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Unable to install android into default folder. Failed to install the application in the default folder on Android

The error "Unable to install the application" in Android occurs periodically for all users. How to fix it? We will discuss in this article and give a couple of working solutions.

After prolonged use of Android in the Google Play store, the following error may appear: “the application cannot be installed with insufficient memory” or “the application cannot be installed in the default folder”. Due to these errors, you cannot install the application on your Android smartphone or tablet.

Unable to install application insufficient memory

If you got this error on Google Play about an insufficient amount of Android memory, although it seems to have memory (memory), then for a start, watch the video that we attached below.

Firstly, the memory on the device is much less on the device than the manufacturer indicates, and secondly, it is divided into sections. That is, at the output you can get, for example, from the declared 32Gb only 18 GB. But this is not all, some manufacturers assign a separate section only for applications, and separately only for photos, videos, audio and other files. Plus, Android requires about 500 mb of free space for the operating system to work correctly, upon reaching this limit you will see an error about a small amount of memory. Therefore, the frequent question “there is no memory for installing applications, although there is still a lot of it” lies only in a lack of understanding of its distribution.

By the way, when you install an application or game on Android, for example, 40 megabytes in size, then in the system it will take as much as 50-100 MB and over time can take up even more space!

How to solve the error "there is no memory to install applications"

  1. Transfer applications to SDCard - most applications allow you to transfer applications to a memory card. All you need to do is go to the Settings section -\u003e

Now let's move on to the solution of the problem “Unable to install the application in the default folder”.

How to solve the error "cannot install the application in the default folder"

With the error about the inability to install the application in the folder, things are somewhat more complicated, since there is no exact recipe for how to solve this problem. More precisely, one of the proposed options will work for sure, but you will have to spend a little personal time.

  1. Transfer applications to SDCard - most applications allow you to transfer applications to a memory card. All you need is to go to the "Settings" -\u003e "Applications" section, go into the application and perform the transfer.

  2. Android memory cleaning - if you are not an expert on how memory is allocated, then you can offer to perform a general cleaning of the device. Manually delete old and unnecessary files or applications. You can also use the special CCLeaner application.
  3. Combine memory - starting with version 6 of Android, the function of combining the internal drive and memory card has been added. If the manufacturer of your Android has not cut out this feature, then by combining you will have additional space for installing applications.
  4. Removing a memory card is a proven experiment that has helped many users. All you need is to remove the memory card from the device and restart Android, and then try to reinstall the application.
  5. Cleaning the memory card - as a rule, Android stores some data on the memory card, format the microSD and check if the problem is resolved.
  6. Reset settings - if all the previous methods did not help to solve the problem with installing the application on Android, then try resetting the settings.
  7. Firmware Android device - the last step, if the rest did not help you. Perhaps installing the new firmware on Android will help you. How to do this is written in detail on our website.

Still have questions? Write them in the comments, tell us what you did or vice versa!

The development of information technology does not stand still, it is happening in rapid leaps. And the more difficult operating systems are produced. Therefore, it is not surprising that developers can get confused and create an update that leads to a conflict with the equipment or simply makes the system unusable.

Although, with such errors, in most cases, the users themselves are to blame. To be more precise, their illiteracy. This article will discuss what to do when the error “Unable to install the application in the default folder” appears.

For newbies

The very first recommendation any technical support provides is to reboot the device. And it doesn’t matter at all which manufacturer it is and which model is used. If an error occurs, you must first try to fix it by restarting the computer. It is worth noting that during long continuous operation of the equipment errors can accumulate, as well as many third-party processes are loaded. Therefore, the installation of some new application may lead to a conflict of running programs and the content itself. When the operating system is rebooted, the device’s memory is cleared and its performance improves, and the chances of installing the application increase. Therefore, the user can avoid the occurrence of a message that indicates the impossibility of installing the application in the default folder.


The most common reason for the message that it is not possible to install the application in the default folder is the lack of free space in the permanent memory of the device itself. Therefore, you must complete the following steps:

1. Go to Settings - Applications.
  2. Select old applications that are not needed, and delete them. You should be extremely careful, clean the device from useful system programs and utilities.
  3. Go to Settings - Memory and check the available free space. If it is enough, then the message about the impossibility of installing the application in the default folder is lost.


It is worth noting that theoretically the previous method includes a method for solving the problem, which will be considered now. If, after freeing up free space on the memory card, the device again writes that it is not possible to install the application in the default folder, it is possible that the cause of the problem is the Play Market. To fix it, you need to go into the phone settings and select "Applications". Next, you should find the "Market" in the list that opens and click on it.

