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How much money mister max makes. How much do mr max and miss katie earn

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Until now, many adults are surprised how an 8-year-old boy can receive millions of rubles and great amount views. We are talking about a young blogger under the pseudonym Mister Max. The boy gained great popularity thanks to a video in which he plays with dinosaurs. It is worth noting that he has his own channels and they bring a lot of money. The editors found out how much Mr. Max earns and what income his sister Miss Cathy has.

How much does Mr. Max earn on YouTube per month

For YouTube to generate any income, you need unique content that your audience will love. Mister Max does it. The young blogger travels around the countries, shows how he buys equipment, various toys and other interesting things that not everyone can afford.

It is worth noting that the whole family moved from Odessa to London. Now the young millionaire shares his life in the capital of Great Britain with his subscribers.

Today it is known that the monthly income is more than 62 thousand dollars (more than 4 million rubles).

Mister Max and Miss Katie are the youngest millionaire bloggers in the Russian-speaking segment of YouTube

What is Miss Katie's monthly income

Max's sister also became popular. The little girl even surpassed her brother in the number of subscribers on the channel. She now has over 13 million YouTube fans. We can say that two full-fledged metropolitan areas are subscribed to the Miss Katie channel, and this fact cannot but impress an adult. As for her earnings, it is about the same - about 62 thousand dollars, according to the latest statistics.

Sources of income

Gradually, the channel became a full-fledged blog about the lives of children. Surprisingly, people are really interested in watching young bloggers.

Their parents even appeared on the channel.

About 15,000 followers are added to them every day. Max also has another channel where the blogger reviews computer games... Of course, he also brings in a lot of income. In addition to views, which daily bring about $ 2,000 (180 thousand rubles), the star family also has advertising, as well as various partnership programs... No more detailed information about the income from this activity.

Brother and sister's combined income

Brother and sister earn about 150 thousand dollars (about 10 million rubles) monthly.

The amount of earnings cannot be called accurate, because the statistics are constantly changing. And if a new video does not get that many views, then the income becomes less.

It is also difficult to say about earnings from advertising. After all, it all depends on the companies they advertise. It is not clear what exactly is a custom PR, and what is just a random thing that the children liked. The income of the richest child bloggers in the world is described here: But we can definitely say that brother and sister really admire their work. Bloggers from early childhood managed to provide for their family. Perhaps, with age, they will lose their high popularity, but now their charisma attracts more and more people every day.

Odessa is not only a kind of humor, famous ports and beautiful sea. It is here that children live, who can confidently be called the most popular in the world today.

Who are Mister Max and Miss Katie

Interestingly, the names Mister Max (the boy is five years old) and Miss Katie (the girl is only three years old) do not mean anything to most of the inhabitants of Ukraine. Their parents try not to spread the real facts about their family. But, even in spite of this, thanks to YouTube, children are known even in the most remote parts of our planet.

Videos for Max and Katie are filmed on a simple camera, sometimes even on a regular phone. It would seem that such content will not cause popularity and the desired response. However, in 2015 alone, the videos gained a total number of views of almost 2,500,000,000. In the video, children unpack the purchased gifts (such content is especially popular on the channel), go with their parents to cafes and entertainment centers and just live life to the fullest.

How the channel is monetized

The channel was originally created for the purpose of earning money. Moreover, the father of the children, Andrei, decided to do it so that the initial high costs were not required. For a foreign audience, channels were created - clones. They have the same content, but Andrey adjusts the methods of promotion and advertising for each country.

Before filming the video, the necessary props are thought out and prepared. For example, a large batch of these chocolate eggs was purchased to unpack the kinder surprises. They are prohibited in the USA. The fact is that once a small child choked on part of a toy from a kinder surprise, and a big scandal erupted. Unsurprisingly, American children now enjoy watching videos of unboxing chocolate eggs. Bloggers in the States are willing to shell out large sums for advertising kinder. Andrey also earns decent money on this.

Interesting Facts:

  • Mister Max and Miss Katie are the richest children - video bloggers on the Russian-speaking YouTube;
  • Max and Katya will soon become dollar millionaires if the channel continues to grow.

How much do the "Mister Max" and

Miss Katie

Mister Max's channel appeared in 2014. By 2016, the number of views exceeded 2,500,000,000. Mister Max's sister, Miss Katie, is only a few million views behind her brother. So how much do Max and Katya earn from their YouTube videos? It is estimated that children receive about $ 50,000 each month for both channels.

What is the earnings per video? On average, Mr. Max's income for one video (only on views) is 5,000 rubles. You can get 40,000 rubles per day... That kind of money is the average monthly salary in many regions of Russia.

