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Finding out what is the difference between the iPhone and the phone. The difference between a smartphone and an iPhone for dummies prices

Most tech lovers wondered what the differences are between Smartphone and iPhone. Iphone- the same smartphone released by the famous Apple company, running on the iOS operating system. In the article we will figure it out how the iPhone differs from the smartphone.

What is the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone: comparison of characteristics

There are not so many differences, it is worth considering in more detail.


The main external difference is bitten apple logo present on all apple gadgets. Others are not allowed to place it on their devices. Otherwise, there are practically no differences in appearance, but there is a difference in the build quality.

Smartphones can contain aluminum, plastic and glass, Apple guarantees the availability of these materials in the phones. The condition is essential and puts them on a rank higher in comparison with others.

Screen quality

Apple's new lineup boasts screens made by OLED technology. They are not the first to use this technique in their gadgets, but now not every company makes such screens. Most phones have screens created based on LED technology.

The image transmission quality on such mobiles is worse, but this is not noticed by ordinary users. The difference can be seen only if you specifically compare the two screens made using these technologies.

Camera (photo and video)

Tests and comparisons of cameras on iOS and Android were carried out. Significant differences were noticed in the quality of shooting.

Smartphones do a great job with subject photography, night shots and HDR photography. However, when photographing simple scenes in natural light, the iPhone's color rendition performed better than the other phones tested.

As a video recording, the apple gadget also holds the lead, having the best clarity and stabilization.

Body material

Since the release 4th iPhone mostly glass body is used. Such an appearance looks expensive, stylish, despite all their fragility. Subsequent gadgets came out of glass or metal. The choice of phone case material is extremely diverse.

On the mobile market, you can buy them from glass, metal or plastic. Materials have their own advantages and price range.

Battery power

Apple Phones are equipped with non-removable batteries; to replace them, contact a service center. In addition, the specifications often do not indicate the nominal capacity of the battery.

Testing has shown that Android-based mobiles hold a charge longer and charge faster than their competitors.

Operating system and software

The operating systems of iPhones and smartphones are no different. Users of i-gadgets often note the speed of reaction and iOS functionality... Specialized applications are also available only for installation on branded gadgets.

The main disadvantage of Android and Windows is the presence of pre-installed applications. They take up memory and cannot be deleted. Users consider this to be garbage applications, they are asked to reconsider the mandatory presence of these programs.

Compatible with other devices

IPhones and other gadgets are equally compatible with many devices. Wristwatches, tablets, laptop computers, they all have access to smartphones as a base Andoid, Windows and iOS.

The main thing: the price

Smartphone iPhone- which price? In the price category, Apple gadgets are always in the lead. There are expensive models among other phones, but these devices remain the most expensive in their segment. Several factors contribute to this:

  1. Competition.

Most smartphone manufacturers have to constantly upgrade their gadgets and fight more actively for leadership. While iPhones have virtually no competitors.

  1. Components.

Iron is an expensive item for Apple. They are powered by A-series chipsets, while other smartphones have more choices for parts.

  1. The openness of the operating system.

Apple spends a lot more time on software as specialized applications cannot be added externally.

Which smartphone is better than the iPhone

Phones from Samsung can compete most of all with Apple gadgets. Their Galaxy line is considered by many critics a worthy alternative to Apple devices.

The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 outperforms even the latest iPhone in performance and power.

> What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone?

What is the difference between a smartphone and an iPhone?

Every year, various gadgets are becoming more perfect and more affordable. Today, these are the iPhone and smartphone. These mobile devices not only receive calls, but also provide their owner with access to the Internet, allow you to work with mail and various documents. But before making a purchase, many simply do not understand what are the differences between these two devices, and which one is better to choose. Telling them that the iPhone is also a smartphone would confuse the user even more.

