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the main  /  Firmware / MTS support service Belarus is a free telephone "hotline" and MTS reference operator. VELCOM: We have the best support service in Belarus Support Support Number Velkom Belarus

MTS support service Belarus is a free telephone "hotline" and MTS reference operator. VELCOM: We have the best support service in Belarus Support Support Number Velkom Belarus

Contact information and phone numbers of the subscriber service MTS for residents of all regions of Belarus.

Free rooms of MTS Belarus subscribers support:

0890 / *7777

Calls to the number of the reference center 0890 and * 7777 are free from mobile MTS.

How to get through in MTS Belarus?

Call to MTS support service by numbers Hot line"From anywhere in Belarus will always be free. For contacts to subscriber service from mobile phone connected to K. cellular network MTS, please use a free short phone help desk and technical support.

Additional free room Support services from MTS - * 7777.

The multichannel hotline for operator subscribers works around the clock and without interruptions. Please prepare your personal data before a call that you may need a consultant to identify the client when performing actions with a mobile number.

Call MTS from another operator:

8 017 237-98-98

Calls to the support service number 8 017 237-98-98 are paid at the tariff of your operator. Call the MTS city number from any operators mobile communications Belarus (Velk and Life) and from any urban stationary phones.

Call MTS from abroad:

+375 29 7770890

Call the support service number +375 29 7770890 from abroad and international roaming (including when founding in Russia and Ukraine). Challenges are paid at the rate on international roaming MTS, or at the rates of the operator for calls to Belarus.

Feedback for MTS customers

To handle your complaints, wishes and suggestions, an official address has been created email MTS This email address is protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. . Write to us on any issues - the client service service will try to answer the request as soon as possible.

MTS subscriber service staff are always available to communicate with subscribers in the most popular social networks Belarus: MTS Groups

Today, Velcom held journalists to his "Holy Saints" (more precisely - one of them) - a call-center, whose employees are first learn about the problems of each specific subscriber. Some subtleties of the call center told the deputy general Director Marketing, sales and subscriber service Velcom Robert Dashyan.

Employees of the Call Center of Velcom have time for a month to react to 400 thousand appeals, this is a huge number. At the same time, the number of USSD requests generated by users and those who want to know their balance or find out other information, there are 38 million per month. However, it does not detract from the daily work done.

For query processing, an advanced software and hardware platform is used: when it is used, it is more effective for the process as a whole, and operators can cope with an increased number of appeals. This is a kind of "artificial intelligence", created by investing in the amount of $ 1.5 million in the modernization of the existing structure of the call-center. Thus, the system analyzes requests, the number of which varies depending on the time of year or the activities carried out (there are different variables) and then automatic mode Forms a schedule for employees for optimal load on them. With its help, you can change with colleagues shifting or even "to save".

Another His "Fishka" is a speech analysis technology that allows you to search for certain words, phrases or, for example, tightened silence in audio recordings. It would seem, well, a person is silent - and well, but in fact it can mean the "fossil" question when the operator could not promptly provide the necessary information. Such cases are considering in detail in the literal sense of the word: the system makes screenshots of the computer screen, and with the recording you can find a weak link.

According to the rules put forward by Belarusian regulators, when dialing in the support service, 90% of subscribers should receive feedback For three minutes. Velcom, Robert Dashyan stressed, this indicator is 99%. In certain circumstances, waiting for the line can delay, but it happens infrequently. For such cases, earlier this year the operator came up with an elegant way out: a bonus in the form of 100 MB of traffic. There were 8 thousand people in two months, half of them took advantage. Ways to deceive the system and get for someone cherished megabytes are available, but their effectiveness is striving for zero.

Most of the appeals (85%) at the Velcom Call Center comes from subscribers configured neutral. Extremely positive is 8%, the least configured negative - 7%. Yes, as Velcom studies have shown, when contacting subscribers want to hear a female voice, but when solving technical problems - male. But in any case, the top manager emphasized, and those and others should sound a "smile in the voice."

The main tool for measuring the efficiency of the support service is considered the number of repeated appeals (more precisely, their absence) and, in fact, the assessment by the subscribers themselves. As Robert Dashyan told, only 5% believe that their question was not resolved. 13 people contribute to improving the efficiency of the support service support, which is the main activity of newcomers. In addition, 3 specialists control the quality of communication with customers: they can connect to a conversation if it has been delayed, for example, and find out the reasons.