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Download the most useful apps for android. Android apps to install first

Surely most people are wondering how to make their gadget as useful as possible. Those who say that a phone is just a dialer have no idea how useful and effective multimedia device their device can be. Today we will talk about which Android applications are the most needed.


Since we're going to build a powerful work platform out of an ordinary gadget, we'll start by securing it. Whether you will be surfing the Internet, downloading data (music and movies) from there, or just surfing, reliable antivirus protection is important for any device. Of course, such programs consume the lion's share of resources even on personal computers, so you need to carefully install them on mobile gadgets. However, if resources allow you to install these applications, you will have to. These are almost the most needed applications for Android.

Dr.Web Light is a simplified version of the world famous anti-virus. Perhaps the best solution for protecting your device. Programs from this manufacturer differ not only in reliability, but also in low requirements for device resources.

Avast! Mobile security is a relatively new antivirus. Smart and high quality. However, judging by user reviews, finding a good version will be problematic. The Internet is full of links to installers with viruses.


No matter what the manufacturers of gadgets say, the browsers preinstalled on the phone and tablet are almost never convenient to use. Despite the fact that these are the most necessary applications for "Android", the developers are clearly careless about them. To replace less successful programs, you can use the following applications.

Google Chrome is the leader among browsers in terms of speed. It has a small size and high quality reproduces information on the screen. In addition, it supports account sync. Thus, if you log into your Google account on another device, all bookmarks and history will be transferred to it. In addition, this application can use voice search, which is very convenient for people whose hands are constantly busy (for example, drivers).

Opera Mini - this browser was once the number one among its peers. The ability to work with many bookmarks was captivating. And the reliability with the absence of failures attracted more and more fans. Only now, you won't surprise anyone with these "gadgets". The only unique advantage this application guarantees is that it only works with the Tele2 operator. They have a tariff that allows you to use unlimited Internet for 3 rubles per day, but only if you surf with Opera Mini.


The next item is the necessary applications for "Android" called file managers. Most mobile devices do not have any kind of in-memory file management utilities. You just download a picture, music or movie, and it gets lost in an endless variety of folders on the gadget. In order to organize and not lose the necessary data, there are file managers.

Actually, the choice here is small. Despite the fact that such a utility simply must be on every gadget, the developers are not happy with the variety. You can download File Manager or File Manager HD, but they almost completely copy each other. These utilities allow not only viewing, but completely managing all data, including archiving.

Social networks

It is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not sit on social networks. Housewives look for recipes in public, teenagers just chat and organize meetings, and respectable businessmen exchange information. Accordingly, what applications for "Android" are the most needed? Of course, these are programs that allow you to use social networks without a browser, which means they save a lot of time and traffic.

Downloading such a utility is outrageously simple. All of them are named similarly to sites - Facebook, VKontakte and so on. Free, and most importantly, secure versions are available on PlayMarket. By the way, this is another must-have program, which will be one of the answers to the question: "What applications need to be installed on Android?"


It is possible to discuss and argue for a long time what applications are needed for "Android" devices, but no driver can do without a navigator, even if he knows the city perfectly. Taxi drivers, company cars - such a program will be useful to everyone in order to know how to get to a specific entrance.

The leader among the programs in this series is Navitel Navigator. This application has the ability to download multiple maps, voice notification. The positioning system works quite clearly and without overlays. Of course, professional navigation devices are much better, but for those who currently do not have the means to purchase a separate device, they will be quite satisfied.


Anyone who loves to travel cannot do without a roadmap. The times when we used a hefty paper medium are long gone, since the digital version is much more convenient, and there are no problems with recharging the gadget in a cafe or car. It's safe to say that maps are almost the most needed apps for a tablet. A smaller "Android" device, of course, can also work with them, but due to the insufficient screen size it will not always be convenient.

Google Maps is the world leader in interactive maps. Allows you not only to explore the terrain, but contains real pictures of cities, so that you can always find yourself "live" on the desired terrain and navigate. The main problem of the application is its large volume and the need for an Internet connection to download data.

"2GIS" is a worthy competitor to the previous version. If you are going on a tourist trip to another country, you can download a map of the city you need in advance. At the same time, you will have on your device not only a road map, but also a complete list of city organizations, their location, public transport traffic patterns and much more. "2GIS" is a real mobile guide useful for any traveler and not only.


