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How to restore the lost Windows 7 password. How to unlock a laptop running Windows if you forgot the password

But the trouble happened - the owner forgot the administrator's access code and when an input is attempted, a message is seen about an incorrectly entered password and the inability to log in. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that Windows stores all passwords in a reliably protected section on a hard disk using the SAM system. For security reasons to access it and find out the password is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. On the one hand, it will protect you from third-party intervention, but, on the other, it spoils life great if you forget the access combination. Windows 7 users are most strongly affected, since this version of the OS offers only work with a local account, unlike newly new Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Here, the user can attach Microsoft account to the computer and in the case of a forgotten password will be able to reset it through Site from any device. PC owners on the seven can only remove the administrator password.

Fortunately, everything is not as scary, as it may seem at first glance. If you follow our detailed instructions, how to reset the Windows 7 administrator password when using the local account, as well as how to find out the password, you can easily solve your problem in a short time without help. So, proceed.

Method 1. With the use of the installation disk or the recovery image

To do this, you need a boot disk or flash drive with Windows or the previously created recovery disk (it may also be a flash drive). If the second may not be specified, as you are unlikely to constantly create fresh recovery discs, the installation image can be downloaded on a large number of sites.

  1. Insert the disk or USB flash drive in the PC, mark the media as a priority when loading. It is necessary in order to be loaded from the outer medium, and not from the built-in hard disk.
  2. Depending on the Windows version, click Diagnostics - Advanced Options - Command Line or System Restore - Next - Command Line.
  3. When the command line opens, add a REGEDIT and click ENTER.
  4. Click on the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section to highlight it, then press the file to download the bush.
  5. In the window that opens, go to C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config (if the system is installed in a different section, the address will be several different) and open the System file.
  6. Name the downloaded section by any name, for example, 555.
  7. In the registry editor, find it in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ 555 \\ SETUP section, find the CMDLine and SetupType parameters there. Click on each of them twice and change the figures to the following:
    • Cmdline - cmd.exe.
    • SetupType - 0 Change on 2.
  8. Mark the 555 you created, then click the file - unload bush.
  9. Remove the USB flash drive or disc, close all active utilities, select "Restart" in the main window of the recovery wizard.

After restarting, the command line will be deployed when entering the system. With it, and we will perform further operations.

Password reset

To reset the password, apply the following command:

nET User login password

This command is relevant if you remember exactly writing the username. If you forgot, type the Net User command, after which all the accounts saved on PC will be displayed.

Creating a new account

If you have no administrator account installed, you need to create it using multiple commands. For this one after another, enter them on the command line:

nET Username Password / Add

nET Localgroup Administrators Login / Add

nET Localgroup Users Login / Delete

The first command first creates a new account, then refers it to the administrator group, and then deletes from the user group. After applying all the commands, close the command prompt.

Having created a new account with a new password, you will do without any problems log in Windows.

Note! You will not get to know the password in this way, just reset!

Method 2. Using third-party utilities

Offline NT Password Editor

If the first way implied the use of standard Windows capabilities, then the second offers to use third-party utilities that allow the Windows 7 administrator password reset. One of the most acceptable is offline NT Password Editor, which allows you to get full access to the system partition. You can remove or change the password and activate the administrator account. The utility does not show a graphical interface, but nevertheless it is not difficult to deal with it. Each step is numbered and indicated that you need to do. So, what steps need to be performed to reset the password using this utility?

  1. On another computer or laptop, go to the developer's website, in the BootDisk section, scroll to download download and download the version you need. The file name consists of numbers and letters. If you want to create a boot disk, download the file in the title of which there is a CD, if you enjoy a flash drive, then USB.
  2. If you use a disk, write down the downloaded image through the recording program, and if the flash drive, then perform the following manipulations:
    • Copy the contents of the archive to the USB flash drive without creating any additional files.
    • Expand the command line on behalf of the administrator.
    • Take advantage of the team f: \\ syslinux.exe -ma f:Where instead of F write the letter under which the flash drive is defined in Windows Explorer. If it does not issue any error, it means that everything was written as it should be.
    • Insert your external media into the computer, set it in the BIOS as the first when loading, turn on the computer. Instead of the Windows Welcome window, the utility interface must start.

