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How to turn off Skype automatic updates. How to remove Skype update window? How to stop skype update in windows vista

In the Skype settings, turn off automatic updating, if it is enabled. (it is disabled in the screenshot):

As practice shows, turn off updates in Skype settings is not enough, and a notification about an available update will still be shown every time Skype is loaded.

In order to disable the update pop-up notification, you need to do more complicated work:

1. Enable display of system and hidden files in Windows.
2. Go to the Temp folder: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\
3. Find the file " SkypeSetup.exe' and remove it.
4. Next first option :

  • Create a new text file in the same location (in the Temp folder) and rename it as "SkypeSetup.exe" (along with .exe).
  • For the newly created file, change the access rights: go to the file properties (right-click on the file -> Properties). Go to the "Security" tab. Click the "Change" button and put down for each user the Prohibition of Full Access.

Click the "Change" button

Or second option if the first one doesn't work:

  • Create a new text file on your desktop and write in it: del /Q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\SkypeSetup.exe
  • Rename this file to SkypeUpdateDEL.cmd(together with .cmd) and move the resulting batch file to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\.

But what if your Skype has been updated, and it is not possible to download the official previous version, because. Do you only download the latest version from the Skype website?

In fact, you can download the previous version of Skype ( 5)

Many Skype users have already noticed that in the latest versions of the program, the option to disable automatic Skype updates has disappeared. However, this situation does not suit some for several reasons, including: dissatisfaction with the interface of the latest releases, the lack of necessary functions or the presence of superfluous ones, errors in the operation of new Skype versions that require large resources and the latest updates in the system.

The easiest way to avoid skype updates- use the portable version of the program. In this case, even if the version of Skype installed on the system is updated, the contents of the Portable Skype folder will remain unaffected.

Another easy way to avoid automatic updates is to use Skype version, the latest version with the ability to customize program update management. If you are using Skype, just go to the program settings:

Tools - Settings - Advanced

uncheck " When a new version of Skype is released..." - "notify me" and "download automatically", save the settings.

If you want to use one of the earlier versions of Skype 5 or the previous recipes do not suit you or did not help, you will have to follow more complex instructions:

1. Install the required version of the program. You can download .

2. Completely unload the program: right click on the tray icon (near the clock) - Exit.

3. We clean the Temp system folder, which contains all temporary files and, possibly, the latest distribution of Skype already downloaded.

The easiest way to find the temp folder is to run the command " %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp“: press the Windows key (Start) and R at the same time, in the window that opens, enter the command without quotes. Now in the window that opens, boldly delete all files.

4. Find the Skype user profile folder. Again, we do this through the command: Win + R, in the window we enter %APPDATA%\Skype, and go to the folder with the name of your login in Skype.

5. Open the file in notepad config.xml

6. Now we need to enter the value 0 (zero) in the directive UpdatesMajor. We look for the line containing "UpdatesMajor" and replace it with 0.

If there is no such line in the file, add the line 0 to the section

A little about UpdatesMajor values
0 - notifications of updates and automatic Skype updates are disabled;
1 - you will receive notifications about the release of new versions, but the program will ask you if you need to update;
2 - Automatic Skype updates are enabled.

Welcome dear readers! And today I will tell you how to disable skype updates. For those who like to use the free software Skype, to communicate with relatives via video communication, the fact that the application is constantly updated can be annoying.

Such a function is very disturbing for people who are just used to using the program and are not ready to re-learn how to use new functions. Moreover, new versions of Skype do not allow users to use these features.

There were many features in the early versions of the chat app, which the developers decided to abandon, offering to install the new version. Also, there are times when with the latest update, the program starts to conflict with the computer system, giving various errors.

Therefore, if you want to keep your favorite version of the program, and disable a possible update, then this article will help you.

How to disable Skype update

The program itself has an additional feature that allows you to block automatic updates without permission. To activate it:

  1. Open the "Tools" section, then go to "Settings".

  1. In the proposed menu, open "Advanced".

  1. In the "Advanced settings" that opens, select the "automatic updates" section.

  1. On the proposed page there is a single button "Turn off automatic updates". Click on it.

Ready! After these settings, Skype will stop updating.

Turn off update notifications

Turned off updates? Do not rush to rejoice at the imminent victory over the program. Yes Yes. The developers of the program have tried so hard that now, when you run it, you will start to get bored with a pop-up window about what needs to be updated.

What then to do if the user has disabled updates, and the installation file is constantly downloaded to the computer? There is a solution! Of course, the manipulation will be difficult for you, but you will no longer see this message.

When the program is really disabled, we will need "Conductor"


The proposed method will help you block the program's access to the connection servers through which the program downloads files for updating. However, remember that when downloading a new version of the application, installing it, you will have to remove this entry from the file.

Otherwise, the computer will prohibit both downloading the program and installing Skype.

In the meantime, it remains for us to remove the unnecessary Skype file that has already been downloaded to your computer. To do this, press the combination on your PC Win + R (no plus), and write in the proposed line %Temp%, and press the OK key.

A folder will open for you that stores all previously downloaded, but not downloaded files for all programs. Searching among the list SkypeSetup.exe. You can delete it.

Now you don't have to worry about the program being annoyed with an unnecessary update, because you removed it from your PC and prohibited the download of an additional package.

How to disable updates in version 8 of Skype

Unfortunately, with the release of version 8 of Skype, the function to disable automatic updates became unavailable, preventing users from choosing whether to update the program or not. However, there is a way to turn it off. Therefore, we will have to use a new method.

