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home  /  Programs / How to register on Google Adsense? Creation and placement of advertising blocks. How to make money on Google Adsense: Registration, Setup, Money output Google Adsense Entrance to the Account

How to register on Google Adsense? Creation and placement of advertising blocks. How to make money on Google Adsense: Registration, Setup, Money output Google Adsense Entrance to the Account

Greetings! Dear readers of the COOLINET site. Today in this article, we will talk about another option of passive earnings on your website. Namely about earnings in ( Google Adsense). We will deal in detail how register In this system, how to get and place the code of advertising blocks that will be broadcast on our resource. We will see how much you can earn A day, how much comes in a month. How much will be earnings of the site with attendance 800 — 1000 unique visitors. And of course we will withdraw earned money.

Small administration

Very many webmasters, when they think about the monetization of their site or blog start with Google Adsense, and not from the Yandex advertising network (oh). There are objective reasons for it. In general, to get approval from Google, on the placement of their advertising materials, much easier than in Yandex. By and large, even a very "young" resource may apply for approval and acceptance of the site in Google Adsense. However, it is necessary to understand that at least in Yandex requirements for the site more tough, Google can also refuse, the main formulation is not enough.

Yandex has basic requirements for moderation: attendance from 500 unique visitors per day for several months. And also place the site on. The site is located on various - Narod, Ucoz, Holm, Chat, and the like-like will not be acted. This is the way one of the most important minuses of free hosting, in more detail you can read in this article -. Well, accordingly, the site should not contain materials prohibited by law. The site should also have convenient navigation, do not contain a lot of advertising and so on. We will definitely talk about all the nuances of work in the RSA in a separate article.

Website on the pages of which you are now - Cool Inet, was first accepted into the Yandex advertising network, and quickly and the first time. What I'm certainly very happy! Then I have already sent a request to Google Adsense. Nevertheless, I will start with Google, simply because most of the site owners begin to receive their first profits.

Registering in Google Adsense

So, now when we got acquainted a little with this system, you can start registration. To start work, go to this page Here we will see a cheerful housewife, businesswoman and educators. Everyone, somewhere picked up with your fingers, everything except the housewife - it cuts cheese. In short, people show all their views that earn money on advertising, maybe absolutely anyone and absolutely not straining! Excellent, it means we can earn and we, check ...

Step No. 1.

Fill the field password thereby confirming their rights to the account in Google. If you still have no such account you have to register.

After that, fill in all fields as shown on the screens.

Now we need to tie our website with Google Adsense, for this you need to embed the code (screen below). Copy it.

And add to your site if your site is made on WordPress, make it very simple. Go to the tab appearance Next, choose title.

Now we find the tag And insert our copied code from Google Adsense into it.

After placing the code in your account, I confirm it. And now we just have to wait for the approval of our site from Google. If the resource meets the requirements of Google Adsense, then such a letter will come to the post office.

Excellent! We will delight along with the black boy and fireworks from popcorn and go to the next stage.

Post Google Adsense code

Step number 2.

We are interested in tab my announcements . By and large in this section, we need to simply configure the appearance and location of the blocks on the site. Do as it seems to you will be more suitable for your resource, in the subsequent settings you can change. For your site, I am the only thing, did not include the ability to display the advertising unit on the mobile device in full screen.

Screenshots of my settings below.

After all manipulations, click to get the code . Now generated code.

Google ADSENS generated code for the site

We place in the same place (instead), also before .

If there are any problems with the setting of the google code, there are tips and detailed instructions.

After about 10 minutes, the advertising blocks will start broadcast on your site. And Google picks up advertising similar to the subject of your content. And also tries to broadcast advertising the most profitable price for the owner of the resource. Now let's see what happened to me and what it looks like on the Coolinet website. Screenshots below.

In my opinion, it looks very concise.

All statistics in real time, in income from Google advertising. Available in the Personal Account.

Google Adsense income statistics

Further in this article I will post reports how much will it work out on advertising from Google. Also, compare these indicators with income from Yandex advertising. The article about how to get from the first time and about earnings on it will soon be written. Therefore, to not miss new materials, click on the green bell in the lower right corner of the screen.

Updated 12.11.2017

How much can you make money on Google Adsense?

It has been almost a month and now, it's time to talk about the most interesting - earnings with Google Adsense.

Attendance of the Coo Linet website at the time of writing the article ranges from 850 to 1000 with small unique visitors per day. With such indicators, the site can earn about:

  • Estimated income - $ 41,55

Below more detailed indicators from statistics from 11/10/2017 to 11.11.2017.

