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Which mail is the most secure. Protonmail is the most secure email service

Nowadays, technologies are developing so quickly that it becomes more and more difficult for ordinary users to follow them, and even more so to understand various subtleties and aspects. Today our conversation will focus on such a seemingly familiar phenomenon for a “digital” person, like e-mail.

To be precise, this article is entirely devoted to comparing three popular email services in order to choose the most suitable one for use.

Let's get acquainted with the applicants: Gmail, Yandex Mail,

Gmail- free mailbox from the famous American company Google. Since October 2012, it has ranked first in terms of the number of customers, surpassing more experienced competitors in the face of Microsoft and their Hotmail. High-quality service helped to achieve such results, user-friendly interface and many additional functions.

Yandex Mail Is a popular service in the CIS countries, the services of which are used by more than 27 million people every month, sending 130 million letters daily (and this is not taking into account a variety of spam). According to ComScore, Yandex Mail is growing at a much higher pace than other European mailboxes. - mail, for all its shortcomings, managed to win universal recognition in the territory of the Russian Federation. As of 2012, it was preferred by more than 3/4 of the total number of Russian users. For comparison, only 1/6 of the clients of postal services use Yandex.

So brief description will not be enough to determine the best email. So let's move on to more detailed review, in which we will analyze all services for a number of parameters important for users:

Registration in Yandex mail, Google service and

There is nothing much to compare at this point, since all three mail services use almost the same scheme for registration: first, the user specifies his personal data (name, surname, date of birth), then comes up with a login / password to enter, a secret question and an answer to it. Also, in all cases, it is proposed to voluntarily indicate the number mobile phone, which will be further applied when authorizing and restoring access to your account. After filling in all the fields, all that remains is to enter the code from the security picture and send the questionnaire by clicking the appropriate button.

Convenience of the interface

The same situation. Apparently, mailbox administrators have found their ideal formula for a convenient interface - a column with a list of folders by which you can sort letters on the left; line with action buttons above letters and search form up; the settings panel in the upper right corner. There are several differences, but they are so minor that they cannot influence the choice. You can't find fault with the themes either - they are minimalistic and do not contain unnecessary elements, which is exactly what most clients like (if desired standard theme you can easily change to an alternative one by going to the settings).

Work Opportunities

Basically, Internet users adhere to the principle of "works and everything is fine", but some clients, especially those who have to process / send dozens of letters a day, will give preference only to mailboxes with the necessary maximum effective work functional.

Mail gmail inbox
has a number of features that make working with letters much easier. For example, messages and replies to them are grouped into chains, which makes it easier to track correspondence, and all sorts of filters, labels and marks will help you sort all mail at your own discretion. If this did not help to put things in order and the letter sent to you is lost somewhere, the instant search tool will find it - you just need to enter one or several words.

In Yandex Mail it is comfortable to work with any number of letters, mainly due to simple combinations of hot keys and some useful properties... Did you know that all messages in Yandex can be selected by simply dragging the mouse cursor over them while holding the left button? But this is much more convenient than manually putting a check mark in front of each message, as it is necessary to do in other mail services.

Nothing new by and large Mail does not offer users - all the same basic functions for managing letters, sorting contacts and files, an address book. For most people, this will be enough. If we talk about innovations, then it is worth mentioning the ability to work with several mailboxes at the same time, without having to reconnect.


Not a very sonorous term, but there was no more suitable one. In general, I will draw an analogy with paper mail: there are conscientious postmen who are able to deliver a letter from any source, and there are those who lose them on the way or bring them to the addressee with a delay.

On Google Mail there are practically no problems with the delivery of letters, so it is preferable to use it for registering on any foreign sites, transferring uploaded files (especially large ones), as well as many other things that are better not to trust less popular mail services.

Yandex Maildespite its low popularity abroad, it also accepts automatic letters from any Internet resources and sent from others mail clients messages, and copes with this no worse than Google. Of course, there are times when the letter arrives 5-10 minutes late, but rarely.

Things are quite different with the postal service. Mail, which is generally not recommended to indicate during registration - the owners of sites and forums sometimes even warn new users that letters may not come here, and advise choosing a more worthy alternative in the person of the two above-described boxes.

