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Programs for editing PE file resources. Programs for editing PE-File resources PE Explorer Automatic reciprocker editing

Resource editors are specialized programs for viewing, creating and modifying PE-file resources. With their help, you can, for example, unlock menu items in a sharovar program, change the application icon, change the appearance of dialog boxes, translate interface, etc. Each Reverse specialist has its favorite resource editor, so it is impossible to say that some of them are better or worse. Very often, for solving various tasks, the functions of some particular tool are required, and in this article I will try briefly tell about the most popular resource editors of executable files.

Restorator. - Perhaps the most advanced resource editor of executable files in EXE, DLL, OCX, SCR, RES format and others. Allows you to create and edit standard resource files .res, extract and add your resources to the file. But the main advantage of the restorator is that the results of your works can be made by several clicks of the mouse as a small patch. In this way, for example, a huge number of cracks have been created for various programs. From the selected shortcomings, the first joint is the need to pay for the use of the program (in the accompanying versions, this problem has already been solved), and the second is a stupid habit of shifting the "BOME" line in the event fields of the edited file icons.

exescope. - My favorite editor. It works very quickly with resources, you can quickly see the dialog boxes, pull out or change the icons and pictures, but I especially make it pleases with the resources of files written in Delphi. Sometimes there are problems with the resources of unpacked files, in which case the rebeling of the file resources section usually helps before sending it to the editor. Exescope is also paid, but this problem has also been solved for a long time. If you prefer the English interface, then delete the exescope.rus file from the program directory.

PE Explorer. Designed to view and edit the internal structure of executable files, such as EXE, DLL, ActiveX and others. PE Explorer includes resource editor, editor sections, disassembler, dependency scanner, digital signature analyzer and other indispensable tools in the work researchers. With PE Explorer, it is very easy to analyze, edit or optimize problem files, translate interfaces to other languages. The authors of this share are the same as the previous one, with all the ensuing consequences. But abroad will help us again.

Resource Builder. - Another commercial development in the arsenal of resource editors. Using Resource Builder, resource editing becomes the simplest task. This editor presents a complete set of very comfortable and understandable tools for all types of resources. The built-in line will update the resources directly in the executable modules without recompiling, and the creation of resource libraries (Resource Only DLLS) used to localize applications will take just a couple of mouse clicks. Seek free This useful tool can be on third-party resources: and two.

- Free viewer and editor of resource executable files. You can download, and for developers in open access, the source editor source texts are laid there. Here, learn, borokers, how to work. (527,389 bytes)

RCE - Resource editor for visual creation and editing RC files can be used in conjunction with IDE or applied to other resource editors as an auxiliary tool. Directly with executable files does not work, so I do not see much benefit from RCE.

Everything you need to work with executable files are in one program.

This is a program for viewing, learning, analyzing and editing an internal device of executable files. With PE Explorer, you can explore both your own programs and libraries and applications from third-party developers, to whose source texts you do not have access. This also includes the study of the device of viruses, trojans and other malicious programs.

PE Explorer allows you to open, watch and edit 32-bit PE (Portable Executable) files for Windows of any type: EXE, DLL and ActiveX, SCR (screensavers), CPL (Control Panel Applets), SYS, DRV, MSStyles, MUI, BPL, DPL, and many others.

Screenshots List of features

We study and change PE files

PE Explorer provides you with the opportunity to view from the inside how the program or library works, conduct a static file analysis (i.e., without performing a potentially dangerous code) and collect all possible information contained inside the file.

PE Explorer takes over the entire search and collection of various values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the file, leaving you only the minimum volume of work for analysis. By opening the file in PE Explorer, you will immediately see a summary table of values \u200b\u200bfrom the PE file headers, a list of imported and exported functions, names and characteristics of sections, presence or absence of digital signature, as well as all the resources contained in the file.

From this starting point, you can continue further study of the file elements that interest you. For this PE Explorer offers a range of tools: View and edit description parameter descriptions, Scanner dependencies, Section editor, Resource editor, Disassembler, as well as static upx unpackers, UPACK and NSPACK.

What can you do with PE Explorer

PE Explorer is intended for use in various IT areas: in developing and testing software, in reverse development (reverse engineering) in order to restore algorithms used in the analyzed file, in anti-virus laboratories and forensic, to detect vulnerabilities and conducting safety audit for Files derived from untested sources.

