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Google register a new mail. How to create an account on the phone: Step by step instructions

The use of a modern smartphone operating under Android is unthinkable without Google Account. After all, only if you have it, you will have a Google Play online store. By the way, we are written on the installation of this client. Without this service, you would have to download applications from third-party resources, establishing them at your own risk. Do you need to say that it is uncomfortable and unsafe? Also create an account costs at least in order to then facilitate authorization and registration in other services.

New devices are pleased that the operating system has never been launched on them. You understand what you will be the first owner of the device. And this noticeably facilitates the process of creating an account, as it is proposed to be offered after a minute after the first launch of the smartphone. You will not even need to dig in the settings. So, you have to make the following actions in order to successfully and quickly create an account Google on Android:

Step 1. Turn on the device by holding a power button for a few seconds.

Step 2.. Select the firmware language and make other steps that the smartphone requires.

Step 3.. Connect to Wi-Fi network. This step is not required if you already inserted a SIM card to the device. Click the " Further».

Step 4.. Gradually, you will fall on a standard page dedicated to Google Account. Here you need to follow the link " Or create a new account».

Step 5.. Enter your name and surname, after which click " Further».

Step 6.. Specify your gender and date of birth. The latter is required in order not to provide you with access for those games that are designed for older people. Click the " Further».

Step 7.. Enter the unique username of Latin letters. So you will create your E-mail on the Gmail mail service. Click " Further».

Step 8.. Come up with a password, repeating it in the bottom line, then boldly press the button " Further».

Step 10.. Take the account usage rules. This is done by reading the rules to the end - only after that the button will appear on the screen. Accept».

This is the main actions completed! Congratulations, you managed to create an account for Android!

Creating an account on an already operating smartphone

If, after buying a gadget, you missed the item to create an account of Google, then you can't buy anything in the play mark, and the applications are downloaded too. The system will persistently offer to register. Do not break with this case, as you can start an account without much difficulty:

Step 1. Go to the Device menu. In our example, all applications are sorted alphabetically. Do not be afraid of this, you may have another sorting - the essence will remain the same.

Step 2.. Select " Settings».

Step 3.. Find in this section item " Accounts" or " Accounts».

Step 4.. In this subsection you need to press the button " Add an account" or " Add Account».

Step 5.. In the list provided, select Google.

Step 6. Then make all the actions that have been described above. That is, click on the link " Or create a new account", Enter the name and surname, come up with a password, etc.

On smartphones with the current version of Android, the procedure will be different. Names and location of some elements may have other names or located in different subsections. Instruction:

Step 1. In the settings, select item "Google". As a rule, it is at the very bottom of the list. A page with the current Google Account page opens. Here, click on the email address and in a new window, select "Add Account".

Step 2.. If the device is standing on the device (PIN, graphic key, fingerprint input), you will need to confirm the input. After that, the page will open on which you can enter the account data of an existing Google account, or create a new one.

Is there always a new account?

If you are not the first time you use a smartphone based on Android, then you have no need to start a completely new account. Use old. To do this, you just need to enter the email address Gmail and your password. These actions will allow you to transfer contacts CO, as well as quickly download those applications that you have already enjoyed.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Do you know who I do I hate to cooperate on the Internet? With lazy! How can I quickly determine the lazy on the Internet? Easily! He is responsible for letters for a long time. The topic of our today's conversation will be the creation of an account in Google. This article will help you learn to work with mail and respond promptly to any messages.

Why exactly google?

I had a lot of mailboxes. On Mail, Yandex, Rambler and even hotmail! However, nothing compares with Gmail email from Google. Despite the fact that in this corporation they love to bother with a bunch of additional functions, and only a person with a swollen, under pressure from intelligence, can be used by many products. Their mail is simple as five kopecks.

Many things Google have already made in advance when creating and owning your future mail. Therefore, the boxes look clean. All letters from a variety of Mari and Konstantinov, with proposals to get acquainted with the new collection of coats from Novosibirsk, go to a separate folder. With an acute desire, it can be examined or in just a couple of clicks to get rid of the content forever, without paying this unpleasant information by no second of its valuable time.

Additional features

If you are heading the Google account, you will automatically register in all services: on, Google+, Google Play. In addition, if you are creating a site, then you may need Google AdWords or otherwise or, and registration without this account in these systems is impossible.

