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Touch remote control light. Remote light control panel

From the article you will find out for what you need a wireless switch, scope and variety, device and principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, selection criteria, how to connect with your own hands, schemes.

Wireless network switches in the root change the idea of \u200b\u200bcontrolling lighting devices, simplify our life and make it more comfortable.

Recently, such technologies were not available due to the high price and limited production.

At the present stage there is a tendency to reduce their cost. That is why the radio switches and their other analogues are increasingly perceived from the standpoint alternative to classic switches.

Why do you need a wireless switch?

Remote systems that provide control of those or other devices at a distance are becoming increasingly distributed. Wireless wall switch is no exception.

It is created to improve comfort, and for senior citizens and people with disabilities, it is completely needed.

With this device, you can easily control the lighting in the house, change the brightness, turn on and disable lamps.

In addition, thanks to a special design, there is no need to spoil the walls and make large holes for mounting.

Scope of application

Traditional switches are gradually departed in the past due to the inconvenience of the use, complexity of connection and installation, as well as a small resource. Wireless analogues have better qualities.

They are distinguished by stylish appearance and are installed within a few minutes.

The use of such products is relevant in the following cases:

  • When transferring the old switch when the furniture objects interfere with its installation. The fastening of the new device is made anywhere in the room - on the wall, mirror, wardrobe or other element of the room.
  • To eliminate electrical errors. When installing, the wiring is often completed, which affect the comfort of accommodation in an apartment or house. In such cases, it is not necessary to make a stroke or plan expensive repair - you can install a wireless switch (with or without or without a remote control).
  • With a shortage of space. Classic option - switch to problematicly install on a closet or other interior object due to the complexity of the fastening. Wireless analogs are overhead, and their installation is available even to beginners. In addition, during the installation process there is no need to lay the cable and break your head over its disguise. And the radio switch can be delivered anywhere, whether it is a coffee table, a bar stand, a bedside table or another piece of furniture.
  • In wooden houses. The advantage of buildings manufactured using wooden materials is indisputable. They differ in durability, the ability to maintain heat, as well as a small price. But when problems associated with increased security requirements arise. The optimal option is the installation of open wiring, but it spoils the appearance of the interior and is subject to mechanical damage (including from rodents). Make a hidden wiring in a wooden house and the problem is at all. The best solution is to install wireless lighting switches that simplify the installation process of the hidden wiring and allow saving money.
  • To control lighting from several places. There are situations where the inclusion of light must be made of 2-3 parts of the room. To do not pull the wires to each switch, it is better to use wireless devices. With their help, the lighting management is simplified and the time for installation work is reduced. If you wish, you can put wireless switches with a remote control.
  • If necessary, installing additional switches. It happens that after completing the repair work, the selected location does not suit and install an additional device for controlling the light. Installation of the wireless switch solves the problem.
  • To enable / disconnect the light at large distances. How to be in a situation where the inclusion and disconnection of the lamp must be made from another room or even from the street? Pull the wire for mounting the additional switch is expensive and unsafe, and the capabilities of the new technology make it possible to avoid such problems. The feature of the radio switches is a large range of work - up to 350 m (depending on the model). The control can be made with a simple console, which is done for convenience in the form of a key fob.
  • In order to preserve the design of the room. If the installation of the switch to the recess is impossible, you have to put overhead types of products that spoil the appearance of the room and do not look very solid. Solving the problem - installation of a wireless device, which is characterized by a small thickness and perfectly fits into the interior.
  • Alternatively, ordinary devices. When repaired in an apartment or house, I want to make some innovations in the design, make life more comfortable. One way is to install a wireless remote switch. Such products will be more expensive, but they are easy to install, have a solid look and provide ease of lighting control.


Wireless switches do not differ varieties, but some choice still has.

They are classified for three main features:

  • By control type;
  • If possible control of the level of illumination;
  • By the number of lighting devices that they control.

Taking into account the above classification, you can select the following types of wireless switches:

Device and principle of operation of the main elements of the device

The wireless switch consists of the following items:

Electric wiring is needed only for the lamp and supply power to the product receiver. As noted above, the signal is transmitted using an infrared pulse or radio waves.

The second control version is more preferable, because control is possible at a high distance and even from another room.

Installation of the product is made according to a simple scheme, for the implementation of which you do not need to have deep knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.

The old switch can be left as an optional switching / disconnection source when the battery discharge in the control panel.

The light control is made in the following ways:

  • By touching a special touch panel;
  • By pressing the mechanical button;
  • Signal from the remote control or phone.

When remote control from the remote control, the signal is fed on radio frequencies, which eliminates the presence of interference and improves the reliability of the device.

Walls, Furniture and other interior elements will not interfere with the command to switch on or disconnect the light source.

Using the remote control, you can manage both a group of wireless switches (up to 8 pieces). Thanks to this, you can not walk around the apartment or house to disconnect the light somewhere in the toilet or bathroom.

The radius of the remote control depends on many factors - product models, features of the construction of the building used in the manufacture of partitions.

Most often, the signal is transmitted to the distance from twenty to twenty-five meters. The transmitter is powered by batteries.

