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Program for remote access and computer control. We connect remote access to the computer via the Internet

Good day!

In today's article, I would like to dwell on the remote control of a computer running Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, a similar task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, help relatives or friends set up a computer if they are not good at it; organize remote assistance at the company (enterprise, department) so that you can quickly solve user problems or monitor them banally (so as not to play and go to the "contacts" during working hours)

You can remotely control your computer with dozens of programs (or maybe even hundreds, such programs appear as "mushrooms after the rain"). In the same article, we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

T eam viewer

This is one of the best programs for remote PC control. Moreover, she has a number of advantages in relation to such programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows file sharing;

It has a high degree of protection;

Computer control will be carried out as if you yourself are sitting at it!

When installing the program, you can specify what you will do with it: install to control this computer, or to manage and allow you to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what the use of the program will be: commercial / non-commercial.

After installing and starting Team Viewer, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer you want to connect to (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the password for access (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the “desktop” of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your “desktop”.

The Team Viewer window is the desktop of a remote PC.

R admin

One of the best programs for administering computers on a local network and for providing assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a test period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of work in it is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer - a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on a PC that will be controlled.

A mmyy admin

A relatively new program (but already managed to get to know it and start to use about 40,000 people all over the world) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular OS Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, through proxy.

A window for connecting to a remote computer. Ammyy admin

R MS - Remote Access

A good and free program (for non-commercial use) for remote computer administration. Even novice PC users will be able to use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NATs, firewalls will no longer interfere with your connection to a PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


Ever since my work as a laboratory assistant in the information center, I have clarified one important truth: "the less you work, the better you work." Any human activity can be improved and make even the most hated work pleasant. Imagine for a moment that you have one computer class at your disposal. Its maintenance takes relatively little time. All problems that may arise can be fixed on the spot simply by going to the appropriate computer.

But one fine day, the staff of technology increases dramatically from the already familiar fifteen PCs in your class to hundreds of computers scattered across several buildings. And now, each newly-made owner of a miracle box under his desk calls with the question "How to align a plate in Excel?" Having spoken to such an individual for a couple of minutes and realizing that you need help, you are wandering down the stairs to the poor man’s office. Most likely, the first time there will be waiting not only a moving sign on the monitor screen, but also a kilo of gingerbread cookies with an invigorating cup of tea. But soon the gingerbread cookies will not be able to sweeten the constant running around, and the calls will cause an involuntary sigh. In this situation, there are only two ways out. Find a person who will run for you or come up with a way to deal with the egregious computer illiteracy of employees, while remaining within the walls of your office.

Download Radmin Server and Viewer

Remote Administrator is one of the remote PC administration programs. Such software works on the client-server technology already familiar to us. The product is made in Russia and distributed free of charge. That is, we have the opportunity to download the full version without limiting functionality, which will last 30 days. Then it should be purchased. You can also use torrents. On their open spaces, a repack from Alker’a will surely come across, it works as stable as the licensed version. And perhaps I will use the official trial version as part of this material.

Step 1. To get started, go to the site and click on the big green button “Download 30-day trial version”.

Step 2 Then on the page that opens, click "Download Server + Viewer" in one archive.

Step 3 After the download is completed, the installation files from the archive for convenience will be unpacked into a separate folder.

Install and configure Radmin Server

First, let's figure out the server side of the program. It is her installation on client PCs that allows us to manage them remotely.

Step 1. On the computer that we are going to manage, run the rserv35ru.msi file and click "Next" in the first installation window.

Step 2 We carefully read the license agreement, accept it and click "Next".

Step 3 And finally, the coveted Install button. Click on it and wait for the installation process to complete. During this process, the screen may blink periodically. Do not worry, this is normal, drivers for video capture are simply installed.

Step 4 After the installation is complete, we will not uncheck the item “Configure user access rights”. Click "Finish" and go directly to the program settings.

Step 5 In the new window, select "Run Mode" and set the value to "Automatic." This is necessary in order for the program to start itself, at the time the operating system is turned on.

Step 6 Then we go to “Settings” and in the first tab “General settings” we do not change anything. Just remember the port that is set by the program by default. Soon it will come in handy.

Step 7 In the "Miscellaneous" tab, put a checkmark in the item "Download Mirror Driver at startup". This is necessary so that the screen of the remote computer does not blink every time we connect and the user does not know about our presence. A very useful feature for those who like to watch employees and do not want unnecessary suspicion on their part.

Step 8 With the settings finished. Now let's move on to changing permissions. To do this, in the main menu, click "Permissions" and in the window that opens, repeat the command.

Step 9 Until users are created, you cannot connect to this computer. In order to create users, click "Add" and enter the name under which we will go to the computer. As an example, I will create the user “admin”.

Step 10 Now we need to give our user certain rights. And since this is the admin, we will give him full access to the remote computer. Click "OK" in this and the next window.

Step 11 If you purchased the program from developers or downloaded it from a torrent, then it will have another interesting trick. Namely, the "Advanced" button, which allows you to configure the hiding of the tray icon. When the tray icon is missing, the user may not even know that this product is installed on the computer.

Step 12 This was the last step in configuring Radmin Server. Now we will restart the computer for our settings to take effect. After the reboot, go to "START-Control Panel-Network and Sharing Center-Change adapter settings" and right-click on the adapter with which the network connection is made. In the drop-down list, click on the item “Status”.

Step 13 In the next window, click "Details" and look at the IP address of the computer. It will come in handy for us to enter this PC using Radmin’s. But only if this IPshnik is permanently attached to this computer, otherwise it is better to look at the DNS name.

Step 14 To view the computer name, go to "Start" and right-click on the "Computer" icon. In the window that opens, in the line "Full name" we see the name of our PC.

Fine. Let's once again recall the information that we will soon need:

  • Port for connecting to a remote computer: 4899
  • Computer IP Address:
  • DNS computer name: win7

All of your data except the port will be different from mine. We finished the manipulations with the remote machine. Let's start setting up the client part of the program (Radmin Viewer).

If Radmin Server must be installed on the remote computers to which you are going to connect, then Radmin Viewer is installed on your computer. It allows you to connect to all computers in your network on which the server module of the program is installed and configured. Let's not waste time. Let's proceed with the installation.

class \u003d "eliadunit"\u003e

Step 1. On the administrator’s computer from which the connections will be made, run the rview35ru.msi file and click “Next” in the first installation window.

Step 2 We accept the license agreement and click "Next". In the next window, select "install the application for all users of this computer."

Step 3 Click “Install” and wait for the installation of Radmin Viewer to complete.

Step 4 Good. Now we need to make sure that our computer is on the same subnet as the remote PC. To do this, go along the already familiar path "START-Control Panel-Network and Sharing Center-Change adapter settings" and right-click on the adapter. In the drop-down list, click on “Status-Details” and look at the IPshnik. The third digit for our and the remote computer must match, this is the subnet number. If everything is correct, then move on.

