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Loneliness - when you received congratulations on the new year only OTTS. MTS measured New Year's congratulations on the North-West congratulations on the New Year from MTS

2014th year will be:

For thin women - the year of Klyachi.
For full women - the year of the mare.
For men up to 60 - year stallion.
For men after 60 - the year of Merin.
For young people - a year of pony.
For high people - the year of Persheron.
For subordinates - the year of heavy truck.
For chiefs - the year of Moula.
For lyrics - the year of Pegasus.
For physicists, the year of the spherical horse in vacuum.
For travelers - the year of Przhevalsky's horse.
For Lamers - the year of the Trojan horse.
For Africans - year of a dark horse.
For a dentist, the year of darken horses.
For erora - the year of the horses drunk.
For the opposition - the year of Bolivar, which will not endure two.
For officials, deputies, oligarchs - the year of the Arabic Jumping.
For the people - the year of the carousel horse.

Native people, Happy New Year ...

My sadness and we welcome the old year:
He leaves in history, harsh ...
And we run rapidly forward
Meeting the coming year new.

Year can people peace and happiness to give
So expected by the simple people ...
And I am pleased to congratulate again:
Native people, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Congratulations, happiness, I wish you!
All who have a single, get married. Everyone who is in a quarrel is to make up.
For resentment forget.
Everyone who is sick, - to become healthy, flourish, climb.
Everyone who is skinny is to become thorough, too thick - lose weight.
Too smart - to become simpler, inconsistent - to ask.
All gray - to darken, so that the bald hair
On the top of the scutus, like Siberian forests.
To the songs to have a joke, never.
Happy New Year! With new happiness! Yes, it will be afraid of us!

On the eve of Christmas, the female came home to her husband after a day filled with shopping hikes. When she undressed to lie down in bed, the husband saw the labels on the inside of the thighs. Then he asked what it was, and she told him that he had a tattooer and on one leg it was written "Happy New Year", and on the other - "Merry Christmas". The husband asked that it all means, and she replied:
- So that you can not complain more, that there is nothing to put into the language between the New Year and Merry Christmas!

01/15/2016, Fri, 16:31, MSK , Text: Mikhail Ivanov

MTS company summed up the festive activity of users in the regions of the North-West. In total on New Year's Eve (from 21:00 on December 31 to 3:00 on January 1) MTS subscribers transferred more than 100 TB of Internet traffic, they spoke almost 80 years and sent 22.5 million messages.

On New Year's Eve, Internet traffic in MTS networks rose more than twice as compared to the same period last year. The maximum increase compared to last year was demonstrated by the Vologda and Kaliningrad region, the regions' users downloaded almost 2.5 times more information than a year earlier. At the same time, residents and guests of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region ─ almost 40% in the total traffic. In the three regions whose residents did not part with the Internet even on a festive night, the Pskov region and the Komi Republic were also 10% each region. In total, for 10 holidays in MTS networks in the North-West District, 3.23 PB data was transferred in the North-West District, which is a third more than in 2015 of this amount of data would be enough to watch the film "The Irony of Fate, or with a Light ferry!" In HD quality.

Despite the increasing commitment of users to communicate in in social networks and messengers, traditional ways of congratulations do not lose relevance. Most fans to talk in the northern capital (the duration of voice greetings was 40 years old), the Republic of Komi (8 years old), Pskov (6.5 years) and Arkhangelsk (5 years) regions. In all regions of the northwest of relatives and loved ones, they traditionally congratulated in the first hour of the new year. And only the inhabitants of the western region of Russia, Kaliningrad region, preferred to do it even before the battle of the Kurats.

As for SMS-messages, then on New Year's Eve (from 21:00 on December 31 to 3:00 on January 1) MTS subscribers in the north-western region passed on average 53,000 messages per minute. More than half of all SMS sent residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, in second place in popularity of SMS, the Pskov region was the Pskov region (9%), the third place was divided by the Komi Republic and the Kaliningrad region (8%).