Let's look at the necessary applications for "Android" of a slightly different plan. Namely, programs designed for alternative communication. Mobile operators can advertise profitable rates for sending SMS and making calls as much as they like, but the fact remains - if you have unlimited Internet (via Wi-Fi or just from a SIM card), it is much more profitable to communicate through it.

Once upon a time, the instant messaging system ICQ was especially popular, but now most people prefer Viber. But the most essential application is Skype.

This program provides you with the conditional ability to make free video and audio calls to any other digital device on which the client of this program is also installed. If you are unable to speak, you can always just send a message. In addition, Skype allows you to instantly exchange any files without uploading them to file hosting services.

Additional programs

Despite the fact that we have already reviewed the necessary applications for "Android", there is a small list of programs that are still worth installing.

  • Adobe Flash Player - for greater convenience of working on the Internet and not only.
  • MX Player is a great replacement for the built-in video player on any device simply because it includes more codecs, is capable of opening a huge number of file types, and has a handy library for organizing your video files.
  • Cool Reader is a great "reader" for your smartphone or tablet. With its help, you can open most of the well-known text formats with books.

That's all. Our list of "Necessary applications for" Android "ends, but this does not mean that you have nothing else to install. You can certainly find on the Internet many other programs that can be useful to you in your particular field of activity.

What programs should be present on every smartphone? Read the article about the most useful Android apps and why you should download them.

No smartphone or tablet comes with a completely bare operating system. No, you can immediately use at least a couple of dozen applications. However, the pre-installed options are often limited in their functionality. And with some tasks none of the preinstalled programs can cope at all. For example, with your smartphone running by default, you most likely won't be able to open a PDF document. In a word, let's find out which useful programs to download for Android are worth. At the same time, do not forget that this is a strictly abbreviated list - on our website you will find much more detailed collections of Android applications dedicated to a specific topic.

Navigation and maps for Android

How many of us still use paper maps? It seems that none of the readers of "Clever Beaver" is definitely engaged in such a business. All of us have a smartphone in our pocket that is equipped with a GPS chip. And by default "Google Maps" is installed on it. But is this the best navigation app? Probably not. Although the product of the American company is close to this status. We recommend installing 2GIS. Especially if you live in a large Russian city. With this program you will receive the most detailed map. Here you will visually determine the height of the houses, and you will see almost all the paths, and learn about all the organizations present in each building.

With 2GIS it is not difficult to find a cafe, restaurant, sports ground, cinema and other establishments. The construction of the route is also capable of surprising - the program will take you to the very door! In total, the application is capable of working with maps of about 300 cities in 9 countries. Of course, the whole of Russia is not yet covered by the project - sparsely populated areas are left behind. This is the only major flaw in the app.

Alternative: you can also look towards the Yandex.Maps program. It contains navigational maps of a huge number of settlements, including very small ones. Some of the maps are allowed to be downloaded to the device in order to view them without a network connection. But if you are interested in this particular function, then it is better to pay attention to OSMAnd +. This application uses the user-developed OpenStreetMap service. But for the most comfortable work with the program you will have to pay a small amount - after that absolutely all restrictions will be removed from you.


The most useful applications for Android 2017 should be able, among other things, to provide a person with information. You can read the news now on various sites. They are supplied by Google Now. Some branded skins also show them. But sometimes even this is not enough. In this case, we recommend that you download RIA Novosti. This application is from the information resource of the same name. Here all news are sorted into categories. But most importantly, the program has a "Photo Gallery" section. It is a must-see for everyone who wants to see the agenda, but does not want to read the text. And also RIA Novosti creates excellent infographics that will appeal to absolutely everyone.

Alternative: Hundreds of news aggregators can be found on Google Play. For example, Flipboard is respected. This is a kind of digital magazine with appropriate layout and animation, compiled by the users themselves. Meduza is an equally interesting option. It contains not only text notes, but also tests with mini-games.

Video players for Android

Smartphones and tablets are often used to watch movies. In this case, you need a video player. By default, a low-functional application is usually installed on the device, which is not even capable of displaying subtitles. Therefore, we recommend downloading VLC to your device. This is a great player with tons of features. He understands subtitles of different formats, while it is allowed to customize their display. There is almost everything among the supported video formats, up to DVD ISO! Now it is a real hit that has been downloaded by over 100 million people.

Alternative: many video players have roughly similar functionality. For example, MX Player performs well. Others may prefer the paid nPlayer, which officially supports DTS Headphone X and DTS HD. It also allows you to work with streaming services and cloud storage.