The lack of a control panel is that it is constantly lost and the lighting management has to be carried out manually.

That is why sensory wireless switches are increasingly popular, which respond to a common touch and are used in smart home systems.

Some radio switches are capable not only to include and disconnect the lamp, but also to adjust the level of illumination. In this case, the scheme is complemented by another element -.

The control process is performed using a wireless switch. To change the level of illumination, you must press and hold your finger on the button or key.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless switches

Despite the convenience of use, wireless load switches (in our case of lighting) have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. But about everything in more detail.

  • Ease of installation. To install and connect, it is not necessary to hammer the walls and lay a separate "branch" of electrical wiring.
  • The ability to control at once several light sources from the remote control or through a smartphone.
  • Large range. The control signal in the open area can reach the receiver at a distance of up to 30 meters. At the same time, walls or furniture items are not an obstacle.
  • Security for adults and children. Even accidental damage to the design does not carry health risks. Working current in wireless remote switches is minimal and not dangerous to health.
  • The cost of such products is higher than classical "wired" switches. Adherents of savings and conservatives prefer the usual products.
  • The impossibility of management due to the discharge of the battery in the remote control or the impossibility of control due to weak Wi-Fi communication.

Features and principle of the remote light switch

Let us dwell on the wireless management system in more detail. It includes a set of equipment that is used to control the level of illumination in an apartment or house.

No standard switch is used to control, but a special remote control or phone (about it partially mentioned above).

The control panel (depending on the model) can be designed for various number of channels. It can act on one or a whole group of lamps (up to several tens).

In the most advanced systems, the inclusion is made using a motion sensor that feeds the need to turn on the light in the case of a person approximation to the controlled zone.

If you correctly configure the motion sensor, it will only respond to a person.

The remote switch is based on a radio transmitter. It is he who transfers the signal on / disconnecting to lighting devices.

The range of action is noted above, most devices are up to 30 meters. But on sale you can find models capable of transmitting a signal to a distance of up to 300 meters.

The radio transmitter receives a signal from the remote control, and then transmits it to light sources. The remote control, as a rule, has two channels, but there are eight-channel models.

The control can be carried out and using the switch to which the transmitter is built.

A radar is often turned on with a wireless remote device. It is used to connect the console and sockets. With it, control can be done through a mobile phone. Such devices received the name GSM switches.

Management can be made in one of the following ways:

Characteristics to pay attention to when choosing

When buying a wireless remote switch, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Type of light bulbs managed by the device;
  • Material, color and appearance of the case;
  • Operating voltage;
  • Number of channels;
  • Radius of action;
  • Dimensions;
  • Rated current;
  • Equipment.

It is also worth paying attention to the following criteria:

  • Operating frequency range;
  • Signal transmission method;
  • The presence of encoding;
  • Transmitter power type;
  • Estimated battery replacement time;
  • Fasteners;
  • Temperature temperature range;
  • Price.

What does the market offer?

A wide range of wireless remote switches allows you to choose a product taking into account price, characteristics and appearance.

Let us consider only a few models that the market offers:

  • Fenon TM-75 - A remote control switch made of plastic and a voltage-designed 220 V. The device features should include the presence of two channels, a 30-meter radius of action, the presence of a remote control and a delay function.
    Each channel can be connected along the lighting instrument group and manage them. The Fenon TM-75 wireless switch can be used with chandeliers, point, LED and, as well as other devices running from 220 volts.
  • Inted 220V - a wireless radio switch designed for fastening on the wall. It has one key and is installed in the complex with the receiving unit. The working voltage of the product is 220 volts, and the radius of action is 10-50 meters. The mounting of the wireless light switch is made using self-tapping screws or two-way tape. The housing is made of plastic.
  • Inted-1-CH - switch light with remote control from Du. With this model, you can control light sources remotely. The lamp power can be up to 900 W, and the working voltage of the product is 220V. Using the radio switch, you can control the equipment, turn on and disconnect the light or alarm. The product is based on the receiver and the transmitter. The latter has the type of keyfob having a small size and transmitting a signal to a distance of up to 100 m. The body of the product does not have protection against moisture, so when installing on the street it is necessary to provide additional protection.
  • Wireless touch switch with control over the remote control. The product is mounted on the wall, differs in small dimensions and made of tempered glass and PVC. The operating voltage is from 110 to 220V, and the rated power is up to 300 W. The package includes a switch, remote control and bolts for attaching an accessory. The average cycle of life is 1000 presses.
  • Inted 220 V 2 receiver - Wireless lighting switch for mounting on the wall. Control is performed using two keys. The housing is made of plastic. The operating voltage is 220. The number of independent channels is 2.
  • BAS-IP SH-74 - a wireless radio switch having two independent channels. The control is performed using a mobile phone on the Android operating system. To work, you must install the BAS application. The SH-74 model is used to control incandescent lamps having power up to 500 W, as well as daylight lights (power limit - 200 W).
  • FERON TM72 - Wireless switch, controlling lighting up to 30 meters away. Sources of light are combined to the receiving unit, and the inclusion and shutdown is performed using the remote control. In the TM72 model there are two channels, each of which can be connected to a specific group of devices. The product has a large supply of power to one channel (up to 1 kW), which allows you to connect various types of light source. A large plus model is the presence of a delay equal to 10 to 60 seconds.
  • The wireless 3-channel switch for 220V SmartBuy is designed to connect light sources into three channels with a capacity limit to 280 W. Rated supply voltage is 220 V. The control is made from the remote control that has a range of action equal to 30 meters.
  • Z-Wave CH-408 is a wall-mounted radio switch that allows you to program various scenarios of control of light instruments. If necessary, you can connect to eight switches. Of the additional features it is worth highlighting the Z-Wave control devices (up to 80) and ease of configuration, regardless of the main controller. The device is powered by two batteries, when the corresponding signal is discharged. The firmware update is made via the Z-Wave network. The maximum distance to the controller should not exceed 75 meters. Protection class - IP-30.
  • FERON TM-76 - Wireless lighting switch, which is controlled remotely using a radio signal. The receiver connects to light sources, and the remote control controls the receiving unit at a distance of 30 meters away. The FERON TM-76 model has three independent channels, each of which can be connected to the Lighting Instrument Group. Control in this case will be made separately, with the remote control. The maximum power supply is up to 1 kW, which allows connecting lamps of various types (including incandescent). The operating voltage is 220 V.

