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Where SIM card in Samsung. Independent installation Sims in Samsung Galaxy A5

It would seem to place a SIM card in Samsung Galaxy S7 is not so difficult. However, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the newly-made owners of the smartphone who switched to this model from others, earlier, such a question arises. The fact is that, starting with the models galaxy line S6, Samsung decided to combine SIM card slot and MicroSD cards. As a result, the corps of the phones became monolithic, and the cards acquired a new location. And if earlier it was enough just to remove the smartphone cover yes insert Sims into a special deepening, now you can have a good one to break your head before finding the desired compartment and place the map there.

How to insert sim card in samsung galaxy s7

If your device is in active mode, we advise you to start turning off the device. This will prevent the possibility of various errors in the work of the gadget in the future.

Video for clarity

How to get a SIM card from a slot

In order to make a reverse operation, that is, pull out the SIM card from the device, you need to do the following:

  1. In order to avoid data loss or incorrect work Phone First, disconnect your device.
  2. Take the key that walked with your Samsung Galaxy S7, or the usual clip. Do not forget to preheat it. Insert the key or paper clinch into a special hole in the tray cover for SIM cards. Slightly push and when the tray will come out a little from the housing, pull it on yourself.
  3. After the card slot turns out to be in your hands, pull out the memory card or the second SIM card from it (if it is installed).
  4. Already then you can pull out the desired SIM. Performing these actions be careful, because the coarse treatment of equipment can damage the contacts and will lead to wrong work Devices.
  5. Once you pulled out Sims, carefully install the tray for cards back to the phone. To do this, it is simply necessary to insert it the right side into the slot and press a little that the tray will be fixed in the housing.

As a result, it turned out that inserting Sims in Samsung Galaxy S7 is not so hard. It is enough to know where the card slot is located, as well as to show a bit of patient and accuracy during installation.

To deal with this question, it is necessary to understand that now in modern smartphones Special so-called microolem cards are used. Therefore, many owners bring the phone home and trying to insert in it the usual standard symcart do not understand why the phone does not work and suffer a question as inserting SAMSUNG GALAXY S3. To solve this problem absolutely no need to possess some special technical knowledge, just just stock patience, a small instruction and an acute stationery knife. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the old or new sample electronic chip on the Simcard, as if the shape of the possessor of the phone with the old chip, then the manipulation described below will not help.

It is very easy to determine this if the Simkart was purchased after 2010, then it is quite possible to make MicrosImcard. Before starting to trim the unnecessary edges of the card, contact the Internet. To do this, it is necessary to study how the MICROS card should look like - but usually it is just 1 millimeter more chip on each side. With the help of a pencil and a ruler on the sim card, it is necessary to retreat from the chip somewhere 1 millimeter and draw a kind of rectangle, with one cropped angle. After the map has been rapidly, it is necessary to take scissors or a stationery knife and cut off the top of the future micro. card, do it takes extremely carefully to accidentally damage the chip on the map. Also special attention should be paid to the fact that the cut line should be perfectly smooth.

Since any negligence can lead to a breakdown of the SIM card. Then, it is necessary to cut off the right-hand side of the card, it is usually the largest and on it there is a map number. The entire cut slicing line must be parallel to the internal chip located on the sim card. Then the left side of the Simkart is cut off - this is the thinnest part of the segment, so it is better to use the stationery knife, and not scissors. By the way, in no case should not be used for work manicure scissors with rounded edges, as this will lead to the fact that the cut line will not be even, and as a result of the Simkart will not work. The most recent stage is to cut off the bottom line under the chip and make a cut on it.

First, it is necessary to cut off the lower part of the Simkart - as a result there should be a rectangle size less than once a Six Cart. Now it is necessary to cut down the lower right corner, it is best to use the transporter and mark an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and then with the help of a stationery knife and a ruler cut it off. In principle, all the work is completed. Now it remains only to insert the SIM card into the phone, for this you just need to remove rear panel The lid at the Samsung Galaxy Siii smartphone and gently insert the resulting symart into the hole for the MicrosImkart. Then you need to turn on the phone.

These method does not give a complete guarantee that after the manipulation done by the manipulation, the purchased phone will work, besides, no one can give a 100% guarantee that the cropping sim cards will lead to a breakdown of the phone. So how to insert the SIM card in Samsung Galaxy S3? So that it does not lead to a breakdown of the device? To do this, just contact any salon cellular communicationwhere you will gain an existing Six Cart for your symbolic fee. It is best to do this immediately when buying a phone - in this case any malfunction in the phone. Cropped symcards can be written off the seller's guilt

But it is best not to suffer and not spend extra money, but completely free in the cabin cellular operator, whose simka enjoys a happy owner of the Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone Order Duplicate SIM card in the size of Micro. This procedure is completely free and does not require any additional and time costs. All that is necessary to the owner of the phone, so it is to write a statement in which you need to specify what is needed by Micro sIM Card. As well as when buying new card, for example, if the phone was bought as a gift, you can immediately order a set of cards in which Micro SIM and SIM will include standard size For regular phones.

