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How to restore the system with another date. Restoring the former computer settings

Often there are cases when after installing any program, driver, inadvertently deleting a system file or a viral attack, the Windows 7 operating system begins to "slow down" or even stops functioning. If there is no important information on the computer, it can be simply reinstalled. Otherwise, the system restore function will help. This tool performs the OS return with all the data available on the hard disk to the working state.

Ways to restore Windows 7

The developers of Windows Windows provides a number of standard recovery methods, but they all do not allow one hundred percent warranty. Therefore, be prepared that you may need to use several resuscitation methods alternately.

You can return the performance of Windows 7 using:

  • applying the latest workable configuration;
  • secure mode;
  • recovery points.

Using the latest successful configuration

This Windows renovation tool is the easiest performed, so it should be resorted first. The sequence of work will be as follows:

After performing the above actions, automatic recovery of data from the OS registry and operational parameters of the available drivers are carried out. If this method fails to run the system, go to the second method.

Safe Mode - Effective Windows Resuscitation Tool

Safe mode is a special version of operating systems, in which the installed programs are not automatically launched, as when the Windows is ordered. In this case, only those drivers are activated, without which the OS functioning is not possible.

This tool starts the same way as the last working configuration, that is, using the F8 key. When entering the system, this method will change the screen resolution by 800x600. It is normal, so it's not worth worrying.

The following recovery procedure is presented below:

  1. The boot disk with Windows 7 is inserted into the DVD drive and starts. The assembly of the system used should be the same as on your computer. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, take the same disk that you used during the installation of the Ourser.
  2. Upon pop-up message about autorun, click "Cancel".
  3. Open the "Run" command window, which is in the Start menu.
  4. Enter the SFC / SCANNOW system file control command.
  5. After a while, after activating the process of searching executable files, all damaged or deleted system data will be copied from the DVD disk and restored.
  6. If you want to follow the passage of recovery, you need to log in to the command line by entering the "CMD" command in the "Run" window. After that, in the string is prescribed "SFC /?". Log in to the command line should be performed on administrator rights, since otherwise you will not receive the required information.
  7. If the data line will be displayed in the form of hieroglyphs, then you will additionally need to enter the properties and choose the desired language there.

Using the recovery point

Another efficient tool for renovation of the Windows system is the use of recovery points. The principle of operation of this function is based on the fact that after a certain period of time, the available OS configuration is written to the hard disk. When any software malfunctions occur, you can use the stored dots and restore the computer's performance.

Greetings to you, dear readers.

Often, because of a variety of reasons, computers fail. If this problem is connected directly to the operating system, the best solution will be reinstalled. But what should I do important files on the main disk or desktop? After all, when you, everything will be deleted. The solution is to be a tool as the restoration of the Windows 7 system from the disk. This feature allows you to return the operation of the Ourser when the latter refuses to load.

In addition to the incorrectly working computer, we will also need a Windows boot disk. And it can be like a plastic carrier and a flash drive. Moreover, it is desirable that this was the same image from which the current shell was installed. After all, otherwise, due to the discrepancy of versions, the process may not go.

If the element from which the current system was installed is lost - try to find it on the Internet on another computer. Download the disk and save on the hard drive.

After the image image turns out to be on one of the partitions, it must be checked for viruses using Comodo Internet Security, then correctly burn to the portable device. To do this, use one of the numerous programs. For example, I like Rufus.. The application allows you to quickly cope with the task. It has an intuitive interface, so you can create a disc.

Procedure( )

There is a lot of reasons, due to which Win 7 may fail so much that it will stop being loaded. To solve the problem, you need to use a tool that allows you to return to your place. It starts through the BIOS:

    Reboot or turn on the computer.

    After the first characters appear on the screen, click " Del." The section you need will be loaded. Sometimes keys " F2.», « F10», « F12."Or others - it all depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard. The corresponding tips usually appear on the monitor.

    After entering the right place, go to the " Boot».

    Here we need to set "". We do so that the computer is loaded from the portable device whether it is a CD or flash drive.

    After that, the system is restarted and an inscription in which it is said that it is said that you need to use any button to start from the recovery disk.

    After installing Windows. Test language, time and other items. Click " Further».

    We get to the main installation window. Below choose the link " System Restore».

    Next, the search for all installed OS on the computer will begin. The dialog box will then appear with different parameters. Click " Further" As a result, we can offer two options (it all depends on the initial distribution): the device selection window or the diagnostics of the system will work.

    The first makes it possible to choose one of several directions of future movements. In the prompts you will find all the necessary information.

    The second leads to the fact that the tool starts trying to independently eliminate existing problems. Usually it takes some. If everything went well - users remain only to restart the device. The reason can be pre-learn by following the link " Display diagnostics ...».

