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Comparative characteristics of android and ios. What is better Android or iOS

If you still choose which is better - Android or iOS, we will help you make the right choice. To do this, we compare the characteristics of the two operating systems.

  1. Ecosystem

This term means the connection of all devices on the same account. Here, the creation of Apple clearly wins. The developers of this OS did everything so that all the devices were interconnected by one account.

Owners of Mac, iPhone, iPad and other devices can view files (!) And information about all their devices.

Moreover, the user can start editing some file on one device, and finish on another. This is possible thanks to ubiquitous communication through the iCloud cloud service.

Fig. No. 1. Between all Apple devices supported by global communication

Android also has something similar, but not on such a scale. You can use cloud services there, but in order to achieve such a global connection as Apple, Android developers need to try a lot.

Therefore, if you choose which is better, depending on whether you will have many devices, it is better to buy devices with iOS.

2. Updates

Android has two minuses in this regard:

  • Updates are irregular and will not work for older models. In fact, support for Android phones and tablets ends after a maximum of 3 years of use.
  • Updates are often unstable. You have to do a system rollback or even hard reset. Very often with updates come bugs and some points that cause great inconvenience.

IOS is doing fine with updates. They come out regularly, support is provided for at least 4 years.

A striking example is the iPhone 5s, which was released in 2013, but was still fully supported in 2017. In addition, upgrades are always stable and only lead to improved operating system performance.

Therefore, according to this criterion, the "apple" product is again ahead.

3. Security

IOS is ahead.

In terms of security, this system has several advantages, namely:

  • Installing applications from unverified sources is simply not possible. Programs available for installation are found only in the App Store and before they get there, they all undergo a thorough check. In the case of Android, it’s enough to just tick the settings opposite the item that allows installation from unverified sources.
  • It’s easier to write a virus for Android. All hackers do that. The truth is, there are simply no viruses for Apple's OS, or at least very few. Therefore, there are practically no antiviruses for iOS - they are not needed.

Android users are well aware that they have many app stores. In addition, they can simply download the .apk file from the Internet and run it to install the program. Of course, this is simpler, but there is no question of any security.

Fig. No. 2. iOS - secure operating system

4. Applications

Android users often wander around app stores and are looking for what to choose. They have this choice.

IOS users do not have this privilege. They have a very limited set of programs, which, as we said above, are in the App Store.

  Here are a few more advantages of Android in this regard:

  • Diversity. Android applications are easier and cheaper to write. Therefore, developers often make their choice in favor of this operating system.
  • Free of charge. Most programs for Android can be downloaded for free. On iOS, you need to pay a lot of money for the device itself, and then pay for the application.
  • Number. It's simple - the same Google Play has a lot more choices than in the App Store.

Of course, lovers of “apple” products may object that Android programs are more “collective”, that is, they do not look as attractive as in iOS. This is very subjective.

Yes, all programs pass a more thorough check and are generally developed by a limited circle of people with a very high level of programming. Nevertheless, sometimes they get too minimalistic products without a special set of functions. Like it or not, users on Android have more choices!

5. Use

Let's say right away that using Android is much simpler than a competitor to this OS. Moreover, if you decide to switch from one system to another, you will be wildly surprised at how complicated and confusing everything is in iOS.

For example, there it is much more difficult to upload music, films, books and other files. There are special programs (such as iBooks for books) that help with this. But just to take and load something into memory and immediately start using it, it is impossible.

Moreover, in the "apple" OS it will not even turn out to take and download a file from the Internet or from a computer.

In the first case, you will have to use additional programs (read more about this), and iTunes is used to communicate with the computer. In general, it is extremely inconvenient. But all this is done for security, so choose what is more important for you.

Fig. No. 3. ITunes is used to download music and other files in iOS

6. Summary

So far, according to the criteria, the score is 3: 2. But it’s important to consider that Android devices themselves are better than iOS devices. Why this is so, we discussed in this article.

They are much better in terms of price to quality, power and camera specifications. Therefore, we can assume that the score is equal.