Most of the manufacturers of modern phones are gradually refusal to the SIM cards of the old MINI-SIM format. A compact Micro- and Nano-SIM comes to replace them. This approach allows to reduce dimensions mobile devices And make them more convenient in operation. In this aspect, Samsung did not invent anything new and equipped her smartphone Galaxy A5 Slot under Nano Sym-Map. And if you decide to purchase this device to replace the outdated mobile phone, be prepared for the fact that you will have to trim the card exhibited in your hands. Let's figure it out how to properly insert Sims in Samsung Galaxy A5.

Specific features of the SIM connector in Galaxy A5

To date, there are several modifications sAMSUNG smartphones Galaxy A5. Among themselves they differ not only technical characteristicsBut also the location of the slot under SIM and its capabilities:

  • In the phones of Galaxy A5, released before the beginning of 2016, two connectors are provided. The first is designed to install Nano-SIM. The card placed in it will be determined by the system as the main one. The second tray is hybrid, that is, it can be inserted into it either the second sim card, or to extend the memory using Micro SD. Both carte receivers are on the right end of the mobile phone.
  • In the Sample Gadgets 2016 there is one hybrid connector placed on right side Device under the POWER key. As in the first case, you can install two nano-sim or SIM + Micro SD.

  • New modifications that have seen the light in 2017 are equipped with two slots. The first (main), located on the left end of Samsung, accepts Nano cards. The second tray is in the upper end and is complex. Thanks to this approach, the phone will simultaneously place two SIM cards and Micro SD memory.

In all modifications of Galaxy A5, the connectors are opened with a metal ejector, which is included with the device. However, with its absence, it is possible to use the usual fastening, having previously dispersed one of its ends, or a needle.

SIM-Card Pruning for Samsung Galaxy A5

If you have a MINI or Micro SIM card on your hands, it will be necessary to cut it before installing it to the Nano format. Here you need to choose one of three options:

If the third option has been selected, it will take such tools and materials to perform the conceived:

  • b / b or color printer;
  • acute knife or scissors;
  • sandpaper;
  • clean sheet A4 format;
  • pattern for cutting;
  • scotch or PVA glue.

The sequence of work will be as follows:

SIM-Card can be inserted into the phone.

Insert the SIM card into the smartphone - it seems a fairly simple action that does not require special skills, but not everyone can immediately navigate where there is a connector, a map of which format can be used and which side to insert it. In this small article, you can find answers to these questions that are sure to torment some of the owners of Samsung Galaxy A3.

Each modification of this model for SIM cards provides a special holder, which can be removed using ejector (clips), which is included with the smartphone. Samsung Galaxy A3 2015 has two trays, and they both are on the right sidebar, where, in fact, the power button is located. The lower is designed exclusively for the main SIM card, and the upper can be used for the second SIM card, or for a microSD card. Modifications 2016 and 2017 are equipped with one holder. At the first he is in the same place, where and the A3 2015, and the second - on the frame at the top. It can accommodate either two SIM cards or a sim card and a memory card. All three options are "sharpened" by Nanosim. It is best to use Sims of this format issued by the operator, and not cut independently.

How to insert Sims in Samsung Galaxy A3

  1. Carefully insert the ejector into the holder hole and slightly push. If everything is done correctly, the tray should leave the compartment.
  2. Take the holder with your fingers and completely remove it.
  3. Place the sim card of Nanosim format and insert it into the compartment. See do not confuse the sides, otherwise you can damage the compartment or holder.
  4. Place the holder back into the compartment.


  1. Insert the clips from the set in the hole of the tray and push a little.
  2. Gently remove it from the compartment. It is best to make your fingers.

When developing Samsung Galaxy S6, the Korean manufacturer decided to abandon the plastic for metal and the skin in favor of the aluminum frame and glass rear panel. As a result, the smartphone turned out to be quite attractive and began to really look like a flagship device, and not as a cheap Chinese something. Since the phone body turned out to be monolithic, the engineers had to transfer some elements, access to which in previous flagships could be obtained simply by removing the lid. So, the connector for the SIM card moved to the side panel under the power button and got a tray. Unfortunately, there are not everyone who wants to acquire Samsung Galaxy S6 about this crossing. Therefore, we devoted this small article: how to insert Sims in Samsung Galaxy S6.

How to insert a SIM card into the device

SIM holder can be found on the right end mobile Device. on a small hole. To insert SIM into it, you need to do the following:

  1. Find an ejector, referred to in common as a clip. It is usually included as a standard package of a smartphone.
  2. Insert it into the hole and slightly press them inside.

    Inserting the ejector into the hole of the SIM holder: try to do it as much as possible

  3. Carefully pinched and remove the holder.
  4. Place it simka Nanosim format. It is advisable to use a card issued by the operator, and not cut independently so that there are no conflicts between it and the smartphone during the work.

    Proper placement of Nanosim in the holder

  5. Place the holder in the compartment so that the hole in the "ear" tray is near the power button.

How to get a sim card from the device

  1. Insert the ejector into the hole in the tray and put pressure on them inside.
  2. Gently remove the tray with the SIM card and get it.