Where to begin?

Create email in Google is simpler. To begin with, enter "" to the search string. You will see this beautiful thing:

See, the picture is written "Create an account"? It is here that you need to click. After this action you will see this form.

If the "username", the address of your box, will already be busy, then the system will inform you about it. One of the most popular (and probably not busy) addresses is now a mobile phone number. However, in this mail it is impossible to name so. You will need to insert at least one letter of the Latin alphabet.

Do not use too long names, they will be inconvenient to introduce friends. And if you call your post any new friend on the phone, it will be more likely to make a mistake in the title.

Next, come up with a password. Google reliably protects its users from hacking. If someone tries to open your account from another computer, a mobile phone or tablet, you will be informed about it and offer to change the password.

I do not know why, but the service you just need to know your gender and date of birth. Without this, create a new account on the computer is impossible.

Do not forget to agree with the terms of use and privacy policy.

All, on this registration is completed.

What's next?

The shooter distracts attention from the main one. You need a button "Go to the Gmail service", it is located under the text of the congratulations. If you did not find it or missed this step, then enter "" in the search bar, and then just invented name and password.

You will see useful information about how cool this post is.

"Forward - forward - forward" and you find yourself in your own electronic box. In principle, everything is ready for use.

Additional settings

The first thing I think should be changed is a design, so much will be more pleasant to work.

We are looking for settings:

Find the "topics" and select a picture. All of them are free.

Click on your favorite image and click "Select".

So he is already pretty, you will agree.

Now you can go to other settings.

Why add a photo to the profile? If you plan to use email to work, then you will need a photo. A person who hides his face is not trusted.

Go to the settings and first that you will see: "Continue setting up the account." Agree.

Step two:

Choose a photo from a computer and make it the main picture of the profile.

The second important option is a signature to letters. When you write messages, at the end it is customary to use template phrases: "Sincerely, ...", "Thank you for your attention" or leave your contact details. Each time you enter this text torture. It's much easier to create a template and forget about these phrases forever.

Sport settings before "signature". Click on the point next to the sign (as in the picture), enter the text and check the box next to the phrase "add this signature before the cited message".

Spread to the end of the "settings" save the changes, and come out from here.

If you are a girl, then over time you can change the name. Do not be changed because of this mail. Report the world about the new name, using the old one. Change the name in the mail is very simple. Come in the tab: "Accounts and imports" and change the information.

In the same tab, but just above you can change the password from Google Mail or change the password recovery settings (enter another phone number).

All, all important options are connected.

How to promptly respond to letters?

We live in the XXI century and the speed for us the most important thing. Not that hour, and the share of a second can affect fate. The answer to the letter, as a rule, takes no more than five minutes. The operational response to the reports of cooperation and work has a person. This characterizes it as a responsible performer or partner. This means that you appreciate others and their time.

What can I say about busy people who answer for a long time? This is all imitation and testifies not about employment, but about the inability to organize your workflow!

If you are responsible for a long time, then most likely these people absolutely do not care about you and their work. Even a very busy person can find a couple of minutes to dial the message.

Respect others. It is so simple. Install the Gmail application to the phone, connect the account and receive a letter notification immediately after it comes to email.

The icon looks like this.

You just need to enter the name and password from your drawer, which you just registered.

If something remains incomprehensible in the question how to register or use an electronic mailbox or you want to thoroughly examine the question, I recommend you book Alexey Smooth "Email (e-mail). Easy Start » . It has 190 pages. The material is designed for newbies. Registration and configuration, overview of popular programs that help save time and increase service efficiency.

Of course, in fact, in all this it can be understood independently. However, 34 rubles for saving time and useful information that allows you to increase the functionality of the mail, not such a lot of money to reflect for a long time.

I will leave you on this. Now I offer you an interesting and at the same time a fun video from Google Corporation.

Good luck to all! Use the mail to full. Subscribe to my newsletter I will send you my latest articles. No garbage, only useful information.

Create Gmail account in a few minutes. What are the advantages of this service, and why change the usual Yandex mail or Mail.Ru? To refuse your previous postal services is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthey will remain with you. If you wish, you can attach all your email addresses to Google.