After its settings are found, you need to click "Clear Cache" and "Erase Data". Then you can try once again to install the desired program. In case of inefficiency of this method, it is proposed to "conjure" with the "Market". In the settings, click on the button “Delete updates”. Then you will need to reboot the device and launch the Market again. Next, you can again try to install the application. If this method also does not help, then you should use another option.

Updating the phone When a user once again receives a message stating that they cannot install the application in a folder, how can I find the reason? Recently, this problem has become urgent. This is due to the version of the operating system. If the OS received an update or a new version was purchased, there are several ways to get out of this situation:

1. Roll back the operating system version to an earlier one.
  2. Wait for the release of the new update.
  3. Install the OS of another assembly.

Whichever option is chosen, for its implementation, you should first contact the professionals for help, since if the device is flashed unsuccessfully, get the usual “brick”.

Try everything

When finding a solution to problems with technical devices, it is difficult to do without the advice of users who went through this. Recommendations of different users may vary. For example, some argue that it is necessary to remove and reinstall the memory card. You can try to remove applications on the device using a computer, rather than firmware. In addition, you need to check your Internet connection or just download the required application several times in a row.

  Last resort

Already from the title of the subheading, it becomes clear that this is the final one. In some cases, installation problems can occur due to unsuccessful synchronization of the device with the account. Suppose when such a process was interrupted unsuccessfully. To fix such a mess, you should do the following:

1. Go to Settings - Applications.
  2. It is worth paying attention to three programs: Google Play Market, Google Play Services and Google Services Framework.
  3. The following commands are executed for them: “Stop”, “Delete updates”, “Delete data”.
  4. Go to your account’s synchronization settings and delete all marks there.
  5. Reboot the device.
  6. Restore synchronization settings and once again restart the gadget.

Next, you can start Google Play. At first, there is a long update process, but after that, as a rule, the problem disappears. What to do if this method is also ineffective, and the message about the impossibility of installing the application in the default folder appears again. In this case, there is no other way out than to expect the release of an update that can fix the error, or you will have to reinstall the system completely. True, there is always an alternative. In this case, it consists in giving the mobile device for warranty service, so that specialists deal with the problem. In the end, you can change the default installation location of the application. To do this, you will have to visit Settings, go to the Memory section and reinstall the mark from the internal memory to an external SD card.

The further and more the development of information technologies takes place, the more complicated the operating systems become. It is not surprising that in this case, developers can get confused and release an update that leads to a conflict with the equipment or simply makes the system unusable. However, the errors themselves are often to blame for the users themselves, or rather their ignorance. Today we’ll talk about what to do if the error “Unable to install the application in the default folder” occurs.

For Dummies"

The very first advice that any technical support of each device will give you is to reboot the device. It doesn’t matter which manufacturer’s device and which specific model you are using, if any error occurs, try restarting the OS, even if it is impossible to install the application in the default folder.

The fact is that during long continuous operation of the device errors can accumulate, RAM cells fill up and many third-party processes are loaded. In this regard, when trying to install a new application, a conflict of working programs and installed content may occur. Thus, by rebooting the device, you will clear the device’s memory and improve performance by increasing the chances of installing the application, and you will be able to avoid a message that says that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder.


The most common reason for the message that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder is the lack of free space in the permanent memory of your Android device.

To do this, go to "Settings" - "Applications". We select old and unnecessary applications and delete them. Just be careful, do not clean your device from useful system programs and utilities. In addition, you can try to clear the space on the device by deleting data from your memory card: photos and videos. After all the manipulations, go to "Settings" - "Memory" and check the available free space. If it is enough, then the message that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder should stop appearing.


Theoretically, the previous method includes this method of solving the problem. However, if after you have freed up free space on the memory card, the device still writes: “It is impossible to install the application in the default folder,” then perhaps the problem lies in the Play Market itself.

To eliminate it, we’re entering the phone’s settings in the usual way and select “Applications”. We find in the opened list "Market" and click on it. In its settings, select "Clear Cache" and "Erase Data". After that, you can again try to install the desired program.

If all attempts fail, you can continue to "conjure" with "Market." In the settings you need to click on the "Delete Updates" button. After that, you need to reboot the device and run Market again. Now you can try to install the application again. If this method does not help, then move on to the next method.

Phone update

If you continue to receive a message stating that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder, what should I do and where to look for the reasons? Recently, a similar problem began to appear on most flagship Android devices. Strange as it may seem, this is due to the version of the operating system. Thus, if you updated the OS on your device or just bought a new one, you have several options:

  1. Roll back your operating system version to an older one.
  2. Obediently and patiently wait for the release of the new update.
  3. Install an operating system of a completely different assembly.

