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What is hidden miner than he is dangerous and how to get rid of him. What is the essence of mining

One of the meanings of the word Mainer is a program that is intended to earn cryptocurrency from using computer computing. It can be installed any user for electronic money mining.

A person for himself establishes the program to engage in cryptocurrency (mining). But another thing is, if a fraudster, using someone else's computer resources and electricity, earns real money for itself.

Mainer, Mining and everything connected with cryptocurrency - words that firmly entered the Internet.

Translated from the English "MINER" - Shakhtar. Mining is translated as mining of securities.

Cryptocurrency is mined with the help of a special program for mining, which solves certain mathematical tasks. With the right decision, the award is counted in the form of digital cryptocurrencies - for example bitcoins.

Who or what is Mainer

Answers to questions are not unambiguous. Mainer - it can be:

  1. a person who is engaged in mining - cryptocurrency mining.
  2. software for the extraction of electronic cryptographic money.
  3. software virus.

Mainer virus

The software virus delivers great inconvenience. Bitcoin Miner is the most common virus. Not enough a whole book to tell about all varieties and classifications. A huge number of computers is infected with the purpose of earning the virus owner. But most people do not even think about the need to check the computer and get rid of viruses.

How does it get to the computer?

There are the three most common options, where to start searching miners.

  1. Downloading programs from dubious resources

In the installer of some programs insert software for mining. When installing the Mineland virus, no message will not pop up. The virus will be installed.

That this does not happen, antivirus should stand on the computer. You can download programs only from proven sources!

Files for viruses are most convenient to check through special sites. Sometimes there are any viruses even in harmless programs. It is necessary to watch that there is a miner in the file. Everything else can be a false response of antivirus.

Viruses such as CPUMINER penetrate the file exchanges under the guise of a simple program for cryptocurrency mining. After that, viruses are loaded with PC Mining.

  1. Downloading pirate games

You can especially often meet miners in repacks. You can notice the appearance of the miner, for example, as follows: the game that previously squeezed 100 FPS began to produce 20-30 FPS. Always worked fine, but at some point the speed has decreased very much. The load of 100% goes to the processor and on the video card. The reason for such activity can be the installation of the game along with the miner. When you start the game, it is never understood that the cryptocurrency is made from a user's computer for the virus owner and its computer was used by fraudsters.

Mainers can work very slyly: for example, only during the game or work on the computer. In the Mainer settings, it is most often put too large percentage of the load on the video card and on the processor. Because of this, FPS decline begins in games. If you set a small percentage, you can not notice that the computer slows down. Cheat Mainers is entered into the program in order to change its work. When the game is launched, the cryptocurrency mining process goes to the side.

  1. Some sites can use someone else's computer resources.

How it's done? The code is inserted, which starts the mining cryptocurrency through the site visitor browser, without its permission and the knowledge. Resources of other people's computers are used to make money the owner of the viewed site or its moderators.

Mainer's work is easy to track through the browser. In the Task Manager, you can see that one of the Google Chrome tabs well loads the processor. If the page is closed, the load immediately decreases to 2-3%. It will become clear how much percent each tab loads the processor.

To do this, exhibit sorting on the download and see what loads most. If one of the browser tabs is loaded not quite standard, and much more is abnormal. So, most likely, the Mayer virus settled on the site being viewed. There is a load on your computer, your electricity is consumed. We gradually earns money, but not you.

How to find and remove miner on a computer

The malicious virus will have to be found in its gland and neutralize. But first you need to understand well how to detect it on the computer. If the technique is infected with miner, it will constantly work in maximum loading.

The viruses from the computer are trying to squeeze in full, and most likely the settings will be maximized. Work in the maximum mode, with a powerful loading of the processor and video card. Sometimes the load can be separately: only the processor, or one video card. The equipment is constantly heated and quickly fails. From constant overheating, problems with the video card, with a motherboard, with a processor can appear.

So Mainer spends other people's resources.

