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the main  /  Navigators/ Main characteristics elements of ms frontpage. Description of the microsoft office frontpage program

Main characteristics elements of ms frontpage. Description of the microsoft office frontpage program

Task 1. Creating Web Sites Using MS FrontPage

In the previous assignments, you learned about the capabilities of the HTML language for creating Web sites. While mastering the language is not very difficult, building a truly effective Web site is a painstaking task that requires considerable skill and knowledge. The use of MS Office tools can simplify the preparation of materials for publication on the Internet. However, for large sites, this tool is not always convenient, since it lacks the ability to edit the site as a whole, there are no service tools for checking the correctness of prepared documents, etc. In addition, the formatting of documents by means of MS Office, discussed above, occurs according to the WYSIWYG principle - the correspondence of its real image to the content. However, the technical means of users are very different from each other and the site developer can see it differently than the network user, that is, the principle of compliance is violated. All this is a significant limitation of the use of Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) for website development.

However, the work of creating Web sites can be automated, and one of these tools is MS FrontPage, a specialized Web page editor.

When you start working with FrontPage, remember that the result is an HTML document that follows the same rules as you create manually. FrontPage is focused on the use of Internet Explorer, and the HTML code it generates is most adequately reflected in this browser.

There are three main steps to creating a website:

§ designing the structure of the node;

§ creation of pages included in the structure;

§ definition of links between pages.

MS FrontPage allows you to design the structure of the site and its individual pages can be done by any technical means, including using.

Suppose a real bakery firm is trying to use the Internet to expand its customer base and find new suppliers of raw materials.

From the very beginning, you should determine which sections such a site will consist of, what information will be presented in these sections, how the site will be navigated, and also think over the design of each page.

Let's say that the site we are developing will consist of three pages:

Home page "Russian bread", saved in the file index.htm, should contain brief information about the history of the company and general characteristics of the products.

The "Price List" page (price.htm file) presents information about a product such as name, price, and characteristics.

The "Order" page (file order.htm) should provide an opportunity to place an order and submit your proposals to the manufacturer.

The structure of such a site and the flows of information between pages can be schematically represented in the form of Fig. 4.1.

Rice. 4.1. Site structure

To create the structure of the Web site, you need to download the MS FrontPage application and execute the command File / New / Web(File / New / Web) , and then in the dialog that appears New(fig. 4.2) specify the type of site (One Page Web) and its location.

Rice. 4.2. MS FrotnPage window structure

The created site is saved in a new folder (by default, My Webs), which is placed on a local drive or on a Web server. It can be subsequently opened using the command File / Open Web ... or select from the list of last open nodes (command File / Reсent Webs).

The FrontPage application window contains three parts:

§ panel Views(View) contains shortcuts to display various views of the Web site;

§ panel Folder List displays a tree of files and folders that make up the physical structure of the node;

§ window for working with the selected view.

Panel Views allows you to browse the website in the following modes:

§ Page view(page view);

§ Folders view(view folders);

§ Reports view(view the report);

§ Navigator view(viewing in navigation mode);

§ Hyperlinks view(viewing hyperlinks);

§ Tasks view(view tasks).

To save a Web site page located in the active FrontPage window, use the command File / Save(File / Save). If the web page has never been saved, a dialog box appears. Save as(Save as).

New Web pages can be created in several ways. For example, to create the "Price List" page, place the cursor in the list of folders Folder List and run the command File / New / Page(File / New / Page). Using the context menu and the command Rename(Rename), enter the file name price.htm. To create the next page "Order", designed to enter information from buyers and suppliers, use the button New Page on the toolbar. Specify the name of the new file as order.htm.

To include pages in the site structure, drag files from the panel Folder List into the window of work in the mode Navigation.

The built-in FrontPage editor becomes available in Page and allows you to work with a Web page in one of three ways:

§ Normal - editing a page in WYSIWYG mode, i.e. when the page is presented as it will look like in Internet Explorer;

§ HTML - editing a page in text representation;

§ Preview - viewing and testing the page.

To illustrate how to edit Web pages, let's open the index.htm page. There are several ways to open pages in FrontPage. You can use the command File / Open(File / Open) or click the button Open(Open) toolbars Standard... Try to open the page by double clicking on the page file name in one of the modes - F olders, Hyperlinks, Navigator or Page. The web page will open in Page / Normal and will be available for editing. Enter the text corresponding to the content of the Home page (Figure 4.3). Note that headings for different paragraphs of text are an effective way to structure your document.

To create a heading, place the cursor on the paragraph for which you want to apply style formatting, and then select one of the six heading levels from the list Style(Styles) on the formatting toolbar.

To create logical partitions on a Web page, horizontal lines are used, which are set using the command Insert / Horizontal Line(Insert / Horizontal line). To change the appearance of a horizontal line, you must:

§ select a horizontal line;

§ select the item from the context menu Horizontal Line Properties(Properties of the horizontal line) and set the width in the opened dialog box ( Width), height ( Height),Colour ( Color) and location on the page ( Alignments).

Rice. 4.3. Homepage

Preview the page formatting results by clicking the shortcut Preview... This mode cannot reproduce all the nuances of the edited page, as no editor can do. The final viewing of the Web page should be done with a Web browser. To launch the browser use the command File / Preview in Browser(File / View by browser). In the opened dialog box Preview in Browser select one of the browsers installed on your computer, set the size of the browser window in the group of options Window Size(Window size) and click Preview... If the page has not been previously saved, then a dialog box will appear Save as(Save as).

A significant advantage that FrontPage gives is the ability to manage the site both during its creation and when users visit the pages. This capability is provided by common fields and navigation bars. Navigation bars are collections of hyperlinks located in the general margins of a Web page. Common fields are located at the option of the developer at any edge of the page. In addition to the main navigation function, common fields and navigation bars give Web pages a uniform style.

You can create navigation bars as follows:

§ Select a team Format / Shared Borders(Format / Common Fields) in one of the modes - Folders,Hyperlinks,Navigator or Page.

§ In the dialog box Shared Borders(Fig. 4.4) specify the pages on which you want to display common fields (on all or on selected pages), define the placement of common fields and navigation buttons.

Rice. 4.4. Dialog Shared Borders (

The navigation bar is added by the command Insert / Navigation Bar.

With the development of the Internet, the design of pages and Web sites becomes more sophisticated and, in essence, turns into a separate art form. FrontPage provides a wide range of options for implementing Web design: Web sites can be created using wizards and templates, and you can use stylistic design themes. The use of themes greatly simplifies the process of site design and ensures uniformity in the design of the pages, in addition, the theme can be changed, deleted, applied to individual pages or the entire site at any time.

To apply the theme, you need to run the command Format / Themes(Format / Theme), which opens the Themes dialog box for selecting a theme and setting its properties - fig. 4.5. So, setting options Vivid Colors(Vivid Colors) makes the color of some blocks of text or graphics more vivid, Active Graphics(Active graphics) creates animation of some elements of the web page, Background Image(Background Pattern) adds a background texture to the web page, Apply Using CSS(Using a style sheet) allows you to use cascading style sheets.

Rice. 4.5. Themes window

Apply one of the topics to the site we are working on and compare the results with Fig. 4.6.

Rice. 4.6. Appearance of the Home page using a theme

Task 2. Design tables using MS FrontPage

Let us consider the use of tables on Web pages using the example of the "Price List" page design, the purpose of which is to present information about the goods produced by the company.

When developing Web sites, the use of tables allows you to structure information of any type: numerical, test, and even graphical. Depending on the type of information presented, the table can have a traditional look, that is, with border lines around the table and its constituent cells, or without border lines, which is often used to represent graphical information. Let's place on the "Price List" page a table containing the name and image of the product's appearance. For this:

§ in mode Page select the price.htm file and place the cursor in the place of the Web page where we intend to place the left corner of the table;

§ create on the "Price List" page a table consisting of four rows and three columns using the command Table / Insert / Table(Table / Insert / Table). When the Insert Table dialog box appears in the field Rows(Number of lines) and in the field Columns(Number of columns) enter the number 3.

§ fill in the table with information in accordance with Fig. 4.7. We will enter the rest of the information presented on the page a little later.

Rice. 4.7. Web page Price List

After creating the table, you can change its appearance in the dialog box Table Properties(Table properties). To do this, select any cell in the table and run the command Table / Properties / Table(Table / Properties / Table). In the dialog box Table Properties(Fig. 4.8) the following options are available for the installation:

Rice. 4.8. Table Properties Dialog Box (F_Table_Properties File)

Layout group (layout):

Alignment(Alignment) - sets the type of horizontal alignment of the table relative to the width of the Web page;

Float(Wrapping) - allows you to position text not included in the table to the left or right of the table.

Cell padding(Cell margins) - determines the size of indents in pixels from the edges of the cell to the elements filling it (by default, it is assumed to be 1);

Call spacing(Cell pitch) - determines the distance in pixels between adjacent cells (by default, it is assumed to be 2).

Borders group changes the line width and border colors of the table. The framing consists of two lines - light and dark, and applying different colors to them creates the effect of a three-dimensional image:

Light Border(Light border) - defines the color of the light line;

Dark border(Dark border) - defines the color of the dark line;

Border(Border) - defines the border color if the options Light Border and Dark border defined by default (Default) /

Background group:

Color(Color) - allows you to set the background color of the table;

Use background picture(Use background picture) - allows you to select a picture that will be selected as a background in the table.

Optionally, you can place a header in front of the table. To this end:

§ Place the cursor in any cell of the table and execute the command Table / Insert / Caption(Table / Insert / Signature). The text insertion pointer moves centered above the table.

§ Enter the text of the signature, for example, the date the table was updated.

Task 3. Creating links and forms on pages using MS FrontPage

As a reminder, a hyperlink is a link from one Web page to another page, picture, email address, or file located outside of the site you create or view. This allows you to subdivide the hyperlinks as follows:

To create hyperlinks, you need to understand that there are two parts to this process. The first is to select text or an object on the page, which is defined as a hyperlink, and the second is to specify the target resource, that is, the file or page (place on the page), where you click on the hyperlink.

Viewing all links related to the selected page can be carried out in the mode Hyperlinks.

