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Display Caps Lock on the screen. How to Disable Caps Lock Indicator

When the CAPS LOCK or NUM LOCK key is on on a laptop, in most cases the user does not see any familiar signs of their keyboard activity until the time can not dial text or enter numbers in any of the applications ( text editor, browser, etc.).

With stationary personal computers The situation is significantly better, they almost on all keyboards have a light indicator of such buttons.

If I never print a large text in size with letters in, then naturally it would be possible to disable or reassign CapsLock. But with Numlock the situation is quite different, I often use it very often digital block Keyboard in your daily work.

Therefore, it would be much better if with accidentally pressing any of these keys, you could see their indicator with notification on your desktop and taskbar. There is an exit!

This is "indicator-keylock" for operating systems Family Linux, in particular. To install it, you can use the easiest method - it is to start a "program manager", where it is enough to dial the name in the search bar and click the "Set" button.

And for lovers to work in the terminal, you must consistently give the system to the following commands.

After completing the entire process, it is necessary to get out of the system and back to enter or make a complete reboot.

Caps Lock.

When you press you, you will receive, in addition to the notification of activity in the upper right corner, also the corresponding icon with the letter "A" on the taskbar.

NUM LOCK key. You will only receive the appropriate notification on the desktop on its activity (but, you can make changes to the settings).

Indicator parameters. By right-clicking on the icon with the letter "A", you can configure any of the parameters according to your needs.

When you change any of the settings, all changes immediately come into force. Experiment. That's all! Browse the list of all computer tips in.

Greetings, dear guests!

Did you often recruit the password and discovered with horror that it does not like, although they scored correctly and the layout is correct? And only after some time you accidentally noticed the burning indicator Caps Lock? What feelings did you experience at this point?

And to dial almost paragraph of text and only after that, lifting the eye to the screen, detect the entire paragraph to the capital letters. And you, covering the righteous anger, looking for a hammer type tool to unscrew Caps Lock from the keyboard forever. Either just get a look at the poor key for a few seconds :)

Are the situations described above? There are little pleasant in them, but solutions are options. One of them I will share today. This is the setting of sounds when you press the unwanted key.

The essence is that in Windows you can enable audio notification when you click on Caps Lock, as well as Num Lock and Scroll Lock. That is, if you accidentally pressed the caps, then the sound will immediately understand your mistake. I apply this method and tell you how to configure it on your computer. First I will show you on the example of Windows 10, and slightly below for Windows 7 and then XP.

Caps Lock Switching Switching for Windows 10

Open the parameters, the easiest way is the combination of the Win + I keys. either via the Start button -\u003e parameters. Now go to the section Special abilities .

Special features are opened on the screen speaker, go to the keyboard item and detect the switching section of switching, which is disabled by default. Note under the heading informs us that "is served sound signal When you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK or SCROLL LOCK key.

Switch it to the ON state. Just below will immediately pop up the additional item "Include voice out when you press and hold the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds."

When the second point is enabled, you can turn off the sounds when you press the keys without entering the parameters by holding the Num Lock for 5 seconds to the characteristic sound. In the same way, it is possible to turn back, however, when turned on, a small window will come out, in which you have to click Yes.

Settings are applied immediately, you can check. When you turn on the cap, there will be one sound, when disabled - the other.

Caps Lock Switching Switching for Windows 7

how to make bib's capsmock keys and two others when accidentally pressing

If you have displayed items in the control panel is set by category, it will look like on the second screenshot and you will have to make an extra click on the point.

After that, we get to the section Facility working with keyboardwe go to the section Simplify text set. We celebrate the checkbox Enable Switching Switching And click OK.

If, when you press the CAPS Lock, the game is collapsed or goes into the window mode - it means that the fault indicator on the screen is to blame. Which appears in the lower right corner of the screen each time the CAPS LOCK or NUM LOCK is pressed.

Besides Caps Lock. and Num Lock In the lower right corner of the screen over the clock, the window pops up and on / off Scroll Lock..

The pop-up notification of the inclusion of CAPS / NUM LOCK interferes not only in games, and in many programs working in full screen mode and requiring pressing these keys.

For example, GTA 5 CAPS LOCK key includes specials. And when pressed it, the game goes into the window mode, which is simply unacceptable! You can certainly change the key assignment, but in the same GTA V almost all the keys are busy and besides, it will not solve the problem globally.

To get rid of this notice, you need to disable the program that displays it to do it in the autoload if you know what it is called.

It often happens that its name is unknown or there is no such program in the autoload. Particular often it happens in laptops.

As it turned out, cAPS LOCK notification is displayed by the Bttray.exe process which can be disabled only in the registry.

How to go to the registry:

Start\u003e Run\u003e We enter "REGEDIT" and go into the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\u003e Software\u003e Widcomm\u003e Btconfig\u003e General\u003e KeyIndication\u003e Change the value "keyindication" instead of "1" put "0". Click OK and close the registry editor.

Reboot your computer on rejoice in the absence of this nasty notification!

P.S. Thanks to Nagim, another solution has been found to this problem:

In start writing msconfig, choose there, find the program Bttray.and we remove it from the startup. This software is launched after installation. wireless headphones and similar devices on Bluetooth.