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Software KIS and its classification. Tools Computer Technology Management Technologies Management Activity

The concept of the information system, IP in the management of the enterprise

information System (IP)- a set of banks of data, information technologies and software and technical equipment complex.

In work information system can be allocated the following steps :

1. Data generation; 2. Accumulation and systematization of data; 3. Data processing; 4. Data display.

In modern conditions, the computer is the main tool for processing information. therefore the information system is considered as computer Infor system.

The information system is created for a specific economic object.and should be in a certain extent modeling the relationships of its elements. Economic information system(EIS) It is a system, the functioning of which is to assemble, register, storage, processing, searching and disseminating information on the activities of any economic object. Her elements arecomputers, computer networks, software products, databases, personnel, technical and communication software. The main goal of the system - Production of information necessary to support management decisions.

Maintenance stages of developmentinformation systems

Period Use of information The main functions of IS. The purpose of using IS.
1950-1960 Formation of paper settlement documents Processing of settlement documents on electromechanical and accounting machines Increasing the speed of processing documents, simplify the procedure for processing accounts and payroll
1960-1970 Reports are formed Managing production information Acceleration of the reporting preparation process
1970-1980 Managerial control of production and implementation Decision making support Development of optimal solution
1980 - Present Management of the Development Strategy Formation of information for making strategic decisions Business Strategy Management Support

Development of inf. Business showed that information technology and business affect each other.For survival in modern conditions, the enterprise must constantly adapt to the changing environment. Information services should be organized in such a way as to control the changes in the external environment and form the appropriate changes in the strategy and policy of the enterprise. Wellness from the main tasks of IP prepries. is the provision of informants. Visode. More and internal environment

General features of all information systems are:

perform the functions of collecting, registering, storing, searching and processing information, therefore, the basis of any IP lies data storage and access environmentensuring the reliability of data storage and efficiency of access to them;

orientation by end user , what requires a simple, convenient, easily mastered interface providing the end user all the functions necessary for its operation.

Classification IS.

IS. Characteristic
By nature processing
Information search Produce input, systematization, storage and issuance of information on the user's request without complex. We formations (electronic libraries, search or reference systems, nash riga, telephone, transport office, etc.)
Information and decisive: Governors Recommend Implement all operations for processing information on a specific algorithm solve the tasks of the estimated nature (accounting system, product planning, etc.) process knowledge and offer the user recommendations for decision-making - refer to artificial intelligence systems (diagnostic systems in medicine, expert systems, systems, systems Decision support)
By type of stored data
Factographic Store and processed structured data in the form of numbers and texts, it is possible to produce solid. Operations.
Documentary Store and handle unstructured information (documents), the search for unstructured data is carried out using semantic signs
According to the degree of automation of information conversion procedures
Automatic The constructive tasks according to certain algorithms, the role of human participation is reduced to zero
Automated Solve weakly or partially structured tasks, a person participates in their functioning
Manual Lack of modern. Lack of information for information processing and performing all operations
On scale
Local Function in one workplace are based on desktop (local) DBMS.
Group Provide collective user group work, use network versions of desktop databases or database servers
Keparative Function in large enterprises based on distributed databases and networks, use database servers.
On the scope of application
Isorganizatsa. References Pred. To automate the f-jack of managerial personnel, both on the industrial., So immensely. Speed: Operation. Control and management, accounting, sales management, etc.
ISSUPLIES tehn.prolesmi Serve for automatic. F-Qioga Products. Ethi Systems are carried out monitoring and managing. Operations.
IP automatic design In quality Tools Acceptance ProgramProducts - BPWIN, ESWIN, ERWIN, Autocadus.
Integrier. And corporate IS. I am used to automate all F-Qii enterprises from Plan - I am to market products.
By level of control
IP Opera. References They support the pricing, data processing and the on-line link between the enterprise and the external environment.
IS special. Supported work with data and knowledge, promotion. Machine work ins. and designer.
Strategic IS. KISA, ensuring. Support for making a decision on the implementation of the Largerative Goals of the Organization.
Operating mode
Packet Work in batch mode: First, the data is accumulated, a data packet is formed, and then the packet is sequentially processed by a number of programs. The lack of regime is the low efficiency of decision making and separate the User from the system
dialog Work in messaging mode between users and the system. The mode is especially good bin when the user can choose the prospects from the set of the SIS
mixed Combine both types of mode of operation
Performed Functions Production, Commercial, Marketing, Financial, Building, Personnel Management, Document Management and Other
Method of distribution of computingLouruses Local for work Use one computer distributed work is used network

On the basis of structure, three types of tasks differ: Structured (formalizable); unstructured (unformalized); Partially structured.

Structuredthe task is characterized by the possibility of building a mathematical model having an algorithm for solutions. Unstructured - it is also characterized by either the impossibility of creating a mathematical description and development of a solution algorithm, or it is associated with great difficulties. The decision in such cases is made by a person based on experience and, possibly, indirect information from different sources. In practice, relatively slightly fully structured or completely unstructured tasks. We can say about most tasks that only part of the elements and connections between them are known. Such tasks are called partially structured, In them, qualitative characteristics may prevail over quantitative. When solving partially or weaklystructed tasks, a person has to not only take into account a large number of factors, but also consider various ways to solve the problem.