How to connect a wireless remote switch with your own hands

Consider the order of connecting the wireless switch using the example of Zamel RZB-04.

The set of the model includes the following items:

  • 2-channel low-dimensional radio (type ROP-02);
  • 2-channel 4-mode radio switch (type RNK-04);
  • Fastening for the installation of the product (dowels with self-drawers, as well as foamed double-sided adhesion).

The receiver can work in five different modes:

  • Turning on. When you turn on the key, Ignition of one or more lamps. You can adjust the power on any of the key positions.
  • Disconnection. The principle is similar to what is considered above. The difference is that when you click on the key, light shutdown.
  • Monostable. In this mode, the light will light only during the button pressing the button. After its release, the lamp is turned off.
  • Bistable. In this case, each pressing leads to a change in the state - the inclusion and shutdown occurs cyclically.
  • Temporary. Here, after clicking on the key, the light will burn a certain time. This option is useful when installing a wireless switch in the stairwell, a bedroom or a long corridor. At the entrance, you can light the light, go through a certain distance (walk to bed), after which the light will turn off.

To properly connect the receiver, carefully read the scheme. To begin with, apply the voltage (connect the phase and zero). Only a phase wire is laid, without zero, so its installation is made at the installation site of the lamp (chandeliers).

The second option is preferred. Before performing this work, it is recommended to turn off the power supply of electrical energy using the machine and check the absence of voltage.

Now it is necessary to make an outfit phase, for which the phase is connected to one of the wires heading to the chandelier. To ensure maximum reliability, use Vago Terminals.

When performing work at hand there must be a circuit for connecting a remote switch.

It can be seen how to connect the device:

  • To the contact "L" it is necessary to bring a phase wire. In this case, it is not necessary to conduct it through the switch - the product works in constant mode.
  • Connect the zero conductor to the "N" terminal, which is taken from the junction box.
  • A phase is connected to the "OUT1" contact, which goes to a group or one lamp. Here you will need a 0 oh conductor, which can be taken from the distribution-cutting or receiver (terminal N).
  • To "Out2" connect the phase that goes to the second group or one lamp. As in the past case, zero is taken from the distribution unit or from the terminal bar of the receiver.
  • To "INT1" Move the pulse switch. The peculiarity is that when pressed, it sends only a short-term signal. After the operation, the mode of operation of the 1st group of lamps is changing. Due to this feature, the ROP-02 receiver can be controlled using a remote control or stationary switching switch.
  • To "INT2" you need to connect the pulse switch (one or group). After clicking on it, the mode of operation of the 2nd group will be changed. The principle here is the same as described above.

Now you need to combine the remote light switch along with the receiving device, link them with each other and determine the mode of operation. To do this, you must first supply electricity.

Now select the appropriate mode of the switch. Most often, the standard option is suitable - when the switch is turned up, it turns on, and down - shutdown.

To program such a mode, do the following:

For ease of use, double-sided scotch is divided into four small squares, which are glued along the perimeter of the product, it is pre-removed to remove the protective layer. It remains to put the switch in the selected location in the level.

Installation of the wireless remote switch is completed, and you can install a control lamp, after which the system's performance can be checked.

To do this, switch the up key - the light should turn around, and down - go out. When the switch is triggered, the indicator is lit.

Wireless remote switches have recently relate to the category of new and inaccessible technologies. With the growth of production and competition, the price is reduced, which makes the purchase available to each person.

The main thing is to carefully approach the selection of the product, deal with the main parameters and give preference to the models of proven manufacturers.

This type of lighting is actively used in residential, office and even industrial premises. The highest popularity today received control systems implemented using radio shutters, motion sensors, controllers with control panels, smartphones and computers. Modern technologies allow you to manage or at the incoming site, being, being hundreds of kilometers from them. Some of them will be discussed in the article.

Advantage of remote control

The use of remote control devices allows you to solve a number of tasks:

  • Economically spending electricity;
  • Make the process of incorporating / disable lamps as comfortable as possible;
  • Musture your home or apartment from attacker's encroachment (presence effect).

