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How to recover tabs in chrome after a crash. Returning deleted bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser

Everyone, probably, had such cases when he worked on the Internet, and then, as luck would have it, the light was turned off or something else that led to a crash from the browser.

Do not despair, there are several options to save yourself from such troubles or to solve them if they have already occurred.

How to Recover Closed Tabs in Chrome on PC

One of the browsers we use frequently is Chrome. And this article will focus on him. So, the easiest solution to the problem is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T .

Each time you press these buttons, you will open one tab at a time in the order in which they were closed. By the way, I must say that only the last 10 open tabs are saved in Chrome. But I think no one else needs it.

The second method is that in the browser settings you go to the history, where you can see all the sites that you have visited before. You can go to any desired one with one click.

Chrome also offers to open multiple tabs if you click on Recently Closed in History. The history of visits can also be called up by writing in the address bar of Chrome: // history or using the combination Ctrl + H .

If you want to open several tabs at once, then in the "History" click on the line labeled "Tabs: 5".

Instead of 5, there may be another number indicating the number of windows that need to be opened.

You can also solve the problem through the context menu. Right-click on an empty space of the tabbed panel. A list will appear in which you should select the "Open closed tab" function.

The creators of Chrome have also come up with various add-ons that help in solving problems related to unexpected browser closings. In the Chrome store, search for Session Buddy and install the proposed extension for free.

It saves your last session with two clicks: 1 - the icon in the top panel, 2 - the Save button. Everything is easy and simple.

Among other things, you can adjust the recovery process in the browser settings. To do this, in the "Settings" section, find the inscription "Open at startup" and mark the item "Previously opened tabs".

After completing this operation, you can be calm, because now the next time you enter Google Chrome, all the sites that you visited before closing the browser will open.

When the PC freezes, chances are that recent visits are not being saved in Google Chrome history. In this case, you will have to manually restore the tabs. The main thing is not to go to the browser until the end of the restore operation. So, first we go to "My Computer", where in the top panel we click on the item "Organize".

The following actions: Folder options → View → Hidden files and folders → Show. After that, go to drive C and open the following directories in order: Users → User (or your computer name) → App Data → Local → Google → Chrome → Default.

Here you will find the Current Session file, which should be deleted, replacing it with a copy of the Last Session folder, previously renamed Current Session.

Restore Chrome tabs on your phone

There is a method to instantly restore a Google Chrome tab, but only the last one. To do this, close one of the active windows. When it disappears, you will see the inscription "Cancel", by clicking on which, you will reopen the site where you just were.

To recover several recent visits, other methods are required:

  1. We go to the start page of Chrome, where we click on the image of the clock, located at the bottom. As a result, we will see all sessions.
  2. Click on the button in the form of three dots located one above the other. In the list that appears, click on the item "Recent Tabs". The advantage of this method is that it is possible to restore tabs closed from the computer. This is possible if Google account sync is enabled.
  3. Using the same pop-up list, you can go to the visit log. There, you can restore a site of any age, unless, of course, cleaning was carried out.

Here, in principle, all the necessary instructions for those who do not know how to restore closed tabs in chrome. Also use the ability to sync your profile. This will help preserve all of your Chrome data, so you never have any problems losing the information you need.

In the process of surfing the web, no, no, and it happens that the tabs with open pages are either by mistake or intentionally closed. And then there is an urgent need to open them. And for various reasons: there is important information, you need to throw a link to a friend, download a file, etc. And it's good if the URL is remembered, you can try typing it in the address bar. And if not ... it turns out, too, you can get out of the situation. This guide will show you how to restore tabs in Google Chrome, how to quickly return a closed tab, and how to back up and open all recently visited web pages.

Fast recovery of the last tab

To open a closed tab, use the hot key combination - Shift + Ctrl + T. Or, right-click on the area of \u200b\u200ban empty tab and select "Open closed ..." from the context menu.

Note. If you repeat this operation, you can sequentially restore all closed tabs in Google Chrome.

