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Formatting a hard disk poppy. How to select a File System for Mac

The question of how to format the flash drive on Mac, most often occurs with the Windows Windows operating system, which had to use the Apple computer for some reason and rewrite some information to the external drive.

In this case, the formatting process of familiar ways (the right mouse button and the choice of the appropriate command) is not suitable.

But the problem is solved quite simply - moreover, it is possible to format in Mac OS, even to transfer information to a standard PC with Windows and even Linux.

Important! It is worth noting that when formatting information that was on a carrier will be destroyed, so if there are important data, it is worth transferring them to another device.

Basic formatting principles

Users only begin to use Mac, and before that worked only with Microsoft products, it does not immediately become clear how to format a flash drive in a new system for them.

Although everything for this is needed is to know about the existence of the Disk Utility utility (or in Russian translation of the "disk utility").

The following steps should be:

  • Insert a USB flash drive to the USB port;
  • Open Finder (an analogue of the conductor in "Windows");
  • Select Applications (Applications);
  • Click on the utility icon (Utilities).
  • Opening the application menu in Mac OS

    After that, a list of applications from which the Disk Utility should be selected on the screen. Further work is carried out in the discovered disk utility window.

    Mac OS Disk Utility

    Work with disk utility

    When the disk utility panel appears on the screen, you should find your USB drive in the device list and select the Erase tab (Erase).

    You should know that the old Apple operating systems support formatting only in a format suitable for Mac.

    And then the information will be able to be read only on the other "Mac", and your data transfer with a flash drive can be useless.

    But such systems cost except for outdated computers, and already Mac OS X is able to format in several ways:

  • In format for Mac OS;
  • In FAT (32 or a newer version of EFAT);
  • In NTFS.
  • Exterior view of the disk utility

    All these features have a conventional Disk Utility utility, although it is possible that the translation into NTFS will require the installation of additional drivers on Mac.

    Method number 1. Formatting for use in Mac OS

    If necessary, format the flash drive only for use on "Macs" with any version of Mac OS follows:

  • Open disk utility;
  • Open menu "Erase" for a flash drive;
  • Select Mac OS Extended format from the drop-down list;
  • Confirm your actions to the "Erase" team.
  • Formatting in format for "poppies"

    Now your drive is clean and waiting for information recording. But to read a flash drive formatted under Mac on a computer with "Windows" will not be possible.

    In order for the system to determine the USB carrier after Mac, you will need another formatting.

    Method number 2. Translation of flash drive in Fat and EXFAT format

    There are utilities among the features and formatting in standard FAT32 formats. Most modern computers, even with Windows, are no longer used.

    However, it is possible that you are going to connect a flash drive with data (for example, with a film that has the same extension, regardless of the system where it is started) to a TV or DVD player, which is much easier to work with this format.

    Your actions when choosing this method is almost the same as in the case of formatting for Mac OS:

  • Opening the utility;
  • Choosing an "erase";
  • Installation in the "MS-DOS (FAT)" or "EXFAT" format window.
  • Formatting in one of the FAT formats on Mac OS

    It should be noted that the EXFAT format may not work multimedia-devices such as TVs or DVD players.

    At the same time, it is universal and allows you to use the same flash drive both on the PC, and on the Mac.

    Moreover, both modern Mac OS and Windows XP SP2, 7 and, naturally, later versions are supported.

    Method number 3. Formatting in NTSF.

    The disadvantage of FAT is the ability to use only files whose size does not exceed 4 GB.

    What, given the size of modern games, programs, films, and even the flash drives themselves (32 GB is considered a completely normal amount for the carrier) is not always enough.

    In order to transfer the information and not split the file to format it better in NTFS.

    The format is also in the list of disk utility. However, for its use will have to make the following actions:

  • Download driver type NTFS Paragon or NTFS Seagate;
  • Establish them on the "Mac";
  • To restart a computer;
  • Re-connect the USB flash drive;
  • Open disk utility;
  • Select Windows NT FileSystem appeared in the list.
  • Selecting Windows NT FileSystem

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    And imac. To do this, you will need to start the Disk Utility (Disk Utility), which is located in the folder Programs → Utilities. Most external drives are formatted under Windows, in FAT32 or EXFAT format. If the flash drive is used to exchange data only between Mac with OS X, you can safely format in the Mac OS Extended file system.

