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Lenovo P780 hangs on the screensaver. Lenovo P780 freezes when starting

Lenovo today ranks fourth in the five World PC manufacturers. In the arsenal of the company there are table pcs, laptops, mobile phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as covers, laptop bags. The breadth of the company's range is impressive, and the filling of the Consumer Electronics Market Lenovo requires serious support. The Specialized Service Center Lenovo exercises it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today, the trend is quite common to contact specialized service centers, but to a little-known "but very understanding" repairmen of technology. By making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the service center of Lenovo directly deals exclusively by this type of equipment and electronics and one hundred percent knows the subtleties of this company. Moreover, Lenovo's service center has the ability to quickly cooperate with other specialized companies that supply the necessary original parts for Lenovo technique.

It is worth noting that most gadgets that are produced by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique details that are small where you can find. This is the famous problem of Lenovo devices, but everything is solved through specialists. Only Lenovo's service center is able to get the necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original lights for highlighting. In any case, if any problems with the electronics of this company arose, it is worth contacting the Lenovo service center, and then why:

1. Only experts can guarantee the quality of work performed, with complete diagnostics and with the definition of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exceptionally in the Lenovo service center, if necessary, it will be proposed to replace the non-working part to the original. You can get the original item, only somewhere specifically orders it in advance, or from another phone, and in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of the company's equipment, as specialists are selected and trained in them directly to service Lenovo.

4. After purchasing a gadget Lenovo, the buyer acquires a warranty card or a check with which you can get free service. Such a service is provided solely in the Lenovo service center. Such a right is lost if the device has already been opened before a service specialist.

5. Maintaining any goods manufacturer Lenovo can occur in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

The site of the Lenovo service center can be seen in the list of gadgets that are subject to repair, as well as see the price policy (if the repair is not a warranty) and the location of the nearest branch of the service. Among them, you will see services for the repair of tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks at low prices. Wizards performing repair work are carried out not only to replace parts, but also carefully understand the essence of the problem, making everything possible to exclude the recurrence of the incident.

In the service center of Lenovo, you will be offered a wide range of services for the repair and determination of the cause of the breakage:

testing the entire system on the objects of breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
diagnostics of the gadget, including the operation of internal systems, heating, the operation of each part, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakage, and also warns the new breakdowns of the device;
replace parts, including the matrix of the electronic device. Its diagonal size is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with company suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of technology. The masters are taken for the repair solely after a thorough study and diagnostics of the problem when the reason is detected, and the decision on repair will become apparent for them;
the integrated repair of the entire device that may be needed at high breakdowns, for example, after the incidence of the gadget from a high height, etc.

Repair of individual details, not to mention the integrated repair, requires the intervention of this professional, and given the originality and uniqueness of some of the companies of the company's electronics, only the Lenovo service center can perform qualitatively. In its daily work, the master regularly use high-class repair techniques, which allows you to perform the most subtle tasks. Among such working tools should be mentioned:

specialized digital microscopes that allow for accurate diagnostics;
bGA soldering stations;

required for the implementation of the full repair and diagnostics of the software and hardware complex.
Moreover, each service center Lenovo offers more simple services, for example, qualified advice to customers who wished to purchase electronics and the technique of this manufacturer. Specialists in the center have experience with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, therefore consultations on the correct operation of operation, the use of individual functions of the device, etc. Also provided directly to Lenovo service centers. Other offers also have a shift, update software for laptops, netbooks or stationary PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct in case your gadget began to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not responding, as well as in the event of absolutely any problems or issues in the field of technology and electronic technologies of Lenovo.

General description of the situation

The phone is not for sales in Russia (apparently the Chinese), 4 GB of internal memory, on the box production date: May 2014. Almost immediately after purchase, I found a weak connection (the phone did not catch where I caught any other phone). Periodically disappeared. Official firmware always stood. Several times the phone offered to install the update, I did it. Most likely, the phone managed to upgrade to Android 4.4 "Kitkat", but not a fact, it is better to check it. I remember that I read the description of Kikat, I remember the function of a smart number determinant, and it seems to me that I later saw this feature in action on my phone (I can be wrong).