Step 1

First of all, you need to select a section of a hard disk to which Windows is installed. The program provides a list of disc partitions indicating their size to which you want to navigate. If you remember that usually the system is installed on a C disk, which is less than a D disc several times, it will be quite difficult to make a mistake. Enter the numbers with the section number and press the ENTER button.

Step 2.

After that, the utility requests which part of the registry must be downloaded. Select 1 - Password Reset, press the corresponding digit and confirm with the ENTER button.

Step 3.

Changing or reset the password by editing user data in the registry. CHNTPW MAIN INTERACTIVE MENU is running in the utility, in which item 1 - Edit User Data and Passwords is immediately selected. Confirm the selection by pressing the ENTER button. If you need to change the password, select 2 - Edit (Set New) User Password.

In the CHNTPW Edit User Info & Passwords menu that opens, all computer accounts are displayed, with their code designation in a hexadecimal number system (RID column). We are interested in the administrator's account, most often it is displayed first in the list and is selected by default. If the account name is displayed by English letters, type it in the input field under the table, if Russians, then use the RIDs column information. The entry in the input field will be in 0xAbCD format, where instead of ABCD you need to put a value from the table. The selection is confirmed by the ENTER button.

The following is displayed User Edit Menu with a list of actions that can be performed with an administrator account. Select 1 - Clear (Blank) User Password and confirm with ENTER button. The program must report successful password reset.

Step 4.

Saving changes made (Step Four: Writing Back Changes). Consistently press! and q to exit the previous menus, after which the utility will offer to save the changes by issuing a request "ABOUT TO WRITE FILE (S) Back! Do IT? ". Enter Y, and on the following query print N.

To reboot, enter the command reboot Or click on the small button on the computer block. The system will launch you without a password request. Install it you can independently in the account management menu.

Erd Commander.

Another pretty advanced utility to reset the Windows administrator password. To begin with, you will need to create a bootable flash drive with a utility. For this:

  1. Prepare a flash drive with a volume of at least 1 GB, and also download the following four files:, ghost32.exe,, ERD COMMANDER image file in GHO format.
  2. Insert the USB flash drive, then run hpusbdisk.exe, in the Device window, select your drive, File System. Check as FAT32, then click the Start button. The flash drive will be formatted, so take care of the important information stored on it somewhere.
  3. Unpack the archive and run Grubinst_gui.exe, after which in the Disk field, select a USB flash drive and at the bottom right click the Install button. In case of successful completion of the procedure, you must see the following content: "The MBR / BS HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED. Press to Continue ... ". Now you can safely go to the next step.
  4. Run Ghost32.exe - click OK - Local - Disk - From Image, after which you specify the erd.gho file and click on it.
  5. In the window that opens, select a USB flash drive, click OK - OK - YES and wait until the loading flash drive is completely created. Usually it takes 10-15 minutes.

Now you have to work with the ERD Commander's boot flash drive. That's what you need to do:

  1. By connecting a flash drive to a computer, configure the boot priority through the BIOS so that the flash drive is the first and turn on the PC.
  2. Choose your Windows version. If you confuse the size of the system, then nothing is terrible, just at the next stage of the utility will give an error and you can repeat the procedure first.
  3. After waiting for the download, select the installed operating system, click Next - Microsoft Diagnostics - Password Change Wizard.
  4. You will see a window with a list of users and the password input fields. Select the administrator account, write down the new password and confirm it.
  5. Pull out the USB flash drive from the USB connector, boot as usual and use the new password.

Note! You will not get to know the password in this way, you can only delete or install a new one!

Method 3. Substitution of system files

Surely you heard about the functions of the keys. 5 times enough to quickly press the SHIFT button, as the window will be released with a query for activating the mode. It is answered by the sethc.exe file located in the Windows system section. Interestingly, you can activate it even in the password input window when Windows startup. But since the situation is such that the user has forgotten it, we need to replace it with the cmd.exe file that is responsible for opening the command line. How to do it?

  1. Load from external Windows media, in the Installation window, click System Restore - Command Line.
  2. Sequentially apply such commands:
    • copy C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ SETHC.EXE C: \\- To create a backup of the sethc.exe utility.
    • copy C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Cmd.exe C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Sethc.exe - To replace the sethc.exe file on cmd.exe.
  3. Perform a computer reboot as usual.
  4. When the password window appears, press the SHIFT button five times, after which the command line opens.
  5. To change the password, type the command nET User login password, then reboot once again and now you can accurately get into the system.

