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The router is not displayed in the list of wireless networks. The computer does not see computers online

The situation when the laptop does not see Wi-Fi is quite common. This is associated with a multitude of reasons, it is important for the user to find a certain, adjust and configure the connection. The laptop can catch Wi-Fi in public places, home conditions and everywhere where there is the possibility of wireless access to the Internet. And when something goes wrong, you can try to configure the connection yourself, having tried available ways to correct problems.

Any device, regardless of the manufacturer, the country of manufacture or other factors, has the property to break or issue a failure. Often it happens at the most inopportune moment. This applies to laptops, netbooks, personal computers and other devices that can be connected to the global network.

Important! Personal computers, unlike laptops, are almost not equipped with adapters from the plant. They must be purchased separately. They are divided into internal and external.

To date, there are a large number of laptop manufacturers. Among them are leading MSI, HP (Hewlett Packard) and Asus (ASUS). All of them have the ability to connect to the default wireless networks. The undoubted advantages of laptops are the presence of built-in Wi-Fi modules or adapters, with which they are capable of catching and showing available wireless connections.

By selecting the necessary, it is possible to connect to it without much difficulties. However, this concerns situations where the equipment works clearly, without any problems.

It happens that it fails to connect to the access point, the connection is lost or just a laptop does not see Wi-Fi. By the same reasons for such problems, the same reasons that need to be disassembled and knowing that in the event of a similar next time, to know which methods to use.

Laptops or PCs in most cases operate on Windows operating systems. It has many versions, but independently of the specific troubleshooting algorithm, approximately identical for some exceptions.

Note!To solve most program problems and failures in the connection helps a reboot.

When a laptop or computer does not see Wi-Fi, the problem is divided into two different types:

  • the case when the device cannot find only one access point, and the rest sees without problems;
  • the inability to see any available network, even if the user knows exactly the presence of at least one. Moreover, the rest of the gadgets see the connections and can be connected.

In any case, to start it is worth checking the most banal versions. It is recommended to make sure that the device is located in the Wireless Connection Access area. If your hand has a mobile phone, you should connect to it. If everything happened, it means that it is certainly in a laptop.

If only one Wi-Fi point is not available, which is accompanied by the inscription "no available connections" and a red cross-trap, then it can talk about hardware or software breakdown of a laptop.

Disconnect access when hardware malfunction

Equipment malfunctions when working with wireless connections are divided into two types:

  • software;
  • hardware.

Hardware faults are characterized by physical breakdown of network equipment. This means that the module is released. Accompanied by a complete lack of available connections in the list. The model can overdo it from high temperatures because it needs high-quality ventilation and cooling. Or break as a result of a strong impact and other factors.

It will signal the impossibility of finding it in the "Device Manager" on its breakdown. In addition, it is recommended to diagnose the system, most likely, an error will also be indicated there. The correction method in a specific case is one - repair or replacement of network equipment.

In the first case, it is possible to correct the problem if the OS has an activated function "System Restore". Going to the option, you can see the available recovery points. And the user has the opportunity to return that version of Windov, which normally functioned and had the ability to connect to Wi-Fi.

Note! According to user reviews on specialized forums and sites, it often cannot find the network after installing the next update. In this case, you have to wait for correcting errors to developers or personally engage in reinstalling programs and drivers of wireless connections.

Problems after cleaning

Cleaning can be called physical cleaning of the device from dust or ingress of other substances. Also cleaning can be software, that is, the equipment is cleared from malicious programs or just to free up memory on the hard disk.

In the first case, the laptop needs to be disassembled and cleaned all the inner details. You can perform it yourself at home, but it is better to contact the service center.

During cleaning, the user can touch the network module, which is why it is possible to random damage or shutdown. The wizard in this case will pre-turn off the contacts of some details, but there is a chance that it will forget them to connect them back. As a result of this disconnection of the adapter, it will naturally not be able to find available connections.

As for the second case - software cleaning, some users complain about the impossibility of connecting after using specific programs, such as CCleaner. They can identify some network drivers or utilities for connecting as unused or trash and simply remove.

Important! After removing some virus files, antivirus programs also occur in compounds.