Miss Katie's earnings are slightly lower, and about 20,000 rubles. This can be explained by the fact that the girl began to talk not so long ago, because she is only three years old.

Parents of children are trying to make content better and more interesting every day. They did everything to make Max and Katya's childhood happy, and their future life was secure. Most children can only dream about it.

Although not all viewers are positive about Mystra Max's parents. Here's a video condemning the parents of popular kids:

Hello everyone, friends and just accidentally stopping by, today I decided to write a simple post, about how much Miss Katie earns.

If you don't know what kind of channel it is, then you are simply not in trend. This is a YouTube channel for children that has a good profit. In general, we read this post, you will understand everything, I assure you.

As you already know, you can make good money on your YouTube channel. I mean, if your channel already has 100 or more thousand subscribers, then you can already have the same amount of money. Of course, sometimes more, and sometimes less, this is the case, it all depends on the topic.

For example, financial, auto, construction are considered the most expensive topics. Therefore, if you have a channel dedicated to these topics, then develop it and do not abandon it in any case.

Returning to Miss Kety, I would like to say the obvious fact that this is a children's channel that was created by their parents. Needless to say that the girl's parents are talented moneymakers (those who make money), I think it's not worth it.

They really approached the topic of the children's channel professionally, and they have only one. If you know, then the channel Mr. Max is also their channel, so the earnings are what you need. Do not think, I do not envy, moreover, I will say, I am glad that there are people who have to translate an idea into a business plan, and then implement it.

If you look at the main statistics that YouTube gives us, then this channel was created on November 17, 2014. He already has tremendous success among the younger generation.

It is very difficult to answer this question, I think that only her parents know the exact amount. But we will try to understand and find out, at least approximately, what is already there.

And so, on the channel already, in 2016, 2 million 300 thousand subscribers.

Kety's latest videos are gaining a million views, which is a lot. They can easily compete with such YouTube monsters as Ivangai, Katya Klep and so on. True, the children's theme is not so profitable.

Judging by the subject matter, this channel earns about 20-30 thousand rubles a day. It turns out very decent money per month, and given that the parents also have a channel, it’s not even bad at all.

But, here it is necessary to note the colossal experience and great job parents who do everything competently. The videos are very high quality and with good resolution, they are released often. All videos have key queries, both in Russian and English, so they have a lot of traffic, and as a result, there are also many subscribers.

It turns out that the channel has from 600 thousand rubles a month, but some bloggers write that they earn much more and this figure varies from 50,000 dollars a month. It's hard to say who is right, I tend to the first option, although who knows. If you are in Odessa and see them, you can ask, then write me down in the comments.

And on this I will end, I hope you liked this post, I will write more soon. Thank you, have a nice day.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

If you are a young parent, you are most likely familiar with the Mr. Max and Miss Cathy Youtube channels. And if you are also a blogger or marketer, then it is quite possible that you have an idea of ​​how successful these channels are.
For those who are not in the know: "Mister Max" and "Miss Katie" Are Youtube channels of a family from Odessa, which were launched in 2014. The main plots of the channels are unpacking toys and entertainment. The main characters are a brother and sister, 5-year-old Maxim and 3-year-old Katya.
What is the success of these channels? Yes, they have millions of subscribers and HUNDREDS of millions of views per month. Many people wonder how much the channels "Mr. Max" and "Miss Katie" earn with such a number of views. According to the SocialBlade service, monthly advertising earnings on these channels range from $ 30,000 to $ 600,000.

And although SocialBlade has a habit of seriously lying, which is not so long ago clearly demonstrated producer of the popular Youtube channel This is Well, I think that these channels bring in income of several tens of thousands of dollars a month.
Considering that there are millions of channels registered on Youtube, and thousands of them are trying to make a quality product, but at the same time they do not even have such a huge number of views, the success of the "Mr. Max" and "Miss Catty" channels looks phenomenal.
I tried to figure out what could have led the "Mr. Max" and "Miss Catty" Youtube channels to success and I will share my thoughts on this with you.

1. Not quality, but quantity. The producer of the channels "Mister Max" and "Miss Catty", who is also the father of the children, Andrei, does not care about the quality of the video at all. The entire video was shot in an amateur format, the editing was done in a hurry, and there is no need to talk about any premeditated scenario either. But from September 2014 to July 2016, more than 600 videos were uploaded to the Mister Max channel, and more than 500 videos were uploaded to the Miss Cathy channel. This means that, on average, a family uploads 2 videos a day! Hence, it is clear that the rate was initially placed on quantity. Another question is that for the daily preparation of videos, even if not best quality you need to have enough free time - you need to prepare the props, children, shoot and edit the video, put it on the network. From this we can conclude that the parents most likely did not work anywhere from the beginning and lived off passive income.