With a constant high temperature of computer parts, the service life is reduced. Any detail that works in non-standard modes and is constantly working 100% load fails very quickly.

You can use GPU to check. This program shows busy video card resources, processes parts of an application that require high computing power. At the same time, the rest of the application is performed on the CPU for speed.

How to remove miner from your browser

To remove miner, which can be obtained through your browser, use special plugins. They perform shutdown scripts on the site. For example, for browsers that are based on Google Chrome is a TAMPERMONKEY plugin. For the Mozilla Firefox browser there is a good noscript addition.

Install them on your computer and disconnect the execution of the mainer scripts on non-saying sites. Everything will work, but the maneer script will not work.

Where to start Maja

If you decide to make a cryptocurrency, using honest types of income, then before starting your way of Mainer, you need to decide three items:

  1. How much money is there now available? The $ 1000 budget is the optimal amount from which you can start.
  2. Where are you going to Major?
  3. For how much kilowatt can you count?

Important questions, which makes it depends on the rate of production, and what is power? Speed \u200b\u200bdepends on power. When we talk about the capacities, we assume a certain amount of Hashrate (Hashrate) on one or another algorithm. If Etherium is megarea. If the SHA-256 algorithm is Kilohashi, Gigacheshi and therahhi. From the table below, you can calculate, for example, in one therach how many gigahs, megahsh, etc.

1 mh / s \u003d 1,000 kh / s \u003d 1,000,000 h / s

1 gh / s \u003d 1,000 mh / s \u003d 1,000,000 kh / s

1 th / s \u003d 1,000 gh / s \u003d 1,000,000 mh / s \u003d 1,000,000,000 kh / s \u003d 1,000,000,000,000 000 000,000,000,000 H / S

Minning Bitcoins Simple words

"Mine" is a mine, but not quite ordinary. Mine is in online web, and digital gold is mined. The likelihood that today there is online users who have not heard anything about Bitcoun, Ethereum and who is such a cryptomer - strive for zero. What is the linked rise in this topic and its popularity?

To have an idea, it is better to start with the fact that he is mini. Or translated into Russian, what is mined? Cryptovalitis is mined. And there are now more than 2000 varieties. The price of main types of mined currencies took off sharply and does not think to descend. This is the main reason why the interest in Mainers, Mainea is caused to mining cryptocurrencies in general.

Cryptocurrency fever began with Bitcoin. Simple words, Bitcoin is a digital currency. The principles of search, in some sense, are very similar to gold. The whole process more resembles the production of valuable metals than electronic money.

The more popularity, the higher its price. Bitcoin gets in the process of mining (mining) not all and not immediately. When there were fewer participants in the system, they found more currency on the network and more it was mined.

With an increase in the number of miners (currency miners), bitcoins began to get less. In other words, the more the number of network participants, especially it goes less bitcoins during the mining.

Mining is the process of gold mining straight from the Internet. The more powerful servers with strong video cards and other computer components, the greater the chances to find Bitcoin on the network. From the principle of the work looks simple. Computers are calculated until one of them drops the code of the newly remedy Digital Space Bitcoin.

To organize your little farm, you need to invest approximately 300000 - 500000 p. But the money starts to fight back at best only months after 6-10.

Sometimes several miners unite their farms to make everyone more to earn, and then share the entire income. In Mining, knowledge and attraction of experts with experience are important.

Computers work on wear. Money for electricity is also not enough, and the process itself is not fast. We need good timings, large investments that may disappear at the most unexpected moment. Nuances in mining a lot.

Bitcoin rate is quite unstable. Today he jumped sharply, and tomorrow will chef. The course and other trends affect the cryptocurrency exchange players. Who has more money - there is more influence. In their hands, power capable of raising the Bitcoin rate before the transcendental heights or omit to the earth.