Approximately six months after buying a phone more or less worked. Then the connection disappeared completely. There was no possibility to pass into repair or deal with it, I began to use the phone to view the Internet via Wi-Fi. So there was still a couple of months. At some point, when the phone was almost completely discharged, he turned off and no longer reacted for a long time. Put for a day for a day - the phone does not turn on. Just a black screen and zero reaction. I then scored on this phone, threw it into a box for half a year, starting to use the old phone again. Today I tried to charge it and turn on. He came to life, the animation of the charging process was displayed (1% was). Charged up to 100%. The phone is turned on, but freezes on the Lenovo logo. The power button reacts, turns off. The RESET button also reacts, turns off. Run a bunch of forums. Everywhere I find the answer that you need to reflash the phone.


1. Is the flashing really - is it the only phone recovery option or can you still do something?

2. How best before firmware save all personal data? First of all, I need contacts stored in the phone's memory, and SMS. If you can save the installed programs with all settings and personal data inside the programs, it will be even better. I read on this forum that if you want to make a memory dump, you can lose all the data and a chance for recovery (we are talking). Therefore, I ask the Council to not do nonsense. From the situation described in the topic mentioned, my difference is that I'm not sure in the firmware version and I have a memory of 4GB (suddenly it affects the process). Somewhere I read that for different versions of Android, you need to use different programs to create a backup. Please tell me what kind of programs it is better to use in my situation (when the phone does not turn on and hangs on the screensaver), and what to pay attention to not to make an irreparable error. The phonebook has numbers that cannot be restored.

3. Can the flashing fix the described problem with the full loss of communication or do I have a problem at the hardware level and you need to pass a phone to repair?

My goal is minimum - restore data from the phone and make it turn on. The goal is the maximum - make the phone fully workable and suitable for calls.

Lenovo is a Chinese popular company. Although its technique is produced in China, but Lenovo is one of the few firms that makes really high-quality products. Many products can be found much cheaper than competitors, while they are better in quality. Of course, this firm is not so smooth. In some smartphones, computers, laptops there are shortcomings that are revealed with long exploitation.

Now we will look at the rather popular device Lenovo P780. Many users after the year of operation, the phone begins to work worse. How does this manifest? When loading Lenovo P780 does not turn on or simply hangs on the download. Of course, this is not the only problem with which users are faced. For example, in negligents, the phone is poured with water. What to do in this case? Let's figure it out.

Freezes and not loaded smartphone

If you have stopped turning on the phone, then the best option for his healing will be flashing. In order not to spoil the phone, it is recommended to attribute it to professionals that will be able to return the smartphone for a few hours to life. There is such a procedure from 500 rubles. Of course, this is a lot, but so you will get a guarantee that it will work after flashing.

If you do not want to attribute a device to a service center, you can try to do everything yourself. Let's find out how to do it.

Necessary elements

So, Lenovo P780 does not turn on, what do we need to fix it? We take a computer or laptop, a USB cord and download the program of course, we will still need suitable drivers. To download them, enter the Lenovo P780 4PDA address line and load drivers from this site.

Flashing phone

Remove the lid from the smartphone and connect it to the computer via the USB port. On the laptop, open the device manager. Go back to the phone. Near the slot under the SIM card there is a Reseat button, which must be pressed.

After the actions made on the computer in the device manager, your smartphone will appear. Click on it and update the drivers (you can download or update them via the Internet).

If you have done everything, you can go to the next step. Now you need to turn off the phone from the computer and run the Flash Tool program.

To correct the problem, due to which the Lenovo P780 does not turn on, you need to reflash the device. First, in the program, click on the Scatter Loading button. In the window that opens, select the place where the firmware is located. Click on the file, and the utility opens it. All files should stand ticks. We put a tick where Da DL All WITH CHECK SUM is written, and click on the Upgrade button.

After a few minutes, the program will prepare for the firmware. We take the phone and connect to the computer. When the device decides, the installation of the firmware will go. After 10 minutes, the green circle should light up, which indicates the successful completion of the process.

Turn off the phone and run. If everything went successfully, then the smartphone will boot, and you can re-install all applications.

Lenovo P780 does not turn on after entering water

If the phone recently got into the water, then it is necessary to quickly pull it out. In no case, do not attempt to turn it on immediately, so you just reduce the chances of recovery. If he does not turn off himself, then do it you. After all, a short circuit will occur because of the water, and you will have to change the memory, battery and other elements in Lenovo P780. You should understand that through various USB ports, charging, the holes for the microphone water will quickly get up to a significant detail, which, in turn, will break the operation of the device.