Kisa, structure and requirements for kis.

Kis - A combination of information systems of individual divisions of the enterprise, united by a common document flow.

The main purpose of corporate systems is the operational provision of consistent, reliable and structured information for making management decisions.

Kis have the following specific traits:

1. The coverage of a large number of enterprise management tasks;

2. Detailed development of a generalized model of enterprise document management;

3. The presence of built-in tools allowing the user to independently develop the capabilities of the system and adapt it to themselves;

4. Developed association technology and consolidation of these remote units.

5. Nations of the corporate database.

principles of building corporate information systems:

1. Compliance of the system of its goals and tasks

2. Ensuring its livelihoods

3. Basement of the system on the organizational management structure of the enterprise

4. Representation of timely, reliable and systematic information

5. Control system of people, simplicity of its understanding and use.

6. Use of centralized communications

Requirements for Kisa

1. information medium must be flexible, easily modified, expandable, easy to manage and accompanied.

2. Kisa must be open and constantly replenished with fresh information from external sources.

3. Kisa must be based on a centralized network database

4. L. the ohic data model should provide comprehensive structure, streamlining and classifying information stored in the database,

5. K. the organizational bank should be serviced by remotely distributed administrative interface.

6. Kisa includes feedback mechanisms

Types of information systems

As a rule, IP have a complex structure, consist of separate parts called subsystems.

Subsystem - This is part of the system allocated by any sign. Subsystems carry out security:

Technical support- a complex of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as the relevant documentation for these means and technological processes

The technical equipment complex is:

· Computers of any models;

· Devices for collecting, accumulation and output of information;

· Network devices;

· Operational materials, etc.

Mathematical and software - A combination of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the objectives and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical means.

The software includes: system software (system programs); application software(applied programs); Instrumental (instrumental systems). An important element of the software is technical documentation.

Information Support- A combination of a unified system of classification and encoding information, documentation systems, methodology for building databases.

To linguistic supportthere are natural and artificial languages, as well as the means of their linguistic support.

Organizational support - A combination of methods and means regulating the interaction of employees with technical means and among themselves in the process of developing and operating the information system.

Legal support - A combination of legal norms regulating the procedure for obtaining, transformation and use of information.

After studying this chapter, the student must:


o Characteristic features of the corporate information management system, a typical functional architecture of building a corporate information system;

be able to

  • o analyze the functionality of the corporate level information systems;
  • o classify the external storage devices of the computer;


o Fundamentals of working with software products for corporate information systems.

General properties Kisa

Instrumental tools of computer technologies used to develop information management information systems can be divided into classes 1

  • o from the belonging to certain stages (phases) of the life cycle of the information system;
  • o mass of use - typical solutions of various levels of generality having a generalized name "boxes" (circulation) software products, and original ("under the order") software development;
  • o coverage of the stages of the software development process of information systems - local (individual stages) and complex tools;
  • o methodology for designing information systems and technologies - Structural analysis and design (Structured Analysis and Design Technique - Sadt) and / or object-oriented design / programming (OPJECT ORIENTED PROGRAM AND PROJECT - OOPP);
  • o The degree of universality of tools (type of hardware and software platform for their application).

The life cycle of information systems and technologies covers the phases of analysis, design, implementation, operation.

There is a specialized instrumental class under the general name of CASE (Computer Added System Engineering) - computer design tools, or CASE technologies, which can also be divided into subclasses of instrumental processing tools:

  • o applications (software - software specification, algorithmization and programming, debugging, documentation of programs);
  • o databases (data modeling, designing logical and physical database model, development of the database creation and administration technology);
  • o information technology management for business processes (analysis, modeling and implementation of business processes using information technology tools).

When designing business process management information technology (BPMS), the identification of basic (key) business processes is of great importance, their formalized description, analysis and simulation modeling of the effectiveness of their execution.

To assess the efficiency of costs for information technology analytical companies "Gartner Group" in the late 1980s. The Total Cost Ownership - TCO) was proposed (TCO), which takes into account various types of one-time and current costs of acquiring or designing information technology, hardware-software, preparation of the management facility to introduce information technology, including training and advanced training of employees, reorganization Business processes, etc. In addition to explicit ("direct") costs, implicit (hidden) costs due to losses in the business sphere due to the poor quality of information technology. The TCO indicator can be applied at the main stages of the information system's life cycle, allows you to consider both the existing and planned costs of information services for management activities, is calculated for 1, 3, 5 years of operation of information technology.

The global experience of introducing KIRN shows that the option of adapting the adaptation of circulation software products minimizes the total cost of ownership and provides a guaranteed level of quality design solutions. "Boxes" software products are special settings for various subject areas - sectors of the economy (sectoral solutions), types of enterprises and organizations (banks, industrial enterprises, corporations, transport enterprises, communications, social sphere, etc.). Almost all "boxes" is built according to the modular principle, which allows you to implement a modular approach to creating the kit.

