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Open your Google account. Creating Google Account: Fast Registration and Setup Gmail Mail

In this article, we will touch upon all the details of the email registration on the service. Mail registration on is completely free, this service is provided by and is available for all users on the Internet. Email is famous for its reliability, lack of spam, the availability of additional Google services, including the Google Adsense contextual advertising service. Below we are in all details, in the steps we will analyze the account of the account of the account on

Now you are a full-fledged email of, as well as other services from Google.

Additional services from Google

For registered users of, together with e-mail, provides the ability to use additional services directly from your account. To do this, log in in your email under your login and password, and in the upper right corner click on the square.

You will appear in front of you, in which all additional services you can enjoy are visible.

List of additional services from

  • Google +.
  • translator
  • the calendar
  • YouTube.
  • cards
  • search
  • blogger
  • documents and others

You can familiarize yourself with the full list of all possible services by clicking on the "Other Google Services" button. In this case, on a separate page, you will see all the products and services available to users.

Services for the Internet

  1. search
  2. browser Toolbar
  3. google Chrome Browser

Mobile Services

Here are special products for use on a mobile phone. Search for mobile phones, as well as cards for mobile devices.

Google Services for Business has a number of services that are designed specifically for those people who deal with the Internet. These are the services such as:

  1. AdWords. - With this service, you can order contextual advertising, which will be placed on the search for Google and on the websites of partners on the Internet.
  2. My business - With this service, you can place information about your company on the maps, in the Google Plus service and search from Google is completely free.
  3. Admob - Designed to earn money on their applications, if you are their developer.
  4. Google Apps for Work - These are documents, disk, email and other services. Designed specifically for companies.
  5. Adsense - Contextual advertising service, allowing making money on the Internet site owners.

Multimedia Services Google

  1. YouTube. - world famous service for downloading and watching video. Here you can both download and view videos on the Internet.
  2. Search for pictures - This service is designed to search for pictures on the Internet.
  3. Search video - With this service you can find any video on the Internet.
  4. Books - Designed to search for books.
  5. news - This is a news tape from which you can learn all the latest events.
  6. Picasa. - The service is designed to publish and edit your own photos.


Currently 3 service available in this category:

  1. Cards - Here to study and lay your own routes.
  2. Panoramio. - You can view and add your own photos from all over the world.
  3. Planet Earth - The service is designed to study the world without leaving home.

For home and office

  • - Reliable email with proven protection against spam.
  • Documents - Here you can create and share your documents with other users.
  • Presentations - Allows you to create, edit and show your own presentations.
  • Pictures - Now all users on the Internet are available to create diagrams and drawing flowcharts.
  • The calendar - Here you can plan your time, share events. And also create events and reminders of them to your email.
  • Google virtual printer - With this service, you can print anywhere from any device.
  • Disk - Here you can store files, as well as give access to other people.
  • Table - Create and edit tables. Tables can provide access to other users on the Internet.
  • Forms - Designed to create and conduct surveys on the Internet.
  • Sites - Service to create your own sites.
  • Translator - Allows you to translate texts and websites on the Internet to different languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
  • Google Keep. - If you have ideas, you can write and store them here.

Social networks

  1. Google Plus. - Well-known social network from Load your photos, publish events and posts, share them with your friends.
  2. Groups - Here you can create distribution lists and various groups for discussion.
  3. Blogger. - Free service to create your own blog on the Internet. Any user in two clicks can get their own blog completely free.
  4. Hangouts. - Interactive communication without borders. You can communicate on the Internet completely free.

Login to email

Email input is available only for registered users. If you have not yet acquired your own e-mail, then do it by using the instructions contained above in this article.

For registered users, the entrance to is simple enough:

Now you can enter mail at any time of the day, check and send emails. In the event that you set a daw opposite the "Stay in the system" item, the recognition of your login and password will occur in automatic mode, you will not need to specify them every time when entering email.

Currently, any World Wide Web can make an electronic box, because it is very simple to do it. It is quite another thing, which resource for this to choose. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registered on For those who do not know - this is a postal service belonging to the most famous search engine in the Google world.

