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Deploy the local server on Windows. How to create a local server? Deploy the local server on Windows simple web server under Windows

Installing a web server on Linux:

  • If you have Ubuntu, then you will find an article "How to install the Apache web server with PHP 7, MariaDB / MySQL and PHPMYAdmin (LAMP) on Ubuntu 16.10".
  • If you have Arch Linux, then you will find the article "Installing Lamp (Linux, Apache, MySQL / MariaDB, PHP7 and PHPMYAdmin) in Arch Linux / Blackarch".

Local server is a very useful tool. It is precisely useful to webmasters, programmers on PHP, penetration testers. All programs included in the typical web server installation are free, they have all the source code. The local web server consumes the minimum of resources and, in fact, it is absolutely easy to install and configure.

This instruction will tell you how to install a local web server without using ready-made assemblies. This method has its advantages. The most important of them are: full control on what you install; Ability to use the latest software versions.

If you exactly follow the instructions, you will definitely earn everything! In addition to those who have Windows XP - if you have this operating system, then a special instruction is made for you.

I will show an example of installing on Windows 10, but if you have another version of Windows, then let it confuse you - the procedure is identical everywhere. I will download the latter (the latest) at the time of writing the version of programs. If by the time you read, new versions will come out, then download them.

Installation steps:

You can also come in handy:

1. Preparation (download programs included in the server, creating a server structure)

We need:

  • Apache. (directly web server)
  • Php. - Wednesday to work PHP programs (required by all websites)
  • Mysql - database management system (required by most websites)
  • phpmyAdmin. - A very convenient tool for managing databases

Apache developer official website is You can download Apache from this site. But the official version is assembled using the old compiler, for this reason it does not work with new PHP versions. The authors of PHP recommend Apache from Therefore, for this instruction, you download Apache from the site

If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you can choose both a 64-bit and 32-bit version of the components. The main rule - all components must be one of the triumbe. If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, then all components must be 32-bit. This does not apply to phpmyadmin, which is written in PHP. For PHP programs, the concept of biost is not applicable.

The free version of MySQL is called MySQL Community Server. It can be downloaded on the page. On the same page there is an installer in the form of an executable file, but I recommend downloading a zip archive. On the download page, we are offered to register or log in to the existing account - but it is not necessary to do this. Just click on the link " No Thanks, Just Start My Download" Pay attention to the bitency.

We also need a C ++ Redistributable Visual Studio 2017 file, i.e. Spreadable component Visual C ++ for Visual Studio 2017 (or any other later), you can download it on the official Microsoft website on the link (direct link to download the 64-bit version; direct link to download 32-bit version). This file is needed for a web server. And for MySQL, you need distributed Visual C ++ packages for Visual Studio 2015. It can be downloaded by software.

So, I downloaded the following files:

  • vc_redist.x64.exe
  • vcredist_x64.exe.

Set files vc_redist.x64.exe and vcredist_x64.exe..

2. Creating a web server structure

Create the structure of the directories of our server. The main idea is to divide the executable files and files of sites with databases. It is convenient for servicing the server, including backup.

At the root of the disk C: \\ Create a catalog Server. In this directory, create 2 subdirectory: bin. (for executable files) and data..

Go to the catalog data. and there create subfolders DB (for databases) and htdocs. (for sites).

Go to the catalog C: \\ Server \\ Data \\ DB \\ and create an empty folder there data..

Map of important folders mentioned in this manual:

C: ├───Bin │ ├───-Apache24 │ │────Conf │ ├───-MYSQL-8.0 │ ├───-PHP │───-Sendmail ├───CERTS ├── ─Data │ ├───DB │ │ └───Data │ └───htdocs │ └───-phpMyadmin └───Manage

3. Installation Apache 2.4

The contents of the downloaded archive (more precisely speaking, only the catalog Apache24.), unpack in C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\.

Go to the catalog c: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ CONF \\ and open the file httpd.conf. Any text editor.

In it, we need to replace a row row.

Define Srvroot "C: / Apache24"

Define Srvroot "C: / Server / Bin / Apache24"


ServerName Localhost.

Documentroot "$ (srvroot) / htdocs"

Documentroot "C: / Server / Data / Htdocs /"

DirectoryIndex index.html.

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm


# ALLOWOVERRIDE CONTROLS WHAT DIRECTS MAY BE PLACED IN.HTACCESS FILES. # It can be "all", "none", or any combination of the keywords: # allowOverride FileInfo Authconfig Limit # AllowOverride All

#LoadModule Rewrite_Module Modules /

LoadModule Rewrite_Module Modules /

Save and close the file. Everything, Apache setting completed! Description of each modified directive you will find on this page.

Open the command line (this can be done by pressing the Win + X key simultaneously). Select Windows PowerShell and Copy there:

C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k Install

If you receive a request from the firewall to the Apache ratio, then click Allow.

Now enter into the command line:

C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k start

And press ENTER.

As a username, we enter root. Password field leave empty. If everything is done correctly, then everything should look like this:

7. Using a server and data backup

In catalog C: \\ Server \\ Data \\ Htdocs \\ Create folders and files, for example:

c: \\ Server \\ Data \\ Htdocs \\ Test \\ Ajax.php - This file, respectively, will be available at http: //localhost/test/ajax.php, etc.

To create a full backup of all sites and databases, it is enough to copy the directory C: \\ Server \\ Data \\.

Before updating modules, make backup folder bin. - In case of problems, it will be possible to easily roll back to the previous versions.

When re-installing the server or when it is updated, you need to re-configure configuration files. If you have copies of these files, the process can be significantly accelerated. It is advisable to take the following files:

  • c: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ CONF \\ httpd.conf
  • c: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ MySQL-8.0 \\ My.ini
  • c: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ PHP \\ php.ini
  • c: \\ Server \\ Data \\ Htdocs \\ phpMyAdmin \\

All settings are stored in them.

