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Cellular communication and Internet in Montenegro. Mobile communications in Montenegro - Operators and tariffs How to choose a mobile connection, going to Montenegro

We are talking about the features of cellular communication in Montenegro, interesting tariffs. How to save on mobile Internet and negotiations within the country.

In the midst of the season of tourists in Montenegro more than local residents. However, there are almost no special offers for travelers in the mobile market. This is due to the fact that the country is very small, and most of the guests come from the republics of the former Yugoslavia - this is for them just interesting options in Montenegro. But the Russians who wish to save, most likely have to forget about roaming and use Skype.

Starting packages are sold in cities almost everywhere: in kiosks, shops and supermarkets, but there is one nuance. Often, these places do not ask documents, however the number is still required to register officially.

This requires a passport and communication salon. If this is not done, after five to seven days the SIM card will stop working. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately contact the point of sales of the selected operator, the benefit that are also found often.

Popular excursions in Montenegro

The most interesting excursions are routes from locals to Tripster. It is always interesting to start with (during your dating you can see all the signs, outline the routes of future walks). Immediately after which go beyond the city, admirement on - a stunningly beautiful trip to the country (more than 12 hours).

Communication in Montenegro: Telenor

The only operator in the country that boasts almost two hundred base stations. For a small state, even located mostly in the mountains, it is enough to cover the cities, beaches, main roads, tunnels.

That is, from the technical point of view, Telenor is just fine. But there is a problem: the operator does not induce a variety of packages. In essence, he proposes to pay for specific services. The starting sim card will cost 5 euros, the call inside Montenegro will cost 0.1999 €, SMS - 0.0499 €.

The Internet will have to buy separately and its cost is rather big: 500 MB pulls on 3.51 €, 1 GB - 4,42 €, and 10 GB - 10.12 €.

The standard roaming price for outgoing calls to the first zone, which includes Russia - 1.21 €, for incoming - 0.5999 €. But specifically for those who often call abroad The company has developed a special service "Dodaj Međunarodne Pozive". For 2.02 € per month, you can call in the Russian Federation for 0.182 € / minute.

Communication in Montenegro: T-Mobile (Telekom)

The operator since 2005 belongs to Deutsche Telekom Group. It serves 360 thousand customers, which for less than 700 thousand people live, is an excellent coverage. In addition, he developed quite interesting tariffs. You can buy a SIM card for 5 €, of which only 1 € will fall into account.

Package line is focused mainly on local residents. Tourists can advise to pay attention to the basic options with prepayment. For example, Mix Mreža 15 for 5 €, operating 15 days and gives 500 minutes, 500 sms and 1 GB of traffic.

Given the fairly expensive roaming, and the outgoing call will cost 2.37 € per minute, it may be necessary to separately buy packages on the Internet. For example, "Internet 15" with 5 GB costs only 3.9 €.

Some like "Internet Monster" for 15 days for the same 3.90 €. The peculiarity is that from 8 pm and up to 8 am are provided with 10 GB, and during the day - 2 more GB.

Local cellular operator M: TEL

Mountains - no cellular interference in Montenegro

The youngest and only provider with local roots. It takes about a quarter of the market, but quite confidently competes with the rest of the players. He managed to keep in the market mainly thanks to the tariff policy for customers who prefer prepayment. The main attractiveness M: TEL: starting packets along with the SIM card offer certain bonuses.

For example, "Hello Net" for 5 € gives 1 € to the account and 4 GB of traffic, "MRAK" - unlimited calls and the Internet at night (from 20:00 to 8:00) and 100 minutes for all networks.

There is a special tourist package "M: Tel Turist", but his bonuses are rather weak. When connected, the user receives 100 GBs that need to be spent in 7 days, as well as free Facebook and Twitter.

However, it is necessary to be attentive by choosing the tariff. The fact is that the cost of services at the end of the minutes provided may be different. For example, for "MRAK" one minute of conversation will cost 0.152 €, and calls in all international destinations - 0,864 €. But for "M: Tel Turist" Rates above: 0.224 € and 0.996 €, respectively.