Access via browser menu

1. Click on the "Menu" icon.

2. Move the cursor over the "History" item.

3. To return a closed page, use the list of links in the "Recently Closed" additional panel.

Help History of visits

You can restore closed tabs using the web browser history. If you didn't clean it up after you decided to close the pages, do the following:

1. In the address bar, enter - chrome: // history.

2. In the list of visited sites, find the required tab, focusing on the time and date of the resource request.

Advice! You can also use the "Search ..." field to automatically search if the list of URLs is large.

3. To open closed tabs, click on the necessary links in the History.

Advice! You can also open the Attendance log by simultaneously pressing the keys - Ctrl + H.

Insurance to restore the entire internet session

To return absolutely all open tabs that you can "lose" as a result of a browser crash, accidental closing of the window, first do the following:

1. In the Chrome menu, select the "Settings" item.

2. In the "Open at startup" block, click to enable the "Previously opened ..." option.

When this setting is active, Google Chrome opens all unclosed tabs of the previous session on the next launch.

Visual bookmarks to help

View your pinned sites in Google Chrome in the visual bookmarks panel. It may contain a preview of the tab you closed.

Session Buddy addon: helps you not to lose tabs

The Session Buddy add-on provides the user with advanced tools for backing up, exporting and importing the history of visits, session data.

1. Find the add-on in the online store for Google Chrome using the "Search" option (enter its name). Connect to browser.

2. When the installation is complete, click its icon (in the panel to the right of the address bar).

4. Click the Save panel.

5. Give a name to the saved profile. Click OK.

6. When you need the saved group of tabs again, go to the add-on panel and click on the profile.

Create a backup copy and save it to your computer as a file with the .json extension.

Import - import links from a file (including from a backup file). In the "Import" panel, click on "Select file" to load a copy.

Export - export of links (tabs) of the saved session in various formats: text, HTML, JSON, CSV.

This concludes the review. Now you know how to open closed tabs and back them up. Use all Chrome tools so you don't lose sight of useful links!

Have you accidentally closed a tab or window in Google Chrome? Want to reopen a recently closed page without scouring your browsing history? This is possible and easy to do.

If you have just closed the tab you want, press the Shift + Ctrl + T keys at the same time. Thus, you will open the last closed tab, if you click a second time - the penultimate, etc. You can restore a tab that was recently opened, even if several other tabs were loaded and closed after that, by clicking on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" button, which is located in the upper right corner of the active browser window. You will see a menu of functions and tools. Hover your mouse over Recently Opened Tabs, which will take you to a list of matching tabs, starting with the one that was last closed. Click on the tab you want and it will be restored.

If you closed the browser window altogether and, starting Chrome again, would like to work with the same tabs, repeat the steps described in the previous paragraph. But at the same time, in the "Recently opened tabs" list, select the very first item from the top "Tabs: 5" (5 is any number that indicates the number of tabs that were active when you closed the browser window).

In order to never lose the current tabs that you would like to see the next time you start your web browser, you need to change your browser settings. To do this, click on the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" button (upper right corner) and select "Settings". Under the heading "Starter Group", check the box next to "Continue from the same place."

As a last resort, you can still refer to your browsing history. To do this, select the History tool from the Customize and manage Google Chrome menu. All links are given according to their download time, starting with the last one. For convenience, you can use the search bar, which is located at the top right.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to restore tabs in Chrome, there are many ways, depending on certain circumstances, which is described in detail in the instructions above. You can deal with this problem even if you are not very good at computers. Good luck!

Hello, friends! If you are reading this article, then one of the following situations happened to you: by mistake, you closed the desired page in Chrome; a few days ago viewed an interesting site and did not bookmark it; closed a lot of documents on the desktop and closed the browser by mistake without exiting it; or it just froze and stopped responding to any mouse clicks.

In general, whatever the reason, in this article we will look at how you can restore accidentally closed tabs or those that you viewed a few days, months ago in the Google Chrome browser.

