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How to stick a protective glass on iPhone 5s. How to glue a protective glass on the phone

Among the additional accessories for smartphones, protective glass is perhaps the most necessary component, as it protects the gadget from mechanical damage. Many owners of mobile devices of such a popular brand as Apple give significant amounts of money for new phone models, and of course, everyone gets a protective glass to minimize the risks of damage to an expensive device. In this short review, we want to answer the question of users how to glue the protective glass on the iPhone.

Be sure to prepare a clean workplace and tidy your hands, they should be perfectly clean. Wipe the device screen with a special cloth and place the phone in front of you. Now peel off the protective film from the glass to open the adhesive layer. If it is a matter of replacing the protective glass, then after removing the old material, dried glue will remain on the screen, it will not be easy to remove it. Moisten a cotton pad with pure alcohol, gently, slowly wipe, wipe the surface of the matrix with translational movements. Do not overdo it, if you push too hard, you can damage the device, then you will have to contact an Apple service center to replace the touchscreen.

  • Remember, the most important thing is not to touch the glass with your hands after you remove the protective film from it, otherwise your fingerprints will remain on the adhesive side, which will ruin the appearance of the gadget.

Jewelry accuracy is extremely important in the process of gluing glass, all edges should match the iPhone screen, so take your time so as not to ruin everything. So, peel off the film from the protective glass and align it with the screen without touching the surface. Now you need to quickly glue the middle of the glass, the edges should lie on their own, you just have to smooth out. Due to the fact that we performed the surface cleaning, bubbles should not form, that is, you can count on a perfectly smooth mirror surface of the iPhone.

How to glue the protective glass yourselfIPhone, and what are the downsides

It is not difficult to stick a protective glass if you follow all the above rules, but, such an additional accessory implies certain disadvantages. First of all, it should be noted that the weight of the iPhone will increase, as well as the dimensions, if this does not bother you, then feel free to stick protection against mechanical damage to the gadget.

To protect the screen of your device, you need to know how to stick a protective glass on the phone. It is much more durable, at the same time flexible.

The film can protect the display only from scratches, and the protective screen also prevents the formation of cracks after the fall of the smartphone.

You should be very careful when buying universally glass, it can be of poor quality.

A few tips for choosing:

  • There are two types of glasses: glossy and frosted. The first option is cheaper, however, it can protect the smartphone’s display only from shock. Before buying, check the strength of the glass, it should not bend too much;
  • Frosted glass is more expensive and can protect your phone from shock, fall and even glare. The disadvantage of such a glass: the quality of the color rendering of the display of a smartphone may deteriorate;
  • Good glass should have an oleophobic coating. It prevents the coating from getting dirty in fat;
  • It is advisable to buy glass options, in the set of which there are special wipes and spare protective glasses;
  • The thicker the glass, the higher its strength and the level of protection of the phone during bumps and drops.

Glass sticking process

Follow the instructions to stick an additional protective glass on your smartphone:

  • First clean your workplace. Many instructions on sticker glass are silent on this item, however, it is very important to remove all dust from the work surface. She is present even if you do not see her.
  • Take a clean rag and glass cleaner. Wipe the surface and let it dry. Thus, you will remove the maximum number of dust particles and there will be less chance that they will fall under the protective glass;
  • Disconnect the smartphone for the duration of the procedure so that the screen does not turn on during gluing;
  • Take a damp cloth to clean and thoroughly wipe the phone display with it. You can buy such napkins in the economic department of any store. Wipes for cleaning glasses are also suitable.
  • Then wipe the display with a dry cloth to remove stains and traces of prints;

  • Take the shield. Peel off the film on it from the side that will be adjacent to the display of the smartphone;

  • Now position the seclo - without touching, position it across the entire screen. All steps must be done very quickly;

  • Now gently attach the glass so that it perfectly covers the surface of the phone and release it. Safety glass sticks on its own. If you clean the display surface well, air and dust will not occur.

What to do if air gets in? If air bubbles nevertheless arise, walk along the surface of the protective glass with a napkin, gently pressing it so that they go beyond.