Note! You will not be able to find out the password in this way, just remove!

How to find out the account password

In this point, let's get acquainted how to hack the password of the administrator or just recognize it. Indeed, in many cases it is simply easier not to reset the password, but simply consider forgotten. To do this, we will need an OphCrack utility, which has the opportunities you need. It is capable of working in the graphic and text interface and, according to the Creators, is able to find out almost any password saved on your system. How to use it?

  1. Go to the official website and download the appropriate version: in the form of the program installation file, if you can log in, or the Live CD to create a bootable media, if the system does not allow, because I forgot the password.
  2. Run the installation file or boot from a flash drive or disk and select a graphic or text interface utility.
  3. Wait until the utility reads and displays the system passwords. Depending on the power of the computer, this can take different times.

That's all. As you can see, nothing is difficult and if your password is not too complicated, the program will help you learn it. After that, you can re-log in and enter your access code. Practice shows that if the password is very complex, consisting of a combination of large and small letters, as well as numbers, the program may not cope.


We hope that our instruction helped you in a situation where you forgot the password of your Windows account. You now know how to reset it and install a new one. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Hello, dear blog readers in this article will be described in detail about how to reset the administrator password in the Windows 7 operating systemor create a new account, without any utilities specifically designed for this. This method is very effective when you for some reason lost or forgot your password from the account, and this account is the only one.

In fact, the administrator password reset in the Windows 7 operating system is not such a complicated procedure if you know all the subtleties.

So, let's start from the first stage. For this we will need run the command line in front of the login screen to the Windows account. But first things first.

Action No. 1. : You need to download a disk with the Windows 7 distribution. If for some reason you do not have this disk - it is not trouble, you can run the entire procedure from the recovery disk. This situation is possible that you will not have the first or second. But there is again the output, you need a LiveCD with Windows PE, or if you have another operating systemWindows on another local hard drive.

Action number 2: The window has surfaced, the so-called language parameter selection window, You need to press the "Next" button, then press the "Restore System" button, again click "Next", then, as shown in the picture below, click the "Restore System" button.

Fig 1. System Recovery Settings

Action number 3: We prescribe the command in the command prompt regedit.and press ENTER. You will open the registry editor window.

Action No. 4: In the registry editor window, click on the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (See Figure). After that, from the "File" menu, you need to select "Load a bush".

Figure 2. Registry Editor

Action number 5: You need to go to that disk exactly where Windows 7 is installed. By the way, if you do not see the usual letter C, do not despair, such a fairly often happens, most likely the letter has changed during this procedure. You need to open the file to the address:

FROM (or other name of the hard disk partition) : Windowsystem32configsystem.
All this we see in the picture below:

Figure 3. Download bush

It happens that in many cases, the disc with the operating system is not visible if you have such a situation, then you need to download the driver in action number 2, it is to solve this problem.

Action number 7: You need to go to the section.


After that, you need to click on the following parameters:

- CmdlineYou must enter cmd.exe and click on OK, as shown in the picture below.

- SETUPTYPEYou need to replace the figure 0 to 2, also click on OK, as shown in the picture below:

Figure 5. Registry Editor.

Action number 8: You need to highlight the section 888 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEAfter that, from the "File" menu, click on the "Unload bush" item.

Action number 9: You must remove the installation disk, close the address bar and the registry, click the Restart button in the Recovery Settings window.

So we reached stage number 2, we denote it as " Reset account password or creating a new user, enter account”.

After pressing the computer's restart button, you must wait, when the login window appears in the Windows 7 operating system. Immediately before logging in, the command line window will automatically pop up.

Here is the actual account password.

To reset the password, you need to enter the following command, after entering the Enter.

nET User user name New_pall.

If there are gaps in the password invented by you, you must enter them in "quotes".

In the picture below, we see as the ADM7 user, sets the TL942G8DWP password.

Figure 6. Command line.

If you suddenly, for some reason, have forgotten the name of your new account, write the Net User command. All previously created accounts will appear before you.