How to recover an accidentally closed tab

If, working in Chrome, you mistakenly clicked on the cross, thereby closing the desired page, it does not matter. The following methods will help you quickly restore it.

Using the keyboard shortcut

In the Internet browser, as in many other programs, you can use various keyboard shortcuts to perform certain actions.

To restore a closed site in Google Chrome, just press the combination Ctrl + Shift + T.

Thus, you can open up to the last 10 closed. They open in the reverse order of closing. That is, the one that was closed last will be restored first.

Through the context menu

Another way to quickly restore a closed tab in Chrome. To do this, right-click on the panel with open tabs.

Select "Open closed tab" from the context menu. Using this method, you can return all those that were open during the current browser session.

They will open in the opposite order of their closing: the last closed one will open first (as in the previous method).

Recover closed browser tabs using history

If a work with the browser was terminated incorrectly, and you had a lot of pages open there, then you can restore them in Google Chrome as follows. Launch the browser, click on the button at the top on the right side in the form of three horizontal lines and select "History" from the list.

An additional menu will open, in it you will not display a list of recently closed tabs, but a line like "6 tabs" will appear, where instead of 6 there can be any number, it depends on the number of open sites at the time of the shutdown of Chrome.

We click on the line "6 tabs", a new browser window will start and you will restore all the sites with which you were interrupted.

Details about and, you can read in the articles by clicking on the links.

If you want to restore in a new tab the site that was viewed a week agoor earlier, again click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner of the browser and go to "History - History".

A history of all visited sites will open. In order to restore the desired site in a new tab, right-click on it and select the appropriate item from the menu.

All viewed pages in the browser are sorted by date and time. But sometimes, finding the right one is not easy. Therefore, you can use the search bar. Enter in it either the name of the site or its address, click "Search".

The period for which the story will be shown will depend on how long ago you deleted it. If you cleaned it a month ago, then the sites that you opened after cleaning will be shown.

Changing Chrome settings

In order not to open the desired sites every time, for example, from bookmarks, when you open the browser, let's change the settings a little.

Click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines and select "Settings" from the list.

We are looking for the section "Open at startup" and put a marker in the "Previously opened tabs" field. After that, you can close the browser, while leaving the pages you need open. The next time you launch Google Chrome, they will all be launched.

In this case, even if you close the Internet browser unplannedly, you can restart it and continue working with all previously open tabs.

I hope you managed to restore closed tabs using either a keyboard shortcut, context menu, or browser history.

The developers of desktop browsers have transferred the function of restoring accidentally closed tabs to Android. This function also works in mobile versions of Internet browsers. The article describes methods on how to restore Chrome, Opera and Firefox tabs, open closed browser pages using simple keyboard shortcuts.

Recover tabs closed in Google Chrome

There are three ways to restore a closed tab in Chrome, below we will tell you about each of them.

The first way to restore a tab in Chrome

The first method for restoring Chrome tabs is pretty simple. It lies in the fact that you need to restore browser tabs immediately after closing them, "in hot pursuit".

Try closing any tab on the mobile version of Chrome (i.e. Chrome for Android). To do this, tap on the button with the number of active tabs at the top and select the unnecessary Chrome browser tab. When you close it, a notification about the tab closing will be displayed at the bottom of the active form for a while. Immediately, in the browser window, you will see an immediate restore button labeled "Cancel". By clicking on this button, you will successfully return all the last tabs closed recently in the Google Chrome browser.

A good example of how to restore tabs in Google Chrome. List of recently closed browser tabs

The disadvantage of this method is that only recently closed Google Chrome tabs can be returned, and even then in a limited number.

Advice... If you have closed the tabs for a long time, use it: there you will find an archive of visited pages. The probability of finding a closed tab depends only on the time elapsed since the history was cleared.

Second way to restore Google Chrome tabs

A bold plus of the second option is that it can be used to return any closed tab of the Chrome browser or, say, Opera Mini. Go to the form with recent tabs by clicking on the clock button at the bottom of the start page. Alternatively, to return the browser tab in Chrome, you can use the button with three vertical dots and select "Recent Tabs" from the application drop-down menu. If your Android device is synced with your Google account, then in this window you can even restore the closed tab that you were working with on a PC or mobile device.