Disk space

Working with e-mail is not limited to text messaging; many users send videos, files and archives in letters, which can reach several gigabytes in size. Services are required to provide enough space to store it all.

Gmail free of charge gives users access to fifteen gigabytes of allocated disk space, and if this is not enough (I doubt very much - in my two years of active use of the mailbox on Gmail, only 2 GB were clogged), you can always buy additional 100 GB for $ 4.99 per month or even 200 GB for $ 9.99.

Yandex Mail by default allocates only 3 GB for personal needs of clients, and in order to get additional free seat (up to 20 GB), you need to fulfill a few simple conditions - install the program Yandex Disk, upload several files with it and recommend them to your friends. Prices for a paid extension are almost identical to Google's, but large Yandex customers have a chance to save a lot by taking 1Tb of disk space for just 900 rubles a month.

Any registered user becomes the owner of an unlimited mailbox. At first, it is quite small, but every time the disk becomes less than 500 megabytes of free space, another 2 gigabytes will be added to it (a letter will be sent to the mail with a proposal to increase the volume).

Additional functionality

Modern postal services, like mobile phones, have many additional functions that have almost nothing to do with their intended purpose. Nevertheless, this does not repel users, but rather attracts them. Agree, it is convenient when, by registering in an e-mail, you, for example, automatically get access to a powerful text editor.

Any advanced user Gmail knows that this is not just an electronic mailbox, but also very convenient service for communication, which can be compared with Skype, ICQ and similar programs. There are two modes - simple chatting and online video meeting (up to 9 people at the same time, and absolutely free).

List additional opportunities Yandex Mail is also wide enough, here are just a few of them: video letters - any user who has a camera and a microphone has the ability to record a video up to 20 minutes long and immediately send it to the addressee; cases - a light version of the organizer that reminds of important events; mobile application for instant messaging. responds adequately to rivals by providing its own version of the IP-phone ( Agent): in addition to chatting and calls, there is an opportunity to send free SMS-messages to the numbers of most Russian and some foreign operators. There are others additional applications - translator, spell checker and transliterator. The usefulness of them is questionable, since it is more convenient to do the same with the help of browser extensions.


The confidentiality of virtual mail is just as important as paper correspondence. Especially if you are using post service for business, earnings and link your e-wallet accounts to it. Let's see what security guarantees the participants in our comparative review are ready to provide.

Google Mail has one of better systems protection, the essence of which is a two-stage verification (verification) of the user. The first stage, which is activated by default, is the username and password familiar to everyone, the second, it must be activated in the settings, linking the mail to the mobile phone number - every time you enter your account, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone (you can add some IP addresses to the trusted list, then SMS authorization is not required).

All information in Yandex is transmitted using the HTTPS protocol, that is, in encrypted form, which reduces the risk of its interception by malefactors, there is authorization and the ability to recover the password using a mobile phone. Also the mailbox has own magazine visits, where all important events are recorded - entry time, entry point (IP address from which you entered your account), manipulations with letters, and so on.

Surprisingly enough Mail again performed as well as competitors, providing powerful protection against data interception, built-in verification transferred files Kaspersky Anti-Virus and many security settings that you can enable and disable based on your own considerations. For example, the function “prohibit concurrent sessions” will automatically disconnect a previously connected user if someone tries to log into the account from another computer.


It is only logical that companies that provide access to free email services should receive some kind of financial return from them. One of the methods of generating income is showing advertising materials (banners, context, etc.) on the page of the box. If everything is in moderation, you can still put up with this, but an overabundance of advertising greatly interferes.

IN Google mail its just in bulk. Back in 2012, Microsoft filmed a video in which a Google postman opens other people's letters in order to place thematic ads there. In other countries, this fact has been in the spotlight for a long time, but in our country ... no one cares. Disable showing advertisements it is also impossible in any way, except that by setting third party programs (AdBlock, AdMuncher and the like).

What can be said about Yandex? They treated their users much more humanely, giving them the opportunity to optionally enable or disable the display of advertising materials. A couple of clicks and no more annoying ads and offers. Such a policy domestic servicedefinitely worth the respect.