  • Views Pages - 35 897
  • Shows - 70 666
  • Clicks - 181.
  • Income for thousand items Pages - $ 1.16
  • Income per thousand shows - 0.59 $
  • Shows in the visible part of the screen - 27.17%

Below several screenshots.

Google Adsense Calculation of Income

Updated 02/13/2018

For several months now, advertising blocks from Google Adsense disabled. Now the site contains only advertising from Yandex on which there is an earnings. In more detail about earnings with the help of Yandex on your site I will write in a separate article.

The reason why I refused at least now from Google Adsense, very simple. The thing is that the money earned by displaying on the website of the advertising blocks you could get, it is necessary to confirm your person with the help of code that WA is sending Google employees by mail. Code as you understood no. Although I have already requested it to send it again. The site is written that the entire procedure with sending code takes about two weeks. Four months have passed!

Plus another time. Although this relates indirectly to this topic in the article, but nevertheless, Google also turned off the monetization on one of my channels on YouTube. Who did not know YouTube is also one of Google's services. Why is that? Not yet disassembled. And there is no desire to be honest. This is not related to a banner or copyright infringement. Something there in my opinion is due to the new requirements for the channel. In general, the money earned also depended. Something from Google I have so far, everything is closer, unlike Yandex.

Video How to make money on Google Adsense $ 14 per day from scratch. How do I earn google adsense

To be continued …

Google Adsense is a service of contextual advertising, with which site owners can place advertising blocks on their resource, receiving profit from this. Google Adsense remuneration can be charged for clicks on advertisements (transitions) or shows. The cost of clicks varies from several cents to hundreds of dollars.

Google Adsense mainly use information sites, news portals, blogs. In this case, the placement of advertisements becomes the main source of income for resource owners. Sometimes you can meet Adsense advertising blocks and commercial sites. However, Internet marketers recommend not to abuse the capabilities of the service, because promotional materials may distract potential buyers from committing targeted actions or redirect them to a competitor site.

Google Adsense requirements for sites

To work with the Google Adsense service, you must make sure that the site is suitable for monetization and meets minimal requirements. Before applying for Google's participation, it recommends thoroughly assess the quality of the content and convenience of navigation. Texts on the site should cause interest from users and easily perceived, and interacting with the interface - to be the most understandable and convenient. Otherwise, the system will impose penalties for a resource or will exclude it from the program.

Content content and quality

Google Adsense has a number of requirements for the content of textual content, which is posted on the site participants' sites. The list is quite impressive, but it is necessary to familiarize yourself with it before applying.

  • Content for adults - materials with pornographic and / or erotic content;
  • Dangerous and / or offensive content - propaganda of violence, suicide appeals, discrimination against individual seals by nationality, sex, religion, etc.;
  • Content, promoting drug use, tobacco products and alcohol - advertising of prohibited substances, alcohol and cigarettes, thematic discussions;
  • Content associated with gambling - Casino advertising and bookmakers, calls for buying scratch cards and lottery tickets, registration of online rates;
  • Medical and pharmaceutical content - sale of prescription drugs, forbidden bodies, dietary supplements. Exception - the proposal of drugs that are released in pharmacies without a recipe, as well as informational materials on recipes and additives, placed in order to familiarize / enlighten users (without calling for purchase);
  • Materials, propagandizing hacking and dissemination of malware, instructions for installing equipment for hacking systems, advertising viral programs, etc.;
  • Content about earnings on the Internet - sites that offer to make account on clicks, page views, instructions for this earnings on the network;
  • Content, introducing users to delusion - conflicting or obviously false information about personnel and / or companies;
  • Shock content - materials with demonstration of acts of violence, photos from crime sites, accidents, etc.;
  • Content associated with weapons - advertising of firearms and cold weapons, calls for the purchase, instructions for the independent manufacture of explosive devices, propaganda of harm to health;
  • Illegal content - photos, video and text materials contrary to US legislative standards;
  • Materials calling for unscrupulous activities are advertising for the manufacture of fake documents, the sale of coursework, the propaganda of fraudulent activities.

Google Adsense places requirements not only to content, but also to quality quality. Materials on sites where advertisements will be shown should be interesting to users. It is necessary to place the original content that does not violate copyright. Copypaste texts from other resources can lead to account lock in the service.

Convenience navigation

An important criterion for any sites that are planned to connect to Google Adsense is a convenient menu. Users must quickly find answers to their questions, interact with all elements of the interface. Useful Tips and Recommendations for Registration of Resource Future Google Adsense partners will findsite Optimization Guide .