Let's consider some methods of creating hyperlinks on the example of further design of the "Price List" Web page. First, enter all the initial information on the edited page in accordance with Fig. 4.7. Then, to create a link to a bookmark, you need to:

§ Create bookmarks using command Insert / Bookmark(Insert / Bookmark).

§ Select text or an object, when pointing to which you need to follow the hyperlink and execute the command Insert / Hyperlink(Insert / Hyperlink).

§ In the appeared dialog box - fig. 4.9, highlight the page on which the bookmarks are located and select the desired bookmark from the list Bookmark(Bookmark).

Rice. 4.9. Insert Hyperlinks Dialog Box

Perform the operation of creating hyperlinks that provide a transition from pictures from the Characteristics column to the text of the page where the characteristics of the product are located.

To create hyperlinks that navigate to other target resources, carefully study the possibilities of the dialog box Insert Hyperlink.

In addition to simple links in the form of text or pictures, FrontPage allows you to create so-called maps - graphic images to which the link is assigned. Clicking on the active zone allows you to follow the specified link. You can assign a link to an entire picture or to a separate fragment. Let's consider this operation on the example of the design of the "Order" Web page. Prepare a small drawing by saving it in a folder Images your site, and only then insert it into the "Order" page. Further, the creation of a map must be performed in the following sequence:

§ select a drawing on the page. The toolbar appears on the screen. Pictures;

§ using the tool for drawing a rectangle, ellipse, polygon, draw a contour on the active area of ​​the image;

In this case, we will assume that the part of the picture in which the text "Marketing department" is located should have a hyperlink to the product order form, and the text "Web-administrator" should have a hyperlink to the email address of the web-administrator. The order form can be placed on the same page. Enter the title of the form at the bottom of the page and set a bookmark in front of it, which will be navigated to when you click on the text "Marketing department". The order.htm page is shown in Figure 4.10.

Rice. 4.10. Fragment of the page order.htm

In addition to hyperlinks, this page introduces usage, a common and effective way of establishing contact between a user and the owner of a Web site. Forms can be created in several ways. One is the use of templates, where the designer of the Web page selects a suitable form from a set of templates available. In the event that none of the proposed templates suits you, you can use the form wizard Form Page Wizard... To do this, when creating a new page, a template is selected from the list of proposed templates Form Page Wizard... In this case, the design of the form is carried out in dialog mode in accordance with the requests of the wizard.

Some developers prefer to design their own forms. To do this using the toolbar Form(Form) a new form is created, into which controls, text, and graphics are then placed.

The process of creating a form consists of several stages. First, we need to determine what data we want to receive from potential visitors to our page. The next step is to place controls, the choice of which is determined by data properties. The last step is to configure the received data handler.

Each form control has a set of properties that determine the name of the element, default settings, appearance, and the type of data received. To open a dialog box in which properties are set, you must select a control, call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button, and execute the command From Field Properties(Form field properties).

To enter the last name, first name, patronymic and other text information, it is advisable to select the one-line text field On-line Text Box. This field has the following properties, reflected in the dialog box (Fig. 4.11):

Rice. 4.11. Text Box Properties Dialog Box

Name(Name) is the name of the control used to identify the data it contains.

Initial value(Initial value) - symbols that are reflected after opening the form.

Width in characters(Number of characters) - the length of the text field in characters.

Tab order(Enumeration order) - determines the order of enumeration of controls when a key is pressed Tab.

Password field(Password) - set Yes if you need to enter a password.

To fix the order of goods, use the field Check Box(Checkbox). The properties of this field consist of a description of its name, the value sent to the server and the indication and the need to set it when opening the form.

The form field that allows you to select the type of delivery of goods can be represented by a drop-down list.The properties dialog box of this control is shown in Fig. 4.12.

Rice. 4.12. Drop-Down Menu Dialog Box

This window provides the ability to fill in or change the drop-down list:

§ button Add(Add) - add items to the list;

§ button Modify(Change) - change the name, value or initial state of the entry;

§ button Remove(Delete) - deletes a line from the list;

§ Move up(Up) and Move down(Down) - change the location of the records.

By default, the dialog box is set to select only one entry from the list. To allow multiple selection in a row Allow multiple selections(allow multiple selection) you need to set the value of the switch to position Yes(Yes).

If you create a form yourself, you must specify a tool for processing the data sent to the server. To this end, open the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on the form and select the line Form Properties(Form properties) - fig. 4.13.

Rice. 4.13. Form Properties Dialog Box

This dialog offers various form processing tools:

§ Send to File name(Send to file);

§ Send to E-mail(Send by email);

§ Send to other(Other).

After choosing the method of data processing, for example, sending data to a file, you need to set the options in the dialog box (Options for saving form results) - Fig. 4.14. This window is accessed by clicking the Options button on the dialog box. Form Properties(Form properties).

Rice. 4.14. Options of Form Dialog Box

This window has four tabs:

§ File Results(Writing results to a file);

§ E-mail Results(Sending results by email);

§ Confirmation Page(Confirmation page);

§ Saved fields(Stored fields).

When sending data to a file, the file name for saving the form data is set on the corresponding tab ( File name), file format ( File format), as well as options that allow you to send data paired with a field name ( Include field names) and appended to the end of the HTML file ( Latest results at and). If the data is directed to a text file, then they are always appended to the end.

After creating the form, open the website in a browser. Once you go to the Orders page, you can clear the form or enter your information into it. Form data is saved by the server in the format you defined in the window Options for Saving Results of Form(Options for saving form results).

Task 4. Control over the development of the Web site

The creation of a Web site is a painstaking systematic work that requires keeping under control not only a large amount of information that is supposed to be placed on Web pages, but also the stages of creating each page, the quality of the prepared material, the correctness of hyperlinks, etc. FrontPage provides tools to help you manage the creation and maintenance of Web sites.

To obtain information about the created node and its analysis, you can use the Reports view mode on the panel Views... When you click on the icon Reports(Reports) the toolbar will appear on the toolbar Report(Reports), on which the type of report should be selected from the drop-down list. Standard Mode - Site Summary(Site review) - fig. 4.15.

Rice. 4.15. General Website Content Report

This mode provides general information about the pages of the site. In the report All Files(All files) shows the total number of files and their total size. Report Pictures(Images) gives information about the number and size of images. Timing Linked Files(Linked files) and Unlinked Files(Unlinked Files) shows which files are hyperlinked from the start page and which are not. Line Slow pages(Slow Pages) gives information about slow loading pages. Setting the page load time limit is performed using the command Tools/Options/ tab Reports View(Service / Options / Reports tab). A page is considered slow if its load time exceeds the counter value " Slow page" take at least... ("Slow pages are loading at least ..."). The download time is calculated taking into account the estimated connection speed, which can be selected from the list Assume connection speed(Consider connection speed equal).

To view reports that provide information about the correctness of hyperlinks on the site, use the line Broken hyperlinks("Dead" links). This mode allows you to identify the presence of links to a nonexistent resource.

In addition to analyzing the content of the site, it is very important to monitor the progress of work on the creation, modification and updating of Web-pages. To do this, the project manager draws up a list of tasks, indicating the name of the work and the timing of its completion, as well as information about the person responsible for the result.

FrontPage can automate the maintenance of such a list. To enter a new task and view the list of already created tasks on the panel Views(view) mode is used Tasks view(view tasks). A new task in this mode is enabled using the command File / New / Tasks(File / New / Task), the execution of which leads to the opening of a dialog box New Task(Create a task). Entering information in the appropriate fields of this dialog box allows you to enter the information required to monitor the progress of work.

The task is accessed by double-clicking on the line with the task description in the window Tasks.

With development Of the Internet the information exchange protocol appeared, the protocol is called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol- Hypertext Transfer Protocol) .Along with this protocol appeared the service World wide web(often called WWW or simply Web), which constitutes a vast network of servers HTTP transferring files via Internet.

The bulk of these files are Web pages- special files written in the language HTML (HyperText Markup Language- hypertext markup language). Web pages published in The Internet by placing such files on servers HTTP (Web sites)... Content Web pages can be different and devoted to completely arbitrary topics, but they all use the same basis - language Html.
Most people who want to create their own website or page are familiar with the language Html only by hearsay. Therefore, the program can come to their aid. Microsoft FrontPage, one of the most famous website builders.

FrontPage, included in the application package Microsoft Office, became the first widely used product for Internet, which combines the client and server parts and provides the ability to develop the site as a whole and install it on most popular servers. FrontPage able to take on all the necessary programming work. but FrontPage will become a rather serious assistant for professional developers who prefer to have complete control over the creative process in their hands.

Program window FrontPage 2003.

Program FrontPage released by the company Microsoft and is made in the same style of the products included in the package Microsoft Office, therefore, the appearance of the program practically does not differ from that of a word processor Word .

At the top of the window is the menu bar and two toolbars: Standard and Formatting... You can enable or disable the display of toolbars. View menu.
On the left is View panel, with which you can switch document modes.
The main part of the window is occupied by the work area, in which one or several windows containing individual documents can be opened.
At the bottom of the window is status bar containing background information... Also in the lower part of the window there are three buttons for viewing the document.
Display of toolbars.
To manage toolbars during FrontPage you can use the same methods as in Microsoft Word... Namely:
on the menu View have to choose Toolbars item, and in the new submenu that opens, set flags opposite the toolbars that you need; or click right click for any control panels(or in the area next to it) and use the context menu in the same way.

FrontPage like other apps Microsoft Office, allows you to add, remove, swap menu items and buttons on toolbars. It is also possible to create completely your own panels.
For this you need:

IN Service menu choose Item Setting
in View menu choose Toolbars item, and in the appeared cascade menu - Item Setting
As a result of your actions, a dialog box will open Customization where you can install the required panels.

Creation of a new Web pages.

If you run FrontPage means new Web page you have already created (at startup FrontPage a new empty one opens immediately Web page ready to accommodate text and any other elements).
Create new Web page it is possible in other ways:

Using the button New page on the Standard panel tools.
File menu select submenu Create, and then - Page or Web site;
using combinations Ctrl + N;
through context menu(works in all modes except modes Tasks and Reports) - for this inside Folder list given Web) you need to right-click and select the item Create  Page.

Create pages using wizards and templates.

