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Notes on the mac os desktop. Top note taking apps in OS X

Technologies are developing rapidly, and with them we are all starting to connect new tools to our everyday digital life.

In this article we will talk about one of the most interesting and popular categories of technological geek - productivity "productivity".

After all, everyone wants to have time to do more, record, save information, and later it’s easy to return to it. Notes are an integral part of this process.

A blogger needs to store and write drafts somewhere, throwing photos; IT specialist - write how-to or save the code; housewife recipe and shopping list. You need to unload your head, and the best way to transfer this task to your computer or phone, which is always at hand.

Choosing a note book for macOS and iOS isn't easy. Many programs have been written over the years of the existence of this operating system. There is cross-platform Evernote, native Bears and Ulysses. Free nvALT and FSNotes. It is very easy to get lost, I will talk about the most popular applications.

Rich in features, but rather slow program, requiring a lot of resources on your computer.

A good solution if you are a Windows or Android user. Otherwise, it is not recommended for use, as there are more interesting alternatives.

Searching and storing data in Evernote is a test for very patient and stubborn people. Search is slow, keyboard controls are not thought out. The closedness of the system and source code is one of the biggest drawbacks. If you want to export, pulling out data will not be easy. The markup in the "elephant" is html, with all the ensuing minuses.

The application is distributed by subscription, and will cost $ 34.99 per year. There is a free plan, but unfortunately it is too limited in basic needs, such as offline access.

A very old, time-tested application that can do almost everything. Repeatedly "featured" in the App Store for iOS (iPhone / iPad) and macOS.

Able to work with open file formats such as Markdown. Implemented the ability to connect documents from the file system and store files in Dropbox. He is aware of the existence of the TextBundle format (this is when each file with a note is accompanied by images in the same directory).

The developers have put a lot of effort, so the price is appropriate. Recently, the application is distributed by subscription. This means if you become a user, you will pay $ 4.99 per month or $ 39.99 per year.


Newbie who quickly gained popularity. Less “fancy” than the previous program, but this does not stop the army of fans.

It uses a proprietary storage format, but much more advanced than Evernote. You can export your documents to RTF and Markdown. But to work "from outside" does not work. Data is stored in its database.

The design is modern, work with the keyboard is possible almost without restrictions, there are themes. You can catalog information using tags and pins.

The program is also available by subscription, the price tag is slightly lower than that of Ulysses - $ 1.49 per month or $ 14.99 per year.


A long-abandoned veteran who grew out of the good old Notational Velocity.

Open almost completely (except for synchronization in Simplenote). Notes are stored on the hard disk in RTF and Markdown formats.

Unfortunately, unlike Bear and Ulysses, syntax highlighting is practically absent. You cannot connect multiple data sources. The interface is very outdated, although it has a convenient horizontal mode.

For iOS, "vendor locked" Simplenote is offered (the application is rather weak), with synchronization via Simperium.

nvALT is distributed free of charge, perhaps this is now the only plus that stops a small army of fans from switching to something more modern.

The youngest application of the whole five, he is not yet a year old, but the possibilities are impressive. The philosophy of this program is the maximum openness of both code and storage formats.

There are tags, directories, files are stored on the hard drive (with the ability to connect their own storage). Markdown works with live code highlighting (over 170 languages) and images. RTF documents are also not forgotten, though with minimal support.

The application is tailored to work with the keyboard. The search is very fast, digesting thousands of notes, with instant full-text search.

FSNotes is an improved nvALT, open source (Swift 4), and regular free builds on GitHub. There are no subscriptions here, a lifetime license in the Mac App Store costs $ 2.99 (this is like a two-month membership in Bear).

For iOS, FSNotes Manager is offered, which is slightly behind in features, but reduces the distance with the macOS version.

comparison table

Title Markdown Support File System Access Image Insertion RTF support iOS client Open source Price
- - + - + - subscription $ 34.99 per year
+ + + - + - subscription 39.99 $ per year
Bear + - + + + - subscription $ 14.99 $ per year
nvALT + + - + +/- third-party (Simplenote and 1Writer) +/- (excluding Simperium keys) is free
+ + + + + + free / $ 2.99 on the Mac App Store


The undisputed leader is Ulysses. A lot of effort and labor has been invested in this application. Of course, for this beauty you will have to pay a lot of money. If $ 40 a year for a text editor is not a lot for you, then the choice is obvious.