Penalties from Google Adsense for Content Mill

If on the site connected to the Google Adsense service, the materials will be posting, the webmaster will receive a notification with a warning. They will be displayed in the system account and come to the email specified when registering. Ignoring the service recommendations can lead to restriction of advertising ads or full account blocking. More information about violations and penalties can be found inReference center Google Adsense.

When you make sure that the site meets the requirements of the service, apply for registration. To do this, click on the "Register" button on the main page of the Service.

The window that opens will have to fill out the form of participation in the program. It consists of two fields - site URL and Email Webmaster.

After entering data, you need to agree or refuse the Google AdSense mailing and click on the Save and Continue button.

In a new form, you can change the information specified earlier - to tie an account on Google Adsense to another box on Gmail, refuse to send a service. After the country's choice, the text of the "Terms of Use" will open, with which you need to familiarize yourself and agree. Then click on the "Create Account" button and go to a detailed study of the service features.

After registration, the service will offer to fill out the payment address. It is necessary to obtain remuneration in the system.

In the fields you need to specify the type of account - "Personal" or "Business". The first is intended for individuals, and the second - for IP and legal entities. When choosing a business account, you will have to fill out another row of the form - the address of the organization (actual or legal). Owners of personal accounts need to indicate the full address of the actual place of residence.

After filling out the payment profile, the service will generate code. It must be placed on the site between the tags and.

When the changes to the HTML page of the page will be made, you must put a checkbox at the "Code added" point and click on the "Finish" button.

The display of advertising ads will start immediately after activation of the account, if other settings are not specified - the check box has been removed at the point "Start advertising immediately after activation of the account". It takes about checking the site about a day. After this time, you will have the opportunity to add advertising blocks to the site, receiving remuneration for ads.


Before you start working with Google Adsense, it is necessary to carefully examine the conditions for participation in the program. In advertising, it will be denied if the site operates less than 6 months, and its owner did not achieve the majority (18 years), does not have ownership of the resource.

To confirm the ownership of the site, you need to access the code editing. The service will check the presence of Google Adsense code on the site and will open access to the full set of functions.

In the Activated Account Settings menu, you can add other users with different access rights - with read-reading, to read and edit, for registration and shopping, to control. This service is worth using large resource owners with multiple administrators. In addition to users with limited access, Google Adsense allows you to add account administrators that can change the payment profile information, specify new users, etc. Delete added user can both administrators and the account owner.

In the "Settings" you can specify the types of notifications that you want to receive in the mailing list. To do this, go to the "Alert Settings" section - "Personal Settings" and select the desired items. There you can also refuse to receive notifications.

Types of advertising blocks

In Google Adsense, four types of advertising blocks are implemented, which differ from each other content and placement location. Among them:

  1. Block of textual and media ads. The most convenient and easy way to display advertising on the site. The block is formed from several ads with standard or special sizes. There are also so-called adaptive blocks that change their dimensions in accordance with the page layout.
  2. Native announcements. There are three species - ads in articles, in FIDs and in the units of recommended content. Native ads in the articles are set between text paragraphs, complementing page design. Ads in Fids are organically embedded in the lists of goods or articles. The recommended content unit is posted under publication and is formed from site pages with similar content. Native advertisements produce a good impression on visitors, as the block style is automatically selected taking into account the design of the site.
  3. Link blocks. Represent a list of topics that match the page content. There are adaptive and standard.
  4. Special advertising blocks. Configured by the owner of the site manually.

Advertising blocks should be selected taking into account the design and type of site. For example, on large-scale information portals it is better to use native ads and links of links. They will complement the contents of the pages, send users to other sections of the site. Thus, you can not only receive income from displaying advertising, but also improve behavioral factors - the duration of the session, the depth of viewing.

Advertising channels

In Google Adsense, there is also a concept as promotional (client) channels. This feature allows you to group advertising blocks and track their effectiveness. Site owners can customize up to 2,000 channels.

Grouping blocks in the channel may be different:

  • in size and colors of ads;
  • by location on the page;
  • on topics.

Site owners can add a client channel to a new or editable advertising unit or first create a channel, and then attach to it for tracking units to it. For each channel, performance reports will be collected. They can be found in the "Reports" section - "Extended Reports" - "Client Channels" in the Google Adsense account menu. After clicking on the selected channel, extended statistics will open. Data can be segmented by adding different parameters, merge several geolocation reports, etc.