What are the advantages of Bitcoin over traditional currencies

  • The currency is completely decentralized. Bitcoin has no bank that, in particular, excludes the possibility of fake it. Trying to fake transactions with Bitcoin - the matter is ungrateful. But if you implement this system - this will already be an honest solid game.
  • The inability to track the transactions performed by Bitcoin. This is essentially a cryptographic code, an encrypted, not formed set of characters. If we talk about all similar cryptocurrency, working on the same principle, then their market, in general, unique.

Each species of crypt does not depend on each other. However, Bitcoin himself does not depend on the greatest dollar worldwide. The popularity of Bitcoin depends on people trying to buy it or put it. Cryptovaya market:

  1. Hard to reach.
  2. Unique.
  3. Non-refined.

Cloud Mining

Some organize farms, but for this you need large investments. Others are invited to the mining projects of partners. For this, they receive their percentage in accordance with the company's business plan. Powerful computer processors are engaged in solving cryptographic tasks in order to find another block and add to the cryptographic chain.

First, bitcoins mined at home. Over time, it took more power. Mainers, united, began to create separate but more powerful servers. So appeared asiki, and with them and cloud Mining.

The cloud is a system where you can rent a server. Thanks to the gigantic total system power, the company's partner has excellent opportunities to extract BTC. Manufacturers of such processors have no problems with access. For example, AntMiner has everything to create server-in-making equipment.

The largest mining pools and economical cloud mines from manufacturing companies. The percentage of production can be observed in real time on Such a company is promoting a clus-free marketing business (closed loop marketing), that is, it is initially assumed to be bilateral interaction with the client and mutually beneficial cooperation

The one who wants to join the game must thoroughly analyze the market, read the books, contact knowledgeable people. NIT in mining Compare with a poker game of a cautious and neat player. In this one must have:

  1. Starting capital, which includes the payment of iron and electricity in the cloud, at a minimum.
  2. The most important thing is knowledge.

The more people know about Bitcoin, the more miners - the more expensive Bitcoin. The mining process is complex, but in a cryptocurrency game, the more participants, the more difficult becomes the algorithm of bitcoin mining. It is becoming increasingly harder to calculate it. This means that your cryptowing needs to be constantly expanded and, as a result, to invest more.

Despite the fact that the first digital coin appeared in 2009, it received great popularity in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space relatively recently. Today, many are interested in what is mining cryptocurrency and where to start to earn?

An unprecedented excitement associated with the avalanche-like growth of some virtual coins, forced people to urgently study the technology of mining and all concepts such as miners, pools and much more.

Major You can have different digital coins: Bitcoin, Etherium, Zikesh, Monero and others.

What is mining simple words

The word mining is formed from English Mining - "Mining". In the world, the cryptocurrency of this term, along with "Mainers", began to apply due to the similarity of the process: the earnings of virtual gold is as long as much and complex, as well as mining minerals.

New units of bitcoins and other digital coins are generated during solving complex mathematical problems and consist of a variety of elements, each of which is equipped with a unique signature (cryptocode). Data on codes is copied and saved on all electronic media included in the network. Thus, virtual money is reliably protected from fakes.

There is only digital form. It can not be taken in hand, put in the wallet, or safe. The main advantage of virtual money is to decentralize and the absence of control by any states, organizations or institutions.

The Ming of Bitcoins is a difficult task, but with the right approach you can earn.

What is needed cryptocurrency mining

The amount of cryptocurrency released is strictly limited, which slows down and complicates the mining process, but simultaneously eliminates many negative phenomena, in particular, inflation. Digital coins do not have material support, their value directly depends on demand. The more people show interest in one or another virtual money, the higher their course. If state denotals are supported by gold ingots, then digital currency investment.

As already mentioned, new cryptocurrency units appear during the calculation of some, so-called. Hash. Such a task is not able to man, so powerful computers use to solve it, and the process of calculation itself is called mining.

How Maining works

During the mining process, the computer connected to the Internet and participates in the network comes information about the operations carried out in the form of blocks. Each block concluded millions of algorithms that require processing in order to obtain the only correct solution - hash. It is a signature of a certain block of block, which at the same time is a guarantee of protection against hacker attacks.

