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Solving problems with opening pages in the browser. What to do if the Internet is there, but the pages in the browser do not open? Incorrect proxy settings

The first step is to establish the cause of the malfunction. If the situation is such that the computer turns on, but then the operating system (OS) itself does not load, then naturally you need to dig in the direction of the same OS.

And if the situation that the computer does not even turn on at all, that is, it does not show absolutely any signs of life, then the situation can be much worse.

A few recommendations on what to do if your computer won't boot!

For the first case (when the computer turns on, but the OS itself does not boot).

Here, as a rule, there is a problem with system files, or their damage, or complete loss. Try the tips below, all tips are for Windows XP:

  1. Use the option “Load the last good configuration (with working parameters)”. You can use it as follows: after turning on the computer, press the F8 key, a window will appear, and in it select the above-named menu item.
  2. Go to safe mode and try to restore the previous state of the computer. To do this, when you boot your computer, press the F8 key (as in the previous paragraph), select "Safe Mode", if the system boots, go to the following path: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. And following the wizard's prompts, try to restore an earlier working system.
  3. If the previous methods did not help, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with another option. This option will restore your computer's performance with a 99% probability. What do we have to do? You just need to update the old system. To do this, you need a bootable Windows XP disc. Insert the disc into the DVD-ROM, reboot, it should boot from the CD, for this you need to set the appropriate item in the BIOS, or you can call the boot option menu with the F12 key, when you boot the PC, and choose to boot from CD / DVD-ROM, but this method may not work for everyone.
    After booting from the CD, follow the prompts to select “Install Windows XP”. When a window appears, notifying that a previously installed OS has been found and press the R key. Thus, the Windows installer will update the existing copy. Wait until the end and try to boot normally.
For the second case (when the computer does not turn on at all).

In fact, there can be a lot of reasons here, and it is sometimes very difficult to help in absentia in this case. And, as a rule, the reason is a malfunction of some device (motherboard, power supply, RAM, etc.). At home, especially not for a sophisticated user, there is simply no way to check the performance of this or that device by replacing it with a known working one. But there is a way out, though not 100%.

First, try to reset the BIOS. To do this, remove the battery for a few minutes. Or close the jumper contacts to reset the BIOS. Look for the jumper next to the battery and is designated as Clear CMOS (possible designations: CCMOS, CL_CMOS, Clear RTC, CRTC, CLRTC, CL_RTC). If it doesn't help, read on.

Second. It is necessary to disconnect ALL devices on the computer, leaving only the motherboard connected. That is, we take out the video card, all the RAM slots, disconnect the hard drive and DVD-ROM from the power supply, if there are additional devices (internal modem, sound card, etc.) we also take them out, leaving only the motherboard connected to the power supply.

And now we try to turn on the computer, if it turns on, then the problem is in one of the disabled devices. Turn off your computer and try ALTERNATELY connect devices, checking the computer for performance. First, connect the most important devices (video card, hard drive, RAM), and then the secondary ones.

Thus, if, when installing a device, the computer stops turning on, you yourself will determine the faulty device. If the computer does not turn on with one motherboard, then the problem is either with it itself or with the power supply.

Problems with the browser when it does not open the pages are familiar to many users. It seems that they paid for the Internet on time, and all the parameters were configured correctly, and the application refuses to follow the links.
There are cases when sites do appear in front of the user's eyes, but they do it very, very slowly. Sometimes the problem relates exclusively to video files or images posted on the World Wide Web. It is also a common situation when only one browser does not want to launch Internet pages, while other browsers perform their functions properly.

The first task that arises before the user is to find out the root cause of this problem.

Experts identify sources of problems due to which Internet browsers may not access all sites at the same time:

  • Registry;
  • Hosts file;
  • Virus and antiviruses;
Also, keep in mind that sometimes the reason lies in the TCP IP protocol or in static routes.

Registry check

If you're having trouble opening web pages, the first thing to look out for is the registry. Check it and edit its contents in case of errors.
How do I open the registry? In theory, you can search the system drive. A faster option, however, is to get through the command execution utility. Press Win + R, then type regedit and confirm the action with the Enter key.
An editor will appear on your screen. Check out what the registry contains. On the left are sections, one of which is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Sequentially select the following subsections: first SOFTWARE, then Microsoft, then Windows NT, then CurrentVersion and at the end - Windows. On the right you can see the parameters. You should be interested in the AppInit_DLLs parameter. Make sure its value is blank. If it is a file path, then erase all text. Editing is available using the context menu launched by the right mouse button.

