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The official public quilted jacket. Rashka-square padded jacket (Video)

About three years ago, a funny Internet meme appeared on the Web. He very quickly attracted attention and gained truly wide popularity, making more and more new users fall in love with him. World wide web... At the beginning of his victorious march through the pages of social networks, our hero looked like a village peasant in a worn quilted jacket, a hat with earflaps and darned felt boots. Under his eye was the only "lantern" in the whole village, and a half-bottle of vodka peeped out of his pocket. The peasant's name was Yurashka, he was straightforward and simple in his judgments, he firmly believed in the highest justice and the coming grace, promised to him from the screen of an old black-and-white TV.
Months passed, and our hero began to mutate, discovering all new knowledge and hidden possibilities. He changed almost before our eyes. At first, the first letter of the name "fell off" as unnecessary, and the character became Raska. Then, under the influence of unknown radioactive substances, the quilted jacket grew into the body, making it square and completely unrecognizable. The quilted jacket, however, was quickly forgotten and was called nothing other than the Rashka-square quilted jacket.

Having become the hero of many comics and cartoons, Vatnik acquired not only the signature words and recognizable gestures, according to the laws of Hollywood, but also the necessary attributes of uniqueness. The bruise under the eye acquired a more intense color, stylish patches appeared on the body, and galoshes disappeared from the boots. Now he preferred special, branded vodka, in the name of which the surname of the current president is easily recognizable. In short, literally in six months, the character acquired all the qualities necessary for a modern satirical hero.

The image of Vatnik has absorbed practically all the vices of Russian society. Little educated and therefore gullible, he is increasingly becoming a victim of deception and propaganda. Unemployed - since the plant, where he plowed for almost half his life, was closed, and other jobs are kicked out for drunkenness. Periodically interrupted by "hacks", he lives from hand to mouth, spending finances mainly on alcohol and Chinese noodles from bags. The only thing he has in abundance is pride in Russia. It is this pride that he considers his main wealth and, in order to maintain his convictions, daily sticks to the TV, from where a stream of sweet pathos and patriotism pours on him.
He believes everything that is told to him from the screen. Often, his beliefs change dramatically within a few minutes. During the evening, he manages to visit a monarchist, Stalinist, nationalist and even a militant Christian. He fiercely hates everything Western, American, and more recently, Ukrainian, he does not tolerate almost all nationalities in the world. He salivates with rage when the TV screen directly indicates who and how much he should hate today. Vatnik has already cursed the Balts, Georgians and the entire Caucasus taken together. He was shaken by the mention of the Canadians, who dared to beat Russia in hockey. He spits on TV, seeing Ukrainians there, and openly calls for war with them. He himself, of course, will not go to war, because it is scary and there they can injure or even kill, but at the death of young guys who will be sent to fight with the brotherly people, he will look with undisguised interest, loudly rejoicing or sincerely upset by the news from front. Needless to say, the limit of his desires as a TV viewer is the war with America. The quilted jacket is even ready to take part in the battle, but only as a commander. Go out in front of the company, shout loudly: “FORWARD! FOR RUSSIA! ”, And then retire to the bunker, where an unopened bottle with the name of the commander-in-chief on the label awaits him on the table.

The quilted jacket is a collective image of the Russian pozreotic cattle. The quilted jacket is patriotic and impenetrably dull. Irony and self-irony are absent as such. He is the bearer of a whole bunch of mutually exclusive political views. The quilted jacket really needs a Boss and a shepherd aka "strong hand". The quilted jacket understands relations between countries and between people exclusively through the prism of the prison-barracks hierarchy: there are plowmen, and there are sixes and those who are omitted. For this, the quilted jacket loves a strong master in the ass, so that there is order, so that everyone is the same (Be like everyone else! We quote it!), Fought didids, Putin, Stalin, vodka. Very much respects Belarus and Father, for the Leader. Dislikes the United States, Ukraine and Georgia, Jews-reptilians, lumps, homosexuals, Pussy Riot and the opposition. The quilted jacket is mandatory to roll every year on May 9 and other significant holidays, although it is always happy to roll it outside the holidays. Fiercely, madly hates Japanese and Western cartoons, while praising Soviet ones in every possible way.
The quilted jacket strives to steal everything that is bad, and it does not matter whether it is a toilet bowl or something valuable.
In short, the quilted jacket is a typical Russian redneck with a bias towards politota. The quilted jacket is not a Russian, it is a human being like a homosovetikus.
The quilted jacket has a family: a fat redneck wife, a communist grandfather - a quilted jacket's dad, a nationalist son and a rosette daughter, who together embody the whole essence of Russian cattle.