The Windows operating system 7 is reliable and stable in operation, however, it happens that it may be subject to different errors and failures, or in general "one day" stop running. The reasons for that may be mass: this is the incorrect installation of drivers entering the conflict with the "hardware" of the computer, breakage of individual components, software that is not optimized properly to the possibilities of your configuration or an ordinary viral attack. Windows reuse is not always the best way out of the situation, because it will inevitably lead to the loss of all data, drivers, programs and applications that are on the system disk (and not only on it).

The following are four ways to the most efficient restoration of WIN 7 OS. The first three are needed when the failure has already happened, the fourth way will be useful to those who have not yet encountered such troubles and wants to protect your computer in advance from losing performance and reliably save all important data.

Method 1: We restore the system by loading the last successful configuration

It often happens that even in the evening the computer worked perfectly, and in the morning it gives an unpleasant surprise in the form of a blue screen or a constant reboot with a lack of ability to start the operating system. This can be both the consequence of the "cleaning" of the PC from viruses and spyware and the incorrect completion of the work session (for example, due to a sharp voltage drop of the network or turn off the electricity). The most rational action in this situation will be the "last successful configuration". In many cases, this simple step helps to restore the computer's performance, but even if it does not help solve the problem.

Method 2: Restoring the system using standard Windows 7 tools

This option also does not take much time with you, and in general it does not cause any difficulties in implementation.

Important: In order for the situation in the future, it is not recommended to disable the option "system restoration", it can be very useful.

Method 3: Restoring the Windows 7 operating system without "recovery points"

"Point of recovery" is, expressing a simple language, a saved copy of the operating system, working without failure and errors. In other words, Windows "independently" remembered its optimal stable state just in case the need to make a rollback during the critical failure process. So, if you, for example, have already tried the previous way and made sure that the "System Recovery" option on your computer was disabled and "access points", respectively, follow the following algorithm:

Method 4: Optimal

For this method you will need, first of all, create a "recovery point". There is a well-known principle "Prepare Sani in the summer". The fact is that if you independently do this procedure at least once every half - two months, it will help to avoid many possible problems, in particular, reinstalling the operating system with the loss of most important data.

This is important: why are the "recovery points" disappear?

Even if you take care of the safety of the operating system in advance and saved a stable copy of Windows by creating a "access point", this does not guarantee that it will not disappear later. This trouble may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Different utilities for optimization and cleaning system, such as CCleaner or Freespace, can "demolish" access point, accepting it for unnecessary trash. That this does not happen, their (utilities) is best customized independently. The System Volume Information folder must be added to exceptions.
  2. If your hard disk works in the FAT 32 or FAT system, then the "recovery point", unfortunately, will not be saved, since these systems do not maintain information about changes made.
  3. Some laptops, being disconnected from the network, in order to save energy can automatically delete information about "access points".
  4. If two operating systems are installed at the same time, two operating systems are installed, for example, Windows 7 and earlier Windows XP, when you decide to start a "younger" version, it will with a lot of probability will delete all the "Access points" Win 7. Therefore, before running XP Make a "seven" inaccessible to change.

Returning to the fourth way

So, now you know how to create a "access point" and how best to secure it from accidental removal and reset. Therefore, we return to our way:

I would share ways to restore the system to the following:
1 With the download of the last successful configuration
2 with the help of the "system restoration" mechanism
3 Us the system recovery mechanism is not standard (through a secure mode or original installation disk Windows 7)
4 Us the previously created system backup.

1) Suppose you encountered a problem in Windows 7 and wanted to restore the system's performance, the simplest thing is that you can download it in safe mode and download the latest successful configuration, for this, when you boot the operating system, press the key "F8" and select "Last successful configuration", Press "ENTER".

The last successful configuration is the ability to restore, designed to boot a computer using the latest correct system settings for the system. Loading in the last successful configuration mode restores the system registry information and parameters of the driver settings that were used for the last successful system loading. Use the last successful configuration mode in the case when Windows 7 is not possible as a result of incorrect changes.

2) In case the first method is not suitable or helped, you can restore the Windows 7 system using the mechanism System Recovery»The principle of operation of this method of recovery is simple enough, the recovery is due to the recovery points being created. The recovery point fixes the state of the system at a certain point. Recovery points are created automatically by the system, but they can be created and manually (article is dedicated to this). You can start the restoration of the system in several ways - the first method must be pressed "Start" and in the search string to write "System Restore"The menu will appear on top "System Restore" Click on it with the mouse. The second way is to go along the way "Start-to-panel management- Restoring system restore system". Window opens "System Restore", Press "Further"You will see all possible recovery points to which you can return / "roll back" if you press the button "Search for affected programs", You can see what programs will affect the restoration of the system (I recommend choosing recovery for two, three days before the system problem). Selecting the date click "Further".

