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WORD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet. WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet - Multiplayer online game

The playground, known for the whole world, as the popularity increases, has developed a personal account in the game "WORLD OF TANKS" so that each player can independently control the state of his account, as well as join the clan or change it if necessary. It is important to note that World of Tanks developers recently changed the conditions for the passage of authorization. Now the registration process can be passed through the use of a single portal. In the presence of an account in "Vargeiming", each player in the automatic order becomes available three games of the company.

How to register

To register an account in the "WORD OF TANKS", you will need to go to. The registration process takes only a few minutes. This is recommended to follow the instructions:

1. Entry to the official website.

2. On the right side of the window, the top of the Create Account will be inscription.

3. The form will automatically open in which you need to come up with and enter the NickName, the address of the active e-mail, a combination for a password.

Important! In order not to lose the data to enter the "WORD OF TANKS", it is recommended to write a password.

How to carry out the entrance to the "World of Tanks"

Before proceeding with the gameplay, you will need to exercise in WOT. To do this, you will need to go to the official site wargaming and enter a combination of login and password created during registration.

Alternatively, you can use the account created on social networks. Thus, you can enter other games of the company: World of Warplanes, World of Warships. Once the login is implemented, the user name will be displayed on the right side of the window, which indicates that the user has successfully entered its office.


No phone numbers, however, you can send a message to the center of gaming support at :.

Personal Cabinet Functionality

Thanks to the personal page in the "world of tanks", every gamer can track the state of the company created or the one in which he takes part. In addition, you can control your own statistics, view the available achievements and the amount of gold on the account, as well as invite friends to the game.

However, it is not necessary to include a PC to view your statistics. To do this, you can use a mobile phone. However, it will take advantage to tie a mobile number. By logging into the profile, each player can track the following information:

  1. The technique is available and what is in what condition it is.
  2. Situation on the playground.
  3. Reporting on the presence of own achievements.
  4. New events in the world of tanks.
  5. The ability to invite into clans or create your own.
  6. List of upcoming tasks.

For all Wargaming, Wargaming distributes the hottest news, shares and proposals for an electronic box. In addition, after binding an account, each user receives a gift for 100 gold coins, which will undoubtedly be useful to purchase new technology.

It is important to note that after binding the phone, the account security increases several times, because if the attacker tries to carry out the input, automatic SMS will be sent to the tied number. In this case, it is recommended to change the combination for a password as quickly as possible.

Personal Cabinet in World of Tanks
- This is a universal section for managing and changing personal data in the world of tanks. Recently, Wargaming has intensified work on creating a unified account for World of Tanks games, World of Battleships and World of Warplanes. This will make the management of a single account for these games more conveniently, which, in turn, saves not only the time of simple players, and the WG information base. Now we briefly describe the partition function.

Change Password.

Password is the key from your account. Developers are not tired to emphasize that the safety of your account is primarily in your hands. It is for a simple and convenient change of password from your account in your account there is a special button with an appropriate inscription by clicking on which you will be taken to a convenient window with detailed password change instructions. It is worth noting that if your account is already tied to your mobile phone, you will need to use your phone when changing the password, which you will be sent to a free SMS message. Special operational confirmation code will be sent. This significantly increases the safety of your account, because the attackers will be much more difficult to steal it.

Name in the game.

Using this section, you can change your gaming nickname. This is a pretty fast and simple operation intended for players who for one or another does not suit their current name in the game. You can change your game nickname more than once every two weeks. This operation is paid, the cost is 2500 gold.

Binding a game account to the phone.

This is a very convenient and desired function that your personal account in World of Tanks provides us. By attaching your account to your mobile phone number, you not only significantly increase the safety of your account in the game, but also get a pleasant remuneration of 100 units of gaming gold (only if you make binding for the first time). Also in this section provides for the possibility of changing the binding number. It will be useful to you if you change your phone number, and your account is attached to your old number. However, this operation you can perform no more than 3 times in six months. It is also worth noting that by attaching your account to a new phone number, you also get an incentive bonus in the amount of 100 units of gaming gold.

