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the main  /  Problems/ For what we use the document page settings. Using parameters to find optimal f

For what we use document page settings. Using parameters to find the optimal f

Page parameters are intended to give the document the desired look. This is relevant for the creation of almost any document - from a contract or order to a fiction book or scientific work. Knowing how to change margins and knowing how to choose the optimal paper size and page orientation for a specific document, you will be able to correctly and beautifully draw up documents and save yourself from unnecessary routine work.

Setting page parameters

The page parameters are set immediately before starting formatting and placing various objects in it. You can set these parameters at the end of the work on the document, but keep in mind that, for example, with large values ​​of the fields, the appearance of the document may change significantly. Page parameters are most comparable to the foundation of a building, and therefore should be set first, because all alignments in the document are tied to the page orientation and its margins. You can also configure parameters in general or by category.

Document fields

Document fields can be quickly customized using ready-made templates. Go to the Page Layout tab - click the Fields button and select one of the field options.

If you need to perform "manual" setting of fields, do the following:

  • Page Layout - In the Page Setup group, click Margins and in the window that opens, click Custom Margins. The "Page setup" window will open on the "Fields" tab;
  • In the areas of the position of margins, specify their size, the size of the binding in the "Binding" area and the position of the binding in the area of ​​the same name;
  • Click the icon to open the Page Setup dialog box with the Page Layout tab open in the Page Setup group.

Figure 1. Configuring fields in different ways.

Page orientation

To set the page orientation:

  • Page Layout tab - in the Page Setup group, click the Orientation button and select the option you want;
  • "Page Layout" - "Page Setup" group - click on the icon to open the "Page Setup" dialog box and select the desired one in the "Orientation" area;
  • Double click on the ruler.

Figure 2. Changing the page orientation.

Paper size

  • "Page Layout" - in the "Page Setup" group, click the "Size" button and select one of the 13 templates present.

For finer customization:

  • "Page Layout" - "Page Setup" group - "Size" - "Other Page Sizes";
  • Page Layout - in the Page Setup group, click on the icon to open the Page Setup window and go to the Paper Size tab;
  • Double-click on the ruler - Paper Size tab.

Figure 3. Selecting the paper size.

Page Setup window

The Page Setup window has three tabs: Margins, Paper Size, and Paper Source.

Figure 4. Tabs of the "Page setup" window.

Fields tab

In the "Fields" area, set four document fields. For standard official documents, the margins are equal: left - 2.5cm (1 inch), right - 1.25-1.5cm (about half an inch), top and bottom 1.5-2cm (in some documents, the bottom margin is larger than the top) , and the maximum values ​​of the fields are equal: for the left one - 3cm, for the rest - 2cm.

In the "Binding" list, select the location of the binding - left or top. Binding is often used in the preparation of brochures, calendars, reference books, but in ordinary documents, as a rule, it is not specified.

If within one document you need to place two documents vertically, open the list and in the field "Multiple pages" and select "2 pages per sheet".

Use mirrored margins for double-sided documents. In this case, the left and right margins are automatically swapped on odd and even pages. To do this, in the "Pages" area, in the "Multiple Pages" field, select the "Mirror Fields" item from the drop-down list.

In the Sample area, from the Apply drop-down list, select an option to apply the changes.

  • "To the current section" - the changes made are applied only to the current section;
  • "To the end of the document" - from the allocated space to the end of the document. If you change, for example, the size of the margins, this will only affect the pages in the margins of the selection;
  • "To the whole document" - the changes will be applied to the whole document.

Paper Size Tab

In the "Paper size" area, you can select the preset paper size by size - A4, A3, A5, etc.

An arbitrary size is specified in the "Height" and "Width" fields.

In the "Paper Feed" area, you can select how the paper will be fed for printing. It is recommended to use the default values.

The Sample area is the same as described above.

Paper Source Tab

In the "Section" area, in the "Start Section" field, you can choose where the next section will start from.

In the "Page" area, you can choose the alignment:

  • Top Align is the default and is the most commonly used;
  • "Center" - lines of text will be aligned in the center of the document, and the text will be evenly filled from the center, up and down;
  • "By height" - there is a certain similarity with the alignment of text in width, only in this case the lines are aligned to the height of the page. The fewer lines on the page, the greater the distance between them;
  • Bottom - lines are aligned to the bottom of the page. Often used in letters and prologues to fiction novels.

In the "Distinguish Headers and Footers" area, you can set the distance to the header and footer, and how the headers and footers will be distinguished - on the first page or on even / odd pages. More details about headers and footers will be discussed in the following articles.

