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How to clean the mailbox. How to Clean Gmail account from all too much

Warning that you are going to start a place in the mailbox, is it uploaded weekly or even daily messages? Purification of the mailbox is a means of disposable cleaning, which can be used to trim the size of the mailbox.

If your mail is stored on mail server, for example Exchange, then after reaching the maximum mailbox size, your administrator may limit its functionality. For example, when the 90 MB is reached, a warning will be sent to you, when you reach 100 MB, you will be deprived of the ability to send messages, and when you reach 110 MB, you will no longer receive messages.

Here are some ways to control the size of the mailbox.

You can use the tool purification mailbox which allows you to view the size of the mailbox and individual folders. You can also archive old items to the file of the personal folder archive (PST) and clean the folder " Remote ".

    On the menu Service Select.

    Perform one of the following actions.

    • To view the shared mailbox size and its individual folders, click View mailbox size.

      To find old items, select find elements older n days, enter a number from 1 to 999 and click to find.

      To find big items, set the switch find elements of more than N KB, enter a number from 1 to 9999 and click to find.

      To move old items from the mailbox in archive file. Personal folders (PST), click Auto Archive. By default, to archive PST files set to C: \\ Documents and Settings: Settings \\ Date \\ Microsoft \\ Outluk.

      Remote ", Click View the size of remote items.

      To clear the folder " Remote ", click clear.

      To view the folder size " conflicts ", Click" View conflict size".

      To delete the contents of the folder " conflicts ", Click" Delete".

Reduced Personal Folder File Size (PST)

If you delete items from the personal folder file (PST), the file is automatically compressed in the background, if you do not use the computer, and the Outlook application is running. If you want to immediately reduce the size of the file, you can compress it forcibly. The data file compression procedure may take a few minutes.

    On the menu file Select Data file management.

    Select the data file you want to compress, and click Parameters.

    Press the button Squeeze.

Note: You do not need to leave Outlook after compressing the PST file.

Reduce the size of the standalone folder file (OST)

Reducing the size of the standalone folder file (OST) can increase productivity if you removed a large number of items. This procedure does not remove the items stored on the server.

    Delete all the items you do not want to store, and then clean the folder " Remote ".

    On the menu Instruments Select Setting up accounts.

    There is no team Parameters account .

    Team " Setting up accounts "Located in the menu" Service " in Microsoft Office. Outlook 2007. The following instructions are not applicable for earlier Outlook versions. Use the help available in the relevant version. If the header of the program used is displayed microsoft app Outlook Express, a program that does not match Outlook is used. For help, refer to the Outlook Express help.

    In the list, select Microsoft Exchange Serverand then click change.

    Press the button More parameters.

    Open tab Additionally and click Autonomous Folder File Parameters.

    Press the button Squeeze.


    • To delete an item from folders located on the Internet and in offline modeSelect it and press the Delete key.

      If you use an Exchange account in Exchange caching mode, only the selected folder will be cleaned from the local OST file. Elements on the server will be downloaded to the OST file with the following synchronization if the folder is highlighted in the section Parameters folder in sending and receiving parameters For account email Exchange server.

      When using the Exchange caching mode, your favorite folders are not synchronized by default. If you decide to synchronize publicly available folders, the size of the offline folder file (OST) can increase significantly.

Often users have several mailboxes on different services. Few people use all, mostly used only one or two. What to do with the rest? Right - remove. This article will consider how to delete mailbox On Mail RU. - pretty popular post serviceIt works well without failures, thousands of people have email addresses there. Create mail on this site is very easy. By and large and to remove electronic drawer Will not need a lot of time and effort.

How to remove a box on Mail RU if you know the login and password

The procedure is completed.

How to delete mail if you do not remember the password

First you need to use the Site help to restore the password. For this you need:

  • After the password recovery procedure, the service proposes check the data to restore the password that can be useful in the future. You can confirm them with a button " Yes"Or delete, clicking" Not" This item is not fundamentally, since the goal was to restore the password to remove the box.
  • Next, we carry out the procedure for removal, as described in the first part of the article.

Greetings you, inquisitive reader, on the page of your blog!

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To obtain new information, it is necessary to leave email email, for example:,,, etc., where letters with news and announcements will subsequently come to the topic of interest. The moment will come when a lot of letters will accumulate in your mailbox and wanted to clean it. But how to do that?

Consider a couple of options

Do not everyone know how to clean Yandex mail from all letters immediately, literally for several clicks with the mouse. Although you can consider two options.

1st way.

  1. In folder incoming We celebrate all the letters prominent to us by a check mark;
  2. Press delete.

The first batch of letters is removed, we note again and remove again, then everything is in the same vein. This method, perhaps, is not suitable for everyone. How to quickly delete all letters?

In the mailbox, not one thousand letters can be accumulated, so it's uncomfortable to remove them, because it will take a lot of time. So, it will be better to know how to completely clean from all letters.

2nd way.

  1. In the upper right corner, near our Yandex login, click on the icon gears;
  2. In the window that appears, folders and labels;

We are transferred to a new window settings, where we see all our dads.

  1. We celebrate the necessary to us (in our case I will select Incoming);
  2. Zhmem. clear.

Now the window has highlighted where the service offers two options for removal:

  1. Shift letters to "remote";
  2. Delete letters forever.

Choose one of the proposed and click "Clean"

And here our electronic box is empty. There are no letters in the "Incoming" folder.

Well, well, my friend, I think on the topic how to clean Yandex mail from all letters, additional questions It does not arise. But if any dubious moments remained, then you do not hesitate and ask questions in the comments.