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Theft of auto numbers. What to do if the rooms have stolen from the car

In August 2014, a number of amendments in the Criminal Code came into force in Russia, according to which a cash fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, arrest or imprisonment for a period of 4 years faces the abduction of state license plates. We will analyze the situation and all aspects, because of which car numbers steal, and what to do motorists who discovered the disappearance of the state. Machine rooms.

Why are state registration numbers steal?

Previously, the numbers often stared with the further purpose of redemption. The meaning is that the re-registration procedure for new numbers was held extremely long and expensive (until 2013): it was necessary to go to the traffic police, stand up in queues, then pay 1,500 rubles for the possibility of re-registration of the car and after a few days to expect new numbers. Therefore, it was faster and easier to "sweep up" 2000-3000 rubles fraudsters, who were offered after theft to buy numbers back.

However, in the fall of 2013. (October) came into force new technical Regulations on car registration. And in accordance with it, in the event of loss of numbers, the owner has the right to independently make duplicates. There are accredited organizations that can make license plates: just bring with me a registration certificate for the vehicle. The cost of making numbers begins from 300 rubles, as a result of this stealing them became useless, and the criminal business almost disappeared. But still, car numbers are still stealing for committing crimes.

What if you have stolen the state. Rooms from cars 2018?

Seeing the loss, it is worth contacting the police to design the re-registration of the machine. The list of necessary documents is exactly the same as when setting a car for account:
1. The application form of the established form (you can get in the police registration unit).
2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If you are non-residents Russian Federation, it is necessary to prevent temporary registration (the re-registration of the vehicle will be carried out on the time registration period).
3. If you are a representative of the owner, a copy of power of attorney (notarized) is provided, which indicates the specific powers provided by the owner.
4. Original PTS (plus a copy).
5. Certificate of registration of the vehicle (briefly CRTS).
6. Treaty of sale.
7. Policy Mandatory Insurance Author responsibility - OSAGO.
8. Receipt of payment of state. duties (plus a copy).
9. And also a statement of loss of rooms or a certificate of theft.

Once you have received new numbers, you must reorder insurance policies, add information about changes in the map.

If you have kidnapped the number of another country, you also need:

1. Contact the police.
2. Get a certified document in the traffic police about the embezzlement of numbers.
3. Then contact the embassy / Consulate of the country, the car numbers of which were lost.

What threatens the kidnappers of state car numbers?

In the summer of 2014 (August 5), appointed to Article 325.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Note "1") entered into force (NOTE "1") "illegal vengeance of the State Registration Sign", they provide for criminal liability for theft of car numbers:

1. For theft of the number with the further purpose of redemption, as well as for the purpose of simple vandalism, a cash fine is provided in 2000 - 5000 rubles. Or arrest up to 15 days.
2. In case the numbers were purposefully stolen to further install them on another machine (later used for the implementation of a particularly serious crime), then the punishment will be much more serious - ranging from a fine of 200 thousand rubles. Up to imprisonment for up to 4 years.

The lack of registration number on the place in the car is a real catastrophe for the driver. For such a violation, the traffic police inspector with a pure heart will write you a fine of 5,000 rubles or a deprivation of rights through the court for up to 3 months. Such prospects clearly will not please any car owner. The problem is that we cannot constantly control the license plates on our cars. And their theft and the subsequent issue of ransom became a kind of criminal business for fans of easy earnings. Unfortunately, no remedies have not yet come up, therefore we will have to talk only about solving the problem.

Rooms, by the way, you can not only steal, but also to lose. Many owners of cars on their experience know that the loss of a license plate is quite simple and simple. But the consequences of this situation may not be too pleasant. By law, you can make a duplicate license plate in any company that provides such services. But if you suspect that the number was stolen to use on another transport with fake documents, then it is better to re-register your car by receiving new license plates on it. Only so you will secure yourself from trouble.