But the most annoying and annoying ads are - Yandex Direct context block, animated banners in the most inappropriate place for this. And this is not taking into account the flow of spam (we will return to it in the paragraph below), which mailboxes on Mile attract. Disabling ads, again, will only work with the help of special software or browser settings.

Spam protection

Using e-mail, all clients in one way or another are faced with letters coming from unknown addressees, which can be described as advertising / fraudulent garbage. After a month of inactivity, the mailbox becomes clogged to such an extent that it becomes not an easy task to find an important letter there. It is good that all of the services provide protective measures that partially suppress spam.

Thanks to google technologies, the majority of emails from spammers will be blocked even before they reach your mailbox, and the few that still reach the goal are moved to special section... Unfortunately, this does not really help in work - Gmail very often equates normal letters with spam, so users have to constantly check the trash folder in order to make sure that no important message has got there.

Kaspersky Anti-Spam, which protects mail Mail , works out of the ordinary: spam passes through and is not sorted properly. But the most surprising thing is that the stream of advertising messages falls and on hitherto never used addresses (there were even rumors that administrators themselves sell user databases to organizers mass mailings). The only way to alleviate the situation is to manually configure the spam filter.

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Yandex Mail filters not only incoming, but also outgoing correspondence, placing in the "Spam" folder all suspicious letters that were sent in large quantities to a large number of addresses. The service also takes into account individual filtering rules. That is, if the mailing list is marked as unwanted by you, and as useful by other users, the spam filter will work only in the first case.

Instead of output

I have been actively using the mailboxes discussed in the review for several years, and each of them performs different tasks.

  • is used as a tool for registering in any dubious projects and subscribing to mailing lists, in addition, it is not scary to put it on public display, distributing contact information to the right and left (they will steal, spam - well, to hell with it).
  • Yandex Mail is more functional, has a user-friendly interface and in 99% of cases guarantees the delivery of letters, so it is definitely the best option for work and correspondence with clients.
  • As for the last service - Gmail, I prefer not to “shine” it anywhere, but to use it only for registration in payment systems, on serious Internet resources, in social networks... The security mechanisms of this mail may well guarantee the security of personal data.

In general, what I wanted to say by this: the best electronic mailbox in all respects cannot be found, but it is quite possible to choose the most acceptable option for the implementation of some tasks. I hope that this review will help you with this.

Hello everyone. In order to fully enjoy all the advantages of the Internet, one cannot bypass such popular services as e-mail. But the question always arises: which email to choose? And today in this article I will introduce you to the 5 most popular email services and tell you about their benefits.

Which email should I choose?

What could be more enjoyable to receive letters and to be in contact with your close relatives who live so far away from you? Find out how your friends are doing, share photos that capture the happiest moments of your life.

Nowadays, one cannot do without e-mail, it is needed in everything, whether we want to register on the site or in the game, subscribe to an interesting newsletter or buy some product in the online store. We need to enter an email address every time, but which one should I choose? Which is the most comfortable and safest of all? I will try to answer these questions.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the mail interface and its functionality, so that it will be convenient for you to work with it in the future.

Second, pay attention to the volume of emails and how much space you are given to send files. This is also an important point, since sometimes it is necessary to send letters with several documents.

And thirdly, choose secure mail, but you yourself will not be able to check it yourself, so I recommend taking one of the 5 presented below.

The Internet is just replete with all kinds of mailboxes that you can register for free and still get amazing bonuses. But in order to understand which service is right for you, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Benefits of the 5 best emails

That's all, you have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular email services. Write in the comments what e-mail you have chosen for yourself and for what benefits?

Thanks for reading, see you on the blog pages. :)

P.S. Unforgettable to leave comments, and be sure to watch the video. :)

The turn of the mail has come. Which email service - Gmail, Yandex.Mail, or Yahoo Mail - is the most convenient and secure? To answer this question, we analyzed their functionality and reputation. News about crashes, leaks, phishing - nothing escaped our specialists' attention.

4th place - Yahoo Mail

The company launched an email service in 1997. In the early 2000s, Yahoo Mail grew to tens of millions of customers. By December 2011, 281 million people were using mail, which was the third highest in the world at the time. Overall, however, things were not going so smoothly for the company: Yahoo was in a long stagnation and began to negotiate with Verizon about the sale.