Internet browsers

By default, many smartphones are equipped with a relatively good internet browser. But many people lack its capabilities. In this case, it is better to download Google Chrome to your device. And you certainly need to get them if you have a similar browser on your computer! This is one of the best products of Google - it has full synchronization (even passwords are sent from the computer), and Internet pages are opened by it as quickly as possible. The application also has a traffic saving mode, when the pages are first compressed on the developer's server. In a word, you can talk about this program for a long time - you better get to know it yourself.

Alternative: Free useful Android apps include many browsers. Some of them differ from Google development in supporting plugins that extend the capabilities of the application. For example, the Firefox browser can boast of such a function. Some people also like UC Browser, which makes video search much easier and adequately blocks ads.


Applications for correspondence were used even in the days of push-button cell phones. Well, now such programs have reached a completely new level. One of the most popular applications of this kind is WhatsApp. Surely many of your friends have it - you only need to install it for this reason. It also makes it much easier to transfer media files to another person. You should also like the interface of the application, made in a very nice manner.

Alternative: gradually more and more people prefer to download Telegram to their smartphone. The most intelligent encryption is implemented here - an unauthorized person will definitely not be able to access your correspondence. And in terms of the rest of the functionality, this application does not disappoint at all. Viber is also very popular now, but most often this program is used to make video calls.

File managers

A highly controversial type of application. Nobody argues that useful programs for Android should include utilities of this kind. But in fact, the vast majority of smartphones come with a pre-installed "explorer", the capabilities of which many people are more than enough. But if you belong to a select few users who are trying to maximize the functionality of their device, then pay attention to ES Explorer. It is distributed free of charge, providing access to almost all files contained on the device or memory card. Moreover, the application can be connected to the cloud storage - a variety of services are supported. There is also support for FTP, which should appeal to site owners. Other features of the utility include support for working with archives in ZIP and RAR formats.

Alternative: You can also download and install X-Plore. This file manager first appeared on the Symbian operating system. Its main difference lies in the special display of the file system - it is displayed in the form of a tree.


Quite often we refer to a text written in a foreign language. For example, this can happen when visiting a foreign site. In this case, we need a translation of a note or a whole article. And this is exactly the function that useful travel apps for Android should have. Google Translate is the best solution to this problem. As they say, the search giant ate a dog on automated text translation. For some time now, his creation can even translate signs and road signs - you just need to launch the application and point the camera at them (or open a photo taken earlier). And you don't have to connect to the Internet - 52 languages ​​are translated offline. Curiously, even handwriting input is recognized by the application.

Alternative: Oddly enough, Google's product simply has no competitors. Almost all applications of this kind are very lagging behind in their development. But you can try Yandex.Translate in the case - its developers are mainly engaged in improving the function of translating into Russian, without dispersing their efforts into other languages.

Weather forecasts

Nowadays, many people use their smartphone to check the weather forecast. We recommend installing Gismeteo Lite for these purposes. This is a program from the well-known meteorological service. It has installed hundreds, maybe thousands of meteorological stations throughout Russia. In this regard, the forecasts of this service often come true. At the same time, in the application you can see the weather forecast not only for the next couple of days, but also for the whole week. You will also get a set of widgets that display the current weather.

Alternative: if you decide to download useful applications for Android by visiting Google Play, you will find dozens of all kinds of weather widgets. The best program of its kind is eWeather HD. Why didn't we mention her in the first place? Everything is very simple: about 200 rubles are asked for its use. But if you are not stingy, you will get the most descriptive weather forecast from two meteorological agencies. It contains a barometer, forecast of geomagnetic storms, information about earthquakes, surface temperatures of the oceans and seas, indications of high and low tides, moon phases and much more.

Music players

Almost every smartphone owner uses his own device to listen to music. And very rarely a pre-installed player is used for these purposes. Usually, a creation of third-party developers is put instead. For example, PowerAMP might be a good choice. Yes, after 14 days of using the application, you will have to pay. But on the other hand, you will get a music player with very broad functionality. There is a competent sorting of tracks, cutting off sections with silence, a well-thought-out equalizer and many other useful tricks. The covers can be downloaded manually or you can rely on the automation - that will download them from the Internet. The program also has great widgets.

Alternative: If you want a free audio player, we recommend downloading AIMP. Many people use this application both on their computers and smartphones. It has support for playlists and many audio formats. In general, the program is only slightly inferior to its paid counterparts.

