For a start, go to your account on Twitter. In the top menu, select "Settings" (Settings). Next on the "Settings" page, select the menu item "Design" (design). The menu items are underlined in red.

On the page "Design" we are moving down the page and select the "Change Background Image" item (change the picture of the background).

We will open a dialog box with a proposal to upload a background. Click on the "Overview" button and on your Comnter, select the path to the picture with the background.

After we chose a file on your computer, do not forget to click the "Save Changes" button. After the changes are saved, the background will change and the service will give the appropriate message.

The next step we will configure the colors of the background under the picture (background), text (text), links (Links), Sidebar (Sidebar) and Sidebar strokes (Sidebar Border). Click on the "Change Design Colors" button (change the color of the design) later click on the appropriate square. In the dialog box that opens, tighten the color, or pointing the mouse color, or manually set the color value symbols in the window (where FFFFFF is written). Save the color changes with the "Done" button. Then press the "Save Changes" button.

2. Configure the "Lists" option (sheets)
Being on the "Home" page (in the top menu), we can see on the right in the Sidebar one very useful option. It is called "Lists" (sheets). The essence of the sheets in the following: You can solve all the participants of your twitter for groups. And, accordingly, choosing a specific sheet, you will read only those participants who are in this group. Groups can be visible to everyone and invisible, only for your use. For example, I have 3 visible groups and one invisible (with a gray lock). In order to create a new group, click "New List".

The following dialog box opens. In it, we specify the name of the group (List Name), description (description) optionally and choose a public group (Public) or private (Private).

After the group was created, you can already define your users in this group. To do this, click on the icon with the image of the list opposite the user and put a tick in the desired square.

3. Configure the "Favorites" option (your favorite)
Even on Twitter there is a very useful function "Favorites". To do this, it is necessary, being on Twitter Ribe, marks the yellow asterisk that tweet that you liked or which you want to re-read later. By clicking on the asterisk, it will change the color to yellow. All tweets marked with an asterisk are collected in the same group "Favorites".

Now if you choose the "Favorites" menu in the sizadbar, the sheet in which all your favorite tweets are collected from your twitter tape. In order to delete tweets from the group "Favorites", it is enough to click on the asterisk again and it will change the color with yellow on gray.

On Twitter, you can configure your profile by selecting unique images for the profile and caps by adding a name, information about yourself, location, date of birth, website and the color of the theme, and attaching a tweet that will be visible to people who have come to the profile page.

Profile Setup

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click Change profile, in order to change:
  3. Press any of the listed areas and make changes.
  4. To change the image of the header or profile photos, click the camera icon and select To upload a photo or Delete.
  5. You can enable the parameter Show my profile in Periscope In your Twitter profile (available only if you have connected your Twitter account to the PERISCOPE account).
  6. Click Save changes.

Additional profile update tips

  • Profile photos can be in any of the following formats: JPG, GIF or PNG. (Twitter does not support animated GIF files as profile or caps.)
  • If you have problems with downloading photos, see the Employment Article to eliminate the appropriate problems.
  • If you have connected your account in Periscope, a notification will be displayed on your twitter profile. Live in #Periscope during broadcasts.

Note. You may notice that some commercial accounts have access to additional features of the profile. For more information on managing business functions in a twitter account, you can read in our article work with customers on Twitter.

How to add a date profile and open access to your favorite users

When configuring a profile on twitter, you can specify the date of birth. Using the display settings, the date of birth in the profile can be provided with access to only some twitter users.

  1. Go to your profile and click Change profile.
  2. Choose a section Date of Birth.
  3. Specify or change day, month and year birth.
  4. You can also view the display settings of the date of birth and change them. Provided two display settings. One allows you to manage the display of the year of birth, the second is to manage the display of the day and month of birth. Click data access icon (website) or change the value of the parameter Who can see it (Application for iOS or Android) to change the settings. For more information about the settings of the profile visibility, it is described in this article.
  5. Click Save changes(website) or Ready, and then - Save

Delete date of birth from the profile

To delete the birth date from the profile, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to or open the Twitter for iOS or Twitter for Android.
  2. Go to your profile and click Change profile.
  3. Choose a section Date of Birth.
  4. Change the values \u200b\u200bin all drop-down menus to default values \u200b\u200b(for example, "Day", "Month" and "Year") (website) or click Delete birth date information (application for iOS or Android). Note. To delete birth date from the profile on the website, you need to reset the values \u200b\u200bin all three dates.
  5. Click Save changes(website) or Ready , and then - Save (application for iOS or Android).