The conclusion is very simple: if security, an ecosystem and updates are important to you, choose iOS, and if you do not want to bother and puzzle over how to watch a movie, Android.

Android or ios? A question that interests many who wish to purchase a quality device. But a high-quality new gadget with many practical functions greatly facilitates work in the modern world. It is not so easy to decide which ios vs android device is better.

More recently, it was believed that these two gadgets do not make sense to compare. The iPhone was intended for those who wanted to have a ragged operating system, and Android for lovers of free choice of devices and the ability to customize the gadget system for themselves. But this time has passed and the two operating systems have become very similar. And iOS comes to the forefront among ios versus android, because it is distinguished by its aesthetics, simplicity and convenience. In addition, there are many functions and possibilities to individually customize the device for yourself. Pay attention to the features of the iOS gadget and determine which choice is better. Photos of operating systems: on the left - Android, on the right - iOS.

iPhone and iPad - Key Benefits

It is impossible not to pay attention to the high quality applications in this device. After all, they look more attractive and convenient to use. And although the applications for android vs ios are the same, they look completely different - they have different icons. It is worth remembering about the quick update of the device. After the new version of iOS comes out, there is no need to wait a long time until the update is ready. But for Android, this is a problem. It may be that the new version is already ready, but it cannot be purchased within a year. In iOS, this is solved at one point. In addition, updates are permanent here. It is worth noting the continued support of the old device. So for Apple it will be 48 months. Past releases of iPhones may use an operating system that has just arrived. And even after 4 years, you can switch to newer types of operating systems.

  We continue to find the differences between iOS and Android. Next up is the quick installation of new applications. In iOS, a well-developed toolkit. Some social networks, for example Instagram, were available only for this device throughout the year. Only after some time, Android was able to get this version of the program as well. Initially, the developers of some of the most popular programs develop them for iOS, and only after a while is development for other platforms done.
iPhone - Pros and Cons.

Other distinctive features

So better   ios or android? We will understand this issue further. Note what the ecosystem is at Apple. The choice of a smartphone now largely does not depend on what its technical characteristics are. Much attention is paid to the mobile ecosystem. And it is no secret that the ecosystem in iOS is more developed. Including it is presented in Apple Watch, MacBook, iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2. Many successful people choose iPhone.

  And it's not about fashion. The point is convenience. For busy people, time is expensive. And thanks to the choice of iPhone, time is saved. Using the device itself is a pleasure. With him there is more desire to do something. It is easy to negotiate with people, send messages, and use social networks. In this case, work occurs without obstacles and any breakdowns. The device itself looks great and the software is not inferior to it. As you can see, the battle between iOS and Android is quite serious and the first competitor is at the forefront. After all, everyone can use it - from entrepreneurs to students.
Android - the pros and cons.

Reliability and safety

There are other criteria to determine which ios or android is better. This is reliability and safety. In these moments, the Android vs ios is inferior. After all, iPhone devices are famous for reliability. After all, every model is improved every year. And therefore, all iPods are becoming more reliable, simple, powerful and productive. Since the devices are sold at a wind speed, Apple has been able to improve its software technology. Every little thing counts here. For comparison, the old iPhone device is fast, and you will not find glitches in it. This can not be said about Android, because two years pass and it starts to slow down. The hardware reliability of the iPhone is at a high level compared to other reliable smartphones. And although their cost is high, it is better to purchase a reliable device once than to have a broken device in a short time.

  Android inferior to iPhone in security. After all, OS has a reliable, secure platform. She is not afraid of attacks. It will not get the malicious programs that are so common on Android. But every year there are more and more malware, so you should buy a device with a high level of security. So, ios or android what to choose? Of course, you decide. One has only to weigh the pros and cons of each option.

What is better android or iphone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today's article.

Buying the most fashionable gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - someone chooses by value, someone by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software (software), the most popular of them: Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots, most often users prefer Android and iOS.