Smartphone, translated from English (smartphone) is a "smart phone". Indeed, you can say so about it, since it combines the functions of a phone and a computer. The smartphone runs on the Android operating system, which was developed by Google. The most prestigious and popular among them are Prestigio smartphones, and on the website you can find out about their main technical characteristics.

IPhone(iPhone) is a touchscreen phone that, like a smartphone, allows you to use the Internet, read books, listen to music, watch videos and many other additional functions. The iPhone belongs to a series of smartphones produced by Apple.

After we learned what an iPhone is and what a smartphone is, now we will figure out how they differ from each other, except that they are produced by different companies. The iPhone was designed and built under the guidance of Steve Jobs, and that says a lot. Smartphones are produced by various companies, none of which claims authorship.

The main differences are:

  • Operating system;
  • Mobile row;
  • Appearance;
  • Memory;
  • Price.

The most important difference between these devices is the iOS operating system, which is used only in apple products, and therefore only the iPhone has it. Smartphones, on the other hand, run on Android. The plus of this is that iOS is more advanced, and the minus is that you won't be able to install it on another phone or tablet. The difference between an iPhone and a smartphone is also the company's logo - "a bitten apple", which a smartphone does not have. A non-removable battery is considered a disadvantage in iPhones, while in smartphones it can be removed without the help of service center specialists.

The materials used to assemble the iPhone (aluminum, plastic, glass) are of the highest quality and make up the one-piece iPhone body. The build quality of Apple products is not questioned either. The choice may be influenced by the price of these gadgets. Apple products, which have no competitors in popularity, of course, are more expensive. But in the end, it turned out that the iPhone is the same smartphone, only with its own characteristics.

The Internet war between the owners of i-gadgets and the owners of devices without an apple on the case keeps the traffic steadily. The controversy about how the iPhone differs from the android flares up again with each new release from Apple, and each participant diligently proves why the inhabitant of his pocket is better than the other. Reminders that one is an operating system for mobile devices, and the other is a whole family of "apple" smartphones, are most often ignored, and in common parlance we have an iPhone and we have an android. Let's stop at that.

IPhone(right iPhone) - a smartphone developed, created and released by Apple, running the proprietary iOS operating system. Symbol - a bitten apple (corporation logo).

Android(in our case) - a smartphone of any manufacturer running the Android operating system. The symbol is a funny green robot.

Holivars on the topic often boil down to mentioning the high cost of i-smartphones and capabilities that do not correspond to it. Why should we not take into account this difference between an iPhone and an Android today? Firstly, the prices in the homeland of gadgets as a percentage of salaries are very democratic, and the iPhone in the United States is not a sign of belonging to the elite, but just a convenient tool. In addition, Apple is loyal to its customers, giving them significant discounts when switching to a newer model, and devices tied to operators and tariffs can be considered almost budgetary. Secondly, the flagships of other manufacturers running on Android do not cost three kopecks either, sometimes not representing anything remarkable. In a word, the problem of social inequality and overpayments does not exist everywhere, and the price cannot be a criterion when comparing not specific models, but entire classes of devices.


There are a lot of smartphones on Android. Manufacturers are divided into echelons, their products are divided into lines. iPhone - one in several generations (6 and 6 Plus are relevant today), their designs differ minimally, only details and sizes vary. Android phones provide a much wider selection to suit a variety of tastes.

An iPhone of any generation is made with the highest quality, like any Apple product. Focusing on one model allows developers to debug the interaction of a hardware platform based on a proprietary processor and their own software, which is constantly being improved (or rather, this is what Cupertino thinks). Android is a universal system, easily portable, and manufacturers can change it in accordance with their ideas about the convenience of users. A thorough check of the OS for compatibility with hardware under these conditions is impossible. Adequate technical support is also impossible: Apple has the same support, and Android owners are forced to contact different manufacturers. And it is not a fact that they will answer and help.