In any case, which of the three methods you choose, it’s better to turn to professionals to implement it, because as a result of an unsuccessful flashing of the gadget instead of a multimedia center, you can get an ordinary “brick”.

Try everything

Of course, when solving problems with any technical devices, one cannot do without the prompts of users who have passed through this. The tips of different users on the issue we are considering today may vary. For example, some say that you need to remove and reinsert the memory card, and that will help. You can try to remove applications on the gadget using a computer, rather than built-in utilities. Check your Internet connection or just try downloading the application you are interested in several times in a row.

Last resort

As the name implies, this method will be final. Sometimes installation problems can occur due to unsuccessful synchronization of the device with the account. For example, if the given process was unsuccessfully interrupted. To correct this turmoil, you must do the following:

  1. Once again, go to "Settings" - "Applications". We are interested in three utilities: Google Play Market, Google Play Services and Google Services Framework.
  2. For these applications, we execute the commands: “Stop”, “Delete updates”, “Delete data”.
  3. Now we follow in the account synchronization settings and uncheck all the checkboxes there.
  4. Reboot the device.
  5. We restore the synchronization settings and restart the gadget again.
  6. Now you can launch Google Play. First, a long update process will take place, but after that everything should work as it should.

But what if this method did not help and you again receive a message stating that it is impossible to install the application in the default folder? "Android" leaves no way out, except to wait until an update is released that will fix the error, or reinstall the entire system. Although there is always one main way out - to give the gadget for warranty service, let the professionals understand why the device refuses to work normally.

Finally, try changing the default installation location of the application. To do this, go to the "Settings" of the phone, the "Memory" section and switch the checkmark from the internal memory to an external SD card.

According to, let's say, numerous requests, I decided to start issuing lessons for those people who are weak PC users, but, which is commendable, want to improve their knowledge. This series of instructions and guides will cover many topics related to working with images and other media files, setting up your operating systems, and an overview of alternative systems such as Linux and the like.

Since the main kind of my activity is system administration, I can publish material and questions from users at least daily. Although, of course, laziness and lack of time will not allow me to do this. So, meet the first mini lesson.

How to configure a specific default view in Windows 7 folders?

Such a question was addressed to me today. Naturally, I pointed to the standard way of choosing the type of materials in a folder. But the question was different, how to make so that in all folders the files are displayed as a list by default. After sorting through the settings, a method was found:

We open any folder with files, set the view convenient for you, in this case I displayed everything in the form of a table. After that, click on the menu Arrange-\u003e Folder and Search Options:

And in the window that appears, in the tab VIEW  press the button Apply to folders

Whenever users start Windows Explorer, a GUI shell for  operating system Windows  will open folder  by default, which stores the current user "My documents"  (at Windows XP  or earlier) or documents folder  (on Windows Vista) to the logged in user as a home directory. AT Windows OS user folder My documents  set by default, which assumes that most users use folders  to manage documents and files, thereby Windows explorer  opens up my Documents folder  by default, which is convenient for most users.

If you use another folder  as a working folders  and youneed to access another folderwhich saves most of your files than my computer folder,via Windows explorer  can change the settings default folders  and assign another   folder  default so that whenever Windows explorer  will be launched, it will display the contents of another folders  instead my Documents folders.

How to change the default folder in Windows Explorer

1.Click on the button Startthen All programs  and accessories. If you use the context menu Windows explorerFor example, for Quick Launch or on the desktop, skip this step.

2.Right click on Windows explorer  (or its shortcut) and click Properties .

3.B Windows explorer  Properties, click on label  tabs.

4. By default, the value will be shown in the text box after “Target”, as shown below:

% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe

Change the Target text parameter field to the following:

% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe / n / a,

where represents the full path to the new folder that you want to open by default at startup Windows explorer. Spaces should not be omitted.

For example, if you want to Windows explorer  I ran and showed C: \\ folder, the target path should be something like this:

% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe / n / a, C: \\

Or, if you want to go directly to the C: \\ MyFolder \\ directory, the line should be read as follows:

% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe / n / a, C: \\ MyFolder \\

A special case is changing the default setting, sothat everything is displayed at the highest level of disks and folders. To show this, use the following entry as the target of the context menu when it opens Windows explorer, you can choose from all folders and drives, not just my Documents folder:

% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe / p / e, / selection, C: \\

The above syntax is Target with "/ select" opens parent folderso that you can "choose" from all   folders  (or drives) that are available at the same level of directory structure.

5. Click OK.

This trick works on most operating systems. Windows, including Windows XP and Windows Vista.