It is worth noting that the Mail from Gmail has great convenience and thoughtfulness. However, in our opinion, the greatest charm of this service is that there is a so-called two-stage identification, which allows you to bind your electronic box to a mobile phone. Therefore, you will not be able to read your letters, besides you, because in order to enter the mailbox, it is pre-entering the code that came to the cell. For those who keep in the mail valuable information, this is a very important service.

Free postage registration

Now go directly to registration. Go through the link and click "Create Account". It looks like this:

Or so:

What is your name. It is not difficult to guess that here you must specify your name and surname. Should they be real or fictional, to solve only you, however, we believe that it is better to specify these data, as it is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but also help you to restore mail in case of loss of access to it.

Come up with username. You have to come up with nickname (), which you will use for authorization in the mail. It is worth noting that the majority of "simple" logins are already occupied by users, so you, apparently, have to come up with something special. We hope that there will be no problems.

Pick a password. The password must be difficult. Do not think to use simple QWERTY or 123456 species - intruders pick them up very quickly. You can create a difficult password in this way: take the Russian word, for example, "Mowgli". Write it on the English layout - it will turn out to be Vfeukb. Wonderful. Now add a few numbers and symbols here, about this spirit:%? Vfeukb1975. We received a password out of 12 characters, choosing which is very difficult. And if you use double authorization, it will be simply impossible to get into the mailbox.

Confirm the password. Enter the password field once again above.

Date of birth. Is it worth identifying this information to solve only you.

Mobile phone. At this stage, the cell number is optional.

Email Spare Address. If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In the event of a loss of access, all the necessary information will be sent to it.

Prove that you are not a robot. It is easy to prove it - you just need to enter the captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to introduce incomprehensible characters.

Country. Here you need to specify the country of residence, although it is usually automatically exhibited for your region.

Before Put a tick next to the inscription "I accept the terms of use ...", because without this, the continuation of registration is impossible.

After all the information is filled, click on the "Next" button. Congratulations, registration is completed!

In the next step, you will be invited to add your photo, but you can not do this - how you wish yourself.

In order to go to mail, at the top of the page of the same Google, click on the icon in the form of points, and then select the postal service.

Double authorization

And now we got to the most interesting. Now we will tell you about how to enable double authorization in order to go to your mailbox no one except you, of course.

On the right side of the screen you can see the avatar. Click it and in the drop-down menu, select the "My Account" section.

Enter the phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that only one that is decorated in your name is extremely desirable as the phone number. In case of loss of this phone, return access to the account you can hardly. Be careful!

Hello, friends! In today's article, I will tell you about how and, as a result of this, put the mailbox Gmail. Yes, for someone it will seem elementary, but at the same time there are quite a few people who have only phrases "create an account" and "put the mailbox" will cause a lot of questions. And I say it without exaggeration, believe me, I myself meet such people constantly. Moreover, in his article I promised that Google would not go around, so I fulfill my promise.

So, why can you need a Google account and Gmail mailbox?

For what, in general, I need an email in detail in the article about the mail on Yandex (reference at the beginning of this article), so I will not repeat. I only designate the main points, for which it is necessary to register and.

First, registering the Google account you will automatically have an account in other services of this search engine - this video hosting YouTube, Google's social network, blog platform Blogger, Google Disc and more.

Secondly, if you register on foreign sites (for example, for shopping in online stores), then you should be preferably to have a mailbox with the end of 4. From Google just for this suitable) so that there are no problems with the reception and sending letters. Of course, it is possible to smear it with your hand, but you will agree, it will not be very nice if any of your important letter does not reach the recipient or vice versa, you will not receive an answer.

Thirdly, having a smartphone with the Android operating system you just need to have a Google account, because you can download and install applications to your smartphone from the Google Play store. Why? Yes, just Android OS belongs to Google.

Fourth, if you have a website or blog or you, then in a short time, I think you will need services such as Google Analytics, Google Adsense and others.