In 2016, Verizon got a reason to bargain and bring down the price. Yahoo Mail suffered two giant leaks in which 1.5 billion accounts were leaked. The amount leaked is not the most striking thing in this story. It is much more surprising that the leaks occurred in 2013-2014, and users only found out about them in 2016.

Who stole all these arrays, how the invasions took place - all this remained a mystery. It is only known that the incidents are not related. In the first leak that compromised 500 million accounts, the company blamed hackers for "Acting with the support of one of the states." In the second - a billion merged accounts - “ unknown third party "... In order to somehow mitigate the consequences, a manual page for victims was created. Collaborating PR and tech support has helped stem significant customer churn.

Hackers stole personal information from users, hashed passwords, security questions and answers. For several years, criminals have been able to access compromised accounts. In addition, the unreliable Yahoo! Mail was blocked in the US Congress because the service's filters allowed more phishing messages to pass through than other mail service filters.

Rumors of leaks have knocked down the company's price. The initial value of the deal with Verizon was $ 4.8 billion, but after the information about hacks appeared, Yahoo depreciated by $ 350 million, although at the turn of the millennium the company was valued at $ 100 billion.

During a period of special vulnerability, in 2015, Yahoo Mail acquired two-factor authentication. With this method of protection, an additional code is entered to enter the account, which is sent to the user by SMS or generated in the application. The desire to stay afloat is also confirmed by participation in the Bug Bounty program, in which Yahoo paid a $ 14,000 bonus for the discovery of a vulnerability in ImageMagick that allows stealing graphics from e-mail.

Yahoo Mail has some nice features. Such an immense storage of incoming messages -1TB! - no other mail service has. The irony is that the gigantic storage volume reminds us of another gigantic figure: 1.5 billion compromised accounts that the company hasn't known anything about for 2 years. We give Yahoo Mail 4th place.

3rd place - appeared a year later than Yahoo, in 1998, and became the first mail service with a Russian-language interface. The monthly audience of, according to the marketing research company TNS, is more than 25 million users. Group was often criticized for annoying distribution of additional resources, and their mail - for the poor performance of anti-spam.

For example, the Amigo browser was distributed in the installation packages of other mail products - users did not notice it and agreed to install it. Also Group disguised their browser as files of other applications. The hostility was dispersed by the difficult removal of "Amigo" - the system started background process, which controlled the removal of software. If you try to uninstall the browser, it is automatically installed again - you had to change system settings Windows.

In 2014, an open petition was filed with Roskomnadzor, as well as the management of Group and Yandex, demanding to impose sanctions on companies that create self-installing viral software. Under the pressure of user dissatisfaction, the company opened a website for complaints and communication with technical support, but only in 2016. is the leader in the CIS in terms of the number of clients, which is why it is loved by spammers of all stripes. In the 2000s, mail was scolded for using spam filters. Therefore, the company went to war with unwanted messages and even overdid it at some point. In 2014, a post about magic anti-spam algorithms appeared on "Habrahabr". It turned out that was sending the domains of honest senders to the blacklist.

Back in the 2000s, the company understood that if you did not stop tons of spam, then you could say goodbye to leadership. The first stage of the fight was Kaspersky Anti-Spam paired with the Real-time blackhole list - a list of IP addresses associated with spammers. At first, the number of unsolicited emails decreased, but the system was inert and needed an upgrade. Then the company began to develop its own filtering tools - this is how the Mail.Ru Anti-Spam Daemon appeared. The system is expanding and becoming more complicated, because according to information for 2016, it should check 350 thousand messages per minute.

The compromised passwords of did not amount to hundreds of millions, like those of Yahoo !, but one nuisance happened. September 2014 went down in history as a month of total password leakage for e-mail services, including 4.6 million It should be noted that this was not a targeted attack, but the result of a long collection of compromised accounts. The press service of reported that more than 95% of accounts “ are limited in sending mail, and we have long been recommending their owners to change their password". To prevent criminals from using such databases, two-factor authentication is provided.