"The expansion of the 4G MTS high-speed network in all regions of the North-West in 2015 made it possible to make the exchange of New Year's wishes on social networks and messengers even more popular and affordable. Thanks to serious work on the preparation of our network for New Year's loads, MTS subscribers could actively use the MTS subscribers throughout the New Year holidays. mobile Internet, communicate with friends in social networks and messengers, watch your favorite New Year's films and listen to music online, and also search for online entertainment options on weekends, "said the technical director of the MTS North-West branch Dmitry Smirnov.

Locheron 1.. Over the past six months, a lot of subscribers have already received this, here it reached me. From the number 4741 comes the following SMS:

Stock! Within 7 days you will receive the weather forecast for free.
The subscription will turn off automatically after 7 days.
Info: 059037

Of course, you pay attention no more than any other spam.

During the week, the number "neatly", that is, with a spread of time from 2 nights to 20 pm, a forecast comes, and then such a SMS:

Weather forecast: We remind you that you can receive a weather forecast for free for another 7 days (hereinafter 25 p / week). Dial * 111 * 4773 # Challenge

Let me, but how will "turn off automatically after 7 days"? Regarding the code * 111 * 4773 # on the MTS website, the following is written:

When you set the commands * 111 * 4773 #, the system automatically starts the countdown of the second free week of obtaining the weather forecast provided when ordering a fee for a fee.

That's the times ... it turns out, also to sign on the grandmother automatically with consent to the second portion of free cheese!

On the same page you can find a way to reflect this happiness (girls around 0890 hide him thoroughly):

Refuse the daily arrival of weather forecast is possibly in the following ways:
by sending an SMS message with Figure 2 to a short number 4741;
gaining from yours mobile phone * 111 * 4751 # [Call]

After dialing * 111 * 4751 #, a USSD response "Application for refusal is accepted" came, let's see what will happen.

Locheron 2.. Who is deceiving, if not the youth? The RED Energy Tariff positions exactly as youth, so I switched one of the sims from the archive tariff plan to it, giving pleasure for it, as expected, 70 rubles.

There were no additional messages or SMS, however, in detail I saw the following:

Code: Allocate everything "Good'OK Bonus": Adding a Chat service: adding a group Red_NSK: Adding Red_ID service: add service

It turns out that when connected, the operator still adds promotional services that, then, apparently, will be paid.

I do not need these services, but * 111 * 29 # (Turning off the "beep" service) gives the message "Authorization error. Operation is not available", * 111 * 12 # (Turning off the chat) - the same.

Lochotron 3.. Well, MTS partners - "Content providers", and in a simple, Zhulo, are not diluted before the new year. Here, I just received, reproduce literally with omnounced punctuation marks:

You have left a Christmas greeting to listen, call 09409

After 18 minutes:

The service is paid. Tariff 81.28 rub / minute.

But other will call: (


Another "relatively honest" way of departing money in anyone unsuspecting citizens from MTS. Here is the details.

Do you like to congratulate your friends and happy new year friends? So do I. Therefore, I went to the day before personal Area MTS to connect free SMS software according to the program "Bonus from MTS". It turned out that me there is already waiting for another "bonus" in the form of additional Internet. Instead of 3 GB mobile Internet, I suddenly became a whole 10! Where would?

I do not believe in free gifts from MTS - even on the eve of the new year. As the OSLOK said: "I already have one present" (and even two - mailing from MTS SMS-2014 and a wiring from MTS through video view 2015). And then, I absolutely know exactly that I did not connect any additional internet. To me and three gigs a lot - I, mostly, I sit on a free Wi-Fi. I began to dig in the personal account, and that's what "went out."

The option "Additional Internet" from MTS is the automatic extension of the Internet after you have spent paid traffic. It is extended, of course, for money. And, that is the most disgusting - sly. Most subscribers do not even suspect about it. I also did not suspect, until I went to my personal account and did not see these unknown from where 10 gigs took.

Note. On the MTS website, everything is done with the mind: additional internet looks very free - as long as everything is inside out there and do not get out of the mousetrap, in which MTS has shovels their next "free" cheese. Next to "extra The Internet "In the prominent place there is an inscription:" Quota update - January 2016 ". The subscriber sees and thinks that all this will be only from the new year. Therefore, he no longer climbs anywhere, but continues to quietly prepare for the holidays. And the money from his phone is also calmly drown.