Replacement of gray matter in the head with cotton wool is painless and quick, freeing the patient from the need to think and make decisions. Someone will resist, but the bulk will happily accept new fashion... And of course, the TV will support the majority, offering them a new object to hate.

About three years ago, a funny Internet meme appeared on the Web. He very quickly attracted attention and gained truly wide popularity, falling in love with more and more new users of the World Wide Web. At the beginning of his victorious march through the pages of social networks, our hero looked like a village peasant in a worn quilted jacket, a hat with earflaps and darned felt boots. Under his eye was the only "lantern" in the whole village, and a half-bottle of vodka peeped out of his pocket. The peasant's name was Yurashka, he was straightforward and simple in his judgments, he firmly believed in the highest justice and the coming grace, promised to him from the screen of an old black-and-white TV.

Months passed, and our hero began to mutate, discovering all new knowledge and hidden possibilities. He changed almost before our eyes. At first, the first letter of the name "fell off" as unnecessary, and the character became Raska. Then, under the influence of unknown radioactive substances, the quilted jacket grew into the body, making it square and completely unrecognizable. The quilted jacket, however, was quickly forgotten and was called nothing other than the Rashka-square quilted jacket.

Having become the hero of many comics and cartoons, Vatnik acquired not only the signature words and recognizable gestures, according to the laws of Hollywood, but also the necessary attributes of uniqueness. The bruise under the eye acquired a more intense color, stylish patches appeared on the body, and galoshes disappeared from the boots. Now he preferred special, branded vodka, in the name of which the surname of the current president is easily recognizable. In short, literally in six months, the character acquired all the qualities necessary for a modern satirical hero.

The image of Vatnik has absorbed practically all the vices of Russian society. Little educated and therefore gullible, he is increasingly becoming a victim of deception and propaganda. Unemployed - since the plant, where he plowed for almost half his life, was closed, and other jobs are kicked out for drunkenness. Periodically interrupted by "hacks", he lives from hand to mouth, spending finances mainly on alcohol and Chinese noodles from bags. The only thing he has in abundance is pride in Russia. It is this pride that he considers his main wealth and, in order to maintain his convictions, daily sticks to the TV, from where a stream of sweet pathos and patriotism pours on him.

He believes everything that is told to him from the screen. Often, his beliefs change dramatically within a few minutes. During the evening, he manages to visit a monarchist, Stalinist, nationalist and even a militant Christian. He fiercely hates everything Western, American, and more recently, Ukrainian, he does not tolerate almost all nationalities in the world. He salivates with rage when the TV screen directly indicates who and how much he should hate today. Vatnik has already cursed the Balts, Georgians and the entire Caucasus taken together. He was shaken by the mention of the Canadians, who dared to beat Russia in hockey. He spits on TV, seeing Ukrainians there, and openly calls for war with them. He himself, of course, will not go to war, because it is scary and there they can injure or even kill, but at the death of young guys who will be sent to fight with the brotherly people, he will look with undisguised interest, loudly rejoicing or sincerely upset by the news from front. Needless to say, the limit of his desires as a TV viewer is the war with America. The quilted jacket is even ready to take part in the battle, but only as a commander. Go out in front of the company, shout loudly: “FORWARD! FOR RUSSIA! ”, And then retire to the bunker, where an unopened bottle with the name of the commander-in-chief on the label awaits him on the table.

In addition to the daily dreams of a victorious war and the seizure of the world, Vatnik has other desires in his head, often taking on the features of outright fascism. Well, for example, he dreams of finding and destroying a REAL homosexual. He knows that they exist, and even saw one of them on TV, but how to find such a thing in real life? Not to catch with live bait?