After gluing, turn on the smartphone and check the sensor.

Important!Many smartphone owners are wondering: is it possible to re-stick the protective glass if it comes off? Perhaps too much dust or air under the screen prevents it from gaining a foothold. Carefully peel it off, wipe the smartphone display and repeat the sticker procedure again. Reinstalling on an already clean surface may solve the problem.

How to remove the protective glass?

It is much more difficult to remove a protective glass, than a film. If you stuck it incorrectly, remove it using the bookmark, which is located on the outside of the protective screen.

In most cases, the need to remove the protective shield arises after a serious fall. When the screen is broken, the glass must be removed as carefully as possible.

The easiest way is to take a plastic card (for example, a regular bank card) and pry off the edge. Then walk the card under the entire surface of the screen, detaching it from the device.

Advice!To make the peeling process easier, stick the phone screen in the palms of your hands.

A smartphone is an expensive thing, it requires careful handling. One of the most vulnerable places is the screen. Many in the process of operation repeatedly drop the phone, carry it in a bag, where in addition to it are keys and other sharp objects.

As a result, quickly enough, even on a new smartphone, chips, scratches, cracks appear, or even the screen may break. But it is quite possible to extend the life of the device, if you use modern technology, for example, purchase and install a protective glass.

Outwardly, it looks like a film with similar tasks, the glass looks transparent and flexible, but due to its higher density it is more reliable and durable.

Phone screen protector   It costs a little more than the film, but it justifies its cost, since it practically reduces to zero the probability of the screen breaking.

What is a protective glass for a smartphone - what functions does it perform

Before you find out how to glue a protective glass on the smartphone screen, we will analyze its features.

The advantages include:

  • resistance to damage and scratches - you can check it with keys or a knife or scissors - there will be no traces,
  • repayment of blows - even if the phone falls down with the screen down, it will not break, only the protective glass will be damaged, the fragments of which will not fly apart,
  • it holds firmly - more durable in comparison with the film, easily glues at home without special experience.


  • the phone will become more voluminous and heavy,
  • the purchase and sticker of glass will cost a decent amount,
  • requires accuracy during installation.

On average, the thickness of the protective glass is from 0.2 to 0.3 mm.

Glass has five layers:

  1. Oleophobic - provides the convenience of sliding your fingers across the screen, while prints are easy to erase with a cloth, protects from moisture,
  2. Protective - responsible for the safety of the screen from scratches and cracks,
  3. Anti-glare - does not allow the screen to fade,
  4. Restraint - if the screen was still able to break, it will hold on to the fragments,
  5. Silicone


How to glue a protective glass on the iPhone - step-by-step instructions

Those who want to learn how to glue the protective glass on the iphone 7-6-5 should keep in mind that the general algorithm of actions is approximately the same for all phones.

The contents in the glass box may vary slightly from one manufacturer to another, but as a rule, it includes the glass itself, a microfiber cloth / cloth, an alcohol cloth and an adhesive film to remove dust particles. If something did not turn out, you can use improvised means instead of napkins and rags.

It is important to prepare the workplace - it can be a table or another flat horizontal surface. Lighting should be sufficient so as not to lose streaks and dust during gluing.

Instructions - how to glue the protective glass on iphone 7-8

You can stick it on your own without any difficulties according to the following algorithm:

  1. Disinfect hands so that there is no dust or other dirt on the phone and film.
  2. We put a protective glass on the smartphone for fitting. If you are afraid to stick crookedly, in some sets there are special stickers (can be replaced with adhesive tape). Glue stickers from one side fixing the correct position of the glass.
  3. Throw back the glass.
  4. We wipe the smartphone screen with a damp cloth from the set, then wipe it dry with a second cloth from the set. We take the adhesive film from the kit and applying to the screen we remove the smallest specks of dust.
  5. Remove the protective film from the substrate.
  6. We apply / lower the glass to the screen so that all the cutouts exactly match.
  7. With a napkin, we smooth the protective glass from the center and make sure that there are no air bubbles and dust.
  8. Check the sensitivity of the screen to the finger.