The creators of iPhones believe they know everything about the needs of their users. Therefore, their brainchild does not need customization, additional improvements, modifications and bells and whistles - the client is relieved of the need to put his hands on something. Those, in whose smartphones the green robot lives, constantly adjust something for themselves, change, improve, expanding the functionality to the incredible.

iPhone is as authentic as possible. He needs accessories created by Apple or with its permission, often surprisingly expensive, he does not want to interact with gadgets without an apple on the case. To connect to a computer and charge, he needs a cable with an 8-pin connector, and only a photo will be available on a PC. Android easily turns a smartphone into a USB flash drive (or two if you have memory cards), its file system is completely open. The cable for almost any model is universal - micro USB allows you to hang peripherals, transfer data, and charge or charge.

For those looking for what is the difference between an iPhone and an Android, one of the most lethal arguments sounds like this: the latter has a better camera and you can insert a memory card. And this is really true: many people want to get a universal device for their money, combining the capabilities of a camera and data storage. Apple has not yet risen above 12 megapixels, but 23 megapixels are taking root in smartphones on Android (this pleases Sony). You can expand the storage memory in them using SD cards of any size, and if the iPhone offers its 16 or 64 GB, then this cannot be changed. True, the latest models for additional figures in the price tags demonstrate 128 GB, and this is quite enough (although Huawei, for example, does not think so, leaving the card reader in its Mate S to the same capacity).

On the app side, Apple has a reputation for rigorously testing third-party software. You can access it through the AppStore. As a rule, programs and games for the iPhone have a very friendly interface, they practically do not crash and do not slow down system processes. Some apps are built exclusively for iOS. Android is outrageously democratic in this respect, and everything that comes to mind is poured into the Google Play store. Naturally, this software is tested for compatibility somehow, if at all, and the likelihood of getting a crookedly working software is very high. But it is possible to install directly from apk files, bypassing the store.

The performance of iPhones remains relatively high due to iOS optimizations for pre-known hardware. The system itself takes up little memory space and does not require a lot of resources. But Android is very, very voracious due to open source and the inability to adapt it to a huge number of different platforms. Therefore, manufacturers of android phones are forced to increase capacity to meet the needs of programs.

This affects autonomy. With the same battery capacity, any iPhone lives longer than any Android, however, 1810 mAh batteries (like the iPhone 6) are installed today only in the most budget models of smartphones. With a battery with a capacity of more than 3000 mAh, acceptable for five-inch gadgets, fans of the robot can move away from the outlet for several days with average activity. The "apple" device survives only until the evening (however, a budget rival sometimes asks for recharging already at lunchtime).


IPhone (iPhone) Android (Android smartphone)
Made by Apple onlyMany manufacturers
Limited number of models (mostly the latest and previous generation in a couple of configurations), single designThousands of models with a wide variety of designs and characteristics
High-quality assembly and materialsAny quality level, from low to high
The most accurate adaptation of the proprietary software to the hardwareOpen OS and possible compatibility issues
High-level technical supportSupport depends on the manufacturer
Minimum OS customization and tuning optionsFine tuning according to the taste and needs of the user
Proprietary 8-pin cableUniversal micro USB cable for all devices
Closed file system, incompatibility with products from other manufacturersOpen file system, can be connected to PC as a storage device, full interoperability with other devices
Cameras with a resolution not higher than 12 megapixelsCameras with a resolution of up to 23 megapixels
Non-expandable memorySD card slot for most models
User-friendly simple application and system interfaceRequires some kind of management skills
High performance through platform optimizationResource-intensive OS
Autonomy is lower than that of most android smartphones in the middle price category (due to the use of more capacious batteries)When using the battery of the same capacity, it is noticeably less than the IPhone, it works without recharging

Today, the most popular are smartphones running on Android and iOS operating systems. In the case of Android, these can be completely different models. Accordingly, smartphones from different manufacturers. You've probably come across phones from many well-known companies such as Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, Fly and many others. So, all their mobile phones today work exclusively on the Android operating system. The same cannot be said about Apple: they only make the iPhone. The iPhone SE was the latest to go on sale. Now you can hardly see a person even with an iPhone 3, because, as you know, Apple releases a new iPhone every year. And yet, what is the difference between an android and an iPhone?

