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Where to cut the dough for free. How to quickly cut down the dough ?, Sharing experience

Absolutely everyone loves freebies (and there is no need to deny it!), But, unfortunately, this love is not mutual. Rarely, fortune really smiles at someone, and a person, without doing anything, improves his financial situation. Others have to work all their lives in order to feed their families, pay off loans and have a more or less decent life. And everyone wants to live beautifully, so many people from time to time ask themselves the question of how to cut the dough quickly. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to quickly get a large amount of money and what needs to be done for this.

Is there a magic button?

We are sincerely sorry, but there is no such button that you just need to press to make money drip into your account. In the same way, there are no programs, as fraudsters assure, that would generate passwords from "WebMoney" or other user wallets. In any case, in order to receive, you must first do at least something.

Another question is how to cut the dough quickly, with a minimum waste of time and effort? There are many stories of successful people who, having come up with the seemingly most banal thing, became millionaires. Perhaps, having studied these life stories, you can learn something for yourself or, being inspired, finally, come up with something of your own, unique. In any case, you need to learn not only from other people's mistakes, but also from achievements.

Where can you make a quick dough?

It all depends on what exactly is meant by the concept of "cut the dough." If we are talking about earning a very large amount in a short time, then the only way to achieve this is fraud and deception of innocent people. Only in a dishonest way, you can get a round sum in a very short time, practically doing nothing. We strongly recommend that you refrain from this practice and keep in mind that fraud is prosecuted by law, is a criminal offense and involves punishment under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the money earned in this way has never brought happiness to anyone.

It's another matter if you would like to earn a really good amount in a completely legal way, using your skills and abilities, but do not want to work for your “uncle”. Here the flight of imagination is not limited. For example, you can find decent ways to make money on the Internet.

How to make money online?

You won't be able to make money quickly on the Internet, but you can get a good, stable income. The main thing here is to understand that doing slave labor - and this is captcha input, various clicks, likes, subscriptions, and so on - is a waste of time and Internet traffic. Here are some examples of what you can really make money on:

    Own site. It is not difficult to create your own website and fill it with content, it is much more difficult to promote it, that is, to attract visitors. But as soon as your site is visited by hundreds or even thousands of users, advertisers themselves will offer you their advertising banners, and this is a very good passive income.

    Start your blog. Now the most popular platform is Yandex Zen. All you need to do is fill your channel competently and interestingly, after a certain time Yandex Zen will automatically connect you to monetization.

    Copywriting. If you don't have time to create and promote your website or blog, and the question of how to cut the dough quickly worries you every minute, you can register on any copywriting exchange. Then you just have to write articles to order and get paid for it.

    Make money using message boards. Take a closer look around, for sure your house is full of unnecessary junk, which is a pity to throw away. Why not sell? Sometimes for what we were going to throw out, you can quickly cut down the dough, as many do.

How to make money offline?

If you are bored with the daily chores, you can always find an easy way to instantly get money. And again, the methods below do not give a 100% guarantee of success. Perhaps in your case it will be a waste of time. So how to make money fast?

    Various lotteries. Yes, yes, they still exist! You can buy the coveted piece of paper that promises millions or apartments at the post office or in kiosks.

    Drawings and company shares. You can persistently save up points, coins or something else, and then send it to the organizers of the action, and maybe you will get the opportunity to fly to the Maldives.

    Sale (resale) of handmade products. If you have golden hands - take advantage of this, sell your creation. In extreme cases, you can buy such goods at a lower price and resell with a surcharge.

How to cut the dough quickly with state support?

It is not joke. Do you want to get 100% a lot of money and in a completely legal way? Have children! Our state can help you to fulfill your cherished dream, provided that you help it increase the birth rate in the country. The state pays about 500,000 rubles for every second born or adopted child, and for the third child you will be guaranteed a certificate in the amount of 117,000 rubles.

Agree, the amount is not bad. Of course, you will hardly be able to cash out this money, but many families have already successfully used state support and solved their problems. Moreover, if the birth of children was already planned, why not use your legal right?

Let's summarize

Every day, almost everyone - from teacher to deputy - thinks where to cut the dough quickly. This is not greed or unwillingness to work, it is just that a person tends to think about his future and, of course, everyone wants to live their lives at a decent level. And we all understand that working hard at a regular job from morning to evening, not everyone succeeds in saving up for at least one dream. All that remains is to look for ways to get quick money.