Confirm the recovery point by pressing "Ready"

Then a message appears that the system recovery cannot be interrupted, click "Yes"After that, the recovery process will begin and reboot the system.

After rebooting, a window will appear in the case of a successful recovery.

3) If you have suffered from the virus and you do not have the ability to run the system recovery using the above method in this case, you can "roll back" using a safe mode or using a disk with an operating system:

Go to a safe mode (clicking "F8" At the very beginning of the system load) and choose "Troubleshooting Computer"The window will open

- Insert the original installation disk with the operating system (it must match your), load from this disk (for this in the BIOS, change the boot from the hard disk to download from CD / DWD). Select the language after that in the window "Installing Windows", choose "Restorationsystems ».

After that, the window opens "Windows 7 Recovery Settings".

So, it does not matter what of the ways you took advantage, the result is one- front of you "Windows 7 Recovery Recovery Settings",

I suggest a little disassemble the capabilities of this window.

Launch restoration- Analysis of faults interfering with normal loading of Windows 7 and further correctly for normal loading and operation of the operating system.

System Restore- Then for which this article is written, using this function we will be able to return the system to the earlier period of time when there were no problems.

Restoring the image image- This tool allows you to restore the system with a backup. In more detail about this method described in 4 recovery method.

Windows diagnostics- Checks the system memory for errors.

Command line- Allows you to download the command prompt and you can delete files that prevent Windows 7 downloads.

Click on "System Restore", after that, a window appears that "Rollback" Systems can eliminate problems ... click « Further", Select the required recovery point.

After that, agree with all the proposed, including with the reboot and result of all these actions, when booting Windows 7, we see the window

4) Restore with the help of the previously made backup, the creation of backup is described in more detail in the article. Connect the USB storage device backup, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Restore". If the system does not start and there is no possibility to download the system, you must execute the third item of the article, just select Restoring the image image.

In the window that opens, select " Extended recovery methods".

Then the window will appear asking you to restart the system, click " Restart".

After restarting, you must specify the system recovery settings. I recommend to leave everything by default and just press " Further".

In the next step, the system itself will find the archive of the system.

Next, you can specify additional parameters.

After that confirm the choice and click " Ready".

Confirm the system recovery, click " Yes".

If all these methods did not help you, then it remains only to return the Windows system to the factory settings, i.e. Lose all your data and programs. Immediately make a reservation that this method is suitable if you have a hidden recovery on the hard disk, it should be provided from the factory. You can see it if right-click on the label "A computer" and choose "Disc Control" Management "

Below are hot keys to restore the factory laptop installations:

  • Acer. - Touch the Keyboard key Alt + F10
  • Samsung - F4;
  • Dell Inspiron. - when the screensaver appears, you need to type the Ctrl + F11 keyboard;
  • HP Pavilion. - when you turn on to hold F11;
  • Packard Bell. - F10;
  • Rover - when launching a laptop to hold and hold alt;
  • ASUS - when the ASUS logo appears, press F9;
  • Sony Vaio. - when started pressing F10;
  • MSI - Press when starting F3;
  • Fujitsu Siemens. - turning on, press F8;
  • LG - F11;
  • Lenovo Thinkpad. - F11;
  • Toshiba. - F8.

I hope this article saved you from the question How to restore Windows 7 system And helped return your operating system by the time of stable operation.

The Windows family operating systems are not always high, so developers have the ability to restore the operating system from the special interface. The system recovery function is not reinstalled, user files are practically not affected, only certain settings and system files are reset, which led to an error occurred.

However, what if this function does not work? Is it possible in this case to restore the operability of the operating system or not?

The reasons for which the system recovery does not work

A total of several reasons preventing this function of OS:

  • Absence "Recovery points". The operating system creates special "Recovery points"With the help of which the "resuscitation" process is produced. However, in the OS settings, the function of creating such "points" can be disabled, and if there is no, then the restoration is not from what. Fortunately, their absence is not a "verdict";
  • Broken "Point of recovery". If "Point of recovery" It was successfully created, but the system cannot use it and gives an error, it means that the information stored in it was damaged. In this case, you will have to use other "points", if any;
  • Activities of specialized software. Anti-virus programs, special blockers and even some optimizers working in the background can interfere with the launch of the recovery procedure;
  • On the computer viruses. Again, some viruses may prevent the launch of the recovery procedure. This can happen by changing registry, system files and simple removal "Points of recovery";
  • Serious error of the operating system. If there is some fatal error when using OS, during which the main system files are destroyed or destroyed, then the restoration will not be restored. In this case, it remains only to reinstall the operating system;
  • Problems with equipment. Most often, users can not run the recovery procedure due to the hard disk breakdown and / or RAM schedule. In this case, they will have to replace or replace them, and then try to "revive" the operating system again.