8. Additional PHP setup

PHP is currently very powerful, flexible, convenient tool. On the local computer using it you can solve a variety of tasks, not necessarily related to the generation of Web pages. When solving extraordinary tasks, you can rest in the limit set in the settings. These settings are contained in the php.ini file (C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ PHP \\ php.ini) Consider some of them:

Memory_Limit \u003d 128m.

sets the maximum amount of memory that the script can use

Post_max_size \u003d 8m

sets the maximum amount of data that will be accepted when sending by the POST method

; Default_charset \u003d "UTF-8"

sets the encoding (default, the string is commented)

Upload_max_FileSize \u003d 2m.

the maximum size of the file being downloaded to the server. Initially, very small size is installed - only two megabytes. For example, when loading a database in PHPMYAdmin, it will not be possible to upload a file more than 2 megabytes until this setting item is changed.


maximum number of files for download at a time

Max_execution_time \u003d 30.

maximum execution time of one script

It is absolutely optional to change these settings, but it is useful to know about them.

9. Additional PHPMYAdmin Setup

We have already configured phpmyadmin and most quite enough basic functional. However, on the PHPMYAdmin's start page there is an inscription: "Additional PHPMYAdmin features are not fully configured, some functions have been disabled."

New features are:

  • showing connections between (related) tables;
  • adding information about tables (starting with version 2.3.0 You can describe in a special table 'table_info' which column will be shown in the pop-up tip when moving the cursor over the connected key);
  • creating a PDF scheme (starting with version 2.3.0 you can create PDF pages, showing links between your tables) in phpMyAdmin;
  • display column comments (starting with version 2.3.0 you can make a comment with a description of each column for each table. And they will be visible in the "preview for printing". Starting from version 2.5.0, comments are used on their own tables and in mode viewing, indicating both pop-ups over columns (properties table) or embedded in a table header in view mode. They can also be shown in the table dump);
  • create bookmarks (starting with version 2.2.0, PHPMYAdmin allows users to bookmarks to requests. It can be useful for frequently used requests);
  • the history of SQL queries (from version 2.5.0 you can save your history of all SQL queries that were made via the phpMyAdmin interface);
  • designer (starting from version 2.10.0, a designer tool is available; it allows you to visually manage the connections between the tables);
  • information about newly used tables;
  • setting up frequently used tables;
  • tracking (starting with version 3.3.x The tracking mechanism is available. It helps you to trace each SQL command that has been performed by phpmyAdmin. Supports recording data and recording commands. After switching on, you can make table versions);
  • custom settings (starting with version 3.4.x, PHPMYAdmin allows users to set most of the settings and save them in the database);
  • customizable menus (starting from version 4.1.0 You can create user groups to which only assigned menu items will be available. The user can be defined in the group and will only see the menu items available for its group);
  • hide / show navigation items (starting from version 4.1.0 you can hide / show items in the navigation tree).
  • other

Now we will configure these additional opportunities to fully. Follow the http: //localhost/phpmyadmin/chk_rel.php and click "Create a Database". After that, all new features will be activated.

Several screenshots of new features:

1) designer

2) Tracking

10. Installing the postal stub

In the C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ bin directory, create a new directory called Sendmail. Now create a SendMail.php file in this directory with the following contents:

#! / USR / BIN / ENV PHP

Open the PHP configuration file, it is placed here. C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ PHP \\ php.ini. And add one line there:

Sendmail_path \u003d "C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ PHP \\ php.exe C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Sendmail \\ Sendmail.php --dir C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Sendmail \\ Emails"

Save the file and restart the server. Excellent, now all sent letters will be saved in the catalog C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Sendmail \\ Emails \\

Letters will have expansion .EML and they can be opened, for example, the program Thunderbird.. Or by the usual text editor.

11. Adding PHP directory in Path on Windows

If this is not done, there may be problems with some PHP modules, including with php_curl.dll, php_intl.dll, php_ldap.dll, php_pdo_pgsql.dll and php_pgsql.dll. At least, when you start the server, the following appears in the logs.

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to Load Dynamic Library "C: \\\\ Server \\\\ Bin \\\\ PHP \\\\ Ext \\\\ php_curl.dll" - \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xef \\ xef \\ "- \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xBD \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd. \\ R \\ N in unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to Load Dynamic Library " C: \\\\ Server \\\\ Bin \\\\ PHP \\\\ Ext \\\\ PHP_LDAP.DLL "- \\ XeF \\ XBF \\ XBD \\ XeF \\ XBF \\ XBD \\ XeF \\ XBF \\ XBD \\ XeF \\ XBF \\ XBD \\ XeF \\ xBF \\ d \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd .dll "- \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd. \\ R \\ n in unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to Load Dynamic Library "C: \\\\ server \\\\ bin \\\\ php \\\\ ext \\\\ php_pgsql.dll" - \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd \\ xef \\ xbf \\ xbd. \\ R \\ N in Unknown on Line 0

To avoid these warnings, you need to add the path to PHP to the system variables.

Click the Start button (or how is it called on windows 10?), Start typing " Change system variables"And open the appropriate settings window.

There click " Environment Variables»:

In the window " System variables»Find and click on Path., then click " Change»:

Raise the entry to the upstairs:

Close all windows while saving changes made.

Restart the server.

12. Hanging, Traffic Slow and / or Error ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED

If your server, even without loading "hangs" - does not show web pages before restarting, and in the ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED error logs:

AH00455: Apache / 2.4.9 (Win64) PHP / 5.5.13 Configured - Resuming Normal Operations AH00456: Apache Lounge VC11 Server Built: Mar 16 2014 12:42:59 AH00094: Command Line: "C: \\\\ Server \\\\ (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED. (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED. (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED. (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED. (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED. (OS 64) The specified network name is more not available. : AH00341: WINNT_ACCEPT: ASYNCHRONOUS ACCEPTEX FAILED.