Types of remote control

The remote light inclusion is wireless and wireless, manually and automatically, with the possibility of manipulating light from devices operating on the principle of radiation and receiving waves of certain frequencies: infrared, microwave, radio frequency, sound, ultrasound, voice (specific commands). This article will focus in detail on the lighting management using a different type of radiation, voice and sound commands.

Infrared and radio wave control light from the console

Infrared lighting control using the console is extremely rare. Basically, such systems work on the principle of transmitting the signal over the radio channel. For the possibility of manipulating light instruments with an IR beam, a remote lighting control unit is connected to the chain rupture, such as BM8049M. It allows you to turn on the lamp with a regular remote control from the TV. To do this, the remote control is attached to the block, they hise any key (which is not used to switch channels), after which the command is written in memory and now it is possible to control the power on, without getting up from the sofa.

The main disadvantages of using IR remote control lights are the need to accurately hover on the signal receiver, as they work only within the limits of direct visibility, and the small range of ray, but in this case you can use repeaters.

Much more distribution received light control systems using the remote control, in which the signal is transmitted from the control device to the controller, regulating the power on / off of light on a certain radio frequency.

The light control over the radio channel is more in demand for several reasons:

  • The ability to control the light not only the console, but also a computer, smartphone and other devices;
  • The radius of the signal is about 100 meters in the absence of obstacles, 15-25 meters in the presence of obstacles;
  • The ability to set the signal amplifiers and repeaters for better transmission of commands from the control device.

The remote control system by radio channel using the remote consists of:

  • Console;
  • Battery;
  • Remote control controller connected to the network and load.

Install the controller into a wall or a glass of chandeliers (see photo). They can be controlled by incandescent lamps, compact and conventional fluorescent, halogen, LED lamps, and not only single luminaires, but also their group.

Overview of the remote control of lighting, Chinese production, with the remote control, by radio channel, video:

Remote light control with infrared and radio switches

Infrared switches are rare on the market of lighting, as it is wiser to control the light using radio devices. One of the most popular switches - Sapphire Company of Nootekhnika (Belarus). The same company releases a variety of lighting control devices by radio channel, including those mentioned below. The switch is controlled by any console, such as television or manually. Takes signals receiver located inside the device on the touch panel. Light switch with remote control is presented in the photo.

Overview of the Sapphire IR switch, video:

The light switch with remote control is located in any place convenient for themselves, power blocks - in a distribution box or a cup of chandeliers.

An example of "binding" block of lighting control to the radio switch, video:

Using lighting control sensors

In the market of lighting, various motion sensors are widely represented, for remote lighting control. The most common is infrared. They are devices, closing or discharging lighting chain with an increase in the level of infrared radiation in the zone of their "visibility". As soon as a person or an animal fall into the sensor field, the body temperature is above the background temperature - the light turns on. As soon as a person leaves the zone of the sensor or a few seconds is in a fixed position - the light turns off. Motion sensors are mounted most often in the entrances, above the entrance door, less often - inside the apartment.

Disadvantages and advantages of infrared sensors

The disadvantages of the use of motion sensors include the possibility of false positives (reaction to warm air, sun rays), deterioration in the street on the street due to atmospheric precipitation, lack of an instrument in the case when man's clothing does not transmit infrared radiation, constant light turning off after 10-15 Seconds as soon as motor activity decreases.

The benefits of sensors include the ability to control the consumption of electrical energy and as a result of reduced money, safety for human health, ease of use.

Connection of motion sensors does not cause difficulties, the installation scheme presented below is very common. To implement it, a three-cable wire is needed to which the lighting control device is powered by the network and is connected to the load. The phase wire wire is connected to the sensor phase wire. Zero conductors of the lamp, the power supply and the sensor are connected together. The lamp with phase wire is connected to the remaining sensor wire.

Selection of infrared motion sensors

When choosing IR sensors draw attention to the following parameters:

  • Place of application. Sensors are manufactured with the degrees of protection from IP20 to IP 55 and are built and attached. For use in the apartment, it is more profitable for an embedded sensor, and the degree of protection practically does not play roles. To install the device on the street or in the stairwell, it is better to choose a model with protection against dust and water installed on the bracket;
  • Maximum range. IR sensors capture the change in the background temperature at a distance of 10-20 meters. Those of them that plan to install on the street should have a larger radius of "coverage". In the room this parameter for nothing;
  • Detection angle. In the vertical plane, the angle of view of the sensors - 15-20 degrees, in horizontal - from 60 to 360 degrees;
  • Load power. Before buying a sensor, you need to know the power of the load connected to it and select the device for these indicators with a margin.

Using other motion sensors to control light

In addition to infrared regulators, microwave, sound and ultrasonic, and combined sensors are sometimes used to control lighting.

Microwave sensors

Microwave sensors operate on the principle of radiation and receiving electromagnetic waves. In the usual mode, the frequency and length of emitted and reflected from the objects of the waves are the same. When a person fall into the sensor zone, these parameters are changed, after which the switching mechanism of the light chain is activated. The advantages of microwave sensors are that they are high-precision devices, work perfectly even with bad weather, and flaws are the possibility of false positives, high price, harmful radiation from sensors with a large radius coverage.