Let's look at how to cope with several of the problems described.

Option 1: Select another "recovery point"

In case you are enabled. "Points of recovery"Most likely you can use a few pieces. So, consider how to restore the system in this condition:

  1. Go to "Control Panel" and find an element there "Restoration". For convenience, check the opposite "View" value "Large icons" or "Small badges". You can also use the search string located in the upper right side of the window.
  2. Select option "Running system recovery".

  3. If you have no "Points of recovery"The error will appear. Provided that such available you will see the welcome window, where a brief description of this feature of Windows is indicated. Click "Further".

  4. Here you will be asked to choose one of "Points of recovery"located on the computer. If the "point" is only one and after its selection, the computer gives an error, then this option will not suit you. If there are several of them, then choose any that suits you. Additionally, each "point" is sorted by date.

  5. If you initially got broken "Point of recovery"You can choose another. Provided that it "whole" will transfer you to the window where you will need to confirm the intention to restore the system.

Option 2: Disable antivirus software

Antiviruses running in the background, sometimes may interfere with the launch of the system recovery procedure (this does not concern the Windows Defender). To avoid all the problems, they are simply recommended to turn off for the time being recovered. This will require an additional reboot of the computer.

So, consider how to disable the most common antiviruses. Let's start with Kaspersky (manual universal for all versions):

Now let's go to Dr. Web:

Also consider how to disable Anti-Virus Avast protection:

The recovery process is made similarly that in the first version. Upon completion, turn on again protection against viruses.

Option 3: Restore from "Safe Mode"

Sometimes the activities of the embedded functions into the system may interfere with undesirable software. In this case, you will have to do all the important manipulations from "Safe Mode". All secondary and extraneous services, drivers, etc. are disconnected in it, which allows you to provide minimal third-party software interference with Windows.

Consider how to enter For most Windows operating systems:

Additionally, if in the menu after pressing the key F8. Appeared option "Load the latest successful configuration", I initially use it. It's something like an accelerated analog "Recovery System". If the computer can boot with the last successful configuration, you will most likely do the recovery procedure.

Users more new versions of Windows may encounter a problem that the F8 key does not work, and the menu does not appear. In this case will have to do as follows:

  1. Try to enter the operating system. If this is not possible, you will have to use the instruction described in 4 options.
  2. After starting the OS, right-click on the shutdown button in the menu. "Start" with pinch key Shift..
  3. Not releasing key Shift. Select option.

  4. The computer will reboot and you will have a blue window with a choice of actions. Go to section "Diagnostics".

  5. Then B. "Extra options".

  6. Now click on "Download options".

  7. A list of hot keys used to download any system function will appear. In your case, you need to click on F4..

IN "Safe mode" It is also recommended to disable all antivirus programs that may interfere with the work. More details on how to do it is written in the 2nd version. The process of restoring the operating system does not differ from the above-described.

Option 4: Restoration from the image

If it turned out that you have no "recovery points" at all, you can use the operating system image recorded on the USB flash drive. Accordingly, you will need an image of exactly the same OS, which is currently installed on the computer.

So, when everything is ready, then proceed to the recovery process:

  1. Insert the flash media with the recorded manner and restart the computer.
  2. Most likely, it will be initially necessary to adjust the load from the flash drive, that is, to spend some manipulations in the BIOS. To enter it, press the keys from F2. before F12. (you can still click Delete.) Before the Windows logo appears. The specific key for the entry in the BIOS can be found in the documentation for the computer and / or motherboard.
  3. BIOS versions may vary on different computers, therefore, the interface and the location of the elements will differ. Look for items with name "Boot", "Advancet".
  4. Select option "1st Boot Device". Click ENTERTo make changes to it.

  5. The window will pop up, where you need to select the media from which the computer will be downloaded. Choose your flash drive.
  6. Save the changes and exit the BIOS by using the key. F10.
  7. A reboot will occur. A window will appear where you need to select the language and layout of the keyboard. After click "Further".

  8. In the next window, click on the text link "System Restore". It is located in the lower left corner.

  9. A window will appear with the choice of additional actions. Here you need to go to "Diagnostics"and from there in "Extra options".

  10. Select item "System Restore".
  11. The greeting window will start. Press it in it "Further".

  12. The system is restored. Expect it to complete.

This article covered the main reasons due to which the restoration of the system in Windows may not work. Using the above options, you can return the operability of the OS.