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How to connect 3 GB on the body. How to get additional online traffic? Important information for telephone subscribers2

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to meet a person who has no Internet connected on the mobile phone. And this is not surprising at all. After all, the Internet very closely entered our life, alleviating it by significantly. With the help of the Internet, we can quickly find useful information, without restrictions to communicate with close people or even watch a movie online in your free time.

To use the Internet on your mobile phone, it is worthwhile to activate the option on the tariff, under the conditions of which will be provided with a certain amount of traffic. But, most often, this volume is often lacking, so you need to connect another optional options. So, the operator cellular communication Tele2 offers its users to additionally receive traffic in a volume of 100 megabytes to 5 gigabytes. From the article below, we will learn how to connect the "Add traffic to 3 GB" service, that is, extend traffic and be in the network constantly.

Do you categorically lack traffic to always be online or download the necessary information? In this case, you will definitely help the option from the company Tele2, which will provide 3 GB of Internet traffic. The point is, if you do not connect the option, then after exhausting the main volume of traffic, network access will be suspended. That is, you will have to wait until megabytes are accrued again. Not very convenient, right? Therefore, from such a situation you can get out the winner, just by activating the service on your phone.

It also should take into account the fact that additional Internet traffic is provided only at the following services, namely: "Internet suitcase", "Internet package" and "Internet portfolio". With the rest of the options "Additional traffic" does not work, that is, it is not even necessary to try to connect it.

Choose other services that will be compatible with your tariff, you can on the website of the operator or using an online consultant. The online consultant service is very convenient, since they can use the subscriber who is at any point in the world. It is not only convenient, but also takes a minimum of free time.

How to activate the option to your number?

There are several methods that will help you quickly and easily connect the desired amount of additional traffic on tele2. The first method is to connect through a personal account. This option The activation of the service is suitable for those who have a permanent access to the network and registered on the service. In addition, this process takes time, so be prepared to pay a solution to a problem for several minutes. So, to go to the office, you must enter your phone number, login and password. Then you need to go to the "services", select the appropriate Internet extension service and apply for activation. If you have the required amount of money on your account, the option will be connected in a couple of minutes.

No less popular option activation methods are sending a USSD request. In order to take advantage of this method, take your mobile phone And dial the next combination of numbers - * 155 * 181 #. After executing the query, the telephone company will come to your phone that you have activated the service. You can check the service status by sending a request - * 155 * 18 #.

In addition, any subscriber can connect the service by applying the third method - the assistance of the company's experienced consultant. The operator number that can be used when any questions and problems occur - 611. In the event that the subscriber is in intranet roaming and urgently need a consultant assistance, it is best to use another number - + 7 (951) 52 - 00 - 611. This number You can also apply in cases where you are abroad.

As for the cost, the plug-in traffic will cost you 150 rubles for activation. Advance payment is 0 rubles. An option for a month is provided from the moment when activation occurred or before accrualing the main traffic. In this regard, it is necessary to be especially attentive to use your package correctly.

How to disable additional traffic service?

To disable additional gigabytes of traffic, you just need to send a USSD request with the next digit combination - 155 * 180 #. Turns off the service is completely free, but if you want to activate it again, you will have to pay an advance payment. Therefore, think well, do you really want to get rid of additional traffic.

There are two more methods how to deactivate the option. So, turn off quickly and easily the service can also be using a personal account or call to the operator. How to call the operator we looked at a little higher. In any case, the deactivation of the option will take you no more than 5 minutes of free time.

How can I check the residue of megabytes?

Tele2 is worried about its customers, so it makes everything possible so that even checking the remnant MB has occupied no more than a few seconds. To do this, you need to dial the next combination of numbers on your phone - * 155 * 18 #.

After sending a request, literally after a few seconds, the desired information will be displayed on your phone.

Important information for telephone subscribers2

Extension of Internet traffic is valid only in the regions Russian Federation. If there is no sufficient amount to write off the account of compatible tariffs and options, then the additional traffic service simply suspends its action.

It is possible to use the service only after replenishing the account for the desired amount. After the money appears on the account, the main Internet traffic package will first be spent, which is included in the subscription. Only after the consolidation of the main traffic, the "Add Traffic" service will be activated for a month.

Finally, it is worth saying that Tele2 company offers its subscribers to also activate the "Add Traffic" service for 5 GB. This is quite a large amount of traffic, so it is suitable for those who love to watch movies over the Internet or play games online. How to connect this option can be found on the site operator tele2 - or by calling the operator to number 611.