The company participates in the Bug Bounty program. For example, on "Hacker" a case was described when a bug finder came across a chain of vulnerabilities in Mail.Ru for Android, which led to a complete compromise of the contents of mail and SD-cards. Thanks to the Bug Bounty, at least one vulnerability will not be exploited by hackers - we give Mail.Ru a plus for this.

For problems with spam and annoying distribution of such additional serviceslike Amigo, we put Mail.Ru in 3rd place. It should be noted that the company strives for openness and safety: it introduces new filters, a service for complaints has been created. However, the shadow of old problems still obscures positive endeavors.

2nd place - Yandex.Mail

Mail.Ru's competitor, Yandex.Mail, is actively operating in the CIS market and abroad. In June 2012, according to ComScore, Yandex's email was the fastest growing in Europe. The last mark on the Yandex.Statistics website shows that in May 2017 the monthly audience of the service amounted to 24 million people.

The company had its own "Amigo" - the notorious Yandex.Bar. It caused the same problems and annoyance as the mail product. Yandex.Bar is an extension that appeared in your browser, and often unexpectedly. After all, it was installed, like the Amigo, imperceptibly, complete with other software. Removing such a gift was an ordeal for inexperienced users.

Yandex. Mail was spotted in a massive leak in September 2014 - there were 1.26 million compromised passwords. The company's press service said that they know about 85% of the accounts from this database: “ We warned their owners and sent them to change their password, but they didn't. This means that such accounts are most likely abandoned or created by robots.».

To protect against those who want to use compromised passwords, two-factor authentication is provided using Yandex.Key - an application for Android and iOS that generates new one-time passwords. To recognize spam, Yandex.Mail uses the Spamoborona service, and Dr.Web checks emails for viruses. Service protocol is secure: with a recent redesign, users switched to a secure HTTPS connection.

In the liabilities of the mail, we will classify periodic news of failures. In 2015, there was more than an hour failure related to internal problems, and the mail was unavailable throughout Russia. In December 2016, sending letters suddenly stopped working.

In Yandex, we take care of users' personal time. The mail support service learned to respond within 3 hours. We managed to speed up the process thanks to a robot that answers typical questions when you fill out the form.

Yandex participates in a program to search for vulnerabilities with payment of rewards. The amount of the award depends on the service on which the vulnerability was discovered. Services are divided into two groups: critical and all the rest, Yandex.Mail also belongs to the critical ones, where they pay from 5,500 to 17,000 rubles for a bug found.

At the end of May, searches were carried out in the Kiev and Odessa offices of Yandex as part of the criminal proceedings opened under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - High treason. SBU accuses Yandex of transferring data from Ukrainians to Russian special services. During the searches, the operatives established that “ the company's management illegally collected, accumulated and transferred personal data of Ukrainian citizens to Russia ”.The SBU believes that the Russian special services used the information received to organize intelligence, sabotage and information-subversive operations " to the detriment of Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability ".

The accusation of transferring data to the special services is a serious stain on the reputation of the postal service, but while the investigation is underway, Yandex has not been proven guilty. We state that the mail did not have huge leaks and problems with spam - and we award it the second place.

In 2016, Gmail crossed the milestone of over 1 billion monthly active users. The spears of scammers and hackers are aimed at the Google product like no other mail service, and 50-70 percent of the messages received by Gmail are spam. We have to keep the brand and introduce new technologies.

Gmail passwords are periodically displayed in different databases: either with Yahoo !, or with In the September 2014 leak, 5 million passwords were compromised - more than all others. To prevent strangers from surfing the mail, Gmail recommends using two-factor authenticationfor which a USB token can be used.

Gmail was having trouble filtering phishing. In 2016, an expert from the consulting company SecureState found out that filters for detecting malicious programs on Gmail do not always work. To prevent the system from noticing a malicious macro in Office documents, it is enough to split keywords into two parts. And in May 2017, Gmail warned users about phishing emails disguised as Google docs... The newsletter did not translate to a fake page, but it acted atypically - inside a real service.

Such news darkens the reputation of the service. Although Gmail detects 999 malicious emails out of 1000, one still leaks. Therefore, at the end of May 2017, Google launched an early phishing detection system - a machine learning model that selectively delays 0.05 percent of messages for thorough analysis. The new model also uses reputation and similarity URL analysis techniques.