Ultrasound sensors

Ultrasonic sensors on the principle of operation are similar to microwave sensors. Inside these devices, a sound wave generator is set, a frequency of 20 to 60 kilohertz, which is emitted and reflected from objects located in the sensor action field. When a person or an animal hit in a radius of coverage, the frequency of the sound waves coming to the sensor changes that the device immediately registers. Disadvantages of ultrasound sensors: may not react to smooth movement, cause discomfort in animals. The advantages of the sensors: low cost, work in conditions of high humidity, temperature changes, react to movement, regardless of whether clothing from which material on person.

Combined sensors

Combined sensors combine several motion detection technologies. They can use microwave and ultrasound radiation or infrared and microwave. Such devices are most qualitatively performed in front of them tasks.

Sound sensors

Sound sensors react to a sharp change of sound, the level of which is set by changing the sensitivity of the sensor. Most often include and disconnect the light with cotton in your hands. Voice switches can be considered a variety of sound sensors.

Voice control light

The voice control of light devices in the apartment is implemented using voice sensor-switches, often used in smart home systems, as well as computers or smartphones on which a special program is installed.

Light switches with remote control (voice) are divided into two types: with the need to configure and without it. In the first case, you need to train the device to command the activation, turn on and off, in the second case, all commands are already spelled out in memory and are specified in the instructions, you just need to use them to control. Often, such switches can be controlled not only by voice, but also by any console. These include "Jaco" and "service." You can get acquainted with the features of their work on the sites of manufacturers.

In modern conditions, electronic control devices (switches) are becoming increasingly used in various fields of human activity, including the everyday environment of its habitat - housing. This introduction has affected such an important area as a system of coverage of residential rooms, which establishes special devices complete with a remote control that remote control on and off the light. With the appearance and order of operation of such devices can be found on the figure located below.

A modern remote light switch with a remote control is a rather complex electronic system consisting of a number of functional nodes. This review article will be devoted to considering the features and procedures for the work of the entire complex for lighting control.

Principle of operation

A typical light switch with a remote control works on the principle of transmitting the encoded signal towards a special receiver built into the lighting device. To implement the possibility of switching the actuator from the remote control in the "Transmitter-receiver" system, classic wave radiation of infrared or radio frames are used.

To establish a direct communication channel between the instrument of the transmitter and the receiver, the following important conditions must be compliance:

  • In the control panel, a built-in IR or radio band generator must be provided with the possibility of encoding the transmitted parcel (its modulation of the signal in one way or another);
  • A receiver or remote lighting switch is installed on the opposite side capable of accepting, enhanced and decryp the received signal, and then send the decoded command to the appropriate actuator;
  • To power the transmitting device, an autonomous source will be required, which is commonly used small-sized elements or batteries (see photo).

When deciding on the independent manufacture of the system, it is important to determine the type of radiation (IR or radio signal), which will be used to transmit the signal to the remote switch.

Important! Not only the size of the upcoming costs, but also the efficiency of the management system made by their own hands will depend on this choice.

Despite the fact that radio channels are traditionally used in electrical devices, in the management of household appliances, systems with IR radiation are often used.

Features of the systems of Du

Infrared IR devices

Household switches with remote control, working using IR radiation, differ in the following constructive features:

  • Controlled remote switches are mounted in the rupture of the line feeding the lighting circuit;
  • As such devices, standard BM8049M type modules or schems similar to them are used;
  • To manage their operation, conventional remote controls from television receivers of certain brands can be used (this option should be indicated in the instructions of this device).

If you need to turn on the lighting on the receiving-commuting unit, the diode emitter of the control panel is first guided, and then by pressing a particularly dedicated button, a command to memorize this function is sent.

By acceptance and decoding the parcel, it is recorded in the memory of the actuator, after which it is possible to control the inclusion of light by the installed communication channel directly from the remote control (see the figure below).

Useful remark. The main disadvantage of systems with IR radiation is the need for a very accurate pointing of the remote control on the receiver, since these systems are functioning only within the boundaries of direct visibility.

We will add to this not a very large range of the emitter, to increase which in some cases is possible due to the installation of expensive repeaters.

With radio channel

It is much more convenient and practical to use a remote control switch operating in the radio emission range transmitted from the remote control to the receiver with the controller built into it.

The use of a radio channel to control modern light equipment is much more expedient for the following reasons:

  • There is an opportunity to manage the lighting switching system not only remote control, but also from a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone and other similar electronic devices;
  • In this case, the radius of the range of the radio channel is significantly increased and reaches in the absence of obstacles of 100 meters (15-25 meters if available);
  • In this situation, it is allowed to install special signal amplifiers on the reception side.

Note! For control systems on infrared rays operating in the high-frequency range, use amplifiers for remote lighting on the lighting will be too uneconomical.

The switch control system with Du on the radio channel consists of the following main parts:

  • Portable remote;
  • Feeding battery;
  • Controllers of control (switches) included in the actuator module (which, in turn, is integrated into the load line).