Connection in control mode

In this mode, all your mouse and keyboard manipulations are transferred to the remote computer. You get the ability to remotely control the desktop as if it is right in front of you.

Step 1. We go to the "Start" and run "Radmin Viewer 3". In the main window of the program, click "Connection-Connect to ...".

Step 2 In the line “IP address or DNS name”, enter the IP address of the remote computer (in my case and clicking “OK” we will try to connect to the computer in the “Management” mode.

Step 3 In the window that appears, enter the username and password (those that were set on the remote station). With bated breath we click on “OK”.

Step 4 In the next instant, we gain access to the desktop of the remote computer. We can perform any actions on it using the mouse and keyboard.

Connection in the View mode

In this mode, you can observe all user actions, but not interfere with the work process. Personally, I often use this particular mode. He has proven himself in the educational process. When students work at their computers, they often have various questions. In order not to run to each of them, I just open five Radmin’s windows on the laptop at the same time and moving between them I give advice on how to complete the task.

Step 1. In the main window of the program, click on the already favorite tab “Connection-Connect with ...”.

Step 2 Enter the usual combination of username and password.

Step 3 And we see the screen of the remote computer. But remember that this mode allows us only to watch, but not touch.

Connection in the "File Transfer" mode

This mode is convenient because by connecting to a remote computer you get the opportunity to download any file from it or transfer your own. In this case, the user does not even feel any manipulations on your part. Another interesting feature is that files can be downloaded from any folders, and not just from shared folders. After all, we get access to all drives of the PC (except network unfortunately).

Create Address Book

The Radmin Address Book allows us to save computers to which we connect in a convenient format. Connections can be divided into convenient folders based on the structural units of the organization. We will not dwell on the address book in more detail. I can only say that after you have created all the necessary connections and distributed them in the folder tree (on the left in the main Radmin Viewer window). We need to export our settings to a separate file, which we can open on any computer with Radmin Viewer.

Step 1. Click "Service-Export Address Book ...".

Step 2 Set the file name and select its location.

Step 3 We drop the file onto the USB flash drive and run Radmin Viewer on another computer. Open "Service-Import Address Book ...".

Step 4 We select the address book and after a second we see that all of our computers created earlier were loaded. By the way, another feature, if you click on the icon "Scanning servers in the current folder" (or hotkey F5), then on those PCs that are now turned on, a checkmark will appear indicating that the connection is ready.

A spoon of tar

Of the shortcomings observed during the operation of this product, there are only three main ones. Although they are more likely not shortcomings, but rather the wishes of the developers to improve the program:

  • When connected, the Aero style is reset to classic, which immediately tells the experienced user that someone is following him (solved by forcibly applying the classic Windows theme);
  • There is no way to lock the keyboard and mouse on the remote computer (and sometimes you really want to catch a student or employee on something interesting);
  • Unfortunately, the program is available only under Windows.

To summarize. Radmin is great for remotely managing computers. The program has been successfully used both to help employees and to modernize the educational process. Also with its help it is very convenient to administer the server. Indeed, if a remote access program is installed on the server, then there is no need for a full-time monitor. As part of this article, it was originally planned to talk about how to configure Radmin to connect over the Internet. Namely, to do this by forwarding ports on the router. But then it was decided to make separate material on this topic. So wait friends.

For those who are interested in improving their professional qualifications, I recommend taking the free online test on the developers website. This will allow you to obtain a certificate of a specialist in working with the Radmin software product, which can be printed and hung in a beautiful frame above the table.

With you was Denis Kurets and the release of an information technology blog. Subscribe to updates. Write your comments and suggestions. And let your path of knowledge be fast and successful!

class \u003d "eliadunit"\u003e

Remote access to a computer via the Internet will allow you to control your PC, even if it is thousands of kilometers from your location.

The technology works on the principle of assigning a unique identifier to the user in the global network. Using this data, you are connected to a remote control.

The function can be configured both using the system functions of the Windows operating system, and with the help of additional programs (their use, as a rule, is free).

Notice! In order to access the remote computer through another PC, the remote PC must be turned on and have an Internet connection. Also, a function or program that provides a remote connection must be connected on both devices.

Using Internet ID on Windows

Assigning a unique identification number in the network can greatly simplify the connection process.

Using this function, computers no longer need to configure the reverse connection process each time.

Also, the Internet ID function is quite simple to use and even an ordinary user can configure its work.

How does Internet ID work? The connection of two computers is due to the connection to a single host.

The display of the interface is due to the NAT protocol or a standard firewall.

Follow the instructions below to set up remote access to your PC using the Internet ID option:

  • First you need to get an identifier with which two computers can connect the connection. The procedure for issuing an identifier is carried out by the host for free;
  • Some builds of Windows may not have a previously installed utility. You can download it at
  • Install the tool on both computers and get to work;
  • After installation, the host icon appears on the desktop toolbar. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the connection settings item;

  • Then in a new window, click on the appropriate button to obtain an Internet identifier. This procedure must be done on the computer from which another PC will be controlled;

  • After a few seconds, a window with a text box appears, in which an identifier is provided that provides remote connection of two PCs. Remember it, because without specifying an identifier on another PC, you cannot configure the connection;

  • Now you need to perform several actions on the client PC (to which you will connect). Run the installed utility, select the operating mode as “Client”;
  • Press the key to create a new connection and in the window that opens, specify the name of the connection and the identifier itself. You can choose any name, and the Internet ID must match the one that was issued on the first PC. Press the OK key;

  • Next, the connection properties will open. Select the connection mode through the identifier, as shown in the figure below, and enter it again in the corresponding text box;

Now wait a few seconds and wait for the connection to complete.

In subsequent attempts to obtain remote access to another PC, you will only need to enter the identifier on the administrator side, and on the client side - select the previously created connection template.

In addition to the proposed method for setting up remote access, you can use special programs that are even more simple to configure.


The main feature of the utility: the user does not need to deal with the client and server parts of the program separately.

Simply install the program on both computers and configure the connection in a few clicks of the mouse.

After the first inclusion in the application window displays the personal computer identifier and access password.

To connect to another computer, just enter its identifier in the Partner ID field and click the Connect button.

TeamViewer Benefits:

  1. The presence of several operating modes of two computers at once: remote access, file and folder transfer mode, VPN;
  2. During the connection, you can open the chat window, this will allow two users to communicate in real time, without being distracted by other instant messengers;
  3. To ensure full-scale system administration of another PC, you can connect the option of round-the-clock remote access. In inactive mode, the function consumes few resources and does not load personal computers;
  4. Speed \u200b\u200band stable connection. Due to the presence of high-quality hosts, users do not face the problem of access failure (this only happens if the connection to the global Internet is poor);
  5. Please note that TeamViewer cannot be used for commercial purposes. The developer has built into the program a utility to determine the commercial connection. If it is detected, access to the PC will be immediately blocked.