2. Target audience. The main audience for the Mister Max and Miss Catty channels are children. Parents catch up only later. Children are very good the target audience... Firstly, because they have a lot of free time watching videos on Youtube. Many children watch the same video ten times - hence such a huge number of views, which is hundreds of times more than the number of subscribers. The main interests of children are toys, sweets and entertainment - just what is shown on the Mister Max and Miss Catty channels.
Well, plus the modern generation of children - these are the so-called digital natives, people who were born in the digital age and cannot imagine life without the Internet. They perceive videos posted on the Internet in the same way as we perceived children's TV shows.

3. The mood of the heroes of the video. Here I will allow myself to quote a member of the Searchengines forum, guru under the nickname time00, with whose opinion I, in principle, agree:

  1. Calm and interesting children who are pleasant to watch, so parents allow their children to watch these videos.
  2. Fascinating videos featuring dad and mom. They have good diction and it is noticeable that the pope's “eyes are burning” no less than the children. If only children participated in the video, without dad's staff comments, it would not be the same.
  3. What they show is their lifestyle. They do not try to "play" for the camera, but show their natural life. (Unlike many similar children's channels).

But what about promotion?

On the same forum there is a topic on which the bones of Max and Katya's parents are washed. They often mention that dad invested in advertising and promotion of channels and that is why they were so well promoted. It seems to me that there were no special activities for the promotion of channels, and there were no investments either. The fact that the "Mr. Max" and "Miss Catty" channels do not have a nice URL (custom URL) tells me a lot.

A cursory analysis of backlinks I did with Ahrefs also failed to provide evidence for any kind of deliberate crowd marketing.

In addition, if you look at the channels from the very beginning of their development, you will notice that the number of views of videos has increased gradually over time. That is, my opinion is that the channel has been promoted independently by increasing the number of videos and the audience. And with the growth of its popularity, links began to appear on third-party sites, which were posted by the subscribers themselves.
As far as investments are concerned, perhaps the only investments that are made in this “product” are the purchase of props. That, in principle, is also not the smallest money. If we take the average price of a toy for a review at $ 10, then it turns out that about $ 10,000 has already been invested in toys alone, not to mention overseas trips. However, these investments were not made immediately, but gradually, therefore, against the background of the projected earnings, they may not be taken into account.

How To Make A Million Dollars On Youtube?

If you want to make a million dollars on Youtube, the Mr. Max and Miss Catty channels give you a recipe - shoot a lot and regularly, experiment. True, the risks are very big, because in order to shoot a lot of videos, in fact, you need to concentrate only on this activity, but even so, no one guarantees that your idea will take off. The ideal situation is when you have regular passive income (real estate that you rent, deposits) and you can afford to do anything without fear of being left without a livelihood.

Should I forbid the child to watch Max and Katya?

Of course, this is a personal decision of each parent. My opinion is that at least there is nothing useful in children watching these channels. On the one hand, the child is busy, he is interested, on the other hand, it turns out that instead of developing himself and living his own life, he watches how others live. Prohibiting categorically is probably also wrong, but you can try to switch the child to activities that are more useful for him.

What will happen next with Max and Katya?

I think that for several more years (maximum - until the teenage age of children), these Youtube channels will live, and then the grown-up children will have new interests. However, if everything goes well, then by this time they will be provided with complete financial independence, plus they will already be stars - celebrities. Perhaps one of them will go further along the path of video blogging or television. Either way, they'll have a good start. So their dad is great! Despite the fact that the video that he is shooting, in terms of quality, is complete bullshit, he was persistent and won.

If you don't know who Mr. Max and Miss Katie are, then you are probably not five years old and have no children. Currently, it is the most on the Russian-speaking segment of "YouTube".

Mr. Max and Miss Katie are ordinary Ukrainian children from Odessa, who, thanks to their parents, have become popular almost all over the world. The guys have a very large audience (over 10 million subscribers in total), but the people on the street will not tell you who Mr. Max is. They just don't know. Surprisingly, with so many subscribers on the Internet, there is still very little information about this family.

The most popular children of "YouTube" in the Russian-speaking field

The popularity of Mr. Max and Miss Katie is endless. See for yourself. In 2014, the statistics of their YouTube channels showed the following figures: 1.2 million subscribers on the Mister Max channel and 1.3 million subscribers on the Miss Katie channel. The total coverage of the number of views from the two channels was 3.5 billion. Think about these numbers. There are only 7 billion people on our planet, and Mr. Max and Miss Katie looked, if purely hypothetically, half of the world's population.