Useful applications for Android for dessert

It's hard to put Shazam in a separate category. This is the most unusual application. It allows you to understand what is being heard right now from the nearby speakers - you just need to turn the smartphone in the direction of the sound source. Some songs are identified literally in a split second! It takes a little longer to identify others. There are practically no mistakes. The only disappointment is that the program will not allow you to download MP3 - it will only give you a link to a track available for purchase in Google Music.

And also: a smartphone can even help you find cheaper food. To do this, you just need to install Foodil or some other similar application (there are more and more of them lately). In fact, the program is an aggregator of discounts in large supermarkets. Convenient sorting is implemented here, the products you like can be added to the "Favorites". By the way, the application contains not only food, but also cosmetics, baby products and many other everyday things. After all, supermarkets have been selling not only food for a long time.


In this article, we have tried to cover many useful applications for smartphones and tablets. But believe me, there are actually many more of them. We have not touched on the topic of readers, alarms, calculators, calendars, fitness apps and other global topics. However, wait for new articles! Let us know in the comments: which applications do you find the most useful?

Most people buying a smartphone assume that they will be able to install many programs on it, improve performance and speed, but the main thing is to customize the phone to suit their needs. The flexibility of modern software is such that you can choose not just programs, but also individual firmware, both official and third-party. In this article, we would like to talk about the required minimum of programs for Android, each of them makes life easier - these are the best of the best. Some of these programs will suit you, some not, but you will get a general idea of ​​what you can do with your device. Unfortunately, most smartphone users do not even remotely imagine what can be done with them and how to change. Let's try to correct this omission. Go.

What is root access and why do you need it

Getting root rights for an Android smartphone is akin to administrator rights on a regular PC. You will be able to install any programs, perform almost any action with your phone. At your own peril and risk, but as a rule, with the right approach, this is not scary and simple. If you do not know why you might need root access, then I will give myself an example. Changing phones often, I don't want to transfer all the programs, settings, data with my hands every time. For this there is the Titanium BackUp program, it can save the state of the phone according to a certain schedule and I can actually create a clone of my device. Unfortunately, this program requires root privileges to run.

Another example is the manufacturer's voice dialing built into my phone, which is hard-coded to pressing the center key. It is impossible to disable it in standard ways, and the number of erroneous clicks is huge and annoying. Using root access, I just uninstalled the corresponding program, I don't need it. There are many such examples, with root access you get full control over the phone.

How and when to do it. There are many instructions on how to get root access for specific phone models on the net. I recommend that you carefully read the instructions for your phone and model. Also, it should be understood that you lose your warranty, and there is a chance to ditch your phone in an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. Also, when using most of the methods, you will face the fact that all data on the phone will be deleted. Therefore, it is logical to decide whether you will root or not, even before you completely configure the phone. Ideally, this should be done on a new machine.

If you don't even decide to root, then there is nothing wrong with that, setting up your Android smartphone is very easy and without any special operations. Let's figure out how.

Customize the look of your phone - wallpaper, lock screen, shell

In Android, you can literally customize every element of the phone's appearance, it doesn't require any tweaks. Let's start with a simple one, choosing a wallpaper that will decorate your desktop. Considering that, as a rule, a large number of icons, widgets are placed on the desktop, and they are often translucent, it is necessary to select light or dark pictures. Otherwise, you will not see important information. Since the pictures get boring quickly, I change them from time to time.

Android has great interactive or "live" wallpapers, which are animations that change depending on the time of day or events. Quickly looking through the list of such wallpapers on my phone, I found a dozen downloaded - a forest with trees in the snow, sunrise, galaxy core, a pond with fish and plants, weather for your city. As you can see, the choice is very large. I will not provide links to all these wallpapers, they are easy to find in the Android Market and they are free.

Sometimes I get bored with animation, I want something calm and new. In this case, the PicSpeed ​​Wallpaper program comes to the rescue. There are several thousand wallpapers in it, you can set the picture in different modes - on one screen, on several, on several with an offset. No special gestures are required, you can make a list of your favorite pictures. And again, everything is free.