New blocks are created as a result of transactions using a virtual currency inside the system. If one of the network participants paid for the purchase in the store by Bitcoins or transferred funds to the address of another user, then computer equipment configured to prey reads this operation and contributes to its completion by solving the algorithm.

The owner of the equipment (the so-called farm) receives a well-deserved remuneration in the form of several dozen or hundreds of Satoshi (one stomillion part of the Bitcoin).

Maining is profitable today

For cloud mining, you do not need to create farms and buy equipment for them.

If only a few years ago, cryptocurrency could be mined in sufficiently large volumes, even with the help of a regular home computer, equipped with a simple processor and a weak video adapter, today the process has become many times more complicated.

Now, it is required to organize a mining farm, the performance of which is many times higher than the power of one computer. The farm must be equipped with a motherboard, a high frequency processor, a rigid disk, several video cards with a memory of 2 GB, RAM from 4 GB, cooling system, etc.

Bitcoin and some popular altcoins are currently considered the most high-yield for mining. It is on their generation that the main efforts of miners of the whole world are directed.

Equipment for mining cryptocurrency

The growth in popularity is cryptocurrency, high assessment by specialists of their potential and the complication of the production process that requires all greater computing capacities led to the need to create a fundamentally new tool for generating digital money.

In this regard, major players have invested funds in the development of technology - chips intended exclusively for mining. Their appearance increased the rate of cryptographic and provided the possibility of subsequent development under conditions of constant stripping of the blockchain.

Powerful and high-performance equipment for pocket is far from all. Therefore, "prospectors" began to move away from solo-mining and combine the so-called pools (servers distributing a hash calculation task between participants), as well as look for other ways to optimize the process.

In general, the situation on the cryptocurrency market is constantly changing: some mining methods go to the past, new ones come to their place, opening even more interesting features. That is why the number of people willing to try their forces in the production of digital gold continues to increase.

Video: Mining cryptocurrency: in detail and just

Making money with the help of mining cryptocurrency becomes a popular topic. Are engaged in such a prey people who are called miners. The very first of them appeared simultaneously with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 and the generation of the first block in the blockchain. For users who are few interested in cryptocurrency topics, there will immediately arise a reasonable interest - and who are miners? What are they doing? Issues, naturally, current and interesting, so consider in detail the disassembled answers to them.

Every year the cryptocurrency market grows up, gaining popularity, and virtual currencies are actively being introduced into different financial and economic sectors. Now there are few people who did not hear about cryptocurrencies, the rapid enrichment of the holders of digital coins, technology of blockchain and other points from this area. Any user initially attracts an electronic currency as a means of enrichment.

There are a lot of ways to achieve financial well-being through cryptographic currencies - this is investment, mining, the development of your own altkown, etc. Among these methods, mining is allocated in a particular way, which implies cryptomets for further selling them, sharing or use as a payment agent. Such activities are engaged in miners.

All existing virtual currencies are a multi-line cryptographic code or, in other words, hash code. To form it, you need to use a special mathematical algorithm, the work of which is possible on high-performance computing equipment. As a result, a new cryptomone is formed. This is the simplest description of the process of appearing new coins of any cryptocurrency.

Users who are engaged in the generation of such codes on special techniques, call maneers. Start receiving digital money, in principle, every person familiar with the Internet can, at least superficially disassembled in computer equipment and able to run the process of performing the necessary tasks.

For more or less serious lessone, mining requires considerable investments, since the powerful computing equipment is expensive. In addition, there will be impressive costs of electricity consumed. Another point, complicating the modern mining of electronic coins, is the gradual complication of mining with an increase in the number of coins defined. This is a programmed algorithm in the source code that prevents the rapid emission of the entire volume of digital money. Otherwise, avalanche-like depreciation of this virtual currency will begin.

The fall in value is due to the loss of interest of investors and miners to the cryptographic asset due to the inexpediency of its production, reducing the demand for such coins and achieve the cost peak, followed by a rapid price collapse.