Default values

If you work with the same type of document all the time and need to use the same page settings, set the default values. Go to the Page Setup window and set the options you want, then click the Default button and confirm. These parameters will be applied to all subsequent documents until the next change.


After reading this article and following a series of simple steps, you can effectively customize the appearance of your document before you start typing. This will come in handy when working with almost all documents. What's more, you can save yourself the hassle of adjusting margins and paper size, or at the very least, you'll know to prioritize page settings when you start working on a document. Knowing how to customize page settings will be useful to anyone working with documents.

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Test: Test Word

Question number 1: What do we use document page settings for?

To insert pagination
To put hyphenations
To set indents from page borders to text borders
To align text

Answer: 3;

Question number 2: Can we draw a frame around part of the text to make it stand out?

Choose one of the answer options:

Yes, you need to use borders and fill for that.
And for this you need to use the page parameters
This can be done using the Fields item in the Page Settings.
No, you can only frame the whole page

Answer: 1;

Question number 3: Attention, there are several possible answers to this question!
What points can we implement when printing a document?

Specify the number of pages
Specify printing multiple pages on one
Specify to print 5 pages on one
print only individual pages
Select to print multiple copies

Answer: 1,2,4,5;

Question number 4: A text editor is a program for ...

Choose one of the answer options:

Graphic information processing
video processing
text processing
work with music recordings

Answer: 3;

Question number 5:
How to delete a character to the left of the cursor ...

Choose one of the answer options:

Click Delete
Press BS
Press Alt
Press Ctrl + Shift

Answer: 2;

Question number 6:
Specify how to save the edited document under a different name.

Question number 7: What action can we perform with the table?

Please select several answer options:

Merging cells
Change the number of rows and columns
Fill one cell
Insert a picture instead of a border
change the look of table borders

Answer: 1,2,3,5;

Question number 8
: The cursor is

Choose one of the answer options:

Text input device
keyboard key
smallest display item on the screen
a label on the monitor screen indicating the position at which keyboard input will be displayed

Answer: 4;

Question number 9: How to enable the Drawing toolbar?

Choose one of the answer options:

View - Toolbars - Drawing
Edit - Paste - Toolbars - Draw
File - Open - Draw

Answer: 1;

Question number 10:
How can you insert a picture into a TP MS Word text document?
(Attention to this question, there are several possible answers.)

Please select several answer options:

From the graphics editor
from file
from the collection of ready-made pictures
from the File menu
from printer

Answer: 1,2,3;

Question number 11: How to print a character in a text editor that is not on the keyboard?

Choose one of the answer options:

Use symbol insertion
Use drawing for this
Paste from special file

Answer: 1;

Question number 12: Specify the sequence of actions to be performed when you insert a formula.

Indicate the order of the answer options:

Select the menu item Insert
Click Object
Select Microsoft Equation
Write a formula
Left-click in a free area of ​​the screen

Answer: 1-2-3-4-5;

Nominated by the teacher of informatics of the International Lyceum "Grand" Cheban L.I.

Calendar-thematic planning in informatics, video in informatics online, informatics in schools

How table rows are marked in MS Excel:
numbers 1,2,3, etc.

the columns of the table are marked
in MS Excel:
letters A, B, C, etc. d

If cell C5 is specified in
MS Excel , then it is ...
at the intersection of column C and row 5

What type of data is not allowed in a cell
Ms Excel:

What kind of cell number format is missing in
MS Excel:

What is the cell format in
MS Excel should be used to write the value 235.35

What is the cell format in
MS Excel should be used for recording 07/23/57
the date

What is the cell format in
MS Excel should be used for recording 13.33%

cell C1, C2 and C3, respectively, 5, –6, 4. What happens in cell C5,
if you add the formula = SUM (C1: C3)

cells B1, B2 are entered numbers 10 and 20. What will appear in cell B3, if you apply

Where the fully relative addressing to cell C4 is indicated:
C 4

Initially, in cells C1, C2, C3 numbers 1,2,3 are entered, and in cell
D 1 put the formula reference = C1. What
will turn out in
D 2, D 3 if apply Autocomplete based on
D 1:

Excel. Math function -

MS Word. What is the Micrasoft object for
To create mathematical formulas

How many cells
is contained in the range A1: B3 of the spreadsheet?