The development and operation of the kitty, having a modular structure, makes it possible to ensure the introduction or modernization of individual functional modules while maintaining the health of the kisa. Functional completeness KISA can be expressed as the sum of the core of the kitter and the set of functional modules.

Functional modules KISA support standard interfaces of interaction with database (dB) and other functional modules. Corporate information systems have the following general properties.

  • 1. Support management standards
  • 1.1. MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) - planning of production resources (material, labor, equipment resources).
  • 1.2. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) - Full-featured management of all types of resources (material, labor, financial, equipment resources).
  • 1.3. ERP II (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a full-featured management of all types of resources (material, labor, financial, equipment resources), the implementation of business processes in the Internet environment.
  • 1.4. ISO-9000 - International Quality Standard; and etc.
  • 2. Scaling Kisa

As a rule, large enterprises and organizations for which "handling" should be created. Growing the scale of the control object due to the increase in the number of internal users, an increase in the intensity of information flows, the growth of stored data, an increase in the number and dimension of the tasks being solved, is expressed in changing the requirements for information technologies.

3. Corporate network communications

All variety of computer networks: Local (LAN), LAN Association, Internet, Intranet, Extranet - provides support for collaboration of geographically distributed users, interaction with remote information sources, sharing network equipment, data and programs.

4. Multiplatform technologies

Informational technologies KIS are aimed at using computing equipment of various classes and heterogeneous operating systems. In some cases, this diversity is an objective basis for the effective implementation of information technologies. Corporate information systems are created as open systems that allow replacement and addition of software and technical components.

  • 5. Special corporate information technology
  • 5.1. Business modeling kit. Kis business processes have a scale of the functions performed, a complex organization of interaction of components - management procedures (actions). To ensure the effectiveness of business processes, their reengineering is carried out (Business Process Reengineering - BPR), which is based on the description, analysis, modeling and design. The idea of \u200b\u200bBPR belongs to M. Hamera (1992), which put forward a number of principles:
    • o Organization of work around the desired result instead of solving disparate tasks;
    • o transmission of monitoring and decision-making (including all associated information) in the hands of performers;
    • o appointment of interested persons by performers;
    • o Centralization of information about processes.

The most important result of BPR is the processes-oriented approach to business. The reengineering methodology includes the following steps:

  • o Strategic planning BPR;
  • o identification of all business processes;
  • o selection of business processes for BPR;
  • o Creating cards of business processes (working processes flow cards, structures of failures in workflow streams);
  • o Analysis of significant improvements in business processes;
  • o innovative improvements in business processes;
  • o Implementation of business processes that have passed BPR;
  • o Measuring the effectiveness of business processes that have passed BPR.

To the most popular instrumental instrument

and business processes modeling include Allfusion Modeler (Erwin Data Modeler, Bpwin Process Modeler), Aris, Rational Rose, Casewise, IBM WebSphere Business Modeler, etc. These tools support most of the standards of graphic presentation of business processes and database structures:

  • o IDEF0 (Methodology of the Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing - ICAM family for modeling complex systems) - functional decomposition of the business process;
  • o IDEF3 - modeling process processes;
  • o DFD - modeling data streams to develop a document management scheme, selection of storage sites; Database;
  • o BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) - Notation for modeling business processes supported by Object Management Group;
  • o UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a unified object programming language.
  • 5.2. Corporate networks (intranet). The network combines several workstations and various types of servers: Database Server, Application Server (Business Logic), Representations Server (Presentations), Fax Modem Server, Print Server, Proxy Server, Intercorporative Relations Gateway, etc.

Specialization of servers and the openness of the KISA architecture provide high performance of transaction processing, the possibility of operational replacement servers, optimizing the consumption of computing resources, etc.

  • 5.3. Service-oriented Architecture - SOA (SOA Services-Oriented Architecture - SOA) - a modular approach to the development of software for multiple use in the form of services (services) or WEB services using standard protocols based on an industrial integration platform (IBM WebSphere, Microsoft Windows platform Communication Foundation, SAP NetWeaver, etc.).
  • 5.4. Cloud computing (Cloud computing). Designed to ensure ubiquitous access to computing resources of providers (IT infrastructure, software products, manufacturing areas) in order to reduce costs of information technology, their transformation into operational (operational) instead of capital (investment). The most important characteristics of cloud computing are:
    • o Self-service on demand (Self Service on Demand), the user itself determines the composition, the scope and quality of the information and computing services obtained, selects their providers;
    • o network access to information and computing services of providers;
    • o Providing resources providers in the mass order, high availability requirements (High Availability), reliability, performance, scaling of the IT infrastructure of the provider (hardware and software platform, application programs, databases).

In the form of the property of the IT infrastructure and its use distinguish:

  • o. private cloud (Private Cloud) - IT infrastructure is used by the organization as it were for "for himself", and as consumers are their own units - end users of their organization, but also there may also be external clients;
  • o. public cloud (Public Cloud) - IT infrastructure - the property of the provider, which it provides for the free use of mass consumers of information and computing services;
  • o. public cloud (Community Cloud) - IT infrastructure of the provider, access to which is limited, is used to meet the needs of a specific community (corporation).

