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Extended Powered by SMF. First steps in SIMPLE MACHINES FORUM search engine optimization: We delete copywrites and external links

Everyone knows that I just can not live without Jumla, but, in my opinion, there is no good forum in the components. Therefore, I work with forum engines. One of the new ones I just recently began to use is starting a new category SMF, I hope with a useful material. We start with small, well, and as newcomers are very useful.

First steps B. search engine optimization Simple Machines. Forum: Delete copywrites and external links

Immediately make a reservation that I only work SMF 2 and this article will relate to this version of the free forum engine.

And so, permanent readers know how much I do not like to put on "10" external references to the official sites of the engines, including forum. That is why the first thing I delete copywrites and whole 4, attention 4 external references of the species " SMF 2.0.2 | SIMPLE MACHINES | SMF © 2011 | Xhtml "! To do this, connect to the site for FTP Forum / Themes / name of your topic/ and edit the file index.template.php.. Naturally, at the bottom there is a code (about 330 lines), which is taking out that not believable to us external links. Therefore, we delete: "

  • ", theme_copyright (),"
  • "And"
  • ", $ TXT [" XHTML "],"
  • ". That's so simple and leggo. In the nearest publications, wait for new materials on promoting and optimizing forums on SMF /

    If someone does not know, Simple Machines Forum - for brevity SMF is, as it is stated on the official website, a free, professional level package, which will allow you to organize your own online community in a few minutes. On this engine, you can see here. I myself set my forum on it (by the way, come in

    No matter, a lot or little spam appears on your forum. It is important that you spend your precious time to moderation. Setting the plugin that will do all the work for you takes a few minutes, and it will save you, in total, days and months, which will be collaborated from those minutes that you would spend on erasing messages and delete users.

    I note that I tried to fight my own spammers - blocked IP access and even at subnets. It really worked, sifled a lot of garbage, but, nevertheless, once in one or two days someone made his way. And quite a long time went on replenishing the base of the banned IP. I thought that there should be a more convenient way, and he really found!

    1. Installing and configuring STOP SPAMMER

    For two weeks of work, this plugin blocked 2202 fake users. Each of them would leave, for a minimum, one post. Spammers are not going to slow down turnover and every day I would spend time on clearing your forum.

    Instead, once a few days I go to the user management page, I see there something like this:

    I turn to the section "Expect approval" (this is the found spammers that are deprived of the opportunity to leave messages before approving their accounts by the administrator). I put a tick "to allocate all" and remove them with one click:

    That's all, all spam accounts are sent to unprecedented. Return to our list of users:

    It can be seen that the list was noticeable, but who is the rest? We highlight all and send one button to check:

    One "red" appeared, I immediately delete it. If you have free time, you can do others. If there is no time, do not do anything with new users - most of them are "blushing" with subsequent checks. If you have time, you can go to their profiles and see if there is a link in the signature - immediately in the ban, these are fake spammers that will never leave a single useful message.

    I told how to use this magic plugin, now I will tell you how to install it.

    Download two files: (this is a language package for translation plugin) and (the number may be different, since the versions are updated). Unpack the contents of the archive in some folder. In the same folder, unpack the archive, agree to replace the files. Now pack our folder to the zip archive.

    In the admin step, go to the installation of packages. Opposite the "Download Package" inscription there is a button to select a file on a computer. Choose our new Archive (where we replaced the language file), unload it to the forum and activate the package.

    That's all ready!

    Additional setting of the plugin occurs in the admin: Go to

    Users → Registration → Setup

    You can leave the default values \u200b\u200bthere. Even there there is the "Your API key" field. Without this key, you will not be able to report new spammers (but the plugin will work and filter well-known spammers). If you want to get your own API key, go to the website for registration, and then specify the key here. If you have not received the key, leave the field empty. Then the default key will be used.

    2. Installing and configuring Anti-Spam Links

    At the Adepts of the Seo Religion (more about my attitude to Seo-Nists can see in another) there is a solid conviction that increasing the number of references to your site, they "promote it" (for some reason the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating interesting and high-quality content to anyone from They do not occur). There would be a sucker, and ways to pull out money from it will be found. So, some "citizens" provide services on the "run" sites on the forums. They create a large number of accounts on different forums and insert back links in the signatures and in other available fields. Despite the fact that even "CEO experimenters" has proven to be experienced, the lot from these links is zero, some warn that it is possible to get a ban from search engines, Yandex, for example, just ignores links to all forums and sites where any can Leave links. Google also has similar algorithms - ignoring references in comments, etc. But the law is not written, the law is not written ... Therefore, we, owners of forums, have to be reckoned with those facts that "steep seed optimizers" for a thousand rubles are ordered by "run" of their befickers.

