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Disable Skype update. How to disable Skype update, as a minute how to refuse Skype update on Ipad

In Skype settings, turn off the automatic update if it is turned on. (In the screenshot it is turned off):

As practice shows, turn off the update in the Skype settings Not enough, and notification of the available update will still be shown every time Skype is loaded.

In order to disable the pop-up update notification, you need to do more complex work:

1. Enable the display of system and hidden files in Windows.
2. Go to the TEMP folder: % UserProfile% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp \\
3. Find file " SkypesetUp.exe."And remove it.
4. Next first option :

  • Create a new text file, in the same place (in the TEMP folder) and rename it as "SkypesetUp.exe" (together with .exe).
  • For just created file, change access rights: go to the properties of the file (right-click on the file -\u003e properties). Go to the "Security" tab. Click the "Edit" button and put the ban for each user a full access.

Click the "Change" button

Or second option If the first does not work:

  • Create a new text file on the desktop, and write it in it: del / Q. % UserProfile% \\APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ TEMP \\ SKYPESETUP.EXE
  • Rename this file in SkypeUpdatedel.cmd. (together with .cmd.) and move the resulting command file in C: \\ PROGRAMDATA \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup \\.

And what if your Skype has been updated, and download the official previous version is not possible, because From the Skype site only the latest version is downloaded?

In fact, you can download the previous version of Skype ( 5)

The automatic update of Skype allows you to always use the latest version of this program. It is believed that only the latest version has the widest functionality, and is maximally protected from external threats due to the lack of identified vulnerabilities. But, sometimes it happens that the updated program for any reason is poorly compatible with your system configuration, and therefore constantly lags. In addition, some users are critical to the presence of certain functions used in old versions, but from which the developers then decided to refuse. In this case, it is important not to simply install the earlier version of Skype, but also to disable the update in it so that the program itself does not automatically update. Find out how to do it.

Disable automatic update

Disable automatic update in Skype will not deliver special problems. To do this, go through the menu items "Tools" and "Settings".

Click on the name of the "Automatic Update" subsection.

This subsection has only one button. When the automatic update is enabled, it is called "Disable Auto Update". Click on it to abandon download updates in automatic mode.

After that, Skype auto-update will be disabled.

Disable updating notifications

But, if you disable the automatic update, each time you start a not updated program, it will pop up the annoying pop-up window that reports the presence of a newer version, and offering it. Moreover, the installation file of the new version, as before, continues to load to the computer into the TEMP folder, but simply is not installed.

If there was a need to upgrade to the newest version, we would simply turn on auto-update. But the annoying message, and download from the Internet of the installation files, which we are not going to install, in this case, are definitely not needed. Is it possible to get rid of it? It turns out - it is possible, but it will be somewhat more complicated than shutting down auto updates.

First of all, we completely exit Skype. You can do this using the task manager, "killing" the corresponding process.

Then you need to disable the Skype Updater service. To do this, through the Start menu, go to the Windows Control Panel.

Then, move to the "Administration" subsection.

Open the item "Services".

A window opens with a list of various services running in the system. We find among them the Skype Updater service, click on it right mouse button, and in the menu that appears, stop the selection at the "Stop" item.

We are looking for a hosts file, open it, and leave it in it the next entry:

After making a record, we definitely save the file by typing on the Ctrl + S keyboard.

Thus, we blocked the connection to and, from which there is an uncontrolled download of new versions of Skype. But, you need to remember that if you decide to download the updated Skype manually from the official site through the browser, you will not be able to do this until you delete the entries in the hosts file.

Now we have left to remove the Skype installation file that has already been loaded into the system. To do this, open the "Run" window by typing the Win + R key combination on the keyboard. We enter the "% temp%" window that appears, and click on the OK button.

Before us opens the temporary file folder called TEMP. We are looking for a SkypesetUp.exe file in it, and remove it.

Thus, we disable Skype update notifications, and hidden download of the updated version of the program.

As you can see, despite the fact that the automatic update in Skype is fairly easy to disable, after that there will be a constant reminder of the need to update the application. In addition, the update will still be loaded in the background, although it will not be installed. But with the help of several manipulations, you can still get rid of these unpleasant moments.

Many Skype users have already noticed that in the latest versions of the program, the option disappeared, which allows you to disable the automatic Skype update. However, some such a situation does not suit for several reasons, among which: dissatisfaction with the last releases interface, the absence of the necessary functions or the presence of unnecessary, errors in the work of new versions of Skype, requiring large resources and the latest updates in the system.

The easiest way to avoid the Skype update is to use the portable version of the program. In this case, even if the Skype version installed in the system is updated, the contents of the Portable Skype folder will remain unaffected.