But to start the Google mailbox - it is to solve many problems with the entrance to the different Google services, and therefore speed up and significantly alleviate the work in the Internet space.

Advantages of gmail mail

Create Gmail email account - means to get a document confirming your right to use all the services of this service. A peculiar passport. Mail Gmail is:

  • one of the most popular posts in the world;
  • reliable spam filter;
  • continuous service updating;
  • the ability to access all Google services, for example, to YouTube;
  • an additional 15 GB of free space for letters;
  • binding to Chrome and Android applications.

Create a google mail account - does not mean abandoning its former mailboxes. The Gmail interface allows you to configure the reception and sending letters directly from the Mailbox of Gmail Account. You will receive notifications about entering letters to your boxes of other services, and you can answer them from the Gmail account.

Create an account in Google Gmail is to create an account in the Google service. This means that the same password and name can be used in all Google services: YouTube, Google + and others. He is a universal pass to social networks, which greatly facilitates the work on the Internet: no need to constantly forget and reminiscent of passwords and nickname.

Create account

To make a mailbox in Gmail, you need to create an account in Google. This is the very first step on this path. You will immediately get:

  • gmail mailbox;
  • account in Google + additionally.

Create a Gmail Google account is very simple:

  1. You should go to the registration page or click on the "Create Account" link in any of the existing Google services.
  2. Now you need to come up with a unique nickname that is not registered in this service, and a difficult password. Your data will remember the entire Google system and will recognize on various services. The password should come up with a complex so that the fraudsters cannot hack mail.
  3. Further. To create a Gmail account for a computer, you must enter your real initials, as well as create a user name. If you need a temporary postal address, please use
  4. After that, the system will ask you to designate the functional phone number in international format. Why is it important to specify the current mobile number? Because it is at him that it will be sms to confirm your data in the Google service. The phone number is required if you wish to turn the entrance to your mail, for example, to protect from home penetration to your information.
  5. Create Gmail Account - it also assumes the designation of additional or spare email addresses. Specify some other your address that will provide communication with the Google administration in case of the impossibility of contacting through this mailbox. The Google Administration can also send an alert to this address in the event of unauthorized activity in your main electronic address.
  6. Create an account Jimail mail is to agree with the terms of the Google service developers and take their rules. If you do not put a tick in the appropriate window, registration will not be implemented: the rules must be taken. If you are interested in the offer to make Google Google in the appropriate window: when you open the browser, the Google search engine will immediately appear.
  7. After all items are completed, you will receive confirmation that registration in Google has passed successfully.

Work with old boxes

How to start a Google mailbox and translate all your mail from Yandex and other services? The transfer operation of all your information will take time, but will be completed successfully. You just need to start mail and activate the "Accounts and Import" tab "Import Mail and Contacts" option. In the window that appears, you must specify the address and password of the imported mail with which Google must transfer information.

If you want to hide from opponents, you need to create a new Gmail Mail account and import all your letters and contacts it. The enemies will not even catch that you have acquired a new postal address: your answers to their messages will come with the address of the old mail. Here is such a disguise.

Where to find Google services?

Create Gmail account - to use any Google service for free. Where are they located? Enter your post account and find the black stripe from above. There will be inscriptions: documents, sites, photos. You will need to click on the link "More". In the dropping window you will find what is required. For example, YouTube.

If you need to create a Google Google account on the Android phone, you just need to bind mail and account Google to it. This service is free. In addition, when you deliver the phone, all your contacts will remain in the computer.


Registration and creating a Gmail account not only facilitates transitions inside the system. If you need to send a letter to overseas sites, for example, when buying goods, Gmail Mail will deliver the correspondence without difficulty. Addresses with the end of the "RU" may simply not come to the intended purpose and get lost in the space of the Internet.

Registration in the Google system is very simple, but it opens up great opportunities: you can not only create a mailbox and use it, but also to communicate with friends, download games and view video using a special Google Play application. The article talks about how to register in the Google system, as well as in its Google Play application.