    A lot of Stop Spammer plugin. But we can help him! You can knock out from under the legs of spammers, it is of interest to post links on your forum. It is for this that you need Anti-Spam Links. This plugin (specific numbers can be changed in the settings) does so:

    • those who, for example, less than five posts, can not leave links at all
    • those who, for example, less than 15 messages, can not leave active links, is removed from the link http: // and generally these links become Nubolinki (newbielink)
    • those who, for example, less than 50 messages can leave active links, but all links receive the Nofollow attribute.
    • well, those who have more than 50 messages can insert the most common active references that transmit the weight of the site page to which they refer.

    Believe me, the grief-optimizers are very closely related to what form their link hits the site. They will quickly lose interest to your forum, if you can not easily leave your shit and links there to your shit sites there.

    Yes, by the way, the rules above work in these fields as a signature.

    To install this plugin, go to its official page. Download the archive (the number may be different). Again in the forum admin. Scroll to install packages (how it was done with the previous package) and install it. There is no language file for this package, so you do not need to unpack the archive or something with it.

    To configure the plugin, go to the section

    Configuration → Modov Setup ... → Setting up modifications

    At your own desire, it is necessary to stand up how many messages must have a user to upgrade its capabilities.


    These two plugins greatly facilitate you, the owner of the forum, life and save a lot of time. However, from time to time spammers break through and, at least once a week, you need to "rush" users and delete spam messages. So do not throw your web resources!

    Well, let's start giving small tips on optimizing and promoting sites (forums) on PHPBB. In this case, we will spend a small hack that will help get rid of the external links of the species " Powered by phpbb ©... ". In this publication, we will look at 2 ways with which you can do this - reception for pHPBB 3.x.x..

    Remove the external link Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PhpBB Group and Russian PHPBB support

    The first way to remove external links with the inscription Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 phpBB Group. And so, the most easy way - Delete with the admin panel. We go into the administrative panel, go to the "Styles" menu item, we see the panel where the block is located in the menu, we are interested in the "Style components" block, and in it "patterns". According to the standard in the proposed window, we will see the following: Prosilver and Subsilver2, although Muga is different if you installed them. In general, do not essence. From the closed kit, select the default used. Click on the "Edit" button next to the template. Next, a window appears with the "Select the template file". Next, select the "template file" - "overall_footer.html". The HTML editor appears below. Find the following code: " Powered by PhpBB 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PHPBB GROUP"And just delete, although you can install your link and inscription."
    (Translation_info) "(which is below, can also be deleted) - This code is responsible for localization for example an external link with the words" Russian support phpBB ".

    The second way to remove an external link with the inscription Powered by phpbb © 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007 PHPBB GROUP. This method is similar, but we connect to the site of Pratacolau FTP. Go to the next STYES path / OVERAL_FOOTER.html_footer. And edit the same code that we edited above. If you change the code, do not forget to set UTF encoding - so on the place of the ankors may appear "Crakrooms" (squares, and other incomprehensible characters).

    Everyone knows that I just can not live without Jumla, but, in my opinion, there is no good forum in the components. Therefore, I work with forum engines. One of the new ones I just recently began to use is starting a new category SMF, I hope with a useful material. We start with small, well, and as newcomers are very useful.

    First steps in search optimization simple Machines Forum: Remove copyright and external links

    Immediately make a reservation that I only work SMF 2 and this article will relate to this version of the free forum engine.

    And so, permanent readers know how much I do not like to put on "10" external references to the official sites of the engines, including forum. That is why the first thing I delete copywrites and whole 4, attention 4 external references of the species " SMF 2.0.2 | SIMPLE MACHINES | SMF © 2011 | Xhtml "! To do this, connect to the site for FTP Forum / Themes / name of your topic/ and edit the file index.template.php.. Naturally, at the bottom there is a code (about 330 lines), which is taking out that not believable to us external links. Therefore, we delete: "

  • ", theme_copyright (),"
  • "And"
  • ", $ TXT [" XHTML "],"
  • ". That's so simple and leggo. In the nearest publications, wait for new materials on promoting and optimizing forums on SMF /

    Let's start immediately from the main script code:

    # script
    # (C) 2010 Alexandr A Alexeev, http: // Site /

    # Commented lines - for rigor
    # If the task is to collect the statistics of the engines, leave as it is
    # If you make a list of forums - Rassate

    mY $ DATA;
    $ data. \u003d $ _ while ();