Fifth, because the Gmail mailbox is very convenient to use the mailbox, although it is possible to also be an ardent adherents of mail from Yandex or

In general, from words to business, the process of the Gmail mailbox is actually below Google.

To create Google Account:

See also:

What you need to do to buy online shopping

Gmail is an advanced postal service developed by Google's Transnational Corporation on JavaScript. The selected programming language opens several advantages in front of the users at once: transferring commands from the keyboard, updating web pages without rebooting, supporting drop-down address lists.

In cases where the selected browser does not support JavaScript, it is possible to switch to a simplified version of the service written on HTML - markup language, which is supported by even computers from the 90s.

Advantages Gmail:

  • Once the registered account in the postal service will open access to the Youtube entertainment service, the Google Drive disk, the Google Plus social network and the Google Play digital store, which contains applications for the Android mobile operating system.
  • Each mailbox accommodates up to 15 gigabytes of letters and attachments. If there is a shortage of free space, it is possible to optimize the available space in automatic mode.
  • The version written on JavaScript or HTML is selected when the browser-based mailbox is booted. If a number of JS instructions is not supported, it means that a simplified version will be selected.
  • The presence of a spam filter, lightningly marking fraudulent letters with the corresponding tag. How to deal with spam, each participant decides individually.
  • Postal clients are available on iOS and Android and with 100% accuracy repeat the functionality available in the browser.
  • Voice call support. The function is integrated into the mail, and at the same time available in Google Voice - a separate tool that can organize video conferencing and the exchange of documents in real time.
  • The removal mechanism. In Gmail, the message is not immediately sent, but with a delay selected in the settings. An additional period of time will help cancel the sending, make adjustments and again start the transfer.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, a business version of mail with a chosen domain, customizable access (it is important to specify the number of employees in the state) and an intuitive interface.

Account registration

Create Gmail account is easier than it seems at first glance. And the main reason is intuitive. The developers brought to perfection to prepare a new account and a bunch of tips added to each action. It remains only to figure out the details:

The first step is to go to the search engine from Google and activating the drop-down menu located in the upper right corner.

From the available offers it is important to choose the mail Hmail and go to the new web page (, where you have to prepare a new account.

The main thing is to click on the "Create Account" button and proceed to filling out the available text fields.

Developers will need to specify the name and surname, select the username (exclusively latice, numbers, numbers and allowed characters - points, lower underscore), and then repeat the password, which will also have to be brought to a certain standard of security: you need to enter at least 8 characters, be sure to use Figures, as well as lowercase and capital letters.

Preparation of a new user questionnaire will take no more than three minutes, but further will have to check the spam check and specify the mobile phone number.

Standard procedure. After 10 seconds, an SMS will come to the added number with the verification code that will remain to enter and proceed to further settings.

If you wanted to register without a phone number, you will have to use services providing virtual accounts to which you can get SMS. Suitable service - QEALTY ( - opens access to dozens of rooms even without registration.

But if nothing is created for free and the password does not come, no one bothers to redeem any paid option for a couple of hours (to find out which option to use will help directly Gmail if the notification has come to the post office that someone Already created an account with the specified number, then you will have to look for another number).

After the number has been added, Jimail will ask to add some personal information. The step is optional, it is easily skipped. Email Gmail is officially registered and available for use. If you wish, you can download mobile versions of postal service and proceed to communication in a compact format.

Registration on a smartphone with Android operating system without a number

If an option using third-party service, which opens access to temporary virtual numbers, has not worked, you will have to seek help to smartphones for Android. The same procedure is the same, the only exception - the item with the phone input is easy to skip:

Open "Settings" and find the "Accounts" item, and then select Google.

Then decide on the registration of a new account.

After entering information about the name and surname, the date of birth and the address at the point with the phone click "Skip". Finish registration. Access to mail will appear automatically, as if you make a Google account, the rest of the services will be immediately available (talking about YouTube, Gmail, contacts, cloud storage dRIVE and social network G plus).