If you want to use modules for corporate connection, you will need to buy a paid version of the application.

Useful information:

Pay attention to the program. Using this utility, you can connect to any computer at a distance, gaining access to video, photos, documents and other files. And, although the program has many analogues, it has a simple and intuitive interface,

Ammyy admin

Available operating modes include the ability to view and remotely control another user's personal computer or laptop.

Using the program is possible without installing it on two devices. It is enough to open the portable version on computers.

The utility is not intended for use in commercial organizations and enterprises.

To get started, run Ammy admin on both computers. Then enter the server computer identifier on the client computer. Press the "Connect" button.

The connection diagram is also shown in Figure 8.

This application is more suitable for organizing a one-time connection than for long and regular work.

Among the advantages over other similar software can be noted a simplified connection process, an intuitive interface and high speed.

Among the disadvantages of the application, it can be noted that it is not available on mobile devices and tablets. Also, there is no transfer mode for folders and files.

Use of the program is limited to fifteen hours per month. This feature is designed to eliminate the possibility of commercial use.

Server and client part of the program

Also, unlike TeamViewer and Ammy admin, a unique identifier for the server PC is assigned only once (at the first start).

In the future, it does not change.

This will allow you to quickly remember it and in the future do not have problems with its introduction on the client side.

Also, users have the opportunity to independently set their identifier on the network.

The program itself is paid, however, if you do not need to use it for commercial purposes, you can download the LiteManager Free version.

It is free and its work is limited only by a filter that determines a possible commercial connection.

The application presents a large number of modes for connecting two PCs, namely:

  1. Remote access;
  2. Data transfer;
  3. Chat Organization Mode;
  4. The ability to access the registries of two PCs;
  5. Task Manager.
  6. Appearance of the program

    Also, the application has a very good speed. The first connection takes place in seconds.

    You also have the opportunity to access the BIOS of the remote computer.

    The utility cannot configure the connection without specifying the IP address of the server PC, that is, connection by identifier is not possible.

    All modern applications for working with remote access are characterized by fast work and a convenient user interface.

    Choose the appropriate connection method based on whether it will be regular or one-time.

    Thematic videos:

There are a lot of programs for organizing remote access. There are paid and free programs, there are programs for different operating systems. It is clear that in this article we will not be able to consider everything at once, but we will talk about the most interesting of them, and most importantly, we will understand what is more effective for a particular task.

Radmin (shareware)

About ten years ago Radmin was the most popular program for remote access, it is still there ( - it hasn’t gone anywhere during this time. We’ll start the review with her.

The program consists of two parts: Server and Viewer. The first one runs on a remote computer (or remote computers), and the second one runs on your computer and is used to connect to remote machines that you are going to configure. On the developers website, you can download both a complete set and individual components. There is also a portable version of Viewer that works without installation, and the Radmin Server 3.5 NTI version is a special version without a tray icon, that is, the user of the remote computer will not know that Radmin is installed on it until you start controlling its computer.

I note the key features: support for Windows 8 32/64 bit, support for switching user sessions in Windows XP / Vista / 7/8, compatibility with Wine (Radmin can organize remote access to Linux PCs through Wine), Telnet support, remote shutdown of a PC , Radmin server scanner (allows you to find all the PCs that you can manage on your network), file transfer between Server and Viewer.


  • Functionality of the program: here is its own authentication, and support for voice chat, and the ability to transfer files. Everything is very convenient.
  • Due to the fact that Server is installed on the remote computer, you do not need the presence of the user, as in other similar programs. For example, you can administer the remote PCs of your colleagues when they leave for lunch. In other similar programs, it is necessary either for the user to allow the connection, or for the user to provide you with a password that is generated automatically during each communication session.
  • Low system requirements, the program does not load the processor at all, which is especially important for my old laptop with a processor from AMD, which heats up like an iron - it acted as a “remote” computer.
  • Just starting Server is not enough, you also need to configure it.
  • Many users love TeamViewer not because of its functionality, but because it does not require any special ports (by default it uses port 80) and does not require a firewall setting. Radmin Server uses port 4899, and you won’t be able to start it without configuring the firewall.
  • No mobile clients.
  • Does not support other OS.

TeamViewer (freeware)

Now, probably, of the programs for remote access, TeamViewer is the most popular. You can download its full version from and still not pay a dime. For non-commercial use, the program is absolutely free.

Fig. 4. TeamViewer is running

TeamViewer is pleased with the support of Windows, OS X, Linux, which was so lacking in Radmin. There are also mobile clients for Android, iPad / iPhone: you can control a remote computer from your iPhone. There is also a Portable version of the program for Windows, which is very useful for infrequent use of the program, and the Portable version can be run both on the "server" and on the "client", unlike Radmin, where you can run only the client (Viewer) without installation, and the "server" part must be installed.

After starting the program, you will see the main TeamViewer window and the “Computers and contacts” window (Fig. 4). If you plan to help all your relatives and colleagues at once, you can click the "Register" button, create an account, and then in this window you will see all the numerous computers that you set up.

Fig. 5. TeamViewer in action

Now let's see what is what. If you need to connect to your computer, then you must inform the remote side of your ID (in this case 969 930 547) and password (8229). As you say, decide for yourself already - you can copy and transfer these values \u200b\u200bvia Skype, ICQ, electronic, SMS or just dictate by phone. This password changes each time the program starts. If the program is installed on your computer, you can make a permanent personal password, but I do not recommend it: the password can be compromised and then anyone can connect to your computer.

If you need to connect to a remote computer, then you need to enter the ID of the remote side (in this case 411108007) and click the "Connect to Partner" button, after which the program will ask you to enter the password that you received from the remote side. That's all - in the window that appears, you can configure the remote computer (Fig. 5).

You probably already noticed the main difference from Radmin: you need to pass the password to the person who sets up the computer, and in Radmin the password is specified when creating the user account. In other words, you need the presence of the user at the computer. The question is, how to organize a home office when you want to access a working computer from home, for example, at night. Everything is very simple. It is necessary to organize TeamViewer autorun (for example, add it to the “Startup” group or register it in the registry in the Run key) and set “Personal Password”. Please note that you cannot set a personal password if the program is not installed on the computer, but is run without installation.

There is another program you should know about: TeamViewer Host. It starts as a system service and is used for round-the-clock access to a remote computer, including logging in / out. It turns out that TeamViewer Host allows you to organize a terminal server, and it supports an unlimited number of clients for one server (the number of clients is limited only by the computing capabilities of your computer). It should also be noted that to install TeamViewer Host you need administrator rights, which are not always there, so in most cases you will still use the usual TeamViewer. However, if you need to configure just one computer (or just organize remote access to it, say from home), then TeamViewer Host is not needed. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that if the usual TeamViewer (not Host) is running on computer A, then computers B, C, D can connect to it (the number three is given as an example) for joint administration. Another thing is that you need to coordinate the actions of administrators, since the keyboard and mouse are common, but one can configure, the rest will observe.