    # Check how much it was powered by phpbb without reference in the basement
    print "phpbb \\ n"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? phpbb \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e PHPBB / I Or.
    # $ Data \u003d ~ /ViewForum\\.php\\?[ ^""**F\u003d\\D+/i OR
    $ Data \u003d ~ / PHPBB \\ -SEO / I OR
    $ Data \u003d ~ /) ;
    print "IPB \\ N"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? INVISION (?: Board | Power) \\. Com \\ /? [^ "] *" [^\u003e] *\u003e [^ Or.
    $ Data \u003d ~ /
    ] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? INVISIONBOARD \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e INVISION POWER BOARD / I
    $ Data \u003d ~ /

    / I Or.
    $ Data \u003d ~ /INDEX /.php\\?[^""**ShowForum\u003d\\D+/I.) ;
    print "VBulletin \\ n"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ / Powered by:? [^ Or
    $ Data \u003d ~ / OR
    $ Data \u003d ~ /ForumDisplay\\.php\\?[_""***f\u003d\\d+/i.) ;
    print "SMF \\ n"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? Simplemachines \\ .org \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e Powered by SMF / I Or.
    $ Data \u003d ~ /INDEX\\.php\\?[^"""*board\u003d\\D+\\.0/i.) ;
    print "Punbb \\ n"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + HREF \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (? :(?: www \\.)? Punbb \\ .org | Punbb \\ .informer \\ .com) \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e PUNBB / I. ); #Or.
    # $ Data \u003d ~ /ViewForum\\.php\\?[^"""*id\u003d\\D+/i);
    print "Fluxbb \\ n"
    # if ($ Data \u003d ~ /ViewTopic\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i OR
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / (?: www \\.) Fluxbb \\ .org \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e FluxBB / I ) ;
    print "EXBB \\ N"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Exbb \\ .org \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e EXBB / I ); # OR
    # $ Data \u003d ~ /Forums\\.php\\?[^""**_Forum\u003d\\D+/i);
    pRINT "YABB \\ N"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? yabbforum \\ .com \\ /? "[^\u003e] *\u003e Yabb / i Or.
    $ data \u003d ~ /yabb\\.pl ~ / )""*_num\u003d\\d+/i);
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ / \\ (Powered by Dle Forum \\) / I OR
    $ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] + (?: http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? DLE \\ -files \\ .ru | ACT \u003d Copyright) [^ "] *"\u003e DLE Forum / I ) ;
    print "IKONBOARD \\ N"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "[^"] * http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Ikonboard \\ .com \\ /? [^ "] *" [^\u003e] *\u003e ikonboard / i Or.
    $ Data \u003d ~ / OR
    $ data \u003d ~ /ikonboard /.cgi/i);
    print "BBPRESS \\ N"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /); # OR
    # $ Data \u003d ~ /topic\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i or
    # $ Data \u003d ~ /Forum\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i);
    print "Flashbb \\ n"
    # if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forums\\.php\\?fid\u003d\\D+/i or
    # $ data \u003d ~ /topic \\.php\\?fid\u003d\\D+/i or
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? Flashbb \\ .net \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e FlashBB / I ) ;
    print "Stokesit \\ N"
    # if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forum\\.php\\?f\u003d\\D+/i or
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? stokesit \\ .com \\ .au \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e [^ \\ /] * Stokes IT / I ) ;
    pRINT "PODIUM \\ N"
    # if ($ Data \u003d ~ /topic ~Fp\\?t\u003d\\D+/i or
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d [""]? http: \\ / / / (?: www \\.)? SOPEBOX \\ .com \\ /? [""]? [^\u003e] *\u003e Podium / I ) ;
    print "USEBB \\ N"
    # if ($ Data \u003d ~ /Forum\\.php\\?id\u003d\\D+/i or
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? USBB \\ .net \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e USEBB / I ) ;
    print "Wrforum \\ n"
    # if ($ data \u003d ~ /index ~Fp\\?Fid\u003d\\D+/i or
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ /] + href \u003d "http: \\ / \\ / (?: www \\.)? WR \\ -Script \\ .ru \\ /?" [^\u003e] *\u003e WR \\ -Forum / I ) ;
    print "YetanotherForumnet \\ n"
    if ($ Data \u003d ~ / Yet Another Forum \\ .net / I OR
    $ Data \u003d ~ /Default\\.aspx\\?g\u003dposts&t\u003d\\D+/i.) ;

    This and other scripts mentioned in the post can be found in this archive.

    Script Examines the HTML page code for the presence of a forum engine signature in it. We used similar reception when determining WordPress and Joomla, but there is a couple of differences. First, the script itself does not upload the page code, and reads it from STDin or a file transmitted as an argument. This allows you to upload a page once, for example, using WGET, and then drive it through several analyzers if we are not alone. Secondly, in this script, the presence of signature is a 100% sign of the engine. Last time the presence of signature only gave the weight to the corresponding engine and "won" the engine with the greatest weight. I decided that in this case this approach only will complicate the code.