Three species of information and computing services are distinguished:

  • 1) Software as a service, or SaaS (Software-AS-A-service) - Provider's application software is available for clients (thin client configuration);
  • 2) Platform as a service, or PAAS (Platform-AS-A-service), - Provider's IT infrastructure rental in the software platform, hardware;
  • 3) Infrastructure as a service, or IAAS (Infrastructure-AS-A-service), is to rent an IT infrastructure of the provider in part of the hardware.
  • 5.5. Creating decision support systems (Decision Support System - DSS), the application of data intelligent data analysis (Extraction of knowledge from information - Data Mining, Intellectual Business Analysis - Business Intelligence, etc.).
  • 6. Integration of enterprises with an external environment

Processes in KIS are implemented in the form of business operations processing business objects containing: core - data (properties) of the object; The object business logic is a set of rules and restrictions (object processing methods); Interface - a description of a business object independent of the platform for use in external information systems. For a business object, a variety of access techniques are used: Component object model - COM (Component Object Model), distributed component model of objects - DCOM (DISTRIBUTED SOM), remote procedure call (functions and object processing methods) - RFC (Remote Function Call) and DR BAPI Business Application Programming Interface (Business Application Program Interface) provides processing business objects, creating object classes libraries and related processing methods.

7. Ensuring high quality information for making management decisions, reliability and protectedness

A distinctive feature of Kis is the complexity, the relationship of automated business processes of planning, control, accounting and analyzing the activities of the enterprise. The system has the openness and flexibility of the component architecture, consists of a number of integrated modules combined into the contours (subsystem) of the control. Methods for planning and monitoring the implementation of production and supply orders in relationship with sales tasks, methods of controlling costs for the product, the functions of registration of orders and quality control of technological processes and products provide:

  • o increase in production (sales volume);
  • o reduction in material reserves and unfinished production (working capital);
  • o reducing production costs (cost);
  • o increase in the fund-student technological equipment (capital profitability) and smoothing the load of production facilities;
  • o improving product quality and marriage reduction; etc.

Software(eng. software.) - This is a set of programs that ensure the functioning of computers and the solution with their help of objectives of the subject areas. Software (software) is an integral part of the computer system, is a logical continuation of technical means and determines the scope of the computer.

According to modern computers, includes a variety of programs that can be divided into three categories (Fig. 1):

1. System Software (System Programs);

2. Application software (application programs);

3. Tool (instrumental systems).

Software (software) - A set of programs designed to operate the computer from the moment it is turned on to the moment of shutdown and creating an environment in which automated data processing is performed and new software products are created.

There are various signs of classification by:

1. According to functional purpose:

By hardware of autonomous computers and computer networks; Software for specific subject areas (packages of applications - PPP); Programming toolkit.

2. Under the terms of the variation:

- Commercial Po (applied on a fee basis, the cost of software in corporate systems often significantly exceeds the cost of technical tools used);

- "Free" by In turn, divided into:

1. Based programs (completely free and distributed without any restrictions);

2. Fight programs (can be freely used, but their creators retain copyrights);

3. Coulder-free by (any user can install on the back of the computer and the specified time to freely use. After this time, if any of the packages interest you, it is necessary to purchase it (either at the regional dealer or directly from the manufacturer).

Segmentation of the software market.

The complex of programs that makes it possible to ensure the operation of the computer from the moment it is turned on until it turns off and implement the automated processing of info on it. Systematic software - a set of programs and software complexes designed to ensure the work of PC and computer networks. System software is directed to: creating an operating environment of other programs; ensuring reliable and efficient work and computer itself and computer networks; conducting the diagnosis and prevention of computer and computing systems; Perform auxiliary technological processes (copying, archiving, recovery of files, bd programs). Application Packets are a complex of interconnected programs and software systems that provide development technology, debugging and implementing created software products. System software on: 1. Basic software: operating systems (OS); OS shell programs; Network OS; 2 Service software. OS - software designed to manage the execution of the user planning, managing computer computing resources. OS OS: 1. The loading subsystem, which, when you turn on the computer, tests technical devices and downloads basic OS files; 2. The system responsible for providing data in the computer's memory and its organizing storage in the form of files; 3. A set of drivers to support internal devices. OS happens: one (MS DOS) and multitasking (Windows); one and multiplayer; portable and intolerable; Network and bearing. Operating shells - Special programs designed to facilitate user communication with OS commands (Norton Commander, NRTON Navigator, Windows Commander, Windows 3.1). Service software. The extension of the PC databases for PCs is a set of service additionally installed programs, a cat can be classified according to a functional basis. Computer Profitory Diagnostics Programs - Norton Utility, Windows Utility, Anti-Virus Programs - Avast, Kaspersky. Disk maintenance programs, file system service programs on disks, programs for establishing PC configuration settings, archiving programs - Win Zip, RAR, network service programs.