Like Radmin, TeamViewer allows you to exchange files, voice and text messages, as well as remotely restart the computer (the necessary command is in the "Actions" menu, see Fig. 5, just restarting the computer is not enough - because then the TeamViewer communication session will not be established, rebooting the computer during its setup is needed only through the "Actions" menu).


  • Simplicity (the program is simpler than Radmin - a huge advantage for unprepared users who have to install it on the remote side).
  • The program completely does not require installation: both on the client and on the server. Installation is optional.
  • It works through port 80 (and some additional ports), so it does not require a firewall.
  • Availability of versions for other OS.
  • The presence of mobile clients for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8 (that is, you can control a remote computer directly from your iPad).
  • Possibility of organizing interactive conferences (up to 25 participants).
  • Does not require administrator privileges for remote access.
  • The processor loads noticeably more than Radmin, my old laptop even overheated and turned off.
  • Although there are mobile clients, they are not very convenient (however, this is better than nothing).

Royal TS (shareware)

There was once such a programmina - mRemote. I don’t know what happened there, but the mRemote project was closed, and the developers took and created another project - Royal TS. On the site you will find versions for Windows, OS X and iOS (can be run from iPhone and iPad).

In Royal TS, before creating a connection, you need to create a document, that is, one connection \u003d one document. Royal TS documents are a very convenient thing, they can be transferred as regular files, for example, to another administrator. He will be able to open such a document and immediately connect to a remote computer without having to create a connection manually. The shareware version has a limit on the number of simultaneously open documents - ten. As for me, this is quite enough for non-commercial use of the program, so in practice you won’t even notice that you are missing something (unless, of course, you remotely administer a huge network of computers).

The first thing to say is that this program is fundamentally different from Radmin and TeamViewer. Both of these programs combine the functionality of both the server and the client (in the case of Radmin, the server and the client are different programs, in the case of TeamViewer the same program). In other words, on one of the computers you can install Radmin Server or TeamViewer, and on the other you can use Radmin Viewer or TeamViewer, respectively, to connect to this remote computer. So, Royal TS is something like Radmin Viewer, that is, a program for connecting to a remote server, but the server will have to be created on its own. How you do it is your problem. Royal TS will not help you create such a server, but will only let you connect to it.

Fig. 6. Royal TS for Windows

Among the protocols for connecting to a remote server that Royal TS supports are: RDP, Telnet, SSH, Citrix, VNC. RDP / Telnet / SSH servers and others will have to be configured independently.

On the one hand, this is beyond the scope of the article, on the other, it would be incomplete if I had not given an example of setting at least one of the servers that Royal TS supports. SSH / Telnet servers, I think, the reader will not be very interested. I want something graphic. Suppose we have Linux (Ubuntu or its clone) and we need to configure a VNC server. To do this, first install the VNC server with the command:

Sudo apt-get install vnc4server

After that, you need to run it - for the first time without parameters:

Sudo vnc4server

When running the sudo vnc4server command, you need to enter the password that will be used to connect to this VNC server. The password itself will be saved in $ HOME / .vnc / passwd. I will not say a word more - there is man :). After the first start, you need to start vnc4server, indicating the screen number:

Sudo vnc4server: 3

Then in Royal TS you need to create a new document (on the File tab), then go to the Edit tab and press the VNC button. In the window that appears (Fig. 7), enter the display name (Display Name) - in our case: 3, the IP address of the VNC server and specify the port number (usually 5900). A password will be requested when connecting to the server.

Fig. 7. Settings for connecting to VNC


  • Universal client for connecting to a remote server using various protocols.
  • There are versions for Windows, OS X and iOS.
  • It is impossible to organize remote access only with Royal TS, additional programs are needed.
  • Not suitable for remote configuration of computers for inexperienced users - they simply will not be able to configure the necessary remote access services.

Supremo: free and easy (freeware)

Let's analyze the situation. If you don’t like TeamViewer or you can’t use it for some reason (including the need to purchase a license for commercial use), and Radmin is also not suitable for any reason, then you will have to look for analogues. Since the article is about simple and free programs, it is necessary that the following program be: a) free; b) simple. Such is the Supremo program, which can be downloaded from the site.

The program (Fig. 8) was created “in the image and likeness” of TeamViewer. It does not require installation, its working principle is the same as that of TeamViewer, even it uses the same terminology (this is me regarding the partner ID and other labels in the program interface).

The custom computer and the support technician computer must be running Windows only. Different editions of Windows are supported, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. About support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 on the official website has not yet been said.

Fig. 8. Supremo program

The algorithm for its use is simple: you need to run the program on both computers, then ask the remote side for its ID and password, and then click the "Connect" button. Before this, the remote side must press the "Start" button, otherwise the connection will not be allowed. Perhaps this is the only difference from TeamViewer.

For a more complete overview, let's go to the program settings (Tools -\u003e Options). In the "Security" section (Fig. 9), you can configure the program to start automatically, specify a password for remote connections and specify which IDs are allowed to connect to your computer.

Fig. 9. Supremo Security Settings

In the "Connection" section (Fig. 10), you can specify the proxy server settings, if it is present on your network.

Fig. 10. Supremo Connection Parameters

In addition to its direct purpose, namely remote computer control, the program can be used to exchange files. For file sharing (which is possible in two directions - both downloading and downloading) just use drag & drop.


  • Easy to use.
  • No installation required.
  • The ability to transfer files.
  • Chat feature.
  • Does not require firewall settings (using HTTPS / SSL).
  • There is no support for OSs other than Windows.
  • No mobile clients.

LogMeIn (freeware)

Consider another useful program - LogMeIn (Fig. 11). The purpose of this program is the same as all the others discussed in this article - remote access. You will find several similar products on, but we are primarily interested in LogMeIn Free. Its capabilities are quite enough for most purposes: access to a computer running Windows or OS X, remote control and viewing the desktop, copying and pasting data between computers, reboot function, chat, multi-monitor support, intrusion detection via SSL / TLS, not requires firewall settings, does not require administrator privileges on a remote computer.

Personally, I liked the functions of copying and pasting data between computers, as well as the reboot function: in the process of setting up a computer, it sometimes requires a reboot, after which the remote access session will be automatically restored, which is very convenient.