    To test the work of the script, I spent a slight study. I am a list of several thousand forums and drove each of them through my script, thereby determining the percentage of the program's triggings and the popularity of various engines.

    To get a list of forums, I took advantage of Google Parser. Search engine Requests of type were sent

    site: Forum. *. ru
    Site: Talk. *. RU
    Site: Board. *. RU
    SITE: SMF. *. RU
    Site: phpbb. *. ru

    etc. Full code generator code you will find in the file gen-forumSearch-URLS.PL. In addition to were also .ua .kz I.BY. Last time, this study was difficult, since sites on Wordpress and Joomla do not have similar signatures in the URL. Catalogs like do not provide sufficient sampling. What is 600 sites on Drupal?

    I must admit, the results of the experiment were upset of me. Of the 12590 studied sites, only 7083 engines were determined successfully, that is, only in 56% of cases. Maybe I did not take into account any engine? Is it really bitrix at half to see? Or did I stand more time to pay the search for signatures? In general, additional research is required here.

    Among the 56% of successfully identified engines most popular, as expected, turned out to be IPB (31%), PHPBB (26.6%) and VBulletin (26.5%)

    For them with a large lag behind SMF (5.8%) and Dleforum (5.3%). My favorite PunbB was only 6th place (1.64%). I would not advise to greatly trust these numbers (they say, every third forum in RuNet works on IPB), but certain conclusions do, of course, you can.

    For example, if you intend to make a website on the forum engine and plan to modify the forum, say, pay users of 0.01 $ for each message with automatic output of funds once a week, then you should choose one of the three most popular engines. The more popular the forum, the greater the chances of finding a programmer who disassembled well in it.

    If significant changes in the engine is not expected, it may make sense to choose not the most popular engine, for example SMF or PUNBB. By this, you will reduce the number of hacker attacks on your forum and the number of spam automatically sent on it.

    Scripts for search / definition of forums can also be found not one practical application. The first thing that came into my head personally is to sort the identified forums on the Titz and place the posts with links to one of their sites on the first hundred. However, hundreds of forum dofolllow links did not affect TIC (2 updates passed), so it's better not to spend time here, unless you are interested in transitions.

    It is clear that the name of the scripts is far from the only one. I think you will easily come up with how else you can use them.

    Starting a New Topic

    Browse to the Board WHERE You Wish To pOST AND. Click The. New Topic Button (Positioned by Default At Both The Top And The Bottom of The Board, as shown in the), Which Should Take You to the Start New Topic Screen. While This Presents a Number of Options, The Two Most Important Are Subject. Field and Main. Message. Field (Not Labeled As Such, But Obvious by ITS Size). So Enter Your Subject and Start to Type (Or Paste) Your Message Into The Main Text Area, Noting That A Message Missing Either A Subject Or A Body Will Not Be Accepted for Posting Until It Has Both. IF You "Re Happy With Your Plain Text Message, You Can Then Post IT by Clicking The POST. Button and / or Preview IT FIRST by Clicking The PREVIEW. Button, But There Are Many Further Available to Make Things That Little Bit More Interesting.

    • Some Forums Show The navigation Tree. AT The Top in A Space-Saving Horizontal Mode.
    • Some Forums May Be Configured to Offer An Additional Spell Check. Button Alongside The. POST. And. PREVIEW. Options.

    Starting a New Poll

    A Poll Is Basically A Topic With An Added Question and Voting Options Started by Clicking NEW POLL. Instead Of. New Topic . To Post a Poll IT IS Necessary to Fill Out The Question. Field and at Least Two Of The Option Fields in Addition to the Subject. And. Message. Fields Required by a Standard Topic. Further Options to Configure How Many Chices The User May Vote For, Howl Long The Poll Should Run, Whether Users Chan Change Their Votes and What Conditions Must Be Displayed For the Results to Be Displayed Should Be Self-Explanatory.

    To Offer More Than Five Choices in A Poll, Simply Click Add option. As Many Times AS Necessary.

    Note That It May Also Be Possible for some users in some forums to add a poll to an existing Topic.

    Posting An Event To the Calendar

    Where This Option Has Been Configured (IT "S Not Standard" Out of The Box "), You can post an event by selecting Calendar from the foot POST EVENT. From the Calendar Screen. What you see now is a Start New Topic SCREEN WITH SUPPLEMENTARY FIELDS FOR THE EVENT TITLE, DATE AND TARGET Board, Which Simply Add Your Event to the Calendar and Create A Link Back to Your Post in That Board.

