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What is initialization - its types and main mistakes. What is initialization? Frequent initialization errors

When creating programs, you must have the basic terms of computer terminology. Take the term initialization for example. Do you know what he means? This article will help you understand its meaning. Let's figure out what professionals mean by this term, what types of initialization are, and also deal with the most common problems associated with this process.

What is initialization?

This term today refers to the processes of activation, creation, preparation for work, determination of the required parameters for high-quality and error-free operation of the application. Initialization is a mandatory step towards bringing any program or device into a usable state. The very principle of operation of the initialization procedure is directed from the outside with respect to the object. Most often, this word means precisely the process of setting the necessary parameters, as well as setting the basic rules of work, according to which this program will function.

Initialization: examples

Let's see what initialization is. The easiest way to deal with this issue will be with illustrative examples.

1. Initializing a hard disk is the process of formatting it. This can also include recording control information such as volume labels, track descriptors, and other manipulations.
2. Initializing a program involves setting the required variables or setting program variables such as counters, addresses, and switches to zero. Everything is installed according to what needs to be done for this type of software. Installation instructions can be contained in the file itself.
3. Initialization of the printing subsystem for output to the printer. This operation implies the following: it is necessary to transfer data to paper using a device and take into account all the needs. So, for example, you need to define the extension, paper type and many other parameters. First of all, a special control signal is sent to the device, after which its capabilities are scanned. This is done in order to perform the initial setup of the printing device and offer the user the appropriate option that this type of technique can implement.

Let's consider in practice the case of launching applications. Suppose an initialization error occurs when starting a computer game. As an example, consider the game The Sims 3. This application is very popular today. For what reasons can an initialization error occur in this case? The most common variant of this problem is error code 0x0175dcbb. This number is used to indicate the error number associated with the initialization of the application. It occurs most often due to the fact that the game conflicts with drivers, add-ons and mods. Even those users who prefer to use licensed games are not insured against this problem.

The license does not automatically resolve such problems. What to do if an initialization error occurs? Let's figure out how you can remove such an error. Although in this case we will be considering the game, the recommendations given are quite useful when working with more serious applications. It is worth remembering that the oldest problem is the use of archaic program components. First of all, we will be interested in video card drivers. They can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer's company. It is also useful to install NETFramework updated to the latest version. It is advisable to download this component from the official website of the developer - Microsoft.

Let's consider the most popular causes of this problem: these are additional mods that are written by third-party developers. In this case, unfortunately, you will have to delete the extension itself. If there is information because of which you do not want to do this, then you can try to simply rename the Mods folder. If this error occurs after installation, you can try to uninstall the program using the uninstaller, and then try reinstalling the program again. If this measure does not help, then the disc on which the game was recorded may be damaged. In this case, the only reasonable solution would be to change it.


Only you have to decide what to install on your personal computer. But before you add content created by third-party developers to your computer, it is recommended that you take special care of the quality of the add-ons you download. An update initialization error may have occurred. As a rule, the rollback option is not provided in this case. Then you will have to uninstall this program and reinstall it. If you decide to do this, you need to separately take care of the safety of the accumulated information. A copy of the data must be placed in a safe place such as a flash drive.

The system that starts all other processes. It works as a daemon and usually has PID 1. Usually (according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) it is located along the path / sbin / init. There are differences in the organization of the subsystem in operating systems descending from System V and BSD-style systems.

For a long time it was the main initialization subsystem in Linux, until it was replaced by systemd in most distributions. Solaris 10 uses the Service Management Facility instead of init. A number of Unix systems use alternatives to init: Upstart, Runit, Daemontools, Launchd, Initng, OpenRC.

During the boot process, after kernel initialization, / sbin / init is usually started as the first user-mode process, and init is responsible for further booting the system. To do this, startup scripts are launched that check and mount file systems, launch the necessary daemons, configure the kernel (including loading kernel modules according to the installed hardware, setting IP addresses, routing tables, and other tasks), and launching the graphical shell. Basic boot information is usually located in / etc / inittab.