Unlike the Free version, the Pro version supports transferring files between computers, HD video, dragging and dropping files between computers, and a few other functions, for which it is hardly worth paying almost 53 euros a year - this is how much the Pro version costs. A comparison of these two versions, as well as the version for OS X, can be found at:

Fig. 11. The main window of LogMeIn

The way you work with this program is slightly different from TeamViewer and similar programs. Everything is a little more complicated, but, apparently, this is how the developers of LogMeIn determine who uses the program and for what purposes. In the main window, select “from a Mac or PC” and then you will see the sequence of actions that you need to perform to give another user access to this computer (Fig. 12). Grandfather and grandmother are definitely confused and will not be appreciated. You can’t do without registering on, although it is free, it’s completely superfluous in terms of convenience.

Fig. 12. How to connect to this PC

There is, however, a simpler way - anonymous access through a browser. Pretty interesting feature that is not in other similar programs. The bottom line is this: the user who wants you to configure his computer creates an invitation link, then sends it in any convenient way to you (by email, via Skype, and so on). The invitation link is valid for a certain time (the time is set by the remote user), even if someone sees the link, he is unlikely to be able to use it after the expiration date.

Let's look at how to create an invitation and how to use it. The "Sharing the desktop" section displays the current prompts. By clicking the “Send Invitation” button, you can generate the same link. The invitation creation wizard allows you to determine the duration of the invitation and how to send the invitation (you can send a link by e-mail, or you can just get the link and send it manually).

Fig. 13. Management of a remote computer through a browser

Then you need to send this link to the person who will configure the computer. When he copies it to the browser and opens it, he will see a screen similar to that shown in Fig. 13. To continue, click the "Continue" button. After that, the user who sent the link will receive two requests in succession. The first request is a request for permission to access a guest, the second request is for granting access rights (Fig. 20). The guest can either fully control the computer, or just view the desktop without the possibility of control.


  • It does not require administrator rights.
  • Does not require a firewall setup.
  • Ability to use a browser for remote control.
  • Mobile Clients
  • Somewhat unusual principle of operation.

Mosh (mobile shell): a good alternative for SSH

Mosh can also be used for remote access to the console (that is, you can remotely execute commands and you will see their result). The main advantage of Mosh over SSH is the possibility of roaming, that is, changing the network on the client machine, which is useful on the road when the network can change (now it is cellular, after a few minutes - Wi-Fi, while changing IP, but the connection remains). Frequently traveling admins will appreciate it. But there is one big drawback: Mosh will not connect to a regular SSH server, that is, Mosh will have to be installed on the server. But Mosh does not work as a daemon, like SSH, but as a regular program, that is, it does not need root access to run it. Mosh is available for many Linux and BSD distributions, OS X, iOS (as part of the popular iSSH client), and Android.

UltraVNC / RealVNC

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) - a system of remote access to the desktop of a computer using the protocol RFB (Remote FrameBuffer). It was previously shown how to organize a VNC server in Linux; in Windows, such a server can be created using UltraVNC or RealVNC programs. The UltraVNC program is similar to RealVNC, but it has additional features such as encrypting the connection between the client and server, the Java Viewer module (access to a remote PC through a browser with Java support), and others. Although RealVNC has a VNC Viewer plugin for Google Chrome, there is no need for a Java Viewer. As already noted, the programs are largely similar, so in this article we will only consider UltraVNC.

When installing UltraVNC, it is possible to install both a VNC server and a VNC client. If you do not need remote access to your computer, you can not install the VNC server. When installing the VNC server, it will be possible to configure it to run as a system service, but for this you need administrator rights. The RFB protocol, which uses VNC, usually involves the use of ports 5900-5906. Therefore, to connect via VNC, you need to configure a firewall, otherwise it will "kill" the connection.

To connect to a VNC server, UltraVNC Viewer is used. The program is universal, and you can use it to connect to any VNC server, and not just the one running UltraVNC Server. Similarly, you can connect to the server created by UltraVNC Server using RoyalTS or any other VNC client.

A few words about how it all works. First, run the UltraVNC Edit Settings program and set the password on the Security tab to access the VNC server, then you need to run the UltraVNC Server program. Then, on another computer, launch UltraVNC Viewer (Fig. 14) and enter the IP computer on which the VNC server is installed, and click the Connect button.

Fig. 14. UltraVNC Viewer


  • You need admin rights, you need to configure the firewall.
  • The same protocol can be used to control Windows, OS X and Linux, but these are not the advantages of a specific program, but VNC itself.

Ssh access

The classic remote access remains SSH. It would seem that here you can still come up with? Well, for example, what if you have a lot of remote machines? Prescribe aliases for each? There are special utilities that allow you to quickly switch between machines. One such manager on Linux is Gnome Connection Manager. The program is very convenient, highly recommended. On Windows, AutoPuTTY is used for this purpose - a shell for the popular SSH / Telnet client PuTTY, which can be downloaded at: A similar SSH connection manager is also available for OS X-Shuttle. For mobile platforms, you can use mobile SSH clients - Prompt (iOS) and ConnectBot (Android). Links and screenshots you can easily find on the Web.

Ammyy Admin (freeware)

Ammyy Admin is another program for remote access to the desktop. The program is good in that it is absolutely free, completely undemanding to resources (the executable file generally takes a ridiculous 700 Kb), allows you to organize both regular remote access to the desktop, and a connection in the style of a remote office, does not require setting and changing firewall settings. You can familiarize yourself with the other features of the program on the developers website.

AnywhereTS (freeware)

Allows you to convert computers to thin clients. The main purpose of this program is by no means remote access for reasons of technical support, as in all previously described programs, although it can also be used for this. AnywareTS allows you to give a second life to old computers that will be used as thin clients - connect to a server on which programs that are physically impossible to run on older PCs will run. You will find detailed information about this program on the developers website.

Remote Access in Windows 8

This review would not be complete if we did not consider the capabilities of the OS itself. On the "server" (that is, on the computer to which remote access is planned), you need to perform the following steps:

  • Run SystemPropertiesRemote.exe.
  • Enable the "Allow remote assistant connections to this computer" checkbox.
  • Turn on the “Allow remote connections to this computer” switch and click the “Apply” button.
  • If you are using energy-saving mode, you need to configure the computer so that it never goes into sleep mode.

On your computer, use the Remote Desktop Connection application to connect to the remote computer.

Fig. 15. Permission of remote access

Google Hangouts: Screen Sharing and Video Conferencing

As a last resort, you can use the new service from Google - Hangouts . It allows you to arrange video calls during which users can show each other their screens. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with this service yourself.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a lot of programs for remote access. As I hope, I have shown that the most familiar tool is not always the most effective. It is necessary to build on the conditions of a specific task, target platforms and other factors. I hope that now I have finally clarified the whole picture of remote access in your head. You can send all suggestions and wishes to [email protected]

PC remote control programs are well known to any system administrator or technical support employee, since in their daily activities they constantly face the task of administering the servers and PCs of users on the local network. The most common utility for remote PC control is, of course, Remote Desktop Connection, which is included with the Windows operating system. This fact is explained not so much by its functionality as by the fact that it is an integral part of the OS, and therefore it is not necessary to purchase it separately. As for the functionality of this utility, in practice it is usually not enough, therefore, specialized third-party software packages are often used. In this article we will consider specialized software packages designed for remote control of computers.

