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the main  /  Advice / Xenu Link Sleuth Russian version. Xenu generates reports as in its own file format, so in texts for further exports to Excel

Xenu Link Sleuth Russian version. Xenu generates reports as in its own file format, so in texts for further exports to Excel

  • Search for non-working (broken links) on a specified resource. This is the main task of the program. HTML, php references, as well as images, frames, scripts, styles are checked. Implemented the ability to verify HTTPS addresses. Found broken links must be corrected or deleted.
  • Drawing up a site map. This feature allows you to automate the creation of a site map (in XML format) for statistical HTML resources.
  • Search pages with great return time. A decrease in the page response time improves the site and has a positive effect on its ranking by search engines.
  • Search for unusual Taitles. Pages with confused tighteles can be filtered as duplicated content and displayed in additional search results.
  • Search pages with high nesting levels. The results are displayed in the LEVEL report column.
  • Search for pages with plenty of outgoing links, as well as an audit of the internal transfer of the site.
  • Find images with an unfilled tag ALT and others.

Program work

With Xenu, you can analyze the entire site, its individual sections or local documents on the computer. To start the audit, the File Check URL menu item or the corresponding button on the toolbar.

In the working window of the program, the report is formed during the analysis process, broken links are highlighted in red. Results can be processed until the verification is completed.

Today I want to consider the issue of the technical component of our sites, and I offer everyone to look under the "hood" of my site or blog. Is everything in order really with your site, as it seems at first glance? Let's talk about the Xenu program, which will help you find broken, outgoing and other unsuitable links on your resource.

Xenu Program - We carry out a technical audit on the site

Greetings, I completely disappeared and stopped doing my blog. More and more go to work with commercial sites. I will use a small break and share the useful Xenu program for webmasters, which has already reversed me. I work with her for quite a long time and constantly applied in practice.

Using the Xenu program you can find all outgoing and broken links on your website.

Briefly tell one interesting case, which happened a few months ago. On one of the sites over which I work, in particular, the online store has taken place. My colleague, thank you very much, noticed in several cards with a commodity, suspicious links to other sites. These links can no longer be present on our resource, as we use it for customers. Immediately launched Xenu, there are quite a few pages on this site, so check takes about 1-2 hours.

At the end of the check, we found about 20 outgoing links, including 18+ sites and an online casino. It was also possible to calculate the attacker, as he left the outgoing link and on himself. Yes, there is such an exchange on the Internet, which sells links from hacked sites, perhaps someone heard about it.

As a result, we all cleaned, just found a couple of interesting scripts and replaced passwords. The consequences were not very tangible, but lost a little traffic in Google, as they responded about a week later ... Let's go to practice.

Check outgoing and external links

Based on the stories that I told you if you suspect that something is wrong with your resource (for example, the loss of positions or traffic), I advise you to periodically drive your website or blog using this program. You can even do it now, in order to prevent, with me.

The first thing we'll see is how to detect external links. Xenu You can download the program for checking external links.

1. Run the program, enter the address of our site and click OK.

We are waiting for the robot, runs on all our pages. Depending on how many pages you have, scanning lasts from a few minutes to several hours.

2. As soon as the robot bypassed all pages, we see a list of different links that are present on our resource. In order to be easier to see and find outgoing links from your site, we sort links over the field "Address". We look at the top of the list and end, and here are our external links.

3. In order to quickly find the pages from where the external link is made, it is necessary when you click on, right-click on the "bad" link to select "URL PROPERTIES".

We are looking for broken links on the site with Xenu

Now let's check if there are broken links on the site, which give 404 code and how to find them. The main reason for the appearance of such links is that the address (URL) of the page on which the link is logged by changed or the page is removed, and the link remained. There are also other reasons.

With such a sorting, you can also find and links for which redirect happens, which is also very useful.

I told you the main two points on finding external and broken links on the site using Xenu. The program is free and as far as I know, is already quite old and not updated, but for us the main thing that works.

I also use this program, with the "first acquaintance" with the site that is starting to do.

On this, everything, if you have another interesting software on this topic, share in the comments!

Xenu's Link Sleuth is an old reliable crawler that quickly scatters the site and find literally everything: broken links, redirects, mistakes and more.

When checking the site it is important to find and correct all errors, broken links and incorrect redirects, as their absence is positive factors in the ranking of the site.