The whole process will take about 10 minutes. The developers thought through everything to the smallest detail, so there should not be any difficulties with gluing.

Unique properties allow you to create maximum protection at maximum convenience for the owner of the popular iphone 7 smartphone.

You can purchase protection through the Internet and in specialized accessories stores for Apple products, and stick them on your own without the help of professionals.

Few people get to glue the glass perfectly the first time, since there are air bubbles under it. A dry cloth will help to remove them - push it on the screen and push the air out.

If dust gets under the glass, bend it from the right side and remove the dust with tape, then press the glass back to the screen.

Now, knowing how to properly attach the protective glass on the iphone 7-6-5s, you can save and protect your phone yourself, without resorting to the expensive services of specialists.

If you become the proud owner of the iphone 7-8, take care of its protection from scratches and other damage from the side of the case. It is very simple to do this - use Baseus Pet Soft 3D or Bronoskins safety glass.

Overview of the protective glass on the iphone 7 case

The protective glass for iphone 7 Baseus Pet Soft 3D 0.23 mm has a number of advantages compared to ordinary glass.


1.Soft edges.

The edge of the glass is made of a special PET material, so the edge of the glass will not crack and crumble. It is not only convenient, but also safe.

2.3D rounding.

If ordinary glass covers only the straight part of the display, Baseus Pet Soft glass completely covers the screen of the smartphone, covers all curved extreme surfaces.

3.Hardness 9H.

With a minimum thickness of the protective glass, the strength remains very high, so it withstands shock, preventing chips and scratches.

4. The thickness is only 0.23 mm.

Glass is ultrathin, but at the same time all its protective qualities are preserved. Your phone will be under strong and durable protection.


How much does protective glass for phones cost?

Today, hundreds of companies around the world are engaged in the manufacture of safety glass.

The most budget options, of course, are offered by Chinese companies, whose products can be easily ordered through aliexpress.

However, the basis of the products of any manufacturer is tempered glass, only the degree of its tempering differs.

The price can vary significantly depending on the quality indicators, as well as the fame of the manufacturer.

So, for iphone 6 you can buy anti-reflective glass DF iBlickGlass-03 with a transparent matte surface and a hardness of 9H. The cost for it starts from 1500 rubles.

As for simpler options, for example, Chinese-made, on average, the cost of them starts at 900 rubles. This is almost two times higher compared to films. Many people wonder - is it worth it to overpay?

Maybe stop on film?

The film copes with the task of protecting against scratches, but when dropped, it can not always protect the screen from cracks. It is more difficult to glue, often air bubbles remain, dirt quickly clogs inside. Glass in this regard is more convenient, it will last longer and provide more reliable protection for the screen. However, for these amenities you really have to overpay.

If you don’t glue the glass yourself, you will have to additionally pay for the services of a specialist who will take on this task, and this is a few hundred rubles. Such masters work in any service centers for repairing phones, as well as in stores selling smartphones.

Thus, the cost of buying and installing glass on a smartphone will be at least 1,500 rubles, but it is really beneficial, because replacing a broken screen will cost an average of 3,000 rubles, especially when it comes to Apple products.

A smartphone is an expensive thing. Even acquiring a budget class device from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, we want it to serve for a long time and faithfully. The fidelity of the gadget, in turn, depends on two parameters: internal and external. And if we can’t influence the first one (represented by the hardware), then we can just overcome the external factors. We can protect our smartphone if not from drowning, then from mechanical stress for sure. And the glass on the phone will help us with this. How to glue it? We’ll talk about this today.

What is protective glass for?

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the continued use of any smartphone does not imply the appearance of chips, cracks, scratches, scuffs. This fate is characteristic not only for the side faces, the upper and lower ends and the back panel, but also for the front part. And there is perhaps the most important element - the screen of the smartphone. Safety glasses were invented precisely in order to protect the display device. You can use the film, but it has a lower coefficient of protection. In any case, it is important to know how to glue the protective glasses to the phone.