The device does not see any of the networks in the district.

Such problems happen often enough. This may occur as a result of such reasons:

  • lack of available wireless connections on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe area;
  • the absence or incorrect operation of the network driver, which is responsible for the operation of the module. In this case, he will not be able to find any available compound;
  • the Wi-Fi function on the device is disabled;
  • disconnection or breakage of the network module.

Note! It is noteworthy that such a pressing problem most often happens precisely because of the incorrect work or malfunction of the module. There may be no software necessary for functioning. Check and correcting the problem can be divided into several stages.

Check Driver

On the absence of a driver or his failure can speak the transmitted computer icon in the notifications panel. This can be easily verified: you will need to open the device manager. Next, you must perform the following sequence of steps:

  1. open the main menu "Start";
  2. right-click on the "Computer" section;
  3. open the "Management" item;
  4. in the window that opens, find a special tab "Device Manager";
  5. it can see the "Network Adapters" subsection;
  6. going to it, you need to find a device that would be in the title a combination with Wireless or Wi-Fi.

Often, the list should consist of at least two available devices: the first network card will be indicated, and the second is the desired module. If there is nothing like that in the list, it is required to install it.

Note! If the adapter is listed, it should not have any additional icons opposite the name.

Found icon should be activated. To do this, click right-click on the corresponding section of the pop-up menu. If the drivers are simply no, then the system will need to install it. You can download firewood from the installation disk or downloading from the Internet.

Enabling network

If there are no problems with software, you should check the onboard itself. How to do it:

  1. press the right button on the connection icon and go to the "Network and Shared Access Center" in which to find "Changing the Adapter Parameters";
  2. select "Wireless Network Connection" - "Enable".

After completing all the steps, the laptop will be able to find all available connections. You should choose the desired and connect. The appearance of available networks will be evidenced by the appearance of the Wi-Fi network icon with an asterisk of yellow color.

The device cannot see the connection when other gadgets are connected.

The opposite of the situation in question earlier. In this case, you can accurately determine that the problem is most likely in the router or its settings. It does not define the problem in the laptop, because at the same time other network connections in the list may be present. Then the adapter malfunction should be deleted. It is noteworthy that with such a situation it is more often encountered by mobile gadgets, however, it often happens like a similar laptop.

It is recommended to start looking for a fault in the router. As practice shows, in 90% of cases, it helps changing the channel of the wireless connection. It happens that as a result of software failures or by net randomness and inexperience, the user changes the channel itself, because of which the device cannot continue to find the necessary connection. This often happens when the router switches to the statistical 13th or 12th channel broadcast.

To check the currently set channel, follows:

  1. enter a username and password, after which go to the router settings;
  2. find the "Wireless Mode" tab, may be called Wireless;
  3. it is found in it with channel election. You should install any statistical or what is best, "Auto" mode. It is not recommended to choose numbers 12 or 13;
  4. after that, you need to save and reboot;
  5. the desired access point should be found in the list.

If the method described above did not give results, it is recommended to change the name of the access point. It is also conducted in the settings in a similar section. It is not recommended to use symbols from Cyrillic. The name must be in English.

Note! The reason can also be very banal. For example, when a laptop cannot find a desired access point due to remoteness.

Features Windows 7.

In the seventh operating system it happens that Windows does not show the available connection itself. This may be a consequence of unlicensed software. Sometimes such cases occur due to the excessive amount of unused files, which leads to the overload of the equipment and the system.

The reasons why the laptop cannot identify one or all points of access, the set. To eliminate, you can try the above methods. And if nothing happens, then the output is one - contact the service center.

All articles of our site are undergoing an audit of the technical consultant. If you have any questions, you can always set them on his page.

After working on the long month and even years on the network from one router, one day the user will notice that the connection via Wi-Fi or the cable suddenly lost. But any problem, except, perhaps, breakdowns from the provider, solved one-way, on their own.

PC or laptop not "sees" the router - what is the reason

Physical reasons include the following.