I want to advise excellent software: - Old reliable crawler, who quickly scanning the site and find literally everything: Bought links, redirects, errors, sewn URL, document size, date and more. The latest version of 2010, but this does not prevent Xenu more mistakes in less than many modern analogues.

But this is not all, the program has many additional settings, for example:

  • We can adjust the speed of analysis and the number of threads
  • Display more detailed statistics on each page of the site. For example, to show all redirects, you need to go to "Options" - "Preferences" and put a tick "Treat Redirections AS Errors" - then all redirects will be displayed as an error and give answers 301 or 302:

  • In Xenu, we can create a static HTML and XML site map
  • Convert report to Excel format and sort the obtained data

At the last point we will stop in more detail. To open a report to Excel, you need to export the "File" report - "Export to Tab Separated File":

We will receive a report in the usual .TXT file - it needs to open NotePad ++ (or analog) and change the encoding on ANSI:

After that, you can safely open the file in Excel:

Where we can already sort the data as needed: by the date of the appearance of a document, by the number of external references, by the level of nesting page, etc.

Xenu is the abbreviated name of the Xenu's Link Sleuth program designed to internal site audit and search for broken links.

If you change the structure of the site or URLs on other pages, there may be irrelevant links leading to old non-existent addresses. It is the search for such links and is the main task of Xenu. The program is free, because it is very popular all over the world. This is a simple software that allows you to analyze the site in a short time for the presence of broken links and not only.

Xenu features

In addition to finding non-working and broken links, the program can:

  • search images, frames, scripts, plug-ins, styles, etc.;
  • search Pages with a lot of response time;
  • search for Learning Pages;
  • search Pages with a large level of nesting;
  • carry out an analysis of internal overflow;
  • search for the same titles title;
  • search images without Alt attribute;
  • make a site map;
  • check secure SSL sites (https: //).

Xenu is able to analyze both the entire site and its individual pages. It is also possible to analyze local documents on the PC.

In the process of analysis, the main window will display the results. In the future, they can be exported, admit, in Excel.

How the program works

To start the analysis of the site in Xenu, you need to start the software and click on the File tab. Next choose the first check of the Check URL.

Specify the address of the site, individual pages or the path to the PC document.

After starting, the results of the program will be displayed in the main window. It will be analyzed both the URLs of pages and links to different files.

With the help of various tabs, you can sort the links by different parameters: Status (broken or not), type (file format), Size (page size), title (header) and Level (nesting level).

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Many people think that broken links is not the most burning topic for the webmaster, for there is always something more important and meaningful than you will be preferable to do.

Yes, and tediously it is to look for a program, an extension or online service where the check is carried out, and then for a long time and mutually searching access and carry out the editors of the non-working hyperlinks found on its resource.

In principle, it is much easier to score on this problem, for it is unlikely that they are present on your project in huge quantities and their influence is hardly somehow will affect the attitude of visitors and search engines. Or will it still affect? To be or not being broken link on your site?

I believe that this is evil, from which you need to periodically get rid of (cleansing). But in any way you decide, I will only describe those methods that used and use to simplify this process.

The problem of broken links and the reason for their appearance

In general, the question of attribute to broken links is quite interesting, because there is no unambiguous information about this. But if you judge the fact that in the panels for webmasters of Yandex and Google, there is a section where all the broken links found on your site will be given, it can already be considered the first sign that they are not at all the drum.

I think that with their large numbers, search engines can calculate your site abandoned And lower it in extradition. Is it really that I don't know, but even the fact that broken links represent a significant inconvenience for visitors (thereby worsening the PF), can serve a fairly significant argument to seriously think about their identification and correction.

Of course, it is not possible to do it manually (go through all the inner and external links leading from the villages of your site) is not possible even on very small projects, not to mention big portals. Check is the prerogative of software - bots of search engines, online services or specifically for this written programs, scripts or extensions (plugins) for the site engine you use.

But still, even after all the non-working hyperlinks are found, decision on their correction or removal You will have to take you, and for each of them separately. Therefore, if you decide on this verification, just in case, be patient and some time.

If speak about the reason for the appearance of broken links on the site, in the case of a blog site, this is basically my own errors in the implementation of manual internal transfer, as well as external references to the resources of the authors of comments and referred to in articles online services that have managed during this time to go into the fly (guys, you would know how much Sites shouted for those seven years that there is my blog - it really becomes sad!).