But, as already mentioned in the article, money does not just fall from the sky, in any case, you will have to make at least some minimal effort on your part. In addition, in such matters, there is a high probability of falling into the trap of scammers who are looking for easy ways in the same way. Therefore, we strongly recommend, before trying a new way of getting rich, to think carefully about all the nuances and not to make hasty actions.

Holidays have pretty worn out our wallets and it's time to make up for the losses. So that the chic New Year's table does not change from the Rolton and Doshirak menu, we share our options on how to get up quickly and without much effort.

Make money on a hobby

We remember that many hobbies are not only a great way to relax after a hard day and enjoy an evening, but also a good opportunity to top up your cash. If your entire bathroom is already littered with handmade soap, it's worth trying to offer it to others. There is a chance that not only your relatives will appreciate soap bears and scented bath bombs. If you add stylish packaging, there is a good chance to rise up on orders for the holidays. A piece of craft soap in Samara costs from 60 to 200 rubles.

You can sell everything that you are not ashamed to offer to potential customers - even knitted mittens, even painted candles - and choose Avito as a platform for promotion, for example. The main thing is to compare prices with competitors and not to disappoint with product quality.

Work with texts

Many companies need people who are able to competently and efficiently write, edit or translate text. Most often, they place ads on sites where anyone can take the job. To try our hand at rewriting, copywriting, translations and proofreading of texts, follow, for example, this link. First you need to register on the site, fill out a profile, indicate the cost of your services in each of the categories and wait for the client to contact you. Try not to screw it up, otherwise a low rating can undermine your demand among customers. An alternative option can be found at this link, but in both cases it should be borne in mind that sites take a commission of about 10% from each order. In addition, the effort and time spent does not always pay off: you manage to earn a little, and sometimes problems arise with the withdrawal of amounts. You can read about all the risks on the website and at this link.


Do not doubt that there are people who need help and are willing to pay for it. To begin with, you can place an ad on a freelance services website, for example, by following a link, and indicate all types of work that you are ready to perform. Prices start at 500 rubles per service. If you have no time to wait for a response from customers, you can look at the "Throw the Pig" website and choose what you can do in the near future. Possible options: repairing equipment, working as a promoter, caring for animals, organizing parties, tutoring, hairdresser, makeup artist and others. When paying for services through the site, a commission of approximately 10% is charged. In addition, you need to carefully check the customer ratings so as not to run into scammers.

Take up tutoring

If you fumble in trigonometry or know exactly all the rules of the Russian language, believe me: some schoolboy needs your help right now. The subject matter of classes can be very different - from preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam to piano lessons - it is only important to be able to explain complex things in an accessible and patient manner. Prices depend on the subject of instruction and your professionalism - the presence of a specialized education and a diploma, of course, will be a plus. But do not get angry: it is possible to pull up a familiar schoolboy in this way, but it is illegal to conduct large-scale educational activities in a group until you register an IP (all pitfalls are by reference).

Earn some money as a taxi driver

Getting a job as a driver in a taxi is now quite simple - you just need to register at the office or through the carrier's online application. True, for work you will need a clean, comfortable car and, of course, a driver's license, so this option is not suitable for everyone. One of the advantages of working in a taxi is a free schedule: you can take clients in the morning and in the evening, and do something else during the day. Among the disadvantages are not always pleasant passengers and wear and tear of a personal car. It should also be borne in mind that you will be working for the company, which means that you will have to give a certain percentage of each order. If you work in a free schedule, you will have to deduct about 20% of the proceeds. On average, Samara taxi drivers earn about 1,000 rubles a day.

Get a job as a call center operator

This work requires only a phone, the Internet and your unlimited patience.

Call center operators are hired by companies that are completely different in their profile, so you can even choose. It is better to get a job in the one whose activity is closest to you, so that it would be easier to answer customer questions. The schedule is discussed with the manager and is built taking into account your wishes. Before starting work, new employees are given a little training, after which you can safely start receiving calls. Current vacancies can be found on Headhunter or on any other website with offers.

Overexpose animals

Owners are often looking for caring and responsible hands in which to give their pet for a few days while they enjoy the sun and white sand. Relatives do not always come to the rescue, and several days in a specialized hotel for animals result in a round sum - about 5,000 rubles. You can come to the rescue in such a situation, providing the animal with comfortable conditions. So that upon your return the owners will definitely not show you anything, agree in advance about the food, the daily routine of the animal and training, if needed. Discuss where the four-legged friend will live - in your home or in a familiar environment. If the first option is relevant, take your favorite toys and dishes for the new roommate from his apartment.