In the mentioned May update, there was a tool for preventing data loss: if a user writes a response message outside the company's domain, the system displays a warning. The alert does not work for recipients from your contact list or regular interlocutors.

Intelligence agencies are as interested in Gmail users as phishers. In March 2016, the company reported that nearly a million mail users are potential victims of cyber attacks by government hackers. Therefore, Gmail sends notifications to users with security instructions. When they tried to hack Pavel Durov, he received a similar warning and

Basic requirements for a good email service


Virus protection, privacy and data protection

Spam filtering

Effective anti-spam filters.

Convenience of the interface

Convenient control panel, attractive design, availability and clarity of advanced options.

Box volume

Possibility of long-term storage of a sufficiently large amount of information

Translators and spell checking service

This functionality is especially important if you communicate with representatives of other countries or conduct business correspondence.

Data backup, file storage, offline work.

These options are important to ensure the safety of your correspondence and received data.

The best post. 10 most popular free services for receiving and sending mail


Google postal service

One of the most stable and reliable email services

Key features:
15GB integrated cloud file storage (but Gmail shares it with Google Photo, Google drive and other services that are part of a Google account)
One of the best algorithms for detecting and filtering spam
Stable and reliable 24/7 operation, with little or no disruption
Simple but cleverly designed interface, convenient search for letters, message fragments
All messages are automatically divided into categories such as "General", "Advertising", "Forums", etc.
Sophisticated protection of the confidentiality of personal information

POP and IMAP standards give Gmail access to any email program and device.
Gmail hosts contextual advertising next to the letters you read.

Yandex Mail

Yandex mail service

Convenient and reliable mail.

Key features:

The service is equipped with an integrated antivirus service from Dr.Web.
Knows how to translate letters from foreign languages into Russian.

Key Features:
not limited volume of the box;
panel for managing other mailboxes;
access from any devices (tablets, smartphones, laptops);
built-in organizer;
a set of tools for processing letters (design, editing, checking).

Yandex.Mail can function as a full-fledged IMAP client. company mail service

Key features:
good speed of work: the service executes user commands in a split second;
convenient interaction with the remote storage of files "Cloud": the capacity of a personal disk can be up to 100 GB;
convenient marking of incoming messages;
the presence of a multi-profile mode of operation (the possibility of simultaneous work with several boxes);
support for sending "heavy" files;
processing of uploaded images (resizing, viewing);
grouping messages into threads

Microsoft mail service

Provides many options, especially for work in Microsoft Office.
A good option for an office worker.
This is a simple service, but in terms of functionality it is not inferior to Gmail.
Key features:
Provided imp paid storage 15 GB (but it is shared by Office and OneCloud and other Microsoft services)
Synchronization with other storages is provided.
All important messages are automatically highlighted and collected in one folder.
Event invitations and messages can be synced to the calendar.
There is built-in support for Skype, as well as access to Evernote, PayPal, GIPHY, Yelp, Uber, and more. can also offer you assistance in composing your letter.

Yahoo! Mail

The mail service of Yahoo!

The service interface resembles Gmail, but functionality more modest. But there are actual additions.
Key features:
There is a convenient filter for messages.
Synchronization with Facebook is provided.
Import contacts from other services such as Facebook, Gmail, Outlook, etc.
Paid 1TB storage available.
Support for other email accounts that support the IMAP or POP standards.
integration with cloud storage Dropbox.

In terms of functionality, Yahoo is inferior to Gmail and Outlook.
At the same time, enjoy by mail Yahoo! very convenient: free-form labeling and smart folders, the spam filter works efficiently

Apple postal service

iCloud Mail is a free email from Apple with ample storage space, IMAP access and an interesting, functional web application.

With iCloud Mail, you can not only access your emails from any of your Apple devices, but you can also manage your calendars and contacts and sync information.
If you receive an email, it will be immediately available on all your devices

However, the interface does not offer shortcuts or other features for productive work or organization of the letter, this service also does not support access to other accounts of electronic services.
There is no access to POP in iС either.

Zoho mail

Business oriented postal service

Zoho Mail offers an online office suite, document management and many collaboration tools and other add-ons that will be useful for corporate use.