    Replying to a Topic or Poll

    Replying to a Topic or Poll Is Basically The Same As, But It "S Not Necessary to Enter Anything in the Subject. Field Unless You Wish to Change What "S ALREADY THERE. TO VOTE IN A POLL, YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO SELECT YOUR Chosen Option (s) and click Submit vote..

    If "Quick Reply" HAS Been Enabled, a Simple Reply Field Will Also Appear After The Post (s) on a Page, But to Type Your and Manually If You Choose to Use IT.

    Quoting a post.

    To reply to a post by quoting it, you can either click the QUOTE. Button for The Relevant Post and Add Your Own Message To the QUOTED TEXT OL CLICK THE Reply Button Followed By. Insert Quote. From the relavant post in the "Topic Summary" Below, But Note That:

    • Both The Original Post Showing The Name of the Poster and The Date and Time of the POSTER AND THE DATE AND TIME OF THE POSTER AND THE DATE AND TIME OF THE POSTE, WHEREAS THE qUOTE. Tag Simply Quotes The Relevant Post Without This Additional Information.
    • You Can Also Retain Or Add The "Author" Attribute Independently of the Full QUOTE. Function, AS Demonstrated in the Below.

    Modifying or deleting a post

    To Modify A Post, Click The Modify. Button and make your channes. Note That Most Forums Are Likely to Be Configured to Show The Date and Time of the Last Edit, But The Administrator (s) May Also Allow A Short Period to Elapse Before This Hapaps.

    To Delete A Post, Click The Delete. Button Followed By. OK. From the Remove This Message? Box That Appears. Some Forums May Also Allow You to Remove Topics or Polls That You Start, But The Buttons for These Are Usually At The Bottom of the Page.

    Standard Posting Options.

    Notify me of replies

    Check This To Subscribe to Email Notification for the Topic.

    Return to this Topic

    Check This To Return to the Topic (Instead of the Message Index) After Posting (NB You Can Also Set This Behavior As A Preference in Your Profile).

    Don "t use smileys

    Check This To Prevent Certain in Your Post from Being Parsed and Rendered As Smileys.


    If Enabled, This Feature Allows You to Attach Files to Your Posts in Much The Same Way As Most Email Clients, So You Simply Have to Browse to the Relvent File (s) on Your Computer Before Clicking POST.. You can Delete Your Attachment (s) Or Add Serd by, But Please Note That:

    • The Permitted File Types and Sizes Are Set by The Forum Administrator (S).
    • Although Most Forums Are Likely Be Configured to Display Attached Images As Part of the POST, IT "S NOT POSSIBLE TO pREVIEW. Attachments So You Should Always Browse to and Attach Your Files Just Before You Finally pOST. Your message.


    SMF Bulletin Board Code

    The Buttons Shown Belong to the SMF Default Theme and May Differ from Forum to Forum.

    Tag Name. Button. Code. Output. Comments
    Bold. [b] Bold bold. *
    Glow. glow. The Three Attributes (EG Red, 2, 50) in the "Glow" Tag Are Color, Strength and Width ReSpectively.
    The Two Attributes (EG Red, Left) in the "Shadow" Tag Are Color and Direction Recpectively.
    move. Move. Not Valid Xthml, But Can Also Be Used for Images!
    Simple Machines Forum Preserve Critical Text Formatting, Rendered in a MonoSpace font.
    left Align. *
    centered *
    right Align. *
    Right-to-Left * right to LEFT! Typical Usage Would Be to Post Arabic Or Hebrew in An English Document.
    Left-to-Right * lEFT TO RIGHT! Typical Usage Would Be to Post English in An Arabic or Hebrew Document.
    font Size *
    font face. ONLY FONTS INSTALLED ON THE USER "S Computer Will Be Displayed, So Use with Caution!
    Font color CHANGE Color Black Red Yellow Pink Green Orange Purple Blue Beige Brown Teal Navy Maroon Lime Green red red SELECT THE COLOR FROM THE DROP-DOWN.

    http: //someesite/somefile.swf.
    http: //someesite/somefile.swf. Please Note That, If Embedded Flash Has Been Disabled by The Forum Administrator (S), The Flash File Will Appear As A Straight Hyperlink AS Shown Here. The Two Attributes in the "Flash" Tag (Where Relevant) Are Width and Height ReSpectively.

    http: //somesite/image.gif.
    Type The Width and Height Attributes to Resize The Image.

    http: //somesite/image.gif.
    http: // somesite / http: // somesite / NB The "URL" TAG OPENS IN A new window, But You can Type "IURL" Tags to Open in the Same Window.

    descriptive Link.
    descriptive Link.


    fTP: // Somete / SomeFile
    fTP: // Somete / SomeFile *

    descriptive Link.
    descriptive Link.
    * No Meaningful Output from the "Table" Tags Alone.
    * No Meaningful Output from the "Table" and "tr" tags alone.