Clear comparison

For everyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find many developments of manufacturers with the Android system. There certainly is where the soul can take a walk - a variety of diagonal displays, the number of speakers, body material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

Speaking about the iPhone, here the sleek design has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The shape of the case is the same, the back cover up to version 4 was round, but then “leveled”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became more even. But hereafter, no significant difference was apparently noticed. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the case and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious with both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

Photo: Model iPhone 5S
  Photo: Android smartphone model

This is not to say that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the model. Among the range of smartphone designs you can find a very decent model. Therefore, we do not single out a leader in this paragraph.

Assembly and parts

Since iPhones have been improving their internal component for a long time, the quality of parts and assemblies is at their best. Many manufacturers using the Android operating system are more chasing the number and variety of models than the build quality. Rarely come out models that adequately represent the gadgets of their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on a par with iPhones).

Do not even compare, for example, iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the "apple" smartphone wins by the build quality at times. But the price is also different at times (almost 5 times). But Samsung S7 could compete with him on the criterion of quality parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly inferior to the price of iPhone.

According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than devices with an Android system. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than smartphones with android. This is due not only to build quality, but also to software.

And yet, the build quality of the "apple" must be given credit. In this, he succeeds in front of competitors with the Android OS. Therefore, figuring out what is better than an android or iPhone in terms of build quality, we prefer the latter.

Software, Applications

Before proceeding to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but the android - a lot of devices from different companies. Therefore, a comparison will occur precisely of these two platforms, rather than specific models of smartphones.

1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that has no alternatives. IPhones and the software for them are released by one manufacturer, so it’s easier to control device compatibility than an android. Android is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This may affect system performance and stability.

2. Apple App Store  very reverently selects applications that can get to the device. Therefore, they work more stably on iPhones than on the android system. Only a small percentage of malware and applications can get on the iPhone. The store for android is more clogged with all this and the chance to "pick up" spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support the Adobe Flash multimedia platform, which provides for viewing flash videos and flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adob \u200b\u200bFlash (according to unconfirmed reports) that can lead to the ingress of "harmful" into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the capabilities of these two platforms.

3. Games  became quite popular on smartphones. On iPhones with the iOS platform and on gadgets with android, there are a large number of games. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (the application / game extensions do not match the display and performance extensions).

4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which works exactly by connecting the device to the Internet. Here, the android platform succeeded before iOS. For iPhones, maps are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore, they are not so perfect than Google Maps, which are often used by owners of android.

5. Convenience of the interface.  Android is a bit more difficult to grasp than an iPhone on an iOS system. It’s much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, the "apples" do not have as many functions for changing themes, wallpapers, widgets as an android. Therefore, lovers to adjust everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

According to everything, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, protected and reliable than Android for smartphones.


The iPhone maker has underestimated the power consumption of its smartphone and awarded the 7 Plus version with a 2900 mAh lithium-ion battery. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5 ’’ display, this is clearly a shortage. According to the latest reviews of the 7th iPhone, with moderate use, it loses its charge a little more than a day. And if you use it regularly, then you will have to recharge the device much more often. Life is measured in battery life. With normal use, it will last up to 3 years.

Smartphones on Android have a variety of batteries. Here, for example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5 "display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with 6" - 4100 mAh. These are already more real indicators that are necessary for full-fledged OS and display maintenance. The service life in this case is no different from an iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so you can’t say for sure on this parameter that an android or iPhone is better.


If you take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in the diagonals of displays, the number of colors, and screen resolution. In iPhones, this assortment is more scarce. Only the latest versions have increased in size. Before that, there were 3.5 ”and 4” formats, at that time smartphones with androids were produced 1-1.5 ’’ more.

Also, the popular Samsung brand has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side bends of the display instead of their borders. Among the buyers of this gadget you can find only positive reviews. Many even say that it is much cooler than the last iPhone.

As for the display, I must say that you can find much better characteristics in smartphones with android, since the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

Accessories & Parts

In this matter, without further ado, you can immediately give primacy to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If you lose or damage the headset, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to the charger. The abundance of covers, pads, bumpers is simply surprising.