The "Trusted Sites" window.

In this section, you can find your personal OpenID identifier from With it, you can access fan resources and partner sites of World of Tanks. This will allow you to quickly and safely undergo authorization on third-party resources without additional registration. This feature is useful and convenient for players who actively visit the partner sites of the world of tanks and which are not enough information and fan resources of the official game site.

World of Tanks is a popular online game about Tanks of the Second World War. When registering, the game requires user to enter personal data, such as email address, phone number, etc. If the player needs to change this data, and maybe your nickname, such actions can be made by going to the WORLD OF TANKS personal account.

What is your personal account?

Personal Cabinet Tanks in World of Tanks - a special page of your personal profile, where any player has the ability to control, change any personal data at its discretion.

At the moment, the personal account in the world of tanks is one immediately for the three games of Wargaming: World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships.

For users of the mobile version of the game - here is Blitz - a personal account also exists. It can be found on the relevant site - WOTBLITZ.RU.


In the personal account of tanks in my profile there is an opportunity to make the following actions:

  • change the name and password in the game;
  • change and tie a phone number;
  • get access to clan capabilities.

In more detail about each of the features of my profile in the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Account further.

Registration and input

To begin with, consider how to enter your wot office. Everything is simple and clear - even not too experienced PC user can figure out.

Naturally, enter the personal account of the WORLD OF TANCC only after you pass registration. By registering an account, you should click on your nickname in the upper right corner of the screen.

Actions in the Personal Account

Before proceeding to actions in your profile, you should make an entrance to the personal account of the WORLD OF TANKS.

Name in the game

With this action, the player if desired, can change its name in World of Tanks. One should only enter the WORLDOFTANKS Personal Cabinet and have 2500 gaming gold on its account.

Yes, the name of changing the name of wargaming paid. Therefore, before changing the nickname, think good enough, whether it is worth it to spend this money with a greater benefit.


What is the password? Passwords call some "key" from the account. Password is needed to protect your game account from those who want to make it your own, that is, steal.

The password should not be disclosed to anyone, except for those who can trust 100%. Otherwise, you risk losing access to it.

In WOT LC, if you wish, you can change the current password. We strongly recommend that you do this if you think the password could get in other people's hands.

Binding to the phone

Using the account binding to the operating phone number, you can seriously secure it. Also this is a great way to restore access to the account if you lost or forgot your password to it.

The developers also introduced a small bonus to the first binding of the phone to the account - 100 units of gaming gold.

Before entering or changed the phone number, you must first go to the personal account of the WORLD OF TANKS. How to do this, we have already considered a little higher.

Trusted sites

In the Trusted Sites section, users who are not fan resources on the official website of the game, can configure a safe transition to portals with an interesting tempted content. It can be a forum of tankers, a website with photos, video, or mods.

This feature can be accessed after you have entered the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet.


Get through the personal office WORLD OF TANKS in my clan can be easily. You should only click on the link "My clan". Through the office you can also take an invitation to the clan, reject it or exit the clan.

The clan is a special players community that are under one flag, have their own common chat and fight the team on a global map, for which bonuses receive.

As you can see, the personal account in the game World of Tanks gives access to a large number of functions. Among them, you can still mention the opportunity to invite a person to the game and make it a full tanker.

My profile

What information is contained

In addition to the above opportunities, going to the WORLD OF TANKS personal account and turning into the profile, you can learn and change the country of residence.

Those who want to receive permanent news from wargaming can be issued a subscription to the newsletter. If you subscribe to the newsletter, the news will come to the email address.

After you enter the personal account of the WORLD OF TANCC, you can bind an account to social networks. Such a function will speed up the entrance. After all, then you do not need to enter a password from the game, just press the icon of the social network, in which you are authorized, and the input in the LC will automatically happen.

How to Use Gold

In the LC you can use gold with the sole purpose - if you want to change your game name. It happens that when registering, you incorrectly introduced nickname, and maybe he just tired you, and wanted to have more beautiful. Then, spending 2,500 gold, you can replace nickname on any other at your request.