For those who are annoyed that after pressing the power button of the phone, the unlock screen appears and you again need to make unnecessary gestures, you can install a program for automatic unlocking (as an option, Auto Unlock from Iwashi Soft). For me, this is not relevant, since there is always an unlock pattern (a standard security option on Android, you draw a pattern on the screen to unlock the phone). But even when using the unlock key, you can improve the ergonomics of the interface, add new functions. But more on that below, for now I will turn to the program, which I consider to be one of the most successful for Android -.

I don't know why the best Android apps don't cost anything. For me, this remains a mystery, since similar programs for other platforms are simply absent as a class, and if there is, they can do much less, are indecently expensive. So, Go Launcher (there is an EX version, the second is better) is a shell that changes the look of your phone beyond recognition. Do you need a different main menu, standby mode, unlock screen and so on, I don't know. For myself, I came to the conclusion that this program is vital for me and there are several reasons for that.

The first reason is that in the main menu, you can create folders for programs, in which everything that I do not need all the time is collected. The second reason, refuting the first, on the Go Launcher desktops, you can place a branded widget, which will have small application shortcuts and quick access to them. The workplace is distributed much better, and applications can be closed with one touch, as well as the phone memory can be cleared (moreover, you can specify which applications are not closed). It turns out that from now on I do not need the main menu so often, I manage the desktops.

I will not say anything about how many themes for this shell exist. You can customize it for any modern OS, you can choose completely unusual types of desktop. But the main thing, perhaps, is not that the interface of this program is aesthetically close to me and it looks beautiful. There are many applications in it that enhance the capabilities of my device by an order of magnitude. For example, the first thing I did was to install Go Locker, it is an unlock screen where you can choose different actions and it can be decorated in different ways. Both HTC Sense and Android 4 are copied, and it just has its own unique options, this application.

The description of all the features of Go Launcher will take more than one page of text, the shell is very comfortable, fast and stable. A large number of widgets allows you to customize the device for yourself. I recommend the program with all my heart.

Contacts, calls, messages

For many people it becomes a revelation that it is possible to replace the standard phone book, dialer, and also an application for sending messages. I'll start with a small utility - Operators of Russia. When you call, it displays information on the number of which operator they call you from, and also indicates from which city or region. It is convenient when you receive calls from other cities, you will understand that you are calling back long distance and pay accordingly.

Samsung phones have a rather inconvenient implementation of a general call list, both SMS and voice calls are displayed in it. Considering that I receive a lot of SMS from social networks, it becomes inconvenient to use the phone. The solution for me was the DW Contacts / DW Phone program. In this program, I am less interested in contacts, more in the dialer. First of all, a convenient list of calls, favorites, and so on. Unfortunately, the program is not very pretty in terms of the interface, which is somewhat annoying. But the functionality of this solution is very high. In particular, it is possible to configure call filters (blacklist), search by name and number, convenient presentation, integration with various messaging services (WhatsApp is built into the phone book). The pluses also include the fact that you can search for information not only by ordinary fields, but also by additional ones. Therefore, I made a Solomon decision, my contacts remained standard, but I use the DW Phone dialer.

My requirements for a messaging program are not very complex. The need for individual notifications depending on the number, the ability to archive messages, both on the phone and outside of it, a private folder, which automatically receives messages from certain addressees. The external attractiveness of the interface plays a role, but not a determining one.

Not surprisingly, I came across Go SMS Pro (it's free, from the same developers who made Go Launcher). Of the minuses that must be said right away - the program has a very large set of settings and if you select a mode with all the features, then not the weakest phone will start to slow down (which, in my opinion, is unacceptable). Therefore, we choose the simplest operating mode, since all the options are available in it, it is just that you have to get into the program menu to call.

The appearance is customizable, there is a filter by words, or by the sender's number. It is possible to enter certain numbers into a private folder, for access you need to enter a password. The status line displays a message icon and a number indicating the total number of messages. System warnings can be replaced with those in the program. When typing, you can use a regular or pop-up window, there are additional sets of emoticons. The list is endless. I do not recommend using Go Chat, it is compatible with Facebook Chat, but in my case it caused problems with the speed of work.

In general, the Go SMS Pro program allows you to work with SMS / MMS at a qualitatively different level. Sometimes I like the blacklist, as well as the ability to remove notifications from network services, since I don't need them.

In addition to this program, I use SMS Backup & Restore, the utility allows you to save all your messages on a memory card. SMS Backup to Gmail, on the other hand, creates a copy of your Gmail correspondence. There are many similar programs, as a rule, the disadvantage of free ones is that they do not save MMS.