The third way how to open a closed page in the browser: browser history

The third way to return browser tabs is similar to the second. As with the desktop version of Chrome, you can bring back a tab using your browsing history on the Internet. The difference between history and recent tabs is that with the help of history you can find and return any tab, even a tab that was closed for a long time. You can open the browser history from the same menu.

As you can see, there are several ways to open the closed Chrome tab (however, the result is the same). About the latest version of Chrome for Android, so we advise you to learn about the new features of the mobile browser and update to the latest version. Please note that the ability to close tabs (in other words, open closed pages in the application window) is not available in all versions of Chrome, so be sure to update your browser to the latest version using the link:

Opening closed tabs in Opera

In the Opera browser, the mechanism for restoring closed tabs is implemented in almost the same way as in Google Chrome.

Method number 1

This method will help to return only the browser tab that was last closed in the Opera. To restore an application tab (or several tabs at once), tap on the button with the number of open tabs at the bottom, then click on the button with three dots at the bottom and select the "Open last closed tab" option in the Opera menu that appears.

Restore tab menu in Opera browser

Method number 2

How to restore tabs in Opera as quickly as possible? Similar to the Chrome app, it is easy to resume browsing closed pages using the same browser history. The way to restore tabs works flawlessly, even if you decide not to sync. On the start page of the Opera, next to the express panel, opened in the default web browser, there is a "History" section. Go to it and select any closed page - recently or for several weeks or months (this depends on how long the history of visits is stored in your browser). After that, the desired Opera tab will be successfully restored.

How to open a closed tab in Firefox for Android

In the latest version of the Firefox mobile browser, there are three ways to return closed tabs. Essentially, they are absolutely identical to the same page recovery features built into Chrome. Nevertheless, in order for you to have a clear picture of the features available in Firefox, let's dwell on them in more detail.

1st method

Let's say you have several active tabs open in Firefox on your smartphone, and you accidentally closed one of them just a few seconds ago. How do I get the tab back in this browser? This can be done in one tap by clicking the "Cancel" button that appears immediately after closing one of the tabs. This method is inconvenient because you need to react to the restoration of the desired tab in Mozilla quite quickly, and you can only return the last closed page.

How to restore a tab through Mozilla Firefox browser history

2nd method

While on the Firefox home screen (the developers themselves call it "smart"), scroll through the list of available categories to the right until you come across the "Recent Tabs" option. It is here, in the list, that you can see all the tabs recently opened by the user, and return them if necessary.

3rd method

Another category present on Smart Screen is browser history. Opening it in Mozilla, you can see a complete list of websites open on your mobile device, and in the case of preliminary synchronization of Firefox with the cloud service, also on a PC.

Summary. As you can see, there are quite a few options to restore a closed tab (we have described 9 solutions - 3 for each browser, Chrome, Opera and Mozilla). All you have to do is choose the best way to return a tab for yourself, and know that in the described mobile browsers any, even the oldest tabs are recoverable, you can return them fairly quickly with a minimum of effort.

Answers to readers' questions

I accidentally cleared the browser data (normal) in the settings of the fly android 2.3.5 phone and therefore my bookmarks were deleted. Help restore them.

Answer... Alas, if you used the standard Android browser, you won't be able to restore bookmarks. Use Google Chrome and sync all data with your Google account, and these problems will not arise anymore.

I have this problem: there were many saved bookmarks in Google Chrome on Android, and they all closed: I cannot restore through history, since the tabs in Chrome have been open for a long time, and I have not visited them. But I needed them. How do I restore tabs in Chrome? I do not know what to do.

Answer... To get the closed tab back, you can refer to Google history, it is possible that your searches are still stored in the search engine records. Of course, you won't be able to recover a closed tab this way, but analyzing Google history can help you find sites that were in closed Chrome tabs.