  1. Sample LAN-interface with high voltage (for example, lightning over the "twisted pair" cable passing over the roofs of private houses). This also includes static electricity when servicing LAN / ONT equipment (random touch of electrical clothing of conclusions and cereal wires of repaired cables).
  2. Power supply for power supply (using an adapter with a much higher output voltage, for example, from a laptop). At best, this will cause the bulk of the voltage stabilizer, from which the power of the all remaining functional nodes of the router is obtained. In the cheapest models of routers, the whole board can burn - such a router immediately change.
  3. Wireless failure in the router due to overheating of the Wi-Fi radiosystem chip or processor on the router monoplace.
  4. A nutritional shortage ("requested" power supply when using a self-made or industrial redundant power system, for example, several PowerBank type devices connected by output voltage sequentially before obtaining the desired supply voltage). No power (planned power outages, not inserted into the outlet of the adapter plug, the adapter itself fell).
  5. Internal closures or wear when working in conditions of high humidity and extreme temperature fluctuations.
  6. Damage to the LAN cables (if the local network connection is used according to the cable), discharged and curved conclusions of the LAN noddes in the router and in the PC / laptop network card.

The following reasons are the following.

  1. The hanging of the router due to overheating caused by work in extremely hot conditions. The cause of the router flash memory and other chips after intensive many years of work may also be the reason.
  2. Figure malicious code on the LAN-connections or via Wi-Fi with a PC changing settings. Here only reinstalling the version of Windows on a PC or tablet, from which the virus is penetrated into the router firmware, and reflashing the router itself with re-setting it.
  3. Viral activity in the PCs / Laptop / Tablet / Smartphone, which is able to seriously disrupt Windows / Android. OS in this case is reinstalled "from scratch".
  4. The abundance of the programs used at the same time, stamped the work of the PC / Gadget.

In the last two cases, the network configuration management is lost due to speed.

Checking the integrity and correctness of the connection of LAN cables

Most routers, for example, TP-LINK devices, have up to several LAN ports and one WAN port ("provider" input). There are two schemes for organizing a small local network with common Internet access.

  1. LAN ports are used to connect a PC, the provider cable is connected to the WAN connector.

    Only client machines are connected by LAN

  2. There is an opportunity to leave WAN alone by using one of the Nests LAN for the "provider" cable. But this does not mean that the released WAN port is now used for one of the PCs or laptops. The router works in Svitche mode - here the LAN-1 port is assigned to WAN rights. This scheme will forced to work when there is no WAN / Internet port in the router, or it burned down. Not all router models support LAN reassigns like WAN.

    LAN-1 is configured as WAN, and LAN-2 - as a bridge for underlying switches

What scheme you would choose the network cables should be connected correctly. If something is confused - plug cables according to one of these schemes and adjust the router under its features.

Pay attention to the integrity of the cable crimping in the RJ-45 connector.

Do not cut the shell outside the confutor retainer

Perhaps one of the wires was lagging behind - it is fraught with Windows messages about errors ("Limited access", endless "identification" or "Unidentified Network" - Even if the settings are right throughout and the router with a modem / terminal is 100% limited).

Restarting Windows and Router

The router is restarted using the POWER button on the rear panel. But you can also turn off and turn on the power adapter.

Turn off and turn on the router with successive button presses

Using the web interface, TP-LINK routers, for example, restart on the "System Tools - Reboot" command.

Restart from the web interface is available in the presence of communication on LAN or Wi-Fi

Windows 10 is restarted by the "Start - Reboot" command.

Team to restart PC

Restarting equipment love to advise first of all operators of the Call Center of Providers - but often the problem is still not in random failures when working solved by reboot.

Wi-Fi Connection Check on Router

In routers, except LAN and Wi-Fi, for local communication, nothing new is invented.

Other varieties - an IR-port or Bluetooth connection - inherent in the first place mobile devices in which the USB modem mode and the virtual access point are implemented.

If the Wi-Fi wireless network is not visible on a PC or laptop - try to connect to it using Android gadget. Wi-Fi solutions are as follows.

  1. The Wi-Fi network is not visible from a separate PC, but is visible from Android and iOS gadgets, the connection to the router also has a router web interface with its settings available. Check the PC to viruses (for example, using Dr. Web Cureit), disconnect the firewall (if any), firewall and other Windows interfering.