Mail and browser

The built-in mail clients for Android are sufficient for most users, but you always want something better, don't you? For example, you can look in the direction of such a program as ProfiMail, it came to Android with Symbian and is actively developing on this platform. The program is paid, so for many it will become a limitation. The program of our compatriot AquaMail has stuck with me. The free version is limited to two mailboxes (and I just need two), when sending in the signature appears an inscription that this program has been used (it does not annoy me, I write very little from the phone). One of the obvious advantages is filter support, a fairly fast and lightweight interface. Functionally it surpasses programs on Android, but the main thing is that the developer is constantly screwing something up and working on his program.

With the browser, the situation is such that there are several programs, but there are no alternatives to Dolphin Browser HD yet. The beauty of this browser is that it is fast, has many add-ons for every taste, automatically syncs bookmarks with the desktop browser and can pretend to be a regular browser from a PC (which is important for browsing without switching to mobile versions). Of the additional features to which you instantly get used to it, I will note the control with the help of gestures and the quick call of certain pages. The browser also deserves a very detailed review, for now I will just recommend it, it is definitely the best. I did not observe any stability problems.

Music and radio

It seems to me that when discussing music it is difficult to find two people whose tastes coincide one hundred percent, it is possible that this feature of human nature carries over to the choice of music players for their phones. What can you think of for a regular turntable that manufacturers have not implemented today? A lot, as practice shows. Considering that most of my music collection is stored in iTunes (a lot was bought there), then for me initially there was a question of how to sync these files from Android smartphones (second iPhone phone, this question was not there initially). While looking for a player, I came across DoubleTwist, this program is getting prettier from month to month. The free version has everything you need for life, including broadcasting music to game consoles and AirPlay support, plus the ability to download tracks from iTunes from a PC (you can set a number of restrictions, for example, on volume). The program is pretty and quite convenient, the paid version has Album Art download, equalizer support and a number of other goodies. But the free version is more than functional. Recently, the program also includes video viewing. The pluses also include the fact that the program can download podcasts (without a PC).

The second and favorite player is Power AMP, it is paid, but inexpensive (about $ 5). Among the advantages are support for a large number of formats and the presence of FLAC. I use it to listen to FLAC, although I sometimes use the equalizers here as they improve the sound. Outwardly, the player is pleasant, although sometimes it seems that it is heavy (when listening, there are slight brakes in the interface). What I use is downloading lyrics (using the MUSIXMATCH service). In general, a solid top five, this player is one of the most popular for mobile devices.

To identify music that I have heard somewhere and do not know, I use two programs - Shazam and SoundHound. Their capabilities are equal, but there are more additional options in SoundHound, you can immediately find a video on YouTube, learn more about artists, and so on. In a word, I recommend.

To listen to podcasts, there is a wonderful program BeyondPod (paid), as an option, you can use Pocket Casts (also paid - $ 3). Both programs are good, you can choose any, they differ in details. In my experience, syncing podcasts to my PC is enough for me, although sometimes they need to be downloaded directly to the phone.

I will not talk about Last.FM and other similar services, the applications are free and you can easily find them.

Healthy lifestyle and sports

A completely optional set of programs, which everyone will have their own. However, I would still venture to tell you about those programs that I like. I'll start with the Libra Weight Manager, which allows you to record your weight and shows you how it changes. Quite a convenient program, there is a widget. It is very simple and tastefully done, nothing superfluous, which is what captivates.

Eldar Murtazin ()

After buying a new phone, the owner usually wonders what programs he needs to install on the phone first? Phones differ in technical characteristics and the operating system installed on them. The most popular are IOS from Apple, and the well-known Android operating system. The systems, in turn, are constantly evolving and more and more new versions are released, which work more stably and reliably without brakes and freezes. Therefore, the newer the phone model, the newer the OS (operating system) is installed on it. Usually, most manufacturers pre-install a minimum set of programs that are installed immediately after the release of the phone or tablet. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most necessary and necessary programs on your smartphone after purchase.

The main programs that must be installed on the phone in the first place

Programs for working on the Internet

Then you can get any popular messenger. let you chat for free! You can write SMS and call anywhere in the world without paying a penny. is an Whatsapp messenger, which has 800 million users worldwide. Recently, Watsap has the ability to make free calls, if your interlocutor cannot receive a call, he just needs to update the application to the latest version.

There are also separate apps for social media users, Facebook and Google Plus. With them you will be aware of all the news and events with your friends. It is convenient to listen to music, update photos and carry on correspondence.