Key features:
simultaneously supports up to 25 users in one domain
they each have their own mailbox with 5 GB storage
offers online office packages

Zoho Mail is designed to professional usersto assist them in distributing emails, identifying key messages and contacts, and sending out frequently used response templates.

Mail service of Rambler company

Simple and intuitive service for working with mail.
However, the service cannot seriously compete with Gmail, Yandex Mail and
It is less functional, the security issue remains open, the settings for serious work with a large volume of correspondence are clearly not enough.
The volume for storing letters is relatively small - the mailbox is intended for individual use and Rambler mail cannot offer anything to corporate clients.

The main advantages
- fast registration and easy management
- fast image browsing: swipe through a photo with one swipe
- the ability to collect mail from other services (, Yandex.Mail, Gmail,, Outlook)

Login to rambler mail can be done through profiles in social networks VKontakte, Facebook, LJ.

Service developed by the Gmail team

An inbox is "a completely different type of inbox designed to focus on what really matters." (a phrase from the official Gmail blog).

Service for the web, as well mobile applications for Android and iOS Inbox aims to improve productivity and organize email with multiple key functions.
Kits (bundles) assemble emails the same topics together, highlight key details from messages, and reminders, help users control when certain information appears.
Inbox helps you keep everything under control and focus on what's important.

For the convenience of users, similar messages are grouped into categories, and the most important messages are displayed immediately. Any letter can be postponed for later and create a reminder for each case
In cloud storage, there is no need to delete emails to save space.

AIM Mail

AOL (American media conglomerate) postal service

AIM Mail (AOL Instant Messenger) is known as a free email service with unlimited online storage, very good spam protection, and a rich, easy-to-use interface.

AIM Mail has spam protection and robust security features.
The rich interface makes AIM Mail easy to use and integrates calendar, chat and social media.
AIM Mail offers unlimited online email storage and POP or IMAP access.

There is an AIM panel with complete list friends, as well as built-in widgets that show online friends' presence, and shortcut links to popular websites sponsored by AOL Instant Messenger.
However, AIM Mail has a slight performance disadvantage (no shortcuts, smart folders, and text message comments related to the same topic or issue), but some of those gaps are filled with very functional IMAP and POP access.

Most Reliable Email: 4 Most Reliable Email Services

These services can be used as additional services in cases where privacy and security issues are most important to you.

What are the criteria for choosing reliable mail?

Reliability is determined by the following factors:
1. Protection of mail from hacking and interception by third parties.
2. Confidentiality - protection of information from the developers themselves.
3. Refusal of developers to cooperate with special services.


Secure mail from Switzerland

The company has extensive experience and a good reputation for providing a secure platform to users, especially journalists interested in a high level of privacy.

Technologies used
End-to-end encryption
Messages are stored on ProtonMail servers in an encrypted format. They are also transmitted in encrypted format between servers and user devices.
Encrypted user data is not available to the administration of the service
Data is encrypted on the client side using an encryption key that the administration does not have access to. (For this reason, it is impossible to perform data recovery on the service if, for example, you have forgotten your password).
Time-tested and reliable encryption algorithms
Only secure implementations of AES, RSA, and OpenPGP are used.
In addition, all cryptographic libraries used are open source. Using open source libraries source code, ensures that the encryption algorithms the service uses do not have any hidden built-in functions.

The company offers a free VPN service Proton VPN for android platforms, iOS, MacOS and Windows to combat censorship on the Internet, allowing you to bypass restrictions and gain access to blocked sites.

ProtonMail also provides the world's first encrypted contact manager, ProtonMail Contacts, which aims to protect user data with encryption and digital signature features.


Email encryption service from Belgium

Mailfence offers end-to-end encryption based on OpenPGP, which ensures that messages sent and received between the user and the recipient are not read by anyone else. The user can also access account Mailfence using SMTP and IMAP using any email client.

Belgium has strict privacy laws. According to Belgian law, all national and international supervisory requests must go through a Belgian court.