Fastening tweet in profile

Twitting can be fixed in the profile so that visitors to your profile have seen it first.

Dischalter tweet from the profile

Note. In some of your tweets, the font is larger than in others. Twitters with which readers interact most often scored a little larger font. This makes it easy to find the most interesting materials.

Arose difficulties?

Solving common problems can be found in our other.

Hello, dear blog readers Site! As I have repeatedly noted, in promoting a blog or site, including created on CMS WordPress, can not be smaller. All important is: SEO (internal and external optimization), SMO and SMM (promotion on social networks).

And the latest trends are such that there is a rapid increase in social network values \u200b\u200bfor the development of the project, since the search engines pay increased attention to social signals. The data obtained in this way are increasingly accounted for when ranking.

Does not fall behind in this sense and twitter (about registration, configuration of the account and the use of twitter). Therefore, it is very important to achieve a little time to design the background, caps, correctly pick up a photo or avatar. In general, work on the design to attract the attention of potential subscribers. I think, for simple users, the following information will not be superfluous.

By the way, from other articles you will be able to learn how, as well as how to create and upload pictures for AV avatar () and how to use numerous ability to listen to music, watching video, drawing graffiti in contact (), using programs and applications of this largest social program. Networks in RuNet.

How to change (add) photos and caps for tweeter

After someone from tweeter users opens your profile, the first thing is striking the account page design. If the design is standard, installed by default, it will not serve as a repulsive point, because a person for some reason came to you on this page, most likely it hooked some tweet or message.

In this case, first of all, he will meet with your news tape, the number of subscribers and other useful information. But imagine that you, say, Web designer, and a tweeter hat, background, or the topic of your profile, nothing outstanding. In this case, a person who has planned to make an order, this circumstance can scare away.

Of course, it is not a fact that every potential client without thinking will leave this page twitter, but agree, every user is important in such cases. But if the background in tweeter, the same photo or a beautifully decorated hat is striking the imagination with your uniqueness, it may turn out to be a decisive factor to contact such a master. I hope you understand why I cut here. Well, now first we will analyze how to add a photo on Twitter or change it.

So, in order to quickly edit the photo and write a brief information about yourself, click the "Change Profile" button, which is immediately under the cap on the right, after which the edit mechanism is immediately activated and you can make the necessary actions (download photos to Twitter photos or remove it, enter Laconic information about yourself and about your site, and also to specify your location if desired:

You can also change the color of the theme (links, background of icons, icons). After pressing the caps for twitter. After clicking on the "Change Profile", in addition to editing the data described above, it will be possible to change the images of the header. To this end, you can download the appropriate picture from your computer:

We should keep in mind the recommendation on the desired compliance with the image resolution (1500x500). In case of ignoring this restriction, the image in the header may not look like that would like. By the way, you can successfully make a picture for the cap, using an online editor, which is essentially a simplified version of photoshop.

In the material, the page with which the link provided is described all the possibilities of this program. If there is no desire to strain, you can download an image from the Internet, and then by subjection to it, including to fit the sizes in the graphics editor (I myself use it often in such cases by the program), then load it on Twitter.

How to change the background on twitter

As in the case of a cap, background or topics for a tweeter, you can create in several ways, including applying a ready-made picture available on your computer. Below we will look at how without unnecessary headaches to change, having ready-made topics, including the application available for these purposes.

Selection of the background directly in Account

And now, for a start, we will work a little over the design of the page and see how to install pictures for a tweeter on the background forces available directly in the options for an account of the samples of themes and give it uniqueness, it also has a considerable meaning. In the top menu, click on the avatar with your photo, then select the "Settings" item from the context menu:

On the left side of the account window will appear the list of options in which we find the section "Design", in which we turn:

You can select the image from the proposed. In this case, change the background for the tweeter very quickly and easily - you just need to click on the picture you like the left mouse button. Immediately the selected background will be applied. Throwing it out in this way, then, after selecting the final option, do not forget to save changes using the button at the bottom. Below is a block with which it is possible to download your own image:

You can download a small image, and then mark the "Wind" option. This will obtain a background with a repeated repetition of the loaded picture, which sometimes looks very spectacular. There is also a setting of the background position (left, in the center, right), its colors and links. To select a shade, click on the left mouse button right through the colored rectangle, the curt palette will appear, which can be used. Here's how to change the background on Twitter, as you can see, nothing complicated.