The number was stolen - the procedure for action and solving the problem

If you know exactly that license plates from your car were stolen, it is worth stop moving on a car to not meet with a road order guard and not get a fine in an indiscreet. Next, you should call the police and write a statement about theft of numbers, indicating all data on possible criminals. This term is not used in vain, because for illegal plenty of a number of someone else's car in legislation presents criminal responsibility with huge fines. With such a turn of events in the corner of the number of numbers, the procedure for the driver's action will be as follows:

  • nothing to touch on the crime scene and remember all the events that you witnessed;
  • call the police and write a statement about the stealing of the car numbers, to describe those involved in this;
  • call the tow truck and take the car to the parking lot, in the garage or just leave in a safe place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crime;
  • expect news about the completion of the criminal case, capture criminals and return numbers if possible;
  • in the absence of return of license plates, only after all these stages you can book a duplicate;
  • all this time, the car will be in the parking lot, because its operation is not possible.

Many motorists and market experts agree that the state should have thought of the system similar to the option with the loss or theft of rights. It is enough to contact a statement in the traffic police and get temporary rights. In the case of the number, you will have to wait for the end of the investigation, catching thieves, which can take quite a long time. All this time to operate the car will be impossible. It is this fact that often leaves criminals without punishment. Yes, and the legislation is quite complex. If ransom required you, it falls under criminal responsibility and fines up to 300,000 rubles. Otherwise, everything is regarded as hooliganism with a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

How to quickly return the license plates after theft without investigation?

There are two ways to resume a license plate without investigating theft. The first of the bottom is to order a duplicate. This method is suitable if you have stolen one room. In this option, the application is written on the production of duplicate rooms with certain marks, is served along with pay for work in a certified private company. Within a few days you can get a new license plate and continue to use the car without prejudice to your time. The second way is more complicated, but completely safe and legal. This is the re-registration of the car. For performing this process need to do the following:

  • arriving at any police department in the Russian Federation (you can come without cars, but with all documents and remaining numbers);
  • write an application for the re-registration of the vehicle because of the loss of numbers;
  • forget that license plates have been stolen, indicate only the possible loss of numbers;
  • submit all documents for the car, including TCP, registration certificate, insurance;
  • also submit a document confirming your identity to avoid unlawful actions;
  • provide receipts on the payment of all duties for the registration of the car (in the amount of 2850 rubles);
  • wait for all legal checks and get a new testimony in the hands, as well as new numbers.

In all this process there is one problem. If the numbering villains were aimed at you, they will repeat their theft and again try to demand redemption. Sometimes thieves say that they found your room in the parking lot or somewhere else. Think, how did they get your phone number, why do not give the number for free and so on. If you look at this situation, you can see all the truth. Therefore, always be careful with those people who "find" the license plates of your car and require a certain redemption for them.

Return of stolen numbers using the police - some subtleties

If you decide to stand on your last and get a real return of your stolen number, you need to handle the police as soon as possible after what happened. Every time of delay can cost your months without a car, therefore it is better to hurry and write a statement to the police as quickly as possible. After that, your participation in the process does not end. Be sure to contact the investigator, which is working, keep it up to date with all possible requirements for returning the number for remuneration. The easiest situation in this case will be the following development of events:

  • you are applying to the police immediately after the number of numbers from the car have noticed;
  • police begins searching events with a survey of violators famous law enforcement officers;
  • you are associated with a person who allegedly found your numbers on the road, in the parking lot or elsewhere;
  • you inform you about the caller and go to a meeting with a person together with the police;
  • having received your number back, you can achieve a fair punishment for the villain, forcing him to pay a considerable penalty;
  • criminal responsibility in this case comes infrequently, but administrative fines inspire true horror.