There are other options for their appearance. In general, the cause of non-working links can also be changes in sidelines on third-party resources without using 301 redirect for gluing a new address with the old (with a change in the structure of the site, transfer of articles between sections, etc.), and many other purely individual problems.

As I mentioned a little higher, there are several ways with which you can check your project for similar flaws. The most obvious it seems to me to take advantage of the list of non-working links, which collected the bots of search engines.

We are looking for broken links to Yandex Webmaster and Search Console Google

In the webmaster panels, Yandex and Google can be found on what pages and which non-working hyperlinks were found, and then, if possible, to make the necessary corrections in the administrator of their project.

About work S. panels for webmasters Yandex and Google I have already written in a detail, so I will allow myself only to bring links to these materials:

  1. (in the near future it will have to be updated, because Yandex finally completed the new version)

Let's start checking from tools for webmakers from Google. We will assume that taking advantage of the materials above, you already added your resource to the Google Panel , and now you will only stay from the left menu in "Scanning" - "Scan errors":

On the page that opens, go to the tab "Not found"where all the non-working, according to Google will be focused, links to your project. But here it should be understood that the search engine considers not only the leading links from your site, but also all those that were affixed from other resources (so-called).

So The list of non-found documents will be present in the units received not only as a result of your own errors with internal transfer, but also the results of the errors of those users who have set a link from their website or someone else's forum, but did not verify its performance.

Opposite each of the document not found, you will see an error code 404 (read about what can also be an output from the current position). Watch Url Pages, which Google could not find on your resource, you can click on any row.

There on the tab "Referring domains" You can find pages from which this broken link was affixed.

If in the window that opens, you will see the address of the webons are not your site, you will most likely fix anything (though, you can try, for example, V.htaccess 301 redirect for such broken links). But if the non-working hyperlinks were made from the pages of your own resource, you will need to find the required article (or comment to it) in the administrator) and correct, or remove the incorrect link.

I think that you will understand, but on a par with the Google toolbar, do not apply information about the documents not found and in the webmaster panel from Yandex, for their data may differ.

In Yandex webmaster You will need to go to the left menu to "indexing" - "Internal Links"And in the window that opens from the drop-down list, you can select the error type filter (server errors, or the lack of a page or the prohibition of its indexation):

You will see a list of all pages found, including with an error 404. Next, go to the administrator of your resource, find out the non-working hyperlink and either correct it, or delete that you do not introduce the task to the work of the wellland mechanism.

Checking Bied Links in Xenu Link Sleuth Program

I could still mention this article about a number of services that allow you to check the battles online, but unfortunately, I never found a worthy free solution (although I will consider one option just below, because it allows you to quickly run through the most "discovering "Bought links), and trying paid for me somehow my hand did not rose. You can check for free, you can check a very limited number of pages, and therefore, the relevance of such a method is very dubious.

But you can use not only online services, but also programs that will be installed on your computer. One of the most popular and, which is very important, free programs for checking broken links is Xenu Link Sleuth, which I want to tell you.

download Xenu Link Sleuth And install on your computer.

After starting it, select "FILE" - "check URL" from the window and in the window that opens, enter your resource URL, check the checkbox "Check External Links" (for checking on the brute not only internal links of your resource, but also links leading to it Other resources) and click OK.

As a result, the Xenu Link Sleuth program will begin to search and analyze all internal and external (affixed from your resource, for example, on comment authors sites) links. All found non-working hyperlinks in the resulting report will be marked accordingly (not found, failed to contact, etc.).

The report itself is invaluable interest not only from the point of view of errors 404, but we are primarily interested in this particular. In the Xenu Link Sleuth window, it is possible to sort the entire list on a number of tabulants that are at the very top.

To check exactly broken links, you will need to use the "Status" tab, with the result that all the red rows labeled will be collected in one place of the list.

In order to find out what exactly the page of your site is an inoperative hyperlink, you need to right-click on it and choose from the context menu "URL PROPERTIES":

At the very bottom of the window that opened, you will see a list of the page addresses of your site, on which this broken link was found. You will just go to the administrator of your resource and to hold the necessary editing. Yes, Murotno. Yes, it is inconvenient, for you have to copy the links and search for the necessary pages in the admin. But spending time and strength you will save your site from broken links by 100% (In any case, there are at the moment).