Select the topic for twitter using the Colourlovers application

If we managed to notice, there are various applications in the tweeter, which are located in the same section on the left, including those designed to simplify and accelerate editing various elements. If you carefully look at the pre-previous screenshot, you will see at the bottom of the block topics link to the option Themeleon for Twitter from the Colourlovers app..

After hitting the page of this service, you can simplify the actions with the diversity of themes and backgrounds proposed there. To do this, synchronize Twitter account with Click on "Login to Twitter", with the result that the warning plate will come out with information about what can, and what will not be able to make an application when accessing part of the data:

Click to "authorize", after which you will be redirected to the Memeleon Colourlovers page, but already with your profile on it. This will accelerate to edit and simplify the selection of existing backgrounds and topics. Unfortunately, the application is in English, so I will have to give some explanations for possible options. So, we go in order:

At the very top of the Top Collection (Themes). To select, simply press it with the left mouse button, with the result that the image will be immediately applied as a background image. The same picture will appear in the Background block, located just below the left. Here, by the way, you can choose instead of the proposed topic to use different patterns whose assembly is in the "Patterns" tab.

I note that the use of the topic for Twitter entails not only the installation of the selected image, but also the automatic editing of other elements, for example, the color of references. In addition, you can download your image by selecting the file and clicking "Upload". Do not want to use a picture? There are no problems, click on this purpose to the appropriate area. Then you can simply use the color palette in the Layout tab (appearance) to obtain a background without pictures:

Select the desired collection of the palette from the drop-down menu to create your own theme, click on the desired option and immediately see the changes that have happened. By the way, alternately click on the bottom five squares, you can also change the shades of all other design elements (background, references, etc.).

Here, perhaps, all. In conclusion, I will explain the value of the buttons between the "Background" and "Layout" blocks:

  • Undo - cancel, that is, go a step back. This is if you wish to cancel the previous option.
  • Shuffle Layuot Colors - Stir the colors of the appearance.
  • Apply Layout Colors to Background Colors - convert the color of the appearance in the background color.
  • Apply Background Colors To The Layout Colors - Reverse Operation: Convert Tints in the color of the appearance. By the way, this operation is impossible if you decide to use the finished topic of the twitter design from the top collection.

For example, I will give my

It is worth noting the significance of the "Twitter" to promote sites or blogs. Having written, some kind of cognitive article, you can "tweet" it, and attract new readers to your resource. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the design of its page - to establish an attractive background for Twitter, profile photography, cap.

After reading this article, you will learn how to change your account, get some tips, relative to the right organization of the page in this social network.

How to change the background in "Twitter"?

If you wish to change the standard Background image "Twitter", you will need to perform several simple actions.

At the top of the page is the panel where you can go to the "main", see notifications and read messages addressed to you. Here you will see your avatar. Click on it and in the drop-down menu, go to "Settings".

A page on which the settings panel is located on the left. You are interested in the item "Design". By clicking on the link, you can choose any background of the background and change its color. But if you want to use your image, then click "Change". Now you need to select a suitable background on the computer, and then save the changes by clicking on the corresponding button.

By the way, on the Internet, you can find any pictures on Twitter. The background is the opportunity to make thematic, focusing, for example, on your hobbies.

How to change the blog head and profile photo?

The microblog cap, which is installed by default, has a little boring appearance. But it is possible to correct the situation very quickly and easily. To do this, go to your page and click the "Change Profile" button.

Now click "Change Cap Caps" and select an interesting option. At the same time, please note that the picture must have a certain resolution. If it is more, you just do not get the desired effect.

You already know that the background for Twitter can be found on the Internet. With the image for the header you can do the same way. Having installed a suitable image, save the changes.

After performing similar actions, you can set the profile photo. As a result, the appearance of your account will be significantly transformed. It is worth noting that the whole procedure will take you no more than a minute if, of course, you prepared in advance photos and pictures.

Proper registration of your page

For the design of your page in Twitter, it is recommended to consider responsibly, especially if you do any activity on the Internet. Agree, it will be somehow ridiculous if, for example, you are a serious lawyer, and on your account as a background image is used by a voyage picture.

That is why it is recommended to establish the thematic background. Are you engaged in programming? Then select images of computers. Sailors can take pictures of a beautiful sea landscape and use it as a background for Twitter.