The violator in such a situation may pay a penalty equal to its annual official income or 200,000 rubles. In this case, you personally, of course, do nothing, except for your number and mass of positive emotions. Nevertheless, the offender will be punished and hardly hesitated on the theft of any other number. But after the incident police, it recommends paying more attention to the safety of storing your car. Do not exclude possible revenge of the criminal, so rent a place on a paid guarded parking or buy a garage for your iron horse. So you can save the car itself, and license plates are in perfect order. We offer to watch video about theft of numbers:

Let's sum up

Theft of numbers or their loss are quite complex processes that are worth considering from many possible sides. There are different options for the possible loss of license plates, and in the case of the situation it is best to check several versions at the same time. If you are not sure that the license plate was stolen, it will be better to just order a duplicate and not attract the police, not to discover a criminal case on imaginary offenders. Indeed, in this case you have to do for a long time without a car.

Riding without a license plate in a laid place will cost you 5,000 rubles at each meeting with the traffic inspector. That is why it is better to solve the situation quickly and without criminal cases. But in case you are confident in the stealing of numbers, without attracting the police, it will be difficult enough to solve the problem. Rooms can be attempting to return to you for remuneration, so used in criminal purposes to create a legal twin of your car. What way to solve the problem would you choose?

Machine drivers often encounter a paradoxical situation for them. They have machines of cars. It would seem why? This is not a car and not technique or valuable things from it. About why the rooms steal, and what to do with the steal, it is described in this article.

Causes of theft

Dear readers! The article tells about the typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem - Contact a consultant:

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The thieves have a number of the main causes of the corners of registration numbers from the machine.

More attractive

In this case, the thief wants to buy a number. Such rooms usually steal if the numbers are prestigious or beautiful. Wanting to receive payment, thieves leave their coordinates in a place where the driver can look easily. For example, write mobile phone And leave a note under the janitor. It happens that they are carefully prepared for the steal and know the number of the owner's phone number. The amount of redemption is significantly less than the cost of recovery;

Other reasons

Among other reasons are the most common:

  • Criminal goals. The law calls them criminal intent. The rooms are neatly removed without any evidence for further illegal actions. They are installed on the stolen machines, on machines that plan to use for robbery, attacks, etc. Then the numbers are not returned;
  • Adding to collection. With such a goal, numbers are rented, which are valued in collectors' circles. They are separated very carefully, trying not to damage. On redemption, intruders do not think;
  • Revenge. In this case, the pest acts from personal motives. Maybe the owner of the car quarreled, heated or made him something unpleasant. The room often emit not far from the car parking. With such reasons, the victim easily guesses where to look for stolen.

How to act

First of all, it is necessary to stop if you drove a car when I realized that you have stolen rooms from the car. You will not be imposed on a serious penalty provided for by the Russian Federation. After that, call the police and write a statement with detailed information about possible kidnappers.

  • search nearby. If you fail, act further;
  • not to touch anything and remember everything that happened with you;
  • call the tow truck and take transport to the parking lot or put in a safe place;
  • expect information from the police about the progress or completion of the case, capture the thieves and return of the states;
  • if the numbers are not returned after these actions, then the duplicate can be ordered;
  • using a car without a number illegally.

Return of stolen numbers from the machine

As already mentioned, if you wish, return the room immediately contact the police and write a statement. Contact with the investigator should be supported and notify it about all redemption requirements.

The simplified form of the event will develop as:

  • submission of the application;
  • the beginning of the search and the survey of famous kidnappers;
  • a way to communicate a person who claims to discovered the guests;
  • message to the investigator about contact;
  • meeting in the presence of the police;
  • punishment of an attacker in the form of a serious penalty or criminal responsibility. As a rule, the first option is applied.

Without contacting the police

Return of license plates by police investigation takes a lot of time and effort. But, you can use in other ways. The least trouble when contacting a certified company. The company must obtain the necessary evidence in the manner prescribed "on the development and approval of the samples of special products necessary for the admission of vehicles and drivers to participate in road movement." You write an application for the manufacture of duplicate and serve it along with the payment of work. A few days later you will receive a new license plate and you can use your car.