The terminal module with the controller is typically mounted directly in the chandelier glass, located near it from it with a junction box or in a plastic outlet case (see the photo below).

Thanks to this placement, the executive part of the system is reliably hidden from prying eyes and does not violate the overall order of mounting wiring in a closed room space.

Review of distance engizers

Among the most famous models on the market, the remote light switcher of the Sapphire-2503 type light is produced in Belarus, as well as the system with a radio-controlled channel of the brand "Nootechnics Noolat". With a product of their first, these firms can be found in the photo shown below.

Another type of wireless switches and switching devices of lighting equipment by radio channel is produced by such a well-known manufacturer as Soso. These are common models such as AWST-8800, AWST-8801, as well as a portable Soso key chain AKT-510 and an embedded AWMT-230 transmitter.

Models from the last two manufacturers of remote control systems is more practical and more convenient than those like them switches with signal transmission over IR channel. With their help, it is possible to simultaneously manage all lighting equipment in the house from almost any of his point (from the most remote rooms). The presence of the special dimmers in the kit of these devices is significantly expanding the system capabilities and allows you to adjust the illumination of internal spaces.

Portable control panels that are included in their composition make it possible to select one or another action scenario leading to light connection. More "advanced" products from the considered producers may contain in its composition a special RGB controller, capable of performing a number of operations, namely:

  • Include lighting at a given address or immediately throughout the house;
  • Adjust the brightness of the glow of lamps;
  • In accordance with the specified program, to establish the desired ratio of various color gamps during LED illumination with their consistent bust.

Due to the pretty compact dimensions of the electronic part of these devices, the remote switch is allowed to be placed inside a glass chandelier or lamp. When controlling from the remote control, it can be switched by radio channel from a distance of about 30 meters.

Most of the considered samples of control systems can work with household consumers designed to power up to 3.5 kW. To independently connect, you must do the following mandatory operations:

  • First, the load is selected with a suitable operating power for this device;
  • After that, the voltage from the house or apartment is removed by the introductory;
  • At the final stage of work in the rupture of the power line is set responsible for turning off the light power unit.

With all the details of the connection of the end executive device, you will be interested in the next section.

Order of independent connection

Work on the installation of a receiving device on the terminal side of the radio channel should be carried out by a qualified specialist or user who well mastered the basics of electrical engineering and electronics.

Important! Before connecting the actuator module into the power line break, first of all, it is necessary to de-energize with the appropriate protective machine.

We also note that the order of the insertion in the line in this case is somewhat different from the traditional method of inclusion. The fact is that only the phase wire is supplied to the usual keyboard, in which the mechanism itself is connected.

In order for the executive module of the system to work correctly, it is necessary to bring it not only the phase, but still land or zero wire. Only with this eyeliner, it is able to fully cope with all its functions. Thus, before installing the remote switch, it is very important to fully understand the wires suitable to it (including conductors going on the load).

Note! Under the concept of "load" in this situation implies any lighting device (fluorescent lamp, lamp, indoor chandelier or a whole complex of lighting devices).

With a large number of individual loads connected to the control system, the phase wire of each of them is started to the appropriate output terminal of the actuator module.

In this case, their wiring must comply with the scheme shown in the figure below.

Upon completion of self-installation (before serving a voltage of 220 volts in the power line), it is recommended to check the electrical connections again and make sure that all the work contacts are reliable.

In conclusion, we note that remote switches are increasingly used in the arrangement of the lighting systems of modern residential premises and offices. The design of the considered class during their secure placement creates comfortable conditions for controlling light in the house, and also provide the possibility of combined the use of highlights based on multi-colored LED tapes.


Having come home after a heavy working day and comfortably adjacent to the TV or engaged in your favorite thing, remember that they forgot to turn off the light. And since to get up too lazy, the remote control is coming to the rescue. It is convenient to use when adjusting light in the room. For example, if you are sitting on the couch with a book in your hands and noticed that the light is not enough to read it, this problem can be solved with the control panel in a few seconds.

This type of lighting is most often used in office and industrial premisesBut in terms of convenience, it becomes more and more distribution in residential. The most popular to date is the control systems that are controlled by the motion sensor and the radio switch. In addition, you can use computers, smartphones and miniature controllers of the ARDUINO type or compact fees - for example, Raspberry PI.

The advantages of modern technologies is that it is possible to control the light not only in this room, but also from the street or is over hundreds of thousands of kilometers from home.

Principle of operation of the device

Remote light control From the console is carried out using the adjustment processes and control parameters. Simply put, so that the light can be controlled from any point of the apartment using the remote control, devices transmitting a special radio signal into electrical wiring are mounted.

Using it and special embedded technologies, the lighting system is exchanged by the information data packet with the remote control. The package may include codes that are responsible for this or another team, they are in turn, can be programmed by a specialist. So, as convenient will be the owner.

Sometimes there may be control problems with too much distances, in this case, to increase the reliability of the signal transmission to the remote, the repeat function is arranged, with which the information is transmitted regularly and sequentially several times.

When buying a control device, it should be noted that each remote switch when connecting to the network is assigned by the system a unique network address. Simply put, some signal radio transmitters respond only to those commands that were fixed when programming in memory controls.