This post is more likely for workaholic makovods who use their Mac not for recreation and entertainment, but for work. From task managers to digital organizers, from word processors to time trackers, we have made the largest selection of programs in RuNet for productive work on a Mac.

Task managers

  - An excellent tool for time management with an easy interface and a set of interesting functions. Anxiety is located in the menu bar and transparently syncs with iCal and Mail. Did you go to the doctor’s appointment or buy a present for the missus? Check the box in Anxiety and the task will automatically disappear both from the list in the application and from iCal. The utility allows you to create multiple to-do lists and easily manage tasks.

Backboard - I love my Mac and Backpack account. Together they not only give me the opportunity to take notes and solve problems, but, more importantly, to do it easily and quickly!

CheckOff is a small task manager for the menu bar. One click is enough to see the whole list of upcoming to-do.

Chipt - Dashboard widget for Backpack. Add and edit posts on any page. Notes have the same format as Backpack. When you add an entry, information from the clipboard is entered automatically.

EasyTask Manager is your personal task manager with a nice and convenient interface. EasyTask Manager supports the GTD (clean-up) method and is aimed at home Mac users who do not need to share the results of their work with the team.

EtreTask is a small, fast, easy to use to-do manager that was designed to increase the productivity of daily work on a Mac. It does not have as many functions as its competitors, but by all senses it is a worthy thing.

MySlips is a very simple and quick way to write down your thoughts.

  - The best way to defeat disorganization and learn how to set priorities correctly, separating secondary matters from important ones. An ideal tool for GTD, flexible as any task manager, OmniFocus helps you work harder, offering a powerful tool for identifying and completing the highest priority tasks.

OneThingToday - There are many ways to clean things up. With OneThingToday, you define a priority task or project for every day. This helps to focus on the main goals and to avoid scatter of attention.

Pluto is an icon in the menu bar and a convenient tool for managing events, tasks, projects and notes in the most efficient and productive way.

Remember   - todo-list for workflow management. We do not believe in big clumsy task managers, work with which becomes a task itself. Remember is your to-do list.

Remember the Task is an easy client for Remember the Milk, which makes it easy to compile priority lists and note their readiness as they progress.

SimpleList is a simple to-do list that does not interfere with work. The program allows you to create lists of scheduled tasks in the most convenient way.

Simple Task - One aspect that other task managers lack is simplicity. SimpleTask for Mac offers a beautiful interface and unmatched ease of use.

Spark is a small todo manager with support for synchronization with iCal and Mail.

TaskCard offers a simple visual way to organize thoughts and tasks. Put TaskCards on your desktop, as well as adhesive stickers on the monitor, to remember or organize important things into lists for the project.

TaskMate is a lightweight, small program with the ability to quickly add and remove everyday tasks.

Task Paper - A program for Mac and iPhone users that organize your work using to-do lists. TaskPaper is a simple task manager that, unlike conventional organizers, does not interfere with work and helps to quickly clean up things.

- A small application that will help eliminate chaos in your affairs. With a simple concept of creating lists, The Hit List allows you to plan, calmly forget and return to what you forgot about at a convenient time for you.

Things - Business management is a difficult task. But the simplicity of the program should not be achieved due to the functionality. Download the free demo version of Things today and clean up your affairs.

Today - With Today, you will track priority tasks any day of the week, without launching iCal. Today is synced with your calendar on your Mac so you always have your schedule, events, and scheduled tasks at hand.

What ToDo is the new task manager for Mac OS X. Forget about notes on pieces of paper or in the palm of your hand - with What ToDo you will be organized, maximally concentrated and be able to achieve more.

Information Aggregators

DevonThink - is designed to collect and organize various pieces of information necessary for your work or study.

  - Use Evernote to save ideas and everything that you see and are interested in. Then find the saved recordings on any computer or device. Is free.

Keeper - What if important information on a Mac could be found as easy as Spotlight? Meet Keeper, an easy and affordable utility to manage your notes.

Soho notes is the first digital note-taking application. Use it to write, organize, sync, and share all objects on your Mac, including text notes, PDFs, images, voice recordings, videos, and web archives.

Thoughts is a very flexible post manager. A place where all your notes and files can be safely stored.

  - Allows you to store everything in one place. Text, documents, images, films, audio, web pages and bookmarks can be dragged into Together for reliable storage, with tags, a preview and the ability to decompose information in any way convenient for you.