As mentioned above, if you used the menu to create a new page File  New  Page or Web Site, then FrontPage prompts you to use the template to create a new page.
To do this, it will open a dialog box, the appearance of which is shown below:

In the tab General this dialog box displays a list of templates FrontPage currently available. Having chosen any of the templates, you can see its description in Sample field.
Creation FrontPage Web.
Microsoft FrontPage Web is a set Web pages, image files, and other components that can be viewed as a whole.
If you make a website in FrontPage, then for its storage it is most convenient to use FrontPage Web.
the most important plus is the ability to rename the files included in the FrontPage Web.
Imagine that before publishing your site in Internet you suddenly noticed that a couple of files you have named with Russian names. - "Now you have to climb all files and change links with pens!" you will do it, and this is where it will help FrontPage Web- you can safely rename the files, and FrontPage will independently go through all other files included in FrontPage Web and will rename all links to the file you fixed.
I will not describe all the other advantages, but I would like to say that in order to use all the possibilities FrontPage then it is better to use FrontPage Web.
So to create a new one FrontPage Web click on the arrow located to the left of the New page button on the toolbar and in the drop-down menu that appears, select Web site ...

Opening web pages.

Very often, when creating a site, you have to edit already created ones. Web pages... You can return to the same page as many times as you want to edit it or use parts of it to create new ones. Web pages.

Open an existing Web page possible in any of the existing modes.

From mode Page Views there are four ways to open an existing page:

1 way

If you are working with FrontPage Web then just select the desired file in Folder list and double click on it.

2 way

From the File menu, select Latest files... Select the desired file from the cascading menu that appears.

3 way

Using the Open File dialog box: File  Open.


In order to see how your page looks directly in the browser, you can use the View tab in edit mode Web pages... But in this case, it may turn out that the browser FrontPage not quite correctly display some elements of your pages so the best is:
use the button on the toolbar
or in File menu select item Preview p in the browser.

If you used the first method, then the content of your page will be displayed in the built-in browser FrontPage.
If you used the second method, then FrontPage will display a dialog box Browser View ...

Here you can:
Select the browser in which you want to view your Web page... As a rule, initially displayed here browser which is installed by default on your machine.
Add any other browser, for which you need to use the button Add.
Edit or remove installed browsers.
Set the size of the screen on which to view your Web page

Preservation Web pages.

Default FrontPage instead of name pages takes the first line of text from your pages... This is not always what you need. You can change the page title with Change buttons- clicking on this button opens the Title dialog box pages where you can change the name pages.

Deleting Web pages.

When working with Website sooner or later it will happen that some pages you no longer need and you want to delete them.

There are three ways to delete Web pages.

1 way

In the panel Folder list select the file to be deleted and press the button Delete on keyboard.

2 way

In the panel Folder list right click on file(or icon file), which must be deleted and in the appeared context menu select the item Delete.

3 way

IN List pane folders highlight the file you want to delete and then select Delete from the Edit menu.

Work with text.

At first glance, typing in FrontPage is no different from entering text in any text editor (for example, in Microsoft Word).
In order to type text, just click the mouse anywhere on the page, and the cursor will be placed at the nearest point where you can enter text.
Typing capital letters, editing text (deleting characters, inserting text, etc.) is done in the same way as in Microsoft Word.
There is only one small BUT: when you press Enter keys in FrontPage the cursor is forced to a new line, with fixed paragraph indents before and after the paragraph.
If you do not need to create paragraphs, then it is best to use the keyboard shortcut to move to a new line Shift + Enter.

Working with images.

Graphically formats in Web.

All computer images, all formats for storing them (and, therefore, all programs for processing them) are divided into two large classes - vector and raster. Vector image consists of objects - geometric shapes made up of lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves. Merits vector graphics a lot. From the point of view of the designer, its most important advantage is that vector graphics can be “twisted” as you like, without fear of “rubbing a hole” in the image or losing some information. Another advantage is the small size of files (in comparison with bitmaps) and independence from the resolution of the output devices (be it a printer or a monitor screen). These factors made vector graphics likely candidate for use in Internet... However, it should be noted that at the moment vector graphics are not found as often as we would like.
Nevertheless, among the actually used vector formats, I would like to note the format Shockwave Flash by Macromedia... To view this format in browser you need a plug-in ( plug-in), distributed free of charge by the company Macromedia... Today, there are both sites entirely and completely created using this technology, and sites used by Flash format only partially.
The raster representation of graphics is based on the concept of a raster. Raster Is a collection of objects (in this case, pixels) arranged in the same rows and columns. Those. raster computer file can be thought of as a collection of small colored or gray squares that form a mosaic of an image. Because the size of these squares is deliberately small, then when viewing raster graphics, these squares merge with each other, forming a continuous change of colors.

The bitmap image storage format has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the big advantages of raster graphics is the ability to work with halftones, i.e. the ability to convey an image exactly as it looks in real life. Among the shortcomings, the main problem is the file size. Naturally, the more pixels are allocated for the formation Images, the higher the quality of the transmitted Images, but, thus, the file size will also be larger.
If we now return to browsers, we can say the following that most browsers can display four formats of graphic files (* .gif, * .jpg, * .png, * .bmp), of which two are currently best used - * .gif and * .jpg... And even then after preliminary optimization.
Inserting images on Web page.
Embed an image on your Web page in several ways:
1. Drag the image from Windows Explorer(that is, straight from the explorer).
2. Drag the image from Internet Explorer.
3. Drag the image file from the panel Folder list, straight to the page.
4.Using clipboard- copy the image to the clipboard from any other program, and then paste it on the page from the clipboard.
5.Using Add buttons drawing from file on the toolbar Standard.
6.Using the menu Box  Figure.
Let's consider these methods in more detail:
Method 1
Windows Explorer(that is, directly from the explorer) you need:
in FrontPage
open the explorer window;
in the explorer window, select the file with the picture that you want to insert into your page;
with the left mouse button, drag the image file onto your Web page the picture is inserted in the place where the insertion point was on the page.
Method 2
To drag an image from Internet Explorer necessary:
in FrontPage open the page where you want to add an image;
in browser open the image that you want to put on your Web page browser the file name must end with jpg, jpeg, gif);
with the left mouse button, drag the selected picture onto your Web page;
Method 3
To drag file with a picture from the panel List folders, right on the page you need:
in FrontPage open the page you want to add image;
select the required picture file on the panel Folder list;
left mouse button drag the selected picture onto your Web page;
the selected picture is inserted in the place where the insertion point was on the page.
Method 4
To insert an image on your Web page using the clipboard, you must:
in the application from which you want to copy the picture, select the image and using the keys Ctrl + C copy the picture to the clipboard;
on his Web page paste this image from the clipboard using the keys Ctrl + V
Method 5
Web page you decided to use the button Add image from file on toolbar Standard, then FrontPage will open a dialog box Drawing.
In this dialog box, specify the image file that you would like to add to your Web page and press the button Insert.

Method 6
If to insert an image on your Web page you decided to use the menu Box  Drawing, then FrontPage will prompt you to make a further choice:

Pictures… - the choice of that menu item gives you the opportunity to use the ready-made library of pictures.
From file... - choosing this menu item gives you the opportunity to independently indicate the location of the image file that you want to add to your Web page(using this item will open a dialog box Drawing, the work with which was described above).
Create photo collection… - using this menu item, you can create a collection of images in a certain style. To do this, in the window that opens Properties photo collections with a button Add in the tab Drawings select images, and on the tab Layout choose the format of the design.
Adding media files.

In addition to simple graphics, like - images in * .gif, * .jpg, * .png etc. FrontPage allows you to post on your Web pages multimedia files. These include: video clips, sounds ...

To insert a video clip, you need to Insert menu select item Drawing, and then Video recording ...

A dialog box opens. Video window, it will display video clips in * .avi, * .asf, * .ram, * .ra.

Add sound on Web page can be on the General tab of the dialog box Page properties.

Working with tables.

table is one of the most powerful tools used to create websites.
Initially tables used only to represent structured data. Gradually, however, they evolved into a powerful general-purpose layout tool. Web pages.

Creating tables

The easiest way creating a table- use the button Add table located on the toolbar Standard.
Another way is with the item Menu Table  Insert  Table.
As well as table can be drawn and pasted using the clipboard.

Data entry and table navigation.

One of the great things about tables is that the text you enter is formatted within a cell in the same way that we are used to formatting it within the entire document. Text placed in a cell is automatically wrapped to a new line if its length exceeds the width of the column. When you press the key Enter as usual, a new paragraph is inserted. Text or numbers are entered into the table using the keyboard.

Before entering data into table, you need to place the text cursor in the desired cell tables... This can be done by clicking on it with the mouse.

However, it is more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts to move between cells:
Keyboard shortcuts: Action:

Tab anywhere in the table, except for the end of the last line, go to an adjacent cell and select its contents
Tab at the end of the last line add a new line to the bottom of the table
Shift + Tab go to the previous cell and select its contents
Enter start a new paragraph
Enter at the beginning of the first cell add text before the table at the beginning of the document

Creation and application of forms.

Forms are text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, buttons, and many other controls. A site visitor just needs to enter some information in a particular text field, select some data from the proposed list, click on the Send button to send the data to Web server for processing (or processed right there on the page).

Let's get to know you - please fill in the following fields:
Your name:

Your last name:

Your date of birth: year month day

Thank you! Now let's go!
1. Small, but agile.
Wherever it happens, it rules.
He will enter the tent -
The hero will turn over.
Who is this?
Fly flea capricious child
2. Bulging eyes sits,
Speaks french
Jumping like a flee
Swims like a human.
Who are we talking about?
Cat Frog Parrot

3. What does a seal breathe when it dives under the ice?

4. Why do big turtles cry?

5. What kind of clothes can the herring wear?
Fur coat Coat Vest
6. Who is called a "river horse"?
Otter Hippo Crocodile

7. What birds do not hatch chicks?

8. What birds can't fly?

If you need to select several answers - press and do not release the key Ctrl and left-click on the desired answer

But creating forms on the page that's only half the job. Since there must necessarily be a program that can process the data entered by the user using forms.
Such a program can be located on a server; it can be in your Website as a separate file, or can be simply written in the code html on your Web page.
It is she who determines what will happen with the information entered by the user:

information can be added to the database and various charts, ratings can be built on its basis ...;
information can be forwarded by e-mail (this is often used to obtain information about the user in questionnaires of various kinds);
information can be processed right on the spot and the visitor of your site will immediately receive the response information (for example - he will receive points for the test, see the information entered by him in the guest book ...).