Open the explorer through the Win + E combination, and paste this text through the selection - C:\Users\user_folder\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop

After "Users" enter the name of your user, for example, User1, replacing "folder _ user". A folder will open for you in which previously downloaded files are stored. We are looking for skype-setup.exe, and delete it. However, in the absence of this file in the list, we need the next section of the problem. Skip this one.

If the system asks, then simply confirm the deletion action by clicking on the "Yes" button.

Open notepad. In fact, any program will do, even Microsoft. Enter a few characters in it.

A save window will open for you with a choice of name and location. Go to:

C:\Users\user_folder\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop.

Now, in the field for selecting the file type, select "all files". And in the name write the name "skype-setup.exe". save it.

Now we return to the conductor, and go to the old point. When it already contains the desired file, right-click on it and select "properties".

By checking the "Read Only" checkbox in the file settings window, and select "Accept", then, "OK".

Now, when the download file is deleted, or the download name is knocked down, Skype 8 will stop updating.

As you've noticed, prior to the release of version 8, and before, the developers could let you disable updates if the user wanted to stay with the old program. And when you just get tired of the new update, you can prevent it from downloading new files, and run the old version of Skype without any problems.

Many Skype users have already noticed that in the latest versions of the program, the option to disable automatic Skype updates has disappeared. However, this situation does not suit some for several reasons, including: dissatisfaction with the interface of the latest releases, the lack of necessary functions or the presence of superfluous ones, errors in the operation of new Skype versions that require large resources and the latest updates in the system.

The easiest way to avoid updating Skype is to use the portable version of the program. In this case, even if the version of Skype installed on the system is updated, the contents of the Portable Skype folder will remain unaffected.

Another easy way to avoid automatic updates is to use Skype version - the latest version with the ability to customize program update management. If you are using Skype, just go to the program settings:

Tools - Settings - Advanced

Uncheck "When a new version of Skype is released ..." - "notify me" and "download automatically", save the settings.

How to disable Skype 5 update

If you want to use one of the earlier versions of Skype 5 or the previous recipes do not suit you or did not help, you will have to follow more complex instructions:

1. Install the required version of the program. Can be downloaded here.

2. Completely unload the program: right click on the tray icon (near the clock) - Exit.

3. We clean the Temp system folder, which contains all temporary files and, possibly, the latest distribution of Skype already downloaded.

The easiest way to find the temp folder is by running the command “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp“: press the Windows key (Start) and R at the same time, in the window that opens, enter the command without quotes. Now in the window that opens, boldly delete all files.

4. Find the Skype user profile folder. Again, we do this through the command: Win + R, enter % APPDATA% \ Skype in the window, and go to the folder with the name of your login in Skype.

5. Open the config.xml file in notepad

6. Now we have to enter the value 0 (zero) in the UpdatesMajor directive. We look for the line containing "UpdatesMajor" and replace it with 0.

If there is no such line in the file, add the line 0 to the section

A little about UpdatesMajor values
0 - notifications of updates and automatic Skype updates are disabled;
1 - you will receive notifications about the release of new versions, but the program will ask you if you need to update;
2 - automatic Skype updates are enabled.

7. Save the file, launch Skype and live in peace without updates.

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, I always tell you that in most cases, updates are good and they are only designed to improve the software product, but with the Skype program, this is a completely different song, any new update can completely break it for you, examples this is a lot, a lot, I won’t go far and give this one “I can’t start a video broadcast when calling skype” and much more. Therefore, I want to show you how you can permanently disable skype update, in a minute.

How to disable skype update permanently

I think that the vast majority of people who use this messenger are already tired of its constant and meaningless updates, which either patch holes or breed them at an even greater speed. Lately I've been getting a little pissed off with this window:

That everything is ready to be installed and the latest version of Skype is ready to be downloaded and installed

Not only does it pop up without my permission and try to force it to update, it also eats my Internet, downloading 50 megabytes in the background. You can also disable the automatic download of the Skype installer, but it’s easier to disable everything altogether, especially since it can be safely updated during the installation of Windows updates.

In the settings themselves, you will be reminded of Windows Update (Windows Update), so feel free to do the procedure described below and do not worry about this issue.

How the Skype update service works. Everything is simple here, in the background from the site, it starts pulling a new version of the offline installer and puts it in the Temp temporary folder. You can find the themes folder in two ways:

  • Go to the path C:\Users\your account name\AppData\Local\Temp
  • The second method is to press WIN + R and in the run window enter %temp%

In it you can find the SkypeSetup.exe file.

I usually delete it and in its place I create a text file with the same name, resulting in the same exe file, but it weighs 0 kilobytes. If your file extensions are hidden, then you need to display them, for the correct creation of the file, you can read about it. Make sure you have the SkypeSetup.exe icon like mine.

Now, to disable skype updates, right-click on this file and select properties.

In the properties, go to the "Security" tab, then click the "change" button, in the new window select everyone who appears in groups and users and set to deny full access. Applying our changes.

We confirm the operation.

Since an explicit ban is stronger than an explicit permission, everything will already work and Skype will not be able to download the new version for you, but for complete certainty, I’m doing one more thing. Click the "Advanced" button and on the "Permissions" tab, disable inheritance.

Remove all inherited permissions from this object.

As a result, you will succeed, either like this, or it will remain, only the system object.

Restart Skype, as a result, a window asking you to install the latest version of Skype will not appear, and if you manually try to check, you will get this window. All of you were able to disable Skype update, and congratulations to you.