The main differences between the iPhone and its Android competitor are as follows:

1. Attitude towards the manufacturer. Perhaps someone is confused by the fact that Apple does not whip variety in the development of new iPhones. In fact, the interior and exterior of the model are what distinguishes the new iPhone from its predecessor. And it is this fact that gives Apple to be in trend and makes us buy more and more new phones. And, of course, the unique operating system iOS is what makes the iPhone different from Android gadgets.
2. Capabilities of iPhone and Android. One of the most significant differences is the ability of Android smartphone owners to customize their device as it is convenient for them thanks to various internal settings. IPhones, on the other hand, are distinguished by their intuitively simple interface, which is quite enough for any user.
3. The question of price. It's no secret that the prices for Apple phones with their iOS hit the pocket much more than smartphones with the Android operating system. There are a ton of smartphones running on Android these days. This allows the buyer not to be limited in his choice, because he can build on his preferences in design, interface, appearance, characteristics of the device, its size, which cannot be said about the iPhone. Perhaps that is why many believe that there is no device better than an iPhone, because it is radically different from an android. First of all, the sustained traditions of releasing a new model once a year and doing it at the highest level. But, as they say, smartphones taste and color are different. Therefore, the differences between iPhone and Android are, perhaps, the decisive factor when buying a mobile communication device.
4. Applications. As a rule, it is not necessary for owners of Android smartphones to make purchases on the Play Market. On the Internet, you can easily find the installation files for an application. The same cannot be said about the owners of iPhones: the only way to install the desired application on your iPhone is to buy it from the Apple Store.

We hope this article has introduced you to the differences between iPhone and Android.

In recent years, there has been a rivalry between Android and Iphone. These 2 platforms have their own merits and demerits. The first system runs on more devices, making it more widespread. This article will look at the main strengths and weaknesses of both competing platforms.

Key differences

Now let's talk directly about the key differences between shells:

Hardware and battery

In this regard, Android is the clear leader. A huge range of different options for central and graphic processors, removable, even on flagships, batteries (though not all) and much more. The Iphone is too conservative in this regard. While the hardware is well-polished and well thought out, a non-removable battery can be an argument against buying this device.

Customization options

Both systems have a common ancestor - Unix. Although Android is built on the Linux kernel, with each new version, the shell remains less and less reminded of this. Android allows you to transfer folders and icons from one desktop to another and within it. You can also create shortcuts. On ios, it is impossible to change what was created by designers. Jailbreak expands the capabilities of the system, but not so significantly. Also on Android, you can put widgets and other similar tools on the desktop that display useful information.

Quality of materials

Here Iphone definitely wins. It is produced only by Apple itself, so the quality of the components is at the highest level. In Android, the situation is different. Rear panel backlash and other similar troubles occur even in the most expensive models.

Applications and usability

Another thing that makes Android different from the Iphone is its app stores. For the first, this is the Play Market, for the second, respectively, Itunes.Apple from the very beginning conducted a strict selection of utilities that were loaded into the storage, which is why almost all of them were of high quality. Google, on the other hand, gave access to everyone, which is why the number of non-working or unstable applications simply went off scale. Now, the situation is a little different and in terms of the number of programs and their quality, both stores are approximately the same. They are also a plus for Android - the ability to install programs from almost any source. Of course, there is a risk of catching a virus, but if you are careful, this will not happen. The operating system on the Iphone will constantly give errors if you install something not from iTunes. One argument in favor of the Iphone is that many programs are released only for this platform and are not ported to Android.


It all depends on the manufacturer. IOS updates are almost always available, on the other hand, with the release of several new generations of devices, it becomes impossible to download them, or they will be unstable. On Android, this depends primarily on the manufacturer's policy. Some Chinese brands are releasing updates to their phones for another 3-4 years after the device is released.