Cards from drimsim - profitable or not

In all mobile operators in Montenegro, the tariffer system is quite confusing. On their background, universal attracts tourists simplicity. The traveler is enough to know that 10 GB of traffic will cost $ 15.36, a call to Russia - 0.9 € per minute, within the country outgoing on mobile numbers - 1.2 €, and in stationary phones - 0,85 €.

Obviously, the price of roaming and traffic from the company is quite competitive. But the conversations inside the country are unreasonably expensive. But if planned, first of all, the use of the Internet, and the Drimsim card is already available, then this option is quite attractive.

Specially buying it for 10 € Total for one trip does not make sense.

Flights from Moscow to Tivat

Aeroflot flies once a day in Chernogorsk Airport, once a week Victory and S7, 3-4 times a week Montenegro Airlines (Flights No. 611, 631). Cost - from 3,300 rubles. one way. Time on the way is about three hours.

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Going on the journey, it is worth taking care of the connection with the birthplace and close people. This is a very important point: you need to at least sometimes report to relatives that everything is fine. Communication is needed for an emergency: Losing your passport and it will be necessary to urgently send it a copy or suddenly the money will end. How to choose a mobile connection going to Montenegro? I will tell you about those options that managed to find when preparing for the trip.

I note that I could not stay without the Internet, since, under the terms of the contract, I needed periodically to send ready-made materials to the editorial board of Aero.

How to choose a mobile communication going to Montenegro

When preparing for the trip, I broke the entire Internet in search of a suitable fare for communication with the homeland. There are several options, which of them choose - to solve you.

Local SIM card in Montenegro

In Montenegro, three main cellular operators: Telenor, T-Mobile, M: Tel. They offer approximately identical packages of services.

What is the complexity? Buy a SIM card in Montenegro - a time-consuming process that takes the precious holiday time.


  • It is necessary to find a cellular salon, they are not so much as in the cities of Russia.
  • Buy a sim card in a newspaper stall scary. In any case, it will have to register it in the cabin, otherwise the operator will block the number, and the money will be thrown into the wind.
  • The design procedure is sufficiently long.
  • It is unknown, in what places there are tower and how high-quality coating.
  • Expensive service, although you will need a SIM card only for rest.
  • Travel rates are extremely disadvantageous.


  • Local SIM card is better to arrange if you are traveling for a long time. Then she is really capable of saving money.

Tourist SIM cards

Yes, yes, you did not hear. Tourist SIM cards exist. I will give a few examples.



  • Convenient mobile application.
  • No packages do not need to buy.
  • Payment is a starbital, which means that it is not necessary to overpay for traffic.
  • You can connect the balance of the balance from the bank card.


  • Everything is configured only through the application on the phone.
  • Minimum deposit amount € 25.
  • When using SIM cards for a whole year, begin to write down € 0.5 per month.
  • Map can be ordered online on the site. For 1-7 days it will take you home or by mail.
Tez Telecom Only Internet

Gigabyte cost in Europe from € 5 to € 10. Packages buy no need, payment of the starbath.


  • Works in 124 countries in the world.
  • Cheaper roaming of national operators.
  • Without subscription fees and hidden payments.
  • The ability to connect packets 3GB, 5GB, 10GB.
  • SIM card and delivery for free! 15 € on the balance card.
  • Good support through chat on the site.


  • The minimum amount of replenishment of the balance is € 15.
  • You can not call and receive calls (use Zadarma).
  • Primitive personal account and no application for phone.
What is the difficulty? Tourist SIM cards do not find in the store, they must be ordered on the site. The SIM card deliver you from one to seven days depending on where you live. I live in the Sverdlovsk region and before me the SIM card will come for one week.

Home operator

I have a SIM card operator MTS. My tariff is my smart. It includes 25 GB of traffic per month, 1000 minutes and 1000 sms for 250 rubles per month. From free options there is an option "Zaregoris".


  • With my tariff in Montenegro, there are free incoming calls up to 10 minutes of each call and unlimited Internet.
  • The fee is charged only for the day of the use of mobile communications.