Warning! True sharks do not need to read auction frauds, they themselves know what and how to sell.

And yes, a wall of text ...

And boobs for attention)

Auction. How to cut a lot of dough. Part one: addons and professions.

Auction. How to cut a lot of dough. Part one: addons and professions.

But inexperienced hucksters and simply thirsty for dough noobs should read.

Instead of an epigraph:

If you have a lot of gold, and what, you can buy yourself happiness?

For a real gnome, happiness lies in the very possession of a pile of gold.

In one post, I most likely will not fit, because the time constraints imposed by the work will not allow you to write everything at once. And relatively small posts are read more willingly than an immeasurable wall of text. Today is the first part - see the title of the post ...

So, you installed WoW for yourself and after a while (for everyone in different ways) faced the problem of lack of dough. What is missing and how much is needed is another question. The main thing is that there is no dough. What to do?

Ways to make money.

Farm. A bowl of rice, or a steak from a dog and forward, plow the expanses of Azeroth in search of grass / ore / unstable elements / other shit. I will not write about this, since I myself have not been involved in such a disaster for a long time (about 4 years ago). For a long time, tedious, and in general, I had no ancestors from Asia. Do you want to spend 2-3 (or more) hours a day in order to earn a measly 500-700g (at current prices and crowds of herbal miners)? Well go ahead, your business.

Dayliki. Not much different from the previous one. As for me, it makes sense to do this only for the sake of turnips, gold in the load. And again, it depends on how much time (per day) you are ready to kill for the game.

And the third. My favorite. Auction. With a relatively low cost of man-hours (it takes me about 15-20 minutes a day), it gives a much greater output in net profit. With strict monitoring of the entire auction, you can earn astronomical amounts without leaving the capital.

OK. We decided that the mobo-ore-herbalist is not for us. How to be? Kind uncle Cob will tell you how. (the guide itself starts here).

Addons for beginner hucksters and their functionality.

Basically we only need one addon. This . The famous Auctioneer. But for convenience, I recommend installing the equally famous Postal. And all the way to the heap of Titan.

Why do they:

Titanium, among other things, allows you to track the amount of gold spent / received in a given game session (that is, from the moment you enter a game with a specific character). This allows you to very quickly determine how much money you spent on reagents and how much you need to recapture. For example, you bought 10 stacks of elementium ore and immediately saw how much money was spent on it. After sifting and roughly assessing the pebbles, you will understand whether you are at a loss or not. You can of course write and calculate in your mind. But then they will do everything for you. In general, the addon is not a must have, but it makes life easier.

Postal... It is also a very useful addon, and also does a lot of things. But we, as hucksters, need this - collecting all mail with one click. He will rake in everything that is sold and not sold, and after collecting he will give out how much dough you received in your absence. No, you can manually disassemble mail heaps. But when you have more than 200 lots at auction for 12 hours. Very tired. So I recommend it.

Auctioneer... Our most important friend, comrade and brother. In addition to the ability to set the size of the pack, the duration of the lot, the number of packs and the price, it allows you to sort lots (for purchase) by the percentage of prices, the redemption price and rate, the cost of one item or pack ... It also allows you to search in a price range, search by the range of prices. In general, after sitting at it for a day or two and having understood all its features, you can earn 3-5kg per day by logging into the game 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. I am not kidding.

In addition to the listed features, the standard auctioneer pack includes the Enchantrix addon, which, when hovering over the ore / grass / clothes, shows what and with what chance the thing will be dealt with. Which is very useful, especially for enchanters.


I will not talk about miners, herbalists and other fishermen. It's all just fly-collect-sell.

Let's talk about manufacturers better.

Equipment manufacturing (leatherworking, sewing, blacksmithing):

1. Blueprint production (mainly starting blueprint PvP). Many, very many, having barely finished, rake full sets. Just right away. Depending on the server, the difference between the cost price and the selling price can be up to 300-400%.

2. Production of epics. Twin-breeding rushes rake violets in spite of the prices. But spheres of chaos are needed. And after them go to heroics. And you still need to snatch the coveted sphere from four greedy party members. Not my option - I'm too lazy to go on heroics. But the price of the sphere today is about 700g on Pirate Bay. That is, this amount is included in the cost of the item. * So if there is a desire to be like heroics and you are lucky with a roll, the loot will appear faster.