Then add an Apache configuration file:


13. Setting up the CURL in the Apache web server on Windows

If you do not know what CURL is, then you do not need it. Those. Boldly skip this step.

cURL is a console utility that allows you to exchange data with remote servers using a very large number of protocols. CURL can use cookies and supports authentication. If a web application requires CURL, this should be indicated in dependencies. For many popular CURL applications, it is not required, for example, for phpmyAdmin and WordPress there is no need to configure CURL.

If CURL is configured incorrectly, you will receive errors:

Fatal Error: Call to Undefined Function Curl_multi_init () in ...

Curl error: SSL CERTIFICATE PROBLEM: Unable to get Local Issuer Certificate

To CURL worked in Apache on Windows you need:

1) Be sure to add PHP directory in PATH (System Variables Environment). How to do this is told slightly above:

2) in the file C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ PHP \\ php.ini should be unassamed row eXTENSION \u003d CURL

It is usually not required, but if you wish, you can back up the binary (executable) server files. All these files are in the folder C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\. This is Apache, MySQL and PHP - i.e. Programs that are responsible for the server work, but which we can download from official sites at any time and configure again.

If you want to make their backup (for example, before updating the server), stop your service:

C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k Stop Net Stop MySQL

And copy the folder to safe place C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\.

By the way, you can copy the entire server entirely, i.e. folder C: \\ Server \\ - In this case, simultaneously displays a backup copy and executable files, and data (databases, sites).

When copying is completed, start the service again:

C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k Start Net Start MySQL

15. Server Update

All components that make up a web server are actively developing and regularly published. When you enter the new version, you can update one of some component (for example, PHP), or several minutes.

Removing Server

If you don't need the server anymoreOr you want to install it again, stop the service and remove them from the autorun sequentially by performing on the command prompt:

C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k Stop C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Apache24 \\ Bin \\ httpd.exe -k Uninstall Net Stop MySQL C: \\ Server \\ Bin \\ Mysql-8.0 \\ Bin \\ Remove server files, delete the folder

Attention, it will delete all databases and your sites. C: \\ Server \\. How to protect the apache web server from hacking in Windows

With PHP (with version selection), with MySQL and phpMyadmin. This site is posted on it: responsive and qualified technical support, installing WordPress and other web applications in one click, as a gift when paying for the year, free site transfer. When ordering a hosting for + 1 month for free (Promotoode B33E0E2F).

At the time of my youth in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, only one single local web server was popular. This is how you already guessed, good old denwer. He firmly settled on my computer back in 2003. Other alternatives if they existed at that time, they were known in narrow circles and were not so popular.


Let's look at what we can use today, after so many years. I suggest to consider, test and compare the 14th! Software systems intended for use as a local web server for Windows.

1. Ampps.

Latest version: 1.7
Russian language: yes (partially)
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Softaculous ampps 1.7.
  • Apache 2.2.22
  • Mysql 5.5.22
  • PHP 5.3.10 and 5.2.17
  • Perl 5.10.1
  • Python 2.7.2
  • Mongodb 2.0.4.

Ampps is not just a local server, this is a whole application library, where each of them can be quickly installed, turn and dig no departure from the box office. All this household is painstakingly catalog and described in detail.

The undoubted advantage of this assembly is to support many common CMS, blog platforms, web forums, bulletin boards, photo galleries, and so on. Total applications available more than 200! The set of components included in the package is also not lagging behind the life, all the modules are quite fresh and, which is noteworthy, here we can find such exotic as Python and Mongodb.

Of the minuses, I want to mention a partial Russian translation, which is present only in the scripts catalog, and that is not everywhere. After restarting Apache, the tray menu refused to work, Windows reboot did not help. Another minus is the lack of portability. In my opinion, Ampps is more useful for beginners to explore the scripts, rather than serious developers. I was not very comfortable to work with this server, there are options and better.

Latest version: 2.5.10
Russian: no
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.8.
  • PHP 5.2.6
  • MySQL 5.0.51b.
  • phpmyAdmin-2.10.3.

Apache and MySQL are installed as services. There is no control program, only the page of dubious design with reference to phpmyAdmin. At its essence, AppServ is a graphic installer Apache, PHP, MySQL and more than anything. If the same Denwer itself starts the components, then they are simply installed as services and manage the Windows itself.

Latest version: 3.2010-11-07
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.
  • PHP 5.3.3
  • Mysql 5.1.40
  • phpmyAdmin 3.2.3

Denwer ... good old denwer. We see all the same meager set of not very fresh components (trimmed by the most eggs), black window and no GUI. The pros of this local web server can be attributed to its extremely small size and a good "knowledge base" on the forum accumulated over many years. In fact, the server management is carried out through execution.Bat scripts to start and stop modules, as such a control program is not at all.

Denwer is extremely simple and understandable, and therefore has the largest army of fans among "kettles". The most complete description of this web server will be the following phrase, said by one of the users: "Denver performs basic tasks and okay, and the more the missions the more problems (no one uses them all 100)."

Latest version: 5.3.9
Russian language: yes
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • PHP 5.3.9
  • PhpmyAdmin 3.4.9.
  • Apache 2.2.21
  • Mysql 5.5.20

Pretty simple and no remarkable assembly. We offer the usual trad menu without frills, uncomplicated settings and a confusing start page without Russian. This software complex did not make any impressions on me, it works well. EasyPhp is quite suitable as a replacement of Denwer on the "version with the windows" (if the start page does not scare).

I note that EasyPhp runs the server yourself, no frightening black windows pops up, starting and stopping the server is performed quite quickly.