Replacing Lenovo P780 will not need until you fully make sure that the phone does not work. Remember that even if you put your device in a washing machine, the chance to save it remains. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Fundamental rules

So what to do if Lenovo P780 does not turn on after falling into the water?


It is necessary to approach the repair of the device, based on your problem. If he himself stopped turning on, then you should try to reflash the device. All the necessary software can be on the manufacturer's site Lenovo P780 woofer. If the phone stopped turning on due to your negligence, then you need to follow the foregoing instructions. You do not need to immediately think about the replacement of the device, as it can be returned with your own efforts to your previous life. Remember that all actions must be accurately done to make no longer harm the device.

Phone Lenovo A319 is one of the best options for fans of budget gadgets. The manufacturer has a good reputation, and the smartphone itself is quite inexpensive. Nevertheless, no matter how reliable the device, one day you may encounter problems of a technical nature.

Many are concerned about the question: what to do if A319 does not turn on? And what if Lenovo A319 does not turn on and hung on the screensaver? Many users of this gadget collided with this problem. Since it is very common, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the basic options for its solution.

Option number 1. Reboot

We are all accustomed to the fact that if some technique does not work, then it must be reloaded. And it is not necessary to find out why it is not starting either begins to turn on, but not loaded to the end. The causes of failures have a huge amount, and even experts can not always call the problem with which you encountered in a particular case.

So if Lenovo A319 is not loaded or freezes when you turn on, the best and easiest way to solve the issue is to restart the phone.

You tried to restart the device, but it did not help? Then repeat everything again five. It is not so easy to force the system to be loaded normally, but a multiple reboot in most cases becomes successful.

You can also try to simultaneously hold the "Home" button, as well as the power and volume keys. Some Lenovo models, and and 319, among other things, respond to such an impact and stop hanging.

The main advantage of these ways to solve the problem is the absence of any risk for the phone and data stored on it. These are their main difference from the ways to return the phone to life that we will look next.

Option number 2. Hard Reset.

If the elementary reboot did not help, and anyway, Lenovo A319 does not turn on either do not load the screensaver, it is necessary to resort to more radical measures. The optimal option is to reset all settings, or, in other words, Hard Reset Phone. It is easy enough to do it - you only need to go to recovery mode.

To make it easier for you to complete this procedure, we offer a simple algorithm:

  1. Turn off the phone, clamping the power key for 10-15 seconds.
  2. Simultaneously clamp the power keys and reduce the volume. You can do it with one hand, but we advise you to use both. There have been cases when people dropped the device by negligence, trying to press on both buttons with the fingers of one hand.
  3. We are waiting for the appearance of the manufacturer's logo, and after a few seconds we get into the recovery mode.
  4. Operating buttons to reduce and increase the volume, select the "WIPE DATA" item. It implies deleting all data and settings from the phone. Thus, no matter how the program problem is most likely, you will eliminate it.
  5. The system will ask if you really agree to delete all data. Confirm the actions and wait for about a minute. Next, agree to the restart device and wait until the updated software will be loaded.

If all systems start normally, and the phone functions in the same way as it worked before the occurrence of problems, we congratulate - you have found a relatively simple and painless way to solve the issue. If the phone does not turn on, or the download does not go further the screensaver, it remains to resort to the third method.

Option number 3. Refracting

The third method is the most radical, but they must certainly use if the phone suddenly turned off, does not turn on or hangs. We act on simple logic - if the system cannot be restored, it should be replaced. In the case of computers and laptops, we usually reinstall the operating system, and the firmware is running for phones.

First, download the firmware to the computer, and then throw it off to the memory card installed in the phone. Swinging the firmware with the archive, and you do not need to remove files from it. We throw on the card exactly in this form.

Now go to Recovery in exactly the same way as in the previous case, that is, clamping the power and volume buttons. If there are installation files on the memory card, the system identifies them by offering you the following item: Install Zip From SDCard. Just it is needed if the phone turns off and we need to change the firmware. Confirm the actions, starting the file download.

Usually, flashing takes a few minutes. Do not be afraid if during her phone turned off - it is quite normal. It can reboot, and repeatedly. And this is not a reason for concern.

After multiple reboots, the system will turn on, and most likely you will no longer see the hangs and brakes. This means that the problem remains in the past, and now you know how to enable the phone that started to slow down, or does not turn on.