    Check the PC to viruses if it does not connect to some networks

  2. The Wi-Fi network is visible, the connection to the router is, the Internet works, but the web interface hangs at the authorization stage by the router login or during the settings. Perhaps a virus got into the router. Refract on the router using either updating its firmware, or the same version. If the router hovers even at the firmware stage - with the full preservation of the LAN connection - most likely, it is necessary to replace it.

    Only the graphic shell of the ASUS page is loaded.

  3. The Wi-Fi network is visible, but it cannot be connected. Delete this network from the gadget settings, repeat the search for Wi-Fi networks and connect to the router manually by entering the network key again. If the connection does not occur - reset the IOS / Android settings on your smartphone or tablet. It may be necessary to reflash the gadget, and the router itself, re-either otherwise achieve adequate performance of Wi-Fi on the gadget.

    Unable to connect to the Wi-Fi router

Check Ethernet ports and cables on a PC and ROUTER

If the PC does not occur on the PC, check if the router is visible from other PCs and laptops (if available).

  1. If the connection is successful - check if the LAN adapter is enabled on this PC, as well as negotiate the configuration of its connection with the router settings on the router itself.

    Wi-Fi settings must be consistent with DHCP router

  2. In the absence of a connection, check the PC to viruses and other malicious applications.
  3. Check the integrity of the cable, connectors and the serviceability of the LAN network card - when the connection is running, they must blink with green and yellow LEDs located in the LAN nest on the PC.
  4. Connect the cable from this computer to another LAN connector on the router - when the connections running the LAN jack should also be lit on the router itself, and the corresponding LAN operation indicator (LAN-1 ... LAN-4) must be lit on the display pane.

    Zyxel router shows that LAN ports in it and on available PCs work

  5. If the check revealed a faulty LAN-jack on the router (on all PCs and laptops, the connection via the cable does not work) - for example, the LAN-connector contacts are brought down or "clogged", then use the other LAN socket. If one of the computers, due to the failure of one of the LAN ports, to which he used to be connected, remained "not to cases" - acquire the simplest LAN-Svitch (or LAN-HUB), CAT-5E cable segment and additional connectors , Connect the Hub near the router using additional short cables, and connect it to it and this PC, and its neighbor.

    The number of LAN connections may be unlimited

  6. In the event of a static discharge in the LAN-Schitch, the router often cease to operate all LAN-nest. In this case, use the connection of all PCs by Wi-Fi. When malfunction and Wi-Fi module (burned out all the router fee), replace the router itself.

Video: How to use Wi-Fi access point if Wan port burned

Replacing network cables

Depending on where and which cable "interrupts", the appropriate repair of the damaged line is needed.

"Witty pair" with the simplest cliff can be fixed, restoring the interweaving of the wires (for example, a step of a "orange" pair is different from the step "green" or "blue") as much as possible as if the cable was damaged.

Changing the step of turns of pairs in the place of the cliff will reduce the line speed

In this case, there is a chance that the speed of 100 Mbit / s will not turn into a 10-megabit - if it is very important for you, for example, you use not only the Internet, but also you often send a multifabital files between PCs and gadgets on your local network, print Widescreen cards and high-resolution drawings, etc.

If the cable is spoiled so much that its use is impossible (the shell is impaired, the insulation of individual wires crashed from old age and extreme temperatures is impaired, couples are impaired in many places) - a new cable is required. Either, if the "forward" of the new cable is impossible (no conditions, the work is prohibited, etc.), and the locations of the damage of all one or two are used special LAN-adapters and the simplest switches on 3 LAN-nests.

LAN splitters will help both where the network cable is torn off

Cables are especially often breaking and cracking, in which it is used as a conductive medium not pure copper, but copper aluminum, cable shell and insulation of wires - not polyethylene or PVC, but from plastic with chalk.

The best CAT-5E cable Sweet from completely copper wires, and each wire is a cable from the thinnest "lived", often with a lavsan filler; Insulation and cable shell are made of heat-resistant plastic. Such a cable is used for street gasket, it is resistant to repeated bearing, overheating and supercooling, will last for many years - but it costs 2-3 times more expensive. If you are accustomed to invested in high-quality equipment and lines, creating a network for many years - use the best.