Excel. Team
changing the cell format -
Format - Cells

Raster graphics editor
created for…
and editing pictures

In spreadsheets, cell name
formed ...
from row and column name

The event that made it possible
the emergence of a personal computer:
invention of the microprocessor

One kilobyte of information is ...
1024 bytes

Command mode control of the MS DOS system
implemented ...
by entering special commands from the keyboard

The category of viruses does NOT include ...
type viruses

In a text editor, the main
parameters when setting
fonts are ...
typeface, size, style

Infection with computer viruses can
happen in the process ...
working with files

Binary encoding one of 256
characters (letters) requires the number
information ...
<variant> 1 byte

To save a text file (document)
in a specific format
need to ask ...
file type

Paint is designed to ...
creating the simplest drawings

Electronic mail (e-mail) allows
transfer ...
<variant>messages and attached

Correctly written for Microsoft Excel:

= (D4-J7) / (F4 + D $ 6)

The main characteristic of the monitor is
The number of image dots horizontally and
vertical (resolution)

What we use page parameters for
To set indents from page borders to
text boundaries

Can we enclose some of the text with a frame that
to highlight it?
Yes, for this you need to use
borders and fill.
What action can we perform with
Highlight the extra

Paint one cell

How to enable the toolbar
- Toolbars - Drawing

How to insert a picture into a text
TR MS Word document?
graphic editor

Test: Text Editor

Question number 1: What do we use document page settings for?

1. To insert pagination

2. To arrange hyphenation

3. To set indents from page borders to text borders

4. To align the text

Question number 2: Can we draw a frame around part of the text to highlight it?

Choose one of the answer options:

1. Yes, you need to use borders and fill for that.

2. And for this you need to use the page parameters

3. This can be done using the Fields item in the Page Settings.

4. No, you can only frame the whole page

Question number 3: Attention, there are several possible answers to this question!
What points can we implement when printing a document?

1. Specify the number of pages

2. Specify printing multiple pages on one

3. Specify printing 5 pages on one

4.print only individual pages

5. Select to print multiple copies

Question number 4: A text editor is a program for ...

Choose one of the answer options:

1. processing of graphic information

2.processing video information

3. processing of text information

4.working with musical recordings

Question number 5: How to delete the character to the left of the cursor ...

Choose one of the answer options:

1. Click Delete

2. Press BS

3. Press Alt

4. Press Ctrl + Shift

Question number 6: Specify how to save the edited document under a different name.

3. Choose location and file name

Question number 7: What action can we perform with the table?

Please select several answer options:

1. Merging cells

2. Change the number of rows and columns

3. Close one cell

4. Insert a picture instead of a border

5.Change the look of table borders

Question number 8: The cursor is

Choose one of the answer options:

1.device for inputting text information

2.key on the keyboard

3.the smallest display item on the screen

4.mark on the monitor screen indicating the position at which keyboard input will be displayed

Question number 9: How to enable the Drawing toolbar?

Choose one of the answer options:

1. View - Toolbars - Drawing

2. Edit - Paste - Toolbars - Draw

3. File - Open - Draw

Question number 10: How can you insert a picture into a TP MS Word text document?
(Attention to this question, there are several possible answers.)

Please select several answer options:

1.from the graphics editor

2.from file

3.from the collection of ready-made pictures

4.from the File menu

5.from the printer

Question number 11: How to print a character in a text editor that is not on the keyboard?

Choose one of the answer options:

1. Use the insertion of a symbol

2. Use drawing for this

3. Paste from special file

Question number 12: Specify the sequence of actions to be performed when inserting a formula.

Indicate the order of the answer options:

1. Select the menu item Insert

2. Click Object

3. Select MicrosoftEquation

4. Write a formula

5. Left-click in a free area of ​​the screen


"5" for 11-12 correct answers

"4" for 9-10 correct answers

"3" for 6-8 correct answers

"2" if there are 5 or less correct answers

Test 1.4.2. "Spreadsheets"

Option 1

1) Cell B1 contains the formula = 2 * $ A1... How does the formula look after cell B1 is copied to cell C2?

1) = 2 * $ B1 2) = 2 * $ A2 3) = 3 * $ A2 4) = 3 * $ B2Н

2) Given a fragment of a spreadsheet:


You entered the formula in cell D2 = A2 * B1 + C1... As a result, the value will appear in cell D2:

1) 6 2) 14 3) 16 4) 24

3) Cell A1 of the spreadsheet contains the formula = D1- $ D2... How will the formula look after cell A1 is copied to cell B1?

1) = E1- $ E2 2) = E1- $ D2 3) = E2- $ D2 4) = D1- $ E2

4) In the spreadsheet, the value of the formula = AVERAGE (A6: C6) equals ( -2 ). What is the value of the formula = SUM (A6: D6) if cell D6 is 5?