But, if you prefer an absolutely reliable and legal path, then you should re-register personal transport. To do this, do the following:

  • contact any department of the traffic police within the country with a full set of documents and the remaining numbers;
  • write a statement about re-registration due to loss of numbers without indicating the fact of theft;
  • put all documents relating to the car. PTS, registration document, insurance documents are submitted;
  • submit a passport or other document confirming personality;
  • provide receipts pointing to pay for all registration duties;
  • wait until all checks and will give a new testimony with new numbers.

The registration issues of the vehicle are governed by 07 August 2013, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2013.

Application for theft

This document is necessarily drawn up on the fact of the abduction of the numbers. You should immediately ask for its sample.

The document itself is drawn up as follows:

  • on a standard paper sheet of A4 format, passport data is written, the place of your appeal with information about the room and the address of the police department;
  • the word "statement" is written in the middle;
  • indicate and set out the circumstances of the kidnapping;
  • information and data on the stolen rooms and items found at the site of theft. The latter may be important evidence;

It is very important that your story about the incident was concise and clear. The application should be submitted to the police station in which you appealed after theft. It is better to serve at the place of residence. In the latter case, employees are easy to assess the situation and the situation, finding the evidence, determine and test the possible route of criminals.


Once again we recall the documents necessary for reissuing the car in the event of theft of license plates.

The extension of this vehicle provides for the presentation of completely different numbers with the simultaneous translation of the old ones in the wanted. The procedure is identical to the formulation of the machine for accounting.

Today, renewal consists of consecutive steps:

  1. writing a statement about the loss of registration signs;
  2. payment of fees in the amount of 2500 rubles;
  3. submission of documents.

You need to submit a vehicle passport, certificate of registration, insurance policy, available numbers, if there are.

Package of documents

After submitting an application for the embezzlement of signs of numbers, wait 10 days before the adoption of the police decree on the case. Police decides on exciting or refusal to initiate the case. In most cases, it refuses. Then you need to not postpone and immediately contact the traffic police department to replace numbers.

Replacing the numbers is based on the submission of the appropriate application for recovery.

The following documents are submitted:

  • passport;
  • the statement itself of the standard form;
  • transport passport;
  • copy of the passport of the vehicle;
  • registration certificate of the car;
  • policy Osago;
  • driver rights;
  • technical inspection coupon;
  • medical certificate;
  • notifying the police issued by the police on writing a statement about theft of car numbers.

For registration of new numbers a fee is taken. If the driver drives the car by attorney, then you need to make a power of attorney. Moreover, a power of attorney must be noted that it is entitled to change registration information about the car. All the remaining numbers pass. New register in 2-3 days. You can get them on the day of registration.

Changes in registration data are manufactured in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605 of August 07 of August 2013.

Production of duplicate

Previously, the owners spent a lot of nerves, waiting for consideration of the case in the police, passing the re-registration of the machine, receiving license plates and paper. Today everything happens much faster. The driver has the right to get the same number as before theft. It pleases superstitious people and owners of prestigious combinations of numbers.

Duplicates are made using a high-quality press. Relief figures displays the cliché constituting the necessary combination. It is placed on the press, putting a workpiece with regional notation on it. Next, with force pressed a blank to the cliché and squeeze the numbers of the registration certificate.

Then the plate is painted in black on a special machine, where it comes into contact with the thermal tape under the influence of high temperatures. From the machine comes copy high Qualitywhich can already be used. Finished guest rooms sometimes immediately attach to cars.

The traffic police is not waiting for the completion of the manufacture and enters the application for this procedure into the database.

To control and accounting duplicates, use such information as:

  • data from the owner's statement;
  • information from the photocopies of his documents;
  • information from the cash check;
  • the number of existing billets.

If any information is inappropriated, a large-scale study of the activities of producers of state numbers begins.

Some measures make it difficult to abduction with numbers with numbers:

  • fix them with screws with unusual hats or bolts with secrets. It makes sense to make personal orders for such bolts in workshops;
  • install a special frame to protect the numbers. On her screws with unusual notches. To unscrew them, you need a narrow-profile tool;
  • park the car where the surveillance cameras are worth;
  • put an auxiliary alarm system that is able to respond to actions with respect to license plates, frightening unwanted guests.