Situations when you need to additionally add 3 GB traffic on tele2, not uncommon. Restricting the number of free megabytes is assumed on all company's tariff plans, so when traffic ends, it is possible to buy the Internet additionally. Such a service is available when the most options involving the subscription fee is connected.

In order to replenish the Internet account on an additional 3 gigabyte, you must dial the * 155 * 181 # command. Such a combination will allow you to quickly open access to the global network. The enrollment is made instantly. The validity period of the connected service is one month. Purchase cost - 150 rubles.


If the need for traffic disappears, the service is possible to disable. This will require:

  1. Dial * 155 * 180 #.
  2. Click on the call button.

The procedure is free. However, the fee for non-use megabytes is not refundable.

How to add 3 GB on tele2 after disconnection? To do this, it is enough to adopt the same connection operation. In addition, extend speed is also possible through the "Personal Account". It is convenient to connect both the restriction. You will need a phone number.

Check status

Information on how many free megabytes remains on the account, it is possible to get through the "Personal Account". It is also allowed to use the combination * 155 * 18 #. After it is typed, the result will be sent to the subscriber in the SMS message.

other information

Take additional free gigabytes perhaps in any region of Russia. The exception today is only the Republic of Crimea, but this restriction will also be removed in the near future. Rounding the volume of traffic is performed with an accuracy of 150 kilobytes.

How to connect 3 GB on tele2 if the tariff does not imply a subscription? Only those subscribers who, under the terms of the tariff plan, are assumed to have a traffic package to enter the global network. After a complete exhaustion of the limit, access is closed until the megabytes are bought.

Other conditions:

  1. Top up the account is possible through the "Personal Account" even if access to the Internet is limited.
  2. It is important that at the time of connection the service has enough funds.
  3. When renewing the main package, temporarily closed for some reason, its limit is consumed first, then re-acquired.


The possibility of buying additional gigabytes greatly simplifies the process of use. global NetworkIf the main limit has already been exhausted. Large investments are not required, and the subscriber has the opportunity to continue using the network until the next write-off of funds in the form of a subscription fee.

Cellular operator - Tele2 provides its services at particularly low prices. Lovers of calls, and the Internet will find the perfect offer for themselves. Standard features will help to perform any task. But if the traffic has ended the main package, not scary. After all, the provider has developed an automatic addition of additional volume for such situations. One of these proposals is to add 3 GB. Today we will consider in detail the features of the function.

Monitoring residual traffic

On any tariff plan, a certain number of parameters is provided on a packet basis. Behind them periodically need to follow. In active subscribers, they have a habit of ending in the most inappropriate period. To obtain the status of the available volume, use any of the options:

  1. Each subscriber has a personal web space on the official page on the Internet. For login there will be registered. Specify your phone number in the menu and log in. On the front panel you will see the main characteristics of the tariff plan. The number of minutes available, gigabytes and messages. Here are the basic procedures over the SIM card: replenishment of mobile balance, money transfer and much more, inclusion and cancellation of services.
  2. Download a licensed mobile application on your smartphone. The program interface is very simple, by following the input, the screen will appear the entire information you are interested in. The utility is in free access and is designed to simplify operations.
  3. Enter USSD query In the phone input window - * 155 * 0 #. In response, get information about the balances in the calculated period. * 107 # - Provides a description of the established contract.
  4. Call the technical support number - 611. Specialists are ready to answer any question around the clock.
  5. Personally come to the operator's sales center in its settlement. Ask statistics from the seller.

Do not forget to occasionally control the parameters to always stay in touch.

Option Add 3 GB

If the main Internet package spent, connect the additional volume of the body2, add 3 GB traffic. In just one click of the key you will receive the cherished units of the Internet. The function costs 190 rubles. Payment one-time. First of all, the standard tariff volume is consumed, after the end, the gigabyte package 3 is automatically connected. The service is compatible only with subscriber contracts on a batch basis, a line of new names and a branch. The option is valid throughout the country, with the exception of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea. Activity term of 30 days. You must remember the control commands:

  1. * 155 * 231 # - Installation.
  2. * 155 * 230 # - Disconnection.
  3. * 155 * 23 # - Request information about status.

For activation, use standard techniques. Perform both in the tariffs and services section find the extension applications. Click on the start button. All this can be done through virtual application on the cell phone. No one excludes customization in the company's sales cabin or on call to support.

Similar extension services

In addition to the presented Internet add function, the operator has developed a number of others, with different traffic. The conditions for all offers are identical, they act in almost all regions of Russia. Compatible only with batch TP.