VoodooPad is a place where you can put your notes and thoughts. You can store all your ideas, images and ideas in VoodooPad, which will develop and grow with you. In VoodooPad, you can transfer folders, images, applications or links. With an advanced search engine, nothing will be lost or forgotten.

Yojimbo stores small (or large) pieces of information you need in everyday life. The mechanism of aggregation, storage and retrieval of Yojimbo information is so simple and convenient that it will easily change your life without changing your habits.


Dashnote - Quickly and easily access your Simplenote account from dashboard in OS X. Be organized without too much effort. Let your notes automatically sync across all your devices.

Stapler is designed as a simple and effective way to collect and manage thoughts and ideas. Great helper for brainstorming. Stapler cannot be assigned to any category of applications, because the program is suitable for any of your needs.

JustNotes is a simple, beautiful, and powerful recording application. A nice interface allows you to focus on the only important thing - record keeping. Completely free and supports synchronization with SimpleNote for iPhone.

myRichTexts lite is an elegant and easy to use text editor with a built-in document manager. You no longer have to think about documents, text files, folders, or how to recover them in case of loss. Just concentrate on the letter, removing unnecessary - Dock and menu bar.

  - This is a minimalist notebook with convenient keyboard navigation. One of the most interesting interface elements is the search bar, which, in addition to its main function, serves as a tool for creating notes. Supports synchronization with SimpleNote for iPhone and iPad.

Nottingham is an elegant Notational Velocity style notebook. Simple and easy to use - “breath of fresh air”. Ideal for storing all your thoughts. The most important thing is that it keeps your information safe and sound by synchronizing it with iPhone via Simplenote.

Quicknote is a combination of notebook and clipboard manager, convenient for quickly recording ideas, tasks, storing quotes, pieces of code, etc.

Scribblet is a simple and elegant snippet manager for the menu bar.

Tinderbox stores and organizes your notes, plans, and thoughts. It will help to analyze and analyze them. Tinderbox also lets you share ideas through a weblog or blog.

Time Tracking and Optimization

Active Timer is a small application that keeps track of the time spent on each application.

  - Easily track the running time of any application with a convenient timer in the menu bar. Use the hot keys to start and stop.

Chronograph is a program for Mac OS X that helps you track the time spent on various tasks, projects, and generate reports.

Clockworks - a tool for Mac users who are constantly not doing something. A desktop timer allows you to keep track of every minute of your work time or rest. Unlike alternative solutions, Clockwork flaunts a clean and user-friendly interface that perfectly complements the desktop of Mac OS X.

Fanurio is a time tracking and billing tool that freelancers will appreciate.

Flex Time - Do you have a lot of free time? Spend it wisely! A versatile timer for solving routine tasks.

Harvest - Time is your most valuable business asset. Our intuitive and powerful reports will help you find out where your time goes and allow you to make important decisions for your business.

iBiz - To manage projects, calculate time, create accounts and quickly receive information, no other application can be compared with iBiz.

Klok - Stop working for free. Time is your product. Every minute of your work left unaccounted for means a waste of your money. Accurate time tracking is a must for success.

Lumina provides you with an easy way to track your time. Lumina siedets concept on three pillars: projects, tasks and time. Projects are a complex of tasks. Tasks - the amount of time spent. Time is the smallest brick and the foundation of your success.

Mino is a lightweight time tracking software for Mac. Seamless integration with iCal allows you to easily add tasks to any iCal-enabled application.

MyMacTime is written for anyone who needs to track the time spent on various types of tasks with minimal effort. myMacTime is a very flexible and easy to use program.

Office Time does not require special knowledge or skills from you, but it offers powerful functionality that adapts to your work style.

On the Job is designed to help you keep track of time and costs, and bill your customers professionally. On The Job is a direct and easy-to-use way to concentrate on the most important.

ProfitTrain is a simple billing and time tracking software for OS X.

Pomodoro is a desktop time management application on Mac. A simple and effective way to keep track of your time based on the Pomodoro technique.

Project Calculator is a Mac time tracking tool written specifically for freelancers and small companies.

RatRace will not only keep track of your working hours, but also open your eyes to wasted minutes. The program will help develop assessment and forecasting skills.

RescueTime is an automated time tracking system.

Slife - With Slife, we increase your productivity by helping you understand where your time is going. Automatically analyzing your working lifestyle, the application keeps track of the time spent on projects, applications, websites and documents.