How to avoid theft

Add some more:

  • leave your favorite vehicle in a crowded place or a guarded parking;
  • check the license plate fastener to make sure they did not try to twist it;
  • keep the car under the supervision, if you are far from home;
  • make a set of duplicate numbers in advance. He will need it, as one of the first questions you will ask yourself after theft, will: "Is it possible to ride?" Without numbers - it is impossible, and the police sometimes gives references to theft in a week.

To strengthen the protection of car numbers from thieves, an anti-vandal framework is used. They consist of the top panel and the base, which is attached in 4 places. The top frame is perfectly fixing the sign, and fasteners with hidden bolts for a special key protects against attempts to open or break.

The fraudster will not be able to quickly unscrew the number even with the screwdriver. In addition, with such a reliable fastening the number will be preserved at the road shaking. It completely eliminates its random breakdown and loss.

Responsibility for the criminal

Life is not detective cinema, where all crimes are revealed. The share of the revealed theft of license plates in their total quantity is very low. But, being caught, the violator of the law may suffer a major responsibility, the degree of which depends on the intentions established by the investigation.

If it is established that he sought to make hooliganism or demand a ransom, then he faces a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles or arrest for 15 days. This measure is provided for by the article "Unlawful Case by the State Registration Sign of the Vehicle." It is used if there are no signs of criminal offense.

However, if he unscrewed the plate for use in other illegal purposes, he threaten much more serious trouble. It will be made to pay a fine of 200 thousand rubles and has the right to deprive freedom for a period not exceeding 4 years.

One of the common schemes of fraud associated with cars is theft of state registration signs, that is, numbers. As you know, without their presence, the use of the car is illegal and is punishable by the use of administrative responsibility.

Although thefts are performed with different purposes, combines all situations one - the owner of the car in any case carry certain risks, minimal of which will be financial losses. It is worth considering the risks in more detail, as well as determine the correct algorithm of action in the event of theft. What if stolen the rooms from the car?

Production of duplicate

This option is the fastest and simple, especially if only one number was removed from the car. It does not imply the passage of the re-registration procedure, duplicate and without it can be obtained legally.

Production of duplicates are engaged in specialized private companies that have a corresponding permission for this. The cost of them is established by specific companies and averages 2000-3000 thousand rubles.

The presence of a license is necessary to check, since it is issued only for companies that have the equipment necessary for the correct manufacturer. Otherwise, the use of a duplicate can be illegal.

During the appeal, the driver must have rights and a passport to the car, as well as copies of these documents. Additionally, a statement may be needed to refuse to initiate a criminal case, which will significantly speed up the procedure for obtaining license plates.

It is worth remembering what ride without numbers is assumed to administrative responsibility in the form fine. Its size is 5000 rubles. Regardless of how many signs are missing - both or only one. In addition, for such a violation may even deprive the rights from one to three months.

Despite the many advantages of this method, he still has risks. For example, the danger is that the stolen rooms can be used in criminal purposes. Therefore, in some cases, it is worth contacting the police, and after receiving new registration signs.

Appeal to the police

If the probability that the guest numbers are still stolen (and not lost, for example), very high, it is worth contacting the police right away. This is necessary so that in the case of the use of rooms in the criminal purpose of the owner of the car did not lead to criminal liability.

IMPORTANT! An example of situations where it is best to write a statement, is the presence of a note left on the car's glass with a proposal to return the numbers after paying a certain amount.

In this case, it is necessary to contact the police and write a statement, and one of the two possible:

  1. About stealing numbers. In this case, the application will be considered up to 10 days, and the driver will not be able to receive new registration signs during this time.
  2. About loss of rooms. In this case, the applicant is issued a coupon, with which you can immediately go to the traffic police department for re-registration of the car.

The card issued in the last version also gives the right to legitimate movement without numbers before the traffic police department. At the same time, the driver will not be able to finf.