Registration in Google

In order to register with Google, you need to go through several stages:

  1. Go to the main country Google and choose "Registration".
  2. After that, enter your data:
    • surname;
    • username;
    • password;
    • date of birth;
    • mobile phone;
    • spare email address (you can not enter it, but it is needed to restore the password);
    • data for verification (they are specified in the window and it can be numbers and letters);
    • country
  3. After that, we put a tick opposite the Terms of Use and click "Next".
  4. Then add photos and registration is completed.
  5. On the next page, the system will congratulate you on a successful registration.
  6. By clicking on the "Forward" button, you will get to the Google Main Page. In order to check the google mail, press mail in the upper right corner and get into your mailbox.

Adding a site in Google

In order to increase the site attendance, it is necessary to make your portal be available to a large number of visitors. To do this, the site must be added to Google directory. This is done in two ways.

Method 1

The first way implies the availability of an account in the Google system:

  1. In the window that opens, see your mailbox and enter the password.
  2. Next, add the URL of the new site and enter verification symbols.
  3. Clicking "Send Inquiry", data is sent to the system check. Meanwhile, you can enter a new URL.

Method 2

This method implies the lack of mailbox in the Google system.

  1. Come on the link
  2. We register in the Google system.
  3. We enter the account, select "Scan URL" and add the URL of the site.

Register in Google Play

Sign up to Google Play (Google Play) is very simple, and the whole procedure takes a few minutes:

  1. First you need to go to the Google Play application.
  2. Next, you should create a new account, for this you need to click "new". Next, you must enter registration data:
    • surname;
    • mailing address. Mailbox must be registered in the Google system. If it is not, register a new account is not necessary, you just need to come up with it and write it down. Thus, along with the account on Google Play, you will have an account in Google.
  3. You must come up with a password and repeat it. It should be remembered that for reliability, the password should consist of letters and numbers.
  4. The next step is to enter the data that is responsible for recovering the password: you must enter an existing mailing address (even if it is registered in other systems), choose a secret question and write an answer to it.
  5. In the window that opens, you will be asked to join Google +, but you need to choose "not now."
  6. After that, you should click "accept", so you agree with the terms of use of Google, and enter the text that will be displayed in the picture.
  7. Next, the system will offer to tie a credit card, you can do it, and you can skip this stage by clicking "Not Now."
  8. Registration has passed successfully, it remains only to synchronize the device from Google. For example, if you sync photos, each time you add pictures, the device will try to synchronize them from Google. In this menu, you need to select the item you are interested in.
  9. After you click "Next," you will be offered to agree with the terms of Google Play. You should click "Accept" and then you can choose and install games, read books, view movies.

For those who recently bought a phone, the question of how to create an account on android is relevant. All modern devices are equipped with Google applications. When you first turn on the smartphone will ask for registration. If you have an account, you must enter an email address and password. Otherwise, you need to create a profile.

Account Creating Instructions

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "Image" Data-SRC \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Google Account" width="300" height="169"> !} This action is necessary to simplify work with the phone. There will be access to the use of free programs for downloading applications, games, music and books. A single account on Android will allow several programs at once. Creating a profile will help synchronize YouTube, Chrome, Gmail on multiple devices. The system is safe, the login and password is required to enter. It is impossible to access the data without this.

Most likely, the registration process will be held when the phone is first turned on. If for some reason it did not happen, you can create an account at another point.

  1. To register, open the phone's menu and select "Settings".
  2. You need subparagraph "Accounts" -\u003e "Add Account".
  3. In a new window, one of two actions will be proposed: enter the data of an existing account or create a new one.
  4. The first case should not cause questions, so consider the second option.
  5. Go to the next step and enter the name and surname, then select "Next".

JPG "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: ATTENTION!" width="50" height="50"> !} Create a username. To be easier to remember, you can enter the name and surname in the Latin language. If such a profile exists, the phone will report it. By registering, you will use the invented nickname when entering the email address (in front of the symbol "@"). Remember the final version of the user name and go to the next step.

Come up with password, enter and specify it again in the appropriate graph. This principle will eliminate the probability of error or typos. Safely use a complex password consisting of large and small letters, as well as numbers.

When you first turn on, any Android device will ask you to create or log in in Google Account.

As you can guess, two options: either you have an account or not. In the first case, log in and rejoice in life, in the second, follow the simple instruction that we carefully prepared for inexperienced users.

Why do you need a Google account?

