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Wine 2.0 1 installation in ubuntu. Linux Mint installing wine

After a year of hard development, WINE 2.0 was released. More than 6600 code changes were made in the new version.

Among the key changes, the developers name support for Microsoft Office 2013 and the launch of 64-bit applications on macOS. The release also contains support for a large number of new applications and games. For those who use only stable releases in their work, the difference compared to the previous version (1.8) will be simply colossal.

Significant updates include more complete support for DirectX 9, improved support for Direct3D 10 and 11, improved work with graphics adapters, support for GStreamer v 1.0 for audio output, increased Javascript performance in the built-in Gecko engine, and fixed a large number of bugs. A complete list of changes can be viewed.

This is the first release under the new patch plan - new versions of WINE will now be released annually. The numbering is also changing, now the development releases will be numbered 2.1, 2.2 and so on, and the next stable release will be numbered 3.0.

Installing WINE 2.0 on Ubuntu

Wine 2.0 will soon be added to the official WINE repository on Launchpad from where it can be installed on any supported Ubuntu distribution. How to connect this repository and install the latest version of WINE has been written.

All people love to play games. This lesson helps to distract from the real world with its real problems and, at least not for long, immerse oneself in the virtual world.

This is how the article about Windows games should have started. But today the conversation is not entirely about them. Today we will talk about games on Linux. Most people don't like this operating system just because there are no "normal" games on it, and it doesn't matter that it performs well at work.

But those who want to can play the same games on Linux as they do on Windows. Ask how? It's very simple. Today we'll talk about how Wine is installed and configured.

Those people who have been using Linux for a long time and have chosen it as the head of the OS probably do not need to define this software, but for the rest it is still worth explaining.

Wine is a program with which it becomes possible to run Windows programs and games. In other words, with the help of it you can play those games that are not intended for Linux and are, so to speak, exclusive to Windows.

It is noteworthy that the program is developing all the time. So, a couple of years ago it was impossible to use it to launch a game based on DiretX11, now everything has changed. Patches are constantly being released, and everything is quickly repaired if something breaks. If you prefer stability, you can easily install the standard version of Wine and it won't surprise you unpleasantly.

The only downside is the relatively complex Wine setup. But after reading this article, you will understand everything in a matter of minutes and do everything yourself.

Installation methods

Before describing how Wine is configured for games, it is necessary to first explain how it is installed.

Linux users know that the same action in their operating system can be performed in different ways, and with

Let's consider initially the simplest option, using the Package Manager, or as it is also called, the Program Manager. In principle, no matter what it is called, the main thing is that it works the same way.

Initially, you need to open it. Next, in the search line, you need to write the name of the program - Wine. Search begins. At the end of it, several options may appear in front of you. Just select Wine without any extra characters and click "Install". Wait for the download and installation of the program to take place.

The second way is to use a terminal. After opening it, enter:

sudo apt-get install wine

Downloading and subsequent installation will start. However, there is a high probability that the download is not a "fresh" version, this is due to the fact that the program is developing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, we enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: ubuntu-wine / ppa

sudo apt-get update

Now write:

sudo apt-get install wine1.6

That's all, the software has just been installed via the Console. Now let's tell you how Wine is configured.

What do you need to know about configuring Wine?

For Wine (Linux), the setup may not always go smoothly, but don't worry if you don't succeed, you can return everything to its original position at any time. The easiest way would be to uninstall the program and reinstall it, but this is only in extreme cases.

The main thing is not to rush. In this matter, it is important to carefully read what needs to be done and when. But if you succeed, you will be remembered for a lifetime. Now let's get started.

First thing

There are two options for development, the differences are small, but still there. If you have a 64-bit Linux distribution, then both you and Wine have 64-bit installed, but this is not necessary. Therefore, we enter this command into the terminal:

WINEARCH = win32 winecfg

After that, you should open the Wine setup. Move it to the background and don't return to it for now. If you have a 32-bit system, you can skip this step.

Now you need to download and install Winetricks. To do this, write in the terminal:


If you do not have this program, then you will be offered to download it. Download and install. Then run.

Winetricks allows you to quickly configure Wine itself. Having launched it in the first window, you must select Select the default wineprefix... Click OK.

DLL and font setup

We continue to talk about how the Wine setup proceeds. By clicking "OK", we will see that a second window will open. It must be highlighted Install a font- this is for customizing the fonts. Click OK.