If you try to classify remote control programs, then they can be conditionally divided into two types: utilities that provide access to the desktop of the remote PC, and utilities that provide access to the command line of the remote PC. The first of them provide users with the ability to work with a remote PC in the same way as with a local one. Utilities of the second type allow you to automate the network by running the same or different applications on several selected computers on the network, as well as, for example, creating a schedule for launching programs on remote PCs. It is completely pointless to try to compare these two types of utilities, since they are used in different situations and for different purposes.

Note that most programs for remote control operate on the principle of “client-server”, that is, they imply the presence of the server and client parts of the program, which are respectively installed on the managed computer and on the PC from which the control is performed. To gain control of a remote PC, it is necessary that the corresponding program module (server part) is launched on it. Some remote management utilities allow you to remotely install the server part (if you have the appropriate administrative rights), and sometimes this procedure is completely transparent to the local PC user (as a rule, in this case the server part is installed as a service on the remote PC). But some utilities require a “manual” installation of the server side of the program.

In this article, we present to your attention remote control programs oriented to use with Windows platforms. It should be noted that in the process of preparing the publication, we looked at dozens of utilities for remote PC control (the benefit of finding them on the Internet is not difficult). However, as it turned out, not all utilities are functional and generally deserve mention. Therefore, we will focus only on those that are really operational and have been tested by us on a real local network.

Anyplace Control 3.3 (

Anyplace Control 3.3 package belongs to the category of client-server applications.

The Host-module is installed on the managed PC, and the Admin-module of the program is installed on the PC from which the control is performed. Of course, it is possible to simultaneously install both modules on any PC on the local network. But the most interesting thing is that the Anyplace Control 3.3 program provides the ability to remotely install the Host module on any computer on the local network. And all that is needed is to select a computer on the local network and start the remote installation of the Host module. Naturally, for this you must have administrator rights.

Note that the Anyplace Control 3.3 program supports the Russian-language interface.

Anyplace Control 3.3 allows you to work in two modes: view and control. In the first mode, it is possible to display the desktop of the remote PC on the screen and observe the user's actions, and in control mode - completely intercept the control of the remote PC. An interesting feature of the remote control mode is that the work of the user of the remote PC is not blocked. However, in both modes, the user of the remote PC receives a notification in the form of an icon in the system tray that his computer is “under the hood”.

To connect to a remote PC, you must first select it from the list. The built-in scanner allows you to display all the computers on the local network (domain or workgroup), and you can configure the filter to display only PCs that already have the client part of the program installed, that is, those to which you can connect.

After selecting the computers to which you want to connect, they are added to the list and become available for remote management (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The main window of the Anyplace program
Control 3.3 with a displayed list of computers,

The undoubted advantage of this utility is that it allows you to remotely control multiple PCs at the same time. At the same time, it is possible to execute commands such as shutting down, rebooting, and ending a user session on managed PCs.

To prevent unauthorized access to the PC during the installation of Anyplace Control 3.3, you can set a password for access to the managed computer. Among other interesting features of the program are traffic encryption settings for remote PC control and the use of a common clipboard between the managed computer and the PC from which the control is performed. True, transferring pictures through this buffer will not work, but text fragments are transmitted without problems.

In conclusion, we note that the demo version of Anyplace Control 3.3 is valid for 30 days after installation. The price of the full version of the program depends on the number of PCs on which it is installed, at the rate of $ 17.5 per PC.

Access Remote PC 4.12.2 (

The Access Remote PC 4.12.2 utility also belongs to the category of client-server applications and allows you to intercept the desktop and get full access to any PC where the server part of this program is installed from any other computer (Fig. 2). Note that the server part of the program is installed on the managed PC, and the client part is installed on the computer from which it is controlled. When installing the server part of the program on computers subject to remote control, the user name for which remote control is authorized and the access password are set.

Fig. 2. File transfer between computers
in Access Remote PC 4.12.2 Utility

The Access Remote PC 4.12.2 program provides the ability to control computers both over the local network, and over the Internet, and even through modem connections. When remotely controlling a computer, the local user’s work is not blocked, but that the computer is controlled from the outside, as well as who exactly controls the computer, the local user can recognize by the icon in the system tray. In addition, the server part of the program allows, if necessary, to disconnect all remote users from the PC, change passwords, view statistics of each remote control session.

Access Remote PC 4.12.2 provides two operating modes: the full control mode of the remote PC and the monitoring mode.

The disadvantages of this utility include the inability to remotely control several PCs simultaneously using a single interface. However, you can start several connection sessions at the same time (each of them in its own window), and then the ability to control several remote computers is realized. Another disadvantage of the program is the inability to remotely install its server part.

The advantage of Access Remote PC is that it can work with firewalls, supports dynamic IP addresses and, importantly, practically does not slow down even on slow network connections, including modem ones. In addition, this utility allows you to easily transfer files between computers, for which a special Transfer Files mode is provided (Fig. 2), and also supports working with the clipboard, that is, it allows you to synchronize clipboards on a local and remote PC, which simplifies text transfer fragments between pc. Another advantage of the program is support for encryption when transmitting data using the RC4 algorithm with a 160-bit key.

The free version of the program is fully functional, but the number of its launches is limited - only 30 times.

LanHelper 1.61 (

LanHelper 1.61 (Fig. 3) is a small utility that allows you to automate the process of managing a local network.

Fig. 3. The main window of the LanHelper 1.61 utility

With it, you can remotely shut down or reboot multiple network computers at the same time. You can run applications on remote PCs (if they support launching from the command line), in addition, simultaneous launch of identical applications on a group of managed PCs is supported.

The LanHelper utility has a built-in set of commands that can be executed on remote PCs (Fig. 4). In this case, it is possible to indicate the time when the application is launched, and the time interval in accordance with which the applications are launched on the PC (minimum interval is 1 min). You can also schedule applications to run on remote PCs. The most important advantage of the program is that in order to realize all its capabilities, it is not necessary to install the client part on remote PCs.

Fig. 4. Remote command execution
simultaneously on several computers
using the utility LanHelper 1.61

In addition to remote command execution, LanHelper 1.61 utility allows you to view, start and stop various services on remote PCs (Fig. 5), as well as send messages to users (to implement this feature, you must activate the Messenger service on all PCs).

Fig. 5. Work with services on a remote PC
using the utility LanHelper 1.61

To implement the ability to run applications and execute commands on remote PCs, you must have administrator rights.

Demo version of LanHelper program LanHelper 1.61 has a limited validity period of 30 days, the license price is $ 49.95.