What is it

The appearance of the protective glass is similar to the exterior of the film. Indeed, the tasks of these two elements are similar to each other. However, it is rightfully considered to be a more reliable component, since it has a higher density compared to the film. In addition, it is transparent and flexible, and this also has a certain importance. Of course, it will cost more than the film. However, it is worth it, especially in cases where there is either a high probability of mechanical impact, or when the gadget is really expensive. For everyone, this bar is different, but most users prefer to buy glass if their devices cost more than 10-15 thousand rubles. When buying, the user reduces the probability of damage to the main screen to almost zero, since the entire component will take the brunt on itself. Before telling how to glue on the phone, I would like to focus on the advantages of the element.

Functions and useful features

You can not say much about the functions of the protective glass. From its name it is already clear why it was developed and what it is intended for. It is a matter of features that can be talked about for hours. Their list, for example, includes scratch resistance and other similar damage. Someone may doubt this parameter, but usually all doubts disappear after an indicative test. You can use ordinary keys for this. Swipe the sharp edges on the glass and you will see that it really is not covered by traces.

The second useful feature of safety glass is shock absorption. We have already mentioned this briefly above. A large number of smartphones when falling down the surface of the screen receive physical damage until the display is completely broken. With a protective glass, this problem will be solved, because instead of the screen it will break. By the way, the word “broken” here should also be understood a little different from its usual meaning. Shards from the telephone protective glass do not fly apart. Finally, we can note the fact that the glass holds very, very reliably. Especially if we compare it with a simplified element - a film. Users who so often ask questions about how to properly glue glass onto the phone can be delighted to learn that they do not need to have any special experience for this operation.

We consider a complete set

A very large number of requests are related specifically to how to glue the film (glass) on the iPhone 6 phone. However, it should be understood that the process, in general, is similar for other devices. But why then dwell on specific models if it is possible to describe the operation universally? First of all, let's see what is in the package with a protective glass? Different manufacturers offer different equipment, but usually there is glass itself, an alcohol napkin and a rag made of special material. If there are no rags or napkins, then you can use improvised analogs, this is unprincipled.

Glass on the phone: how to glue? Prepare the surface

If you previously installed film or glass, these components will need to be removed. To do this, remove the cover, if it is, then we catch the element over the edge. To prevent the appearance of greasy stains on the glass, you should wash your hands well in advance and dry them. By the way, the preparation of the workplace remains an important stage. Need a flat horizontal surface and powerful lighting. It can be, for example, a table. Lighting will help avoid undetected stains and dusty areas. So what does it take to integrate glass on the phone? How to glue it? The correct operation will become only if the “bare” screen is processed in advance.

Why do I need cleaning

To clean the screen freed from film or glass, use a damp disc or an alcohol towel soaked in alcohol. Wipe the screen carefully so that there is no dirt on it. After that, wipe it with a special cloth, if it is included in the kit. If it is not, then you need to find an analogue. Now it's time to put the glass on the phone. How to glue? Find out more.

The most important stage

There is a special film on the adhesive side of the glass. It needs to be removed. After that, we apply the glass itself to the screen. Care should be taken to ensure that it is aligned at the edges of the device, compatible with the speaker and controls. By the way, you need to remember that you can hold the protective glass only by the edges. Only in this case there will be no traces after the operation. When the fit is complete, simply lower the component onto the screen. The glass will stick on itself. Ok, now we know how to glue glass on the phone.

Are there any cons

Yes, like other elements, safety glass has some disadvantages. Some users who are interested in may think that the main drawback is the exponential complexity of the integration process. Like, if you stick it wrong the first time, then you won’t do anything. Actually, this is not about that now. The main disadvantage of this component is the fact that the device on which you will glue it will become more voluminous and heavy. However, if this does not bother you, and you are not very sensitive to the overall dimensions of the phone, but want to protect it, then you can contact the mobile phone shops. There they will offer not only the best products, but for the extra money they will be able to qualitatively stick glass.

Pitfalls and Tricks

Most users are afraid of air bubbles. More truly that they will remain. Few can boast that they glue the protective glass neatly the first time, and there are no bubbles. However, they can be easily dealt with with a dry cloth. The procedure is simple to the point of horror: we simply squeeze the bubbles from the center to the periphery. The ability to glue safety glasses will save money that they take for this procedure in mobile phone stores.