Additional Mailfence features:
OpenPGP - end-to-end encryption (supports PGP / MIME and embedded PGP)
Offers SPF, DKIM, TFA, anti-spam and user blacklist.
Integrated key store
Fully OpenPGP Compatible
Two-factor authentication


Safe postal service from Switzerland

CoutnerMail provides end-to-end encryption making it impossible for hackers to read your email.
The service has over 4000 types of encryption keys.

The company does not store email data on the server or hard drives... This means that attackers will not be able to track emails, thus data leakage is out of the question.
CounterMail also guarantees protection from government surveillance of data.

Additional features of CounterMail:
Integrated security
Diskless web servers
USB dongle option
MITM Attack Defense (Middle Man)
Apps for Android and iOS


Secure mail from Germany

Tutanota provides open source end-to-end encrypted email and provides a secure Freemium-based email service that is designed to protect user communications.
Because Tutanota is based on an open source model, it is evolving faster than many other similar services.

Additional features of Tutanota:
End-to-end encryption
Open source
Apps for Android and iOS
Users can send and receive encrypted messages from ordinary users Email

Letters not getting through? Ukrainian letters disappear from the text? Out of mailbox space? - If you are familiar with these problems, then this article is for you.

In this post I have tried to briefly review the popular among my colleagues, friends and acquaintances mail services, in order to outline their advantages and disadvantages. I ranked seven popular email services in ascending order, starting with the worst.

Rambler-mail - "mail to nowhere"

Once Rambler was one of the best search engines in Runet, but now he has unconditionally surrendered his positions. The once popular Rambler mail is hopelessly outdated and is an extremely primitive mail service. In order to somehow keep afloat, Rambler shows its users a lot of advertisements.

By registering on Rambler, you get a mailbox of 20 (!) Megabytes, which theoretically can be increased by 50 megabytes per day. The maximum possible size of the "pumped-over" Rambler-mail is 1 gigabyte and not a byte more. However, if you are not in the habit of sending photographs by mail, then you can still put up with such stinginess of Rambler.

The mailbox web interface is quite simple and straightforward. To protect yourself from spammers, Rabler-mail requires entering a check number (captcha) every time you send a letter. It is possible that Rambler is simply distrustful of new users, but in my case, when I have to send up to fifty letters a day, such paranoidness is extremely annoying.

The maximum allowable size of an incoming / outgoing letter in Rambler-mail is 25 megabytes. Considering that the size of the message increases by about a third when sending, the actual size of the message, taking into account the attached files, is about 16 megabytes. As for downloading files, in Rambler-mail they can be attached to the letter only one at a time, and they are uploaded to the server only after clicking the "Send" button. I note right away that there are much more convenient ways to download files, but more on that later.

From the experience of correspondence with the owners of mailboxes on Rambler, I will say that they often have problems when sending letters with attached files.

Finally, I put an end to Rambler-mail after less than half (!) Of a dozen test letters sent by me reached the addressee, the fate of the rest remained unknown - they were on the list of sent ones, but I did not receive any error notifications.

MetaMail - primitive in Ukrainian

META - Ukrainian search portal was created back in 1998 and is focused exclusively on Ukrainian users. The only thing I like about META is its name, there is something patriotic about it.

Like Gmail, Yandex mail allows you to conveniently view sent documents directly in a web browser. In addition to ordinary letters, Yandex mail allows you to send video messages recorded using a webcam. The mail interface of Yandex mail has a function for sending and drawing postcards.

By default, a small banner and a news block are displayed in the Yandex mail interface. But, oddly enough, both can be disabled in the settings. It is not clear why, but, according to Yandex statistics, very few people use this opportunity.

You have decided to change your mailbox. How to do it painlessly?

If someone has read this article to the end and decided to switch to a new mail, then I will hint how this can be done almost painlessly. Changing your mail is almost like changing your mobile number - for a long time you will be sent to your old address. Therefore, I recommend turning to the functions of forwarding incoming letters, as well as the mail collector, which is available in almost all mail services.

With forwarding mail, for sure, everything is obvious - you specify your new mail address and all incoming correspondence is forwarded to the new address.

The mail collector is very convenient functionif you have multiple email addresses. You specify in your main mail addresses and passwords of other mailboxes, and it will automatically download new letters from them. Different mail services this function can be implemented in different ways, so for more information, I recommend looking at the reference section.