If you enhance the LAN connectors and solder the torn "vituy couple" is not worth it - the repair / replacement of optical cables to trust the specialists of your provider. Wholesale fiber is not a copper wire: the slightest error in the inexperience will turn your 300-megabit connection from the "Rostelecom" or "" into a slow-speed connection, where even the browser pages will be opened barely, as the 3G peak overloaded - Sweets. Even if you have a special soldering iron for the splicing of Optic lived Volps - I need a snarling.

Use other routers

If you have a router of another brand (when you changed it to the current, now failed) - Connect it. In users, part-time computer service, most likely, the equipment written off once, which they use to diagnose the failed routers and network cards that have been brought to repair their customers.

You can buy a used router or access point (outdated for several years model), if you do not want to spend money on a new device. It connects and configures it as well as your former device. Frequently outdated models may not have a WAN interface (and related settings), as well as operating modes in the mode of the bridge and repeater (simple Wi-Fi access point with the LAN router without numerous settings), so it is used as the simplest LAN switch. Connect your LAN cables in the same sequence, perform the settings available on the device and exit the network.

Reset the router to factory settings

As an example - TP-LINK routers. Everything is simple.

Router will restart. A minute later Wi-Fi network will be with default settings.

If the router failed to reset (hang, unavailability) - use the reset button (it is protected by a tiny hole from accidentally pressing).

Video: How to configure TP-LINK router after resetting settings

Any hardware and software problems in the home or office network, including failures in the router and on any of the internal lines, are solved. Otherwise, network equipment itself changes, up to network cards and adapters. Excellent speed you - and efficient work!

With such a problem, there is a sufficiently large number of Wi-Fi users. It is not surprising, because now almost everyone has a Wi-Fi router in the house or apartment, allowing you to connect various gadgets without wires to the Internet, whether laptops, smartphones or TVs.

It is worth noting that with a problem when a specific network is not visible in the list of available Wi-Fi networks, you can encounter not only on a laptop, but also on any other device with the ability to wirelessly connect to the Internet.

Causes of the lack of the desired Wi-Fi network in the selection list

Immediately designate that all scented concerns only cases when at least one Wi-Fi network is visible. If the laptop does not see any Wi-Fi network, then you.

So, the main reasons:

  1. A long distance between the router and the laptop;
  2. Incorrected.

With the first reason, everything should be understood. To check it simply go to your router as close as possible and look at the device whether the network you need needed.

As for the second cause (most likely), it is necessary to check it. To do this, you need to have a device already connected to your router via Wi-Fi or on a wire.

How to go to the router settings, we wrote in detail in.

After you went to the router settings, you need to go to the section related to Wi-Fi settings. Depending on the router model, it may look like that.

Options for setting configuration responsible for changing the Wi-Fi channel on TP-LINK routers

Channel or Channel is what you need. The value of this option is more often AUTO or 12 (13).

The fact is that 12 and 13 channels are border channels with which many Wi-Fi modules installed in smartphones and laptops are simply not working. You need to set any value from 1 to 11 in the "Channel" option. After that, protect the changes made and restart the router.


Most often, the laptop or smartphone does not see some Wi-Fi networks, due to the installation on the router of the borderline broadcasting channel. These channels are 12 and 13. To correct this situation, it is enough to go to the router settings, change the channel to any of the range 1-11, save the settings and restart the router.

Best way to thank the author of the article - make a repost to myself on the page

Hey! Does your laptop sees Wi-Fi? Nothing wrong! The owner of the class laptop itself, and also it happens. Today I will tell why it happens, and how everything can be fixed quickly. There will be nothing difficult!

But if suddenly you did not solve your problem, or something remained incomprehensible, describe in very detailed your situation in the comments to this article, and I will try to quickly help.

Let's already run for basic reasons and look at the error correction path.

The reasons

Honestly, the reasons can be a lot. The exact reason for the eyes is remotely very difficult to reveal, so if you write your case in the comments - write in very detailed. Try in the text below after all, finding something close to your case and try to fix - it will not be worse.

Universal advice! Do not know what to do - immediately restart the router and laptop. In 99% of all cases, problems will be successfully eliminated.