LC is a universal tool, without which there is no WORLD OF TANKS. Therefore, each tanker needs to know where the input of WOT is in account.

To enter the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet, each registered user can, as the system is quite simple and even children cope without problems with it.

And if you are a supporter of the mobile version of the game, we recommend pre-maintaining a page with a personal office WORLD OF TANKS Blitz in the browser bookmarks. WORLD OF TANKS BLITZ Personal Cabinet has the same features as the personal account of online tanks on the computer.


In our video you will find detailed instructions, how to create a WORLD OF TANKS account and log in.

Famous WORLDOFTANKS.RU - this is a very popular game. In the official website of the portal, you can download the client and find out all about the universe of tanks. It is also possible to chat with admirers of this game after registering the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet from the official website.

A person who has been registered through the official World of Tanks website has unique preferential factors among other users. Among them, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. Obtaining an OpenID category identifier for passing, as well as on thematic numerous objects in modern Internet network
  2. Channel nickname or name on bonuses in the form of gold coins.
  3. Activation of the established categories of category wargaming.
  4. Binding a social network accounts to a registered record account.
  5. You can order a coobrading product from the popular Alpha Bank.
  6. Purchase paid content and receiving extended functional.
  7. Work online payment of the goods category of the premium class. You can carry out such purchases using bank cards and all kinds of modern payment systems.

Everyone can manage subscriptions, the subject of which is associated with the content from the Wargaming company.

Register my profile

At the top of the angle are special references leading to the account, as well as an activation form. The Wargaming NET activation process itself is the official website of the World of Tanks is simply simply. You will need to enter mail and phone, and also come up with a password. Subsequently, the login and password obtained will be used during the entry. With the loss of this information, it is not difficult to restore the data, the support service works qualitatively and very quickly.

The Russian resource of the game provides a large number of opportunities after opening the page. Many get the following advantages and conveniences related to access to World of Tanks Official site Personal Cabinet My Profile:

  • If a person already has an accounting individual entry on resource, it will be possible to log in with the pre-obtained login and the installed code;
  • The resource on a special reference associated with the creation of a page is allowed to conduct standard authorization with a simultaneous choice of a sufficiently reliable code and nick;
  • It can be created after confirming the main address of the electronic box presented when activated. The registered address can be used as a registration login intended for the passage;
  • Customers who have received their individual login and invented protection have the right to add to his registered login of any of the social networks, whose client it is. This will allow him to quickly pass authorization, without spending a large amount of time for the introduction of login and protection.

If desired, the personal record is allowed to effectively secure. Enough for this purpose just to tie the phone to it and download a special program from the service. It will be the second important evidence of high-quality protection. If you have a difficult situation, contact information made by activation can come in handy for full recovery. The operation can be started through the standard authorization form, where you will need to simply click on the Recovery link.

If the receipt is carried out via mail, the link will be sent to it to activate the new code. When restoring it in a mobile application, a special activation code will come to it. Many profiles are tied to social network accounts, therefore you can simply log in from any of them, and then in the settings to change the protection on the World of Tanks official website Personal Cabinet by phone.

How to enter your WOT account?

Go to the game there is an opportunity on the saved link, and you can also use the application pre-installed on your gadget. After opening the first page, you can see a personal portal and via previously installed login and input. Authorization data can be changed as needed. The only one, you need to remember that when changing such information, it will be necessary to change it on all devices from which the entry into the game is carried out.

On the page collected all the functions for the game. By visiting the official website of World of Tanks Personal Cabinet, you can configure your user account. Among numerous settings, special attention deserves "NIC" of each user, it can be configured after entering his personal department.

It is equally important to pay attention to email. It must be specified to receive notifications about the actions performed, updates, as well as offers and changes. In addition, without mail, it is impossible to restore protection if necessary.