Latest version:
Is there Russian language
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.19
  • PHP 5.3.6
  • Mysql: mariadb 5.2.6
  • PhpmyAdmin 3.4.2.
  • SLIMFTPD 3.1.81
  • DNS UNBOUND 1.4.10

EleanorServ first seemed to me a dark horse, or rather a certain specialized server for the eponymous Eleanor CMS. After consideration it turned out that this is a regular local web server.

In this assembly, I liked the design of the menu, which turned out to be quite attractive, which is highly rare among this kind of programs. I also liked the control panel, and more precisely the start page that has a rather unusual execution.

The joy of using this software package did not last long. After creating a new domain, the control panel simply disappeared. Yes Yes, it just evaporated in the folder. / Www / localhost / I did not even find any files other than the index.php plug. Another chagrin was the inability to open a folder with domains from the trad menu, I had to look for where I installed EleanorServ ...

Well, finally the most important drawback - this server is not portable, which does not allow us to install it on the USB flash drive and use on different computers.

6. Nimp.

Latest version: 1.5.0
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.17
  • Nginx 0.9.3.
  • MYSQL 5.5.8.
  • PHP 5.3.5
  • Sendmail 31.
  • phpmyAdmin 3.3.9.
  • Sypex Dumper 2.0.8.
  • FileZilla 0.9.37 Beta.
  • Memcached 1.2.4.

Here we see the terrible implementation of the control panel with pornography elements, but there is a rather interesting trad menu. The strangest thing in this assembly is as much as 4! The tray icons with an absolutely identical menu. To make the server work, I managed not from the first time. As it turned out, Nimp can only work from the root of the disk, which no doubt is another fat minus of this software package.

During the use of this server, something has ever suffered something, FileZilla never stopped (I had to kill through the tasks manager), and Memcached did not start at all. Some bewilderment called the author's words of the program that "this assembly is perfect for highly loaded sites in corporate and urban networks", the program is clearly far from use in the corporate environment.

The "chip" of this local web server is that NGINX works as frontend and is designed to distribute static content, and Apache works as a backend to generate dynamic content. In general, my impression from this assembly remained doubly, it smoothly changed from sharply negative first to normal-acceptable in the process of working with the program.

Latest version: 4.5.2
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.22;
  • Apache 2.4.2;
  • NGINX 1.2.0;
  • Mysql 5.1.63;
  • MYSQL 5.5.24;
  • PostgreSQL 9.1.2;
  • PHP 5.2.17 (Imagick 2.2.1, Zend Optimizer 3.3.3, IonCube Loader 4.0.7, Memcache 2.2.4);
  • PHP 5.3.13 (Imagick 2.3.0, Xdebug 2.2.0, IonCube Loader 4.0.14, Memcache 2.2.6);
  • PHP 5.4.3 (Xdebug 2.2.0);
  • Perl (expansion);
  • SLIMFTPD 3.181;
  • Fake Sendmail 32;
  • NNCRON LITE 1.17;
  • Memcached 1.2.6;
  • Adminer 3.3.4;
  • Heidisql 7.0;
  • Webgrind 1.0;
  • PhpmyAdmin 3.5.1;
  • Phppgadmin 5.0.4;
  • PhpMemcachedadmin 1.2.1;

In contrast to other participants of our Open Server review, has the most pleasant and thoughtful interface, has powerful capabilities for setting up and administering components. Understandable pluses include support for settings profiles, switching HTTP / MySQL / PHP modules, task scheduler (CRON), convenient management of domains and alias, and for "teapots" there is an explanatory user manual.

A pleasant feature of Open Server is the ability to use the program as a portable personal start menu. You can install the server on a USB drive, transfer your portable programs there, create bookmarks for frequently visited sites and anywhere wherever you are, you will have a convenient menu of quick access to your favorite sites and programs.

Latest version: 1.8.2
Russian: no
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.
  • PHP 5.3.2
  • SQLite.
  • Mysql 5.1.46
  • Perl 5.8.

From this nasty, I had a long time, I was engaged in a search and murder of subsidiaries. It turned out that when starting the Server2Go program, the local web server simply starts and that's it. Everything is in the literal sense of the word, there is no control program, no monitor, the server can neither stop or even restart. All that has this software package is a start-up page where you can watch innocuous information on the selection of PHP info.

The impression is extremely negative, although it would seem: the server starts, PhpmyAdmin opens, and what else? No, the server that cannot be stopped is not for me. Gorge it in hell!

Latest version: 8.5.4
Russian language: yes
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.4.2
  • PHP 5.4.0.
  • MYSQL 5.5.24
  • phpmyAdmin 3.5.1

UniformServer is another handicraft on the knee and say at least something good about her I can not say. The curve is Russian translation, a huge ugly logo in the tray menu, the menu itself is completely not thought out, and due to the translation curve, it is impossible to understand anything at all. All that can this assembly can start and open PHPMYAdmin. Using the menu, you can still get to logs and configuration files. The only pleasant surprise was found there.

Latest version: 8.5
Russian: no
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • Mysql 5.5.
  • PHP 5.3.9
  • PhpmyAdmin

Simple and easy web server. The control panel is uncomplicated, it can be hidden in the tray. There is no Russian language. The assembly can be recommended to undemanding users and beginners. There are no features or buns that I could tell in this software complex.

According to its functionality, USBWebServer resembles Denwer, except Perl lacks. In the control panel, you can start / stop the modules, open logs, there is still a couple of useful features and settings, all. I would recommend this assembly as a GUI replacement Denwer for those who need similar functionality, but I want to have a control panel with buttons and rushes.

Latest version: 2.27
Russian: no
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.22
  • PHP 5.3.10
  • Mysql 5.5.20
  • SQLITE 3.7.10
  • Smarty 3.1.7
  • PhpmyAdmin 3.4.9.
  • Xdebug 2.1.3
  • SQLiteManager 1.2.4.