Try to get to the AppInit_DLLs parameter and in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section. It must also remain empty. If the value still had to be edited, then restart the computer. In most cases, this algorithm is an effective solution.

Hosts file

Testing for problems with this file is conducted using the Skype program. If it works, but one or all browsers do not, then you need to change the text in the hosts file. In practice, this problem only applies to certain sites, so check a few different links.
It is possible to find this file along this path: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc. Its peculiarity is the absence of any extension.

For normal operation, the last line must be the following text: " localhost". If there are further certain records, then they were unambiguously created artificially. This was most likely done by a virus. Therefore, erase all unnecessary text and reboot the system. Launch the site in a web browser. If the problem persists, go to the next step.

DNS problem

If the browser does not open the pages precisely because of DNS, then this reason can be fixed very easily. Start the command line through Start - System Tools or by entering the command "cmd" in the search bar of the Start menu.
For this, several packets are sent to the server side of any operational site. Experts call this "ping" action. This is because the command is called ping. For example, let's enter ping and press Enter.

If in response you received several lines with the parameters "number of bytes", "time" and "TTL", then everything is fine. If a message appears stating that the site could not be found, it is probably all about DNS. You can 100% verify this by entering the ping command. Received a normal response? If so, the problem is DNS.

This inaccuracy in the properties of the Internet connection is being fixed. Disable auto-complete and enter the value manually. Enter for the primary DNS server and for the alternate. After that, the Internet should work in the same way as before.


Malware can prevent browsers from working properly. As a rule, under the influence of viruses, Skype, as in the case of the previous problem, will continue to fully perform all functions.

Viruses often target specific programs. Some of them are intended for specific browsers. At the same time, it is very difficult for the user to independently detect the presence of a trojan or other type of virus on his computer. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of special utilities.

The savior for the user can be a program called antimalware, which effectively fights against malicious files. Most of these programs are not free. More precisely, certain functionality is available to everyone, but only its customers receive the full version of the program. Only purchased and timely updated antiviruses can guarantee one hundred percent protection.

This type of virus, like Trojan.Winlock, is directed to block network access and certain functions of web browsers: Opera, Chrome, Yandex, etc. Many users have already encountered an unpleasant situation when a message appears on the screen to enter SMS in order to unblock further work with the browser ... It is practically impossible to close either the deposit or the window by standard clicking on the "cross". We'll have to use the help of the Task Manager. Be sure to then scan the system using antivirus.

Sometimes malware blocks popular websites. Users of Vkontakte and other social networks often face this difficulty. Blocks viruses and sites hosting antivirus content.

Thus, the only right decision for the user is to take care of the protection for the computer in advance. Popular antivirus programs are the best PC defenders. Although they are paid, they do well with their functions. Experts advise not to save money on information security, especially for those who have important data on their computers.

Free antivirus programs are suitable for those whose computer is not a working tool.

Antivirus and firewall

Often, antiviruses themselves do not allow access to certain sites. And although such a blocking is a security measure, if you really want to click on the desired link, you can remove it. By the way, standard security tools such as firewalls and firewalls also tend to place such restrictions on users.

Overcoming this limitation is done by configuring the anti-virus program.

As for the firewall, its configuration in most cases is the work of the system administrator.

Static routes

Fake routing table entries are often the root cause of inaccessible sites. If you have a large number of such records, deleting one at a time can take up to an hour of your time. For this purpose, the "route -f" command was invented. It must be entered on the command line. This command will clear the entire list of routes.

Reset TCP IP Settings

The last possible option is to reset the TCP IP parameters. Run Command Prompt. First enter the command "netsh winsock reset" followed by "netsh int ip reset".
You need to check the result after rebooting the system.


Practice shows that for the second and subsequent problems with opening the browser, the solution is found much faster than the first time. There is always the option of calling a specialist who will definitely find the problem. However, to do this, make sure that you have correctly entered the network settings, and the date for making the payment for the Internet has not yet come up. Reinstalling the operating system can be an even more drastic method. However, be sure to save important data before doing this. Sometimes restarting Windows will help you sort out the problem faster than all of the above methods. This is especially true for Windows 7, 8 and 10, because the drivers are installed automatically in them.

Sometimes a computer user may face such a situation when the Internet is available, applications that require a network to work are working fine, and the browser does not open the pages.

In some cases, sites still open, but very slowly and with freezing images, not to mention videos.

And it also happens that the problem affects only one program, for example, Internet Explorer, while the rest are working normally.

To restore your browser to work, you first need to determine the cause of the problem.