Attention! The pricing policy fully complies, recognize data on your city on the official resource of the operator.

Add mobile Internet Tele2 can be in several ways. The user is provided with several services that allow the Subscriber to extend access to the World Wide Web.

The package size determines the cost of options. 3 GB Internet traffic can be connected - 30 days. The connection cost will be 150 rubles.

Works service throughout the country except Crimea (act special tariffs According to the subscriber tariff plan). Available only on tariffs with Internet traffic packages.

Connect 3 GB of Tele2

You can activate the Internet package in the following ways: by telephone, personal account, calling the operator, visiting the office of the company.

  1. The first method is to connect an additional 3 GB telephone phone - dial a USSD request *155*181# , press the call button
  2. The second way is to use the user's personal account. Service is available at
  3. The third method will contact subscriber support: 611 - number hot line, visit the company's company salon

Check the service status: Dial USSD request *155*18# . Personal account allows you to check the service status through the global network.

Once the service is connected - the alert will come. Before ordering an additional package, pay attention to the state of your account. After 30 days, automatic extension occurs.

The option is automatically deactivated when there is not enough tools to extend. The resumption of work occurs when the account is replenished.

Your package mobile traffic Ended ahead of time, but you still need access to the Internet? In such cases, you can use the option of Beeline 3 GB, having calculated the amount of traffic consumed so as to have enough of the next update of the batch services of your tariff plan.

Do not hurry to get upset if 2 weeks left before the package update, and you have already exhausted the mobile Internet. Just connect a favorable service to extend speed and do not worry about anything.

Provided the speed of 3 GB acts from the moment of connection and up to the end of the month after payment of the tariff plan. The full cost is charged immediately when activated, regardless of the date in full and number of days during which the subscriber used this option.

For the subscription, the user can transmit and receive the amount of data equal to 3 GB traffic provided. Speed \u200b\u200bdepends on the type of network and technology: 4G LTE Maximum will be 300 Mbps., 3G UMTS / HSPA - in turn 7.2 Mbps, 2G GPRS / EDGE - 236 kbps.

It also depends on many factors: network load, construction density at the site of the subscriber, relief of the area used protocols of data transfer and other factors.

If the user spent all 3 GB of Internet traffic, the speed is reduced to 64 kbps. Until the end of the estimated period (calendar month after connecting the tariff).

The cost of the service "Provided the speed"

For 200 p. The client receives 3 GB for a whole month all over Russia. When you disconnect and re-connect during even one month, the activation tools are removed in full.

When blocking telephone number During the estimated period, on the initiative of the Beeline operator or the client itself, the subscription charge for the service in any case is charged in full.

How to connect "Speed \u200b\u200b3 GB" Beeline

To connect a speed extension service from Beeline, you can use in one of the following ways:

  1. Personal Area In the Mobile Internet Services section.
  2. In a mobile application for your device.
  3. The call to 0674133.
  4. Turning to the nearest operator's office in your settlement or salon of official representatives of the company.
  5. Call from mobile to 8 800 700 0628.
  6. Send an email to address email [Email Protected].

Mobile app, like a personal account, are services for self-controlling their account, expenses, services and tariffs.

Here you can find out which paid and free services and subscriptions are connected to your number, connect new or disconnect the irrelevant. Mobile application Beeline can be downloaded in AppStore stores for iPhone, Google Play. on Android, Windows Store. For Windows Mobile absolutely free.

How to disable "Speed \u200b\u200b3 GB"

When disabling, the fund will not be returned, all the remaining traffic burns. It is not necessary to deactivate the option, since it is permanent and means are removed for it at the time of connection.

You can deactivate like this:

Motor race Beeline

After the exhaustion of 3 GB traffic exhaustion, no other services like the speed of speed will be automatically connected. The subscriber can independently connect the option again if he has not enough Internet traffic for 30 days. After using megabytes, the cost of 1 MB will become such as indicated in your tariff plan. Speed \u200b\u200bwill drop to 64 kbps.

Terms of Service Provided Speed

Extension option Beeline 3 GB is available to subscribers when using a SIM card from this operator On the device allowed to use on the territory of the Russian Federation, these are usually smartphones and tablets that support LTE, UMTS / HSPA technologies, GPRS / EDGE with the required settings.

The service can be connected to any of the available ones. this moment tariff plans: prepaid and subscription.

Features Services

The extension of the speed of 3 GB operates throughout the Russian Federation, as well as on trips around the country. If you are outside your state in international RoamingYou should learn more about the service information at the User Support Center for toll free phone 0628.