TimeBoxed is a timer application for Mac OS X with a single function that it does just fine.

  - Time is money. Use it wisely. The powerful TimeNet timer counts your every second. Visual reports will show what you are wasting your time on.

Timeout - The human body is not designed to be in one position for long hours, with a mouse or keyboard in hand. Time Out is here to help. He gently reminds you that it's time to take a break.

Timepost offers a simple, easy and efficient way to synchronize your time costs with the best time tracking web services.

TimeTable reads and filters iCal calendar data and calculates hours spent at meetings and events.

TimeTaskMaster is a timer, alarm clock and stopwatch in one bottle.

Vitamin-R is a collection of tools and techniques designed to solve the biggest problem for creative professions: focusing and supporting motivation.

All in one

Daylite is a task manager to help manage your business and your team. Daylite is more than a customer engagement system. The program can be used to manage projects, sales, contacts, tasks, goals, appointments, records and mail.

Bento - What is your passion? Sales, building customer relationships, managing freelancers, running a marathon, collecting coins? Whatever it is, Bento can help you do it better - faster, more fun and easier!

Pagico takes everything into account: projects, notes, tasks, events, files, and more.

Soho Organizer - Tasks, calendars, contacts and notes. Soho Organizer offers three tandem applications: SOHO Organizer, SOHO Notes, and SOHO Print Essentials.

Associative Maps and Charts

Curio is designed for project management, brainstorming and the optimization of mental activity in general. Curio package allows you to create visual implementations of ideas and projects, carry out planning and dossiers on the necessary topics, organize information, search for the necessary data and collaborate with other users.

  Is the first free associative map manager written in Java.

MindCAD - Organize your ideas with a tool that enhances visual thinking. Drag and drop text and images from Safari, Word, from the desktop and other Mac OS X applications and place them anywhere on multiple pages of the same document.

MindJet - Help your team join forces to create great ideas.

MindNode - MindNode Pro and MindNode are two elegant and easy-to-use programs for building associative maps on Macs that help you visually collect, classify and structure your ideas.

Mindmap is a powerful application for business and freelancers with a visual way to present and organize information.

  - We present you a new level of freedom in the use of associative cards. Create unique, expressive, and understandable connection diagrams.

NovaMind is a fast to learn and easy to use program. With NovaMind, you can easily remove information overload ... forever!

OmniOutliner is an amazingly flexible program for creating, collecting and organizing content. Use the OmniOutliner to brainstorm new ideas for great ideas.

Xmind is a great app for creating associative maps, optimizing mental activity, and the best way to share ideas.


Blast keeps track of the files you use on your Mac and makes them quick to access.

Helps to work and study more productively, eliminating all external irritants.

Think   - Focus on one application - anytime.

Office Packages

iWork - Documents. Tables. Presentations In the style of Apple.

Microsoft Office is the best choice for Mac users to work with documents at home, at work, at school. The package offers many functions for creating professionally executed documents, dynamic tables and effective presentations.

Neo Office is a full-featured suite of office applications (word processor, spreadsheets, and presentations) for Mac OS X. We wrote an office suite that adapts to the needs of each Mac OS driver, borrowing OpenOffice functions.

Open Office is a free office application suite designed to provide an alternative to Microsoft Office and iWork both at the format level and at the user interface level.

Text editors

Bean is a simple, easy-to-use word processor (more precisely, a rich text editor) written in order to create - conveniently, efficiently and comfortably.

Fraise is a free, easy-to-use text editor for Mac OS X 10.6. It will not confuse beginners and will not disappoint advanced users.

jDarkRoom is a simple full-screen text editor.

MarinerWrite is a powerful but at the same time simple word processor for Mac OS X. With an elegant interface, hundreds of intuitive features such as the ability to open Word documents, compose original headers, footers, notes and footnotes, Mariner Write is all you need to create professionally executed documents.

myWritings - Everyone knows how Word works. But the program is needed to solve a narrow range of tasks, and each user has his own requirements and needs! myWritings - all that a macrobucker needs in everyday work.

Nisus Writer Pro is an innovative word processor for everyone. Fast, easy to use, with all the necessary functionality. Composing to-do sheets, lesson plans, etc. you always need to take notes - simply and quickly. The way Nisus Writer Pro does it.