Advantages and disadvantages of the remote control

Having a remote console in his arsenal, a person not only simplifies life, but also makes it more comfortable.

In addition to the main advantage - Light flow control With a large or low distance - there are others, they can be attributed to them:

Compared to the advantages of this type of device, shortcomings are not so much. These include the fact that the price category on such remote control panels is high. Motion sensors that can sometimes be false due to the reaction to the sun rays or warm air, also not add comfort in operation. If the Street Control Panel is used, the accuracy of the control is worsens at the expense of atmospheric precipitation or in cases where you are near the electromagnetic radiation signals.

Control system functionality

In the basic skills of the remote control enters the disconnection of the luminaire lamp from the distance. If you bought a modern lamp or chandelier, it has the ability to disable not all the device as in conventional lamps, but only a certain segment.

This type of disconnection A certain lamp segment helps not only save electricity, but also in everyday life in the evening helps to prepare for sleep. If there is no need to use the full power of light streams, it will also come in handy.

You can easily change the lighting of the room at the level suitable for you. In addition to the usual light settings, in modern control systems, there is the possibility of the last memorization or fixation of the lighting features built for you. This is a very convenient function in everyday life: You will not need to constantly configure the light, costs once program the remote In several stages of a convenient pattern for you.

I remembers the device using a dimmer built into it, which is capable of storing the control settings specified for a long time.

If you have a small child in your family, a constantly played with the remote control, or you constantly forget where it is left, most new devices have sound or light alarms that help them find them in the rapid mode. To earn this mode, it is enough to activate the contact of the beep radio transmitter.

Characteristics of the standard switch

In most cases, each functional management system has its own unique characteristics. Each manufacturer of his gadget is trying to make a device that would not resemble other models and was unique in their own way. But in modern realities it is very difficult to do, as the production market is eating a huge range of products, and the unifiedness can provide longer support from enthusiasts.

Standard Remote Control Panel It has such technical specifications:

  • Pic power up to 12 million.
  • The operating frequency range ranges from 450 to 900 megahertz.
  • Approximate switching power is ranging from 300 watts to 6 kilowatt.
  • The distance of the response from the residential premises ranges from 40 to 500 meters.

When choosing a lighting system with a control panel, pay attention to the transmitter power and signal receiver. From these parameters will depend on the distance of active control. In this case, the power of the transmitter It is considered the main characteristic, from which the device's performance will depend on, the level of speed and responsiveness of the system.

Change lighting with smartphone

If you dare to buy a new chandelier with a remote remote control, please note that there is a remote control of the light from your smartphone. The principle of operation is similar to the standard switchb, only on your phone is set to synchronize the transmitter data with the mobile device and the activation codes are sent. Simply put, instead of the remote control, you use your smartphone.

The advantages of this type of management is convenience, since a special application is installed on the phone, the control is simplified several times due to a large display and its capabilities.

You can use different types of applications - use the device not as a switch and switch light, adjust the power and intensity of light. The principle of operation is simple, the transmission of commands is made using a radio receive signal in the form of encoded text species.

By cons of such a type of management include the fact that the smartphone housing is made with the addition of metal parts, this leads to serious signal distortions.

Connecting a system to lighting

The principle of connecting the remote control system may differ depending on the type of light source, which will be used.

If the connection is made with standard incandescent lamps, the installation is carried out according to the standard connection circuit of the simplest switch.

In most cases, the control panels are sold with LED lamps and lamps or LED lamps with an energy-saving function are used. Connections of this type of luminaire has some nuances.

So that the installation has passed successfully and eventually you got a secure correct lighting system, you need to consider the organization of full nutrition. Distance switches should be mounted as close as possible to the light source. The main thing is to ensure high-quality contact between the details and the presence of a stable voltage source.

If you have the plans to have a yard or garden lighting system and you want to control them using a remote device, when you choose, give preference to powerful radio devices that will be able to exchange signals in the range of 200 meters.

To change different parameters, such as brightness or flashing frequency and other in LED lighting, output chains should be collected on the basis of semiconductor transistors.

If the control is executed not only with the remote control system, but also, for example, voice commands are used, the system connection is possible at the site of a typical switch with an optional power cable.

Types of remote control

The range that the manufacturer offers is huge. Various characteristics are given: power, distance, etc. When choosing, it is necessary to clearly define your needs and choose a switch for yourself.

There are different types of remote control:

  • Wired and wireless.
  • Automatic or manual.

By type of signals used to handle control teams: infrared, radio frequency, voice, microwave, ultrasound.

The wide distribution of lighting control sensors are acquired in places of inexless stay of people, such as a corridor, toilet, bath, street surges, etc. The infrared motion sensor is considered the most popular.

Connect such a type of sensor does not cause difficulties, on the Internet you can find a typical installation scheme. To do this, you need a three-core wire of sufficient cross section thickness. The zero wires of the electrical network, the sensor and the luminaire are connected together, one of the phases is connected to the phase on the sensor, and the other to its last wire.

To adjust the lighting parameters at a distance using a light switch with a remote control, specialized signal radio transmitters are embedded in the power grid. The latter exchange with the remote data packets where the codes that are responsible for a specific command are included. To enhance reliability, the level of responsive means, the information is transmitted sequentially several times.

