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The html programming language for dummies. HTML basics for beginners in plain language

HTML basics contain the basic rules of the HTML language, a description of the structure of an HTML page, relations in the structure of an HTML document between HTML elements.

HTML document is a regular text document, it can be created as in a regular text editor (Notebook), and in specialized, with code highlighting (Notepad ++, Visual Studio Code, etc.)... The HTML document has the extension .html.

An HTML document consists of a tree of HTML elements and text. Each element is denoted in the source document by a start (opening) and end (closing) tag (with rare exceptions).

Start tag shows where the element starts, the ending shows where it ends. End tag is formed by adding a slash / before the tag name:<имя тега> … ... Between the start and end tags is the content of the tag - content.

Single tags cannot store content directly in themselves, it is written as an attribute value, for example, a tag will create a button with text Button inside.

Tags can be nested within each other, for example,


... When investing, you should follow the order of closing ("matryoshka" principle), for example, the following entry will be incorrect:



HTML elements can have attributes (global, which apply to all HTML elements, and their own). Attributes are written in the opening tag of an element and contain a name and value specified in the format attribute name = "value". Attributes allow you to change the properties and behavior of the element for which they are set.

Each element can be assigned multiple class values ​​and only one id value. Multiple class values ​​are separated by a space,