In each of these cases, numbers will be wanted, and any of their use will be illegal. Of course, the likelihood that they will be found are extremely low, but the driver at least be able to be sure that it will not suffer responsibility in case of illegal use of criminals.

Re-registration of car

The procedure for obtaining new numbers is similar to car registration. Although this option is more difficult to buy duplicates, it is at the same time more reliable. The owner of the car refers to the traffic police with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • statement;
  • tC certificate;
  • power of attorney (not always needed);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The size of the state duty is 2500 rubles, including:

  • 2000 rubles. It is worth issuing public services;
  • 500 rubles. - Certificate of registration of the vehicle.

IMPORTANT! If the driver has only one sign, the second also needs to be provided in the traffic police. As for the vehicle itself, it is not required to provide it to the inspection.

The re-registration procedure takes place from a pair of hours to several days, after which the owner of the TC will be to appear again in the traffic police department. There he will receive:

  • new state registration signs;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • a passport for a car with all the necessary changes made to it.

The obtained numbers can be installed on the car and continue its legitimate use.

The main reasons for theft of numbers

Even leaving the car in the yard of his own home the car owner can never be confident in its safety and the safety of license plates. To the main reasons for which they can be stolen include:

  1. Getting money for returning signs. The thief steals them, leaving an auto note on the windshield with your phone and a proposal to return the rooms for a certain remuneration. Such a scheme was especially common until 2013, because then to obtain new numbers the driver must have been re-registered the car. It is clear that many preferred such a long procedure just to pay money to the criminal. Now it happens less often, but still happens. In this case, it is better to ignore the requirements of the thief and get new numbers, because the likelihood is that the money will be spent in vain.
  2. Use them for criminal purposes. The attackers often install other people's signs on their cars so that in the case of witnesses, the police went on a false track. This can be used when performing robbery, theft, abduction, distillation of the stolen car, etc.
  3. Hooliganism. In this case, the kidnappers may not pursue any specific goals. Another option may be a situation with thefts of beautiful numbers (that is, with unusual combinations of letters and numbers). They can be stealing just for the collection or for the purpose of subsequent sale.

Whatever the reason for the removal of numbers, the car owner in any case risks that they can be used for illegal purposes. Therefore, to start it is worth looking for signs near the car parking. Sometimes thieves hide them without carrying with them, and after payment simply report their location.

If the numbers are not found, it is worth contacting one of the following options:

  • order Duplicate characters;
  • contact the police statement;
  • get new numbers.

Each of these options has its own characteristics and risks, so they need to be considered in more detail.

Responsibility for theft

Despite a very small percentage of disclosure of crimes related to theft of registration signs, in case of catching the criminal may suffer serious responsibility:

  1. If the purpose of theft was simple hooliganism or redemption, the thief will be fined in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles. Or arrested for a period of 15 days.
  2. If registration marks were stolen for further installation on another car, which was used in the commission of a crime, the responsibility would be much more serious. In addition to the penalty of 200 thousand rubles. The criminal can be deprived of freedom for up to 4 years.

It is worth noting that steal can absolutely from any car. However, most often the risk group includes such TCs:

  1. Auto with beautiful numbers. Since considerable funds are most often paid for them, thieves understand that the owner willingly give more money for their rapid refund.
  2. Foreign cars or TS with registration signs of other subjects of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is also clear that a person would probably prefer to pay than to undergo a long-lasting procedure for restoring numbers in its region.

How best to fasten the number

To avoid theft, you can take advantage of special anti-vandal frames for fixing numbers that are sold in most automotive stores. This method of fastening is very effective, since the plate is kept using hidden bolts immediately in four places.

It can save not only from theft, but also from random loss of rooms when driving around a bumpy road. Of course, it is impossible to be confident in their complete preservation of 100% in this case, because if you wish, the attackers will still be able to remove them. But it will take much longer and effort than in other cases.