Another simple way to avoid automatic update is to use the version of Skype - the latest version with the ability to configure the program update management. If you use Skype, just go to the program settings:

Tools - Settings - Advanced

Remove the checkboxes "When the new version of Skype ..." is "notifying me" and "download automatically", save the settings.

How to Disable Skype 5 Update

If you want to use one of the earlier versions of Skype 5 or previous recipes you do not fit or did not help, you will have to fulfill more complex instructions:

1. Install the desired version of the program. You can download here.

2. Completely unload the program: Right click on the tray icon (around the clock) - output.

3. Clean the TEMP system folder, which contains all temporary files and, possibly already downloaded the newest Skype distribution.

The easiest way to find the pace folder by running the command "% UserProfile% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp": We press the Windows (Start) and R, in the window that opens, enter the command without quotes. Now in the window that opens, we boldly delete all files.

4. We find the Skype user profile folder. Again, we do it through the command: Win + R, in the window I enter% AppData% \\ Skype, and go to the folder named your login in Skype.

5. Open the config.xml file in the notepad.

6. Now we have to make a value of 0 (zero) in the Updatesmajor directive. We are looking for a string containing "Updatesmajor" and replace it on 0.

If this line is not in the file, add a string 0 In the section

A little about updatesmajor values
0 - Notifications Open updates and automatic updates Skype disabled;
1 - You will receive notifications about the release of new versions, but the program will ask you about the need to update;
2 - Automatic Skype update is turned on.

7. Save the file, run Skype and live quietly without updates.

So all the time happens. You have an important business challenge planned for 2 hours. At 1:57 pm, you run Skype for Windows, and you welcome the update message, which says: "In a moment we will improve your experience in Skype ...". The program is then needed for several minutes to download and install a new version that makes you skip an important call.

On some systems you have a choice before this happens, but there are no others. Fortunately, there is a way to disable these long Skype updates. That's how.

1. Run Skype for Windows if it is not yet open.

2. Go to Tools\u003e Parameters.

3. Select the "Advanced" tab in the left pane.

4. Select "Automatic Updates" on the left pane.

5. Click the "Disable Automatic Updates" button. If the button tells "Enable Automatic Updates", updates are already disabled, and you can stay here.

After you make this change, Skype will no longer be updated. This means that if you want the current version of the program, you will need to download them manually using

Good day Dear readers and guests blog, I always say that in most cases, the updates are good and are designed to just improve the software product, but with Skype program, this is a completely different song, any new updates can be completely broken, for examples This is very, much, I will not go far and bring this "that" cannot start video broadcast when calling Skype "and much more. So i want to show you how you can finally disable Skype update, in a minute.

How to disable Skype update forever

I think that the overwhelming number of people who use this messenger has already been tired of its constant and meaningless update, which is Lata holes, and then swallow them with even greater speed. I was late to get out of the last time, the window is slightly:

That everything is ready for installation and the most recent version of Skype is ready for download and installation.

Not only that it pops up without my permission and tries to make it update, it also eats my Internet, having shaking 50 megabytes in the background. Automatic downloading Skype Installer, you can turn off, but it's easier to ban everything, especially since it can be calmly updated and during installation of Windows updates.

In the settings themselves, you will remind you about Windows Update (Windows Update Center), so that we boldly make the procedure described below and do not bother on this issue.

How the Skype update service works. Here everything is simple in the background from the site begins to pull the new version of the Offline installer and puts it into a temporary Temp folder. The folder you can find two methods:

  • Go on the way C: \\ Users \\ Your account name \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ TEMP
  • The second method is to press Win + R and enter the% TEMP% in the window.

In it you can detect the SkypesetUp.exe file.

I usually remove it and in its place I create a text file with the same name, as a result of which the same exe file is obtained, but it weighs 0 kilobytes. If you have extensions with files are hidden, then you need to display them, to create a file to create it, you can read about it. Make sure your SkypesetUp.exe icon is like me.

Now to disable the Skype update, click on this file with the right click and select properties.

In the properties, go to the "Security" tab, then press the "Change" button, in the new window, select all those who appear in groups and users and put to prohibit full access. Apply our changes.

Confirm the operation.

Since the obvious ban, stronger than explicit permission, then everything will work and you will not be able to download a new version to you, but I am still doing what. Click the "Advanced" button and on the Resolution tab, disable inheritance.

Delete all inherited permissions from this object.

As a result, you turn out, or like that, or remain, only the object system.

Restart Skype, eventually a window with a suggestion to install a fresh version of Skype You will not appear, and if you manually try to check, then you get this window. All you could disable Skype update, what you congratulate you.