The essence of the traps: as soon as you chose the whole traffic, 500 megabytes connect to you automatically and 50 rubles are removed. And so 15 times (15 packages of 500 MB automatically can automatically connect to a month). If you have a big credit limit, then you can thoroughly go into a deep minus and not even notice it.

I do not argue. Who hangs on the Internet, the automatic extension of it, maybe in the buzz. If money is not sorry. And if it is a pity?

To disable "Additional Internet", you need to send free Message with digit 1 to number 6280. I send. Get out a warning: "When sending SMS to this number from your account may write off funds. Proceed?" NOTE !!! I cancel. And call to the call center.

In a conversation with the operator, it turns out that the "additional Internet" works for me from November 1, 2015! And I neither sleep nor the Spirit. How nice, isn't it? No notifications that I have connected unnecessary Paid serviceI did not come. None in November, nor now. I ask the operator, why the free SMS to disable the "additional Internet" turns out to be paid. The operator is surprised. I demand from it to disable the service imposed to me manually and hear: "Does it really do to you yourself?"

To go nuts. It is not difficult for me. I - fundamentally. They ourselves connected themselves and disconnect. I did not ask MTS something to be connected without my knowledge. And then, more than anything, they did it in a quiet, there are also unnecessary televitations from subscribers. Cute, isn't it?

When you run on new types of telephone fraud - it is gadko. When you fucking, it strives to handle the telecom operator with which you have for many years and who is used to trust is doubly. So, happy new year, dear comrades. With new happiness, with new wiring ...

© Text - @noorysan. Illustrations - evil ia.

I wish this New Year
Smaller sadness and worries,
More happiness and good,
Smiles, tenderness, warm!

To be faithful friends
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that for all the strength!

Well, even let the new year
More money will bring
Health, Peace and Love,
So that in the heart there was no winter!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Laughter, happiness and heat,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And in all matters of order!

Let all gray, bad
Old year will take with him.
Only bright moments
Create the way back!

Happy New Year! I wish you to happiness and good luck for you faithful companions! Let health be strong, and all the year you are accompanied by only joyful events, positive emotions and success in all endeavors! Let the closest dreams come true, and the most cherished dreams come true!

Happy New Year Congratulations
Happiness in life you wish you
Many good wishes
Extinguishing all dreams!

The most vivid impressions
The most fabulous moments.
Let this year bears
Many joyful troubles!

Happy New Year
And sincerely I wish
Have fun and laugh
Not to be offended
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every mig
And give their warmth,
Be on a positive
So that always all lucky!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and good!
Let all the bad weather bypass
Life will give you in full!

I wish peace and good,
Love, spiritual heat!
Let you go this new year
Success and joy will bring!

Let the new year open the door
To the world of magic, care, faith.
And everything will start good!
Good luck let you smile!

I wish in the new year
To go a year without hassle
Gave you a lot of happiness
And sheltered from all the inclues.

Let the magic happen,
Gives joy celebration.
Let everyone come true dreams.
Happiness, peace, kindness!

Every new year as a fairy tale
How the birth of a dream.
New comes joy
Our world, full beauty.

Happy New Year
And I wish you good,
Much happiness, and good luck,
And spiritual heat!

It's time when everyone can
About new plans to dream,
Think something carefully
Yes, everything under the Christmas tree to guess.
I am glad to congratulate Happy New Year!
And late this evening
You are santa frost let pass
Approaches happiness and warmth.
Deer herd will come running
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers are good to you and myself
Do you reign the comfort.

Happy New Year
And I sincerely wish:
Happiness - only through the edge.
To life is not life, and paradise.

Don't hurt and get enough
Optimist stay,
Inspire around people
For the accomplination of ideas!

Let fate keep you,
And the angel is still standing!

Let this glorious new year
Will give happiness and good luck
Health will bring a lot
And the money of the ocean in addition!

Let everyone fulfill dreams,
Smile let shy brightly!
I wish the world, kindness
And wonderful gifts!