In a relationship forms there are several basic rules:

1. Each form occupies a certain area Web pages... On one Web page one or more shapes can be located.
2. Each form must contain at least one of the form elements (although, as a rule, there are several of them).
3.Each item shape has a name and meaning. The name identifies the field for entering information, and the value is equal to the value selected by the user.
4. One of the form elements (it can be a regular button or any picture) must perform the function of a button Send.

Form creation in FrontPage.
To add a form to Web page, necessary:

Position the cursor where you want to paste shape.
IN Insert menu choose Item Shape, in the menu that opens, select again Item Shape. Form will be placed on your Web page- an area will appear, marked with a dotted frame, with two buttons: Send and Reset.
Using all the same paragraph Insert menu  Form sequentially insert the elements you need forms by selecting them from the drop-down cascading menu (remember that all form elements are inserted inside the form area marked with a dotted frame).
After form created, it remains only to fill it with content - elements forms, text, images, tables ... (while the dimensions shape will change automatically).
Add content forms can be done in the usual way. For example, you can type text, or you can paste it from the clipboard ... All actions with the added objects are similar.
but form creation- this is just the beginning of work. After creating it, you need to configure the properties as the most shape and its elements.

Setting form properties.

To process or store data entered by visitors Web pages, you must either take advantage of the opportunities provided FrontPage Server Extensions, or some other program running on Web server.
But whichever program you choose, you still have to adjust the properties of the form and the elements in it.
To open the form properties window, you need to:
in Insert menu choose Item Shape, and then -
call the context menu to the form and in the opened context menu select the item Form properties.
This will open a dialog box Form properties.

1.In Save field results, you must indicate what will need to be done with the data entered in shape... You can choose from the following options:
o Upload File name- the data will be placed in the specified file on Web server... This file can be Web page, which over time will become longer and longer, or a data file, which can then be processed in Excel, Access or any other program;
o Sending Mail address- in this case, every time a visitor clicks Web pages Send to buttons form an email will be generated and sent to the address you provided. This message will contain all the data that was entered by the user on Web page.
o In the database- in this case the data shape will be sent to the database. The base should be on Web server(or be available to him).
2.In Properties field form you must specify the name of the form
View modes in FrontPage.
FrontPage offers six different modes for viewing content Website:

To select the desired mode, you can use View panel located on the left side of the screen, or in the menu View on the toolbar Standard select the appropriate menu item.

This mode is used to create and edit Web pages. Here you can create empty Web pages and pages based on templates, assign themes to pages (a set of page display styles). In this mode, you can add and format text, format pages using graphic and video images (conversion of a number of graphic formats to formats * .gif, * .jpg and * .png), add sound to the page, present information in tables, frames and forms, and finally create hyperlinks. This is not a complete list of possibilities. FrontPage on content editing Web pages.
In this mode, you can view the structure Web site(files and folders) and manage it in the same way as you do in Windows, this mode gives you the opportunity to get more detailed information about files and folders than is provided in the view mode Page.
Provides you with more than a dozen reports containing a variety of information about Web site opened in FrontPage.
Designed to view the site hierarchy. In this mode, you can manipulate the hierarchy by dragging rectangles (each of which represents a specific Web page).
Demonstrates a system of hyperlinks that link pages Web site(as well as a system of hyperlinks to other nodes), provides verification of their integrity and the ability to change.
This mode is for task management Web site(add, remove, execute, prioritize, and track the status of tasks).

Free download FrontPage can be on the following link:

5.1.1. New Website Creation and Presentation Modes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - 58

5.1.2. Organization of the structure website ………………………………………… .. - 61

5.1.3. Editing a web page …………………………………………… - 64

5.1.4. Adding and Formatting Text …………………………………… .. - 66

5.1.5. Organization of primary colors web pages …………………………… .. - 69

5.1.6. Creation and editing of tables, layout tables ……………… .. - 69

5.2. Graphic images as application objects …………………………. - 76

5.2.1. Inserting a graphic and sound background on a web page ………………

5.2.2. Insert a picture on a web page ……………………………………………

5.2.3. Image properties …………………………………………………………

5.2.4. Editing an image ……………………………………………… ...

5.2.5. Drawn objects ……………………………………………………………

5.3.1. Creating hyperlinks and bookmarks on web pages …………………….

5.3.2. Creation of hotspots of a graphic image …………………… ..

5.3.3. Control of hyperlinks by means of FrontPage 2003 ………………………

5.3.4. Common boundaries ……………………………………………………………….

5.4. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) …………………………………………………

5.4.1. Internal Styles …………………………………………………………….

5.4.2. Embedded Styles ……………………………………………………………

5.4.3. External Style Sheets ………………………………………………… ..

5.5. Frames (frames) in FrontPage 2003 …………………………………

5.6. Forms in FrontPage 2003 ……………………………………………. - 100

5.7. Application components and their brief description ………………………. - 104

5.8. Additional features of FrontPage 2003 ………………………………… - 111

5.8.1. Using wrapping and positioning …………………………. - 111

5.8.2. Effects using Dynamic HTML and JavaScript ……………… .. - 113

Section 5. Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Application.

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is an application designed to create and maintain web sites (web sites) using a standard interface

WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”).

MS FrontPage2003 is available as a standalone application. The size of the installation folder is 155 MB. Hardware requirements.

Computer and processor. PC with 133 MHz Pentium processor or higher, Pentium III recommended.

an additional 8 MB of RAM for each of the applications running concurrently.

HDD. 245 MB available hard disk space and 115 MB hard disk space,

on which the operating system is installed (the requirements for free hard disk space depend on the configuration, as well as on the components selected during the installation process).

Operating systems Microsoft Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3 (SP3), Microsoft Windows XP or later.

Reference information on the program on the site -

MS Office FrontPage 2003 provides a new development environment: layouts, rulers,

Gridlines, Sample Images, Layers, Templates, Advanced Themes are all designed to make it easier for a developer who may not even have knowledge of HTML to implement a website project. The web editor has convenient tools for working with tables, built-in tools for image processing, allows you to easily place various multimedia objects on pages: pictures, videos, animation, sound fragments. Close integration with the MS Office package allows you to display MS Word documents on the pages,

MS Excel tables and graphs, dynamically receive data from MS Access, use VBA, spell checkers and about 60 ready-made themes for website page design. MS FrontPage 2003 supports modern Web

technologies such as cascading style sheets (CSS), dynamic effects (DHTML), frames, active pages (ASP), ActiveX controls, and Java applets.

FrontPage is not only a Web page editor, but also contains site management tools, such as a page navigation scheme, site analysis using various reports, team development, customization for specific

browsers, uploading a site to a Web server via HTTP and FTP. Using this program, you can not only create and edit web pages, but also insert various complex elements (counters, link bars, search strings, dynamic effects, creeping lines, etc.) on them without writing additional scripts.

However, most of these components will only work if the web

FrontPage (Microsoft), SharePoint ™ Team Services 1.0 (Microsoft), or services

Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services. Some components may not work depending on the type of browser you are using. This imposes certain restrictions on the use of application capabilities when creating web pages.

The disadvantages of the MS FrontPage web editor can be attributed to its predominant orientation to the Internet Explorer browser, so you should check the work of the finished site in other browsers. And also some redundancy of the finished HTML code. The editor monitors changes in the page code and restores the tags deleted by the user.

Figure 5.1 - Window of MS Office FrontPage 2003

Basically, MS FrontPage 2003 looks like most of MS Office applications

2003 (Figure 5.1).

- title line

- Workspace

- menu bar

- view buttons panel

- standard toolbar

- "drawing" toolbar

- toolbar "formatting"

- status bar

- view panel

- task pane

- information area of ​​the current


views To get help on the program, you must run the command

Help → Microsoft Office FrontPage and FrontPage Help panel follow links Table of contents ... If your computer is connected to the Internet, documents located at are added to the Help Table of Contents. Otherwise, the table of contents only consists of documents installed with the application.

5.1. Creation and editing of a website in the application environment.

Starting to create a website, it is necessary to determine its subject, the number of website subsections and pages in each of them, i.e. develop a detailed structural diagram, as well as prepare text and graphic material for each of the web pages. The process of developing a website directly in MS Office FrontPage 2003 can be carried out according to the following algorithm.

1) Create a new website or open an already created one.

2) Organize (edit) structure website.

3) Edit Pages website in any order: 3.1) switch to the editing mode of a specific page;

3.2) set the properties of the web page;

3.3) enter text from the keyboard or paste through the clipboard and format it; 3.4) insert a background, soundtrack, tables, graphics,

3.5) add dynamic effects and components of MS Office FrontPage 2003; 3.6) save the web page and view it in the Internet Explorer browser;

3.7) continue editing or go to editing another web page.

4) If necessary, go back to step 2 and add new ones. web pages.

5) Close FrontPage 2003, Open website in a browser and test it (view the website at different monitor extensions in different browsers).

5.1.1. New website creation and presentation modes.

Follow these steps to create a new website.

1) Execute command File → New.

2) On the Create panel (1 in Fig.5.2) of the task pane, follow the hyperlinks

Single page website (2 in Figure 5.2).

3) In the Web site templates window that opens (3 Fig.5.2) on the General tab, select the Single-page Web site template (4 Fig.5.2). Description of the template (5 fig.5.2)

appears at the bottom right of the dialog box. (If you choose any other template, the new website will already contain a number of web pages with a certain design, in some cases a special wizard will be launched

settings, with which you can define the structure of the website.)

4) Fill in the field Specify the location of the new website: (6 Figure 5.2) manually

(enter the full path) or using the Browse button (7 Fig.5.2) (define the location on

disk to save the new website, open (create) a folder, press the button


5) Click OK.

Figure 5.2 - Creating a new website

After the website is created (Figure 5.3), on view panels the website tab (1) appears, on view dashboard service information (2) and command buttons (3) available in this view, and in the working window the contents (4) of the current view.

Panel view buttons(5 in Figure 5.3) contains six buttons with which you can switch to different modes of the website presentation.