Advertising display on the site will begin after enabling automated ads or creating advertising blocks. In the first case, you will not have to configure anything - the service will independently determine the placement of advertising content, the need to demonstrate advertising on certain pages. Website owners will be able to enable or disable advertising display by one button in the Google AdSense account settings.

If you want to independently identify places for advertising, you will have to create promotional blocks. Each unit must be configured and add to the site manually. Placement places must comply with the rules of service.

In order for promotional materials to be correctly displayed on the page, it is necessary to enable the "Recommended Size Sizes" option. In the "Type of Ad Type" you need to specify which advertisement will be displayed on the site. Text ads - optional item. To track the efficiency of the advertising unit, you need to configure the client channel.

When the advertising unit is created, you need to click on the "Save and Get Code" button, set it up the settings - "asynchronous" or "synchronous" - in the opening code window that opens. After that, the code must be copied and pasted into the HTML code of the site pages, where the created advertising unit will be displayed. Announcements will appear on the site within 10 minutes after setting the code.

How to withdraw money

To receive remuneration from displaying advertisements in Google Adsense, you must specify tax information in the profile, the name and the recipient address, payment details. The service has several ways to output funds - transfers to a bank account, checks and translations in the Western Union Quick Cash system. The last two ways are not available in all countries, so it is better to remunerate the reward at the bank.

To obtain a bank transfer, you must specify complete details. In the form of the form they enter:

  • Name of the account holder;
  • complete name of the bank;
  • Bik;
  • SWIFT / BIC and IBAN.

The relevance of the details is verified by a trial payment. Google will send a symbolic amount to the recipient - up to 1 US dollar. Transaction information will be displayed in the discharge within 2-5 days. When the test payment goes, you need to go to the Google Adsense account, select the "Payments" item in the settings, click on the "Confirm" button and specify in the form that has discovered the sum of trial payment. After saving the data, the system will confirm your payment details, and you can receive means from displaying advertisements.

When the threshold is accumulated on the balance sheet, you can withdraw money.When you first withdraw the tools to the owners of sites, you must confirm the PIN address, which Google Adsense will send to the mail attached to the account. The secret code must be specified on the Account Information page.

Payments for remuneration are carried out on the established schedule - from 21 to 26 the number of each month. For payment processing, up to 21 days is required, after which money will be sent to your bank account. If the threshold amount is not accumulated before the end of the month, the payment will be transferred to the next estimated period.

Problems in the withdrawal of funds

When displaying remuneration from the account on Google Adsense, problems may arise. Sometimes the site owners do not come PIN, confirming payment details. In this case, you need to request a new code in the "Settings" section - "Account Information". Remember that three times entered incorrectly PIN code blocks the display of advertisements on the site. After that, you will have to contact technical support.

Sometimes the service can temporarily block receipt of payments. Such a problem occurs in several cases:

  • not sent tax information;
  • no payment method is not configured;
  • not confirmed by the address and / or identity of the recipient;
  • account is checked compliance with the requirements of the system.

If payments were suspended manually by the account owner, you need to resume them in the settings.

Read more about problems arising from the output from the Google Adsense account, you can read in the appropriatesection of the reference center.

Recommendations for increasing earnings in Google Adsense

To get the maximum income from displaying advertisements on the site, you should use the recommendations of the service:

  1. Experiment with styles. Change the color of the background and frames of the ads to make them more noticeable and clickable. Tryadhere to the principles Mergers, additions or contrast.
  2. Use the maximum advertising space. Place ads in volumetric materials, breaking the text of text with advertising blocks, set advertising in discussions on the forums. Observe the principle of the ratio of the main content and the advertising - the latter should be at times less.
  3. Define effective sizes for ads. Analyze the conversion of advertising blocks and determine the types of ads that bring big profits.
  4. Observe the principles of advertising. Analyze the needs of visitors to your site and determine the places on the pages in which the audience focuses as much as possible. Make sure that the advertisement does not interfere with viewing the main content.
  5. Raise the price of clicking. Use text and media advertising, and also do not install too rigorous filtering of ads.
  6. Take into account Google Adsense recommendations And get greater income from advertising on the site.
  7. Fill the resource with high-quality content and

Google Adsense is an advertisement display service. That is, you show other people's ads if someone goes on the ad, then you pay. (Payment for click.) In general, convenient. \u003d) Google service, and it became American and English. But Google is transcontinental, therefore there is an interface and in Russian. This article shows how to enter the official page of Google Adsense in Russian.