A window with all possible fonts for Wine will open in front of you. In order not to drag out for a long time and not to waste time, select everything at once and click OK. This will launch the download and install window. During this, do not go far from the computer, as it is likely that you will be prompted to confirm the operations being carried out. Agree with all of them.

It is likely that after selecting all the fonts and pressing the button, you will be shown an error and everything will disappear. In this case, it will not be possible to install everything at once and you will have to do it separately. If, after selecting an item, you get an error, skip it.

Now let's move on to configuring the DLL. This is a very important point, and you cannot skip it, since without the installed DLLs, you are unlikely to start at least some game.

Click on Install a Windows DLL or component. A similar window will open in front of you, which was with the fonts. Not all components can be installed here, but some are required. In general, it will be better to do the same manipulations as with fonts. Try to install each one in turn, ignoring the ones that give the error.

By the way, after trying to install, some DLLs like dotnet30 can knock out an error and open explorer with a browser. In this case, on the browser page, you need to download the proposed component and place it in the folder that was open, and then do the installation manipulations again.

Registry tweak

By the way, according to these instructions, setting up Wine in Linux Mint is fine, although problems with other distributions should also not arise.

Let's move on to debugging the registry. To do this, in the second window, this time select Change setting. Here it is already impossible to take liberties, and it will not be possible to establish everything at once. Therefore, we follow the provided list of required settings:

    ddr - opengl

    multisampling - enabled

    orm - f bo

    psm - enabled

    rtlm - auto

    glsl - enabled- this is the standard, but if you have an Nvidia video card, then it is better to choose disabled... This will improve your gaming performance.

    vsm - hardware

    videomemorysize 1024(choose the size of the video card memory)

    mwo - enabled (force)

That's basically all about Wine. Setting up Mint and other OS versions is no longer a problem for you, because this guide will work fine for most distributions.

Remember one more thing, during the installation of "Windows" games, you cannot choose to install additional software. Uncheck the boxes. Also, after the installation is complete, uncheck the "Run now" box. Launch through the shortcut on the desktop.

The Wine program is used to run applications from the Windows operating system in Linux systems. Most often, this is necessary to install games or any specific software that has no analogues. In this article, we will look at how to install Wine on Linux Mint 17.1.

Installing Wine on Linux Mint

Open the terminal and add the program repository using the command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: ubuntu-wine / ppa

Updating the package list

sudo apt-get update

And install wine

sudo apt-get install wine1.8

Close the terminal and go to the wine menu

There is nothing here yet, so we drive the word "wine" into the search bar and find the configuration utility.

Configuring Wine in Linux Mint

Run "Wine Settings" and the system will prompt us to install the Mono package. We agree and click on the "install" button.

In the next step, we will be prompted to install the Gecko package. Click on "install" again

After that, the following window will appear in front of us:

In the "Applications" tab, select the version of Windows in which your program or game is running.

Go to the "drives" tab and click on the "auto-detect" button. After that, click on "apply".

In the "audio" tab, click on the "test sound" button. If there is sound, then everything is fine, if not, then check if you have the pulseaudio package installed.

Now click on the "apply" and "ok" buttons.

How to use Wine in Linux Mint

As an example, we will install the notepad2 program using Wine. Go to the folder with the installation file, right-click on it and select "open in the wine program.

An installation window will appear in front of us. Click on "ok"

At the end of the installation, we get a message that everything went as it should.

Now we find notepad in the list of programs and run it

Everything works, and we can use the software we need. There is one point to keep in mind. All applications that you install via Wine are susceptible to virus infection, so do not use this function unless absolutely necessary.

Ability to run 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system

Nowadays, most users have a 64-bit version of the system installed on their computer, but there are times when it is necessary to run a 32-bit version of the program in wine. For this, we need to use a prefix. For 64 bits, the command will look familiar:

wine winecfg

For 32 bit:

WINEARCH = win32 WINEPREFIX = ~ / .wine32 winecfg

As an example, let's run the office setup file:

WINEARCH = win32 WINEPREFIX = ~ / .wine32 wine "/ home / user / Microsoft Office 2003 / ru_office_2003_pro / SETUP.EXE"

Please note that all 64-bit programs will be stored in the folder /.wine and 32-bit ones in /.wine32(you need to create it yourself).

How to completely uninstall Wine in Linux Mint

Open terminal and run command

sudo apt-get autoremove wine1.7 *

Wait until the program is uninstalled. After that, go to your home folder, check the box "show hidden files" and delete the folder .wine

Wine is an open source utility that can run some Windows applications directly in Linux. Wine is compatible with almost all versions of Windows programs.