Kis in the subject area.

Corporate information systems (KIS) such as ERP and later superstructures to them (CSRP and SCM) are becoming an important part of the management structures of enterprises. Such systems allow you to improve the efficiency of management due to more rational use of capacity, reducing production reserves and production costs in general.

In addition, the introduction of such systems is an important element of the strategic development of the enterprise, since it is the installation of an ERP system in its binding with modern quality management systems allows the enterprise to implement modern management concepts, including the LEAN system as an integral part of the concept of "lean production.

The fact that there are over 500 ready-made MRPII / ERP classs in the world market on the demand for such management systems.

Among the main reasons leading to the negative results of the implementation of ERP systems, the following can be distinguished: inattention and unpretentiousness of the management of enterprises to implement IT innovations; insufficient financing; blurring management structure; Uncertainty of basic priorities in the market and fuzzy business processes.

The SED electronic document management system is a set of programs created for the controlled creation and management of documents at the enterprise in accordance with the rules for processing documents caused by the business processes of the enterprise. Flagship: document flow 1C: electronic document flow; 1C: Optima-Workflow Archive,

Reference and legal systems ATP. Systems of this type work on the principle of selecting information on request. The request, in turn, is a set of search signs of descriptors characterizing the desired object. Consultant Plus Garant Design 1C: Codex.

Kisa integrated enterprise management. A distinctive feature of the kind of class is the complexity, the relationship of automated business processes of planning, control, accounting and analyzing the activities of the enterprise. Typical composition of functional modules: finance, engineering design work, logistics,

Information systems and technologies in accounting. An accounting information system is implemented in the form of ART accountants. Separate AWP is supported using software modules, it can work both in isolation and in integration with other arm. 1C ACCOUNTING

13. Software products KIS.

KIS software consists of a complex of software used to implement the functional subsystems. Software Groups and the names of well-known packages related to each group in accordance with control functions are shown in Fig. 10. Note that the above classification scheme is conditional in nature, since the classification groups and their composition, depending on the nature of production (discrete, continuous and mixed), activities (production and non-productive) and scale (small, secondary, large) enterprises vary . Despite this, the specified scheme gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe software packages used in the KIS software. The scheme contains the well-known and most common PPPs.

Fig.10. General classification diagram of software tools

PackageSAP/ R.3 Created by the German companySAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing ) and covers all economic processes of the enterprise. It is built by client-server architecture and has the following main characteristics;

Integration of applied programs for various purposes;

Modular structure;

General data storage;

Open openness;

Is international in nature;

The possibility of applying in any sphere.

Currently, in more than 10,000 different on-scale enterprises in different countries of the world operatesSAP . Among the manufacturers of business applicationsSAP His leadership and 36% of the PPP market belongs to him.

To main modulesSAP / R 3 includes:

1) financial booking;

2) control of the execution of decisions taken;

3) management of material resources;

4) maintenance and repair of equipment;

5) sale, departure and compilation of textures;

6) project management;

7) planning, management and control of fixed assets;

8) personnel management.

System "OracleApplications.» ( Oa.)- is a product of the famous US company "Oracle "Which covers all spheres of the enterprise and consists of more than 35 integrated client / server type software modules. The main modules of the OA system are the following:

Financial management;

Management of material resources;

Production Management;

Project management;

Personnel Management;

Marketing management.

System "Baan.IV» Baan. "Specializing in software development software management. On a global scale, this system has been installed in more than 5,000 different enterprises. "Baan IV. It is a fully integrated system that supports the following enterprise management areas: finance, production, supply, warehousing, transportation, service services, design work, etc. The main functional components include:

-Instrumental software ( Baan. IV- Tools.). This package is equipped with high level 4 language.GL To create and modify applications;

-production Subsystem (Baan IV-Manifacturing) -it offers comprehensive solutions for production activities in the direction of "Installation on request", "Collection on request" and "Manufacturing on request". For corporations with a complex structure, there are modules "Planning of production resources", "Product Configuration", "Project Management", etc.

-sale, supply and warehouse (Baan IV-Distribution)- It is expanding an integrated system for sales management, supply and warehouse. It also provides for the planning of material resources.

Service (Baan IV-Service). This subsystem is designed to automate the service service and current repairs management.

Financial subsystem ( Baan. IV- Finance) "Will working with accounts of creditors and debtors, control and regulate monetary operations, conduct accounting of payment and cash receipts, etc. It includes functional modules: finance planning, billing records, fixed assets, preparation of financial reports, etc.

Transport subsystem (Baan IV-Transportation) - It is appropriate to automate the management of transport services and external freight forwarders. Includes modules: management of orders for transportation and storage, accounting of stocks of goods and materials, vehicles and fuel and lubricants.

Project subsystem (Baan IV Pro j.ect)- Provides comprehensive management of simultaneously by several projects, as well as their assessment.

Subsystem introduction of Baan family products ( Baan. IV- Organiser.) - Lump for the rapid introduction of Baan products. It includes the following models: "Business thread analyzer (Business Flow Analyzer ) ", Multimedia tools for training programs (Multimedia Toolkit), enterprise information system (EnterpriseInformation System ) and the module of quantitative indicators of the enterprise.