NovoEdit is an amazingly fast text editor based on the latest Mac OS X technologies, with support for Snow Leopard and excellent work with 64-bit environments. The program understands all popular (and not so) file types, so it doesn’t matter what you do: type text, write the code for your program or website, NovoEdit will open, edit and save any of your files.

  - convenient, elegant, easy to use, but at the same time powerful word processor. Designed exclusively for Mac OS X.

Selenium is an all-in-one research program. It does not matter who you are - a student, a professional researcher or just a person with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. By bringing together a browser, a PDF manager, a word processor, and a bibliography manager, Selenium ensures that you don’t need to switch between applications while doing research on the Web.

Ulysses is designed primarily for writers who work creatively with text and create voluminous works. All existing word processors do not fully meet the needs of this user group. Ulysses focuses only on what constitutes the basis of the literary process: on the text and its content. - This is a simple table processor, designed more for advanced users, not limited to simple calculations. The program has almost all the necessary functions, including cutting and pasting, adding and deleting rows and columns, customization of the interface, parsing formulas, including recognition of cell ranges. Yes, and it is absolutely free.

MarinerCalc runs faster, takes up less space and uses less memory than any similar table processor on a Mac. The program has in its arsenal of nearly 150 functions and tools for analyzing information and exchanging labor results.

  “With Tables, you not only organize your data, but you can make calculations and make comparisons.” The program supports basic arithmetic operations and has in its arsenal a rich set of special functions.

Got something to add?

Our selection of applications covers almost the entire range of office and home tasks. But you can complement and expand it. Share your favorite programs in the comments that enhance your Mac productivity.

I don’t know why I used hard Apple Notes. He put up with extremely low functionality, got used to the "flat design" in the yellow colors that eluded his eyes, endured simply disgusting synchronization between iOS and OS X. Probably, the simplicity of the solution and its 100% apple-tree appealed to the last. After all, this is so correct - use Apple Notes.

But a couple of weeks ago in Notes on a Mac, I caught a glitch that you couldn’t ignore anymore - the hastily written paragraph of text in a new note suddenly disappeared. Then the failure repeated several more times. During synchronization, which occurred with a noticeable delay, Notes “lost” the contents of the record. Perhaps this problem has some solution (you need to untie the Apple ID or reinstall OS X, for example), but I did not waste time searching for it and switched to choosing the replacement for Apple Notes.

For a better understanding of my choice, I will explain how I used Notes. My application served as a “transshipment point” for a variety of records: outline articles, shopping lists, promising ideas and plans, notes for conversations. Some notes lost relevance in a day or two, the other went to Evernote for orderly storage. The charm of the program was simplicity and accessibility always and everywhere - literally a second and everything that is supposed to be recorded is on the iPhone, Mac, in the cloud. Conveniently.

Apple Notes on Mac

Since there was no desire to change habits, I was looking for something similar to Apple Notes. Mandatory with applications for iOS and Mac, fast synchronization, basic features and preferably free. After going through several popular solutions, I came across an unfamiliar Simplenote. And as a result he stopped.

Simplenote on Mac

Simplenote captivates with the approach. This service praises simplicity, but the simplicity of the design of applications and the use of text without formatting does not at all preclude extensive additional features. The service is available in a browser, on OS X, iOS, Android and Kindle. He has some kind of unobvious monetization model. It seems like there is a premium subscription, but it is difficult to find information about it and no functionality is blocked in a free account. And Simplenote works extremely well - very quickly, stably clearly.

The design of the program on iOS: light or dark

What is the main thing in a notebook? The answer is obvious - the convenience of creating notes. A new entry in Simplenote is created in one tap, the first paragraph of the text (or a fragment of it) is used as the heading. To organize the entries involved tags. It’s really more convenient than storing notes in folders, because you can assign several tags to one record at once. It is also possible to pin certain entries at the top of the list.

Created in Simplenote Applications text does not support even the simplest formattingunless links and dates are highlighted. It is worth noting that the web version of the notebook is slightly ahead of the application - it has Markdown formatting support. But at a basic level, without exporting to HTML.

Search  organized competently. It is available in the list of notes and directly in the record, and in any case leads to the search word (and only to the note containing it).

About synchronization worth saying separately. When connecting devices to the fast Internet, updating records in Simplenote programs occurs with a delay of 2-3 seconds. Literally a little slower than in Google Drive, and ten times faster than in Apple Notes. For a week of using failures or obvious delays in updating the data, I did not have.