3. Making improvements. All kinds of patches / threads / buckles. Regs were bought, crafted and up for auction. Improvements are ALWAYS needed. So no matter what shooting gallery is in fashion nowadays, patches and buckles will be bought.

4. Nuboshmot. A very minor item of earnings. Twinkies wear twinkling clothes. And the noobs simply have no money. You can cut some pretty penny ... but. Anyone else, but I'm trite too lazy to bother for 3-5 gold with an unclear chance of sale.

Jewelry. Drives me into longing and sadness. Once the most lucrative pro of being screwed up by millions of monkeys. I don’t know how where, but on PB a raw stone is cheaper than a faceted one, or the difference between them is so negligible that it’s not worth the hassle (for example, a raw infernal ruby ​​costs 60-70g, faceted by 40 strength about 80, prices for January 24. With other colors and even worse.) ***. But, nevertheless, from time to time you can seize the moment and sell a few running stones at a good price.

Engineer. It has always been (is ... and most likely will be) a profession for Lulz masters of this profession. The dubious income from the sale of recipes and small arms is unlikely to cover the costs of building this professional. So I don't even consider it as a means of earning. ****

Inscription. With the change in the mechanics of replacing symbols, selling them has become not very profitable. For they are bought only once. But the cards. The cards are a song. If you are lucky enough to collect the Thunderstorms card, rejoice. Your financial problems are practically solved. Its price even now is about 25kg ... and they are buying it.

Enchanting. You can and should yell at the trade link of your profession for a long time. Earn a penny. The main source of income for the chanters was the design and sale of regs. And, oddly enough, it is not the sale of actual regs (that is, those that are obtained when analyzing things that appeared in the current add-on) rules, but the regs from the Burning Crusade, for example. So do not hesitate to buy gear 60-70 leveled, you will be surprised what kind of income it gives *****.

Little tricks.

* Selling epics at auction is wildly unprofitable. For the 5% auction fee has not been canceled. Accordingly, even selling epix for 10kg, you lose 500g in tax. So that. Therefore, it is better to craft epics on order.

** It is worth mentioning that the equipment is still a one-time item. so selling 10 helmets every day is unlikely to work. But even one piece of clothing sold gives a good income. Given the minimum time and headache it takes to create it.

*** We will talk about the reasons for this phenomenon in one of the subsequent posts.

**** Although, maybe there are engineers who earn decent money with the help of their profes?

***** Have you decided to cut the loot in this way? Then do not be lazy to run through the entire assortment of brilliant green. For example, clothes up to level 20 often cost less than 1 gold, but the dust from them costs around 80-90 silver apiece on the bay.

All for today. Good earnings to you)

Many people ask where you can get a lot of money for free and for free? Where can you urgently get money for a wedding, apartment, house or for starting a business from scratch?

Hello dear readers! With you one of the authors of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

I will share my practical experience and tell you where to get money quickly or borrow.

I myself found myself in situations when I urgently needed a certain amount of money and I had to quickly move my brains and find them in literally 10 minutes.

From the article you will learn:

  • Where to get money for free?
  • Can I get money for free?
  • How to get money using microloans?
  • Where to get money for a business at a minimum interest?

Here I will also tell you how to borrow money and repay debts correctly, and what mistakes you should avoid if you urgently need money.

Sit back, let's start!

1. Where can you quickly get money for an ordinary person without work

A person may need money at any time: you remembered that today is the birthday of a friend (girlfriend, grandmother, aunt), a workmate invited you to a wedding, you urgently need to repay the debt, and the salary, as luck would have it, is delayed - you never know situations arise in life.

It's good if up to X-hour (the time when finances will be specifically needed) - several days, and if - several hours, and there is absolutely no cash? In this article I will tell you where to get money for an ordinary person (not a bank director or a businessman) in the fastest and most optimal way.

So where to get money when there is none? The question may seem rhetorical and even philosophical.

However, when money is really needed and needed urgently, people somehow have no time for philosophy: they have to urgently find cash. If we are talking about small amounts within a few thousand rubles ( 100$-200$ ), then the most common way is to borrow from friends. What if you need more? Where can I get money for an apartment, a car, for starting my own business? There are far fewer options.

Most people will answer that they need to work harder. This is a fair observation, but only in part. We have already written about that. But, sometimes even working, you can need money. For example, if the salary is small or has already been spent. In this case, you need to use your imagination and mental abilities.