The Baan IV architecture is based on the "Open Systems" principle. This allows you to create kitty in any computing and information environment. Such a flexible approach allows you to choose more suitable scope and activities of the enterprise of hardware.

Baan IV-4GL language is open to work with multiple databases. It can be used in conjunction with DBMS "Oracle "," Informix "," On - Line "," Ingress "," Sybase "including" Baan IV Base ".

"Baan IV. »You can work simultaneously in several national languages, while its functionality does not depend on the language selected.

The Renaissance CS system - is a product of the company "Ross Systems. "(USA) specializing in the development of client / server systems for various areas of production and business. This system is introduced on more than 4,000 enterprises in 60 countries for dozens of languages. It is oriented to use on chemical, refineries, pharmaceutical, food, cellulip, metallurgical, etc. enterprises.

Since the system has a scalable architecture, can be used both in large and small enterprises. The basis of the system is the modern concepts of ERP and SCM management (Supply Chain Managment-Production Chain Management). In fig.11. The main modules and their relationships are shown.

Fig.11. Relationship of the main modules of the Renaissance CS system

The system is maximally open. The system is focused on rapid introduction (3 months) due to the specially created technology "FrontRunner. " At the same time, costs are significantly reduced. Since 2000, dates, European currencies are supported andInternet / Intranet technology.

System "BOSS. corporation" includes applied programs for billing accounting, operational accounting, logistics, planning of production and finance, marketing and personnel management. It is a product of the Russian company "IT" and has extensive functionality, ease of debugging, a convenient work environment, etc. It is implemented by the architecture "Client, Server", which allows you to work with remote branches and conduct generalized accounting in real time.

At a high level, information security and reliability is provided. For this uses appropriate meansOracle.

System "1C: Persecution 8" - it is a product of the firm "1C" known in Russia, which is engaged in software development. It is a software package covering the main controls and accounting contours. The system covers basic business processes and creates a single information space to reflect the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The system is open.

When developing the system "1C: Enterprise 8", such modern international methods of management of enterprises are taken into account asMRP II, ERP, ERPII, CRP, SCM etc. Modern technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" includes subsystems "1C: Managing a manufacturing enterprise 8", "1C: Accounting 8" and others.

The overall structure of the system is shown in Fig.12.

Management of management is not regulated

and planning accounting (by subsection

(throughout the corporation) and branches)

Fig.12. General structural scheme of the system "1C: Enterprise 8"

As can be seen from the figure, the system consists of two functional parts:

Support of the operational activities of the enterprise;

Performing non-operational accounting.

The spheres of operational activity can be divided by the entire type of accounting (except for the International Financial Report-IFRS standard). In addition, the system can be divided into subsystems, solved groups of similar tasks, for example: cash management subsystem, personnel management subsystem, planning subsystem, billing and tax accounting subsystem, etc.

The introduction of a system in corporations and holdings, where the number of employees is calculated by hundreds and thousands and the number of ArMit is calculated by hundreds, it turns out to be more efficient.

System " the products of the Russian company "Lanke "And consists of 5 blocks:" Corporate accounting ","Gaap. ", Financial Analysis, Budget Planning and Project Management. These blocks can be performed autonomously or together, complementing each other.

Block "1C: Corporate Accounting" Used for financial and accounting on the basis of a unified information base.

Block "1C: Parus: GAAP"provided for holding parallel accounting of financial statements on international and national standards (German GAAP, UKG aa p, US GAAP, etc.).

Block "1C:Parus.-The financial analysis "Uses the tools of the package" 1C: Enterprise 8 ".

Block "1C: budget planning" used to automate the planning of the company's activities for the average and for a long time, monitoring the implementation of the plan and preparation of various management reports. This unit sometimes includes a block "1C:Parus. -The financial analysis".

Block "1C:Parus.-Project management" It is used for planning, organizations, coordination and control of design work and resources. To present the project structure, this unit offers graphics to prepare reports (PERT charts, network diagrams, etc.) and the necessary reports for planning and control.

System "Project.Expert.5 "- Cold for"PRO - Invest - Konsaltinq "And intended to analyze the effectiveness of the enterprise, financial planning and control. The package supports international accounting standards. The exchange of information between the system and the external environment is carried out in the formats ".tXT "and". DBF. " In addition, the package supports links with such well-known planning and management systems as: "MS PRo Je C T »," Primavera "," Project Planner "," Sure Truck " Information exchange with these systems is performed on the format of a network schedule "Gantt. "

Software "Project. Expert.5 "Perfect in two modifications:"Base »(Basic) and" Professional "(Professional). "Project. Expert.5 Professional »Represents users additionally two functions:

1) control over the topicalization of data and the implementation of the project;

2) Work with a group of projects.

The Special Module "Integrator" allows you to combine several projects in one group and calculate the integrated indicators for a group and compare to any indicator different project options.