Antivirus to protect your smartphone

To work comfortably on the Internet, you need to protect yourself from viruses and malware you need to install. How to choose an antivirus for protection? Also, everything depends on your preferences. The danger and likelihood of a smartphone infection is small, but we still recommend choosing and securing your work with data.

Navigators and maps

If you will use your phone as a navigator, you can install programs on it, or. In order not to waste mobile traffic, you can download the cache of maps of your city, and save them immediately in memory. Now you can use maps even without the Internet, GPS will be enough. There are also Metro maps for different major cities. It will be very convenient to calculate the travel time so as not to be late for meetings.

For people who often use taxi services, the application is suitable - Yandex Taxi... The convenience of that service lies in the fact that you immediately enter the departure address and the point of arrival. The program automatically calculates the route, taking into account traffic jams, and shows the approximate cost of the trip! In addition, you will receive SMS with the numbers and telephones of your future driver. Very convenient and not expensive.

Games, widgets and entertainment

For those who like to shoot and while away the time on the road, you can install various games on your phone.

The use of smartphones is no longer possible without a variety of applications and games. Resourceful developers constantly come up with new applications for Android that make our life easier and allow us to pass the time.

Nevertheless, their excessive abundance in the Play Store often forces us to download unnecessary or not quite high-quality products. Therefore, it will be useful to know about the 20 most popular free applications in the Play Market.

1. Instagram on Android (Download)

Photo: Instagram on Android

It's hard to find someone who doesn't have an account here. The application is designed for quick publishing of photos and videos. Before uploading, it is suggested to process the images with filters or other tools.

There is the possibility of live communication on the air, creating personal stories, editing videos, chatting with friends in Instagram Direct.

The application is very convenient, it allows you to keep abreast of the events and lives of your friends and easily share the moments of your life with them.

2. Facebook (Download)

When Facebook switched to the Android mobile platform, 1 billion users immediately downloaded the application.

Photo: Facebook on Android

The application largely duplicates the functionality of the web version of Facebook.

However, many users often complain about the imperfection of the program and various technical problems. It is hoped that in the new updated versions all problems will be fixed.

3. SHAREit for Android (Download)

A useful and simple application for Android.

The essence of its work is to transfer any files between different devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC, android, iOS). The transmission is carried out only over a short distance, however, it does not require absolutely any waste of traffic and network connection.

This is a good alternative to bluetooth, as SHAREit transfers files many times faster. It is clear that it is not used every day, but such an application should still be at hand.

4. My talking Tom (Download)

One of the most popular games, which resembles a modern and improved version of Tamagotchi.

Raise your virtual pet, monitor its health and mood, give it a name. Choose your own coat color and various accessories for the animal. Many functions and possibilities give real emotions and good mood. There are also a dozen entertaining mini-games available in the application.

Photo: My Talking Tom

5.100 doors (Download)

Continuing the theme of games, it is worth noting the application of 100 doors (100 rooms). This is a whole series of entertaining puzzles, in each of which you need to go through exactly 100 levels.

These applications for android will appeal to those who like challenging tasks. Solve tasks and puzzles to open the next door. Interestingly, you can use all the features of the phone - tilt it, turn it over or shake it. Hours of play will pass unnoticed.

Photo: 100 doors on Android

6. Snapchat (Download)

This is another social mobile app that has broken 500 million downloads. The developers managed to create a bright and simple program for communication.

Various effects for photos, unique stickers and pictures, easy communication with friends, as well as publications from well-known publications.

Photo: Snapchat on Android

7. Dr Web (Download)

Any device needs a high-quality antivirus, since the constant use of the Internet can pose a threat of virus infection. Free Dr. Web Light is able to detect all types of threats, saves traffic, quickly scans files and applications, does not overload the battery.

There is no paid content in this program, it is sponsored through advertising.

Photo: Dr Web on Android

8. Google Apps (Download)

It is impossible not to mention the applications from the Google corporation, which are simply necessary for any Android smartphone. Google, Google+ (Download), Google Drive (Download), Google Photos (Download).

They not only allow you to quickly access the Internet, use mail, maps, a translator, download and store various files and photos, but also set up useful functions in your phone (for example, etc.)

Photo: Google on Android

9. Line free calls (Download)

An excellent communication application that is popular in many countries.