To begin with, we'll tell you why you need an account, and why not do without its creation. First of all, it is necessary to authorize in Google Play and download applications and games there. Secondly, Google has many useful services: YouTube, Gmail, maps, cloud storage and others. To simplify the user accessed access to them, one account is created.

It is really convenient and safe: all services, including application store and mail, work on a smartphone when connected to one account.

How to create an account on android?

As mentioned above, it will have to do either when the device is first turned on, or through the settings\u003e Acquints\u003e Add account. In both cases, the procedure is the same. Let's tell about every step in detail.

1. Tap "Create an account". In the window that opens, you can enter an email address of an already existing account or create a new one. We consider the second case.

2. Enter the name and surname, click "Next".

3. Come up with username. It should contain only Latin letters and numbers. This name will be indicated before @ For example, if you have chosen AndroidLime nickname, the mailing address will look like this: [Email Protected]

Please note that many nicknames are already busy - most likely you will have to move different options to find free.

4. Next step - password inventing. We recommend using the letters of different register and numbers.

5. Now you can tie a phone number to the account. We recommend using this option - you can drop a password using the phone number and enter your account.

Enter your phone number. It will have an SMS message with the code to be entered to confirm.

6. Take privacy and use conditions.

7. A window will appear with the created email, password (it is hidden by points) and information that you have received "access to everything in our services."

8. Window called. We recommend leaving a tick opposite item "Store backup applications, data, settings, etc.", as it will protect you from losing important data by backing up. A tick opposite the item "Receive the newsletter" in its discretion.

9. The last step is specify payment data. If you are not going to buy content, skip this step by choosing "No, thank you." In the opposite, specify payment data and confirm them.

This is the creation of a Google account for Android completed. Now you have full access to all services: from Google Play, use Gmail Mail, watch the video on YouTube and store photos in Google photos.

To register with Google for free, you can use one of two options: Create a new Google Mail (that is, create a Google account), or use the existing email, for example, on Male RU or Yandex.At.

Before switching to these options, it should be noted that Google is not only a search engine, but also a whole set of services to which:

  • search;
  • youTube ();
  • Google Play (Google Play);
  • news;
  • cards;
  • mail (;
  • disk;
  • the calendar;
  • Google Wallet (Google Pay)
  • and etc.

Register in Google for free means to create a new electronic google mail (in other words, to start a Google account), or link the existing mail in order to enjoy all the Google services. In other words, by registering in Google, you currently create Google account and on the computer, and simultaneously start Google mail, register in Google Play, in Google Platter Market, in the social network Google Plus, in Google Cards, Google Disk, Google Documents and Get access to the rest of the Google services and opportunities.

Thus, if you register in Google for free, then as a result you will have a universal key - an email and password that opens access to all the services of Google.

In order to use these services, registration in Google is needed. For this there are two options:

  1. create a new google account,
  2. either use any mail.

Consider each of them.

I create Google Account to register in Google for free

Step 1. Click any browser (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.).

Step 3. The "Create Google Account" window will open, in which you need to fill, at least required fields:

Fig. 2. Create a new account in Google (that is, we open a new mail @

8 in fig. 2 - You can select the desired language from the drop-down menu, for example, Russian, if you have a different language option on the screen.

1 in fig. 2 - We introduce the name, surname.

2 in fig. 2 - Now we need a "username". We come up with. It can be both your name and any fictional nickname. You can use the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and points. The main thing, the name of the user must be unique, the only and unique on the entire Internet.

3 in fig. 2 - By the way, Google suggests which you can choose the available usernames for your e-mail address. But you can not pay attention to these prompts and come up with your name for Google Mail (or Google Account).

4 Fig. 2 - option "Use current email address" Consider. In the meantime, we do not pay attention to this reference, for it is not needed to create a new google account.

  • What data we use
  • For what we need data
  • Control over data

Changing "Other options" (Fig. 4), you can first read, and then it is possible to quickly adjust the following moments, putting a tick opposite one of the proposed options:

History of applications and web search:

  1. Save and web search in Google Account,
  2. Either not to save
  1. Show personalized advertising
  2. Do not show personalized advertising

Youtube Search History

  1. Save my search history YouTube in Google Account
  2. Do not save

YouTube watching history

  1. Keep my youtube watching history in Google Account
  2. Do not save

History of locations

  1. Save my location history in Google Account
  2. Do not save
  1. Save my story in Google Account
  2. Do not save

You can mark the option "Send me from time to reminders about these settings."