    Note The Correct Nesting of the Tags, So The "Table" Tags Contain The "TR" Tags, Which Each Contain An Equal Number of "TD" Tags!
    SMF. Bulletin.
    Board Code.
    superScript. *
    subscript. *
    teletype. MonoSpace font.

    SMF Mods Are Very Important to Every Simple Machine Forum Powered Bulletin Board AS IT Lets You Add Features and Customizations to Your Forum Without Losing Them to Core Forum Software Updates and / or Change of theme.

    Simple Machines Forum (SMF) Being An Open Source Software Has Got Thousands of Modifications (mods) to Meet The Need of Every Discussion Board Owner or Even Developers.

    Being A Long Time User of the SMF Forum Software, I Have Decided to List Out 50 of The Very Best Simple Machines Forums Modifications (SMF Mods) That Really Matters.

    IT SHOLD BE Useful to Every Forum Owner. I ALSO Made My List So Large to Be Able to Serve Tech, Entertainment, Community, Gaming or Even Religious Forum Administrators That Are On The Look for Best Smf Mods to Install.

    We separated ours list of " top 50 Best SMF Mods That Matters"In Parts, Navigate Through The List by Using The Titles Below.

    Really Important Modifications (MODS)

    Seriously, The Needs of Every Forum Differs Depending On The Targeted Audience and Users, This Is My Reason for Separating This Part from the Entire List As I Wouldn't Recommend As Much AS 50 SMF Mods for a Single Forum.

    This Part Is Limited to Mods for Core Smf Forum Owners Needs SUCH AS: -

    • Security.
    • Preventing Spam Posts and Spam Registrations.
    • Ads and Payment System Integration.
    • Mobile Friendliness and etc.

    1. Misc Anti Spam

    Combating Bots Registry In Any Forum to the Webmaster IS Just As Important As Keeping The Forum Itself. A Forum Left To The Mess of Robots and Spammers Will Hardly See The Light of the Day.

    Some Forums Are Aloady Sent to Oblivion by Not Implementing a Measure to Completely Prevent Spam Bots Registration. This Is My Reason for Placring This Mod at The Very Top of My List.

    Misc Anti Spam SMF Mod Prevents Machines and Automated Bots From Gaining Access to Your Forum. IT Uses.

    2. Anti-Spam Links

    After Fighting Spam Bots Registration, IT IM Important To, These Can Be As Messy As These Bots At Times; Hence the Need to Implement An Automated Police To Use The Sledgehammer on Them.

    Anti-Spam Links Mod For Smf Gives You Control Over Who POST Links in Your Forum Space. Having This MOD Active Will Turn Out to Be The Best Thing To Happen to Your Boards As Forum Link Spamming Will Be Reduced to Zero.

    In My Opinion, IT IS A MUST HAVE SMF mod for Busy Forums.

    3. Optimus Brave.

    Now That The Bad Guys Are Taken Care Of, IT IS Time to Really Face Search Engine Optimization (SEO); A Factor That Will Determine How Far Your Forum Will Go in The Long Run.

    Optimus Brave Mod For SMF Takes Care of Every Options Needed to Give Your Forum A Good Shape In The Eyes of Google and Other Tops Search Engines Around.

    Opimus Brave Mod For SMF Is One Of The Most Used Modification for And Works Flawlessly for Modern-Day Search Engine Optimization. IT IS One of the Only Few SMF MODS WITH ACCESS TO SITEMAP AND ROBOTS.TXT EDITOR.

    4. Custom Action.

    Now That Your Forum IS Ready to Go Viral, You Need Create Some Landing Pages Such As; Privacy Policy, Forum Rules, Terms, Contact Page, Custom Pages and All Than.

    Custom Action Mod for SMF Makes IT Pretty Easy to Create Custom HTML, BBC and PHP Pages. IT IS ALSO A Great Option for Those Not Planning To Use Any Portals MOD.

    IT IS Light-Weighted SMF MOD That Works Really Well On Busy Websites and Without Adding Much Load To the Server.

    5. Tapatalk Integration.

    This is 2014, Either You Implementing a Responsive Design or Using Apps For Those Accessing Your Forum Via Mobile Devices.

    Tapatalk Integration Mod For Smf Makes It Very Easy for You to Create Mobile Application for Those Browsing Your Forum With Phone. There's App for Android, iPhone, BlackBerry and Other Top Mobile Operating System Out There.