The System V-style init implementation uses the concept of a runlevel — the degree to which the operating system is loaded; in this case, the startup scripts for each level are split into directories from /etc/rc0.d to /etc/rc6.d, where the number after rc is the init level number.


Example / etc / inittab file:

id: 5: initdefault: si :: sysinit: /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit l0: 0: wait: /etc/rc.d/rc 0 l1: 1: wait: /etc/rc.d/rc 1 l2: 2: wait: /etc/rc.d/rc 2 l3: 3: wait : /etc/rc.d/rc 3 l4: 4: wait: /etc/rc.d/rc 4 l5: 5: wait: /etc/rc.d/rc 5 l6: 6: wait: / etc / rc .d / rc 6 1: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty1 2: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty2 3: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty3 4: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty4 5: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty5 6: 2345: respawn: / sbin / mingetty tty6 x: 5: respawn: / etc / X11 / prefdm -nodaemon

The first line describes the terminal and its default configuration. Initialization levels are described first in this file. The virtual consoles are then initiated. The consoles initialization record consists of colon-separated fields and looks like this:

  • 1 - serial number of the console
  • 2345 - numbers of initialization levels for which the console is initialized
  • respawn - This parameter means that init should restart the console serving process after exiting the session or in case of a crash.
  • / sbin / mingetty tty6 - a program (with parameters specified) that will serve the console.

Thus, you can easily create your own init level (numbered 4 or 7, 8 ...) simply by correcting the / etc / inittab file and creating the necessary links in the /etc/rc.d/rc*.d directory.


Compared to its predecessors, AT&T UNIX System III introduced a new style of system startup configuration, which is retained (with changes) in UNIX System V and is therefore called “ SysVinit ».

At any moment, the operating system V is in one of the predetermined states, called runlevel... At least one runlevel is the normal operating state of the system; typically, the other runlevels represent single user mode (used to recover from a failed system), system shutdown, and various other states. Switching from one runlevel to another causes a set of scripts to run for each runlevel, which typically mount filesystems, start or stop a daemon, start or stop the X Window System, shutdown the machine, etc.

Many users of computer and mobile equipment often come across the term "initialization". Basically, few people imagine what initialization is. Therefore, it is worth trying to fill this knowledge gap by giving specific examples.

Initialization - what is it in general understanding

Initialization, based on the interpretations offered by many respected Internet resources, means the definition of parameters or configuration, preparation for work, activation processes, etc. Sometimes this term is also referred to as initiation, but its interpretation is more consistent with the creation, launch or start of something -then.

Initialization, as a process of determining the given parameters or their values, can equally be applied to both software and hardware components of a computer system.

Why initialization is needed, what initialization is in each specific case, you can understand on the simplest sittings. For example, a user decided to change his hard drive, bought a new one, installed it in the computer, but it does not work. Why? Yes, only because the system cannot automatically determine its operating parameters, that is, roughly speaking, it does not understand how to work with it. This is where the initialization of the disk is required so that the OS, so to speak, perceives its characteristics and can determine the method of accessing it. This will be discussed in detail.

Basic directions of initialization

Among the main or even priority areas that are implied by initialization, in most cases, the following are distinguished:

  • initialization of programs and applications of all types;
  • initialization of hard drives;
  • initialization of a special printing subsystem;
  • initialization of modems on mobile devices.

Of course, these are only the main types, because if you dig deeply into the wilds of computer processes, there are many more such areas. For example, this can also include determining the initial characteristics of processors or RAM in the primary input / output system BIOS, or even preparing the operating system for launch. But due to the complexity of the technical description, which, by and large, is not necessary for an ordinary user, this issue will not be touched upon.

Therefore, without going into the technical features of the processes, we will focus on each specific case separately.

How the program is initialized

It is believed that when it comes to initializing applications, the priority processes are setting the correct initial variables or setting their values ​​to zero. This includes all kinds of switches, counters, addresses, etc.