The main reasons why the browser does not want to open when the Internet is available are:

Sometimes the browser may not work due to problems with TCP IP or static routes. Therefore, among the options for solving problems, these methods should also be mentioned.

1. Registry check

The first actions that are performed when answering the question of what to do if the browser does not work are checking and, if necessary, editing the registry.

To do this, you must first open the appropriate utility.

You can try to find it in the Windows folders, but it is much faster to call it through the command execution panel:

  1. Press "Win" + "R";
  2. Enter the "regedit" command;
  3. Press "Enter".

The window that appears is the registry editor. On the left side there are sections, among which you should find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Now you should find the list of parameters in the right part of the window and pay attention to the AppInit_DLLs item. If its value is empty, everything is fine.

If the path to a file is indicated there, this text should be completely erased.

The value of the parameter is changed using the context menu that appears when you right-click on it.

The same parameter should be checked in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section by following the same subkeys.

Having corrected it, they restart the computer and try again to work in the browser. In 80% of cases, the method helps.

2. The hosts file

If all browsers or at least one of them does not open any page, but works, you can try to solve the problem by making changes to the file called hosts.

Although, most often, this edit is required in the absence of access to specific sites, mainly to social networks.

The file is located in the folder located at C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc and does not have any extension.

By default, the following text should be located inside:

The last line with the IP address should be " localhost".

If after it there are other similar sections of the text, most likely they are superfluous and introduced there by some kind of malicious program.

Now you can restart your computer and try to go online.

3. DNS problem

One of the easiest ways to resolve the issue.

All that is required of the user is just to open a command line and try to ping a specific site that should be working at the moment.

It is guaranteed that the Google server must remain operational, which is pinged by sending the ping command.

If the answer is about the same as on the top of the image, then is located. failed.

And the problem lies precisely with the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with an IP address consisting of only eights.

If this helped, in the properties of the Internet connection, you must set the DNS addresses to or

In this case, its automatic detection is disabled. If the DNS was the only reason, the internet works as before, but the pages are already opening.

4. Viruses

The reason that the sites cannot be accessed from the browser, although the same works fine, may be the action of viruses or other malicious programs.

They affect only certain applications, such as and often are not even detected by antiviruses.

Not being real viruses and affecting only browsers and Internet access through them, programs may not be detected by the user.

To neutralize such "viruses", which we call malware (although this word is used abroad to denote any malicious program), there are special utilities - antimalware.

Most often they are limited free, that is, they require a license, but they can partially protect the computer without paying.

Some viruses, which are a type of Trojan.Winlock (but, unlike it, prohibiting only the entrance to the network, and not the use of the entire computer) not only interfere with access to the network, but also block some browser functions.

For example, when trying to access a site, a window is displayed containing a request to urgently send an SMS to unblock it.

It is difficult to close it - the easiest way to do this is to close the browser using the "Task Manager", and then check the computer for malicious codes.

Some viruses are capable of partially blocking access to the network, creating a situation when you cannot get to a specific page, but the Internet is there.

This usually happens with popular sites, such as "" or "", as well as all resources where you can download the antivirus.

To protect your computer from these and other viruses, you should provide reliable protection on your computer. In her capacity, they are best suited.

Basically, these programs are paid, but you should not save on protecting important information.

If the virus does not succeed in causing any serious damage to your computer, you can install a free antivirus program.

5. Antivirus and firewall

Another explanation for the fact that the browser has ceased to open access to all or only to certain sites is a ban on the part of the Firewall, firewall or one of the anti-viruses installed on the system.

To get a smooth Internet surfing experience, it is worth changing the settings of these programs so that they allow browsing.

Important! If the problem concerns several sites, it is possible that they are indeed dangerous for the system.

Configuring access through the firewall at the workplace is usually done by the system administrator.

6. Static routes

The problem could also be the presence of bogus entries in the routing table. If there are many of them, deleting one by one will take too long.

And it is worth using the "route" command with the "-f" switch specially designed for such situations:

  1. The command line is called (call the "Win" + "R" run menu, enter the "cmd" command);
  2. The "route -f" command is started for execution.

This clears the list of routes and is often one of the final solutions to the problem of not having access to the network through the browser.

7. Reset TCP IP Settings

It so happens that none of the options helped, and only the last option remains - resetting the TCP IP system parameters.

To do this, two commands are called again and entered in turn: "netsh winsock reset" and "netsh int ip reset".

Now you should restart your computer and check the results of your attempts to restore access to the network.


Having figured out why the browser partially or completely does not fulfill its function, and having solved the problem, the next time you can cope much faster.