Now safety glasses are quite important and common accessories. Therefore, a large number of companies are engaged in their production. Budget options are presented mainly by Chinese firms, which could be expected. However, they are not so bad. Glasses of different brands differ among themselves only in the degree of tempering. However, one should not think that glass from a Chinese company will not provide the necessary degree of security. Now, after we learned how to glue tempered glass on the phone, we can move on from words to deeds.

How to stick the protective glass on the iPhone yourself Many owners of the iPhone try to treat the device as carefully as possible. For this, various covers, bumpers and protective glasses are bought.

How to do it

Before glue the protective glass, remove the cover from the iPhone. If the iPhone display is already covered with old film or glass - feel free to remove it. Wash your hands thoroughly to prevent dirt from entering the screen.

Gluing is best in a well-lit place to see every speck on the device’s screen. Well, select the cleanest surface for the glass sticker.

Getting down

Step 1. We clear the iPhone display.

To do this, use any microfiber cloth to not leave anything superfluous on the screen.

You can also use an alcohol cloth, and then wipe the display with a microfiber cloth with a soft cloth.

Step 2. In addition, we clear the smartphone screen with the help of a complete adhesive tape or any other sticker.

Just touch the display with tape and lift it back. The adhesive surface will collect dust.

Step 3. Now you need to remove the protective film from the adhesive side of the glass and attach it to the screen.

Important: hold the glass by the edges so as not to leave unnecessary marks on it.

Step 4. Carefully place the glass on the iPhone screen.

If the glass is good, it will lie on the screen of the smartphone. But for greater certainty, you can smooth it out yourself.

Swipe through the center of the smartphone and begin to smooth until all bubbles are removed. If there are any small bubbles left, take a plastic card and, slightly pressing, pass it on places of formation of bubbles.

In this instruction we used Mocoll glasses. And this is not just so. When you look sadly at an iPhone whose display is covered with a ruthless mesh, it’s too late to think about protection. The manufacturer of protective accessories Mocoll took care of the consumer in advance.

All brand products are designed in such a way that the buyer spends a minimum of time gluing protective glass.

Considering that the Chinese brand Mocoll (our review) has been producing protective glasses for several years, the engineers of the company have thousands of hours spent in research laboratories.

Glasses are made using high-tech equipment and during processing receive a number of important properties. Glasses from Mocoll:

They have a thickness of only 0.33 mm. The glass is uniform and has equal thickness at any point. Among glass manufacturers, Mocoll has one of the lowest percentages of manufacturing tolerance.

Mocoll glasses easily tolerate the action of sharp objects and do not crumble into shards upon impact.

Hardness at 9H on the Mohs scale. Higher only in diamond.

There is an oleophobic coating on the glass, so after sticking you will not feel any tactile changes from interacting with the iPhone screen.

Mocoll delivers its products in a rich package. The kit has everything to stick glass without additional purchases and searches for a piece of cloth or a plastic card to eliminate bubbles.

Mocoll has several options for protective glasses. 2.5D, 3D and advanced development - 3D-glass with elastic edges to match the color of the device.

As you can see above, installing Mocoll safety glasses is very simple. Due to the presence of a special silicone layer, you can not worry about the appearance of hated bubbles during gluing.

For every taste, color and wallet

Mocoll, in the truest sense of the word, has glass of any shape and size. The range includes glasses for tablets and smartphones (and not just Apple), there is protection for the MacBook.

Among the most interesting options is a special glass with protection against glances.

It works so that after gluing, you can see what is happening on the iPhone's display only strictly at a certain angle. That is, you, as the owner, can easily correspond or watch a movie, and the passenger sitting next to the bus with all the desire will not see anything.

Glasses are arranged in such a way that they refract the light coming from the screen, making the picture inaccessible to others.

Mocoll glasses are very popular. The accessories of this manufacturer are used by many service centers and workshops. They are really very durable ..wrapper (padding: 10px;

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