DameWare NT Utilities (

The software package DameWare NT Utilities is a powerful system for remote administration of the local network. It is based on a set of Microsoft Windows NT administration utilities, united by a very convenient single interface. Most of the utilities included in the package of Microsoft Windows NT administration utilities have advanced features, and in addition, it has a number of unique utilities. In particular, the package includes the DameWare Mini Remote Control utility that allows you to fully control the desktop of the remote PC, as well as a utility for implementing command line mode on the remote PC.

When you start the DameWare NT Utilities package, the entire network is automatically scanned and in the main program window all available domains and workgroups, as well as computers in the selected domain / workgroup are displayed (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. The main window of the DameWare NT Utilities utility

We briefly list the features of the DameWare NT Utilities package: with it, you can view information about hard drives on remote PCs, get acquainted with the contents of the Event Log, view information about connected printers, running processes and services, installed applications, and collect detailed PC configuration information, receive service information about PC users activated, and much more. There are additional features: you can quickly edit the registry on a remote PC, send messages to users through the Messenger service, remotely turn off or restart computers and, as already mentioned, get full control of the remote PC through the command line or desktop.

The undoubted advantage of this software package is that for the implementation of remote control it is not necessary to manually install the client part of the program on a remote PC. When you try to control a remote PC through the desktop or command line, the DameWare NT Utilities program automatically issues a request to install and start the necessary service on the remote PC. In this case, the user of this remote PC will learn about the control interception in a pop-up window that displays information about which PC is used for remote control.

The advantages of DameWare NT Utilities include the ability to simultaneously connect to multiple computers to manage them, as well as the fact that remote control does not block the work of a local user.

In general, this software package is a powerful and convenient network management tool.

The demo version of the program is fully functional, but with a limited duration of 30 days. The price of one license is $ 289. In addition, you can separately purchase the DameWare Mini Remote Control package for remote control of computers through the desktop, one license will cost $ 89.95.

Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 (

The current version of the Omniquad Instant Remote Control utility - 2.2.9 - is far from new, but still remains one of the best in its class.

The Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 utility allows you to get full control over a remote PC through the desktop. A distinctive feature of this utility is that it does not require the installation of the client part on a managed PC. When accessing a remote PC, the corresponding service is initially launched in hidden mode, and the user of the PC managed by this program does not receive any notification and is not able to find out that control of his computer has been intercepted. This allows you to use this utility for covert monitoring of user actions. Note that not all remote control utilities have the ability to control a PC without prior notice to the user.

When the program starts, the network is automatically scanned, and the computers of the network environment are displayed in the main window of the program (Fig. 7). After selecting any computer by pressing the Remote Control button, the control of the remote PC is intercepted. The work of the local user is not blocked. In addition, it is possible to run this utility in the monitoring mode of the desktop of a remote PC.

Fig. 7. The main window of the Omniquad Instant Remote Control 2.2.9 utility

Note that for remote control, you must have the appropriate rights to access the PC. If you are using a firewall (Firewall) on a remote PC, you must open port 6003, which is used by this utility by default. In addition, you can assign Omniquad Instant Remote Control to any other port (you can also scan open ports).

The disadvantage of the program is that it does not support simultaneous connection with several remote computers.

The demo version of the utility has a limited validity period of 30 days, the license price is $ 39.

EMCO Remote Desktop Professional 4.0 (

According to the range of functionalities, this product (Fig. 8) is to some extent similar to the DameWare NT Utilities package. The EMCO Remote Desktop Professional software package is a set of functional tools for implementing remote management of a local network and monitoring its status.

Fig. 8. Main window of EMCO Remote Desktop Professional

When the program starts, you can activate a network scanner, which allows you to collect detailed information about all the computers on the local network, about the applications installed on them, about the running processes, about the versions of the existing operating system, about the installed equipment, etc. In addition to automatically collecting information about network computers (this process takes a long time), you can also add PCs to the list manually.

The package allows you to remotely start and stop services, restart and shut down computers. The most interesting feature of this program is the ability to gain full control over the remote computer - just select the desired computer in the list and go to the Viewer tab. If this is your first time managing your computer, you need to install the NetServer service on the remote PC. This procedure is carried out remotely and is completely invisible to the local user. After the NetServer service is running on the remote PC, you can connect to it, get full control over the management and then work with the remote PC in the same way as with the local one. When remotely controlling a computer, the local user’s work is not blocked; however, if you use the mouse at the same time, it is unlikely that anything will work out.

Since the local user does not receive any notifications that the computer is controlled externally, the EMCO Remote Desktop Professional software package can be effectively used to secretly monitor user actions.

Another important advantage of the program is that it allows you to simultaneously remotely control multiple PCs. At the same time, for each session of connection with a remote PC, a special window is allocated.

Among the disadvantages of this program, we note the complexity of its configuration when using Windows XP SP2 on a managed PC. Moreover, as practice shows, the need for configuration depends on which patches are installed. Of course, a step-by-step instruction of those changes that will have to be made in this case is attached to the program (more precisely, the program downloads the corresponding instructions from the site), but all this is quite inconvenient and impractical.

The demo version of the program is designed for 30 days and supports only 25 computers on the local network. The package price depends on the number of computers on the network: 50 computers (minimum number) - $ 135; 1000 computers - $ 1,295

Radmin 3.0 Remote Control (

Of all the products we reviewed, the Radmin 3.0 Remote Control utility from Famatech is the most recent - its new version was released in early 2007.

This utility is designed to monitor and gain full control over a remote PC within the local network.

Radmin 3.0 Remote Control is equipped with only the most necessary tools for controlling a remote PC and is very easy to configure (Fig. 9). Thanks to this, it is not difficult to master. The utility works on the principle of a client-server application and includes two parts: the first (server) part is installed on the managed PC, and the second - on the PC from which the control is performed.

Fig. 9. The main window of the Radmin 3.0 Remote Control utility

The disadvantages of the program include the lack of built-in tools for remote installation of the server part (Radmin Server) on a managed PC, so if you need to gain control over any PC on the network, you will first have to install the corresponding module locally on it.

In our opinion, a serious drawback of this utility is the lack of a built-in network scanner, which does not allow you to get a list of PCs to which you can connect.

Well, the last drawback that was discovered during testing of this program is that for the utility to work correctly, you need to configure or simply disable Firewall on the managed PC if it uses Windows XP SP2.

The utility works in several modes: file transfer, full control, view only, Telnet, shutdown and command line mode. There is a built-in file manager with which files are transferred from one PC to another. The program keeps statistics of the used traffic and can encrypt data.

With the help of Radmin 3.0 Remote Control, you can control both one remote computer and several at once, with each setting its own password. To ensure an increased level of security, you can take additional precautions: enable password protection and make a list of prohibited IP addresses.

The latest version of the program has many interesting innovations:

  • support for Windows Vista;
  • text and voice chat with the ability to conduct conferences and exchange personal messages and password protection;
  • enhanced security to protect against attacks and protect active data on the network;
  • different access rights for each user;
  • IP filters to restrict access to specific IP addresses and subnets.