Direct Link to Google Adsense

For the most impatient, direct link to the high page Adsense → (opens in new window). Everything is in English there, so we will look at how you still get to the official Adsense page in Russian. And start from the very beginning ...

Adsense - Google Product for Business

As described earlier, it is worth opening a Google page with a list. all products for business (and they are alphabetically), Adsense will be second in this list. Taking advantage of the icon as a link and clicking on it, you can get on the start page of the Google Adsense.

The starting page of the Google Adsense, as indicated above, will open in English and it looks like this:

Going up at the bottom of this page in the lower right corner you can detect a well-hidden switch with a choice of language, and as can be seen in the picture below, it is set to english:

Google Adsense in Russian

Taking advantage of the language switch found, choose from the "Russian - Russia" drop-down list:

Having exhibited the language of Russians, you can finally understand what it is generally a speech (for those who do not understand English at all - this is a good chance to deal with Google Adsense):

As follows from the application:

Hello colleagues!

Google ADSENS - Login, Registration, Create promotional blocks in Google Adsense, Insert code to the site. Google Adsense is a contextual advertisement from Google by installing it to your site, you will earn. In the previous article we looked at. In this article, I will tell you how to connect advertising from Google to your site, namely: how to register Google Adsense, how to create advertising blocks, how to insert the code on the site how to bring money.

1. Google Adsense - Registration

An explicit advantage of earning Google Adsense before earning in advertising from Yandex is the fact that you do not need to have 500 unique visitors per day. Yandex has a basic requirement. Plus, Yandex is difficult to pass the site moderation for connecting advertising. And if the site was not moderation, the next time you can apply for only a month.

Google Adsense is more democratic and connect advertising from Google for earnings at the contextual advertising show can be almost any site, even the youngest, even posted on a free hosting. But it is not recommended to connect an advertisement if you have less than 50 visitors on your site on your site (there will be no time to earn a lot with such attendance, and advertising on such a young site can scare potential readers).

However, it must be remembered that Google Adsense strictly refers to copyrightTherefore, it is important that the text and pictures are unique. Otherwise, Google can ban the site. Also Google Adsense does not tolerate cheating and fake clicks. Before connecting advertising to your site, check out The rules of Adsense program and Rules for posting ads in Google Adsense. Briefly and these rules are set forth in this presentation from Google.

So, proceed to registration.

If you have several sites, then after registering Google Adsense enough to go through the moderation of only one site And you can post Adsense advertisement on all your sites.

For registration, go to the official website of the contextual advertising program from Google:

Google Adsense Registration \u003e\u003e\u003e

Click on the Sign Up button:

In the next screen: If you have a Google search engine account (If you have mail to, then click the "Login" button. Otherwise, you need to create an account in Google. To do this, click on the Create Account button.

So, suppose you already have an account in Google. Press the "Login" button. On the 2nd registration step you will need to enter information about the site:

Their personal data you need to enter Latin letters (The name and surname must be specified as on your payment card or in the banking contract). Data must be indicated correctly, because You will receive money on them (cash check, rapid or bank transfer). Address You also need to specify Latin letters, you can make transliteration. You can learn more about how to fill out the name and address in Google Adsense from Adsense's help.

After performing these simple steps, your the site will be directed to moderation. A confirmation letter usually comes per mail very quickly.

2. Creating advertising blocks.

Now you can proceed to creating advertising blocks (Advertising ads) Google Adsense in your account. To do this, log in to your account with your username (email address and password) by clicking on the input button in the upper right corner of the screen:

Google Adsense Login \u003e\u003e\u003e

You will get to the main page, your income will be displayed on it.

In the menu on the left you need to select the My Ads tab - promotional blocks. You need to click on the button a new advertising unit and all available blocks will appear on the screen:

We will make a slight retreat: how to choose the right size of advertising blocks and where to place them on the site?

At the very beginning you need to decide on the size of the announcements. Among experienced webmasters, it is believed that the most large income brings ads of 728x90 and 336 × 228. But everything is individually, you need to experiment, try different sizes of ads. Frequently shoot promotional blocks with a size of 300 × 600 or 240x400, placed in the sidbar. It will be necessary to conduct experiments (testing advertising blocks of different sizes in different places of the site).

3. How to insert Google Adsense code to your site?

To insert classified code in Saydbar, you need to go to the admin in the appearance - widgets. Select the text widget and drag it into Sidebar, for example, under the widget of the category or under the widget of popular articles. In the window for text you need to insert the code:

I think in the process of reading the article "Google Avsense - entrance, registration, creation of advertising blocks in Google Adsense, an insert code to the site," you have successfully installed advertising on your website and Google advertising is already shown on it! And you in your account on the main page already see your earned money. Everything turned out to be very simple! Now you will need to track the reports in the reports on ads located in different parts of the site or blog. If necessary, disable or make changes to inefficient ads and create new ones.