  • The daily rate of the "unlimited" Internet of 100 MB. If you exceed this limit, speed limit to 128 kb / s.
  • The fee of 390 rubles per day is written off for using communication in any manifestation: Made one call, sent SMS or went to the Internet.
What is the complexity? Russian operators establish too expensive tariffs for travel abroad. But it is on my subjective look.

Since I fly abroad only for seven days, I decided to stay at the version of my MTS SIM card. Before departure, I replenished the account by 2500 tr. - Let's see how much this amount is enough for me.

With a short trip, it is not enough to change the SIM card. The hotel and the cafe has unlimited Wi-Fi. This is enough to contact relatives and loved ones through messengers. In addition, thanks to the free Wi-Fi, I sent materials to the editorial board of Aero. But for the whole trip I had to spend 4,300 rubles only in connection.

And about the fact that to take with me the resorts of Montenegro and video with the process of fees, look for in the next article. I will tell you you need to take a journey and describe the checklists, which formed nothing to forget.

Tourists who have decided to visit Montenegro We must know that in this country there is only one provider for providing the Internet, which works through a modem connection and on the dedicated line. With the second embodiment, the advantage of communication is high speed. To connect this type of communication, the firm needs to provide documents on its registration, and a simple man in a residence permit.

Rates in Montenegro on the Internet

When connecting the network, the Internet speed in Montenegro can be high enough, the most popular is the standard option, where up to 10 GB of traffic is connected. This tariff is perfect for work on the Internet. The price of such a connection is somewhat more expensive than in Moscow. Internet in Montenegro is easy enough to connect, it needs to be paid in a special store or use to pay phone bills.

Telephone communication in Montenegro

Telephone operators in Montenegro are highlighted at a high level. You can make a call to anywhere in the world by using a stationary phone. And you can do it anywhere, whether it is your hotel, or an automatic on the street. Of course, from the number of the call to make much easier, because for the machine you need to purchase a special card.

Almost all residents of Montenegro use mobile communications. There are three providers in the country. In addition to mobile communications, since 2009 there is a mobile Internet service that allows you to use video calls. Code of Montenegro among mobile operators: 069; 068; 067. Gradually, the quality of communication becomes better and its reliability is growing, which is very convenient especially for tourists. Mobile communications is available almost everywhere, with the exception of mountain peaks and booming rivers. There are no settlements and cities, therefore the connection is also absent.

The local tariff, of course, will be much more convenient and cheaper in communication. Therefore, if you are planning to communicate often, it is worth getting a SIM card of any of the operators. But if you do not have a desire to acquire a local card, then international roaming is always at your service.

To call a call from Montenegro It is necessary to dial at the beginning 00, then the country code into which the call is made and after the phone number. If you need to know how to call in Montenegro from Moscow, then you need to dial 8 10 then code 382, \u200b\u200bafter the code of the selected operator and the phone number.

Internet opportunities in Montenegro

More than half of the population use the worldwide network, through the telephone code of Montenegro. Moreover, this type of Internet has a sufficiently high speed, but the connection is possible only in the presence of a landline phone.

In Montenegro, there are three possibilities for connecting the Internet.

  1. Wi-Fi, which is distributed free of charge for visitors. Such points are gaining popularity, they are distinguished by high connectivity speed and there are no traffic restrictions.
  2. Modem with an installed SIM card of any mobile operator. Such a network will allow to be in touch anywhere where your device works. The only negative is the speed, it will be high only at the maximum network signal level.

You can purchase a modem from any operator at once with the SIM card upon presentation of your passport. By cons of such a connection, there is a limited amount of information received, each operator has their own traffic.

  1. Telephone Internet. To connect such an Internet, you need to install a local provider sim card and configure a new connection.

Rates for calls in Montenegro

Calls from Montenegro can be carried out in two ways: call from your operator, configuring international relationship, but it is quite expensive. You can use the Internet from the local operator by selecting a suitable provider. There are only three providers and the telephone code of Montenegro is available for each of them, besides, a regular stationary telephone has its own separate code.

Once in Montenegro, it is possible to determine the operator to communicate without much difficult. At the same time, the presence of telephone and the Internet is very convenient, especially for busy people who are always important in touch.