From time to time there are situations when the computer becomes inaccessible for its own owner by virtue of too serious security measures. Now we will discuss what to do if a person has forgotten Windows 7 password. To solve this problem there are several options, consider them consistently.

Forgot Windows 7 password: what way?

Let's start with joyful news. The password can be reset and change without reinstalling the operating system. Now we will look at several methods in order to reset the password. In some cases, the use of a special program operating from a special bootable CD or USB carrier is required. Such software solutions tend to support all server and desktop X64 and X86-bit versions of Windows. You can also achieve the desired result using the Windows 7 installation disk or Vista. It can be said that this option is simpler in implementation.

Windows 7: Forgot your password - download the program

To start, download a special program to the computer, which will help reset the password and enter the Windows registry, and in the offline mode, without loading the operating system itself.

Creating a boot disk with a recovery program

The process is simple. Unpack the desired archive containing the program, get an ISO image. Insert an empty CD drive into the drive, write the image to the disk. To do this, in the program that implements the storage of data on the media, select "Write a disk from this image" item (the function name may vary depending on the selected program). As a result, you will see several files that contain the ".iso" format in your disc. Follow all the instructions of the program that will occur on the screen during recording.

Creating a bootable flash drive

This option is a bit more complicated. For a start, unpack the archive and add its contents to the root section of the flash drive. There will be no problems if there are currently different folders and files. Now you need to turn the media into the boot. Open the command prompt, enter a special command through "syslinux.exe", you will also need to specify the letter of the section with your flash drive. Press "ENTER". If there are no messages about various errors, it means everything ended successfully.


Go to the next stage. Now, to restore Windows 7 password, you must upload the computer by the created USB or CD media. Press the "F8" key after downloading "POST BIOS", the window offering the selection of the loading media will occur. In some cases, this step may look different, since it directly depends on the model and manufacturer of the motherboard. Next, in the downloaded program, select a section with a deployed Windows platform (system), as well as specify the path to the required system folder. After that, follow the further instructions of the running program. Most often enough to press the "Enter" key to perform the default actions. Enter the path indicating the system registry. Enter the user name selected to reset the password. After that, an exclamation mark will appear. Next, press the Y key. To make the option of making changes, you must properly complete the Windows system. When the password is reset, you will lose access to encrypted data if you created similar. Remember that the only way to restore them is to remember the password. You do not recommend changing the password with such programs, because sometimes it may not work. However, the erasure of the password can always help.

Recovery by the official installation disk

If the user has forgotten the Windows 7 password, you can help the installation disk with the operating system. This method only works in Windows 7, as well as Vista. Works the solution is just excellent. First of all, download the computer with the operating system installation disk inserted into the actuator. Upon completion of file copying, you will be offered to set language parameters. Leave everything as it is, click the Next button. In the window that appears, instead of the ability to "Install", press in the lower left corner the item called "System Recovery", so "Windows" will switch to the search for installed operating systems in order to restore them. You may encounter a message about troubleshooting in the current download parameters. You can ignore it by pressing the "No" button. Going to a new window, select your system, click "Next". A window opens with a list of various parameters and system components for recovery. It can be said that they do not have much importance. Go to the bottom and click on the "Command Line". Next in the line, enter the command addressed to "SETHC.EXE". Press the Enter key. Replace the desired utility. Click again "Enter". Close the window of your command prompt, in the Available Menu, click the Restart button. After that, make a standard download from your hard disk. After the login window appears with a password and user selection, press the SHIFT key 5 times. Thanks to this, the command line should occur. Enter a special command with a user and a new password and press "ENTER". Close the command prompt and click "Reboot". All password is changed. Return files to the seats. After that, you can rejoice from getting a new password. Next, follow the instructions. Here we are with you and reviewed what to do if the user has forgotten Windows 7 password. We hope our tips were useful to you. There are other ways, but we will not consider them, as they are more complex.

Passwords installed by users for logging into the system can be a real headache, since we are all people, and some things we tend to forget. For example, what to do if the user has forgotten the Windows 7 password (mean in mind logging in), and before nowhere, I have not saved the desired combination or did not record?

It is clear that Windows will constantly issue messages that user data for logging into the system is incorrect. How to restore the ability to enter? For this there are several methods, some of which ordered user may seem quite complicated. There will have to be patient, because in such a situation, simple solutions are not provided.