A good and functional local web server, a fairly known, easy to learn. It has a convenient menu, good PHP and Apache setup features. I really liked the assembly, in my time I used Vertrigo for quite a long time.

But not everything is so rosy in our kingdom, of course there are cons. The most important and substantial minus - the server is not portable, it is impossible to install it on the USB flash drive and use on different machines. From other problems, I want to note the difficulties with the creation of a domain or alias, as well as the absence of Russian.

Latest version: 2.2D
Russian language: yes
Portable version: no

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • PHP 5.3.10
  • Mysql 5.5.20
  • Xdebug 2.1.2
  • XDC 1.5
  • PhpmyAdmin
  • SQLBUDDY 1.3.3.
  • webgrind 1.0.

Like XAMPP, this assembly is widely known in the West. Perhaps the cause of this is to support a large number of languages, the ability to establish any version of Apache, MySQL and PHP as a addon and an attractive home page, which cannot be said about the control program itself.

The assembly works well, has a terrible, but quite understandable menu. There is nothing in it to highlight this local web server from the total mass. To be honest, I was very surprised to see such a poverty in the design of the program after visiting a stylish and colorful home page.

Latest version:
Is there Russian language
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • NGINX 1.2.0;
  • PHP 5.3.13;
  • PHP 5.4.3;
  • Node.js 0.6.17;
  • MYSQL 5.1.62;
  • Mongodb 2.0.5;
  • memcached 1.2.6;
  • phpmyAdmin 3.5.0;
  • Adminer 3.3.3;
  • Rockmongo 1.1.1;
  • phpMemcachedadmin 1.2.1;
  • Xdebug, Zend Guard Loader 5.5, IonCube 4.0.14

This assembly boasts the presence of MongoDB and Node.js, as well as quickly gaining the popularity of the NGINX web server. I also pleased the presence of a normal tray menu and the settings section, but during the work it turned out that the window with the settings has 3 tabs where only 1-2 options (why?).

Pretty strange in Winginx looks like working with logs. To view them, we offer the file selection menu of the type error.log, access.log, and so on, however, to which module it is that these logs are impossible to understand: NGINX, PHP, and may Node.js?

Although Winginx has a management program, but the command itself is the web server, as well as in Denwer, is carried out through.bat files. I made such a conclusion on the pop-up from nowhere to the black windows during the launch or server stop.

It is possible that someone (first of all beginners) will be very useful for the automatic installation of scripts (phpbb, WordPress, Joomla, etc.) when creating a domain, especially if you consider that the scripts are configured to work with NGINX (rewrite the rules of revirt itself pretty hard). However, personally, I never use such functions and prefer to install yourself, as you never know what and how it is installed and what surprises can wait for you in the future.

14. XAMPP USB Lite

Latest version: 1.7.7
Russian: no
Portable version: Yes

Basic set:

  • Apache 2.2.21
  • Mysql 5.5.16.
  • PHP 5.3.8.
  • phpmyAdmin 3.4.5.

XAMPP is a very popular local web server abroad. I think popularity is due to the fact that this assembly is quite reliable and has versions under all major operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and even Solaris.

Start and stop modules occur quickly quickly, the welcome page is not confused and understandable, albeit English. In general, a pretty good software package (with a bunch of buns in the Desktop version) in which there is nothing superfluous or repulsive. Black windows from behind the corner are not attacked, the control panel is quite ordinary, however, low-oat.

From the minuses of this software package, I can note this control panel, or rather the absence of this control itself, there is nothing but launching and stopping the server. There is no convenient menu with the list of sites, no partition of the web server settings, there are no useful tools. You will have to configure the work environment in this assembly manually.


Portable Russian language Availability of GUI Useful GUI. View logs
Ampp - + + - +
- - - - -
+ + - - -
+ + + + +
- + + + +
Nimp. + + + + -
+ + + + +
+ - - - -
- + + - +
+ - + - -
- - + + +
- + + + +
+ + + + +
XAMPP USB Lite. + - + - -

Best results: EasyPhp, Open Server, Winginx.


Test number 1 - false launch

The essence of the test lies in the deliberate sputter of the Apache configuration in order to check whether we will get any warning or all the indicators will burn with green light, and nothing will work. Agree to use the assembly that deceptively reports the successful launch and puts you as an idiot, the desire is not enough. If the server does not give any signals or is running secretly, the test will also be considered failed.

Test number 2 - Sophisticated ways

The essence of the test lies in the deliberate installation of the server to the folder with a complex name, in our test we will use the folder named "C: testmys $ ka! ._- () zlo () + ~% & 2% Files". If phpmyAdmin (it is taken simply for convenience, because there is in each assembly) will not open, then the test will be failed accordingly. Each person is individuality, the folders are sometimes called the most unexpected names. The name of the folder selected for the test is correct for Windows and must be correctly processed.

Test №3 - SSL from the box

Test is extremely simple - run the server and try to open PHPMYAdmin over the SSL protocol.

Designations: "+" means that the test passed successfully, "-" means that the test failed.

False start Difficult paths SSL boxes
Ampp + + +
- + -
- + +
+ + -
+ + -
Nimp. + - -
+ + +
- + -
+ - -
+ - -
+ + -
+ + -
- - -
XAMPP USB Lite. + - +

Top Results: Ampps, Open Server.


Having considered and tested so much software complexes the question arises - and as a result of choosing for everyday work? Answer this question is not so simple, each assembly will be good for a certain type of task.

For beginners, I propose to use Denwer, as the easiest and time-tested local web server. All other web developers, as well as those beginners who are not enough Denwer functionality, I recommend using Open Server.