"1C: Blotter 8" - it is a universal software package to automate accounting and tax accounting and preparation of regulated reports. These accounting are carried out in accordance with the current legislation and on adopted forms. The main features of the package is:

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products;

Quantitative accounting on warehouses and parties;

Accounting of cash and cashless cash;

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets;

Calculation of the cost of products and services;

Calculation of wages of workers.

In addition to the listed functions "1C: Accounting 8" allows accounting and tax accounting for several enterprises based on a unified information base. For large holdings and corporations, consisting of several enterprises and branches, it is very convenient.

There is a training version of this package.

« MS.BackOffice.» - the integrated software package of the company "Microsoft. ", Which is designed to automate management at the office level. It consists of a set of server programs to create an enterprise information system.

In "BackOffice »Follow the following:

"Exchange Server" (with a set "Outlook Service Release 1", "SQL Server", "Host Integration Server", "Systems Management Server" (together with "SERVICE PACK 2"),the new version of Proxy Server. Server programs support catalog "Windows Active Directory. "

Creating Kisa Software With ERP.- Systems.

PrimiteERP. -Systems are automation of planning, accounting and management of the enterprise. Therefore systemsERP. You can consider as an integrated set of following subsystems:

Financial management;

Managing material flows;

Enterprise management;

Project management;

Service management services;

Quality control;

Personnel Management.

As resources for management discusses:


Material and technical resources;

Power (machines and equipment, technological installations, warehouses, vehicles, labor resources, etc.).

As an example, consider the finance management subsystem (Fig. 13).

Investment compilation

Budget projects

F. insome mutual

Indicators Calculations

Analysis and forecasting

Financial funds


Optimization Financial control

Financial financial and reports

Process flows


Fig.13. Functions performed by the Financial Management Subsystem

In general, financial management is performed on 4 functional levels:

Drafting a financial plan;

Financial control of the enterprise;

Monitoring financial processes;

Implementation of financial processes (fulfillment of financial transactions).

Planning, budgeting and reporting usingERP. -Systems bring the following advantages:

Integration, i.e. These processes are performed on the basis of a single methodology;

Efficiency. For planning, preparation of budgets and their implementation, a maximum of 90 days is given;


Orientation on a single technology.

AWP forms form text and graphic files. Text files are advisable to prepare using specialized text editors programs.

Typical procedures are:

    entering information is usually in hexadecimal code;

    primary correction of the selected errors on the video);

    automated spelling check using speller software;

    formatting, i.e. Preparing for the withdrawal of printers (if the further use of metting and layout systems is excluded);

    displays a printer, a photo signal, a risograph or printing into a file.

When working in graphic editorsIn addition to entering graphic information, the image editing procedures, retouching, coloring, scaling and output are performed (if eliminating the use of metting and layout systems).

Using maketing and layout systems An important procedure is a preliminary task of the type of printer, since, depending on this, these or other fonts are connected to operation. Usually pay attention to which filters are installed in this pavement and layout system (if necessary, you can add or remove it). Filters help the mastering and layout system "learn" imported text and graphic files manufactured in appropriate textual and graphic editors. Maketing and dialogue systems (type Page Maker, QuarkXpress) allow technical and artistic editors to develop on the video monitor screen sketch of the layout of the preparing publication. At the same time, graphic primitives are used (rectangles, ovals) with different hatching to simulate location on real pages of publishing text, graphic blocks, etc., changes in their size. The result of such preliminary pavement can be "fixed" on the so-called basic page, which is not displayed, but contains printed and non-printable fragments that are repeated on the real pages of publication. On separate pages, it is possible to remove unnecessary or add new design fragments.

In the layout and layout systems, it is advisable to use files previously obtained in one way or another. For example, when entering text, in addition to the keyboard, it can be used. reading device. When entering graphic information, in addition to graphic editors, so-called scanners can be used to digitize graphic fragments prepared by the artist in the usual way (without using a computer). At the same time, sometimes it is conveniently separate fragments of the publication bands to enter into the computer directly in the layout system from the keyboard (for example, individual headlines, footnote materials and footers, graphic primitives in the form of lines and protozoa geometric shapes).

Pre-prepared files are imported on publication pages into specially organized windows or in the limiters specified using basic pages. In the automated layout programs of the Ventura Publisher type, you can use one of the types of preparation of the decoration of the chapter, which are usually developed for the design of various types (books, brochures, booklets, etc.). Similar workpieces in the form of templates (Templates) are used in the Page Maker.

Some of the layout and layout systems (for example, Page Maker 5.0 and 6.5) contain built-in text editor (For example, Story Editor), as well as embedded spell routines.

The so-called descriptors (in Ventura Publisher) or design styles at the Page Maker, QuarkXpress (Page Maker, QuarkXpress) are widely used for formatting in the paging and laying systems. Such teams help when designing homogeneous fragments.