But, as I mentioned a little higher, the Xenu Link Sleuth program, with a proper approach and intelligence, is able to provide much more information. If you experiment with other program tabs, you can get the following information about your site from this report:

  1. if you try to sort the data in the Title tab of the program on the program on the program, then you can find the pages of your site, having duplicate title title or not having them at all
  2. with the help of a "Size" tab, you can find too heavy pages of your project that will be loaded for a long time.
  3. using the "In Links" tab, you can find out the number of incoming links to any document of your resource, and from the context menu (right-clicking and selecting the lowest menu in the menu), you can find out the addresses of the pages that link to this document.
  4. using the sorting of the "Out Links" tab in the Xenu Link Sleuth report window, you can find out the number of outgoing links from a particular page of your resource, and from the context menu - to see what pages are links
  5. sorting the "Type" tabulator, you can find images not having tags alt
  6. the "Level" tab will allow you to view the nesting of certain pages of your site.

In general, Xenu Link Sleuth has simply invaluable significance. In addition, for a static site, this program can, which can then be added to search engines to accelerate indexation.

Also Xenu Link Sleuth According to the results of the check, it can form a very convenient report in the form of HTML pages where it will be possible to view all the web pages of your project that have broken links and see the above-mentioned card.

To create a report, you need to select "File" in the program menu - "REPORT" Or simply press R on the keyboard. At the top of the page with the report will be the menu with sections.

Search for Links in WordPress with Broken Link Checker

If you have, then it will be more convenient for you to use the Broken Link Checker plugin to check the non-working hyperlinks. It can re-check through the time gap specified by you, stop your work at the time when the server of your hosting is heavily loaded, and, most importantly, allows you to correct or delete broken links directly from your window, without requiring you to enter the articles editing window.

So first you will need download Broken Link Checker and in the standard way. If problems arise with this, you can refer to the reference material.

Immediately after installation, it will start working and scan your blog for broken links. Going to the configuration page of this plugin ("Settings" - "Check Links") in the Admin District of WordPress, you can see how much hyperlink has already found Broken Link Checker on your blog, as well as make the necessary settings.

Here you can set the frequency of the re-scanning, ask you to send you a message to an e-mail when detecting an inaccessible page, as well as ask the plugin to allocate the following hyperlinks using a special CSS style.

But Broken Link Checker has a few more tabs with settings. On the Look For Links In tab, you can specify which names of your blog it will search, and specify the links from which objects to be checked on the "Which Links to Check" tab. On the Advanced tab you can maximize minimize the load of this plugin on the hosting server, Restricting the search time and setting the server load threshold, with the exceedment of which it will interrupt its work.

As it is checks, a report on the work done and the broken links found, which you can see by clicking on the WordPress admin in "Tools" "Wrong links":

Here you will have rich opportunities for working with them, all that you may need (edit, delete it, go to the material in which this broken link has been emphasized), it will be possible to make it right away, without moving anywhere and not looking for anything. In this and consists, in my opinion, the main advantage of the Broken Link Checker plugin. In addition, at the end of checking it with a calm soul, it is possible to demolish until the next check, so that the eyes do not call. I think that for Joomla also need similar extensions, but, unfortunately, with them is not yet familiar with them.

Online service Broken Link Checker

Well, and finally, as promised, I will describe one of the many online services intended to search for broken links on any site. Not to say that this service is particularly singled out or somehow worked on specially well. Not. But search broken links in it is quite simple And he finds them, as a rule, not much so that, probably, we are not too upset. I usually use it first (I check it several times in a row), and only then I use the plugin and the program (for varnishing, so to speak).

So, come on Broken Link Checker Introduce the ulla of your site into the form located in the upper right corner of the page that opens and click on the "Find Broken Links" button. A page will open, where it will be necessary to solve the captcha and choose one of two methods of checking (it is not clear the detailed difference, but it makes sense in turns both of both options). Once again, they click on the cherished button and watch the result of the check, or go on your affairs without closing this tab in the browser.

The Broken Link Checker service will tell you about the number of proven pages and slowly starts displaying a list of broken links. You can edit them start right now without waiting for the end of the verification process. To do this, it will be enough to click on the "SRC" button in the desired list of the list:

As a result, you will see the source code of the page (you can go to it by clicking on the next button "URL"), where there is a broken link. And the place of placement in the code will be highlighted:

Everything. It will only be found in the text of the article or in the Comment's body a problem link, once again check its inoperability and fighting Broken Link as if it was not. Cream.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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