Wine (originally an acronym for Wine Is Not an Emulator) provides a compatibility layer to enable Windows applications to run on multiple POSIX-compliant operating systems such as Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD. Rather than mimicking the internal logic for Windows, as in a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates the Windows API and puts it under POSIX while eliminating the performance and memory penalties of other methods and allows Windows applications to be neatly integrated into your desktop.

Wine began its existence back in 1993, under the direction of Bob Amstadt, who wanted to write support for running Windows 3.1 programs for Linux. Very early on, the leadership of Wine development was taken over by Alexandre Juillard, who has since become the project manager. Over the years, as Windows APIs and applications have evolved to take advantage of new hardware and software, wine has adapted to support new features and has been ported to other operating systems and is becoming more stable each time, providing a better user experience. interface.

The ambitious Wine project was rapidly written for 15 years before it finally reached version v1.0, and the first stable release was released in 2008. Nowadays, a large number of people use Vine to open various programs in Linux that are written for Windows.

Installing wine on Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint

In Ubuntu / Mint run the command:

Before installing, you need to add the wine repository, and you can do it like this:

# sudo add-apt-repository ppa: ubuntu-wine / ppa

To add a repository, you need to install additional packages, if it fails and you get an error:

Su: add-apt-repository: command not found

We update the list of repositories (to update the wine repository):

# sudo apt-get update

And we begin to install the utility itself, Wine:

# sudo apt-get install wine1.7

Then we will install winetricks. Winetricks is a helper script for downloading and installing various redistributable libraries required to run some programs in Wine. These may include replacements for wine components using closed source libraries.

# sudo apt-get install winetricks

Installing wine on Debian

Let's see what packages are available for wine:

[email protected]: / usr / local / src # aptitude search ^ wine i wine - Windows API implementation - standard suit p wine: i386 - Windows API implementation - standard suit p wine-bin: i386 - Windows API implementation - binaries p wine-binfmt - Windows API implementation - binfmt suppor p wine-binfmt: i386 - Windows API implementation - binfmt suppor p wine-development - Windows API implementation - standard suit p wine-development: i386 - Windows API implementation - standard suit v wine32 - p wine32: i386 - Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary p wine32-dev-tools: i386 - Windows API implementation - 32-bit develo v wine32-development - p wine32-development: i386 - Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary p wine32-development- preloader: i3 - Windows API implementation - prelinked 32- v wine32-development-tools - p wine32-development-tools: i386 - Windows API implementation - 32-bit develo v wine32-tools - p wine32-tools: i386 - Windows API implementation - 32-bit develo i A wine64 - Windows API implementation - 64-bit binary p wine64-bin - Windows API implementation - 64-bit helper p wine64-dev-tools - Windows API implementation - 64-bit develo p wine64-development - Windows API implementation - 64-bit binary p wine64-development -preloader - Windows API implementation - prelinked 64-p wine64-development-tools - Windows API implementation - 64-bit develo p wine64-tools - Windows API implementation - 64-bit develo [email protected]: / usr / local / src #

Okay, we have wine on the system, let's install it:

# apt-get install wine

Let's run wine from the command line:

I was asked to execute the command:

# dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install wine32

Installing winetricks on debian
Winetricks is a graphical interface that can be used to install some Windows applications on Linux to be used in wine. First, let's install the required package:

# apt-get install zenity

Load the winetricks script:

$ cd / usr / local / src && wget

Add rights to execute (run) the script:

$ chmod + x winetricks

Launch winetricks:

$ ./winetricks

Winetricks can use on the command line:

$ ./winetricks apps list

You can install an unstable version. But I didn't need it.

Setting up wine on Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint

1. Go to the menu -> Wine -> Configure Wine, at the bottom in the tab, select the required OS (I chose windows 7, since I want to open applications from it). click OK and close the window.

2. Open a terminal and write in it (to open winetricks and install additional libraries):

# winetricks

A window will start, in it select "Select the default winetricks" and press OK, YES, OK.

3. In the window that appears, go to the tab (check the box) "Install a Windows DLL or component". We choose what to install, for different needs, so you need to install additional components, I recommend that you select all the checkboxes and install ALL. I will just mention wmp9 (this is a player).

Wine installation and configuration on Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint is now complete. I hope I painted it in detail, but if something remains not clear and not fully voiced, then write me a comment and I will try to help you or correct this material.