For example, for assembly programs, which in most cases are executable files of the COM and EXE formats, the initialization process consists of four main stages:

  • an indication of which segment registers should correspond to certain segments;
  • storing the DS register address in the stack at the start of program execution;
  • writing to the stack of a zero address;

When processing the corresponding data arrays, the process has a cyclical nature, when the values ​​in the array, starting with a variable with a value of 0 or 1, get only after going through a full cycle and as the application is running. And there can be exactly as many loops as there are variables in the entire array.

Hard disk initialization issues

With the initialization of hard drives, the situation is somewhat simpler. Some sources claim that the essence of the process comes down to formatting. This is not true.

Initializing the disk at the initial stage, using the tools of Windows systems, defines a new partition by matching the attributes of the boot records (MBR or GPT).

Next, the process of creating a simple volume is applied, indicating the actual size, assigning a letter (so that the system "sees" the disk), and only then begins formatting with the choice of the appropriate file system (in most cases NTFS).

At this stage, initialization is completed. What is initialization in this case? This is a set of measures for setting the parameters of the hard drive, and not a single process, as some say.

Printing subsystem

For the printing subsystem, the initialization process consists in initially determining which device will be used, and after giving a signal to scan its capabilities, including setting the possible paper size, applying a certain number of colors, supported print formats, maximum resolution, etc. ...

These parameters are used for settings of the printing subsystem. Thus, the initialized printer will work correctly and without interruption.

Initialization on mobile devices

As for mobile technology, the so-called initialization string is often used here, in which the values ​​of the modem parameters are written when setting up an Internet connection through a mobile operator.

As a rule, the entered value always has the same form - AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "The name of the operator or its Internet resource". But this applies only to those cases when it is supposed to access the Internet on a computer through the modem of the connected mobile device.

Initialization errors and how to fix them

Finally, it's worth noting that an initialization error may occur in all of the examples provided. What to do in such a situation? In case of hard drives or devices for removable media, the easiest way out is to check the connections to the motherboard.

In programs, the most common crash is with code 0x0175dcbb (as, for example, in the Sims 3 game). Basically, the problem concerns device driver conflicts, their missing or incorrect installation, inoperative memory sticks, etc. Sometimes the problem may lie in the .NET Framework for which you need to install an update. The failure may be due to damage to the media, for example, from which the game is launched. In general, you never know what can happen. But the solution to this problem should be based on an assessment of the situation itself and the reasons that caused the failure.

By definition, "initialization" is the preparation of a program or hardware device for operation. This preparation consists in setting the initial data for the system parameters. For a program, initialization is the assignment of values ​​to program variables.

Data array initialization

Array initialization has a number of pitfalls. First, in different software environments, filling the array data begins either from the zero element A, or from the first A, where A is the name of the array.

To initialize an array, a "step-by-step" for (foreach) loop is usually used. The array is filled up gradually, one element at a time during each "run" of the cycle. In the for loop, a local loop variable is created to control the number of passes.

The initial value of the loop variable must coincide with the first element of the array: A or A. The final value - with the number of array elements.

To organize the filling of a two-dimensional array with data, you need to nest one for loop in another. Thus, the operation of looping through the column of the array will be performed as many times as there are in the array of strings.

Initialization errors

During initialization, the system receives data from all relevant devices, processes or operators. Starting the operating system is the initialization of data, because the operating system receives responses from all parts of the computer, including RAM, hard disk and keyboard. If one of the important blocks is missing, the OS will not be able to initialize. The well-known Blue Screen of Death is also a serious initialization error.

Initialization string

Newbies often use simple calls (e.g. X = 5) or manual selection to control initialization. However, regular initialization is necessary and can be automated.

Suppose you have a computer user connected to two ISPs. The connection speed changes, so the user is constantly switching manually. This is inconvenient and time-consuming. Instead, it can specify an initialization string on the command line:

AT + CDGCONT = 1, IP, + AT + CDGCONT = 2, IP,

Now the initialization string is the controlling process for the computer. If MTS Internet becomes faster than Beeline, then MTS connection is used - otherwise MTS changes to Beeline connection.