In fact, there is a lot of money in the outside world. More than enough, even. The problem is that they are not evenly distributed. Some people have a lot of them, others - on the contrary. What do you need to do? Go to those who have finances at the moment. Another question is how to persuade, convince, force those people who have a lot of money to transfer it (temporarily or free of charge) to you. Immediately I discard dubious and illegal ways of taking money away - taking someone else's by deception, force, theft is categorically wrong.

This article only discusses honest and legal options.

We will list the main methods of extracting finance, and then we will discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

  • Borrow from friends and acquaintances;
  • Make a microloan;
  • Get a bank loan;
  • To urgently sell some valuable personal item;
  • Use the services of a pawnshop;
  • Do a quick job urgently and get paid right away;
  • Get your debts back;
  • Rent out an apartment and temporarily live with friends (with mom and dad or other relatives);
  • Ask for a loan from criminal structures.

I must say right away that the last method is quite dangerous. You can use the services of "bros" only as a last resort, if you are confident in yourself and in the people with whom you make a deal. However, if the question of where to get money urgently cannot be solved in another way (all banks refuse, not a penny from friends), then there is nowhere to go - you have to borrow from those who give.

2. Microloans - a real way to get the required amount in 1 hour

Just 10 years ago, few people heard about microloans, but now the number of organizations, companies and individuals, even taking off their business with the help of microloans, has grown rapidly. Now the question of where to get money urgently does not cause such a headache as before.

Microloan- a loan for a small amount (usually up to 50,000 rubles) for a certain period (usually a month from the date of the transaction).

To apply for a loan, you only need one document - a passport (plus a decent appearance). The amount of the interest rate depends on the amount you are borrowing, as well as on the maturity of the loan.

5 advantages of microloans:

  1. Minimum time to arrange a loan. The application is filled in a few minutes, you do not need to waste time collecting various certificates and documents, as in a bank;
  2. No guarantors required. Usually, banks will ask you to find at least one guarantor, because every credit institution wants to reduce its financial risks;
  3. It is not necessary to voice the purpose of the loan. As a rule, it is much easier to obtain a targeted loan. For example, mortgages or car loans are much more willing to issue than consumer loans;
  4. Receiving money online. Some organizations transfer money to bank cards over the Internet - you don't even need to go anywhere. You can also repay a loan through the online account of various payment systems;
  5. Ease of receiving funds. You don't have to “beg” by disturbing friends and family. To a microfinance organization, you are simply one of a multitude of clients.

A microloan is the most convenient and simple option if you need money in the very near future. This is a way for those who were refused to borrow money from the bank (due to the lack of the necessary guarantees) and those who want to raise finance quickly and without unnecessary questions from the lender.

Today, a microcredit can be obtained via the Internet without collateral, guarantors, income certificates, financial history and other "problems".

To do this, you just need to go to the site, fill out a form, provide a phone number and enter your personal account. Then you need to choose the amount, loan maturity and agree to the terms of the organization with which you work. You will need to send a scan of your passport (or provide passport data) and indicate your bank card number.

Now there are many companies that issue microloans via the Internet, but I recommend working only with the most proven and reliable ones, which have transparent terms of cooperation and an understandable loan issuance scheme.

Among the advantages of this method:

  1. Ease of obtaining a loan. The process of filling out and approving the application takes no more than 5 minutes;
  2. Loan amount up to 30,000 rubles. At the first call up to 10,000 rubles and further higher;
  3. Convenience. You can receive money in 4 ways: to a bank card, to a bank account, through the Contact system, and to a Qiwi wallet.

If you have a Qiwi wallet, it will be even easier: the money will be transferred to your account after reviewing the application, which must be completed in the appropriate section. True, in most cases the amount of the first loan does not exceed 5,000 (the company checks the client's reliability), but then the amounts increase many times over. If you repay the loan ahead of schedule, the amount of overpayment will be minimal.

If you find it difficult to work with electronic systems, you can make a microloan offline - that is, contact the nearest microfinance organization (MFO) from your home. On-demand decisions are made in just a few minutes.

Now about the disadvantages of this method.

The main disadvantage is, of course, the accrued interest. The rate in microcrediting is much higher than when applying for a loan at a bank. The percentage of overpayment will become especially noticeable if you accidentally or deliberately delay the day and hour of payment.