If you need to quickly familiarize yourself with a well-known script, a forum, photo gallery or a guest book and do not want to bother with its installation and a search for a suitable platform, you can try AMPPS. Of course, provided that the script you are interested in supported by this development.

If someone has the need to use such rare modules as a local mail server, Node.js, MongoDB, etc., then I think everyone can choose the appropriate option among other participants in our review.

Apparently, very many users of computer systems of any type know that the local server on the computer can be created in a matter of minutes. True, not everyone has a clear awareness of the fundamental methodology for all steps. So let's try to give at least partial information on how to create a local server and adapt it to your own needs.

Concept of local server

In general, it is initially necessary to clearly distinguish between the local servers on the type. In addition to the most frequently used web northern, you can create and configure both game, and proxy, and even DNS servers. It all depends only on which function will be assigned to a particular component.

However, in most cases, all these components have one common feature: they are created initially on local machines at the first stages without placing on a remote hosting, which allows them to configure and edit them directly on their own computer terminals.

Now we will try to consider issues related to how to create and configure a local server on a computer, depending on its type and destination

Software selection

In principle, the choice of software is a personal matter of each user. It should be noted that, if, for example, when creating a local web server, only the hypertext markup languages \u200b\u200blike HTML or CSS are used, additionally install software packages does not make sense, since any Internet browser perfectly "understands".

Another thing is when scripts written, let's say, for PHP as additional components. It is necessary to use them, and the browser no longer copes. This is where specialized software is useful. As for the proxy, DNS and game servers, there is also an ambiguous situation here too. Several later, the most simple applications for their creation and configuration will be considered, but still focus on the main question regarding the standard local web servers.

How to create a local server: Installing and configuring a Denwer package

If you have decided to engage in the creation of a local server for subsequent placement on a remote hosting, naturally, some kind of tool will be required. Most often, when searching for appropriate on the Internet, users receive redirection to download the Denwer software package, which is a domestic product and is also easy enough to understand and work with it.

It contains all the necessary tools like Apache, PHP, MySQL, PHPMYAdmin, Sendmail, etc. The only drawback consists only that it will additionally have to install special engines like in the simplest version.

So, the creation of a local server begins with the launch of an installation exe file (naturally, on behalf of the administrator). A window appears similar to DOS mode. Follow the instructions of the installer. First, select the server storage location, then you assign a liter and the mode of operation of the virtual disk (in principle, the proposed parameters can not be changed). This installation is completed. Now the local server must be verified for correct operation.

Testing workability

At this stage, we launch the created server, and enter the http: // localhost in the window of any Internet browser. If the program is installed without errors, the browser displays a message that everything works.

If you scroll down the page down, you can see the main links by which you can carry out full testing of the local server.

Coding issues

Sometimes you can meet an unpleasant situation when the sent email message looks like a set of incomprehensible characters. This happens only because the program is initially designed to encoding UTF-8. It can be completely elementary to change, for example, on Koi-8R or something else.

Local Server Installation: Additional engines

Now another important point. The local Windows server cannot do without special additions, called engines (WordPress, Joomla, etc.).

To begin with, in the WWW folder, located on the way \\ home \\ local host, create an arbitrary directory in the main directory. After that, enter the path of the http: // localhost / in the address bar of the browser and check what exactly opens. If everything is working fine. Copy the engine files in this directory using any file manager (at least the same "conductor") and enter the address to anew. A "Installation Wizard" window appears, where you just need to follow the instructions.

Supplement databases

Now the local server must attach special databases. To do this, use the phpMyadmin service, the input to which is carried out by entering the HTTP: // Localhost / Tools browser. First, the section of creating a new base is selected, it gives a name (can be arbitrary, but it is better to specify the same as applied to the folder in the previous section).

Then return to the main page and set the privilege parameters (create a new user, specify the login and password, as a host we use localhost and celebrate "birds" everything that is in the window). It remains to press the button "Went!" And wait for the end of the process.

Transferring a local server to hosting

The next step should connect the server to the local network and transfer to hosting so that it becomes available to users on the Internet. The "native" method of transferring data to the remote resource looks not too convenient due to the set of additional actions.

Setting up the local server in terms of data transfer to the remote hosting is best made by the Filezilla application, with which you need to copy the files in the aforementioned directory, in the root catalog of the host. This is either the Public_HTML folder or the HTDOCS section. Now it's small: change the so-called absolute paths to folders and files and directories in the engine settings, specify the database name, which is supposed to be used to use already on a remote host, and specify a new login with a password for the host. Everything. On this work is completed. Connecting to the local server of custom machines can be done through any Internet browser.

Local proxy servers

Now let's see how to create and configure the local proxy server. What is it needed for? First, with it, you can track absolutely everything that is loaded onto a computer terminal or laptop in the process of Internet surfing. And secondly, it is possible to save traffic if it is paid.

The local proxy server works on the caching principle of appeals to DNS servers and saves, say, pictures or any other objects, and when you re-visits any resource, so to speak, loads them from your memory, speeding up access to the resource.

To create a server of this type, you will need the simplest Handycache application, which should be placed in a convenient space for quick access, since each time you have to connect to the Internet it is necessary to contact it.

Before starting work, set the proxy settings. For example, if an Opera browser is used, in the server parameters for HTTP, you need to specify the value, 8080 - for the port. Now run the application, go to the settings and look at the DOZVON tab. As a rule, the program itself determines which type of connection is currently used. Next, click the same button and use the created server.

Yes, pay attention: in the cache settings, you can specify the size of about 300 MB. In theory, this should be enough for all occasions. You can view the contents in the Cache folder of the main directory where the program was installed. And one more thing: Remember, this is a regular proxy server, not anonymous, so waiting for changes from it or hiding the IP address is not worth it.