This can not be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide range of models, do not have so many accessories. The recharging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. Moreover, non-original options are suitable. But if it comes to a commonplace bumper or protective film, then it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply do not keep pace with the pace of release of new android devices.

Also, if the smartphone breaks down, you can find any detail on the iPhone without any problems. Almost all repairmen and service centers undertake its repair. This does not boast devices on the android. Find, for example, a display on some Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models almost disposable. Broke - threw it away. Only the popular ones that were put on sale in a decent volume have a chance at least for Chinese parts.

Connectors and SIM Cards

What a nuisance, having 2 SIM cards in use, to know that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. Nowadays, this is absolutely not practical.

Among the smartphones on the Android platform, it is rarely possible to find instances that have only 1 SIM card slot.

Although not everyone needs the use of several sims, one is enough. In this case, these devices are in equal conditions and it is impossible to say that it is better to have an android or an iPhone.

Connectors for the charger in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. There is a unique Lightning connector for “apples”, and in smartphones on android another, very common micro USB. For a headset, in both cases the socket is the same.

  Photo: iPhone charging connector
  Photo: Android charging port

This is not to say that somewhere is better, but somewhere worse is the connector. Therefore, here they are on an equal footing.

Camera and speakers

As for the camera in iPhones, here it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to the latest models. Even the 12 megapixel camera of the iPhone surpasses many Android options from different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition and not all models of this manufacturer.

Macro iPhone looks much clearer and with greater color reproduction. The same applies to backlight shooting. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at sunrise, sunset, in a dim room is permissible small. Not all smartphones of well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast of such characteristics.

  Photo: iPhone 6s camera
  Photo: Camera on android

Therefore, if you choose which is better than an android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

  Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
  Photo: Speakers android smartphone

Manufacturer Service

Arriving anywhere in the world you can find a specialized service or a store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have almost no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

To service your smartphone on android, you need to find a representative of a particular manufacturer. Let's say Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. Recently, Lenovo has been trying to improve the service.

Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

Comparison Results

When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone have long come. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and functional phone, and for the right price. Do you want to be the most original? Buy a push-button phone! And what, as an option ...

Dear readers! If you have any questions or have comments on the topic of the article - please leave them below.

Now, when buying a new smartphone, each user has a question what is better than Android or iOS, and this has become the topic for our article. Each of the operating systems in its own way is good, has certain features and functionality. That is why Android and iOS are the most common shells on the mobile device market, which occupy more than half of the market. iOS is the development of the world-famous Apple brand, the no less famous search giant Google is responsible for Android. Each of the systems has a whole army of fans, certain advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will analyze what is better than android or ios for a phone by comparing these systems.


This is the first point of our comparison, which for many users will be decisive. Android smartphones are widely represented on the modern market in the budget, middle and flagship segments, so when you buy, everyone can choose the best option. But with iOS there is no such choice, all devices are made in a high price category. The cost is so high that many will not allow themselves to allocate such an amount to buy, while Android phones can be found at prices even cheaper than hundreds of dollars.


This is a controversial and very subjective question, since everyone has an opinion on this. But instead of the appearance of the devices themselves, we can compare the interfaces between themselves. In Android, it differs primarily in the ability to flexibly configure each element, which iOS users have been deprived of. Users have access to a huge selection of widgets and themes. In Apple technology, the number of widgets is very limited. They are located in a separate menu, which is not very convenient. Another feature is the lack of a file system in iOS, because of which files can only be transferred from a computer, which creates additional inconvenience.

Personalization option

We continue to figure out whether Android or iOS is better for a smartphone. At this point, Android takes the lead, because the possibilities for customization here are literally endless. Users have a huge collection of live wallpapers, screens and launchers to choose from. In addition, in the settings you can set the functionality of the keys, gesture control, add new elements to the notification curtain and much more. System applications can be replaced with third-party ones if they seem more convenient to you.

The answer to why Android is better than iOS is the fact that apple technology has greatly reduced personalization capabilities. The changes come down to the fact that you can only change the sorting order of the icons on the desktop and put new wallpapers. These are all the possibilities of customization, but there is a positive side - the shell works more stably and there are no viruses on it.