  1. Return the borrowed money on time. Remember that there is a high interest rate for late refunds. This way you make the most of your borrowed money.
  2. Take exactly as much as you need. Do not give in to the persuasion of MFI workers that taking, for example, 10,000 is more convenient than 8,000. If you, again, delay the payment, this small difference will grow into a tangible amount.

We figured out the microloans, let's move on to the rest of the methods.

3. Where to get money for free for free - 10 sure ways

These methods are obvious for most people, but when money is needed right now, a person is under stress and forgets about some of them.

That is why I decided to describe them here.

Method 1. Borrow from friends and acquaintances

Borrowing money from friends or acquaintances is an obvious option, but not always convenient.

  • At first, your acquaintances are unlikely to be delighted with your proposal (remember the popular wisdom: "the best way to lose friends is to borrow money from them");
  • Secondly, you have to take other people's money, and give - yours. Nevertheless, this method is chosen by a significant percentage of people in urgent need of finance.

According to statistics, people of the old school prefer to borrow from friends - between the ages of 40 and 50. Young people prefer more creative options.

Where to get money if all banks and microloans refuse?

You will have to borrow from friends even if all banks and microloans refuse due to bad credit history or other reasons.

It's good if you have rich acquaintances for whom the payback period is not of fundamental importance. In other cases, you will need to inform the creditors of the approximate date of debt repayment. The method has its advantages: friends will not take it by the throat if you do not get the money within the promised time, and no interest is required to pay.

But on the other hand, although friends are more tolerant and loyal than financial institutions, their kindness should not be abused.

If you are delaying a refund, it is better to warn about it right away: going underground by turning off your phone is not the best way to behave. If you are honest, most people will get the hang of it, and perhaps they will help you with good advice.

By the way, borrowing money from friends correctly is a whole science. There are even special strategies to do this operation most efficiently.

For example, experts advise that it is better to borrow small amounts from several people than large ones from one. So the likelihood of receiving money will grow many times over. Indeed, for a person 1000 rubles is not money, but 10 people for 1000 rubles ... This is already a decent amount.

Method 2. Get a bank loan

Where to get a lot of money at once? For an apartment, house, car, opening a store or business? Serious amounts can be obtained from the bank. Personal and business loans are a fairly popular way to get finance. The interest rate on loans in a bank is much lower than in an MFO, and the maturity sometimes stretches over years. Another thing is that not everyone can take advantage of this opportunity.

To receive money from the bank, the borrower must meet certain conditions. It is these banking obstacles that are faced by a large percentage of people who want to get a loan.

The main requirements of the bank for borrowers:

  1. Proven stable income. If you do not have an official job and 6 months of proven income as a salary, then the chance of getting a loan decreases;
  2. Positive credit history. It's good if you don't owe anyone or have already borrowed money from banks, but returned it right on time;
  3. The presence of a guarantor (in some cases). Guarantors are the people who signed up for your loan agreement and will pay your debts if you can't.

Of course, if you want to take a loan at the bank, you will be asked for identity documents and income certificates. Sometimes banks require collateral in the form of valuable property, such as a car or apartment.

In other words, the bank wants to be sure that you repay it anyway. Nobody will physically knock money out of you if something happens, but they can easily take your property as debt.

The main advantage of obtaining a loan from a bank is the ability to take a fairly impressive amount. You can give a loan in small installments on a monthly basis: psychologically it is much easier than operating with big money.

Among the popular banks at the moment, the following can be distinguished:

What can you sell through online classifieds:

  • collection clothes (in good condition);
  • antiques;
  • gramophone records;
  • collection of stamps;
  • books;
  • old or Soviet coins;
  • modern Russian anniversary rubles.

Sometimes in the attic, in the mezzanine or in the closet, you can find a thing for which collectors can give quite decent money.

An extreme way to get money for women and informals!

Some hairdressers buy expensive hair (minimum length 20-25 cm). A haircut often suits the face - it is youthful and brings variety.

In the East, it is believed that by cutting off hair, a person renews his karma.

You can also sell scrap metal. If you live in a private house, have a summer cottage or a garage, then unnecessary metal junk is probably lying around somewhere, if you look well. Non-ferrous metals, by the way, cost a lot of money.

Maybe you have bronze or aluminum figurines, paintings from non-ferrous metals or just pancake copper wires - all this is potential money today!

Method 7. Rent out your apartment and temporarily move out to friends

A person needs only 2 square meters of space to live. Another question is whether such a life will be comfortable, but for the sake of a great goal, you can be patient.