Important! Despite the number of specific differences in different cryptocurrency, in general, this process is characterized by some general patterns:

  • The number of cryptomets is limited initially.
  • With an increase in the volume of the virtual currency in circulation, its prey makes it difficult.
  • As the cost of coins grows, the complexity of their mining is also increasing due to the growth of competition among miners!

What's the point of mine

The process of mining cryptocurrencies (mining) meaning is relatively simple. The virtual currency blockchain is constantly increasing and new blocks are needed to host new information fragments for this chain. So here is the computing power of PCs or nodes of a large mining farm, processing a special algorithm, generate free blocks for blockchain cryptocurrency. For these actions, Mainer receives earned remuneration. Thanks to this procedure, digital money exists.

The main elements of the device (or farm), which forms blocks, are:

  • Motherboard with a central processor.
  • Power Supply.
  • Video card with a graphics processor.

It is clear that there is still a monitor, keyboard and other parts of the system so that Mayer can put and run the desired software, make the setting, periodically monitor the process, etc.

On large farms, as a rule, sections from video cards connected to individual computers (control devices) are used. They can work either autonomously, so to speak, separate modules, but more often they perform their association into a single complex. It turns out the most powerful computing unit.

Special groups of programmers control the clarity of all modules and, if necessary, are adjusted or optimized in the system.

Cloud Mining and Pools

Another type of mining is the association of miners in the pool. People who are in different places organize a special community. All PCs are combined to get a large total power. Then there is a coin mining, and at the end of the week or a month of work (it is stipulated by community participants) All cryptogenics are distributed among the participants of the Group. Each receives a proportional to the computing power provided.

Why need miners

It is thanks to Mainers who are in any country, cryptocurrency can exist and perform their functions. Coins mineders support the reliability and integrity of the virtual structure due to such actions:

  • Support the decentralization of virtual currencies.
  • We protect the network from embedding erroneous data.
  • Generate blocks for blockchain.
  • Protect the system from attacks.
  • Confirm the correctness of the transactions.


All miners for cryptocurrency systems are a decisive link. They implement the main idea of \u200b\u200bvirtual money - decentralization. Due to the absence of a single regulatory unit, the attackers are devoid of a chance to hack a complex structure.

Mainers contribute to the emergence of new cryptomets, getting a good remuneration for it. As a result, the needs and needs of all participants in the system are satisfied.

If you are interested in mining cryptocurrency and you wanted to understand the topic for a long time, but because of the volume and complexity of the question all the time was postponed, today you have fallen a great opportunity. The article contains basic information on cryptocurrency for dummies. Available, what is bitcoin, mining, blockchain, and other incomprehensible words. Why the miners buy the video cards, which represents the mining farm, why do cloudy mining need and is it really possible to earn it all. It sounds interesting, isn't it? Let's start with the basics.

What is cryptocurrent

Cryptocurrency is a form of a virtual currency created and controlled by cryptographic methods. It is not controlled by any state bodies and is not confirmed by a draw of power and authority. But due to the fact that its base is cryptography, it is possible to safely carry out operations with it.

All that affects its cost is demand. You can use it as ordinary money: exchange to other types of currencies or even pay some products and services. Where does she come from? There are the following methods of mining cryptocurrency:

  • Creature;
  • Purchase.

Creation will cost cheaper than buying, but longer than the time. The process of creating cryptocurrencies is called mining. Mining is to generate new blocks of information on the established system of algorithms and receiving remuneration for it in the form of cryptocurrency units.

It all started in 2009, when Bitcoin appeared. After gaining bitcoinos popularity analogues appeared. Alternative cryptocurrency, working on the same principle, but with other mathematical algorithms: Etherium, Ripple, Litecoin, etc. They are called both - altcoins.

What is mining cryptocurrency and how it works

We'll figure it out what Maja means. In simple language, as soon as a person installs on his computer for mining and makes a wallet, it becomes a member of the network - Miner.