After entering a personal page, you need to bind your game profile to the mobile number. This will effectively protect the account, and will also make it possible to receive remuneration for such an operation. This payment can be accrued every time you change mail, and all the bonuses received can be used in the game.


Among the main advantages of using the profile, work with nickname deserves special attention. Its registration is quite fast and at the same time simple manipulation. It is intended for users who for certain reasons no way suits the real name in the game application. Such an advantage can be used no more than once in a couple of weeks, but users that seek to use it very often, not so much, such a service is in 2500 gold.

The user is provided with a special "trusted" button. This is the optimal opportunity to find OpenID. It provides an opportunity to get admission to popular fan resources, as well as numerous partner sites of the game application.

Due to this, it will be possible to more quickly and at the same time safely implement the authorization process on numerous third-party sizes and without having to carry out additional registration. This feature is useful and very convenient for players, which is actively visited by partner portals. The function is used by many players who lack information on the Wargaming Net fan site and in the application.

Mobile app

In the mobile version of the personal resource you can enter the same code as on from the official resource on the PC. Here, the personal page is characterized by equal functionality. The only thing to pay attention to is on the reliability of the installed password in order to enter the phone.

To enhance this indicator it takes from time to time to change the password. On the page for this there is a special button. After clicking on it, the player is automatically sent to the page with the instructions provided to shift the protective combination.

When changing information intended for authorization, which is on the phone, you will need to use this device. At WOT OF TANKS, when starting the function, the SMS submitted to the code to confirm the manipulation performed. All this will significantly increase the overall level of security.

World of tanks official website

The portal is a unique carefully thought out service with more than 60 million player fans. The resource is a single account that gives access to Wargaming projects. Users at the same time will be provided with instant access from one portal to another, and without re-entering the login and a reliable combination. A special advantage is the fact that ID is directly tied to the general category OpenID system. This makes it possible to apply it to solve the issue, how to register on numerous fan resources, as well as objects playing the role of partners.

The portal is under a competently thought-out enhanced protection of the section of my profile. Due to the change of standard login, when restoring the use of a mobile phone, you can reach the goal and do not worry that the account data will go to intruders.


The page in the game XVM or WOT is in all parameters a unique object for managing and possible change in information and tanks. The processes associated with the control of one account are quite convenient, which allows you to save a large amount of the time of individuals and at the same time informs the leading WG information base. Just just know how to enter your office and start playing.

  • Official website:
  • Personal Area:

Website - Russian version of the international portal of the online game World of Tanks Through it, you can download a free client of the game, learn full information about the World of Tanks Universe, chat with the fan community and start your WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet - a single section to manage personal data in the games of the World of Series from the Belarusian developers.

Possibilities of a personal account

Actions that registered player can carry out through the WORLD OF TANKS Personal Cabinet:

  • Obtaining an OpenID identifier for authorization in the game client and on thematic resources on the network.
  • Change name in the game for gaming gold.
  • Activation of Wargaming codes.
  • Binding to account accounts of social networks.
  • Order a co-branded card from Alpha Bank.
  • Acquisition of paid gaming content.
  • Online payment of goods premium store by bank cards, a wargaming co-brand card, means from the mobile operator's personal account, through Sberbank online, PayPal and Alfa-click, from Comepay's e-wallets, Yandex, Qiwi, Webmoney.
  • Management of subscriptions to information content from Wargaming.

Registration and entrance to your personal account

In the upper right corner of the site pages there are links to the entrance to the player account and on the registration form of a new account.

The Russian official website of World of Tanks provides several authorization options in the Personal Account:

The account can be additionally secured by attaching it to the personal mobile number and downloading the World of Tanks Blitz to the phone as the second protection factor.

If necessary, the contact details associated with the account will help you restore the password. The recovery process starts through the authorization form when the user clicks on the "Restore Account" link. When you select recovery via mail, a link that makes it possible to choose a new password, is sent to the email address of the account owner. When recovering through a mobile, the activation code comes to it, after entering which the password change shape opens on the site. If a social network profile is attached to the account, you can simply log in with it and change the password in the settings.