A large number of applications are available for each of the operating systems, but Android has an undeniable advantage in terms of multitasking. In iPhones, not much RAM is installed, although the situation is a little drawn up by good shell optimization. Up to 6 GB of RAM are now installed in flagships on Android OS, which allows you to keep in memory and simultaneously work with many applications.


Here the score goes towards iOS. There are much more games presented, and they appear earlier than on Android. Developers create them based on the features of the operating system, so they work stably and do not slow down. At this time, there are many Android devices, and it is impossible to optimize the application for working with each of them, so there may be small brakes and crashes.


The main advantages of Android applications include free. Most of them do not have to pay to download, despite the fact that on iOS almost all programs are paid. But the App Store presents a much larger selection of offers, but those that can be found in free access on the Play Market are often distributed for a fee here.

Possibilities of communication with other devices

We continue the question of ios or android which is better? Android has a standard set of wireless interfaces that can be used to connect to external devices. For example, to transfer a file to another Android smartphone, you do not need to go to any tricks. It is enough to connect to it using Bluetooth and quickly transfer all the data. It is also easy to transfer data from a computer to a phone. But with Apple technology, everything is somewhat more complicated. For communication, proprietary interfaces are provided. So, you can transfer data from a PC only using the proprietary iTunes application. It requires registration and an active Internet connection. To many, this method of transmission seems uncomfortable, and it takes a lot of time.

Many who think which system is better than iOS or Android consider this a decisive factor. In fact, restrictions can be circumvented by jailbreaking. The procedure will allow access to a closed file system. But officially jailbreaking is considered an illegal procedure, after which the phone loses the right to warranty service. But in Russia, the legislation considers otherwise and allows devices with jailbreaks to be repaired under warranty.

Network operation

Let's look at iOS or Android, which is better than 2017 in terms of support for wireless communications and the quality of their functioning. As a rule, Apple devices provide faster access to the Internet, and the set of communications is approximately equal.

Stability and security

iOS is an operating system with a closed file system, which sets some restrictions and annoys users. At the same time, this is an advantage of the device. Due to this application they work more stable and viruses cannot get into the system. Android is no different, but the problem is not critical. Users have access to a wide selection of paid and free antiviruses that will prevent the threat of infection of the device.

Battery life

But when asked why iOS is better than Android, users usually give a clear answer - autonomy. Today, this is really true, although Android is already stepping on the heels of iOS, conducting active work on optimizing the system. Not so capacious batteries are installed in apple products, but at the same time they economically consume a charge. Even with heavy use, devices on iOS survive until the evening, and on Android, everything is very sad. But here a lot depends on the characteristics of the device and how exactly you will use it. We made a comparison of iOS and Android, let's summarize.


Advantages of Android OS:

  • Possibility of flexible personalization of the interface. You can not only change the size and appearance of the elements, but overclock the processor by getting Root. There is also a large selection of shells with interesting features;
  • Most smartphones have memory card support, although recently they have been used less and less. Instead, they offer a large amount of internal memory;
  • Different price range. Everyone can find for themselves a budget, medium or rather expensive device with different characteristics;
  • Ease of data exchange;
  • Large selection of free applications.


  • The main drawback is that some devices are unstable, especially immediately after they go on sale. Manufacturers are in such a hurry to release their devices that they do not have time to optimize the system properly, and correct errors in subsequent updates;
  • The presence of viruses, although today they are rare and blocked by antivirus applications;
  • The battery charge goes faster than in iOS.

Comparison of Android and iOS operating systems is coming to an end, let's analyze the strengths of iOS.

Often turns into a rather entertaining process. It is always interesting to go around the services, admire the technology and, as a result, get yourself a brand new device. However, it’s not enough just to pick up and buy a phone. Digital technologies imply high-quality and reliable software, without which any components run the risk of becoming pieces of scrap metal. Which side to approach the choice of the operating system to be satisfied in all respects? What to choose in 2017 - iOS or Android?