As for the photograph of the profile, it is also not recommended to install photos of celebrities or just funny pictures. Of course, in some cases it will be appropriate. However, if you are focused on attracting customers or visitors to your main blog, then people should see with whom they communicate.


So, now you know how to change the background for Twitter, and therefore, you can configure the appearance of your account at any time at your discretion. You also learned to install the blog head and the profile photo, which may also come in handy.

Free background for your twitter, you need to install it. To do this, we will make several simple manipulations in the service settings. We will change the Bacground himself, and also learn how to customize colors in the sidbar. Then we will talk about the benefits of custom sheets and where you can store your favorite tweets from your twitter tape.

1. How to change the background for Twitter
For a start, go to your account on Twitter. In the top menu, select "Settings" (Settings). Next on the "Settings" page, select the menu item "Design" (design). The menu items are underlined in red.

On the page "Design" we are moving down the page and select the "Change Background Image" item (change the picture of the background).

We will open a dialog box with a proposal to upload a background. Click on the "Overview" button and on your Comnter, select the path to the picture with the background.

After we chose a file on your computer, do not forget to click the "Save Changes" button. After the changes are saved, the background will change and the service will give the appropriate message.

The next step we will configure the colors of the background under the picture (background), text (text), links (Links), Sidebar (Sidebar) and Sidebar strokes (Sidebar Border). Click on the "Change Design Colors" button (change the color of the design) later click on the appropriate square. In the dialog box that opens, tighten the color, or pointing the mouse color, or manually set the color value symbols in the window (where FFFFFF is written). Save the color changes with the "Done" button. Then press the "Save Changes" button.

2. Configure the "Lists" option (sheets)
Being on the "Home" page (in the top menu), we can see on the right in the Sidebar one very useful option. It is called "Lists" (sheets). The essence of the sheets in the following: You can solve all the participants of your twitter for groups. And, accordingly, choosing a specific sheet, you will read only those participants who are in this group. Groups can be visible to everyone and invisible, only for your use. For example, I have 3 visible groups and one invisible (with a gray lock). In order to create a new group, click "New List".

The following dialog box opens. In it, we specify the name of the group (List Name), description (description) optionally and choose a public group (Public) or private (Private).

After the group was created, you can already define your users in this group. To do this, click on the icon with the image of the list opposite the user and put a tick in the desired square.

3. Configure the "Favorites" option (your favorite)
Even on Twitter there is a very useful function "Favorites". To do this, it is necessary, being on Twitter Ribe, marks the yellow asterisk that tweet that you liked or which you want to re-read later. By clicking on the asterisk, it will change the color to yellow. All tweets marked with an asterisk are collected in the same group "Favorites".

Now if you choose the "Favorites" menu in the sizadbar, the sheet in which all your favorite tweets are collected from your twitter tape. In order to delete tweets from the group "Favorites", it is enough to click on the asterisk again and it will change the color with yellow on gray.

Unusual and colorful twitter decoration can not only raise your mood, but become attractive for . The default interface of this resource has a strict blue color, however, you can add brightness to your account at any time by making an interesting and original design profile. All you need to know this flower codes for Twitter. To change the color of the main, click on the "Change Profile" button. It is located right under the cap on your page. Further:

  1. Sign just below. On the left you will notice several sub-clauses that allow you to change the general settings.
  2. Touch the category of thread change.
  3. In this parameter, the Twitter allows you to adjust various colors. Touching by the gamma that you liked the most, you can visually see how your account will look like in the selected color.

By default, the resource proposes to select 10 colors, ranging from cold. Such as green, blue and pale blue and ending with bright warm shades of ocher, fuchsia and gentle pink color. If it seems to you not enough, then for the selection of the desired color it will be necessary to apply special codes.

Topics color on twitter codes

Flower codes are a special set of characters that allows you to change the color gamut of the interface of any resource. All colors codes cannot be remembered because there is countless. Based on this, specialized sites are created on which it is easy to pick up topics for Twitter And with the help of the code to use it in practice. One of these resources where various code options are prescribed is the site. Here, users will be able to find very different and interesting shades for themselves. Thanks to the color diagram you can choose what you need.

  1. Touch on the site of that shade you want to see in your tweet.
  2. Right in front of you, the site will show the code of this color in a separate form.
  3. Copy the code using the Ctrl + C key connection.