    How to format the USB flash drive in OS X format

    Disk utility.

    3. In the "Format" section from the drop-down list, select Mac OS Extended (CJbook) and click Erase.

    How to format a USB flash drive in OS X format

    If you need to format the USB flash drive into the format of Windows devices, then there are 2 types of supported formats: FAT, EXFAT or NTFS. Fat is an old format that was used in the DOS operating system, it is impossible to record a file on it, the size of which is more than 4 GB. In this case, OS X can also work with this format, you can read such a flash drive and write files on it. ExFat. A more modern format that does not have such file size restrictions and supported by Windows XP SP2 and Windows 7..

    1. Connect the USB flash drive to Mac and run Disk utility.
    2. On the sidebar, select your USB flash drive and switch to the Erase tab.
    3. In the "Format" section of the drop-down list, select MS-DOS (FAT) or EXFAT and click Erase.

    How to format a flash drive in NTSF from OS X

    If the limit on the size of the file in 4 GB does not fit you, then you can format the USB flash drive to NTFS format, but for OS X you need to install the NFTS driver.

    1. Download NTFS Seagate or NTFS Paragon Driver for OS X and install them.
    2. Restart Mac.
    3. Connect the USB flash drive to Mac and run Disk utility.
    4. Now in the list of formats, the Orapets tab will appear Windows NT Filesystem.

    How to split a flash drive into several disks

    You can split the flash drive into several sections, each partition can be formatted in your own format. For example, one section will be Mac OS Extended, and the second EXFAT. When changing partitions, data from them is also deleted.

    1. Connect the USB flash drive to Mac and run Disk utility.
    2. On the sidebar, select your USB flash drive and switch to the tab. Disc section.
    3. In the partition scheme, select the number of partitions and adjust the size of them by moving the partition between the partitions up or down.
    4. Set the desired name and format for each section and click Apply.

    Currently, almost every person has a computer in use and enjoys it both in workers and in domestic affairs. For ease of use and data transfer, there is such a wonderful device as a flash drive. A modern person practically does not do without this device in everyday life. However, there is a nuance - depending on the operating system it is necessary to change the format of the flash drive. How to make the use of removable media convenient and for MacBook and for a regular computer?

    In the case when you are the happy owner of the MacBook or MacBook Air You will definitely need to set up a flash drive to use this type of devices. In fact, it all depends on the operating system of your computer. As for MacBook There is its own operating system, then it requires a different format of the flash drive than the computers of the OK system is Win.

    In order to format a flash drive for MacBook or MacBook Air. You need to do a number of the following actions:

    Setup Flash Drive for MacOS and Windows

    For convenient use of the flash drive on both operating systems, you must configure the USB flash drive. To begin with, you should decide on what computer you work more often and where most likely you will need formatting.

    In order to reformat the USB flash drive to a new format, it is necessary to open the same way as in the previous version: "programs" - "utilities" - "disk utilities" - "erase". Open the "Erase" menu in it there are several types of media formatting and changing the file system:

    • Mac OS Extended (magazine);
    • Mac OS Extended (registration of the keyboard, journal);
    • MS-DOS (FAT);
    • EXFAT.

    What format is better to use?

    Mac Os Extended.

    This is not the best way for compatibility with WIN media sharpened under the poppy. This system has been developed by Apple primarily for poppies. Therefore, if you are going to use the drive exclusively for apple computers, then this is your option. However, it is worth remembering that such a flash drive format simply will not appear.


    As well as the previous one is not the most convenient option. This format is sharpened to open in such operating systems as Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8. But often an error occurs when the equipment is started, since you lack one or another operating system update or any drivers and installations. Therefore, as you saw, we will consider this option not particularly reliable in the work.

    MS-DOS (FAT)

    This format variant will be like the way to suit the users of apple computers. All major actions formatting, change properties, etc. which you perform with your carrier will be available only in the Mac OS operating system, however, unlike Mac OS Extended The flash drive will easily open and read on other devices and PCs. However, access to them will be closed. An excellent option for those whose personal computer is McBook.