Folder View - Shows a list of folders and website pages. In this mode, it is convenient to create new folders using the Create folder button on the right side

Figure 5.3 - Presentation of the Folders website

Remote Web Site View - Used to view your web

site on a remote web server.

Reports View - Contains a list of website reporting options. Each summary report has its own name, number of points, total file size and description.

This mode, for example, can be used to detect errors in hypertext transitions.

Transitions View - Shows a graphical representation of the structure of a website.


Tasks view - used to organize tasks for creating web

site (usually used if several people are involved in the work on the website).

All of these views are available from the View menu.

A web site created with FrontPage 2003 can contain web pages, pictures, multimedia files, i.e. almost all possible types of files, as well as hidden folders and files (not displayed in the application) that support the special functionality of the application. Hidden folders include _vti_cnf and _vti_pvt. You can see them if you open a folder on the website, for example, in My Computer. The _vti_cnf folder contains information about each file, such as information about

By default, when creating One-page site, folders are created

Private and images and the index.htm file is the first (home) page of the website.

To view the index.htm web page, double-click the left mouse button on the file name. As a result, on view panels to the right of the tab

website, the index.htm tab will appear (1 Figure 5.4) and the Close button (2 Figure 5.4), on view information area panels button Quick tag selection(3 fig. 5.4), and in

work area a blank document is displayed. On the view button bar (4

Figure 5.4), buttons will appear that can be used to switch to various modes of editing a web page.

Design View - displays a web page as an extended word processor in WYSIWYG mode.

Split View - Displays the same web page in both the rich word processor mode and the web page HTML editor. Changes made in one of the modes are immediately reflected in the second.

Code view - allows you to edit directly the HTML code of the web


View View - shows how this page will look in the browser.

To access these views, use the View → Page command.

In order to see the list of files and folders of the website in the Page view, you must run the command View → Folder List or press the button

Toggle panel on the standard toolbar or simultaneously press ALT and F1 on the keyboard.

IN As a result, the working area is divided into two parts (Figure 5.4). In the left

- views of the website Folder List (5) or Transitions, on the right - any view from the View menu.

Such an organization of the presentation of the website for editing in the program

FrontPage 2003 seems to be the most user-friendly.

To increase the workspace of the edited web page, you can close the task pane. In order for this panel not to appear on subsequent launches of FrontPage 2003, you need to run the command

Tools → Options and on the General tab uncheck the Open task pane box.

In order to finish working with the website, you need to run the command

File → Close Node.

Figure 5.4 - FrontPage 2003 window after command execution View → Folder List

Follow these steps to open a website in FrontPage 2003.

Execute command File -> Open Node.

In the Open Web Site dialog box that opens, open the folder that is the Web site.

Click the Open button.

5.1.2. Organization

website structure.

After the website

created, you need to create it

the original structure, i.e.



new web pages. Adding

Figure 5.5 - Information panel Transitions

new web pages into the structure

- creating a new web page

site can be organized

- adding an existing web page

- creating a link bar

different ways.

- inclusion (exclusion) in the link bar


- subtree view

creating web pages in the mode

- horizontal or vertical placement


- selection of the scale for displaying the structure

Transitions. In this mode (Figure 5.5), web pages are displayed in the form of a graphical diagram (8), and the information panel contains commands (1-7) that allow you to work with

structure of the website. To create new web pages, follow these steps.

1) Press button 1 on the information panel. If at this moment none of the web pages of the structure has been selected, then a web page with the title

Top page 1... In the event that any of the available web pages

structure has been selected, then a web page with the title New Page 1 will appear, connected by a thin line (8) to the selected page. The same effect as in the latter case can be achieved by right-clicking on any of the available web pages and in the drop-down menu execute the command Create → Page... All subsequent pages will differ from the previous ones only in number.

2) Then for the created web pages to be displayed in the Folder List window

it is necessary to execute the Update command either on the standard toolbar or from the View menu.

3) In the List of folders window of the web page with headers Top page X

correspond to toppageX.htm files, a web page with a header New page X, correspond to files new_str_X.htm, where X is a number. Files with names

new_str_X.htm must be renamed so that their names are

only from Latin letters, numbers and allowed symbols ... To do this, right-click on the corresponding file, select the command Rename and

replace the file name with the required one.

4) When changing the structure of the website, the existing pages can be deleted (right-click on the desired one, select the Delete command, enable the lower checkbox and click OK) and move around the scheme (with the left mouse button pressed, move the page to the desired location). If you are removing or moving a web

the page has lower-level pages, they will also be deleted or



web pages

are located in the root folder of the website. If

there are a lot of pages, then it is logical to place them in different

according to


For this

in the List of folders window (Figure 5.6) you need to create

Figure 5.6 - The List of folders window

Create web page

information panel Folder list) and pressed

- create a folder

- close a window

with the left mouse button, move the files to the desired folders.

II. Let's consider the process of creating web pages using the Folder List window (Figure 5.6). This window displays the folders and files of the website in alphabetical order and their nesting. In order to create new web pages, you need to follow these steps.

1) Using button 2, create the required number of folders with a certain nesting structure, changing the names of New folderX to the required ones.

2) Select the folder in which you plan to create web page.

3) Press button 1 and replace the name of the new file from new_str_X.htm to the required one

(only Latin letters, numbers and allowed symbols ) without changing the extension

htm file.

4) If necessary, you can drag files from folder to folder by holding down the left mouse button.

5) For convenience and clarity of work with the resulting structure website, you can design it in a graphical form. To do this, select the mode of presentation of the website Transitions and with the pressed left mouse button move the created web pages to

graphical block diagram. If necessary, you can change the names of the graphic elements of the scheme by right-clicking on the desired one and selecting the command


Figure 5.7 - Saving a new website web page

Microsoft Front Page is a full-featured tool for creating efficient Web-sites, as well as detailed and flexible management of them. This application provides extensive options for importing, editing and formatting HTML files. All of these features are accessed through a user-friendly interface familiar to Microsoft Office users.

A Web site (Web site) is a collection of related Web pages and files. FrontPage has the ability to create and edit Web pages in 26 languages. Sites are usually dedicated to a specific topic and contain information related to an individual or a company. Using Front Page, you can create a site directly in the file system of your computer, and after preparation, publish it on the server.

FrontPage contains many features brought together in one workspace. The FrontPage workspace is divided into several display areas: to the left is the View Bar, and to the right of it is the Folder List. With the help of the mode panel, you can switch from one mode of displaying a Web page to another by simply pressing the corresponding button.

There are several modes of operation in FrontPage.

1. Folders mode is used to work with individual files and folders. It allows you to delete, move and rename files and folders, and view the file structure of your Web site.

Front Page can work with graphic files of various formats: * .BMP; * .TIF; * .WMF (WINDOWS Metafiles); * .RAS (Sun Raster); * .EPS (encapsulated Postscript); * .PCX (Paintbrush); * .TGA (Targa) converting them to publication formats * .GIF and * .JPG. By default, Front Page saves imported formats in GIF format.

2. Page mode is intended for creating and editing individual pages. This mode allows you to insert images, tables, hyperlinks, as well as design pages using different styles and layouts. The Page Shortcuts feature makes it easy to edit multiple pages at the same time. Switching from one page to another is carried out using shortcuts and is done with one click.

There are three modes for editing pages: Normal, HTML, and Preview. Working in Normal mode allows us to see the page as it appears on the monitor screen. In HTML mode, the code of the HTML page is edited. Preview mode allows you to see the page as it will actually look in a Web browser (Internet Explorer.)

There are three ways to create a website in Front Page: using a wizards, a template, or using ready-made files. Templates are built-in pages that contain the necessary formatting to create and customize the pages you create. Wizards and templates let you create different types of sites.

When you open a Web site in this mode, a new blank page appears. You can start from a blank page, or you can use one of the ready-made templates for work. To do this, select File - New - Page. In the Web Sites tab window, you see several options for creating a site:

Discussion Wizard websites are for discussion purposes.

Import Wizard The website is created from the finished files.

Corporate Presence Wizard - for creating a company website.

The Frames Pages tab lists frame layout templates. Frames are multi-page layouts where the browser window is divided into multiple subpages. The New dialog box, Style Sheets tab, lists the cascading style sheet templates.

You can create content for a Web site by importing it from another source, and you can import not only a single file, but an entire folder or even a Web site. To do this, display the Import dialog box and select File –Import. The imported files or folders can be modified by clicking the Modify button.

Currently, it is possible to publish one page, which allows for more flexibility in publishing the information you need. To do this, right-click on the selected page (or select multiple pages while holding down the CTRL key) in the folder list, and then select Publish Selected Files.

FrontPage provides table formatting capabilities: auto formatting, autocomplete, and splitting. The Table Autoformat feature allows you to quickly create a professional-quality table on your site. To use this feature, click on any table you are editing in FrontPage, and then click TablegTableAutoformat and select the desired style that automatically determines the type of borders, shadows, and colors used when formatting the table. The auto-fill feature of the table allows you to copy the same item into multiple cells. To do this, select the line and execute the TablegFillgRight command. Similarly, you can fill the bottom cells using the TablegFillgDown command. The split table feature allows you to split one table into two at any location.

3. Reports mode provides a complete set of tabulated Web site status reports. For example, find out the number of pages on a Web site; its overall size; recently added, modified or old pages that need updating; files to which there are no links within the site; broken links to other pages in the current and other sites; unfinished pages with assigned authors and display status of each page, etc. Thus, using this mode, you can track problem areas and fix them using the appropriate toolbar.

4. Navigation mode defines the parameters for moving users around the Web site and shows the structure of the Web site. Using this mode, you can change the location of pages in a Web site by dragging and dropping a page from a folder and moving it to the desired location; remove the page from the Web site; or add an external link to the structure. When you change the title of a page using Navigation mode, it will automatically be displayed on the page, without the need for further editing.

5. Hyperlinks mode allows you to view links between pages on a Web site. A hyperlink is text or an image on a Web page that, when clicked, takes you to another Web page or site. Front Page has several options for creating hyperlinks. For example, put all the hyperlinks on one main page or create a navigation bar that automatically creates and displays hyperlinks to the pages of your site .. the navigation bar is easy to use, it has some drawbacks:

1. The navigation bar contains only certain links that you can only customize and nothing more.

2. The navigation bar will not work until you create the site structure.

You can also create an interactive map (image map), which is a picture with hotspots, which are links on which the user with a mouse click goes to the desired page.