Or, for example, the liberals! “Judging by what they say on TV, they are worse than Jews! Or maybe this is some of them the new kind? Maybe they also mutated, like me? " - the character asks himself questions. For him, the liberals are a clear and open enemy. Despite the fact that he does not understand the meaning of this word in principle, the free space in his head is occupied by shots from the news of the state channel.

The brains of our hero finally "boil" when watching domestic political news. Torn between Putin and Zhirinovsky, he exclaims every now and then: “Good man says! I will vote for him! ”, Addressing both of them at once. What should you choose? Who should be given the same electoral vote? Everything turns out to be simpler than simple. On election day, Vatnik has two options for behavior, the choice of which depends on the level of alcoholic intoxication at that moment. You can walk around the PEC and look for those who buy up "votes", offering for them from a glass to half a liter of vodka, or you can even stay at home, giving the right to choose those who have enough health to tear their heads off the pillow.

With all this, Vatnik considers the elections to be the most honest in the world, since only liberal-gay-Jews-agents of Western special services, whom the Russian people will never admit to power, speak about violations.

The portrait will be incomplete if you do not tell about Vatnik's attitude to various public holidays. New Year and birthday is nothing compared to the most dear celebration of the heart - Victory Day. Vatnik starts drinking vodka on April 12, celebrating Cosmonautics Day, and does not stop until May 9. History is silent as to whether our hero served in the army, although he never deny himself the pleasure of swimming in the fountain on August 2, but the St. George ribbon and vest is an obligatory attribute of him. appearance on this day. Earlier, when he had a car, which was later sold because of the sharply rising gasoline price, our hero wrote the phrase "Thank you grandfather for VICTORY" on the sides of the car with oil paint and was very upset when he saw the same inscription on another car, made in much brighter colors ... Bothering passers-by with the phrase: "Shall we roll for the grandfathers?", He is proud of his patriotic urge and openly hates those who refuse. It is considered a special success to give a drink to a REAL WWII veteran, but this does not happen often, since the representatives of the authorities who gather old people in parks for the annual awarding of commemorative medals and a festive feast have the same desire.

Somewhere funny, stupid, and sometimes offensive image of this character makes you see some of his features almost everywhere. Haven't you yourself seen such a character on Victory Day? Didn't you, with disgust and apprehension, bypass the noisy drunken companies, in whose speeches today there are only three topics: women, football and the war with America? Are your colleagues at work not discussing the situation in Ukraine with the phrases “I saw on TV yesterday, there are only Bendera’s all around, they will soon go to war with Russia! And with them all of Europe. But we will win any war anyway! " In this case, we are not the person who talks about the war, but a kind of virtual people, behind which are the very real lives of Russian soldiers.

The main problem is that people do not want to think with their own heads, allowing them to do it for them collective Kiselyov-Solovyov-Leontiev. No one noticed that, starting the Crimean campaign, we were told about the oppression of Russian-speaking residents there, but according to the results of the referendum, it turned out that 3% of the population was oppressed by 97% of supporters of reunification with Russia. The absurdity is complete.

Or here's another example. On one of the federal Internet media, under the news of the fatal poisoning by surrogate alcohol in the village of Krasny Giantan, readers were seriously thinking: is this tragedy a sabotage of the Western special services on the personal order of the US President?

Mass hysteria created by television creates mass psychosis. Any, even the most stupid and false information is taken on faith, without any verification. Remember how the entire Saratov region drank iodine, fearing emissions from the Balakovo nuclear power plant, or closed the windows, waiting for the city to be pollinated from planes in the heroic fight against swine flu.

Why am I all this? To the fact that the Internet character Raska-square padded jacket begins to acquire a real body and even a place of residence in the world real people... The process is stable and irreversible.

The replacement of gray matter in the head with cotton wool is painless, imperceptible and very fast, freeing the patient from the need to think and make decisions. Someone will resist, but the bulk will happily accept the new fashion. And of course, the TV will support the majority, offering them a new object to hate.