And here is my list of top problems:

  • Something souched somewhere - not amenable to diagnosis. Cases the aforementioned reboot.
  • No network itself.
  • Disabled adapter.
  • Airplane mode.
  • Flew or was not installed driver.
  • Problems on the router.
  • Breaking

With the first paragraph, we seem to seem to find out, proceed to the nuances for each next. If it is definitely not suitable for you - let's skip.

No wireless network

In the literal sense - does not see, because it is simply not. How to quickly check - look at other devices (from the phone). Is there this Wi-Fi there? If there are no other devices at hand - while other networks sees?

If you see any other devices, but there are no networks on your laptop, and you are in the same room with a point of access - it means most likely the point is not in this. But often the network is overestimated to power, and she just does not finish.

Disable Wi-Fi Adapter

And you knew that Wi-Fi on a laptop can be simply turned off. Well, accordingly, turn on. First, let's see what you are in the tray!

Examples are given forWindows 10. B.Windows 7 and other models will be approximately the same.

If you have this way - and writes "no available connections" - most likely Wi-Fi is simply disabled. You can enable it in several ways - through the buttons through the settings. We will briefly analyze every method.

Enable buttons

Previously, separate switches, or even buttons, were allocated to turn on the Wifer on the laptop. Now this is all turning on usually by the combination of the Fn + F keys. Example below:

On my laptop ASUS, it turns on by pressing Fn + F2 as in the figure above. Look at your function keys, find the icon for your model and try to enable. The inclusion is not the topic of this article, I will cut a lot. If you have questions - in the comments.

Enable in a quick panel

Especially for "dozens". Users of other operating systems can skip. Here for such a status:

Click on notifications and select the network:

Enable adapter

Another option. The adapter will work, but simply at the moment is not included. Universal method for all systems. We do in steps:

  1. Click right-click on our network connection and select "Network and Shared Access Center" (Windows 7) or "Network Settings" (Windows 10):

  1. Next, go to the adapter settings (on the seven in the left column - change the adapter settings)

  1. In the window that opens, we find your wireless adapter (there may be wired adapters that we do not need, but if you wish, you can turn them on), click on it with the right button and select "Enable":

Everything should earn!


A cool thing, if you do not know how to understand, but it is not suitable for all cases. It can be done so that the computer himself tried to solve the problem. As in the past section we get into the "network and internet parameters", and there choose "Troubleshooting":

The operating system will think something, will try to offer you advice ... and Wi-Fi will work!

Well, or does not work) for me it's easier to turn on your hands. But for diagnosis, the causes can be used. The same is on Windows 7.

Airplane mode

Also innovation. It happens, you will turn on it by chance and do not understand what's the matter. In the tray, he looks like this:

And it turnsten off with a similar click on this blue button (the panel is called by clicking the left mouse).


Often there is no driver in the system - whether it was not before, whether it flew away from some kind of action, and maybe just a new map. First you need to check its condition, and therefore, to install - so as not to do the extra cases.

Click right-click on the Start button and select "Device Manager":

We are looking for the "Network Adapters" tab, and there we are trying to find our wireless adapter. As a rule, it contains the word Wireless in its title:

In my case, everything is in order with him. But it happens that instead of a beautiful blue badge there is some kind of exclamation mark, or even worse - the adapter is not at all in the devices. In general, if there is some kind of problem, it is easier to change the driver. I will not send you to the manufacturer's website, how do some other editions do, the easiest way to use the Driver Pack Solution program:

dRP.sU. - go and swing

The program itself will find problems in the equipment, outdated drivers and will try to fix everything. Now, as for me, this is the best free solution for such small problems as the installation of the driver on Wi-Fi.

Problems on the router

Disassemble all possible problems that may affect the visibility of the network, there is no possibility - there are a lot of router models. Pump in trying to show something average, I also do not see the point. I will list the main thoughts about the problems on the router in our article, and if you already need to configure something - use the search on our website, find your router model and do everything written.

Screenshots I give from my model fromTp-Link. In other models, everything is about the same.


The channel must be in the AUTO position. Experts can set something else, but there is an option to get on the wrong channel, and the network will not be visible.