At any trips, you want the connection to be high-quality and inexpensive. Roaming in Montenegro will cost expensive. It is most profitable to buy a model of a local operator and connect the appropriate package.

Local operators

Three local operators serve Montenegro:

  1. Telenor
  2. CRNogorski Telekom (T-Mobile)
  3. M: TEL.

All the same decent coating: the signal will be resistant almost throughout Montenegro, excluding places with a complex relief (deep canyons, places surrounded by mountains from all sides).

If you are in the mountains, and the phone does not catch, do not worry. It is enough to drive a couple of kilometers and the connection will be installed again.

Communication and 3G Internet You will have almost throughout the country in any operator.

4G / LTE also offer all three operators, and they have them, but coverage is much smaller. If you are going to spend your vacation, mostly in large cities, then 4G you will have.

Does the local SIM card be required if there is European? In Montenegro, roaming rates on European SIM cards are not regulated and may surprise you "suddenly" being higher than you believed. So the local SIM is needed.


Only prepaid tariffs are available to tourists. That is, you first pay the connection, but only then use it. In minus on such tariffs it is impossible to go.

All operators have interesting offers for tourists.


In winter, 2019-2020 The year Telenor offers Telenor Pipejd Paket with free SIM cards when connecting a package for 4 euros:

The package is valid for 7 days from the moment of activation. Package extension - 4 euros. The offer is valid until 03/01/2020.

When buying a SIM card, make sure that the package has been activated. Without activation of the Internet package and communication is paid at the prices of your tariff plan.

Details and full price lists can be found on Telenor website.

CRNogorski Telekom (T-Mobil)

CRNogorski Telekom (T-Mobil) offers prepaid Telekom Prepaid cards for 5 euros. Only 1 euro is enrolled on the balance sheet.

Calls in Montenegro - 0.18 €, SMS - 0.04 €, 100kb traffic - 0.06 €.

Packages Internet:

Status Check: Int Info at 1467

For inactive users there are packages:

  • 7 days online (500 MB) for 2 €
  • 15 days of the Internet (1024 MB) for 3 €

Activation on SMS, send a message MO INT7 / MO INT15 to number 1477. To check the status, enter * 122 * 14 #


M: Tel for tourists offers a M: Go Turist SIM card for 5 euros (1 euro on balance). It includes 100 GB of the Internet for the first 7 days.

Calls to mobile - 0.23 €, international - 0,97 €, SMS in Montenegro - 0.06 €, international SMS - 0.14 €, 100kb traffic - 0.12 €.

Where to buy SIM card

You can buy Simka immediately after arrival at the Tivat airport on the operator's rack. In addition, they are sold in grocery stores, newspaper stalls, railway stations and in the offices of mobile operators. In the offices almost always turn.

A modem with a SIM card can be bought in the office of any mobile operator, presenting a passport.

How to replenish account

  • In the office of the operator. Contact the cashier and it will help replenish the bill. According to Chernogorski, it will sound like: "Electro is admitted." Money will be listed immediately.
  • In the terminal in the shopping center. Many of them have in the Russian menu.
  • Buy a "voucher" card. It is convenient because the balance can be replenished anywhere, it is enough to erase the protective layer and enter the "secret" code using the instruction on the "voucher".

How to set up the Internet in the phone

If you need the Internet in the phone, it is connected in any mobile office. Many workers will understand your Russian.

There is no desire to stand in line, but there is "English at the average" - call your operator's service center and get detailed instructions, how to set up everything yourself. Number in the manual for the SIM card.

You can connect the Internet yourself by following the instructions that are attached to the SIM card.

Free Wi-Fi in Montenegro

Wi-Fi is in the cafe, restaurants, bars (password you can ask the waiter, bartender), in many hotels and hotels (ask for access to the reception). The speed is good.

How to dial the number

How to call in Montenegro

To make a call, type 0, city code, the desired phone.

Calls to Russia

It is done according to such a scheme: +7, city code, telephone. Mobile phone number is not entered from the "eight", and with +7

If you have one of the sims "Beeline", then connect the tariff "My Planet". All calls (incoming and outgoing) will cost 25 rubles / min, and a text message is only 9 rubles.