In general, it should be noted that this utility loses in functionality to similar remote control utilities. The lack of a built-in network scanner, the need for local installation of the Radmin Server module - all this significantly limits its functionality.

In conclusion, we note that the cost of the Radmin 3.0 Remote Control license is $ 49 per PC.

Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59 (

Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59 (Fig. 10) is a small utility that, by design, should provide complete control of the remote PC. It consists of two parts and works on the principle of "client / server". In addition, it is possible to remotely collect information about the hardware configuration of a PC, etc. However, listing all the features of the utility in this case hardly makes sense, since it is so crude that it is unlikely to be used.

Fig. 10. Information window of the utility
Atelier Web Remote Commander 5.59

Of the obvious shortcomings can be identified the lack of help. In addition, the program does not have a built-in network scanner, which is why you have to explicitly enter the name or IP address of the computer to which you need to connect, which is extremely inconvenient. But the main drawback is that in order to connect to a remote PC on it, you first need to install the appropriate program module (while there is no built-in tool for remote installation) and somehow configure it.

Unfortunately, no matter how we set up the program, we were not able to make a remote connection (the connection was made through a local area network between two computers running Windows XP SP2). Although the program is paid (the demo version has a limited validity period), it is absolutely useless and inoperative. Our verdict is “to bake” such programs.

Remote Desktop Control 1.7 (

The Remote Desktop Control 1.7 program belongs to the category of client-server applications, that is, the Host module of the program is installed on the managed PC, and the Admin module is installed on the PC from which it is controlled.

By its interface (Fig. 11) and functionality, the Remote Desktop Control 1.7 package is very similar to Anyplace Control 3.3, but it also has some important differences (and for the worse), for example, it lacks the ability to remotely install the Host module on any local computer network. In addition, for the Remote Desktop Control 1.7 package to work, it is necessary to configure Firewall on the managed computer (add the program to the list of allowed), while Anyplace Control 3.3 does this automatically.

Fig. 11. The main program window
Remote Desktop Control 1.7 with a displayed list of computers,
to which you can remotely connect

In its functionality, Remote Desktop Control 1.7 is similar to Anyplace Control 3.3: it allows you to work in two modes: viewing and management; in viewing mode, you can display the desktop of the remote PC on the screen and monitor user actions, and in control mode - completely intercept the control of the remote PC.

Utilities allow you to remotely control multiple PCs simultaneously. This provides for the simultaneous execution on the managed PC of such commands as shutting down, rebooting, and terminating a user session.

In conclusion, we note that the demo version of Remote Desktop Control 1.7 is valid for 30 days after installation. The price of the full version of the program depends on the number of PCs on which it is installed - $ 15 per PC.

TightVNC for Windows 1.3.8 (

TightVNC for Windows 1.3.8 is an absolutely free utility for remote computer control, which works on the principle of “client-server” and has two modules: TightVNC Viewer and TightVNC Server. The TightVNC Server module is installed on the managed PC, and the TightVNC Viewer is installed on the PC from which it is controlled. There are no tools for remote installation of the TightVNC Server module. In addition, before starting work, you must configure the TightVNC Server module by specifying a connection password. To connect to a remote PC, just specify its DNS name or IP address and select the type of connection (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Connecting to a remote PC using the utility
TightVNC for Windows 1.3.8

The only function of TightVNC for Windows 1.3.8 is to gain full access to the desktop of a remote computer and control it using the mouse and keyboard. If you consider that the utility is absolutely free, then it can be recommended to home users.

UltraVNC 1.0.2 (

Utility UltraVNC 1.0.2 - this is another absolutely free, but, nevertheless, a very effective utility for remote PC control, working on a "client-server" basis. The UltraVNC Server module is installed on the managed computer, and the UltraVNC Viewer module is installed on the computer from which it is controlled. There are no tools for remote installation of the UltraVNC Server module in the program, so you need to install the modules locally.

The UltraVNC Server module has a lot of settings (Fig. 13) and allows you to set a connection password, select which ports to use, etc.

Fig. 13. Configuring the UltraVNC Server module

When accessing the desktop of a remote PC in full control mode, the local user is not blocked. In addition, the utility UltraVNC 1.0.2 offers a number of additional features. For example, there is a built-in chat with which you can exchange messages with a remote PC. It also provides the ability to transfer files. On top of that, UltraVNC 1.0.2 utility provides encryption of transmitted data, for which key exchange between computers is provided.

In general, it can be noted that the utility UltraVNC 1.0.2 is a highly effective tool for remote PC management and can be recommended for both home users and corporate use (especially considering that the utility is free).

RealVNC (

There are three versions of RealVNC: Free Edition, Personal Edition, and Enterprise Edition, which differ in functionality and cost.

RealVNC Free Edition has minimal functionality and is completely free. Actually, in this case we are only talking about the possibility of gaining access to the desktop of a remote PC.

The RealVNC Personal Edition option offers a number of additional features. First of all, it is AES encryption of traffic with a key length of 128 bits (Fig. 14), and automatic generation of the encryption key is supported. In addition, it is possible to use user authentication, as well as transferring files between computers and much more.

Fig. 14. Configuring traffic encryption
and user authentication
in RealVNC Personal Edition

A distinctive feature of the RealVNC Enterprise Edition option is its multi-platform. That is, this program, having all the features of RealVNC Personal Edition, can be used to remotely control computers that have both Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and MAC, and Windows 95/98 / Me / NT 4/2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista.

The cost of the RealVNC program depends on the number of licenses (the number of managed computers) and on the delivery option. So, the cost of the Personal Edition option is $ 30 for a single license, and the Enterprise Edition option is $ 50 for a single license.

Hidden Administrator 1.5 (

The Hidden Administrator 1.5 program (Fig. 15) is another free program for remote control of computers, and, as the name implies, it allows you to covertly monitor computers.

Fig. 15. The main window of the Hidden Administrator 1.5 utility

The program works on the principle of "client-server". The server part is installed on a managed computer, and funds for remote installation are not provided.

In addition to the function of gaining access to the desktop of a remote computer in full control mode, Hidden Administrator 1.5 offers a number of additional features: receive information about the configuration of a remote PC, exchange files with a remote PC, send messages to a remote PC, turn off or restart the remote computer, work with the registry of the remote PC, receive and transmit the clipboard, run programs on the remote PC and much more (Fig. 16). Listing everything that this program is capable of would take a lot of time. Note that the only thing she does not know how to do is encrypt traffic. Naturally, you can set a password to connect to a remote PC and even set up an IP filter on computers from which remote control is possible.

Fig. 16. Choosing an action with a remote PC
in Hidden Administrator 1.5

This utility is the best in its class, and it can be recommended to home users.