    NTFS is N.eW. T.echnology. F.ile. S.ySTEM. Its difference from the previous format is a completely reverse principle of operation. If you are a user, you have a Windows operating system on a personal computer, but sometimes you still have to use poppies, but they are not the main computers for you - this format suits you as anyone else. Using it Mac OS It will only be available to files on the flash drive and reformat it in any other will not be possible.

    Using additional formatting programs

    If none of the formats are convenient for you convenient and universal, as well as access to the settings of the removable drive, you need constantly from any device - there is a paid program "Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X" . Quite intuitive in its form. To take advantage of you to install it on your computer. When you do this in your settings of the disk utility will appear a new possibility of formatting:

    • WindOS NT FilySystem (Compressed);
    • WindOS NT Filesystem.

    Option "Compressed »Indicates data compression. Any of these options is suitable for use both on Winc and MacOS. The possibility of formatting the drive of the NTFS format under the Popper OS. When you finish working with flash drive, do not forget to safely remove it. Formatted flash drive can be written to absolutely any format.

    How to determine flash drive format?

    In order to determine which file system your memory card is running, you need to go to the Type of A File System tab and check the file system type. Inside the brackets will be the name about which you could see above. For example (MS-DOS (FAT32)).

    Why does McBuck sees a flash drive?

    When your computer does not see the carrier, the only way to solve is in the section "Disc utility" to go to the item - "First Aid" and work with solutions to "check the disk" and "fix the disk". Also when you do not use a safe drive extraction. Data can be labeled or "folded."

    When you finish working with flash drive, do not forget to safely remove it.

    Mega flash drive for the new MacBook Pro 2016? ➔ We understand the A-DATA SE730

    The share of PAC computers in total is 12.5%. In other words, one MacOS user accounts for seven Windows users. They need to exchange information with them, and nothing better than the flash drive is not invented to transfer large files. It can be worn in your pocket or lady's handbag, and the volume of drives constantly growing. In this material, we will tell how to format the flash drive on Mac so that it can be used to work with Windows and any peripheral devices.

    To begin with, we will understand which file systems are used in flash drives. The default standard is FAT32. It understands any peripheral device - from the office printer to the car radio. At the same time, it is not a secret for anyone that due to the restrictions of the FS for such a flash drive, it is impossible to record a file that exceeds 4 GB. The modern version is called "Advanced Fat" or abbreviated - EXFAT. There are no practical restrictions on the size of the recorded file for it, and the theoreticals lie outside of modern production facilities. Both of these systems have full-fledged reading and writing support in MacOS.

    Disk utility

    By connecting a flash drive to MacBook, you will not find in the context menu of the "Format" item, familiar to all users of Windows. Operations with discs, both internal and external, MacOS are performed using the disk utility tool.

    1. Open the "Utilities" folder in the Finder in the "Programs" section. We need for follow-up actions are marked by the framework.
    1. By running the "disk utility", choose the external disk that we want to format. In the top menu, press the "Erase" button.
    1. An additional window will open. It needs three actions: set a name with which the drive will be displayed in Finder, select the file system and sections.
    1. The frame is indicated above the FS compatible with Windows. MS-DOS (FAT) item indicates FAT system
    1. As a partition scheme, you should specify the marked MBR frame. Then the flash drive will work with 32-bit OS and external devices that support USB carriers. GUID can only be used with a 64-bit Windows.
    1. Referring parameters to the status shown in the screenshot, you can click the "Erase" button to start the formatting process.
    1. The appearance of such a window means that the OS successfully completed work with the disk.
    1. Choosing the device name specified by the manufacturer, you can find out the sections of sections used on the flash drive.
    1. Switching in the side menu to the name used when formatting, we see the file system and available for recording volume.

    Thus, using the disk utility, you can get complete information about any flash drive with which you have to deal with the user.

    NTFS support

    The NTFS file system developed by Microsoft is proprietary and used by default on Windows OS computers. The MacOS box works with it only in read mode. By connecting a flash drive formatted in the NTFS, we will be able to open and copy its contents on MacBook, but it will not work out on it.