You need to connect to the system and start a cryptocurrency, and the wallet is needed for transactions. The wallet will manage your balance and keys necessary for the signing of transactions on the principle of electronic digital signature. It is important that the wallet does not contain any real owner's data.

The principle of mining cryptocurrency is the absence of some central control, all network transactions are written in blockchain, a copy of which each participant has a copy. Blockchain is such a diary, where all changes in the system are written every n minutes. Why through N minutes? So that participants manage to exchange information about all the funds produced.

Consider how cryptocurrency mining occurs, that is, mining, in detail. All network participants are equal and engaged in the same way: we solve mathematical tasks issued by the system. One task has a lot of solutions, the computer will do computation and sort out them until it finds this that is suitable for the system requirements. For example, a block whose hash has a lot of zeros at the beginning. When this happens, the participant who has found such a solution is forms a new block.

The block contains solving the task and information about all transactions that occurred in the system for the last N minutes. It is attached to the end of the blockchain, and the blockchain is distributed to all other network participants.

Scheme for generating transactions and blocks on the example of Bitcoin blockchain.

The meaning of mining in distribution. None of the participants can rewrite the transaction history and fake blockchas. To make one block corresponding to all requirements, you need N minutes of work of all miners. So count how much time you need to one Majnera to generate all the blocks.

In addition, the block added to the blockchain is considered legal, it is necessary to receive confirmation from other network participants, which is to check the block key. For different systems, cryptocurrency the number of confirmations is different, in Bitcoin, for example, you need to get 120 confirmations.

What you need for mining

How is cryptocurid? Production occurs with the help of a computer, programs for mining and wallet (can be located on the stock exchange), where coins will accumulate. You have a computer, you can download the program for mining, choose a wallet carefully in order not to run into fraudsters. If you have your tools - you can't return them.

Theoretically, everything is easy. Almost how to extract cryptocurrency will depend on what of which you chose. The fact is that the system regulates the complexity of tasks depending on the number of participants. If you explain it with simple words when miners will become too much, the tasks will be solved too quickly, so the system will automatically increase their complexity.

The very first cryptocurrent became Bitcoin. Now he is the most popular, and the number of miners has greatly increased. Bitcoin always gives such tasks that miners produce 6 blocks per hour, 1 block in 10 minutes. Accordingly, the complexity of tasks in the Bitcoin system is so large that the processor of a conventional computer alone cannot cope with them, and you can not earn anything.

Approximately so now there are farms on the extraction of Bitcoin, it is obvious that the power of a home computer with them will not even compare.

Now, to start making money on popular cryptocurrencies, other methods are needed. We will have to go well into powerful equipment. At a minimum, to purchase several video cards. Consider technical points in more detail.

How does mining happen

It is time to tell how the mining is organized technically simple words. The complexity of tasks raised gradually. At first it was possible to Maja on one personal computer. Then have become Maiden on video cards, as they are better suited for such calculations. But the complexity grew in proportion to the popularity of the system, and the computer with several video cards stopped cope with several video cards.

Then there were farms with dozens and hundreds of video cards. The larger and more powerful the farm, the more it can get, and the more profitable to contain it. But the cost of its content is great, electricity costs can reach several tens of thousands of dollars per month. The most advanced farms in Singapore, China and Iceland, they usually have underground to save on cooling.

Later, special equipment for mining - ASIC appeared. These are microcircuits designed to perform a specific task. Their power is much more than the power of the usual computer, the truth is the cost much higher.

ASIC is specifically designed for a certain hashing algorithm and is unpleasant for other tasks.

What is better to Major

The creators of altkoinov seek to maximize their mining of their currencies, because accessibility leads to popularity, and popularity - to demand for currency and its rise. The mining process should be arranged so that each with their computer can replenish the network and make a profit. But what kind of cryptocurrency to choose for mining?