If you have real estate and have the opportunity to temporarily move to relatives, good friends or acquaintances, you can rent out an apartment and take money from the tenants in advance. Especially in metropolitan areas, this option can bring good profits. The same can be done in resort areas during the season (summer and early autumn).

If you are a happy owner of two-room (or more) apartments, then you don't even need to move anywhere: just rent a room to a student and take payment from him several months in advance. Here is the amount for starting a small business. If you are looking for where to get money for a business, then having received it, read the article "" - this will help you to properly dispose of the funds received.

Method 8. Find a "cob" or do a one-time job

Temporary work for students and all comers is a popular section on job sites. One-time work, which is paid daily, can be found in any city. This is the work of a "barker" in some boutique, and the position of a courier for delivery, and writing articles as freelancers, and part-time work as a waiter for students.

Girls can get a job as a nanny or a one-time housekeeper with an hourly fee.

It is even better if you are a narrow specialist in some field - for example, you can quickly translate a text from Chinese into Russian.

Are you not afraid of hard and "black" work? If you are a tough guy, hire a loader (unloading wagons and other one-time events are well paid), a cleaner, a handyman at a construction site. This kind of work is not rated very highly by employers, of course, but you don’t need to borrow from anyone.

Method 9. Return the money of your debtors

Where to get money "for free", that is, without the need to give it back after a certain period of time? Of course, from their debtors. If you are a sociable person and have many acquaintances and friends, one of them probably owes you money. Think about whether the time has come to pay off, and subtly remind the debtors about the return of loans.

It happens that people themselves call and remind them that they owe you, but as a rule, you yourself, as a creditor, have to chase debtors and remind them to return the money.

Method 10. A dangerous way is to ask for a loan from the "brothers"

It is possible to get in touch with the world of crime only in special, completely hopeless situations - when loans are denied, no one gives money against a receipt, friends hid, and the MFO ran out of cash.

Of course, this situation is possible only if you have appropriate acquaintances - it's good if, for example, your classmate has become a major crime boss. However, even in this case, it is worth thinking 100 times before making such a risky decision.

4. Donation as one of the non-obvious ways to get money

Being a donor is not only honorable, but also beneficial. But donating blood too often is harmful and dangerous to health, and they won't give much in one portion. Also, not everyone is willing to donate their blood for ethical reasons. And one more nuance - only an absolutely healthy person can become a donor.

Although, if you become a professional donor, then for donating blood 40 times or plasma 60 times, you receive the title of “honorary donor” and then you are entitled to monthly payments, visiting doctors without queuing, travel compensation and even rest in a sanatorium 1 once a year.

By the way, you can become not only a blood donor, but also a sperm donor (for men) and even organs.

For example, kidneys are highly regarded in the medical market.

For women, it is suitable to use your body to carry children (surrogacy).

Science and progress are going on and donation can become a good source of income for some people, although in some cases this money can be received far from immediately.

5. How to borrow money and repay debts correctly - 5 useful tips

Before you borrow money or start paying back, I recommend reading my tips. They work, tested on my own experience!

Basic rules for a loan and money back:

  1. It is better to borrow and give back in the morning, because in the evening people accumulate fatigue, which negatively affects all financial transactions.
  2. Study the conditions repayment of loans and repayment of debts in advance.
  3. Assess all the risks financial transaction before signing the contract, and not after.
  4. Money has a value over time: if friends are dear to you, pay off debts on time.
  5. Don't forget to thank those from whom you borrow.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, it is better to give money on a falling moon, and take money on a growing one.

Even using the "magic of money", it is unlikely to get them for free. Better to count on your wits and common sense.

How to properly repay a loan

If you take out a loan, then take it for as long as possible!

Many are afraid of this, because the amount of overpayment in this case will be greater. However, most loans can be repaid early, which means that you can repay the debt as soon as you have the money.

But if, for example, you took 100,000 rubles for 1 year, then on average you will pay 10,000 rubles a month, but if you took the same amount for 5 years, then your payment will be about 2,500 rubles.

In your opinion, what amount is easier to pay per month: 2,500 rubles or 10,000 rubles? - the answer is obvious.

Repaying loans with the smallest possible amounts is recommended by Robert Kiyosaki, a world-famous investor, businessman and teacher in the field of financial literacy, author of the game "Cash flow How to Attract Money into Your Life - 7 Simple Ways to Attract Big Money + Secrets of Getting It