How to create an additional gmail mail

If earlier the Gmail account has already been registered and an urgent need for an additional account appeared, for example, information and entertainment mailing will be sent to a small importance, the actions algorithm will change a little:

As in the instructions described above, first of all have to go to the Main page of the Google search engine ( and in the upper right corner call the drop-down menu, where you have to choose Gmail.

After switching to e-mail in the upper right corner, click on the profile image, then select the "Add Account" item.

The last step is to click on the item "Create Account" and proceed to standard registration.

Good day, dear readers of my blog. In today's article, I would like to tell and show how quickly and easily create a Gmail email. Gmail to all well-known powerful Google post service. As Google writes, one free account is the whole world Google. Many are registered in Google Mail only for Google Play (Google Play) to download toys and applications and play, well, actually update)

Google's world includes a lot of interesting things, it is possible to use it in different ways, for some it's just a mailbox for another convenient and powerful business tool. For other simply account for games and applications. Many users do not even use half of the services from Google.

To describe all the charms of the establishment of the mailbox in Google, I will not be in this article, because it is for a long time, about the advantages and minuses can be found on the Internet. We will consider the practical part with you and disassemble how to register google mail.

In order to create mail, you need to go to the registration page:

You get to the registration page, on it and the entire process of creating mail will occur. The meaning when registering is to introduce its correct data, to complete confirmation and "case in a hat". If you have ever been registered earlier in postal services, the principle here is exactly the same.

In the picture below, I painted filling the fields. See if it is enough for you, it's cool. But if you want a detailed description of filling out each field, below I tried not to miss the subtleties of filling.

Detailed description Filling fields when registering

Step 1. On the listing page begin to fill out the form. We introduce the name and surnameThen you need to come up with the desired name of the mailbox.

If you saw a red inscription - the name is already busy. Take advantage of a non-good advice, which practically 100% makes it possible to register a unique mailbox.

Tip: When registering any mailbox, come up with such a name to be remembered, easily uttered or easy to write. When registering, you can use: point, numbers (for example: region code, memorable date, etc.). Can be changed in places, but without fanaticism

Having played with the name of the future drawer name, it should be possible so that the system will not give a warning about the busy name, which means that it can be used during registration.

Step 2. Well, the name was invented, then you need to come up with a quality, reliable password. When entering the password, you will see a password reliability analyzer. Confirm the password, we enter exactly the same password as introduced above, and go to the next graph.

Step 3. We enter a number, choose a month, and the year of your birth. Select the floor from the drop-down menu. Next, enter a mobile phone number. (Knowing your phone number, you can always easily restore password withSMS, if you forgotten. The thing is useful and necessary. Not at the neglect of your safety.)

Spare email address, you can not enter. If you have other mailboxes, in principle, you can enter it into this field, but not necessarily. ( It is necessary to control and security your Google mailbox.)

Step 4. Go to the most interesting, where you need to prove that you are not a robot. We run a little ahead - this can be done in two ways that we will understand now.

The first way:Enter the words or numbers that are shown in the picture. You can click on a round arrow several times and choose a simple word or numbers for a set.

Put the ticks, thereby accepting the terms of use and confidance of Google, and click - Further.

The second way: Put a tick near - skip this check. In this case, you will need to check by phone.

When you select this method, fill in all the fields and click on the button - Further.

You will fall on the confirmation page, check your phone number, select - Text Message (SMS) and click Continue. SMS comes instantly.

Check your mobile phone, enter the confirmation code and click on the button - Proceed.

After confirming the mailbox, you fall on the page with congratulations and the name of your new mailbox.

Press the button - Go to service.Gmail.The system will automatically redirect you to the web interface of the electronic drawer.

We have just passed step by step, and figured out how to create email in Google, you can use it on your phone or tablet on Google Play. Registration on a computer, laptop or tablet is absolutely no different, all the same fields for filling, all the same questions 🙂

I hope at least a little helped you in this matter. You can ask your questions in the comments or express your opinion on the article, I will be glad to hear your opinion.