If none of the methods helped, and the Internet continues to work partially (in applications, but not in the browser), it is possible that you will have to call a specialist.

The last method is radical, but it helps to relatively quickly access the Internet (at least for Windows 7 and higher, since the XP version may require manual installation of drivers).

It often happens that the browser cannot open some specific site, which was previously available for viewing. At the same time, he perfectly opens the pages of other sites and the user does not experience any difficulties - everything is normal. It would seem that - the server simply does not work - the site was turned off. But here's the bad luck, if suddenly you go to the same site, for example, from a mobile device via Opera Mobile and the site opens perfectly in it.

If the described situation is familiar to you, then I will try to answer the question: why a particular site is not accessible from your computer.

For example, here is the standard error that is displayed in the browser. Google chrome: « Sorry, Google Chrome cannot open the page blah blah blah…«:

First of all, if you are faced with a similar problem, you do not need to immediately follow the advice to clear the cache and remove coockies, because if you do this, you will have to re-enter the password in Classmates, remember password In contact with🙁 First, try accessing the page from other browsers, such as Firefox, IE, Opera... If the reaction to the site is the same in all browsers, then try the following: go to Opera, click on the button of the same name in the upper left corner and select "Compression Mode".

This function used to be called Opera Turbo... An important feature of this mode for us is that the site is opened through proxy server, that is proxy server between you and the requested site. If, when you try to open the site in this mode, the same thing happens - the page does not open, then the site is really faulty or out of maintenance. It is quite possible that after a while it will be turned on.

But if the site is still open, then we will try to narrow the circle of "suspects". I must say right away: if you cannot access the sites of antivirus software, Microsoft, then this is a 200% virus that blocks access. Here, from personal experience, I will say that only reinstalling the system will help.

Go to the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc and find the file there hosts... Open it with a regular notepad and check if there are any entries regarding your site in the following format:

Such entries block access to the site and are caused by spyware and viruses. Just sting the lines with regards to your site, save the file to the Desktop (be sure to select the "All files *. *" File type when saving) and copy it back to C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ etc. Restart your computer and enjoy your life.

If no suspicious entries were found in the specified file, then we are dealing with a completely different reason - BANOM Your his external IP address(or address range) website hosting... It's not your fault here - it so happens that the hosting blocks the addresses from which attempts were made hacking, DDOS attacks... Just wait for the IP to be unbanned - it will take about a week.

There is also a simple routing error. A similar problem is solved within a day or two.

Sometimes computer users can face unpleasant situations when something does not work for reasons unknown to them. A common situation when there seems to be the Internet, but the pages in the browser still do not open. Let's see how to fix this problem.

If the site does not start in the browser, then it is immediately visible - a similar inscription appears in the center of the page: "The page is not available", "Unable to access the site" etc. This situation can happen for the following reasons: lack of Internet connection, problems in the computer or in the browser itself, etc. To eliminate such problems, you can check your PC for viruses, make changes in the registry, hosts file, DNS server, and also pay attention to browser extensions.

Method 1: check your internet connection

A banal, but very common reason that pages do not load in the browser. The first thing to do is check your internet connection. An easy way would be to launch any other installed browser. If the pages in any web browser start, then there is an Internet connection.

Sometimes the system crashes, leading to the closure of the necessary browser processes. To resolve this problem, it will be enough to restart the computer.

Method 3: checking the shortcut

Many people start their browser from a shortcut on the desktop. However, it has been noticed that viruses can spoof labels. The next lesson shows you how to replace an old shortcut with a new one.

Method 4: check for malware

A common reason for the incorrect operation of the browser is the action of viruses. You need to conduct a full scan of your computer using antivirus or a special program. How to scan your computer for viruses is described in detail in the next article.

Method 5: cleaning extensions

Viruses can replace installed extensions in the browser. Therefore, a good solution to the problem would be to remove all add-ons and reinstall only the most necessary ones. Further steps will be shown using Google Chrome as an example.

Method 6: using automatic parameter detection

You can also configure the proxy server settings in the browser itself. For example, in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser, the actions will be almost the same.

In Mozilla Firefox browser

In Internet Explorer, do the following:

Method 7: check the registry

If the above options did not help to solve the problem, then you should make changes in the registry, since viruses can be registered in it. On licensed Windows, the value of the entry "Appinit_DLLs" should usually be empty. If not, then it is likely that a virus is registered in its parameter.

Method 8: changes in the hosts file

Method 9: change the DNS server address

Method 10: changes in the DNS server

So we examined the main options for actions when the pages in the browser do not open, but the Internet is there. We hope your problem has now been resolved.