You can view the links between pages on a Web site in the Create Hyperlink dialog box. Links are represented by arrows, so a dangling arrow indicates a broken link. To fix the broken link, go to Broken-Hyperlink mode, right-click on the broken link and select Edit-Hyperlink. Any broken links will be automatically corrected.

In Hyperlinks mode, by default, not the page headers will be shown, but the names of their files. This can be easily fixed using one of the context menu commands. So, using the Show Page Titles command, instead of file names, page titles will be shown, and using the Hyperlinks to Pictures command, you can display hyperlinks to graphic files. The Repeated Hyperlinks command displays repeating hyperlinks, that is, all links of a page to the same file. To display a link to bookmarks within one page, use the Hyperlinks Inside Page command.

The best bookmarks are section headings. To create a bookmark, open a page and select the text you want to link to. The name of the bookmark is entered in the Bookmark dialog box by selecting Insert-Bookmark. You can also delete a bookmark using this dialog box. To create both a bookmark and a hyperlink at the same time, you need to right-click on the selected text of the future bookmark and, while holding it down, drag the text to the place where the hyperlink should be located. Then select Link Here from the context menu. FrontPage will automatically create a bookmark and insert a hyperlink that uses the bookmark text.

FrontPage has the ability to create custom linkbars to link Web pages both within and outside of a site. Panels are created very quickly, and there is a large selection of button shapes and styles. Link bars are inserted anywhere on the page or placed on common borders to navigate between site pages. To insert the bars, select the InsertgWeb ComponentgLink Bars command and the link type.

FrontPage also has the ability to connect to other Web sites and FTP servers by knowing the URL of the corresponding file. When you create a link to a file on the Internet in a Web document, you need to select the text of the future link and click on the Hyperlink button, then enter the full URL in the Create Hyperlink dialog box or click on the browse button if the URL is unknown. In this case, FrontPage will automatically launch a Web browser to point to the required file and will automatically enter the URL in the appropriate field.

FrontPage is a powerful tool for corporate use, making it easy to organize discussion clubs, online polls, and browser-editable lists. With SharePoint Team Services, you can quickly set up a team site on an Intranet where team members can save, search, and share data, documents, and Web pages.

With SharePoint Team Services, you can insert a forum so that team members and site visitors can participate in discussions. Users can create new data for a document library, sort and filter lists of documents, and update or include new information using any browser of the fourth generation and above.

You can also add an interactive survey to the page. Visitors can answer questions using a browser and view survey results in automatically generated charts. Adding a survey is set by the FilegNewgSurvey command.

FrontPage includes e-commerce features to help small organizations transform a site from a product and service information site to a sales center.

6.7. Name the main components and forms of the FrontPage package, define the concept of "WYSIWYG mode"

Microsoft Frontpage allows you to develop and manage Web documents. Not only Web pages, for which there are tons of great programs to work with, but Web documents (sites) in general, that is, collections of related pages.

Frontpage has three main components:

1. Frontpage Explorer provides the structure of Web documents, and provides wizards and templates to do this in just a few minutes. If the Web is already installed, Explorer gives you a visual representation of the entire Web document and allows you to maintain it in the future;

2. Frontpage Editor allows you to create individual pages

Web or edit previously entered pages in WYSIWYG "what you see is what you get"; Precise display mode "What You See Is What You Get". The WYSIWYG principle is the principle of matching a display image to a finished document. In this mode, the author directly sees the finished result on the screen and works with it.

3. Frontpage Personal Web Server provides verification of all aspects of this Web and its maintenance on the Internet.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education


International Institute of Finance, Management and Business

Department of Economic Sociology

Course work

in the discipline "Information Management"

ProgramMicrosoft FrontPage 2003

student of group 25IM801

A.V. Makarikhin

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. D., associate professor

Yu.S. Ryabova

Tyumen 2009


  • Introduction
  • ChapterI... History and basics
  • 1.2 New features. Tasks
  • ChapterII... Control and interface
  • 2.1 Toolbars
  • 2.2 Page properties
  • 2.3 Preview
  • ChapterIII... The basics of working inMicrosoft FrontPage 2003
  • 3.1 Working with macros
  • 3 .1.1 Creating a Macro
  • 3 .1.2 Modifying a Macro
  • 3 .1.3 Executing a Macro
  • 3 .1.4 Debugging a Macro
  • 3 .2 Adding dynamic elements
  • 3 .2.1 Hit Counter
  • 3 .2.2 Resetting the hit counter
  • 3.3 Safety system
  • 3 .4 Web-node. Creation and management
  • 3 .4.1 Web- FrontPage node
  • 3 .4.2 Creating a website
  • Conclusion
  • Literature


Today, the main and most expensive resource for ensuring active socio-economic activity of a person is information. The Internet is a huge, practically unlimited source of the most diverse information. The World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of information accumulated in the form of Web pages, combined into Web sites and accessible through Web browsers. The subject matter of this information and the content of the Web pages can be extremely varied. Including the degree of reliability.

The choice of a topic for writing a term paper for the first year was primarily the fact that information technologies are rapidly developing in the modern world, and this Microsoft Front Page 2003 program helps to systematize large volumes of both text and graphic information into one website , which undoubtedly helps an ordinary PC user to find the necessary information conveniently and quickly on the pages of the World Wide Web.

Microsoft Front Page 2003 program is one of the best web editors, on a par with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Adobe GoLive and LiveMotion, this cannot but say that experts Microsoft created by a truly high-quality, convenient and practical web editor that can easily be mastered by an ordinary PC user without having any professional skills in working with web programming. Therefore, we can safely say that its active localization in all large regions contributes to the development of the worldwide network - the Internet.

This work is not aimed at the practical application and creation of web sites in Microsoft Front Page 2003. The main goal is to form an understanding of the work of this HTML editor, the history of its creation, the reasons for its creation, main functions, its focus and practical application, as well as new distinctive functionality.

Chapter I. History and Basics

1.1 Internet. Microsoft FrontPage

After the Soviet Union launched an artificial Earth satellite in 1957, the US Department of Defense decided that in case of war, America needed a reliable information transmission system. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has proposed developing a computer network for this. The development of such a network has been entrusted to the University of California, Los Angeles, Stanford Research Center, University of Utah and California State University Santa Barbara. The computer network was named ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), and in 1969, within the framework of the project, the network united four of these scientific institutions, all work was funded by the US Department of Defense. Then the ARPANET network began to actively grow and develop, scientists from various fields of science began to use it.

The first ARPANET server was installed on September 1, 1969 at the University of California, Los Angeles. The Honeywell 516 computer had 12 KB of RAM.

By 1971, the first program for sending e-mail over the network was developed, the program immediately became very popular.

In 1973, the first foreign organizations from Great Britain and Norway were connected to the network via a transatlantic telephone cable, and the network became international.

In the 1970s, the network was primarily used for sending e-mail, when the first mailing lists, newsgroups and message boards appeared. However, at that time, the network could not yet easily interoperate with other networks built on other technical standards. By the end of the 1970s, data transfer protocols began to develop rapidly, which were standardized in 1982-83. John Postel played an active role in the development and standardization of network protocols. On January 1, 1983, the ARPANET switched from the NCP protocol to TCP / IP, which is still successfully used to combine (or, as they say, "layering") networks. It was in 1983 that the term "Internet" was assigned to the ARPANET.

In 1984, the Domain Name System (DNS) was developed.

In 1984, the ARPANET had a formidable rival, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) founded the vast NSFNet (National Science Foundation Network), which was made up of smaller networks (including the then famous Usenet and Bitnet networks) and had much more bandwidth than ARPANET. About 10 thousand computers were connected to this network in a year, the title of "Internet" began to smoothly transition to NSFNet.

In 1988, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol was invented, making real-time communication (chat) possible on the Internet.

In 1989, in Europe, within the walls of the European Council for Nuclear Research (French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN), the concept of the World Wide Web was born. It was proposed by the famous British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who over the course of two years developed the HTTP protocol, HTML language and URIs.

In 1990, the ARPANET ceased to exist, completely losing the competition to NSFNet. In the same year, the first connection to the Internet via a telephone line (so-called "dialup" - English Dialup access) was recorded.

In 1991, the World Wide Web became publicly available on the Internet, and in 1993 the famous NCSA Mosaic web browser appeared. The World Wide Web was gaining popularity.

In 1995, NSFNet returned to its role as a research network, with network providers now routing all Internet traffic, rather than National Science Foundation supercomputers.

In the same 1995, the World Wide Web became the main provider of information on the Internet, overtaking the FTP file transfer protocol in traffic, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was formed. We can say that the World Wide Web has transformed the Internet and created its modern look. Since 1996, the World Wide Web has almost completely replaced the concept of the "Internet".

In the 1990s, the Internet consolidated most of the then existing networks (although some, like Fidonet, remained separate). The merger looked attractive because of the lack of a unified leadership, and also because of the openness of the technical standards of the Internet, which made the networks independent from business and specific companies. By 1997, there were already about 10 million computers on the Internet, and more than 1 million domain names were registered. The Internet has become a very popular medium for the exchange of information.

And so with the development of the popularity of the Internet, there was a need to create HTML editors aimed at ordinary PC users, this was primarily due to the increase in users who more and more often turn to information search on the Internet. And against this background, Microsoft in 1995 released its first web editor - Microsoft FrontPage 1.1, then such editors were created as 1997 - FrontPage 97 (2nd version), 1997 - FrontPage Express 2.0, 1998 - Microsoft FrontPage for Macintosh, 1998 - FrontPage 98 (3rd edition), 1999 - FrontPage 2000 (9th edition), 2001 - Microsoft FrontPage 2002 (10th edition), 2003 - Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 (11th edition), and latest version 2007 - Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 (12th version), but so far it is not actively localized, so we decided to consider Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, which we have known for a long time.

1.2 New features. Tasks

Microsoft FrontPage 2003 is an easy-to-use tool for creating Web sites. It contains the necessary set of tools, templates, and style sets to quickly create and design Web pages, and also provides the means for hosting, maintaining and monitoring a Web site on a server.