What if you forgot the Windows 7 password: recovery and reset options

As it is already clear, just to restore or reset the password, for knowing Azov, it will not work. Of course, if a system administrator installed the password for a registered user on the working terminal, you can find out a combination for entry. As a rule, administrators store passwords of all users in a safe place, since roughly speaking, it enters their responsibilities.

But what to do if the user has forgotten the password on a computer with Windows 7 or any other system, being Admina himself? Here it starts the greatest difficulties. Since situations associated with the inability to log in may be completely different, then consider the following techniques:

  • reset primary passwords in BIOS;
  • changing a forgotten password when starting the system in safe mode;
  • creating a diskette of forgotten passwords;
  • password reset via the command line or registry when loading from removable media;
  • using third-party programs.

Password reset BIOS.

So, suppose that the user has forgotten the password on a computer with Windows 7, which was not initially installed for logging into the system, and to make the load at all or to access the BIOS input / output / output parameters. For startup boot, a password of type HDD Password or Boot Password is usually used. Passwords like Supervisor Password and User Password control only access to the BIOS and the operating system boot does not affect.

In order not to engage in the selection of the desired combination, in stationary computer terminals is the easiest to withdraw the CMOS battery from the motherboard for 10-15 minutes, then insert it back and enable the computer. No power on the chip will allow and passwords to reset, and completely reset the BIOS settings, leading them to the factory state.

Using a secure mode when registering multiple users

But it was only the easiest option. But maybe such that the Windows 7 user has forgotten the password in a situation where it is one of the registered system users, but not an administrator. In this case, it is logical to assume that he either knows the entry password on behalf of the administrator, or can learn it from the admin, or (which is completely unlikely) the entry under the administrative registration is carried out without using the password. However, you can do it much easier: when loading the system, call the start menu by pressing the F8 key and select the start from it in safe mode.

During the login process, you will need to select the administrator, and then enter the account management section in the control panel. Here to use the management of another registration, select your own and install a new combination, which is later and will be used to log in.

Note: This method does not apply if Microsoft is used to enter accounts, or when the user is the only registered user (administrator).

Forgotten password discretion diskettes

Now let's see what can be done if the user has forgotten the Windows 7 password, and the administrator does not know it either or does not remember, but can receive access to the system. In this case, the administrator can refer to the accounts section and use the creation of a diskette of forgotten passwords in the menu on the left.

After selecting the section to save, the "Master of Forgotten Passwords" will start, after which it will be necessary to simply follow its instructions. Upon completion of the formation of a PSW file with information to reset the code word, it will need to be copied to any removable media, for example, on a conventional USB flash drive. When the system is loaded to the password insertion window, insert the drive to the appropriate USB port and click the password reset link below the field of its input. Next, the proposal to create a new password and the field of confirmation is displayed. If necessary, you can add a prompt.

What to do if you forgot password preparatory stage

Finally, a few words about the most unpleasant situation. An administrator-level access password without the use of specialized programs can be reset in two ways, but only when loading from removable media with an installation distribution or from a recovery disk like LiveCD.

For situations where the user has forgotten the Windows 7 administrator password, consider booting from the installation disk or flash drive.

First, as usual, a window appears with a choice of regional standards that can be skipped. At the next stage, you need to go to the system recovery item. After that, call the command line through the corresponding item of the rollback menu or using a quick combination of SHIFT + F10.

Primary actions on the command line

Now using the console, you need to determine the system (bootable) disk system, which will be used for further action. For this, the command is prescribed: BCDEDIT | Find "OsDevice". After that, the answer will be issued in the form of a string: partition \u003d d (although another letter can be indicated).

The next step is to copy two objects using the commands shown in the image above. The second object replaces the standard means of sticking the keys by the command prompt (it will be needed for action at the next stage).

Password change when rebooting the system

Now the most responsible stage comes. The system is completely overloaded in normal mode (with removable removable carrier).

When the password input requirements window appears, you need to press the SHIFT key quickly five times. This action causes the command console. Finally, you need to enter the Net User Name Password string, where the username (account name) is entered instead of Name, and the new password fits instead of Password.

Upon completion of the password change, it should be downloaded again from removable media and on the command prompt to return the ships of the keys, which can be checked at the usual start, repeating five times press the Shift key, resulting in a request to enable this function.