Each remote light switch with a remote control has its own unique address. In other words, separate signal radio transmitters are triggered only by commands filed from a fixed control tool.


The base skills with which the remote light switch has a remote control switch, enters the activation and disconnection of the chandelier at a distance. Thus, to manage basic lighting, the user does not have to get out of bed or climb from the workplace.

Modern electronics can manage individual chandeliers segments. This possibility becomes useful, for example, if necessary, the mute during the waste or the emergence of the need for creating too vivid lighting.

Lights with a remote control can relax or enhance the brightness level of all light sources that are connected to the electrical chain chandelier. That is, the user gets the opportunity at any time to change the saturation of lighting in the room at their own request.

What other possibilities in addition to closing and opening electrocups of lighting devices has a wireless remote control? The light switch with a built-in dimmer allows you to remember all sorts of settings, which contributes to the creation of a particular atmosphere in the room with one click of the button.

To save the user from the need to search for a lost console, on most devices, light and sound alarms are installed on most devices, which can be activated when contact with a wall radio transmitter.


The standard remote light switch with a 220V remote control has the following technical characteristics:

  • power is about 10 MW;
  • frequency - from 430 to 870 MHz;
  • response range - ranging from 30 to 500 m;
  • switchable power - at the level of 200 W to 5 kW.

When choosing a suitable tool for remote control of the lighting parameters, it is extremely important to pay attention to the ratio of the transmitter power and signal receiver. It is from this characteristic that the performance and the level of responsiveness of the system depends.


Applying a remote light switch with a remote control, the photos of which are presented in this material, the user receives the following advantages:

  1. There is an opportunity to combine all the lighting elements into a single system.
  2. When connected, there is no need to install additional wiring.
  3. The overall comfort of control of lighting sources, in particular, for people with disabilities increases.
  4. Installation does not represent special difficulties.
  5. If necessary, you can upgrade the installed system.
  6. The safety of the operation of lighting devices in the room increases.


Along with the obvious advantages, the use of remote control means has some drawbacks. First of all, it is worth noting the rather high cost of most functional systems.

Using the remote light switch with the street remote, you will have to put up with the limited features of its use inside the house. Ultimately, radio signals that proceed from the console are negatively reflected on the functioning of communication lines that are near the object.

Help with a smartphone

There are remote lighting control systems that allow you to synchronize data transmitters with mobile devices. In this case, the smartphone will play the same role as the console. However, due to the management of features from the display, the overall ease of operation of the system will increase significantly.

Special applications can be downloaded to the mobile phone. Thus, relying on a regular smartphone, the user gets the opportunity not only to turn off-to-enable lighting, but also adjust the intensity of individual light sources. Usually, the transmission of commands occurs by sending to the signal to the radio receiver as encoded text messages.


The principle of connecting the remote control of the lighting control is different, based on the type of light sources for which it is intended. If you have to work with the system that interacts with standard incandescent lamps, the installation will occur similarly to connecting a conventional switch.

The bulk of remote lighting controls work with LED and energy-saving lamps. Connection here has its own nuances. To ensure safe, correct operation of the system, you will need a full-fledged nutrition organization. A compulsory requirement is the presence of phase and zero. Such remote switches are mounted in direct proximity to the light source.

For the courtyard and the garden, the most powerful radio-controlled remote tools are used, which make it possible to control lighting at a distance of about 100 m. The latter, most often, support work with various types of lamps. To control LED elements of lighting in controllers, the output cascades must be made in the form of semiconductor transistors.

If we talk about remote systems where control occurs not only with the remote control, but also voice commands, their connection is possible on the site of old standard switches in the presence of an additional power wire.

Remote light switch with a remote control, do it yourself made

The task of the personnel organization of the lighting control system from both the switch and the radio channel is performed, but quite complicated. To implement the project, the following will be required:

  • set of radio transmitters MP325M;
  • power sources PW1245;
  • single-button switch without locking contacts.

For the started section of the chain, which will be modified. The first thing is extracting a regular switch. Connect each other, after which is isolated.

One of the radio transmitters is disassembered. The segments of the wire are soldered. The contacts are cleaned and connected to the switch contacts.

If the housing is equipped with tension ceilings, constructed modules can be hidden in space between panels. In the absence of such capabilities, the system blocks should be placed in a beam niche, after having previously insulated the power supply and the receiver module.

After implementing the above tasks, you can proceed to controlling the lighting from a wireless remote control or use the standard manual switch. If after some time the system will stop functioning, you should not panic. To restore performance, it will be enough to replace the power element of the transmitter.


Remote control of lighting sources is primarily practicality, convenience and tribute to modernity. It is enough to establish the simplest light adjustment system, and the problem of changing it, turn on and off at a distance permanently ceases to worry the owners of housing.

The most rational installation of a remote lighting control system looks like a country house arranged, which is distinguished by an impressive number of rooms, utility rooms, the presence of a spacious household plot.

One small controller allows you to manage scale lighting systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that remote switches are increasingly used in enterprises where the need for controlling light sources in extensive controlled territories is felt.