Photo: Line Free Calls

The principle of its operation practically does not differ from many other messengers. Free messages, calls, video calls, group conversations and chats (up to 200 interlocutors at the same time). Simple and colorful design, unique and themed mood stickers. The optional Keep function saves important files, photos or forwarded messages.

10. Shazam (Download)

One of the best Android apps in the "Music" category.

Photo: Shazam on Android

Instantly identifies the currently playing song, finds its words and video. Now you don't have to rack your brains for days, remembering the melody that has stuck in your head.

You can add your favorite songs to the playlist. The collection of songs and clips to them is constantly updated. The latest news, top and time-tested legendary hits are always available for listening.

By the way, many famous artists also use Shazam (for example, Pitbull).

11. Clean Master (Download)

The cleaning wizard will be a useful assistant in every phone.

The application filters and removes various spam, cache, unnecessary notifications. Improves and speeds up the phone, optimizes memory. Additional features include battery saver, device cooling, and virus scanning.

Photo: Clean Master on Android

Judging by the reviews and the number of downloads (almost 1 billion), this application can be considered one of the best in its category. The program is free, it works through paid advertising.

12. AliExpress Shopping App (Download)

The application is popular with all fans of this trading platform.

Photo: AliExpress Shopping App

The application is simple and straightforward, there is complete confidentiality, conversion of many currencies is supported. It is in no way inferior to the full version of the site. Directly from a mobile device, you can select a product, place an order, pay, and then track your parcel. In addition, there is an additional discount for some products in the application.

13. Microsoft Word (Download)

A useful application for Android that allows you to use a convenient text editor on any smartphone.

The program was created specifically for those people who need to work with documents quickly and on the go. The design is quite familiar, practically does not differ from the version on the PC. Convenient touch control allows you to use numerous functions. In short, it is almost a full-fledged Word on the phone.

Photo: Microsoft Word on Android

14. Tinder (Download)

The dating app Tinder has been recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the most popular and successful.

Tinder allows you to find new acquaintances for pleasant communication or romantic relationships. Browse through a huge number of photos of participants and choose the ones you like. Their contacts or location will immediately appear on your screen. Since the release of the app, the concept of “getting to know” has changed a lot. Now it's easy to find friends while traveling or quickly organize a party.

The application is easy to use. Due to its specificity, it has an age limit of 18+.

15. Weather (Download)

Weather is a very functional and fairly accurate weather forecast application.

The data is regularly updated, so it is possible to find out the current temperature in real time. Forecasts can be short-term (for every hour) or long-term (up to 9 days).

If necessary, additional information is displayed on the screen, such as humidity or atmospheric pressure.

It is worth noting the colorful design and convenient widgets for the main screen of your android.

16. You Tube (Download)

The official YouTube app for Android gives you quick access to all the videos on the site.

Convenient design and navigation helps you find the videos you want, subscribe to channels, upload your own videos. Videos viewed or liked are saved in separate tabs.

Photo: YouTube on Android

17. Liters (Download)

The most popular free book reading app.

The virtual library has more than 50,000 works, its assortment is constantly growing. All books are divided into many categories for ease of search.

The pleasant interface does not irritate the eyes after prolonged reading. All books are completely free, so you have to endure 5 seconds of advertising.

Photo: App Liters

18. Fitness plan 30 days (Download)

Android apps that help you lose weight, eat right and exercise are becoming incredibly popular.

One of the best in this category will be “Fitness - plan 30 days”.

This is a personal home trainer. The training course is divided into a month. Clear and high-quality video tutorials teach you how to do all the exercises at home. The set of exercises is composed correctly and competently. Physical activity increases gradually, which is not harmful to health.

It is possible to record your achievements and parameters. Convenient notifications and reminders will not allow you to miss a workout.

19.Marvel Contest of Champions (Download)

Back to the most popular games again. Marvel Contest of Champions is a colorful and realistic RPG inspired by your favorite comics.

All the Marvel heroes are present here who are constantly fighting evil. Gather your team, invite friends, develop a combat strategy.

20. Hay Day (Download)

The very kind and equally popular game Hay Day rounds off the list.

This is a well-known farm that is popular with more than 100 million users. Take care of your land, harvest, trade, buy inventory and equipment. Gorgeous graphics, interesting tasks, new functions and opportunities will be able to drag you into the game for a long time.

Photo: Hay Day on Android

This was a selection of the best free Android apps that will come in handy for all occasions.

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