1) 1 2) -1 3) -3 4) 7

5) The figure shows a fragment of a spreadsheet. Determine what the value calculated by the following formula will equal = SUM (B1: C4) + F2 * E4 – A3

After moving the contents of cell C70 to cell C71, the value in cell D71 will change in absolute value to:

1) 2,2 2) 2,0 3) 1,05 4) 0,8

7) Given a fragment of a spreadsheet:

= C1-B1 = B1-A2 * 2 = C1 / 2 = B1 + B2

After performing the calculations, a chart was built using the values ​​of the range of cells A2: D2. Indicate the resulting diagram.

8) 100 teachers take part in the teleconference of teachers of physics and mathematics schools. Among them are teachers of mathematics (M), physics (F) and computer science (I). Teachers have different qualifications: each teacher either has no category at all (no category - BK), or has II, I or the highest (VK) qualification category. Chart 1 shows the number of teachers with different skill levels, while Chart 2 shows the distribution of teachers by subject.

There are 4 statements:

B) All computer science teachers can be of the highest category.

D) All mathematics teachers can have II category.

Which of these statements follows from the analysis of both presented diagrams? "

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

9) The diagram shows the number of test participants in different regions of Russia:

Which of the diagrams correctly reflects the ratio of the total number of test participants by region?

1) 2) 3) 4)

Practical part

Task number 1

Create a table and format it like this.

A function is simply a block of code that has a name and input parameters to process that can be executed when we need it. They might seem like little use, but trust me, when you understand and learn how to use functions, you can save tons of time and write code that is much more readable!

Although the topic of functions is often perceived as difficult for beginner programmers, you need to know them anyway. It might take a long time, but don't give up, because functions will help you a lot in your programming career.

Create your first php function

When you create a function, you must first give it a name, for example, myCompanyName. It is best to use descriptive names that make sense to avoid confusion. The same applies to.

The syntax for creating a function is pretty obvious and logical. First, you must tell PHP that you want to create a function. This can be done by entering the function keyword and your function name and a few other things (which we'll talk about a little later).

This is what the myCompanyName function declaration looks like:

Note: The function name can start with "_", but not with a number!
This is just the skeleton of our function, and inside it we can put any code we want. When the function is called, it will be executed. See the "()" in the curly braces in the above example? These brackets define where our function code should be. The opening curly brace "(" tells PHP that the function code is starting, and the closing curly brace ")" tells PHP that our function is over!

Let's add something simple to it, for example.

That's it, pretty simple, right? Now let's learn how to call our function.

Php ready function call

Now that you've finished coding the simplest function, it's time to try it out. Below is a simple script. Let's do this: declare our function and use it.

"; myCompanyName (); echo" Nice to see you!

While this was a simple example, it is important to understand that carelessness can lead to an error. When you create a function, follow these simple guidelines.

  • Always start your functions with the function keyword.
  • Remember that your function code must be between "(" and ")".
  • When you call a function, make sure you spell the name correctly.

Functions with parameters

Another useful feature is that you can call functions with parameters, that is, pass additional information inside its code. Our first function, myCompanyName, isn't very useful, because all it can do is print the same line.

However, if we were using parameters, then we could add some extra features to our function! The parameter appears in parentheses "()" and looks like a regular PHP variable. Let's create a new function that creates a custom greeting based on the person's name, which we pass as a parameter.

"; } ?>

Now, when we call the sayHello function, the parameter (name) must be indicated in brackets, since the function is declared with a parameter and cannot be ignored.
If we want to specify several parameters, then we simply list them when declaring a function, separated by commas, and that's it, nothing else is required.

Returning value by php function

In addition to the fact that you have the ability to pass information to a function, it can also return a value itself. But remember, a function can only return one value, although it can be anything: integer, real, boolean, whatever you want!

How does it return a value? The best way to understand it is with an example. Let's declare a function with parameters, and then assign the result to some variable, like this:

"; $ myNumber = mySum (3, 4); // Save the result of calling the mySum function into the $ myNumber variable echo" After calling the function, myNumber = ". $ myNumber."
"; ?>

To assign a value to a function, a return statement is added to it, see it? The result of adding two numbers is stored in the $ total variable, and using return $ total, this value is passed to the function itself. We then simply assign it to the $ myNumber variable after calling the mySum function with the two parameters 3 and 4 (these are the numbers to be added).

Practice, figure it out and you will succeed!