By using toolbars and menu commands, you can place text and graphics information, navigation bars, and links on a page to navigate from one page to another. In addition, you can use tables, creeping lines, animations, and more. You can use templates and wizards to speed up the development of Web pages and sites. FrontPage 2003 makes it possible to use material prepared in MS Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint on the Web due to compatibility with other software products included in Microsoft Office.

FrontPage 2003 window controls, some components of menus, toolbars, dialog boxes are common for Windows and Microsoft Office.

FrontPage 2003's flexible functionality allows you to create more sophisticated Web sites. FrontPage 2003 includes the professional design, authoring, data manipulation, and publishing tools you need to create dynamic and more complex Web sites. FrontPage 2003 enables you to improve your web development process in the following three key areas.

1 . Design. Enhanced design tools help you improve the presentation of your Web sites. New layout and graphics tools simplify the process of creating web sites that are fully consistent with the user's intent.

2 . Writingcode. Design tools help you improve the quality of the generated code and improve your programming skills. Built-in scripting tools will provide support for interactivity in the products you create. With professional coding tools, you can work faster, more efficiently, and more accurately.

3 . Extensionopportunities. You can organize communication and exchange data in new ways by creating highly interactive data-driven Web sites in an editor that works like what you see on screen is what you get when you print. The improved publishing functionality will speed up the posting of the web pages you create to the Internet.

1.2.1 Improving the appearance of websites

FrontPage 2003 includes a variety of tools, layout capabilities, and graphics features to speed up your work and enable you to create professional-grade Web sites.

When working with graphics from other applications, you have additional control over how graphics are displayed and saved.

Using dynamic web templates allows you to edit entire sections of your website. When you update the main template, the changes are automatically implemented on all pages that link to this template.

Orientation to a specific web browser or screen resolution thanks to the web browser recognition and resolution capabilities. You can also see how the website will look with different combinations of web browsers and resolutions.

Creationtables used for markup, and work with them, as well as control of markup with pixel precision.

Fundsmanagement make it easier to work with multiple adjacent images and slices and allow you to create display effects, such as pop-up menus.


FrontPage 2003's design tools allow you to create efficient, clean HTML files and can be used by both professionals and newcomers to web development. By taking advantage of the reference code generated by FrontPage 2003, professionals can use advanced coding and scripting tools to provide an interactive Internet experience. Because of the simplicity of their coding tools, they can help you get started with learning HTML.

1.2.2 Coding Tools

Split View lets you see how changes you make to Design View update your Code View.

Easily select, edit, and manage tags with Quick Tag Selection and Quick Tag Editor.

Microsoft IntelliSense® technology makes coding easier and less error prone. This technology is available for HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), Cascading Style Sheets, XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language), Microsoft JScript®, and Microsoft

Remove unnecessary code generated by Word 2003 or other web development programs.

Scripting tools:

1) Improve Web site interactivity without writing code by using JScript scripting tools.

front page macro

2) Support for IntelliSense technology in Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) and JScript scripting tools.

1.2.3 Expanding the capabilities and professionalism of the website design

With Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services connected to FrontPage 2003, you can edit and present interactive data from a variety of sources, including Extensible Markup Language (XML), to create highly interactive data-driven Web sites in a visual image editor. You can publish to the Internet using only web browsers. This provides a choice from a large number of publication options.

Data-driven Web sites supported by Windows SharePoint Services, giving you:

1) Ability to publish on the Internet using only web browsers. A couple of clicks and you have weblogs, bug trackers, news and review sites ready.

2) Inserting data views and configuring data sources, including a variety of XML data, Windows SharePoint Services data, Web services, and OLEDB data sources.

3) XML data processing, XML development and XSLT formatting directly in FrontPage visualization to create XML data driven Web sites.

4) Show or hide items and reformat based on data values, as well as put into data view using conditional dynamic formatting.

5) Develop web part pages by creating web part zones, inserting and connecting to web parts from the Microsoft Office Gallery on the Microsoft Tools on the Web, and other sources.

Chapter II. Control and interface

2.1 Toolbars

Microsoft FrontPage 2003, like a number of other programs included in the MS Office package, has a friendly interface, which is represented by the program's control dialog box.

By launching the Editor directly (either directly from Microsoft Windows, or from the Frontpage Explorer by clicking the Show Frontpage Editor button on the toolbar or using the Show Frontpage Editor command from the Tools menu). In this case, the Editor will open with a blank screen; to open the page you want use the command Open menu File and start editing.

When launched, the Editor will open its own window, in the upper part of which, as in most programs of this class, menus and toolbars are located. When all toolbars are visible, the Editor looks like the one shown in Figure 1.

It may seem daunting at first: this chapter covers what most of these buttons and menus are for. . There are different window modes - Normal vi d ( constructor), HTML (Code), split (design and HTML), and preview - similar to worksheet tabs . These tabs allow you to see the page you are editing from different perspectives.

2.1.1 Working with toolbars

The editor has a number of toolbars that can be controlled through the View menu: Toolbars, Formatting, Drawing, Shapes, Table, etc. etc. When all of them are visible, they occupy a significant portion of the Editor window. Therefore, those that you do not need are better hidden. To hide the toolbar, open the View menu and uncheck the box next to the toolbar name. To show a hidden panel, find its name in the view menu and put a checkmark in front of it, then the panel will appear in the same place that it previously occupied.

The Editor toolbars can be positioned anywhere on the screen. To move the toolbar, click anywhere on the toolbar that is not occupied by buttons and drag it to a new location. If you leave it anywhere in the edit window, the panel will float. If this option does not suit you, drag the panel to any edge of the window and leave it there.

2.2 Page properties

In any editor there are properties that are set on the entire work area, and in the FrontPage editor, in order to display the page properties, you need to right-click (right-click) in the free part of the work area, and in the dialog box that appears, select the "Properties pages "(see fig. 2)

In the title text menu, you can enter or edit the page title; the Page Description field is for the optional base URL of the page. To set the default target frame for the links on this page, enter its name in the Base Location text box.

In the "Formatting" tab, you can set the colors and background image (see figure 3)

If you need to set the fields, then in the "Advanced" tab, and set all the required field sizes in points (see Figure 4.)

2.3 Preview

Suppose that the work on the site is done off-line, i.e. without connecting to the server. From time to time you need to see how the page will look like in reality. To do this, you need to switch to the "View" mode (see Figure 5.)

Pages created in FrontPage are saved locally on the machine, which is undoubtedly convenient, since earlier it was necessary to make changes on the site, only on-line.

Chapter III. Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Basics

3.1 Working with macros

When you perform the same task multiple times in Microsoft FrontPage, you can automate it with a macro. A macro is a set of commands and functions stored in a module (Module. A collection of descriptions, instructions and procedures stored under a common name. There are two types of modules: a standard module and a class module.) Microsoft Visual Basic, which you can run whenever you want to execute task.

For example, you can use macros to create new pages and apply templates to them.

The Visual Basic Editor (Microsoft Visual Basic Editor. An environment that allows you to edit recorded macros, as well as create new macros and programs in the Visual Basic for Applications language.) Is a program designed to make it easier for beginners to learn how to write and modify a macro, provided with detailed help. You don't need to learn how to use Visual Basic or how to program in Visual Basic to create a macro. Using the Visual Basic Editor, you can create new macros, modify existing macros, or copy a macro from one module to another or from one page to another. You can also rename macros or modules that store macros.

After creating a macro, you can run it by selecting it from the list in the Macro dialog box. In order for a macro to run when a specific button is pressed, it is necessary to link the macro to a button on the toolbar.

Safety. Exercise caution when executing executable files or programs in macros and applications. Executable files or programs can be used to perform actions that violate the security of your computer and data.

3.1.1 Creating a Macro

1. In the menu Service highlight item Macro, and then click Macros.

2. In the field Namemacro enter the name of the macro (Macro. Macro or set of macros used to automatically perform some operations. Macros are written in the Visual Basic for Applications programming language.) and click Create.

Spaces or punctuation marks are not allowed in macro names, but underscores can be used. For example, the names Macro1 or Macro_1 are valid, but not Macro 1.

3. In the editor VisualBasic(Visual Basic Editor. An environment for developing new and editing existing Visual Basic for Applications programs and procedures. The Visual Basic Editor includes a complete set of debugging tools that can detect syntax errors, runtime errors, and logical errors in programs.) Type or paste code into the module window.

4. If you want to run the macro from the module window, press the key F5.

5. When finished creating the macro, select the command Close and return to Microsoft FrontPage in the menu File.

3.1.2 Modifying a Macro

1. In the menu Service highlight item Macro and then select the command Macros.


3.1.3 Executing a Macro

1. In the menu Service highlight item Macro and then select the command Macros.

2. Select the required macro and press the button Execute.

3.1.4 Debugging a Macro

1. In the menu Service highlight item Macro and then select the command Macros

2. Select the required macro and press the button Stepwithapproach.

3.2 Adding dynamic elements

The hits counter summarizes and displays the number of visits to the web page. You can add a hit counter to your home page so that you and your site visitors see how many times a site has been visited. Below is an example of a hit counter.

You are a visitor to this page.

Several counter styles are provided with Microsoft FrontPage, but you can create your own number images. To do this, create a picture in GIF format. This figure should contain images of numbers from zero (0) to nine (9) with equal intervals.

After adding the hit counter to the page, any seed can be specified.

For example, if a Web site is verified to be working correctly after it is published, the counter will increase by the number of your visits after the verification is complete. In this case, to start counting again, you can reset the counter.

Note. The website must be published on a server with Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions, Microsoft SharePoint Team Services 1.0, or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 installed.

3.2.1 Hit counter

1. In view Page ConsThandler.

2. Position the cursor where you want to insert the hit counter (Hit Counter component. In Microsoft FrontPage, this is the name of the component that tracks the number of hits to a Web site on the Internet.).