Choosing a new smartphone, many buyers are wondering what is the difference between Android and iPhone? In this article, we will try to deal with this issue and find not only the differences between Android smartphones and iPhone, but also their common features.

Operating systems for portable devices Android and iOS, the leaders of today's market, despite the status of competitors, have a lot in common. Both are descended from UNIX systems (although Android is technically Linux), both display the home screen for the user upon boot, both use a touch screen and a basic set of actions to organize user interaction: taps, swipes and scrolls, two-finger zoom. However, Android, unlike the operating system of i-devices, allows displaying various widgets in addition to application icons. The list of what makes Android different from Athos does not end there:

  • Customizing the interface - you can even turn your android device into a MCC thanks to the very wide customization options. In iPhone, the interface changes only within the narrow framework of the jailbreak.
  • Transfer media files - Android's file system is open and does not interfere with moving, copying or deleting any files, from and to the device. iOS requires the iTunes desktop app to protect files from unlicensed copying.
  • Choosing a Hardware Platform - Android can run on thousands of different devices, from smart wristwatches, heart rate monitors to car multimedia systems, not to mention smartphones and tablet computers. iOS only runs on iPhone, iPad, iPod and iTV.


Both operating systems use electronic stores to access applications, Android - Google Play, iOS - App Store. Both provide the device user with paid and free utilities and applications, grouped by category, rating and reviews. The AppStore has about 700,000 registered programs, of which 250,000 are available for the iPad. Most of the exclusive iOS projects are games.

Google Play, in turn, contains about 600,000 applications, most of which are available on tablets. Both platforms demonstrate parity in the availability of popular software, be it Twitter client, Flickr client or Angry Birds. The advantage of Android is the native services of Google itself (YouTube, Google Docs) and some super popular services available exclusively on the Google platform (DropBox, Adobe Flash Player, BitTorrent). Many iOS exclusives have been ported over time to the Android platform, such as Instagram.

Stability of applications, according to statistics, is higher on the Google platform, 0.7% versus 1.6% for iOS.


Both Android and iOS offer users the ability to make calls, video chat, browse the Internet and search for places on the map without installing auxiliary third-party software, and more recently, both operating systems have become equal in the ability to control devices using voice.

The only significant difference is the ecosystem to which the user is attached. In the case of Android, these are the services of Google and other major players. iOS flaunts several cloud services, but often forces you to communicate only with other i-device owners.

Another important difference between Android and iPhone is security. Android involves careful isolation of application contexts from the system as a whole and from each separately. No function or utility can perform anything dangerous, unless the user himself allows her to do it, for example, make paid calls or send passwords. iOS relies entirely on the developer, instead trying to ensure selection at the stage of publishing programs.

Articles and Life Hacks

For fans of the mobile world, the difference between an iPhone and a smartphone is obvious and does not need clarification. But for those who treat their gadget as a consumer, everything is not so simple.

In order not to look like a Neanderthal from Khatsapetovka in the eyes of the beau monde, you need to know the difference like the back of your hand. But jokes are jokes, and all the same?

Is the iPhone a class of devices or a proper name?

If we approach the question literally, then there are no differences between these two concepts: one includes the other.

IPhone is the russified name of the trademark for the iPhone line of smartphones, produced since 2007.

However, today it is no longer just a brand, but something like a subculture, or even a cult with its admirers, idols and, of course, haters.

The term "smartphone" itself has a much longer history. It appeared in 2000 when it released the R380s phone model.

It can be considered a prototype of modern devices only to a certain extent, since, although it had a touchscreen display, it did not allow installing third-party applications due to the closed Symbian OS 5.1 operating system.

Approximately from this moment, the rivalry of this class of mobile devices with the so-called communicators begins, which ultimately led to their merger.