  • Watch what is inside executable files and what they are intended for
  • Change and customize elements of the graphical program interface
  • Determine where the application refers and which of it is called DLL libraries
  • Predict the behavior of the program and the logic of interaction with other modules
  • Check availability and integrity of digital signature from the file, verify the supplier
  • Get a prompt about the parameters of functions exported from system libraries
  • Directly open files, Packaged UPX, UPACK or NSPACK
  • Special support for applications written in Delphi
SDL Passolo 2015 is the most powerful utility for the translation of programs to various languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Understands many formats, distinguishes the type of language. Directional resource editor with advanced features designed to localize software. SDL Passolo 2015 has a visual editor of dialogs with a number of convenient formatting tools, supports work with practically any resources, has many fine settings, the packet processing option, as well as the built-in spelling test system. The SDL Passolo 2015 program can help the translator to save a lot of strength and time during program localizations. This is due to the fact that the program provides the function of automatic translation and check the translated text to most typical errors. The automatic translation function is carried out in the presence of certain dictionaries, which there are many on the Internet, including Microsoft. If you are not happy with ready-made dictionaries, you can create them yourself. It is enough to translate some program once and export a translation list to the dictionary. And in the future, this dictionary can be connected when transferring new versions of programs. SDL Passolo 2015 is very developed visual adjustment of dialog boxes in translated programs. It will be enough to say that it is not much inferior to editing forms in Microsoft Visual If you say that in Resource Hacker good adjustment of the dialogs, then you have not seen Passolo. This list of Passolo's advantages is not limited. Extra. Information: New features: * Terminology is now provided also from Passolo translation lists. * Services for prior translation, searching for incredigible translations, coincidences and terminology can now be easily selected in the parameter dialog. * Transfer search using fast indexes in projects and glossaries is much speeding up the search process. * New modern user interface that allows arbitrarily to roll out the output windows. New autosacitation parameter for output windows. * Keyboard shortcuts can be changed in the toolbar settings dialog. * Search for non-strategic translations now lacks the differences in incomprehension in the artistic text of color texts. * When a terminology is selected in the source text context menu, popling with additional information relative to the displayed terminology element. * Files can be transferred by the mouse in the project window to add them as a source file or import information from them. * The story of all changes in the text is equipped with a date and user name. Former data versions can be restored using a rollback function. * Records in the project window can now be filtered and grouped. * Records in the project window can be filtered as lines of strings.

PE Explorer contains means for disassembling and studying executable files, as well as changes in their properties and resources.

View and edit Portable Executable (PE) files

  • Working with 32-bit PE files - such as .exe, .dll, device drivers (.sys, .acm), ActiveX Controls (.ocx), Borland libraries (.dpl I.BPL), visual styles (.msstyles) files, control panel applets (.cpl ), Screensavers (.scr) and any other Win32 executable files.
  • Working with damaged and packaged files: Such files are open in SAFE mode.
  • Checking the integrity of the file when opening.
  • Calculation and correction checkline File.
  • Modification of values points of entry.
  • Modification of file properties.
  • Automatic Unpackingrs for UPX, UPACK and NSPACK.
  • Connection is possible custom plugins For processing files when opening.

  • Supports Intel 80x86, Pentium sedition processors and compatible with it.
  • Set of instructions X86 (MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3), extensions AMD K6-2 3D-NOW!
  • Convenient navigation by code using panels, search and transition history.
  • Finding all text strings and VCL objects within the EXE file.
  • Saving the session and the subsequent opening of the assembler listing and the changes made.

General program settings

  • List of 20 recent files.
  • Adding frequently open files to your favorites list.
  • Optional integration with the context menu of Windows Explorer.
  • Custom appearance and color from panels and fonts.
  • Creating a backup editable file (default).
  • Displaying events and messages in the log window, record events in the log file.

Download free bookmark!

PE Explorer works on all versions of Windows
From Windows 95 to XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

Minimum system requirements:
Intel Pentium® or AMD K5 166 MHZ processor
16 MB RAM.

If your only task is to edit resources, and you absolutely do not need an extended PE Explorer functionality, then you can try - this program is a resource editor from PE Explorer allocated to a separate product.

Portable Executable (PE) is the format of executable files, which appeared for a long time ago and is still used on all versions of Windows. This includes files with * .exe, * .dll format and others, and such files contain all the information about the program. But any program may contain a virus in itself, and it is desirable to know before installing what is stored for a file with such a format. This can be found using PE Explorer.

PE Explorer is a program that is intended for viewing and changing all that is contained in PE files. This program was created and very often used to detect viruses, but on this useful functions are not limited. For example, it can be used to delete debug information or translate to Russian any program.

During the compression of the program, it is usually encrypted to ensure that the user or anyone can still see everything that is "behind the scenes". But PE Explorer does not stop it, because thanks to a specially written algorithm, he can decipher these files, and show all the contents.

View headlines

As soon as you opened the PE file in the program, viewing headlines. Here you can see a lot of interesting things, but nothing can be changed, and you do not need.

Data Catalogs

Data Directories (Data Catalogs) is an important part of any executable file, because it is in this array that is stored information about structures (their size, pointer to the beginning, etc.). You should change the files of files, otherwise it may lead to irreversible consequences.

Section headers

The entire important application code is stored in PE Explorer in different sections for greater orderliness. Since this section contains all data, they can be changed by changing their location. If some data should not be changed, the program will notify you about it.

Resource editor

As you know, resources are an integral part of the program (icons, shapes, inscriptions). But with PE Explorer, they can be changed. Thus, you can replace the icon from the application or translate the program into Russian. Here you can save resources on a computer.


This tool is necessary for express analysis of executable files, and it is performed in a more simplified, but no less functional format.

Table import

Thanks to this section in the program, you can find out whether the harm is checked for your computer. This section contains all the functions in the program.

Scanner dependencies

Another advantage of the program in combating viruses. Here you can see the dependency with dynamic libraries, thereby recognizing, rushes a threat to your computer this application or not.

Advantages of the program

  1. Intuitively understandable
  2. Ability to change resources
  3. Allows you to learn about viruses in the program before the code is launched.


  1. No Russification
  2. Paid (free version available only 30 days)

PE Explorer is an excellent tool that will allow you to protect your computer from infection with viruses. Of course, it can be used in another direction by adding a dangerous code into a completely harmless program, but it is not recommended to do this. In addition, due to the possibility of changing resources, you can add advertising or translate the program into Russian.