    11. Wireless / RSS Amount Displayed

    The Mod Makes It Very Easy for Those Using SMF Default Mobile View and / or Other Similar WAP2 Mods to Take Full Control of the Number of Post Shown to their Mobile Users.

    IT ALSO Gives You Full Control Over The Number of RSS Feed Displayed; With it You can Easily Change Your Displayed RSS Feed From 5 to Something More Convenient.

    12. Related TOPICS

    Related Topics Mod For Smf Can Greatly Improve The Number of Time Guest (Referred by Search) And Users Spend on Your Forum by Suggesting Related Topics to them.

    IT Is Also Great for Reducing Bounces. The Only Down Side Of this Mod Is Being Heavy for Forums Running On a Very Weak Shared Server Hosting Environment.

    13. SA Facebook Integration

    Facebook IS NOW Used by Almost 30% of the Entire World Population Above 13 Years. Providing An Option to Sign Up to Your Forum using Facebook Makes It Even Easier for More People to Join.

    SA Facebook MOD FOR SMF Do Not Only Make It Easy To Create A Facebook Registry Option for Your Forum But Also Adds Facebook Comments, Facebook Likes and Oter Facebook Related Features.

    14. Pretty URL

    Almost Every Option for this, Using Smf Doesn't Mean You Should Piss Of Your Users by Forcing Them Bookmark a Topic The Would Like to Visit Again.

    Pretty URL MOD FOR SMF MAKES Your URL Easy for Both Human and Search Engines to Relate Fine Wit.

    15. Social Media Sharing

    WE COULDNT HANDPICK THE BEST HERE AS THERE ARE TWO AWESOME CHOICE TO Add Pretty Looking Social Media Sharing Buttons to Every of Your Individual Forum Post.

    17. SMF Likes Lite

    This Is a Great Mod For Modern Forum Owners, Adds An Ajax Powered Like Button to Your Forum Post. Great for Entertainment Forum Owners That Might Just Prefer to Give A Thumb Up Instad of Replying to Post.

    IT IS Very Similar to the Official Facebook Like Button. It Also Integrates WELL WELT SMF BY ALLOWING THE ADMIN TO SET NESSARY PERMISSIONS.

    Very Useful MODS.

    Another Part of Our Top 50 SMF Mods That Matters Will Have to do with mods That Aren't Extreme Needed Like The First Two Parts Above But Are Really Essential To The Growth and Overall Development of Your Forum.

    You can As Well Fix This List Up Together With the Second Part of Our List 'COS THEY ARE JUST THAT IMPORTANT TOO. IT Provides Some Enhancement That Can Really Make Your Forum to Stand Out from The Rest.


    REGISTERED LINKS MOD FOR SMF Encourags Guest to Join Your Forum by Masking Every Link on Your Forum with a "Register or Sign" Warning.


    Best for Forums That Has Little or No Moderation, Automatically Adds The Rel \u003d "Nofollow Tag to All Links Contained Within The Forum Post. Use with Caution AS COULD BE BAD SEO-WISE for any regular forum.

    21. SEO and XML Sitemap

    If You Aren't Already Comfortable with Optimus Brave Mod, SEO and XML Sitemap Mod For Smf Can Further Improve The Performance of Your Forum in Google and Other Search Engines.

    22. SmfShop.

    Makes The Forum A Lot more Fun by Rewarding Users with Coin Money Each Time The Make Valuable Contribution in the Forum. The Money Can Be Used to Purchase Stuff from the Forum.

    23. Contact Page

    Makes It: Easy To Add a Professional Contact Form to Any SMF Powered Forum.

    24. SMF Gallery.

    Adds a beautiful Gallery System to SMF WITHOT TWEAKING Any Theme or Core Files.

    25. Tagging System for Topics

    Gives Your Forum A Complete Tagging System Just Like We Have In VBulletin, Makes It Very Easy for Your Users to Add Individual Tags When Creating New Post On The Forum.

    26. Cumulus congestus

    Adds a Little Extra Feature to Your Forum by Creating A Tag Cloud of Popular Topics on Your Forum.

    27. Download System

    Great for Tech, Gaming, Music, Video and Apps Forum. IT Adds a Complete Download System To Your Smf Powered Forum.

    28. Activity in Profile


    Mods for Layout Features and Customization

    This part of Our List Includes Awesome Modification That Will Normally Add Amazing Features, Look, Layout and Glimmering Touch to The Appearance of Your Forum.

    From Brilliant Colors, Awesome Css Styling to Ajax and Facebook Related Features; We Did Our Best to Handpick This Part of SMF Mods That Are Great for Customizing The Layout and Overall Appearance of Your Forum.