We figured out the basis, now let's talk about unusual features of Simplenote.

Mobile App Protection. To prevent access to the program on iOS 8, you can use the digital password or.

Teamwork.  At least two people can work together on the recording. Perhaps more.

Posting notes online.  Simplenote allows you to publish a note on the Internet, thereby providing access to it to any number of persons. The service forms a link of the form, the record is updated as changes are made to the published note.

Version history.  The slider in the menu allows you to “rewind” past changes made to the record. The old version can only be viewed or restored as the main one.

There is a convenient feature called Notes. In fact, these are virtual sticky notes. If you still use real notes stickers, you know how convenient it is. They can leave reminders, write down ideas or make to-do lists.

Using Notes on Mac, you can do the same thing, including saving important emails to them from Mail.

How to convert email to sticker

Open program mail  on Mac and select the email you want. After that, proceed to the steps below.

1) In the main menu, select mail.

2) Then select Services.

3) In the menu that appears, click New note.

After that, the sticker note will automatically appear on the screen, and the letter you selected will be inside.

How to customize stickers

By adding a sticker note, you can customize it in every way, move it around the screen and change its size.

You can expand the note in full size by clicking on the triangle in the upper right corner. You can collapse the note to the first line by clicking on the square in the upper right corner. To delete a note, click on the square in the upper left corner.

On the menu Scrapbookthere are additional options.

  • Change the font, size, style and color of the text.
  • Change the color of the sticker.
  • Import and export text.
  • Import images and screenshots.
  • Add links.
  • Check literacy.
  • Insert emojis and characters.
  • Print notes.
  • Sort notes on the desktop.

Sticky notes on a Mac are very convenient in that it is hardly possible to lose them on a cluttered table, as usual.

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According to professionals in the field of time management, it is very harmful to keep all tasks, cases and other current information in mind. This has a very negative effect on our productivity, selecting part of the brain’s “resources” to memorize information on current tasks, instead of fulfilling them. Now few people use paper for taking notes, it is much more convenient to make notes and notes in special applications, especially since they are on any platform and are presented in large numbers.

Apple provides us with built-in Notes in OS X and iOS, which are quite convenient and thanks to cloud synchronization are a great tool. But not perfect. So, let's look towards alternative applications that could replace our native Notes.

Evernote hardly needs to be introduced, many of us know and use this service for creating and storing notes. In terms of the number of functions and their implementation, at least one other application can hardly compete with it. You can create ordinary notes, lists, upload photos and videos, assign tags and create many notebooks of relevant topics. Thanks to the iOS version and browser extensions, creating notes is incredibly easy and you can do it at any time no matter which device you have at hand.

If you prefer to put everything on the shelves, so that later you can quickly find the right thing - Evernote is 100% your choice.

As the name implies, Simplenote is a very simple application. Nevertheless, it has all the necessary functions and even more: synchronization (there is an iOS version), tags, quick search, note versions, statistics (word and character counter) sharing lists and individual notes and the ability to stick the necessary notes at the top of the list. Plus, a clean minimalistic interface, without any frills, exactly what it should be in a simple functional notebook.

If you need an application for simple text notes - better than Simplenote you will not find.


NoteSuite is also an application for regular text notes, but unlike Simplenote, it has formatting support. The application interface has a “tabbed” mode (rather sympathetic), which facilitates the simultaneous work with several notes or allows you to keep the necessary things always at hand. Thanks to formatting, you can create lists, and this allows you to use NoteSuite as the simplest To-Do manager (of course, with a stretch, but if you need an all-in-one solution, then why not). There is also an iOS version (though only an iPad) that syncs with the Mac’s via iCloud. NoteSuite also has a browser extension for creating notes (like Evernote webclipper).

If text notes are enough for you, but formatting is necessary - pay attention to NoteSuite.

Notational velocity

Another simple application with a modest interface for creating ordinary notes and having an interesting concept. Notational Velocity has three panels: search, a list of notes, and a detailed view of a note. To create a new note, we are invited to use the search field (we enter the title directly into it) and if the entered text is already present in any of your old notes, the application will immediately display a list of matches. When you press Enter, we will switch to the editing mode of the existing note. If the search did not find anything - by clicking Enter  Notational Velocity will create a new note with the title entered.

If you need a quick search and management of notes with just one keyboard - you can try Notational Velocity, especially since it is free.