The answer to this question is simple: Maja is better what will give great profits. Profit will be the difference in the cost of earned coins and costs for equipment, electricity, Internet, etc. When choosing cryptocurrency for mining, it should be considered:

  • The course is cryptocurrency - how many real money you can get from its sale;
  • The number of miners on the network, which affects the complexity of tasks;
  • The complexity of calculations - how many equipment and what power you need.

The newcomer will be difficult to navigate, calculations can be carried out on a special calculator site. For example, on

Maining types

Maine can be different. There are the following types of production:

  • Solo-mining;
  • Mining in pools.

With solo-mining, use their equipment, taking all the profits to themselves. This method is effective at first crippes, as it was with Bitcoin. Later, the capacity of one car was missing for the production of a new block, and miners began to be combined into the pools to fold their computing power. In this case, the profit is divided into all participants in the pool in proportion to the shares of their participation.

Not so long ago, a new kind of minening appeared - cloud mining.
Mainer buys or rents equipment that will be outside of his home. Service is usually given to outsourcing special services.

Pluses of cloud mining:

  • Do not have to collect and customize the equipment, especially if you do not understand it;
  • Achieving high power, which you can not get at home;
  • The possibility of Major is somewhat cryptocurrency.

Minuses of mining in such services constitute a charged commission, risks of fraud and hacker attacks. Also alarms the fact that according to the logic of things, having equipment, services is more profitable to the Maja himself, but instead they give cryptocurrency to others and promise remuneration for attracting new customers. Be careful with cloud mining.


Pools share awards for blocks between the participants, according to initially discredited conditions.

Modern realities are such that the Maja is a popular cryptocurrency alone, you can only having expensive powerful equipment. Now quite profitable Maine in pools, 99% of miners work.

Pool (from the English. The pool) is a server that distributes the computational task between all participants connected to it. All miners are calculated. As soon as any of them find a solution, a block is formed, and the award is divided between all participants equally or proportionally spent efforts. To pay attention to when choosing a pool:

  • View the characteristics of the video card to find out what size of Mainer's earnings can count. If the video card is built-in or old, the earnings will be small.
  • Server age. There are few participants on young pools, so it is hardly possible to earn money, because the pool strength in the number of computational capacities.
  • The procedure for the distribution of profits. Most pools are divided into cryptocurrency, which will achieve proportional to the tasks, not equally, although it is also found.
  • Availability of affiliate programs, the possibility of passive income from attracting new participants.
  • The output of profit. In which currencies and which commission is charged.

Who pays for mining

Mining is the process of finding a correct solution to the mathematical task issued by the system. But who will pay for it? Where do money come from? The participants of the system agreed that the new unit in the blockchain records the one who will find a solution to the problem faster. And since it forms a new block, at the same time he writes a transaction into the block, which is accrued to cryptocurrency. It is called - "transaction of creation". Thus, Mainer receives remuneration for being the first.

State and Mining

The attitude of the state to the mining is ambiguous. In the case of electronic money, you can always find all transaction participants. The cryptocurrencies are anonymous. This means that they give great opportunities for money laundering, drug trafficking, sponsoring terrorism and turnover of illegal goods and services within the country. In addition, cryptocurrency are unprofitable to the state from a financial point of view: taxes are not paid, banks do not receive a transaction commission. Here the state has two ways:

  • Prohibit and impose punishment for the use of cryptocurrency;
  • Take everything under your control.

The first reaction of states on cryptocurrency was negative. Governments warned that the circulation of cryptocurrencies is not controlled by anyone, and in the case of fraud, citizens are not protected. In China, and forbidden bidding on the Btcchina cryptocurrency exchange.

News of mining informs that other countries are still considering the possibility of legalize cryptocurrency. The Russian government has repeatedly expressed that he heads and regulates mining in Russia. It is also expected to appear in the market of state cryptographic currencies.

Opinions of experts on mining are divided. Someone says that cryptocurrencies are the currencies of the future that will replace money, and someone believes that this is a bubble that sooner or later burst. As with any business, the mining has its pros and cons.