About a week and a half ago, I went to an American forum. There they discussed the sad fate of Russia (Rashki as they call it). Well, I also wedged in. I started giving out awards :-)) What started there ... This pack of amersion-forum will attack me. And let's call him a quilted jacket. This is the first time I have been called that. I decided to look for the roots of this meme.

Every insult must have roots. It's like a SOVOK meme. Remember? This meme was invented by Moscow Jews. To insult everything they despised in the USSR. But the meme took root and even Soviet people began to use it, when they laughed at themselves, without even knowing it.

But, I deviated from the topic. So back to the meme - quilted jacket. Let's look for the origins of this meme's birth. Someone invented it to humiliate Russia and the Russians. First, go to Wikipedia. Yeah. We read:

"Vatnik (Rashka - square quilted jacket) is an Internet meme, popularized by the group of the same name on VKontakte, also distributed on image boards. Some are perceived as Russophobic. social network In contact with. Comes from copy-paste "Russia looks like a quilted jacket ...".
The meme was based on the American cartoon image of SpongeBob SquarePants. The word "Rashka" is derived from the English pronunciation of the word Russia.

The meme is an image of "a drunken freak in a quilted jacket" - an unshaven man of square build, gray with a black eye and a red nose. Such a man is dressed in felt boots and darned trousers. Often depicted against the background of the Russian flag, with the Soviet emblem of the hammer and sickle on the red stripe. Popular signature under the image "Roll!", "For Putena" and "Roissyushka". Profanity is not uncommon.

He makes fun of the stereotypes that exist in certain strata of society regarding Russians: like alcoholism, posreotism, PGM, a slave mentality, love of power and hatred of the West. Quilted jacket attribute - Putinka vodka<...>According to some reports, the creator of the meme is a certain Louise Muller. "

Let's see who this is ... Who was the first to launch this meme in Russia. Let's look. Something on this issue has already flashed in LJ. Let's use this information. We know that he began his walk among Russophobes with the social network VKontakte. As it turns out, the Russophobic "Rashka-Kvadratny Vatnik" was launched first by the lady who started pushing this meme in VKontakte, under the nickname Another user contributed to this meme: And also another representative of the group that hates everything Russian - Eduard Atran.

Here is the starting point of the Russophobic meme in Russia. As always, Russian Internet users did not understand, and began to call names each other nickname, invented for their own humiliation. But who gave birth to this meme? Where did he first appear in the West, even earlier than in Russia? To do this, I turned to my American friends. So that they would help me track the birth and appearance of this meme abroad. We found out through insiders, if possible, WHO gave birth to this Russophobic product.

It took them almost a week. But. But we know the name of this genius. This is Robert Levy (Leviticus). Here it is. A typical representative of his people:

He is the president of the so-called "brain tank" - "Cato Institute", which is part of the main Washington news brain tanks.

Who does not know what it is, let me remind you a little: "All the news of the world breeds on one tree .. There they are selected and grown for you and me ... If you follow this news tree, then in the end you will end up where? - Just a few dozen major American brain tanks (trusts), all owned by American oligarchs.

"News" is then packaged in various candy wrappers and goes down the hierarchy of "brain tanks" to the information market in all its seemingly endless variety! Everything is automated as in any modern production! News conveyor! And it's like making tea. Tea on the market is endless in different packages, but it is produced only in a couple of places on the globe.

These "brain tanks" are like "buried mailboxes"in the USSR. Instead of a number number, as in the USSR, only they have a roof name. All news is produced by such" brain tanks ": professionals of news ideas, crazy ideas in the right direction and genres of life for the whole world, and for their own simple ones, too.

News and ideas from the United States go to other countries to the corresponding branches of the American brain tanks of the Global English-speaking Empire of the World System. "

It was with this brow, or rather his "brain tank" that this meme was launched. Six months before its launch in Russia. Then, through a network of trolls, this meme was launched in Russia. Where he was amicably picked up by real Russophobes and network hamsters.

The material with abbreviations was taken from the blogger Andrei of the portal.