Familiar? According to some data, in our country, it was faced with almost every fifth car owner. In general, of course, after, which entered into force last year, the situation with the alarms of rooms in Russia became much better. Plus, tightening responsibility for theft of state car numbers, which the State Duma adopted, several corrected the situation. But not everything is so simple.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the traffic police, which has become known to us, the thefts are still massive. Why did the new order for registering cars in the traffic police did not deprive the meaning of the theft of license plates? After all, since last year, in the event of a lover or theft of the license plate (s), the vehicle owner may not apply to the GTP bodies, and may contact the specialized company, which is allowed to make duplicates of license plates.

Why steal car numbers?

The fact is that many car owners, in the event of theft, are beware of contacting such companies for the manufacture of duplicates of registration license plates, and according to the "Old Town" refer to the Liberal MBA bodies with a statement about the disappearance of the room. Thus, the owner of the car, which was stolen the number, protects itself from possible problemsrelated to the illegal use of a stolen license plate, because in the case of the manufacture of a duplicate without a message to law enforcement agencies on a crime, difficulties may arise with the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will come to prove that the number has previously stolen. For example, not uncommon when numbers steal to commit a crime by car.

This situation is used by continuing to steal license plates. Knowing that most owners prefer to handle the statement about theft of registration marks, criminals steal numbers with the purpose of redemption. After all, in the case of an appeal with a statement about theft, the owner will have to go through an easy procedure, re-register the car in the traffic police and get new numbers.

And you need to pay the state duty for registration actions and pay new numbers. That's why the thefts continue. The only plus is that the amount of redemption of the stolen number has become much smaller. If earlier the criminals extorted from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, now they mainly require no more than 1,500-2,000 rubles.

- Receipt of payment of state duty for registration actions + copy

The vehicle must be provided to the authorities of the traffic police for visual inspection and reconciliation of identification numbers.

After issuing, making changes to the PTS and the registration certificate should be applied to insurance company To make data on new numbers. Including do not forget to contact where you have passed, to change in the database of your car license plates.

In addition to the abduction of the Russian license plates of the car, fixed on cars, which are registered in other states. The thing is that the criminals are aware that in the case of a lover of a foreign license plate, restore the number of the owner of the car will be very difficult. Therefore, the amount of ransom, which the attackers require the owner of the car with foreign numbers, is several times higher than the amount required for Russian numbers. Unfortunately, most foreign citizens pay criminals with huge sums of money and thereby create meaning for criminal activities of intruders.

Despite the fact that many foreign citizens are aware of the theft of car numbers, many do not know what to do in the case of the loss of foreign cars. First of all, it is necessary to apply for the alarm to the police. Next, get a certificate of stealing numbers in. But, unfortunately, to restore foreign numbers in the traffic police does not seem possible. To do this, contact your embassy in the territory of the Russian Federation.

How else can you protect yourself from theft of license plates?

Of course, completely insure itself from theft of the car's state numbers will not work. But to reduce the risk of kidnapping, possibly. For this you need:

1. Park car in a crowded place

2. Leave the car on a guarded parking or on lit parking

3. Buy special anti-vandal fitting license plate

4. Check the license plate fastener for twisting attempts

5. Do not leave the car unattended in the case of finding away from home

6. Making a pre-set duplicate of license plates (so you will avoid, in the event of theft of the number, ban on moving along the road without a number).

In conclusion, I would like to note that the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not always quickly issue a certificate of theft. In some cases, you have to wait until 7 days. In this case, according to the current legislation, you are forbidden to operate a vehicle without a number (or numbers).

Therefore, we advise all the owner of motor vehicles to have a duplicate license plate. So in the case of theft of the vehicles of the machine, you install duplicates and you can move by car until you receive a reference to theft. Next, go to the traffic police, pre-removing duplicates of the rooms, and go through the re-registration of the machine, receiving new license plates.

Also remember that, despite the re-registration of a car, which can do it much more expensive, in no case agree to the conditions of criminals if you extort money for the return of the room.