Today, the main contenders are Android and iOS - popular and large-scale in terms of functionality. Whatever budgets are behind their companies, both have no absolute guarantees against failures and viruses. The first, according to many analysts, most of the problems associated with the openness of the system. Each user can tailor the settings to his taste, which is considered a disadvantage and an advantage in one person. Security can also be compromised by thoughtlessly making changes, but not so with iOS. The pearl of Apple is protected from unauthorized entries deep into the system, it is extremely difficult to crack. Moreover, the security level can be increased, if desired, due to the support and control of all available software. The share of the above systems on the market is higher than the rest by an order of magnitude. According to Forrester Research, 73% and more than 1.5 billion users have Android and 21% have iOS.

No one will argue that in terms of security, the latter wins. Android smartphones become outdated relatively quickly, the software in them begins to “bug” over time. This is smoothed out by a low price tag for smartphones. As for iOS, the quality of the produced software is most often spoken of as the accuracy and reliability of a Swiss watch. The same IPhone brands of past years and at the present time are able to boast excellent functionality and smoothness in work. If you need just one good device with a strict purpose, then the choice is obvious. Android is more like a toy for several months, followed by replacement with a new one.

Android or iOS - what about apps and updates?

In general, both systems are often compared. One is loved for its aesthetics and style, the other for accessibility and a certain “nationality”. Much depends on those very applications. Android has a wide variety of free content that you can easily manage. This is precisely the great risk of picking up the virus. In iOS, such a problem will not arise due to the individual approach to the distribution of applications through the official store. However, for most programs in this scenario, you have to fork out. In addition, iOS owners are always up to date with the latest updates, the introduction of "updates" does not cause any difficulties. Android is lame in this regard, because new products do not always arrive on time to their recipient.

Speaking about applications, it is worth noting that most programs again first run on iOS, since that one has much greater potential. And only later, after a certain period of testing, newly made software becomes available for Android. What happened, for example, with the now popular Instagram.

In terms of interface, there are no special reservations. Android is replete with a variety of icons, widgets and other things that can be easily adjusted in the settings. iOS is aimed at absolute ease of use, saving time and enjoying the process itself. Hence the priority of the system among businessmen. This is not only a style and status indicator in the eyes of others, but also payback comfort. Apple devices have their own “atmosphere” in the design and decoration of existing software. Android also boasts a common variety of its models. Roughly speaking, if the IPhone’s are quite similar externally, then its competitors are diverse in both price category and design.

It is important to know that both platforms are primarily designed for communication: making calls, sending messages and accessing the Internet. Both cope with all tasks in their own way. In principle, this could have ended the eternal debate, if not for the individual characteristics of each of the parties. Hangouts allows Android’s to engage in the communication that most users have long been accustomed to. This service is available on both PC and Mac. In addition to it, there are other, more advanced instant messengers like Skype or Viber, there are many of them, so this platform is not deprived of popular applications. iOS is ready to offer its services in the person of iMessage, which allows you to exchange not only text, but also media files, there is a function of sound messages.

The Bluetooth modules that iOS uses exclusively to add accessories, or Wi-Fi, are also present on both. In addition, Android has an NFC function. It allows it to exchange data and even pay by bringing one device to another. Apple’s reciprocal development is much larger - its own payment system, aimed at the near future.

Cohesion on iOS devices

But what is interesting only in iOS is the combination of several devices at once, if they are updated to the latest versions from the developer. All work, calls, a set of messages seem to be synchronized between gadgets. The iPhone can even be used as an ordinary modem. The undeniable price of such convenience is the personality of iOS. The system is ready to work only with similar devices and with no other devices, which concerns not only synchronization, but, in fact, everything else, up to the usual data transfer.


In any case, each user will choose a device for their needs, it’s almost impossible to say which platform is better. Android is ready to offer a sea of \u200b\u200bdiverse applications, mass and variety. iOS is just the opposite, high price and relative limited use, but which will be grace, reliability and stability.