Local DNS servers

The local DNS server can be used in cases when the connection is unstable, the local network has too large branching based on TCP / IP, or you are engaged in web developments and testing them. In principle, for such purposes the Bind program is perfect. It is even calculated mainly on UNIX-like systems, nevertheless, works perfectly with Windows (we proceed from the fact that the terminal is installed not the server version of "Windows", which can be configured in the "control panel").

Run and follow the instructions. For convenience, it is recommended to install the program directly to the C disk, to the created BIND directory. Next, enter the login and password, after which you activate the installation process and wait for its completion.

Now in the C: \\ bindetc folder you need to create the "Name" file .conf, in which the settings that the local DNS server will be prescribed (arbitrary and set without quotes). In order not to engage in spending time, the search file can be easily found on the Internet and download it by placing it in the specified place.

Now reboot the system, then call the command line (CMD via the Menu "Run" or a combination of Win + R), where you prescribe a NSlookup query. If confirmation is confirmed, then the server is installed correctly and works without errors.

Local gaming servers

Finally, consider another type of servers. A server for games using online mode within the local network. I will explain what it is on the example of the game Minecraft. To do this, you need to download the server itself from the official site of the game and use the Hamachi application. The prerequisite for the correct work is the presence in the system of the installed Java package with the latest updates.

To configure, use the Server.Properties file where the data provided by the Hamachi application. We prescribe an IP address of the server, the number of players, the use of possible game modes, etc. In the Online-Mode mode field, you must specify True. After that, we save the changes and close the file.

Now define the internal IP server, which will be used by players when connecting to the terminal on which it was created. Computers naturally must be combined with the server itself or via the local network or via VPN. The IP address of the server terminal must be static with the mandatory reference to the MAC address.

Log in with the MINL2 application, where the login and password are specified when registering. After the actions done, we leave the server and are re-updated, but already in offline mode using the login and password created. In the settings section, select the Multiplayer and enter the desired IP server. Everything. You can enjoy the game with a real opponent.


Of course, these are not all nuances that may occur when creating local servers of different types, and, of course, not all programs that help in this process. Let's just say: these are general and basic principles laid down in such technologies. And if you figure it out, there is nothing particularly difficult here. A bit of time and patience - and the local server of any type will be created within 10-15 minutes.

Earlier, I already told how to raise a full-fledged web server on the Linux virtual machine.
But, as it turned out, for a beginner, this task may seem very difficult and discouraged any hunt to further study servering server languages.
In addition, not everyone souls Linux due to the complexity setting, horrors of the command line and the Nevinovovsky interface.
So, such instructions on the Internet are dark-dirty, so I will be brief. Consider the main ready-made servers. Priority will be given simplicity and speed of deploying a finished working environment for web development.

First consider the ready-made solutions of the Denwer web server. From this old man started many, including me. One of the first Russian-speaking solutions to raise the server at home. Simple, stable at times, perfectly copes with its tasks, while not consumer and compact. Such a gentleman's set.
Link tuc.

The next pretty successful solution is WampServer. Available in three languages: Russian, English and French. Good workhorse. New versions on old men with XP will not work, but old versions can always be downloaded from here.
Excellent proven itself. At one time I used to actively enjoyed. Their site tuc.

So, now heavy artillery. And the first heavyweight will be XAMPP. Immediately a small video review:

To become on Windows, Linux and OS X. It works fine, stable server. Multilingual. The site is tuc.

And now, you can say the domestic product. Besides also portable. So, you will always have your flash drive with the server. We are talking about Open Server. Began to be developed back in 2010, as an analogue of Denwer, only with great opportunities. Now is a full-fledged software product. It is divided into three editions, depending on your needs. Stable, fast web server.

Components of the software package:

Open Server 5.2.3;
Apache 2.2.31;
Apache 2.4.16;
Bind 9.10.2-P3;
NGINX 1.6.3;
Nginx 1.8.0;
Nginx 1.9.3;
Mysql 5.1.73;
MYSQL 5.5.45;
MYSQL 5.6.26;
MARIADB 10.0.21
MARIADB 5.5.45;
MONGODB 2.4.14;
MONGODB 2.6.11;
MONGODB 3.0.5;
PostgreSQL 9.2.13;
PostgreSQL 9.3.9;
PostgreSQL 9.4.4;
REDIS 2.8.2101 (X64);
Memcached 1.2.6;
Memcached 1.4.5;
FTP FileZilla 0.9.53;
PHP 5.2.17 (Zend Optimizer 3.3.3, IonCube 5.0.14, Memcache 2.2.4);
PHP 5.3.29 (Xdebug 2.2.7, IonCube 5.0.14, Memcache 3.0.8, MONGO 1.6.3, Redis 2.2.7, Imagick 3.2.0);
PHP 5.4.44 (Xdebug 2.3.3, IonCube 5.0.14, Memcache 3.0.8, Mongo 1.6.8, Redis 2.2.7, Imagick 3.2.0);
PHP 5.5.28 (Xdebug 2.3.3, IonCube 5.0.14, Memcache 3.0.8, Mongo 1.6.8, Redis 2.2.7, Imagick 3.2.0);
PHP 5.6.12 (Xdebug 2.3.3, IonCube 5.0.14, Memcache 3.0.8, Mongo 1.6.8, Redis 2.2.7, Imagick 3.2.0);
ImageMagick 6.8.9-9-Q16;
Ghostscript 9.15;
Sendmail 32;
WGET 1.11.4;
Adminer 4.2.2;
Conemu 15.07.05;
Heidisql 9.3;
Webgrind 1.0;
Rockmongo 1.1.7;
Phpredisadmin 1.4.0;
Phppgadmin 5.2;
Phpmemcachedadmin 1.2.2;

All components of the assembly are presented in a 32-bit version.