And today we understand a smartphone as a mobile phone with a touchscreen display and the functionality of a pocket computer.

So are there any differences?

In reality, there are, and very significant ones. But they concern, oddly enough, not the "hardware", but the one used in the gadget. To date, there are only three "live" operating systems left:

Fans of green ... no, not a snake at all, but a droid is much simpler in this respect - their operating system is much more democratic and transparent than good.

The user has freedom of maneuver, but, as always in such cases, he pays for it with comfort. The picture is the same as in the epic confrontation between desktop Windows and Linux. By the way, Android is based on the latter.

And therefore, no matter how much the iPhones are scolded, no matter how they are branded as "accomplices of the enslavers of mankind", "fiends of the Matrix" and other epithets dear to the hearts of cyberpunk fans, their popularity is limited by one single factor: the price of new models. Everything else goes under the "green grapes" category.

Thus, the differences between these two concepts, if any, are not class or external, but rather ideological. Both types of gadgets perform the same tasks, but they do it in different ways.

Now those who want to buy a “smart” phone that will not only receive calls, but also have Internet access, as well as many other additional functions, is faced with a choice: what to buy a smartphone or an iPhone. In fact, the iPhone is a smartphone, its difference from similar devices is only that it was released by Apple. Of course, there are other features that differentiate gadgets. We will consider them further.

A bit of history

In 2007, Apple introduced its first iPhone to the world for the first time. This is a super novelty and today it differs significantly from the first mobile phone, what kind of phone it was. For that time, the functionality, like the appearance of the gadget, was revolutionary and technically ahead of devices from other manufacturers by several years. The developer called the gadget a smartphone, in other words, a “smart” phone. In addition to the fact that it was possible to make and answer calls from it, it received such additional functions as the ability to watch movies on it and listen to music from the network.

Of course, among consumers, the iPhone almost immediately gained deserved popularity. This could not but go unnoticed by other manufacturers, who soon took advantage of the Android operating system developed by Google to release their own models that could compete with the iPhone in functionality.

What are smartphones and iPhones?

Thus, the first difference between a smartphone and an iPhone is that the devices run on different operating systems. However, do not forget that Apple's gadget is a kind of smartphone, so it will be difficult to find significant differences between the devices. In other words, a smartphone is a means of communication that combines the appearance and functionality of a mobile phone with a PDA.

The iPhone is a kind of smartphone from the manufacturer Apple. Today there are five generations of this gadget, several variants of the same model. It runs on the iOS operating system, and has all the functions that are typical for devices of this class.

Distinctive features of a smartphone and an iPhone

If we talk about the technical differences between a smartphone and an iPhone, it should be noted that there is a non-removable battery. On the one hand, this raises concerns among consumers that they may need to frequently contact a service center. But in fact, users rarely resort to the services of specialists, since with a gadget that is of high quality, there are rarely any technical problems. In addition, its additional strength is provided by the one-piece body.

Speaking about the differences between the smartphone and the iPhone, there are still, we note the brand name, a bitten off apple on the back panel. Of course, such a logo is the symbol of Apple, and no other manufacturer is aiming at it. In addition, the iPhone does not have a memory card slot. Nevertheless, if you have a damaged memory card and want to download all the contents to your phone, then first read the article on how The manufacturers reasonably decided that the built-in memory would be enough for users, which in some models can reach up to 64 GB.

Apple's device works only on iOS. Smartphones from other manufacturers may have different operating systems installed.

To say unequivocally what is better, a smartphone or an iPhone, will not work. Do not forget that the iPhone is just a variation of such a device. Hence, it is equipped with the same functions as gadgets from other manufacturers. This also applies to preinstalled programs on the iPhone, before using them you will have to puzzle a little. For example, in order to figure it out, you will have to use the Internet a little. But no one doubts the quality of Apple devices, which influences the higher cost of the device. For many users, the iPhone is a kind of status symbol. Which smartphone to choose is up to everyone to decide.