    29. Ultimate Profile

    Makes Your Forum Look A Bit Lively and Real by Adding Social Features Like You Have on Facebook and Other Top Social Networking Platforms.

    Users CAN Receive Comments, Customize Their Profile Page with Html & Css and All That.

    30.Default avatar

    Makes Your Forum Beautiful and Consistent In Look by Adding A Default Profile Image to Every of Your Users.

    31. Smart Pagination.

    Adds a Custom Styling to the Default SMF Pagination with Nice Css Tweak.

    32. VBulletin Style Board Index

    Makes Your Forum Index Appear A Bit Different by Styling The Post / Topic Area to Look Similar to That of VBulletin Powered Discussion Boards.

    33. CBI V0.5 (Custom Board Icons)

    Helps You Customize The Default Icons on Your Forum Theme.

    35. Add & Create Social Media ICONS TO PROFILES

    This MOKES IT Easy for All Your Forum Users to Add Popular Social Media Sites to their Profile, It Comes with the icons Too.

    CMS Alternatives to Wordpress and Joomla: Top 10 Free, Secured Options for You

    40. Enotify

    A Fantastic MOD That Allows You to View Incoming PMS Or New Replies Worth Refreshing Your Page. IT Looks Like Facebook Notifications and Use Jgrowl for the user interface.


    Adds Some Decency to Your Individual Boards by Moving Locked Topics To the Bottom.



    41. Board Viewers.

    Simply An Ideal Mod For Large Forums and Entertainment Related Fora With Much Activities. You can Easily See How Many Users and Guest Are in a Particular Board from the homepage.

    42. Hide Images from Guests

    REDUCES BANDWIDTH AS Well As Encourages Guest to Join The Forum by Hiding Images from Them Till They Either Register or Log in to the Forum.

    43. Google Tagged.

    Strengthens The Keyword of Your Forum by Logging Incoming Google Searches and Listing Them As Tags.


    Encourages Guest to Register On Your Forum by Reminding Them They Aren't Members Yet.



    46. \u200b\u200bPM AUTO RESPONDER

    This Important MOD Allows Users to Automatically Send An Auto Response That Will Be Sent to Sender. Moderators Can Also Use It to Automatically Warn Users to Stop Asking for Help Privately.

    47. Fake Topic Views

    CAN't Tell Why Most Entertainment Forum Owners Loves This MOD; Maybe IT Actually Makes Their Forum Look Popular by Faking The Number of Views Upward.

    48. Advance Fake Users and Guests Online for SMF

    Indirectly Increases The Number of New Registrations on Forum, Simply Making It Look Busy Through Increasing Numbers of Guests, Hidden Members AS Well Fake Registered Members.

    49. Recaptcha for SMF

    Used to Be a Great Option for Fighting Spam Bots Registration In The Past But Has Lost Much of Its Potency Over the Years. Still Yet, IT IS One of the Better SMF Mods for Combating Spam and Bots Registeration on Simple Machine Forums.

    50. BXK WAPMOD.

    Another Awesome Option for Making A Better Mobile View or Wap2 Forum. IT Perfectly Complempments Our SMF Mods List As It Tends to Bring a Better Option to Those That Prefers A Stand-Alone Mobile Site to Responsive Designs.

    How To Install SMF MODS

    Installing SMF MODS IS AS Easy As Installing The SMF Software ItSelf. All You Need Do Is Walk Through the Following Steps Carefully or Watch The Video Attached Below for a more Visual Approach to Installing SMF Mods.

    1. Download the SMF Mod You Wish To Install: You can download it directly from the SMF MODS SITE by Saving The Zip Archive MOD PACKAGE TO A KNOWN FOLDER ON Your Computer's Active Desktop.
    2. Log In to Your Smf Forum's Dashboard using the admin details.
    3. Click on the admin. Button from The Navigation Tabs.
    4. LOCATE AND CLICK ON THE LINK NAMED Main. From the Left Side of the Window and Select Packages. .
    5. Pick The download Packages. Option and Scroll Down To Where You Have Browse and The Options.
    6. Click ON. browse. NEXT TO. package to Upload And Find The SMF Mods Zip Package Already Downloaded in the step1. ABOVE.
    7. Click ON. apply Mod. and Use the install Now. Button to Complete The SMF Mods Installation.

    Over to You.

    I Have Taken My Time to List Out The Top 50 SMF MODS THAT ROCKS, I Have Been Doing a lot with Smf Recently and Can Assure You That The MODS (The First Part Mostly) Will Be Very Valuable To Your Forum.

    Do Not Forget to Share and Also Feel Free to Drop Your Questions, DiffiCulty With SMF Modifications and Other Tips That Could Help with Understanding and Working with SMF Mods.

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