Call from Russia to Montenegro

382 (International Code of Montenegro), city code, telephone.

If, resting in Montenegro, you do not want to spend on conversations with closest condition, this article is for you. Mobile communication information for tourists gathered Oleg Obukhov.

I see and read how tourists are strained with SIM cards of Chernogorsk operators and connection packages. In the review I will consider two operators: T-Mobile and M: Tel.

Chernogorsk operator T-Mobile
Buy a sim card for 3 € with a balance of 3 €. Ideally, it must be registered in your name, while filling out the registration list on the trading point does not guarantee it (leaflet) to the operator's office.

In the season, operators block unregistered numbers 15 days from the start of use. Hence the conclusion - relax 15 days and less, do not pay attention. More - contact the T-Coma office in your city and fill in the registration list.

Map in standard format with a notch for micro-sim. You need to nano - saw yourself or refer to where the mobile is sold and repaired.

T-Mobile Map is protected by a PIN code (I hope this technology is familiar to you). By installing the card into the phone, first turn off the data transfer. This is important until the end of the setting is because Smartphone loads a lot of data in the background and can instantly spend the card balance.

You can replenish the balance after activation of the map in terminals and stalls with newspapers. It is called "electro not". The minimum amount is admitted now 2 euros.

So, put the map, Introduced the PIN, registered the map on the network. To activate, make one call (without connecting) or send an SMS. Everything, a card is active and ready for configuration.

Balance check * 111 #. This USSD command is called the "Super Menu" and with its help you can see your tariff, change it, connect packets.

Before activating the options, be sure to turn off the data transfer, without the connected options, it is the Internet traffic spending tools. Then select any of the proposed options. You can choose two any of the three. Connecting one option for the first time for free.

In my opinion, the Internet option (3) is relevant, where for 2.90 € you get 1,5GB of traffic for 7 days. Voice calls are consumed less and you can use messenger.

To connect, you need to use the USSD menu * 111 # or send an SMS with the text SURF (for 3 options) to the number 1467. To connect other options to the same number you need to send an SMS MI or SVI.

Only after setting up the package, turn the data transfer on the phone. Also do not forget to follow the distance and the end of the package.

Settings APN for Internet access in the photo. Password 38267.

For those who do not think of recreation without the Internet, there are still on sale sets: USB modem and a SIM card with a certain number of Internet GB. A good alternative to ADSLU, in principle.

The advantages of T-Mobile: a stable network, the best quality of the Internet in a CHG and a good coating in the northern regions of Montenegro.

Chernogorsk operator M: TEL.
In terms of registration, replenish account - the rules are exactly the same as for T-Mobile, so read the first part.

M: Tel-oskie SIM cards come across without a pin-code. I do not know, it is 100% or not, but, in general, challenge. For sure, as with a competitor, after registering on the network (call or message to any number) until the end of the setup, disable Internet access in order to save your credit on the account.

Since June 2016, MTEL operator has introduced new conditions for the Tourist MGOU Treep. Now the SIM card costs 5 €, and in this package you get 500MB already enabled Internet and 2 € on the balance sheet for voice communication and SMS.

The Internet package is valid for 3 days, but for each next balance replenishment (minimum 2 €), the user gets another 300MB for 3 days. These 300MB are activated at midnight, after completing the account. And the replenished balance can be freely spending on SMS and voice calls. If you are enabled on the Internet smartphone, the unlimited package must be connected, otherwise your money will turn into a pumpkin at midnight.

To activate the above-described service, you need to send an SMS to the Turist to number 14555 or activate in the USSD menu * 105 # and only after activation (!) Include data transfer service on your phone.

In this tariff, there are 50% discounts on voice calls to countries from which the bulk of tourists arrive. The service is activated via the USSD menu * 105 #.

Features M: Tel: There are always cheap roaming proposals for Serbia, if you plan to leave there, a good coverage area in Primorye. Of the minuses: poorly covered with the northern part of Montenegro and in the season - trouble with mobile Internet in Primorye.