And this, as you understand, is not the limit. In 2017, the number of subscribers to "Mister Max" has more than 5 million people (to be precise, 5.1 million). The Miss Katie channel has nearly 5 million (4.85 million). It turns out that the popularity of these children has tripled in three years (even more). V currently only the channel "Mister Max" has a statistic of 5.5 billion views, and "Miss Katie" has almost the same - 5.3 billion.

It's not hard to guess - their content is popular not only in the countries of the former CIS. Mr. Max and Katie have already become children's idols in many countries around the world - from Japan to the United States of America. The fact is that the father of these children, who, as you know, is in charge of this whole parade, creates clone channels for foreign viewers, where on foreign language or with subtitles.

Earnings from channels

It's no secret that you can earn very decent money on YouTube. So you can only guess about the earnings of the parents of Mr. Max and Miss Katie. According to experts, the parents of these children have long been dollar millionaires. The monthly income from their work can range from $ 50 thousand to $ 200 thousand. Perhaps more, because this family really does not count money. They buy expensive housing, new cars, travel to the most expensive corners of the planet and acquire all the best toys in the world for their children and for recording a video.

Details about the content

The videos of Mr. Max and Katie, judging by the first glance, are very primitive - everything is filmed on a regular camera or on a phone without editing and effects. The plot of the videos always has one meaning - this is unpacking fashionable colorful toys, tasting the most delicious sweets, traveling to children's entertainment centers around the world, and the like. The channel's description says that parents want to make their children the happiest and most memorable childhood. Hit the spot! After all, every child dreams of endless sweets, toys and surprises, but not every parent can afford it. And the dad and mom of Mr. Max and Miss Katie were able to realize it. Just think, who knew that such a simple idea could bring great popularity all over the world.

Popular Videos

Currently, the most watched video on the Mister Max channel is "Pool with ORBEEZ / colorful balls with surprises", which has received over 82 million views. In the video itself, Max and Katie are sitting in the pool and just indulging, while their dad tells them to look for surprises.

The most popular video on the Miss Katie channel is Katie's Birthday in Dubai Part 5, which has received 68 million views. In this video, parents and Max arranged a real holiday for Katie. First, they decorated her room with balloons and gifts, and then they took her to all the cool entertainment in Dubai. What can I say, just see for yourself and do not forget to show the children.

At the time of 2017, the family had already visited many mysterious corners of the planet, from where they filmed their vlogs. Mr. Max and Miss Katie have already visited cities such as Paris (visited Disneyland), Istanbul, Dubai, Gunzburg (visited Legoland) and many others.

  • In total, these children have about 1,500 videos on the channel. Each of them is gaining at least 4 million views (mostly more).
  • Despite the fact that the plot of the videos seems very primitive and monosyllabic, the parents of the children still plan everything in advance. They always know where they will go, what they will look at and what they will get. And if this is a home video, then all the props and fake figures are also bought in advance. In this regard, parents treat their occupation as work, and children simply enjoy life and play all the benefits that dad and mom provide them.
  • It is also surprising that the parents of these kids have not yet given a single official interview about their, if I may say so, creativity. Perhaps this is why many still do not know who Mr. Max and his parents are. It’s even strange that their channels do not have such videos, such as “answers to questions” or “10 interesting facts about anything". Many of their fans and fans just want this very much and really wait. Perhaps all this awaits us in the future.

Who are Mr. Max and Miss Katie? The richest child bloggers

Maxim and Katya are considered the richest Russian-speaking child bloggers. Naturally, parents control all the funds from the channels, but the fact remains that the children are at the head of the channel. According to general estimates, the financial condition of the family of Mr. Max and Miss Katie has already exceeded a million dollars, or even several million. With so many views, and also taking into account that videos are released 3-4 times a week, the earnings are simply crazy.

Who pays them?

Experts and experts say that the father of these children initially began filming videos in order to earn extra money. The niche is always relevant and very profitable - children and entertainment (it has always been and will be). Shooting videos is very simple and easy, you don't need to edit anything (you can even release 5-10 videos a day). And earnings on YouTube have always been good with an audience of thousands.

Dad Maxim and Katya's name is Andrey, he started working on YouTube channels in 2014. Over the years, the man learned to focus on a specific type of advertising for each country. For example, in the United States it has long been at the legislative level that the import and sale of "Kinder-surprises" has been banned, for each egg you can get a fine of $ 2,500. So American children are eagerly watching videos of Katie and Max, where they unpack "kinders" and take out gifts. That is why bloggers from the United States are willing to pay big bucks for PR.

In exactly the same way, the daddy of babies makes content for other countries. The result is the same: the cover is primitive, harmless and colorful, and behind it there is a very thoughtful and cunning director and cameraman Andrey, who knows that he will work well.