I wish you all confidence for the successful promotion of your project!

If you liked the article, click on the joint articles under the article, subscribe only for useful articles (you find the subscription form below).

Specify questions in the comments.

Google Adsense is a service that offers web project owners to earn money without preliminary investments by placing advertisements. After registering Google Adsense, it provides the ability to adjust the appearance of advertising blocks so that they are perfectly harmonized with the style of the site. Upon completion of block format selection, the service generates a unique script to insert on the site page.

For advertising clicks on the partner website, Google Adsense charges the money to its owner at the expense of the profile. The cost of one click is established by the Company's Special Regulations and depends mainly on the content of the content. The output of money from the account on a bank account or the electronic payment system of the website owner is carried out 1 time per month if the amount of income is at least $ 100.

Google Adsense supports various methods of payments: through the online payment system (EFT) on a bank account, check, using Western Union Quick Cash services and rapid. Users living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus can cash the receiving checks through state banking institutions.

check in

To create your account in the Google AdSense service, perform the following actions below in the specified order:

1. Go to the login page -

2. Scroll through it with a mouse with a laptop.

3. In order for the interface to be displayed in Russian, the mouse click on the "English" field. In the left list, select "Russian - Russia" location.

4. Return to the top of the page. Clause the "Register" button (it is located on the right side of the slide).

5. On the "Welcome ..." page that opens, you can create a profile in two ways.

I method:

If you already have a Google account (Mailbox on Gmail), Clause the "Login" button. Then enter the username and password. After authorization (when the profile becomes active) you can immediately begin to design an application for participation in the Adsense partner program.

The II way:

If you do not have an identifier in Google, click the "Create Account" button. And then fill in all fields of the output form:

  • enter the name and surname;
  • come up with a unique login (email address) and a complex password (10-18 Latin letters and numbers);
  • notify the date of birth (in separate fields, specify the number, month and year);
  • specify the mobile number (in the drop-down list, select your country, type number);
  • type Capple (Symbols from Pictures);
  • click the window "I accept the conditions ..." so that the "tick" appears in it;
  • click "Next";
  • follow the site instructions to pass the data verification and complete the account creation.

Tip! Multiple accounts are allowed to create several accounts. So as not to get confused, you can make a separate profile, especially for adsense.

Information about the site

1. In the "My Site" line, specify the domain name of the website on which you will post advertising.

2. In the "Content Language" setting, specify the language of your site (Russian).

Fill out the form "Contact Information", according to passport data or license (if it comes, for example, about a private firm). Upon completion, check if fields are filled correctly. The service data you specified uses for sending earned money.

1. In the first two drop-down lists, install your country and the appropriate time zone.

2. "Account type": specify your status ("individual" - private sites, blogs; "Legal entity" - services, companies, online shopping).

3. "Name and Address": In this field, type the name and surname or the name of the company (if they pointed to the "Type of Account" status "Jurlso"), as well as its address (city, region, index).

Attention! If you live in a metropolitan city, in the column "region" also point exactly the city (for example, the city - Kiev, the region - Kiev). Otherwise, the service may report an index input error and prevent the filled form.

4. "Main Contact": For feedback, specify your name, phone and email.

5. "As you learned ...": Choose a source in the drop-down list from which you learned about the service Google Adsense.

6. "Setting EL. Mail ": Click the" Yes "button near the mailing to get it on email. To shut down, respectively, the "No" clause.

7. Click "Send Application".

8. Verify the attached phone number:

  • click "Send ...";
  • in the appeared string, enter the code from the received SMS;
  • click the "Confirm" button.

9. In the additional window, which opened on top of the page, conclude under the text "I accept agreements" window and click the "Accept" link.

After acceptance, your application is seen by the service administration. If it is checking, the email comes a notice that the new Adsense profile has been created.

How to get an advertising block script?

3. In the "Announcement" block, click the preferred form of the block ("skyscraper", adaptive, big banner, etc.).

9. Go to the adminpanel of your site and insert the received code into HTML markup or PHP code that generates the main page, a post or any catalog. To familiarize yourself with Google's recommendations on the placement of advertising blocks on the site, in the panel with the generated script, clat the link "Code Implementation Guide".

Good earnings to you in Google Adsense!