The output of the formed strips is usually carried out using laser printers With a resolution of about 600 or 1200 dpi to obtain the reproducted original layout. Modern programs allow you to withdraw:

    adjust gradations of shades;

    change the intensity of the printout;

    set the required number of copies;

    take the tags of the cut;

    perform printout separately by colors;

    output pages in direct or reverse order;


    output in mirror mapping;

    ensure the lanes;

    cancel the withdrawal of individual fragments and others.

It turned out the use of the use instead of paper special plastics with a transparent substrate. In this case, there is no need to reproduce the original layout and the diapositive is made on the printer. If it is necessary to process high-grade fragments (with resolving capacity of 2400 dpi and more), as output devices use photo wave devices. Finally, there is the possibility of the so-called print to a file that provides an entry for a magnetic medium of information as directly by the content of pages and influences on formatting characteristic of the program used. When printing to a file The type of output device is specified, and the output itself is possible on a particular device even in the absence of an application used.

Recently, a series of publishing and printing complexes based on the technology of the same name is introduced at the stage of informance of information. Manufacturing, installing on the cylinder and remove the used rotational printing used, automatically executed.

The DRUPA 95 show demonstrated a method of prepress processing according to the "computer to printed form" method, at which full-format printing forms are exposed directly from the computer to formal material with an aluminum substrate when using special digital exposure machines.

The "Computer to Paper" method is carried out using a digital printing machine, for example, AGFA Chromapress, which is controlled directly by the computer, does not contain printed form and liquid printing colors, and is electrophotographic and uses appropriate color tons.

A combination of software tools (Soft Ware) used in electronic processing of publishing products will be present in the form of the following scheme.

System software Organizes the user interaction with the computer, regardless of the type of task being performed. This includes procedures:

    turn on the computer, diagnose its status and turn off it at the end of the session;

    preparation floppy disk (their formatting, creating the necessary directories, subdirectories);

    preparing hard disk (hard drive) to work (creating directories, subdirectories);

    changes in the color of the screen, size and location on it of individual windows;

    connect missing or deleting unnecessary fonts;

    setting the mouse mode;

    tasks like peripheral devices;

    call application programs;

    finding files to download them into the program;

    recordings created or edited files on a specific route to a hard disk or diskette;

    copying, renaming, deleting files in the process of working on publication, etc.

When working on IBM-like computers The system of system software, which is usually supplied with the computer, includes:

    mS DOS operating system;

    norton Commander software shell;

    windows graphic environment.

Text processors and machine graphics programs Representing Applied Programs to perform basic functions when processing, respectively, textual and graphics information (here can be classified, for example, text processors of the lexicon type, Write, Chiwriter, Tex, T3, Winword, and graphic programs like Paintbrush, Corelchart, CorelDRAW, Freehand , Adobeillustrator, Photoshop, etc.):

    programs for the simplest procedures in text processing are usually attributed to lexicon. It is used in the processing of various kinds of office documents;

    write, WordPad programs are supplied as part of Windows graphic environments and are used when editing and formatting uncomplicated text files;

    programs like Chiwriter, Tex, T3 until recently were widely used in the processing of technical products, including, in addition to text, mathematical and structural chemical formulas, as well as tables. Recently, they have been repulsed everywhere with Winword programs, which were quickly improved by Microsoft. Thus, the latest version of Winword 97 presents a powerful multifunctional development, according to some parameters, not inferior to layout systems;

    business graphics subroutines provide processing and output (in the form of graphs, diagrams) data, which usually have table structure. These include, for example, a routine of the drawing mode and the use of chart masters in a Winword type processor, a subroutine of the use of chart masters in Excel, Corelchart subroutine, etc.;

    illustrative information processing programs (graphic editors of type CorelDraw, Freehand, Adobeillustrator) are designed for the processing and output of various fragments of vector-type illustration products (for example, promotional products, commodity and branded signs, logos, etc.);

    fine product processing programs usually include software so-called point or raster graphics. They have a strongly developed assortment of tools and additional features (work with layers, flowering, special effects of watercolorism, transparency, blurring edges, retouching, etc.). Typical representatives of such programs are, for example, photoshop, photostyler, etc.

The layout systems provide layout of the material on the publishing bands are usually from pre-prepared text and graphic files. For such systems (for example, Ventura Publisher), the presence of built-in routines for the formation of tables, mathematical formulas, libraries of text and graphic fragments, as well as the use of additional funds facilitating the positioning of individual fragments on the strip, performing flowering, flow around the text of illustrative material, preparing publication for transmission Its in the service office and DR:

    some of them (for example, Page Maker 6.5) have a built-in text processor (Story Editor), providing a convenient execution of functions characteristic of text editors (this, for example, a convenient entry of text information from a keyboard, automated spelling, search operation and replacement, etc. );

    many of them (for example, Page Maker 6.5, QUARKXPRESS 4.0) are simultaneously layout and sampling systems, i.e. have a mechanism in the form of basic pages to create a sketch of the future bandwidth on the screen;

    ventura Publisher type layout systems have a convenient mechanism for processing footnotes;

    the latest versions of the versal systems have advanced features when performing flowering and lane descent (for example, PageMaker 6.5), as well as when processing graphic images (for example, QuarkXpress 4.0).