The pros in the fact that despite short-term falls, they still increase their cost, which we observe the example of Bitcoin. The minuses are that cryptocurrencies are very unstable, periodically can fall strongly in price, and the mining process itself is dangerous for the equipment, because it is wearing it.

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Today it is quite difficult to find a person who has never heard of mining, cryptocurrency and other similar terms. However, it will also be difficult to find in a crowd of a person who clearly understands how everything happens. So let's figure it out in this at the most intimious angle.

"MINING" - activities to maintain a distributed platform. On the Internet, it is perceived as the extraction of a virtual digital currency (Bitcoin, Etherumer and others). Also, a similar currency is called cryptocurrency. "Mine" indicates in English shaft.

"Cryptovaya"- Digital currency variety. It is created, based and controlled by cryptographic methods. The most popular cryptocurrency current is Bitkin and in more detail.


Bitcoin is a completely new generation of decentralized digital currency. It was created in the virtual plane and only works on the Internet. None of the governments can control this currency. The fact is that everything happens through the work of millions of computers throughout the world.

Despite this, you can buy goods for bitcoins, pay for services on the Internet as well as for dollars, drachmas, euros. The main difference between Bitcoins from all other monetary units is its decentralization. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a monetary unit was that people could exchange coins without any central government.

To date, one unit of bitcoine costs 100 000 UAH. And precisely such riches people followed. People who mined currencies in the network call miners, but about them in more detail.

Who are miners?

Of all the above, we understand that people have learned to extract cryptocurrency on the Internet and receive big money from it. But how do they do it? Everything is simple.

Now almost every person who has a personal computer can download a special program, when starting which, over time, the cryptocurrency will be included in the account that you will be able to exchange for ordinary bills in the future. So you sell the power of the entire computer on the Internet. While you just sit behind the screen, your iron continuously works and conducts all kinds of calculations for which you get money. Only not in your monetary unit, but in cryptocurrency.

In addition, the mining system can be used otherwise. As already mentioned above in this process, a huge number of computers participate. They form a kind of huge puzzle, and each member of the system has access only to one of the details. Therefore, if using such a system to transmit various files, then they will simply not really intercept. Since it will be necessary to have access to each participant of the chain.

Is it worth starting doing this thing?

Such a way is great for those who have a powerful computer, but little free time for its use. However, for ordinary users, such a method of earnings will be very ineffective as the day of continuous operation you will be accrued about 0.000625 Bitcoine, which as you understand not so much.

Also on the number of money earned will greatly affect our place of residence. For example, the Netherlands are almost the perfect place for mining. There is very cheap electricity and cold climate. Thanks to this, you spend much less money for electricity. In addition, there is high-speed Internet, which is also important.

To deserve to earn money on mining, we need several good quality video cards and a cooling system, a very strong processor is also required. Such installations are now called Maining farms. It is for them that can be done well. It is now very popular and, perhaps, everyone has a friend who is interested in this by the topic, acquired a few such farms.

Best Mainer

But there are those people who went much further, and did not limit himself to home farms. Today, several people have already been known who have already bought large rooms and there are several hundred farms on them. Such a system is able to earn truly huge money. So, for example, one of the largest farms in the world in one day can bring to its owner up to 30 bitcoins.

Our money is about 10 million hryvnia, and I will remind you a day. However, this farm has a similar scale costs. So, for example, a month for electricity owners will have to give about a million rubles.

Results, conclusions

As a result, we get that miners are those who:

  • Have powerful computers or farm.
  • Sell \u200b\u200bcomputing power of their video cards and processors on the Internet.
  • Receive as a result of cryptocurrency.
  • For a long time do not use your computers.

But as we found out, the mining is not suitable for everyone, and few wishes to start a business that begins to bring money only with great starting capital. But probably one can say that "Maining" will be relevant for a long time. And to look at this type of earnings is definitely worth it. We hope you have found answers to all your questions.