Password reset through the system registry

Now let's see what to do if you forgot the Windows 7 password, but already in relation to the system registry. At first, as in the past case, starts from the bootable media, after which the registry editor is called from the command line.

HKLM branch stands out here and the bush load command is used through the file menu.

Then you will need to specify the location of the SYSTEM file (usually this is the Config folder in the System32 directory). After that, an arbitrary name of the created branch is entered, the transition to it is carried out and the SetupType parameter is set to "2", and for the key cmdline - "cmd.exe" (both values \u200b\u200bare entered without quotes).

Next, the editor window is closed, the command of its call is again entered on the command line, the HKLM branch is released and the bush unloading point is applied to the name. After that, all windows are closed, the removable media is retrieved and rebooted in normal mode.

When restarting, a command line appears in which, as in the past example, you should enter the password update command described above with similar data of the registration record name and new cipher.

Note: For both options, if the name of the account consists of two or more words, it is entered in quotes.

Third-party programs

Finally, another situation when the user has forgotten the password. Log in Windows is impossible, and what to do, he does not know. In this case, you can use the OphCrack utility. On its basis, you can create a bootable flash drive, boot in the console mode (and not graphically), start the utility and look at the scan results.

The Results field will contain all automatically specific passwords for registered records. If the user has forgotten the Windows 7 password, for example, for a network entry, it can be completely elementary to delete it so that the requirement of its input does not cause harness in the future.

Many users in order to secure their information from prying eyes, install the administrator password for your account in Windows. Some people for different reasons forget the installed protection code and to reset Windows password Conduct the procedure for reinstalling the entire system. And as you know, it takes about a long time.

There may also be problems with saving the necessary files, because we can not log in to the system, and when installing Windows, as we know, the local disk to which the operating system will be installed must be formatted. Well, of course you can always find a simpler solution to the problem, just this will be discussed in this article and you will learn how reset password in windows 7 Without resorting to reinstall.

The only complication is that we need an installation disk or flash drive, to work on the command line. If you do not have any other, you can always use your neighbor's computer to download the image and burn it to the disk or flash drive.

How to reset Windows 7 password if it is forgotten

Lased to reset the password protection in Windows 7 was the mode of sticking the keys, which is caused by a fivefold key by pressing the key Shift.Just like this will help to bypass our security code forgotten. The essence of the procedure is that when calling the plug mode, the command line window in which we will need to work will be opened. And how to make it read below.

To start, you need to boot from the installation disk or the drive flash drive. In the first window we click further.

In the next window, we are interested in the system recovery, click on it.

If you have multiple operating systems installed, all available, choose the desired and go on.

In the system restore parameters window, open the command line.

We enter the command:

  • copy D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ SETHC.EXE D: \\and press ENTER.

sethc.exe. - file causing sticking mode with fivefold pressing key shift..

With this command, this file is copied to the disk root (D: \\) (the system is a disk (C: \\)).

  • copy D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Cmd.exe D: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ SETHC.EXE

cmd.exe. - The file is responsible for calling the command line.

We replace this command in the sethc.exe file on cmd.exe. Confirm the change in key "Y".

In the password input window, call the command to the string five times pressing the key shift..

We enter the command: net User Andrey 54321 And confirm it by pressing ENTER.

  • nET User - user selection function.
  • Andrew is the name of the account (introduce your own).
  • 54321 - New password.

After successfully passing the procedure, we enter the changed password and rejoice.

We replace the command line to stick the keys

If you are not interested in the sliding mode, you can leave everything as it is. To return to the call of this mode, read on.

As can be seen in the picture below, using the commands entered above, the file sethc.exe. moved to the root of the disk. And in the system folder system32, It was replaced by the command line. Now we should move it back. You can try simply transfer it to system32.and remove the false file located there. But perhaps it will not be possible to do this, due to the insufficient number of rights. Therefore, we use the string command.

Open the Start menu, enter search cMD the found file on behalf of the administrator .

We enter the command:

  • copy C: \\ SETHC.EXE C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ SETHC.EXE

Click Enter and confirm the key " y."If everything is done correctly with a fivefold keystroke shift.oh, the sticking mode opens .

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