3. In the menu Insert select team Web component.

4. In a group A typecomponent press the button Countervisits.

5. Do one of the following.

Selecting an Existing Counter Style

Using a Custom Picture as a Counter Style

1. Double-click one of the counter styles in the group INNStakestylecounter.

2. In the dialog box Propertiescountervisits set the switch Anotherdrawing.

3. Enter the relative location of the file (Relative URL. An Internet page address relative to the current page. For example, the relative URL Doc / Sample. Htm points to the Sample. Htm page in the Doc folder one level below the current page.) folder.) GIF (GIF. An image file format (with the .gif extension in Microsoft Windows) used for displaying images on the Internet with an indexed set of colors. Supports up to 256 colors and uses lossless compression, which means that the file is compressed without losing data.) ...

For example, if the GIF file is located in the images folder, the relative path should look like / images / picture_name. gif.

Note. This file must be in GIF format.

6. To set the counter value, select the checkbox Resetcounterbefore and enter that number.

7. To display a certain number of digits in the hit counter, select the checkbox Fixednumberofdigits and enter that number.

For example, to display 005 instead of 5, enter the value 3 .

Note. To add a hit counter to a web page, the web site must be on a server with Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions installed (Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions. A set of programs and scripts that support creating pages in Microsoft FrontPage and extend the functionality of the web server.) , SharePoint Team Services 1.0, or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. For information on whether this software is available on your server, contact your web administrator or ISP (Internet Service Provider. An organization that provides Internet access for email or other Internet services. Some ISPs are international, offering access to in different countries, while others are limited to a specific region.)

3.2.2 Resetting the hit counter

1. In view Page click the button at the bottom of the document window ConsThandler.

2. Double-click the hit counter (Hit Counter component. In Microsoft FrontPage, this refers to the component that tracks the number of hits to a Web site on the Internet.).

3. Check the box Resetcounterbefore and enter the desired number in the box next to it.

3.3 Security system

To restrict access to the website, the following conditions must be met.

· You need access rights to create a sub-site (Sub-site. A named subdirectory of a Web site that is itself a full site. Sub-sites can have independent management, development, and access permissions.) On the Web site.

The website must be hosted on a server that has Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions installed (Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions. A set of programs and scripts that support creating pages in Microsoft FrontPage and extend the functionality of a Web server.) SharePoint Team Services (Microsoft ) or Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. If the menu Service option Server unavailable, your site is likely hosted on a server that does not support any of these technologies.

If you have the necessary rights and the appropriate product is installed on the server, you can determine who is allowed to access your website and also control the level of access rights granted to each user. For example, you can grant certain users read rights to content on a Web site, allow some users to add content to existing document libraries and lists, and allow others to customize pages on the Web site. You can even grant one or more users all rights to manage the website (administrator rights).

3.3.1 Overview of ways to restrict access

You must configure specific permissions for a site or subsite, and then use groups or roles to specify which users can view the site, add content, or act as an administrator.

By default, all subsites inherit the permission settings of their parent sites. However, you can configure specific permissions for child sites.

Using FrontPage 2003, you can also restrict access to the root Web site. However, you cannot restrict access to specific pages, sections, or folders on your site.

For links to more information about restricting access to a website, see Cm. same that is displayed when the computer is connected to the Internet.

3.4 Web site. Creation and management

FrontPage is known to be a web development tool. But this application has another important feature to keep in mind: FrontPage is also a Web site management tool.

How does FrontPage help you manage your Web site? Here are some examples of using the application's features.

Add, rename, delete and move files (without using Microsoft Windows Explorer)

Troubleshoot with custom reports such as broken hyperlinks report

Web site publishing

It is important to remember that these controls are not available when opening and working with single HTML files. They are available only when you open and work with a FrontPage Web site.

3.4.1 FrontPage Web Site

A website is a group of related web pages hosted on one of the HTTP servers (HTTP protocol. The Internet protocol used to deliver data. Allows users of client programs to download text, graphics, sound, and other digital content by entering URLs or clicking hyperlinks.) on the Internet. Most websites offer the visitor a home page as a starting point. The home page is linked to other pages using hyperlinks and navigation structures.

You can create a disk-based or server-based Web site. A web site located on disk is a site located on a local computer. A web site located on a server is a site located on a web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), or on a virtual server.

Templates (Template. A set of pre-designed text and graphic formats from which new web pages and Web sites can be created. A page or site created using a template can be customized and modified.) And Wizards (Wizard. The program that sets questions, and then uses the answers to create objects such as a form or a web page.) Microsoft FrontPage makes it easier and faster to create a Web site. When using one of these tools, Microsoft FrontPage does most of the structure-building work, allowing you to focus on the content. Templates and wizards can be used to create a blank web page or a complex, multi-page, interactive web site.

Using Microsoft FrontPage to create a Web site includes the following basic steps.

1. Obtaining from the service that provides access to web servers, a website account or URL (URL. An address that specifies a protocol (such as HTTP or FTP) and the location of an object, document, web page, or other resource in Internet or intranet, for example:, Such as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) (Internet Service Provider. An organization that provides Internet access for email or other Internet services. Internet service providers are international, offering access in different countries, while others are limited to a specific region.) or Web Presence Provider (WPP) WPP (Web Presence Provider). Internet Service Provider (ISP) that hosts customer Web sites on its servers and manages the hardware and software required to make customer Web sites available on the Internet).

2. Build the structure of your website using templates and wizards.

3. Adding content.

4. Publishing a website on the Internet.

To create and configure a SharePoint site using Microsoft FrontPage, you must have administrator rights, a Web site account, and be able to communicate with the server on which Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services is installed.

A website can contain one or more subsites. A child site is a Web site that is located within another Web site. A Web site that contains subsites is called a top-level site (Top-level site. The top-most folder in the site folder hierarchy. A top-level Web site can be hosted on a Web server, on a virtual server network, or on the hard drive of a local computer) ... If you think of a Web site as a directory containing a set of folders, and a sub-site is a subfolder that contains an independent site.

Subsidiaries are independently managed, developed and accessed. However, it is possible for a subsite to display restricted information or information intended for a limited group of site visitors.

Top-level Web site folders can be converted to subsites. Also, child nodes can be converted to subfolders. However, many of the parameters of the website can be lost when performing such transformations, for example, hyperlinks to navigation bars and tasks associated with these pages. These settings are lost because navigation and tasks are stored separately for each site. In addition, the larger the content on the Web site, the longer it takes to convert the Web site to a subfolder or a subfolder to a Web site.

3.4.2 Create a website

Unlike other Web sites, FrontPage Web sites contain FrontPage-specific information. Like other Web sites, they also contain Web pages, graphics, documents, and media — virtually every file type you might need.

Figure 7.

When you open a FrontPage Web site, a tab appears at the top. Web site.

Create a FrontPage Web Site

1. In the menu File select team Create.

2. In the task area Creation choose One pageweb site.

3. In the dialog box Templatesweb sites in the tab General select the required website template and click OK... (see figure 6)

Working with an Existing FrontPage Web Site

1. In the menu File select team Openweb site.

2. In the dialog box Openingwebsite navigate to the folder containing the website and open it.

Note. In field Namewebsite neither the folder name nor the site name is displayed.

3. Press the button Open.

Note. If the Web site you are opening is not a FrontPage Web site, you are prompted to add FrontPage details to the folder.

Adding FrontPage Information to a Folder

In the dialog box AddinginfolderinformationFrontPage press the button Yes.

3.4.3 FrontPage metadata is stored in hidden folders and files

FrontPage-specific information is stored in hidden folders and files that support FrontPage-specific features. These hidden items are FrontPage metadata for the Web site. They are hidden to prevent accidental deletion, modification, or movement.

This metadata is used by FrontPage to help you manage your Web site. They are the ones that make the management of the website possible.

When Windows Explorer is configured to show hidden files and folders, additional FrontPage metadata folders appear as a folder _vti_cnf and folders _vti_pvt.

In folder _vti_cnf each file contains information about the links it contains, the author, and the date the file was modified. In folder _vti_pvt Stores all of the configuration information for a site, such as which subsites are included in the site, and the permission configuration for the site.

Figure 8.

The figure shows what a FrontPage Web site looks like in Windows Explorer when the mode is enabled. Showhiddenfilesandfolders... The two folders at the top contain FrontPage metadata.


After processing the information, we can conclude that the current level of development of communication resources has opened up new horizons for intelligent humanity, which fully contribute to the development and complication of more and more new streams of useful information. Against this background, Microsoft FrontPage 2003 looks like a reasonable solution to the problem of organizing and managing huge flows of information, transforming it into a website.

Microsoft FrontPage 2003 uses state-of-the-art technologies such as: XML and the program MicrosoftSharePoint.

It is also impossible not to highlight ensuring the reliability and security of information that is processed by means of this HTML editor.

And I would like to emphasize what a step forward the developers of Microsoft FrontPage 2003 have made by creating a revolutionary new system for transforming data into the web environment.

Modern design, variability of both template and tabular, functionality, security - all this is - Microsoft FrontPage 2003.


1.http: // ru. Internet

2.http: // ru.

3.http: // office2003. htm

4.http: // office. aspx

5.http: //

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    The development of Web-sites and Web-universities in the Microsoft FrontPage 2003 program and distribution in the Internet. Program interface, warehouse and functions of the main window. The creation of a new Web-site based on the head template. The butt of home side registration.

    thesis, added 02/12/2010

    The Lakeside Programming Group was founded by Allen and Gates. Presentation of the BASIC program and the formation of Microsoft in 1975. Writing the DiskOperationSystem program for IBM. Working on Word and Excel, designing a graphical interface for Windows.

    abstract, added 03/11/2012

    The main features of the relational database management system (DBMS) Microsoft Access. MS Access 2003 user interface. Database window toolbar commands. The area of ​​possible modes for creating objects. Creating tables in the database.

    abstract, added on 11/08/2010

    Justification of the choice of site development tools. Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 program, characteristics and principle of operation. Development of the site structure, its implementation and the creation of design elements. The most commonly used HTML tags. Listing of HTML code.

    term paper, added 03/08/2011

    Relational databases. Use a slide master to style your presentation. Creation of text and its formatting, WEB-pages in the editor FrontPage. Working with Microsoft Outlook, preparing information materials in Microsoft Office Publisher.

    tutorial, added 12/24/2009

    Creation of a virtual machine for the guest operating system Microsoft Windows Server 2003. Initial configuration of the installed operating system. Creating a DHCP server with a range of working addresses. Configuring a domain name for the server's IP address.