Supported Windows versions (32-bit and 64-bit): Windows XP SP3 and more and more new versions;
Minimum system requirements for software package: 200 MB RAM and 1 GB on HDD;
Availability of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2008-2012-2012-2013-2015 Redistributable Package;

I can not not mark the convenient switch between the PHP, MySQL, Apache2 versions. Which allows you to conduct various projects, sharpened under these versions.

The maximum editorial board is ported with a software package.

Programs in the kit

Cintanotes - a notebook;
FoxitReader - PDF viewer;
NotePad ++ - text editor;
NotePad2 - Advanced notepad;
StduViewer - Multi-Molder;
Sumatrapdf - view PDF;
Sublime Text 2 - Code Editor;
WinMerge - Comparison of files and folders;

Infrarecorder - recording discs;
Peazip - archiver;
Punto SWITCHER - auto-rotation of languages;
Everything - instant file search;
Virtuawin - virtual desktops;

the Internet

Dmaster - download manager;
FileZilla - FTP client;
Firefox - browser;
Google Chrome - browser;
Kitty - SSH client;
Skype - communication;
TeamViewer is a remote assistant;
UTorrent - torrent client;
WinMTR - Ping and Trace;
WINSCP - SCP client;

Autoruns - autoload manager;
Cports - monitoring open ports;
DoubleCMD - File Manager;
MyeventViewer - system log;
ProcessExplorer - processes manager;
ProcessMonitor - Process Monitoring;
WINDIRSTAT - analysis of the size of folders and files;

Working with graphics

CamStudio - video recording;
Eye3 - Pipette;
ICOFX - editor icons;
Picpick - Multimaster;
PixBuilder - photo editor;
PNGOPTIMIZER - graphics optimizer;

So you always have everything at hand.
At the moment, I actively use this server is very satisfied with its work and opportunities.

That's all, use on health.

Views: 2 095

Good day to all and all this one.

Many of you are interested in the topic of creating sites, which clearly demonstrates interest in our items about hosting, and the number of applications for our.

It is clear, after all, the Internet is now almost everywhere and have at least some of his representation in he want many (this is evidenced by the number of the same blogs, let's say, on popular platforms, like LJ, Diary, etc. and TP). Yes, and in general, the ability to create sites is a fairly sought-after thing that is capable of, with a certain approach, to bring funds (even if working somewhere on the webmaster position).

However, there is no possibility and the desire to spend any money to buy hosting and make their first sites on it to test how it works (if working) and all that is so different.

This article is designed to tell you how easy it is to quickly deploy a home web server on your computer with Windows.

Let's start.

Web server for the house: "Apache + PHP + MySQL + phpmyAdmin + xDebug in one package" [Denver]

Many it seems that the web server sweep is something from the fiction area and under this you need a specific computer configuration, the operating system and all that other things. Plus, all this takes a lot of time and all this one.

In fact, it is not entirely so, for such a server (like an FTP server about which) is a set of a certain and correctly installed software, and at what gland it is deployed and in which operating system, in this case, the second time.

So, a very long time ago there is a package called "Denver" and contains everything you need for a quick web server sweep under Windows. This miracle programming of thought completely free, supports Russian, has enough manuals and is very easy to install and manage (cope, literally, even a schoolboy).

Stated at the time of writing the article, the following content:

  • Installer (also supported by the installation on the Flash coofer);
  • PHP5 with support for GD, MySQL, SQLite;
  • MySQL5 with transaction support;
  • Virtual host management system based on templates. To create a new host, you only need to add the directory to the / Home directory, edit the configuration files is not required. By default, the names of naming directory of many popular hosters are already supported; New can be easily adding;
  • The starting and completion of all components of the Denver;
  • phpmyAdmin - MySQL control system via Web-Interface;
  • Sendmail and SMTP server emulator (debug "plug" on LocalHost: 25, folding incoming letters in / TMP in format.EML); Supported work together with PHP, Perl, Parser and TD.

Installing is easy to impossible: and run the installer.

Actually, after that we are waiting for the end of the installation process, at the right moment closing the browser, as well as by pressing the Enter key (if you do not have an IE, simply by clicking OK when the corresponding error appears):

By the way, I almost forgot that such a mistake can jump on one of the steps:

Try to turn off the firewall and antivirus, as well as do Ping manually ( Start - Run - CMD - OK - Ping

If pingie pass, you can continue to continue. If not, then .. you can also try to continue, although at a certain stage there may be problems (but not necessarily).

Next will be offered a folder where, in fact, you plan to install it all. I would recommend to specify the path to the disk on which you have the most place (in my case, I specified D, which is visible on higher).

At the last stage, a virtual disk will be created and you remain, after pressing Enter, select a free letter for it (or leave the default z). As written - it is needed for the work of all components, as well as, in fact, for your convenience, though, in fact, the virtual disk is a staging label for the folder that you indicated above and can interact directly with it.

Next, you will need to select the boot method. Look at what you are more convenient, but I, in this case, chose the recommended option (i.e. Zhamkay in 1 and the ENTER button). Well, the last step will be the creation of labels. This is done by entering the letter "Y", if, of course, you need them.

If everything went well, then you now live three icons on your desktop, each of which is responsible for your function, whether it is started, stop or rebooting the server.

On the sim installation is finished. Simply, right? ;)

As for use, then everything is simple: click on the appropriate icon (Start Denwer) and wait for the end of the startup process.

After this, you have a virtual disk (see screenshot above) with the entire structure of the web server and the associated elements. You can see the same in the installation folder.

To check the web server work, open the browser and enter in the address bar:

If everything works fine, you will see the string: " This is file /home/"(as in the screenshot above).

You can rejoice, - you now have a web server;)


As always, if some questions, additions, thoughts and all that are so good, then welcome to the comments to this entry.

Stay with us. All the most tasty only for you;)