    To work with this FS, the installation of additional software will be required. The user can use the Tuxera or Paragon NTFS driver. Both options paid, but the second is cheaper and is considered more stable. After installation, it will be displayed as a separate item in the system settings.

    Accordingly, in the File System Selection menu when working with a disk utility, an additional point will appear.

    As a result, Mac will be able to fully work with NTFS, supporting recording and formatting.

    Creating sections

    A large flash drive may be needed to split into sections with different file systems.

    1. Selecting an external media in the side menu, press the marked button on the top panel.
    1. The disk control wizard opens in the additional window. Use the "+" sign to create an additional partition on the flash drive. Automatically system will divide it on equal parts. Using the point in the section scheme, we change their dimensions in the desired proportions. In the marked fields indicated, we set the name and file system. After completing the setting, press the "Apply" button.
    1. The system informs us about readiness for operations and requests confirmation. Press the marked button to start the process of splitting the flash drive to the sections.
    1. As a result, we get the picture shown in the screenshot. The external drive contains two volumes with different file systems.

    The main condition for this operation is the use of "native" for the MacOS section of the GUID sections.


    In addition to the "disk utility" to work with a flash drive in MacOS through the terminal. This option can be useful in the case when formatting the external medium in the graphical interface does not work or require some "exotic" format like FAT16.

    1. Open the "Utilities" folder and launch the program marked in the screenshot.
    1. Enter the "diskutil listfilesystems" command. The system will display a complete list of FS with which it can work. In the left column of the Personality specified by the arrow, the file systems applied to the formatting commands are given. The right column User Visible contains the usual names used in the graphical interface.
    1. We connect a flash drive with which we will work. To determine its identifier in the system, display the disk list by the Diskutil List command. We are looking for the string "EXTERNAL, PHYSICAL". The "IDENTIFIER" column is indicated by the current flash drive ID: "disk2".
    1. For example, you will format in EXFAT with the MBR section scheme. It is executed by the "diskutil erasedisk" command. Next, the desired file system is specified, the name that will receive a flash drive upon completion of the operation, partition scheme and identifier. As a result, the disc is unmounted, formatting and reverse mounted into the system with new parameters.

    If the file system name contains two words, for example, "MS-DOS FAT12", it is entered in the text of the command in quotes. Accordingly, to use the GUID section circuit, we replaced with the MBR set on the GPT.


    Formatting a flash drive in MacOS only at first glance seems difficult task. In practice, all operations are performed elementary. Even the starting user will easily cope with the terminal if it enters the necessary parameters.

    Video instruction

    You can clearly see the sequence of action you can in the review video below.

    USB flash drives are the most convenient modern storage media, they are somehow all the owners of personal computers and laptops use. Including people who prefer Apple products.

    If you are from their number, and all your flash drives are already filled to failure, you will have to resort to the cleaning procedure - formatting. Let's figure out how to format the USB flash drive in Mac OS.

    Instructions for formatting card memory

    Users of Windows-based operating systems are used to formatting a flash drive to easily run by right-clicking, selecting the appropriate item in the context menu. There is no such item in Mac OS.

    To format flash drives on the poppy use a special utility, which is called "disk utility". It is already installed, and you do not have to download it from third-party sites.

    So, to format the flash drive on Mac OS, follow these steps:

    On this, the USB drive is formatted, the old data is deleted, and you can write new information.

    Formatting in FAT32 and NTFS

    If your flash drive is connected to a computer running on the Windows operating system, then it is necessary to format it in other formats. Two such formats: FAT32 and NTFS.

    FAT32 is an old format, it differs in that the devices with this format cannot write files whose size exceeds 4 GB. For large FAT32 files, it is not suitable, but it is read on old cars, and it easily recognizes computers and on Windows OS, and on Mac OS.

    How to format a USB flash drive in FAT32:

    More modern formats in Windows computers are NTFS. It has no restrictions on the file size. Unfortunately, this poppy format is not read, therefore, to format a flash drive on a poppy in NTFS, you will have to use a special driver. The choice of their two: NTFS Seagate and NTFS Paragon.

    How to format flash drive NTFS format:

    Click on "erase" and confirm. That's all, now you know how to format the flash drive on the poppy. Successful use of PC!