All these settings can be made after registering the Google account, but few people are remembered about them, and if you remember, it is already too late to configure or change anything.

At the end, click on the blue button "I accept" (Fig. 4).

Excellent, Google Account is created:

Fig. 5. Google congratulates with the new Google account

Google will congratulate you with the creation of an account. You can check the security account settings. Go to the Gmail service and use it capabilities.

Thus, you can create a Google account (it is Google Account, it is Google Mail and this is simultaneously accessing Google's services).

Ii Register google account through the current email address

When there are many different mailboxes, it is easier to get confused in a row of e-mail addresses and passwords to them. You can register with Google with your favorite mailbox, for example.

But it must be borne in mind that when registering on foreign sites, including in foreign online stores, letters for confirmation of registration, for example, may simply be simply not to reach.

To register in Google with the mail that you already have, go by reference

and click "use the current email address" (Fig. 2). The "Create Google Account" window will appear:

Fig. 6. To register with Google, you can use any email address.

6 in fig. 6 - You can immediately choose the "Russian" language, if there is a need for this.

1 in fig. 6 - We enter the name, surname.

2 - indicate the existing email - without errors, for the letter will come there to confirm that this mail is yours.

4 - invent the password for at least eight characters. It can coincide with the password from the existing email, but in terms of security, the same password for mail and for Google Account is bad.

The confirm email address window opens (the address that was listed in Fig. 6):

Fig. 7. Enter the confirmation code to register with Google with your post

To confirm the email address, we go to your mail and are looking for a letter. If there is no, then it is possible that it fell into the "Spam" folder. In Mile Mail, a letter from Google to confirm the address looks like this:

Fig. 8. It is required to confirm the email address

We open the letter, we find the code there and enter it in the "Confirm email address" window (Fig. 7).

After the mail is confirmed, we get to the window "Welcome to Google":

Fig. 9. To register in Google, you must specify the date of birth, the floor. If you wish, you can specify the phone number.

1 in fig. 9 - the phone is not necessary, but still it is desirable to do it for the security of the account, including for the simplicity of its recovery.

2 - Introducing the age, we must take into account the age restrictions of Google, which look more higher after fig. 3.

3 in fig. 9 - Select the floor in the menu from four options: female, male, not specified, additionally.

Fig. 10. It is necessary to accept the Privacy Policy Google

As can be seen in Fig. 10, you can immediately set security settings for your Google account. See for more about them, immediately after fig. four.

How to get out of google and then enter

Registration in Google is enough to pass once, and then you can leave google and enter again. It is necessary to leave the Google account, for example, in order to enter another Google account. In addition, you should always leave the Google account if the entrance has been carried out from someone else's device.

In order to exit Google account, it follows in the upper right corner to click on the icon with its name (1 in Fig. 11), then click "Exit" (2 in Fig. 11):

Fig. 11. Exit Google account (or exit from Google Mail)

To enter Google Account, go.

Enter your username and password. If you started a new google mail, then its address and password to it are entered (which were administered during registration - Fig. 2).

If another mail was used (for example, [Email Protected]), then for the entrance to Google, the account must be introduced its email (for example, [Email Protected]) and password for Google account (introduced during registration - Fig. 6).

Google account on android phone

To date, the electronic google mail on is created very often, because those who use electronic devices based on the android operating system.

You can create a new account on your smartphone, having done steps similar to those described above.

It is possible for someone it will be easier to register in Google first on the computer, and then use this google account on android smartphone, for example, as an account.

Safety regulations

You can make security settings in Google Account. It is possible that it is more important than such settings are the elementary safety rules that each user should be used to avoid unpleasant surprises:

  • it is important to create complex passwords for logging into the system;
  • for greater security, the password can be periodically changed (once a week, or once a month or at least once a year);
  • do not include the date of birth and the names of your loved ones, as well as their own;
  • do not share the data to enter your account;
  • if the account is required to fulfill your work or for financial transactions, it is better to create a separate one;
  • as you can easily log in to your account with new devices and in unfamiliar places.